(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Elaboration from Cabs parse tree to C simplified, typed syntax tree *) (* Numbered references are to sections of the ISO C99 standard *) open Machine open !Cabs open Cabshelper open !C open Cerrors open Cutil (** * Utility functions *) (* Error reporting *) let fatal_error loc fmt = fatal_error (loc.filename,loc.lineno) fmt let error loc fmt = error (loc.filename,loc.lineno) fmt let warning loc = warning (loc.filename,loc.lineno) let print_typ env fmt ty = match ty with | TNamed _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "'%a' (aka '%a')" Cprint.typ_raw ty Cprint.typ_raw (unroll env ty) | _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "'%a'" Cprint.typ_raw ty (* Error reporting for Env functions *) let wrap fn loc env arg = try fn env arg with Env.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg) let wrap2 fn loc env arg1 arg2 = try fn env arg1 arg2 with Env.Error msg -> fatal_error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg) (* Translation of locations *) let elab_loc l = (l.filename, l.lineno) (* Buffering of the result (a list of topdecl *) let top_declarations = ref ([] : globdecl list) (* Environment that records the top declarations of functions and variables with external or internal linkage. Used for analyzing "extern" declarations. *) let top_environment = ref Env.empty let emit_elab ?(debuginfo = true) ?(linkage = false) env loc td = let loc = elab_loc loc in let dec ={ gdesc = td; gloc = loc } in if debuginfo then Debug.insert_global_declaration env dec; top_declarations := dec :: !top_declarations; if linkage then begin match td with | Gdecl(sto, id, ty, init) -> top_environment := Env.add_ident !top_environment id sto ty | Gfundef f -> top_environment := Env.add_ident !top_environment f.fd_name f.fd_storage (fundef_typ f) | _ -> () end let reset() = top_declarations := []; top_environment := Env.empty let elaborated_program () = let p = !top_declarations in top_declarations := []; (* Reverse it and eliminate unreferenced declarations *) Cleanup.program p (* Monadic map for functions env -> 'a -> 'b * env *) let rec mmap f env = function | [] -> ([], env) | hd :: tl -> let (hd', env1) = f env hd in let (tl', env2) = mmap f env1 tl in (hd' :: tl', env2) (* To detect redefinitions within the same scope *) let previous_def fn env arg = try Some (fn env arg) with Env.Error _ -> None let redef fn env arg = match previous_def fn env arg with | None -> false | Some(id, info) -> Env.in_current_scope env id (* Auxiliaries for handling declarations and redeclarations *) let combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty = let new_ty = match combine_types AttrCompat env old_ty ty with | Some new_ty -> new_ty | None -> error loc "redefinition of '%s' with a different type: %a vs %a" s (print_typ env) old_ty (print_typ env) ty; ty in let new_sto = (* The only case not allowed is removing static *) match old_sto,sto with | Storage_static,Storage_static | Storage_extern,Storage_extern | Storage_register,Storage_register | Storage_default,Storage_default -> sto | _,Storage_static -> error loc "static declaration of '%s' follows non-static declaration" s; sto | Storage_static,_ -> Storage_static (* Static stays static *) | Storage_extern,_ -> sto | Storage_default,Storage_extern -> Storage_extern | _,Storage_extern -> old_sto | _,Storage_register | Storage_register,_ -> Storage_register in (new_sto, new_ty) let enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto ty = (* Check for illegal redefinitions: - a name that was previously a typedef - a variable that was already declared in the same local scope (unless both old and new declarations are extern) - an enum that was already declared in the same scope. Redefinition of a variable at global scope (or extern) is treated below. *) if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; begin match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with | Some(id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) when local && Env.in_current_scope env id && not (sto = Storage_extern && old_sto = Storage_extern) -> error loc "redefinition of '%s'" s | Some(id, Env.II_enum _) when Env.in_current_scope env id -> error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; | _ -> () end; (* For a block-scoped, non-"extern" variable, a new declaration is entered, and it has no linkage. *) if local && sto <> Storage_extern then begin let (id, env') = Env.enter_ident env s sto ty in (id, sto, env', ty, false) end else begin (* For a file-scoped or "extern" variable, we need to check against prior declarations of this variable with internal or external linkage. The variable has linkage. *) match previous_def