(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Useful functions to manipulate C abstract syntax *) open C (* Sets and maps over identifiers *) module IdentSet : Set.S with type elt = ident module IdentMap : Map.S with type key = ident (* Typedef handling *) val unroll : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* Expand typedefs at head of type. Returned type is not [TNamed]. *) (* Attributes *) val add_attributes : attributes -> attributes -> attributes (* Union of two sets of attributes *) val remove_attributes : attributes -> attributes -> attributes (* Difference [attr1 \ attr2] between two sets of attributes *) val incl_attributes : attributes -> attributes -> bool (* Check that first set of attributes is a subset of second set. *) val alignas_attribute : attributes -> int (* Extract the value of the [_Alignas] and [attribute((aligned(N)))] attributes, if any. Return 0 if none, a (positive) power of two alignment if some. *) val packing_parameters : attributes -> int * int * bool (* Extract the value of the [__packed__] attributes, if any. Return a triple (maximum field alignment, minimum struct alignment, byte swapping). Alignments of 0 mean default alignment. *) val find_custom_attributes : string list -> attributes -> attr_arg list list (* Extract arguments of custom [Attr] attributes whose names appear in the given list of names. *) val remove_custom_attributes : string list -> attributes -> attributes (* Remove all [Attr] attributes whose names appear in the given list of names. *) val attributes_of_type : Env.t -> typ -> attributes (* Return the attributes of the given type, expanding typedefs if needed. *) val attributes_of_type_no_expand : typ -> attributes (* Return the attributes of the given type, without expanding typedefs. *) val add_attributes_type : attributes -> typ -> typ (* Add the given set of attributes to those of the given type. *) val remove_attributes_type : Env.t -> attributes -> typ -> typ (* Remove the given set of attributes to those of the given type. *) val erase_attributes_type : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* Erase the attributes of the given type. *) val change_attributes_type : Env.t -> (attributes -> attributes) -> typ -> typ (* Apply the given function to the top-level attributes of the given type *) val has_std_alignas : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Do the attributes of the type contain the C11 _Alignas attribute *) type attribute_class = | Attr_object (* Attribute applies to the object being declared (function, global variable, local variable) *) | Attr_name (* Attribute applies to the name being declared (object, struct/union member, struct/union/enum tag *) | Attr_type (* Attribute applies to types *) | Attr_struct (* Attribute applies to struct, union and enum *) | Attr_function (* Attribute applies to function types and decls *) | Attr_unknown (* Not a declared attribute *) val declare_attribute: string -> attribute_class -> unit val declare_attributes: (string * attribute_class) list -> unit (* Register the given custom attribute names with the given classes. *) val class_of_attribute: attribute -> attribute_class (* Return the class of the given attribute. Standard attributes have class [Attr_type]. Custom attributes have the class that was given to them using [declare_attribute], or [Attr_unknown] if not declared. *) val name_of_attribute: attribute -> string (* Name for printing an attribute *) val attr_inherited_by_members: attribute -> bool (* Is an attribute of a composite inherited by members of the composite? *) val strip_attributes_type: typ -> attribute list -> typ (* Remove all attributes from the given type that are not contained in the list *) val strip_last_attribute: typ -> attribute option * typ (* Remove the last top level attribute and return it *) (* Type compatibility *) type attr_handling = | AttrCompat | AttrIgnoreTop | AttrIgnoreAll val compatible_types : attr_handling -> Env.t -> typ -> typ -> bool (* Check that the two given types are compatible. The attributes in the types are compared according to the first argument: - [AttrCompat]: the types must have the same standard attributes ([const], [volatile], [restrict]) but may differ on custom attributes. - [AttrIgnoreTop]: the top-level attributes of the two types are ignored, but attributes of e.g. types of pointed objects (for pointer types) are compared as per [AttrCompat]. - [AttrIgnoreAll]: recursively ignore the attributes in the two types. *) val combine_types : attr_handling -> Env.t -> typ -> typ -> typ option (* Like [compatible_types], but if the two types are compatible, return the most precise type compatible with both. The attributes are compared according to the first argument, with the same meaning as for [compatible_types]. When two sets of attributes are compatible, the result of [combine_types] carries the union of these two sets of attributes. *) val equal_types : Env.t -> typ -> typ -> bool (* Check that the two given types are equal up to typedef use *) (* Size and alignment *) val sizeof : Env.t -> typ -> int option (* Return the size alignment of the given type, in bytes. Machine-dependent. [None] is returned if the type is incomplete. *) val alignof : Env.t -> typ -> int option (* Return the natural alignment of the given type, in bytes. Machine-dependent. [None] is returned if the type is incomplete. *) val incomplete_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Return true if the given type is incomplete, e.g. declared but not defined struct or union, or array type without a size. *) val sizeof_ikind: ikind -> int (* Return the size of the given integer kind. *) val sizeof_fkind: fkind -> int (* Return the size of the given float kind. *) (* Computing composite_info records *) val composite_info_decl: struct_or_union -> attributes -> Env.composite_info val composite_info_def: Env.t -> struct_or_union -> attributes -> field list -> Env.composite_info val struct_layout: Env.t -> attributes -> field list -> (string * int) list val offsetof: Env.t -> typ -> field -> int (* Compute the offset of a struct member *) val cautious_mul: int64 -> int -> int option (* Overflow-avoiding multiplication of an int64 and an int, with result in type int. *) (* Type classification functions *) val is_void_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type [void]? *) val is_integer_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type integer? *) val is_float_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type float *) val