(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Management of errors and warnings *) open Format open Commandline let error_fatal = ref false let color_diagnostics = let term = try Sys.getenv "TERM" with Not_found -> "" in let activate = try (Unix.isatty Unix.stderr && term <> "dumb" && term <>"") with _ -> false in ref activate let num_errors = ref 0 let num_warnings = ref 0 let reset () = num_errors := 0; num_warnings := 0 exception Abort (* [fatal_error_raw] is identical to [fatal_error], except it uses [Printf] to print its message, as opposed to [Format], and does not automatically introduce indentation and a final dot into the message. This is useful for multi-line messages. *) let fatal_error_raw fmt = incr num_errors; Printf.kfprintf (fun _ -> raise Abort) stderr (fmt ^^ "Fatal error; compilation aborted.\n%!") type msg_class = | WarningMsg | ErrorMsg | FatalErrorMsg | SuppressedMsg type warning_type = | Unnamed | Unknown_attribute | Zero_length_array | Celeven_extension | Gnu_empty_struct | Missing_declarations | Constant_conversion | Int_conversion | Varargs | Implicit_function_declaration | Pointer_type_mismatch | Compare_distinct_pointer_types | Implicit_int | Main_return_type | Invalid_noreturn | Return_type | Literal_range | Unknown_pragmas | CompCert_conformance | Inline_asm_sdump let active_warnings: warning_type list ref = ref [ Unnamed; Unknown_attribute; Celeven_extension; Gnu_empty_struct; Missing_declarations; Constant_conversion; Int_conversion; Varargs; Implicit_function_declaration; Pointer_type_mismatch; Compare_distinct_pointer_types; Implicit_int; Main_return_type; Invalid_noreturn; Return_type; Literal_range; Inline_asm_sdump; ] let error_warnings: warning_type list ref = ref [] let string_of_warning = function | Unnamed -> "" | Unknown_attribute -> "unknown-attributes" | Zero_length_array -> "zero-length-array" | Celeven_extension -> "c11-extensions" | Gnu_empty_struct -> "gnu-empty-struct" | Missing_declarations -> "missing-declarations" | Constant_conversion -> "constant-conversion" | Int_conversion -> "int-conversion" | Varargs -> "varargs" | Implicit_function_declaration -> "implicit-function-declaration" | Pointer_type_mismatch -> "pointer-type-mismatch" | Compare_distinct_pointer_types -> "compare-distinct-pointer-types" | Implicit_int -> "implicit-int" | Main_return_type -> "main-return-type" | Invalid_noreturn -> "invalid-noreturn" | Return_type -> "return-type" | Literal_range -> "literal-range" | Unknown_pragmas -> "unknown-pragmas" | CompCert_conformance -> "compcert-conformance" | Inline_asm_sdump -> "inline-asm-sdump" let activate_warning w () = if not (List.mem w !active_warnings) then active_warnings:=w::!active_warnings let deactivate_warning w () = active_warnings:=List.filter ((<>) w) !active_warnings; error_warnings:= List.filter ((<>) w) !error_warnings let warning_as_error w ()= activate_warning w (); if not (List.mem w !error_warnings) then error_warnings := w::!error_warnings let warning_not_as_error w () = error_warnings:= List.filter ((<>) w) !error_warnings let wall () = active_warnings:=[ Unnamed; Unknown_attribute; Zero_length_array; Celeven_extension; Gnu_empty_struct; Missing_declarations; Constant_conversion; Int_conversion; Varargs; Implicit_function_declaration; Pointer_type_mismatch; Compare_distinct_pointer_types; Implicit_int; Main_return_type; Invalid_noreturn; Return_type; Literal_range; Unknown_pragmas; CompCert_conformance; Inline_asm_sdump; ] let werror () = error_warnings:=[ Unnamed; Unknown_attribute; Zero_length_array; Celeven_extension; Gnu_empty_struct; Missing_declarations; Constant_conversion; Int_conversion; Varargs; Implicit_function_declaration; Pointer_type_mismatch; Compare_distinct_pointer_types; Implicit_int; Main_return_type; Invalid_noreturn; Return_type; Literal_range; Unknown_pragmas; Inline_asm_sdump; ] let key_of_warning w = match w with | Unnamed -> None | _ -> Some ("-W"^(string_of_warning w)) let key_add_werror = function | None -> Some ("-Werror") | Some