Env.lookup_ident !top_environment s with | Some(id, Env.II_ident(old_sto, old_ty)) -> let (new_sto, new_ty) = combine_toplevel_definitions loc env s old_sto old_ty sto ty in (id, new_sto, Env.add_ident env id new_sto new_ty, new_ty, true) | _ -> let (id, env') = Env.enter_ident env s sto ty in (id, sto, env', ty, true) end (* Forward declarations *) let elab_expr_f : (cabsloc -> Env.t -> Cabs.expression -> C.exp * Env.t) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false) let elab_funbody_f : (C.typ -> bool -> Env.t -> statement -> C.stmt) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ _ -> assert false) (** * Elaboration of constants - C99 section 6.4.4 *) let has_suffix s suff = let ls = String.length s and lsuff = String.length suff in ls >= lsuff && String.sub s (ls - lsuff) lsuff = suff let chop_last s n = assert (String.length s >= n); String.sub s 0 (String.length s - n) let has_prefix s pref = let ls = String.length s and lpref = String.length pref in ls >= lpref && String.sub s 0 lpref = pref let chop_first s n = assert (String.length s >= n); String.sub s n (String.length s - n) exception Overflow exception Bad_digit let parse_int base s = let max_val = (* (2^64-1) / base, unsigned *) match base with | 8 -> 2305843009213693951L | 10 -> 1844674407370955161L | 16 -> 1152921504606846975L | _ -> assert false in let v = ref 0L in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if !v < 0L || !v > max_val then raise Overflow; v := Int64.mul !v (Int64.of_int base); let c = s.[i] in let digit = if c >= '0' && c <= '9' then Char.code c - 48 else if c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' then Char.code c - 55 else raise Bad_digit in if digit >= base then raise Bad_digit; v := Int64.add !v (Int64.of_int digit) done; !v let integer_representable v ik = let bitsize = sizeof_ikind ik * 8 and signed = is_signed_ikind ik in if bitsize >= 64 then (not signed) || (v >= 0L && v <= 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL) else if not signed then v >= 0L && v < Int64.shift_left 1L bitsize else v >= 0L && v < Int64.shift_left 1L (bitsize - 1) let elab_int_constant loc s0 = let s = String.map (fun d -> match d with | '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'L' | 'U' | 'X' -> d | 'a'..'f' | 'l' | 'u' | 'x' -> Char.chr (Char.code d - 32) | _ -> error loc "bad digit '%c' in integer literal '%s'" d s0; d) s0 in (* Determine possible types and chop type suffix *) let (s, dec_kinds, hex_kinds) = if has_suffix s "ULL" || has_suffix s "LLU" then (chop_last s 3, [IULongLong], [IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "LL" then (chop_last s 2, [ILongLong], [ILongLong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "UL" || has_suffix s "LU" then (chop_last s 2, [IULong; IULongLong], [IULong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "L" then (chop_last s 1, [ILong; ILongLong], [ILong; IULong; ILongLong; IULongLong]) else if has_suffix s "U" then (chop_last s 1, [IUInt; IULong; IULongLong], [IUInt; IULong; IULongLong]) else (s, [IInt; ILong; ILongLong], [IInt; IUInt; ILong; IULong; ILongLong; IULongLong]) in (* Determine base *) let (s, base) = if has_prefix s "0X" then (chop_first s 2, 16) else if has_prefix s "0" then (chop_first s 1, 8) else (s, 10) in (* Parse digits *) let v = try parse_int base s with | Overflow -> error loc "integer literal '%s' is too large to be represented in any integer type" s0; 0L | Bad_digit -> (*error loc "bad digit in integer literal '%s'" s0;*) (* Is caught earlier *) 0L in (* Find smallest allowable type that fits *) let ty = try List.find (fun ty -> integer_representable v ty) (if base = 10 then dec_kinds else hex_kinds) with Not_found -> error loc "integer literal '%s' cannot be represented" s0; IInt in (v, ty) let elab_float_constant f = let ty = match f.suffix_FI with | Some ("l"|"L") -> FLongDouble | Some ("f"|"F") -> FFloat | None -> FDouble | _ -> assert false (* The lexer should not accept anything else. *) in let v = { hex=f.isHex_FI; intPart=begin match f.integer_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end; fracPart=begin match f.fraction_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end; exp=begin match f.exponent_FI with Some s -> s | None -> "0" end } in (v, ty) let elab_char_constant loc wide chars = let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in (* Treat multi-char constants as a number in base 2^nbits *) let max_digit = Int64.shift_left 1L nbits in let max_val = Int64.shift_left 1L (64 - nbits) in let v,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc,err) d -> if not err then begin let overflow = acc < 0L || acc >= max_val and out_of_range = d < 0L || d >= max_digit in if overflow then error loc "character constant