is_arith_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type integer or float? *) val is_pointer_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type a pointer type? *) val is_scalar_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type integer, float or pointer? *) val is_composite_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type a struct or union? *) val is_array_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type a array type? *) val is_function_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type a function type? (not pointer to function) *) val is_function_pointer_type : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is type a pointer to function type? *) val is_anonymous_composite : typ -> bool (* Is type an anonymous composite? *) val is_qualified_array : typ -> bool (* Does the type contain a qualified array type (e.g. int[const 5])? *) val pointer_arithmetic_ok : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is the type [*ty] appropriate for pointer arithmetic? [ty] must not be void, nor a function type, nor an incomplete type. *) val is_signed_ikind : ikind -> bool (* Return true if the given integer kind is a signed type. *) val unsigned_ikind_of : ikind -> ikind (* Return the unsigned integer kind corresponding to the given integer kind. *) val signed_ikind_of : ikind -> ikind (* Return the signed integer kind corresponding to the given integer kind. *) val integer_rank : ikind -> int (* Order integer kinds from smaller to bigger *) val float_rank : fkind -> int (* Order float kinds from smaller to bigger *) (* Usual conversions over types *) val pointer_decay : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* Transform (decay) array and function types to pointer types. *) val unary_conversion : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* The usual unary conversions: small integer types are promoted to [int] array and function types decay *) val binary_conversion : Env.t -> typ -> typ -> typ (* The usual binary conversions. Applies only to arithmetic types. Return the arithmetic type to which both operands of the binop are converted. *) val argument_conversion : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* Conversion applied to the argument of a prototyped function. Equivalent to [pointer_decay]. *) val default_argument_conversion : Env.t -> typ -> typ (* Conversion applied to the argument of a nonprototyped or variadic function. Like unary conversion, plus [float] becomes [double]. *) (* Special types *) val enum_ikind : ikind (* Integer kind for enum values. Always [IInt]. *) val wchar_ikind : unit -> ikind (* Integer kind for wchar_t type. *) val size_t_ikind : unit -> ikind (* Integer kind for size_t type. Unsigned. *) val ptr_t_ikind : unit -> ikind (* Integer kind for ptr_t type. Smallest unsigned kind large enough to contain a pointer without information loss. *) val ptrdiff_t_ikind : unit -> ikind (* Integer kind for ptrdiff_t type. Smallest signed kind large enough to contain the difference between two pointers. *) (* Helpers for type-checking *) val type_of_constant : constant -> typ (* Return the type of the given constant. *) val type_of_member : Env.t -> field -> typ (* Return the type of accessing the given field [fld]. Normally it's [fld.fld_type] but there is a special case for small unsigned bitfields. *) val is_call_to_fun : exp -> string -> bool (* Test whether the caller is the given function *) val is_debug_stmt : stmt -> bool (* Is the given statement a call to debug builtin? *) val is_literal_0 : exp -> bool (* Is the given expression the integer literal "0"? *) val is_lvalue : exp -> bool (* Is the given expression a l-value? *) val is_modifiable_lvalue : Env.t -> exp -> bool (* Is the given expression a modifiable l-value? *) val valid_assignment : Env.t -> exp -> typ -> bool (* Check that an assignment of the given expression to a l-value of the given type is allowed. *) val valid_cast : Env.t -> typ -> typ -> bool (* Check that a cast from the first type to the second is allowed. *) val int_pointer_conversion : Env.t -> typ -> typ -> bool (* Check that the cast from tfrom to tto is an integer to pointer conversion *) val fundef_typ: fundef -> typ (* Return the function type for the given function definition. *) val int_representable: int64 -> int -> bool -> bool (* Is the given int64 representable with the given number of bits and signedness? *) val field_of_dot_access: Env.t -> typ -> string -> field (* Return the field info for a [x.field] access *) val field_of_arrow_access: Env.t -> typ -> string -> field (* Return the field info for a [x->field] access *) val valid_array_size: Env.t -> typ -> int64 -> bool (* Test whether the array size fits in half of the address space *) val is_volatile_variable: Env.t -> exp -> bool (* Test whether the expression is an access to a volatile variable *) val is_bitfield: Env.t -> exp -> bool (* Test whether the expression is a bit-field *) val contains_flex_array_mem : Env.t -> typ -> bool (* Is this a struct with a flexible array member *) (* Constructors *) val intconst : int64 -> ikind -> exp (* Build expression for given integer constant. *) val floatconst0 : exp (* Build expression for (double)0. *) val nullconst : exp (* Expression for [(void * ) 0] *) val eaddrof : exp -> exp (* Expression for [&e] *) val ecast : typ -> exp -> exp (* Expression for [(ty)e] *) val eassign : exp -> exp -> exp (* Expression for [e1 = e2] *) val ecomma : exp -> exp -> exp (* Expression for [e1, e2] *) val ecommalist : exp list -> exp -> exp (* Expression for [e1, ..., eN, e] *) val sskip: stmt (* The [skip] statement. No location. *) val sseq : location -> stmt -> stmt -> stmt (* Return the statement [s1; s2], optimizing the cases where [s1] or [s2] is [skip], or [s2] is a block. *) val sassign : location -> exp -> exp -> stmt (* Return the statement [exp1 = exp2;] *) (* Locations *) val no_loc: location (* Denotes an unknown location. *) val printloc: out_channel -> location -> unit (* Printer for locations (for Printf) *) val formatloc: Format.formatter -> location -> unit (* Printer for locations (for Format) *) (* Initializers *) exception No_default_init (* Raised if no default initilaizer exists *) val default_init: Env.t -> typ -> init (* Return a default initializer for the given type (with zero numbers, null pointers, etc). *) (* Substitution of variables by expressions *) val subst_expr: exp IdentMap.t -> exp -> exp val subst_init: exp IdentMap.t -> init -> init val subst_decl: exp IdentMap.t -> decl -> decl val subst_stmt: exp IdentMap.t -> stmt -> stmt