(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Printing of warnings and error messages *) val reset : unit -> unit (** Reset the error counters. *) exception Abort (** Exception raised upon fatal errors *) val check_errors : unit -> unit (** Check whether errors occured and raise abort if an error occured *) type warning_type = | Unnamed (** warnings which cannot be turned off *) | Unknown_attribute (** usage of unsupported/unknown attributes *) | Zero_length_array (** gnu extension for zero lenght arrays *) | Celeven_extension (** C11 features *) | Gnu_empty_struct (** gnu extension for empty struct *) | Missing_declarations (** declation which do not declare anything *) | Constant_conversion (** dangerous constant conversions *) | Int_conversion (** pointer <-> int conversions *) | Varargs (** promotable vararg argument *) | Implicit_function_declaration (** deprecated implicit function declaration *) | Pointer_type_mismatch (** pointer type mismatch in ?: operator *) | Compare_distinct_pointer_types (** comparison between different pointer types *) | Implicit_int (** implict int parameter or return type *) | Main_return_type (** wrong return type for main *) | Invalid_noreturn (** noreturn function containing return *) | Return_type (** void return in non-void function *) | Literal_range (** literal ranges *) | Unknown_pragmas (** unknown/unsupported pragma *) | CompCert_conformance (** features that are not part of the CompCert C core language *) | Inline_asm_sdump (** inline assembler used in combination of sdump *) | Unused_variable (** unused local variables *) | Unused_parameter (** unused function parameter *) | Wrong_ais_parameter (** wrong parameter type for ais replacement *) | Unused_ais_parameter (** unused builtin ais parameter *) | Ignored_attributes (** attributes declarations after definition *) val warning : (string * int) -> warning_type -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) format6 -> 'a (** [warning (f,c) w fmt arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments [arg1] to [argN] as warining according to the format string [fmt] and outputs the result on [stderr] with additional file [f] and column [c] and warning key for [w] *) val error : (string * int) -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit, unit, unit) format6 -> 'a (** [error (f,c) w fmt arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments [arg1] to [argN] as error according to the format string [fmt] and outputs the result on [stderr] with additional file [f] and column [c] and warning key for [w]. *) val fatal_error : (string * int) -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit, unit, 'b) format6 -> 'a (** [fatal_error (f,c) w fmt arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments [arg1] to [argN] as error according to the format string [fmt] and outputs the result on [stderr] with additional file [f] and column [c] and warning key for [w]. Additionally raises the excpetion [Abort] after printing the error message *) val fatal_error_raw : ('a, out_channel, unit, 'b) format4 -> 'a (** [fatal_error_raw] is identical to fatal_error, except it uses [Printf] and does not automatically introduce indentation *) val warning_help : string (** Help string for all warning options *) val warning_options : (Commandline.pattern * Commandline.action) list (** List of all options for diagnostics *) val raise_on_errors : unit -> unit (** Raise [Abort] if an error was encountered *) val crash: exn -> unit (** Report the backtrace of the last exception and exit *) val no_loc : string * int (** Location used for unknown locations *) val file_loc : string -> string * int (** [file_loc f] generates a location for file [f] *) val error_summary : unit -> unit (** Print a summary containing the numbers of errors encountered *)