too long for its type"; if out_of_range then error loc "escape sequence is out of range (code 0x%LX)" d; Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,overflow || out_of_range end else Int64.add (Int64.shift_left acc nbits) d,true ) (0L,false) chars in if not (integer_representable v IInt) then warning loc Unnamed "character constant too long for its type"; (* C99 item 10: single character -> represent at type char or wchar_t *) Ceval.normalize_int v (if List.length chars = 1 then if wide then wchar_ikind() else IChar else IInt) let elab_string_literal loc wide chars = let nbits = if wide then 8 * !config.sizeof_wchar else 8 in let char_max = Int64.shift_left 1L nbits in List.iter (fun c -> if c < 0L || c >= char_max then error loc "escape sequence is out of range (code 0x%LX)" c) chars; if wide then CWStr chars else begin let res = Bytes.create (List.length chars) in List.iteri (fun i c -> Bytes.set res i (Char.unsafe_chr (Int64.to_int c))) chars; CStr (Bytes.to_string res) end let elab_constant loc = function | CONST_INT s -> let (v, ik) = elab_int_constant loc s in CInt(v, ik, s) | CONST_FLOAT f -> let (v, fk) = elab_float_constant f in CFloat(v, fk) | CONST_CHAR(wide, s) -> CInt(elab_char_constant loc wide s, IInt, "") | CONST_STRING(wide, s) -> elab_string_literal loc wide s let elab_simple_string loc wide chars = match elab_string_literal loc wide chars with | CStr s -> s | _ -> error loc "cannot use wide string literal in 'asm'"; "" (** * Elaboration of type expressions, type specifiers, name declarations *) (* Elaboration of attributes *) exception Wrong_attr_arg let elab_attr_arg loc env a = match a with | VARIABLE s -> begin try match Env.lookup_ident env s with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> AIdent s | (id, Env.II_enum v) -> AInt v with Env.Error _ -> AIdent s end | _ -> let b,env = !elab_expr_f loc env a in match Ceval.constant_expr env b.etyp b with | Some(CInt(n, _, _)) -> AInt n | Some(CStr s) -> AString s | _ -> raise Wrong_attr_arg let elab_gcc_attr_word = function | GCC_ATTR_IDENT s -> s | GCC_ATTR_CONST -> "const" | GCC_ATTR_PACKED -> "__packed__" let elab_gcc_attr loc env = function | GCC_ATTR_EMPTY -> [] | GCC_ATTR_NOARGS w -> let v = elab_gcc_attr_word w in [Attr(v, [])] | GCC_ATTR_ARGS (w, args) -> let v = elab_gcc_attr_word w in begin try [Attr(v, List.map (elab_attr_arg loc env) args)] with Wrong_attr_arg -> warning loc Unknown_attribute "unknown attribute '%s' ignored" v; [] end let is_power_of_two n = n > 0L && Int64.logand n (Int64.pred n) = 0L let extract_alignas loc a = match a with | Attr(("aligned"|"__aligned__"), args) -> begin match args with | [AInt n] when is_power_of_two n -> AAlignas (Int64.to_int n) | [AInt n] -> error loc "requested alignment is not a power of 2"; a | [_] -> error loc "requested alignment is not an integer constant"; a | [] -> a (* Use the default alignment as the gcc does *) | _ -> error loc "'aligned' attribute takes no more than 1 argument"; a end | _ -> a let elab_attribute env = function | GCC_ATTR (l, loc) -> List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (fun attr -> [attr]) (List.map (extract_alignas loc) (List.flatten (List.map (elab_gcc_attr loc env) l)))) | PACKED_ATTR (args, loc) -> [Attr("__packed__", List.map (elab_attr_arg loc env) args)] | ALIGNAS_ATTR ([a], loc) -> begin match elab_attr_arg loc env a with | AInt n -> if is_power_of_two n then [AAlignas (Int64.to_int n)] else begin error loc "requested alignment is not a power of 2"; [] end | _ -> error loc "requested alignment is not an integer constant"; [] | exception Wrong_attr_arg -> error loc "bad _Alignas value"; [] end | ALIGNAS_ATTR (_, loc) -> error loc "_Alignas takes no more than 1 argument"; [] let elab_attributes env al = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_attribute env) al) (* Auxiliary for typespec elaboration *) let typespec_rank = function (* Don't change this *) | Cabs.Tvoid -> 0 | Cabs.Tsigned -> 1 | Cabs.Tunsigned -> 2 | Cabs.Tchar -> 3 | Cabs.Tshort -> 4 | Cabs.Tlong -> 5 | Cabs.Tint -> 6 | Cabs.Tfloat -> 8 | Cabs.Tdouble -> 9 | Cabs.T_Bool -> 10 | _ -> 11 (* There should be at most one of the others *) let typespec_order t1 t2 = compare (typespec_rank t1) (typespec_rank t2) (* Elaboration of a type specifier. Returns 5-tuple: (storage class, "inline" flag, "typedef" flag, elaborated type, new env) Optional argument "only" is true if this is a standalone struct or union declaration, without variable names. C99 section 6.7.2. *) let rec elab_specifier keep_ty ?