s -> Some ("-Werror,"^s) let classify_warning w = let key = key_of_warning w in if List.mem w !active_warnings then if List.mem w !error_warnings then let key = key_add_werror key in if !error_fatal then FatalErrorMsg,key else ErrorMsg,key else WarningMsg,key else SuppressedMsg,None let cprintf fmt c = if !color_diagnostics then fprintf fmt c else ifprintf fmt c let rsc fmt = cprintf fmt "\x1b[0m" let bc fmt = cprintf fmt "\x1b[1m" let rc fmt = cprintf fmt "\x1b[31;1m" let mc fmt = cprintf fmt "\x1b[35;1m" let pp_key key fmt = let key = match key with | None -> "" | Some s -> " ["^s^"]" in fprintf fmt "%s%t@." key rsc let pp_loc fmt (filename,lineno) = if filename <> "" && lineno <> -10 && filename <> "cabs loc unknown" then fprintf fmt "%t%s:%d:%t " bc filename lineno rsc let error key loc fmt = incr num_errors; kfprintf (pp_key key) err_formatter ("%a%terror:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc rc rsc bc let fatal_error key loc fmt = incr num_errors; kfprintf (fun fmt -> pp_key key fmt;raise Abort) err_formatter ("%a%terror:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc rc rsc bc let warning loc ty fmt = let kind,key = classify_warning ty in match kind with | ErrorMsg -> error key loc fmt | FatalErrorMsg -> fatal_error key loc fmt | WarningMsg -> incr num_warnings; kfprintf (pp_key key) err_formatter ("%a%twarning:%t %t" ^^ fmt) pp_loc loc mc rsc bc | SuppressedMsg -> ifprintf err_formatter fmt let error loc fmt = if !error_fatal then fatal_error None loc fmt else error None loc fmt let fatal_error loc fmt = fatal_error None loc fmt let check_errors () = if !num_errors > 0 then eprintf "@[%d error%s detected.@]@." !num_errors (if !num_errors = 1 then "" else "s"); !num_errors > 0 let error_option w = let key = string_of_warning w in [Exact ("-W"^key), Unit (activate_warning w); Exact ("-Wno-"^key), Unit (deactivate_warning w); Exact ("-Werror="^key), Unit ( warning_as_error w); Exact ("-Wno-error="^key), Unit ( warning_not_as_error w)] let warning_options = error_option Unnamed @ error_option Unknown_attribute @ error_option Zero_length_array @ error_option Celeven_extension @ error_option Gnu_empty_struct @ error_option Missing_declarations @ error_option Constant_conversion @ error_option Int_conversion @ error_option Varargs @ error_option Implicit_function_declaration @ error_option Pointer_type_mismatch @ error_option Compare_distinct_pointer_types @ error_option Implicit_int @ error_option Main_return_type @ error_option Invalid_noreturn @ error_option Return_type @ error_option Literal_range @ error_option Unknown_pragmas @ error_option CompCert_conformance @ error_option Inline_asm_sdump @ [Exact ("-Wfatal-errors"), Set error_fatal; Exact ("-fdiagnostics-color"), Ignore; (* Either output supports it or no color *) Exact ("-fno-diagnostics-color"), Unset color_diagnostics; Exact ("-Werror"), Unit werror; Exact ("-Wall"), Unit wall;] let warning_help = "Diagnostic options:\n\ \ -Wall Enable all warnings\n\ \ -W Enable the specific \n\ \ -Wno- Disable the specific \n\ \ -Werror Make all warnings into errors\n\ \ -Werror= Turn into an error\n\ \ -Wno-error= Turn into a warning even if -Werror is\n\ specified\n\ \ -Wfatal-errors Turn all errors into fatal errors aborting the compilation\n\ \ -fdiagnostics-color Turn on colored diagnostics\n\ \ -fno-diagnostics-color Turn of colored diagnostics\n" let raise_on_errors () = if !num_errors > 0 then raise Abort let crash exn = if Version.buildnr <> "" && Version.tag <> "" then begin let backtrace = Printexc.get_backtrace () in eprintf "%tThis is CompCert, Release:%s, Build:%s, Tag:%s%t\n" bc Version.version Version.buildnr Version.tag rsc; eprintf "Backtrace (please include this in your support request):\n%s" backtrace; eprintf "%tUncaught exception:%s.\n\ \ Please report this problem to our support.\n\ \ Error occurred in Build: %s, Tag: %s.\n%t" rc (Printexc.to_string exn) Version.buildnr Version.tag rsc; exit 2 end else begin Printexc.print_backtrace stderr; exit 2 end