(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Evaluation of compile-time constants *) open C open Cutil open Machine (* Extra arith on int64 *) external int64_unsigned_div: int64 -> int64 -> int64 = "cparser_int64_unsigned_div" external int64_unsigned_mod: int64 -> int64 -> int64 = "cparser_int64_unsigned_mod" external int64_unsigned_compare: int64 -> int64 -> int = "cparser_int64_unsigned_compare" exception Notconst (* Reduce n to the range of representable integers of the given kind *) let normalize_int n ik = if ik = IBool then if n = 0L then 0L else 1L else begin let bitsize = sizeof_ikind ik * 8 and signed = is_signed_ikind ik in if bitsize >= 64 then n else begin let a = 64 - bitsize in let p = Int64.shift_left n a in if signed then Int64.shift_right p a else Int64.shift_right_logical p a end end (* Reduce n to the range of representable floats of the given kind *) type value = | I of int64 | S of string | WS of int64 list let boolean_value v = match v with | I n -> n <> 0L | S _ | WS _ -> true let constant = function | CInt(v, ik, _) -> I (normalize_int v ik) | CFloat(v, fk) -> raise Notconst | CStr s -> S s | CWStr s -> WS s | CEnum(id, v) -> I v let is_signed env ty = match unroll env ty with | TInt(ik, _) -> is_signed_ikind ik | TEnum(_, _) -> is_signed_ikind enum_ikind | _ -> false let cast env ty_to ty_from v = match unroll env ty_to, v with | TInt(IBool, _), _ -> if boolean_value v then I 1L else I 0L | TInt(ik, _), I n -> I(normalize_int n ik) | TInt(ik, _), (S _ | WS _) -> if sizeof_ikind ik >= !config.sizeof_ptr then v else raise Notconst | TPtr(ty, _), I n -> I (normalize_int n ptr_t_ikind) | TPtr(ty, _), (S _ | WS _) -> v | TEnum(_, _), I n -> I (normalize_int n enum_ikind) | _, _ -> raise Notconst let unop env op tyres ty v = let res = match op, tyres, v with | Ominus, TInt _, I n -> I (Int64.neg n) | Oplus, TInt _, I n -> I n | Olognot, _, _ -> if boolean_value v then I 0L else I 1L | Onot, _, I n -> I (Int64.lognot n) | _ -> raise Notconst in cast env ty tyres res let comparison env direction ptraction tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 = (* tyop = type at which the comparison is done *) let b = match cast env tyop ty1 v1, cast env tyop ty2 v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> if is_signed env tyop then direction (compare n1 n2) 0 else direction (int64_unsigned_compare n1 n2) 0 (* including pointers *) | (S _ | WS _), I 0L -> begin match ptraction with None -> raise Notconst | Some b -> b end | I 0L, (S _ | WS _) -> begin match ptraction with None -> raise Notconst | Some b -> b end | _, _ -> raise Notconst in if b then I 1L else I 0L let binop env op tyop tyres ty1 v1 ty2 v2 = (* tyop = type at which the computation is done tyres = expected result type *) let res = match op with | Oadd -> if is_arith_type env ty1 && is_arith_type env ty2 then begin match cast env tyop ty1 v1, cast env tyop ty2 v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.add n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end else raise Notconst | Osub -> if is_arith_type env ty1 && is_arith_type env ty2 then begin match cast env tyop ty1 v1, cast env tyop ty2 v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.sub n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end else raise Notconst | Omul -> begin match cast env tyop ty1 v1, cast env tyop ty2 v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.mul n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Odiv -> begin match cast env tyop ty1 v1, cast env tyop ty2 v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> if n2 = 0L then raise Notconst else if is_signed env tyop then I (Int64.div n1 n2) else I (int64_unsigned_div n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Omod -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> if n2 = 0L then raise Notconst else if is_signed env tyop then I (Int64.rem n1 n2) else I (int64_unsigned_mod n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oand -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.logand n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oor -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.logor n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oxor -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 -> I (Int64.logxor n1 n2) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oshl -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 when n2 >= 0L && n2 < 64L -> I (Int64.shift_left n1 (Int64.to_int n2)) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oshr -> begin match v1, v2 with | I n1, I n2 when n2 >= 0L && n2 < 64L -> if is_signed env tyop then I (Int64.shift_right n1 (Int64.to_int n2)) else I (Int64.shift_right_logical n1 (Int64.to_int n2)) | _, _ -> raise Notconst end | Oeq -> comparison env (=) (Some false) tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | One -> comparison env (<>) (Some true) tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | Olt -> comparison env (<) None tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | Ogt -> comparison env (>) None tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | Ole -> comparison env (<=) None tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | Oge -> comparison env (>=) None tyop ty1 v1 ty2 v2 | Ocomma -> v2 | Ologand -> if boolean_value v1 then if boolean_value v2 then I 1L else I 0L else I 0L | Ologor -> if boolean_value v1 then I 1L else if boolean_value v2 then I 1L else I 0L | _ -> raise Notconst (* force normalization of result, e.g. of double to float *) in cast env tyres tyres res let rec expr env e = match e.edesc with | EConst c -> constant c | ESizeof ty -> begin match sizeof env ty with | None -> raise Notconst | Some n -> I(Int64.of_int n) end | EAlignof ty -> begin match alignof env ty with | None -> raise Notconst | Some n -> I(Int64.of_int n) end | EVar _ -> raise Notconst | EUnop(op, e1) -> unop env op e.etyp e1.etyp (expr env e1) | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) -> binop env op ty e.etyp e1.etyp (expr env e1) e2.etyp (expr env e2) | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) -> if boolean_value (expr env e1) then cast env e.etyp e2.etyp (expr env e2) else cast env e.etyp e3.etyp (expr env e3) (* | ECast(TInt (_, _), EConst (CFloat (_, _))) -> TODO *) | ECast(ty, e1) -> cast env ty e1.etyp (expr env e1) | ECall _ -> raise Notconst let integer_expr env e = try match cast env (TInt(ILongLong, [])) e.etyp (expr env e) with | I n -> Some n | _ -> None with Notconst -> None let constant_expr env ty e = try match unroll env ty, cast env ty e.etyp (expr env e) with | TInt(ik, _), I n -> Some(CInt(n, ik, "")) | TPtr(_, _), I 0L -> Some(CInt(0L, IInt, "")) | TPtr(_, _), S s -> Some(CStr s) | TPtr(_, _), WS s -> Some(CWStr s) | TEnum(_, _), I n -> Some(CInt(n, enum_ikind, "")) | _ -> None with Notconst -> None