(only = false) loc env specifier = (* We first divide the parts of the specifier as follows: - a storage class - a set of attributes (const, volatile, restrict) - a list of type specifiers *) let sto = ref Storage_default and inline = ref false and noreturn = ref false and attr = ref [] and tyspecs = ref [] and typedef = ref false in let do_specifier = function | SpecCV cv -> attr := add_attributes (elab_cvspec env cv) !attr | SpecStorage st -> if !sto <> Storage_default && st <> TYPEDEF then error loc "multiple storage-classes in declaration specifier"; begin match st with | AUTO -> () | STATIC -> sto := Storage_static | EXTERN -> sto := Storage_extern | REGISTER -> sto := Storage_register | TYPEDEF -> if !typedef then error loc "multiple uses of 'typedef'"; typedef := true end | SpecFunction INLINE -> inline := true | SpecFunction NORETURN -> noreturn := true | SpecType tys -> tyspecs := tys :: !tyspecs in List.iter do_specifier specifier; let simple ty = (!sto, !inline, !noreturn ,!typedef, add_attributes_type !attr ty, env) in (* As done in CIL, partition !attr into type-related attributes, which are returned, and other attributes, which are left in !attr. The returned type-related attributes are applied to the struct/union/enum being defined. The leftover non-type-related attributes will be applied to the variable being defined. *) let get_type_attrs () = let (ta, nta) = List.partition attr_is_type_related !attr in attr := nta; ta in (* Now interpret the list of type specifiers. Much of this code is stolen from CIL. *) match List.stable_sort typespec_order (List.rev !tyspecs) with | [Cabs.Tvoid] -> simple (TVoid []) | [Cabs.T_Bool] -> simple (TInt(IBool, [])) | [Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(IChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(ISChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tchar] -> simple (TInt(IUChar, [])) | [Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tshort] -> simple (TInt(IUShort, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tshort; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IUShort, [])) | [] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned] -> simple (TInt(IUInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IUInt, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(IULong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IULong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(ILongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong] -> simple (TInt(IULongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tunsigned; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tint] -> simple (TInt(IULongLong, [])) | [Cabs.Tfloat] -> simple (TFloat(FFloat, [])) | [Cabs.Tdouble] -> simple (TFloat(FDouble, [])) | [Cabs.Tlong; Cabs.Tdouble] -> simple (TFloat(FLongDouble, [])) (* Now the other type specifiers *) | [Cabs.Tnamed id] -> let (id', info) = wrap Env.lookup_typedef loc env id in simple (TNamed(id', [])) | [Cabs.Tstruct_union(STRUCT, id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_type_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_struct_or_union keep_ty only Struct loc id optmembers a' env in (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, TStruct(id', !attr), env') | [Cabs.Tstruct_union(UNION, id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_type_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_struct_or_union keep_ty only Union loc id optmembers a' env in (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, TUnion(id', !attr), env') | [Cabs.Tenum(id, optmembers, a)] -> let a' = add_attributes (get_type_attrs()) (elab_attributes env a) in let (id', env') = elab_enum only loc id optmembers a' env in (!sto, !inline, !noreturn, !typedef, TEnum(id', !attr), env') (* Specifier doesn't make sense *) | _ -> fatal_error loc "illegal combination of type specifiers" (* Elaboration of a type qualifier. *) and elab_cvspec env = function | CV_CONST -> [AConst] | CV_VOLATILE -> [AVolatile] | CV_RESTRICT -> [ARestrict] | CV_ATTR attr -> elab_attribute env attr and elab_cvspecs env cv_specs = List.fold_left add_attributes [] (List.map (elab_cvspec env) cv_specs) (* Elaboration of a type declarator. C99 section 6.7.5. *) and elab_return_type loc env ty = match unroll env ty with | TArray _ -> error loc "function cannot return array type %a" (print_typ env) ty | TFun _ -> error loc "function cannot return function type %a" (print_typ env) ty | _ -> () and elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env ty kr_ok = function | Cabs.JUSTBASE -> ((ty, None), env) | Cabs.ARRAY(d, cv_specs, sz) -> let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in let sz' = match sz with | None -> None | Some sz -> let expr,env = (!elab_expr_f loc env sz) in match Ceval.integer_expr env expr with | Some n -> if n < 0L then error loc "size of array is negative"; if n = 0L then warning loc Zero_length_array "zero size arrays are an extension"; Some n | None -> error loc "size of array is not a compile-time constant"; Some 1L in (* produces better error messages later *) elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env (TArray(ty, sz', a)) kr_ok d | Cabs.PTR(cv_specs, d) -> let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env (TPtr(ty, a)) kr_ok d | Cabs.PROTO(d, (params, vararg)) -> elab_return_type loc env ty; let params',env' = elab_parameters keep_ty env params in let env = if keep_ty then Env.add_types env env' else env in elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env (TFun(ty, Some params', vararg, [])) kr_ok d | Cabs.PROTO_OLD(d, params) -> elab_return_type loc env ty; match params with | [] -> elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env (TFun(ty, None, false, [])) kr_ok d | _ -> if not kr_ok || d <> Cabs.JUSTBASE then fatal_error loc "illegal old-style K&R function definition"; ((TFun(ty, None, false, []), Some params), env) (* Elaboration of parameters in a prototype *) and elab_parameters keep_ty env params = (* Prototype introduces a new scope *) let (vars, env) = mmap (elab_parameter keep_ty) (Env.new_scope env) params in (* Catch special case f(t) where t is void or a typedef to void *) match vars with | [ ( {C.name=""}, t) ] when is_void_type env t -> [],env | _ -> vars,env (* Elaboration of a function parameter *) and elab_parameter keep_ty env (PARAM (spec, id, decl, attr, loc)) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env1) = elab_specifier keep_ty loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' used in function parameter"; let ((ty, _), _) = elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env1 bty false decl in let ty = add_attributes_type (elab_attributes env attr) ty in if sto <> Storage_default && sto <> Storage_register then error loc "invalid storage-class specifier in function declarator"; if inl then error loc "'inline' can only appear on functions"; if noret then error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions"; let id = match id with None -> "" | Some id -> id in if id <> "" && redef Env.lookup_ident env id then error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" id; (* replace array and function types by pointer types *) let ty1 = argument_conversion env1 ty in let (id', env2) = Env.enter_ident env1 id sto ty1 in ( (id', ty1) , env2) (* Elaboration of a (specifier, Cabs "name") pair *) and elab_fundef_name keep_ty env spec (Name (id, decl, attr, loc)) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier keep_ty loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' is forbidden here"; let ((ty, kr_params), env'') = elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env' bty true decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in (id, sto, inl, noret, add_attributes_type a ty, kr_params, env'') (* Elaboration of a name group. C99 section 6.7.6 *) and elab_name_group keep_ty loc env (spec, namelist) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier keep_ty loc env spec in if tydef then error loc "'typedef' is forbidden here"; if inl then error loc "'inline' is forbidden here"; if noret then error loc "'_Noreturn' is forbidden here"; let elab_one_name env (Name (id, decl, attr, loc)) = let ((ty, _), env1) = elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env bty false decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in ((id, add_attributes_type a ty), env1) in (mmap elab_one_name env' namelist, sto) (* Elaboration of an init-name group *) and elab_init_name_group keep_ty loc env (spec, namelist) = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier keep_ty ~only:(namelist=[]) loc env spec in let elab_one_name env (Init_name (Name (id, decl, attr, loc), init)) = let ((ty, _), env1) = elab_type_declarator keep_ty loc env bty false decl in let a = elab_attributes env attr in if inl && not (is_function_type env ty) then error loc "'inline' can only appear on functions"; if noret then begin warning loc Celeven_extension "_Noreturn functions are a C11 extension"; if not (is_function_type env ty) then error loc "'_Noreturn' can only appear on functions"; end; ((id, add_attributes_type a ty, init), env1) in (mmap elab_one_name env' namelist, sto, tydef) (* Elaboration of a field group *) and elab_field_group keep_ty env (Field_group (spec, fieldlist, loc)) = let fieldlist = List.map (function (None, x) -> (Name ("", JUSTBASE, [], loc), x) | (Some n, x) -> (n, x)) fieldlist in let ((names, env'), sto) = elab_name_group keep_ty loc env (spec, List.map fst fieldlist) in if sto <> Storage_default then error loc "non-default storage in struct or union"; if fieldlist = [] then (* This should actually never be triggered, empty structs are captured earlier *) warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; let elab_bitfield (Name (_, _, _, loc), optbitsize) (id, ty) = let optbitsize' = match optbitsize with | None -> None | Some sz -> let ik = match unroll env' ty with | TInt(ik, _) -> ik | TEnum(_, _) -> enum_ikind | _ -> ILongLong (* trigger next error message *) in if integer_rank ik > integer_rank IInt then begin error loc "the type of bit-field '%s' must be an integer type no bigger than 'int'" id; None end else begin let expr,env' =(!elab_expr_f loc env sz) in match Ceval.integer_expr env' expr with | Some n -> if n < 0L then begin error loc "bit-field '%s' has negative width (%Ld)" id n; None end else let max = Int64.of_int(sizeof_ikind ik * 8) in if n > max then begin error loc "size of bit-field '%s' (%Ld bits) exceeds its type (%Ld bits)" id n max; None end else if n = 0L && id <> "" then begin error loc "named bit-field '%s' has zero width" id; None end else Some(Int64.to_int n) | None -> error loc "bit-field '%s' width not an integer constant" id; None end in let anon_composite = is_anonymous_composite ty in if id = "" && not anon_composite && optbitsize = None then warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; { fld_name = id; fld_typ = ty; fld_bitfield = optbitsize'; fld_anonymous = id = "" && anon_composite} in (List.map2 elab_bitfield fieldlist names, env') (* Elaboration of a struct or union. C99 section *) and elab_struct_or_union_info keep_ty kind loc env members attrs = let (m, env') = mmap (elab_field_group keep_ty) env members in let m = List.flatten m in let m,_ = mmap (fun c fld -> if fld.fld_anonymous then let name = Format.sprintf "_%d" c in {fld with fld_name = name},c+1 else fld,c) 0 m in let rec duplicate acc = function | [] -> () | fld::rest -> if fld.fld_anonymous then begin let rest = match unroll env fld.fld_typ with | TStruct (id,_) -> warning loc Celeven_extension "anonymous structs/unions are a C11 extension"; let str = Env.find_struct env' id in str.Env.ci_members@rest | TUnion (id,_) -> warning loc Celeven_extension "anonymous structs/unions are a C11 extension"; let union = Env.find_union env' id in union.Env.ci_members@rest | _ -> rest in duplicate acc rest end else if fld.fld_name <> "" then begin if List.exists ((=) fld.fld_name) acc then error loc "duplicate member '%s'" fld.fld_name; duplicate (fld.fld_name::acc) rest end else duplicate acc rest in duplicate [] m; (* Check for incomplete types *) let rec check_incomplete = function | [] -> () | [ { fld_typ = TArray(ty_elt, None, _) } ] when kind = Struct -> () (* C99: ty[] allowed as last field of a struct *) | fld :: rem -> if wrap incomplete_type loc env' fld.fld_typ then (* Must be fatal otherwise we get problems constructing the init *) fatal_error loc "member '%s' has incomplete type" fld.fld_name; check_incomplete rem in check_incomplete m; (* Warn for empty structs or unions *) if m = [] then if kind = Struct then begin warning loc Gnu_empty_struct "empty struct is a GNU extension" end else begin fatal_error loc "empty union is a GNU extension" end; (composite_info_def env' kind attrs m, env') and elab_struct_or_union keep_ty only kind loc tag optmembers attrs env = let warn_attrs () = if attrs <> [] then warning loc Unnamed "attribute declaration must precede definition" in let optbinding, tag = match tag with | None -> None, "" | Some s -> Env.lookup_composite env s, s in match optbinding, optmembers with | Some(tag', ci), None when (not only) || Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> (* Reference to an already declared struct or union. Special case: if this is an "only" declaration (without variable names) and the composite was bound in another scope, create a new incomplete composite instead via the case "_, None" below. *) if ci.Env.ci_kind <> kind then fatal_error loc "use of '%s' with tag type that does not match previous declaration" tag; warn_attrs(); (tag', env) | Some(tag', ({Env.ci_sizeof = None} as ci)), Some members when Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> if ci.Env.ci_kind <> kind then error loc "use of '%s' with tag type that does not match previous declaration" tag; (* finishing the definition of an incomplete struct or union *) let (ci', env') = elab_struct_or_union_info keep_ty kind loc env members attrs in (* Emit a global definition for it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedef(kind, tag', attrs, ci'.Env.ci_members)); (* Replace infos but keep same ident *) (tag', Env.add_composite env' tag' ci') | Some(tag', {Env.ci_sizeof = Some _}), Some _ when Env.in_current_scope env tag' -> error loc "redefinition of struct or union '%s'" tag; (tag', env) | _, None -> (* declaration of an incomplete struct or union *) if tag = "" then error loc "anonymous, incomplete struct or union"; let ci = composite_info_decl kind attrs in (* enter it with a new name *) let (tag', env') = Env.enter_composite env tag ci in (* emit it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedecl(kind, tag', attrs)); (tag', env') | _, Some members -> (* definition of a complete struct or union *) let ci1 = composite_info_decl kind attrs in (* enter it, incomplete, with a new name *) let (tag', env') = Env.enter_composite env tag ci1 in (* emit a declaration so that inner structs and unions can refer to it *) emit_elab env' loc (Gcompositedecl(kind, tag', attrs)); (* elaborate the members *) let (ci2, env'') = elab_struct_or_union_info keep_ty kind loc env' members attrs in (* emit a definition *) emit_elab env'' loc (Gcompositedef(kind, tag', attrs, ci2.Env.ci_members)); (* Replace infos but keep same ident *) (tag', Env.add_composite env'' tag' ci2) (* Elaboration of an enum item. C99 section *) and elab_enum_item env ((s, exp), loc) nextval = let (v, exp') = match exp with | None -> (nextval, None) | Some exp -> let exp',env = !elab_expr_f loc env exp in match Ceval.integer_expr env exp' with | Some n -> (n, Some exp') | None -> error loc "value of enumerator '%s' is not an integer constant" s; (nextval, Some exp') in if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; if redef Env.lookup_typedef env s then error loc "'%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol" s; if not (int_representable v (8 * sizeof_ikind enum_ikind) (is_signed_ikind enum_ikind)) then warning loc Constant_conversion "integer literal '%Ld' is too large to be represented in any integer type" v; let (id, env') = Env.enter_enum_item env s v in ((id, v, exp'), Int64.succ v, env') (* Elaboration of an enumeration declaration. C99 section *) and elab_enum only loc tag optmembers attrs env = let tag = match tag with None -> "" | Some s -> s in match optmembers with | None -> if only then fatal_error loc "forward declaration of 'enum %s' is not allowed in ISO C" tag; let (tag', info) = wrap Env.lookup_enum loc env tag in (tag', env) | Some members -> if tag <> "" && redef Env.lookup_enum env tag then error loc "redefinition of 'enum %s'" tag; let rec elab_members env nextval = function | [] -> ([], env) | hd :: tl -> let (dcl1, nextval1, env1) = elab_enum_item env hd nextval in let (dcl2, env2) = elab_members env1 nextval1 tl in (dcl1 :: dcl2, env2) in let (dcls, env') = elab_members env 0L members in let info = { Env.ei_members = dcls; ei_attr = attrs } in let (tag', env'') = Env.enter_enum env' tag info in emit_elab env' loc (Genumdef(tag', attrs, dcls)); (tag', env'') (* Elaboration of a naked type, e.g. in a cast *) let elab_type loc env spec decl = let (sto, inl, noret, tydef, bty, env') = elab_specifier false loc env spec in let ((ty, _), env'') = elab_type_declarator false loc env' bty false decl in if sto <> Storage_default || inl || noret || tydef then error loc "'typedef', 'extern', 'static', 'register' and 'inline' are meaningless in cast"; (ty, env'') (* Elaboration of initializers. C99 section 6.7.8 *) let init_char_array_string opt_size s = let len = Int64.of_int (String.length s) in let size = match opt_size with | Some sz -> sz | None -> Int64.succ len (* include final 0 character *) in let rec add_chars i init = if i < 0L then init else begin let c = if i < len then Int64.of_int (Char.code s.[Int64.to_int i]) else 0L in add_chars (Int64.pred i) (Init_single (intconst c IInt) :: init) end in Init_array (add_chars (Int64.pred size) []) let init_int_array_wstring opt_size s = let a = Array.of_list s in let len = Int64.of_int (Array.length a) in let size = match opt_size with | Some sz -> sz | None -> Int64.succ len (* include final 0 character *) in let rec add_chars i init = if i < 0L then init else begin let c = if i < len then a.(Int64.to_int i) else 0L in add_chars (Int64.pred i) (Init_single (intconst c IInt) :: init) end in Init_array (add_chars (Int64.pred size) []) let check_init_type loc env a ty = if wrap2 valid_assignment loc env a ty then () else if wrap2 valid_cast loc env a.etyp ty then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env a.etyp ty then warning loc Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty else warning loc Unnamed "incompatible conversion initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty else error loc "initializer has type %a instead of the expected type %a" (print_typ env) a.etyp (print_typ env) ty (* Representing initialization state using zippers *) module I = struct type zipinit = | Ztop of string * typ | Zarray of zipinit (* ancestor *) * typ (* type of elements *) * int64 option (* size *) * init (* default initializer *) * init list (* elements before point, reversed *) * int64 (* position of point *) * init list (* elements after point *) | Zstruct of zipinit (* ancestor *) * ident (* struct type *) * (field * init) list (* elements before current, reversed *) * field (* current field *) * (field * init) list (* elements after current *) | Zunion of zipinit (* ancestor *) * ident (* union type *) * field (* current member *) (* The initial state: default initialization, current point at top *) let top env name ty = (Ztop(name, ty), default_init env ty) (* Change the initializer for the current point *) let set (z, i) i' = (z, i') (* Put the current point back to the top *) let rec to_top = function | Ztop(name, ty), i as zi -> zi | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> to_top (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after))) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i -> to_top (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before ((fld, i) :: after))) | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> to_top (z, Init_union(id, fld, i)) (* Extract the initializer corresponding to the current state *) let to_init zi = snd (to_top zi) (* The type of the current point *) let typeof = function | Ztop(name, ty), i -> ty | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> ty | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i -> fld.fld_typ | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> fld.fld_typ (* The name of the path leading to the current point, for error reporting *) let rec zipname = function | Ztop(name, ty) -> name | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after) -> Format.sprintf "%s[%Ld]" (zipname z) idx | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after) -> Format.sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name | Zunion(z, id, fld) -> Format.sprintf "%s.%s" (zipname z) fld.fld_name let name (z, i) = zipname z (* Auxiliary functions to deal with arrays *) let index_below (idx: int64) (sz: int64 option) = match sz with None -> true | Some sz -> idx < sz let il_head dfl = function [] -> dfl | i1 :: il -> i1 let il_tail = function [] -> [] | i1 :: il -> il (* Advance the current point to the next point in right-up order. Return None if no next point, i.e. we are at top *) let rec next = function | Ztop(name, ty), i -> None | Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, idx, after), i -> let idx' = Int64.succ idx in if index_below idx' sz then Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, i :: before, idx', il_tail after), il_head dfl after) else next (z, Init_array (List.rev_append before (i :: after))) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, []), i -> next (z, Init_struct(id, List.rev_append before [(fld, i)])) | Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, (fld1, i1) :: after), i -> Some(Zstruct(z, id, (fld, i) :: before, fld1, after), i1) | Zunion(z, id, fld), i -> next (z, Init_union(id, fld, i)) (* Move the current point "down" to the first component of an array, struct, or union. No effect if the current point is a scalar. *) let rec first env (z, i as zi) = let ty = typeof zi in match unroll env ty, i with | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il -> if index_below 0L sz then begin let dfl = default_init env ty in Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, [], 0L, il_tail il), il_head dfl il) end else None | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', []) -> None | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', (fld1, i1) :: flds) -> Some(Zstruct(z, id, [], fld1, flds), i1) | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) -> begin match (Env.find_union env id).Env.ci_members with | [] -> None | fld1 :: _ -> Some(Zunion(z, id, fld1), if fld.fld_name = fld1.fld_name then i else default_init env fld1.fld_typ) end | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a -> (* This is a previous whole-struct initialization that we are going to overwrite. Revert to the default initializer. *) first env (z, default_init env ty) | _ -> Some (z, i) (* Move to the [n]-th element of the current point, which must be an array. *) let index env (z, i as zi) n = match unroll env (typeof zi), i with | TArray(ty, sz, _), Init_array il -> if n >= 0L && index_below n sz then begin let dfl = default_init env ty in let rec loop p before after = if p = n then Some(Zarray(z, ty, sz, dfl, before, n, il_tail after), il_head dfl after) else loop (Int64.succ p) (il_head dfl after :: before) (il_tail after) in loop 0L [] il end else None | _, _ -> None let has_member env name ty = let mem f id = try ignore(f env (id,name)); true with Env.Error _ -> false in match ty with | TStruct (id,_) -> mem Env.find_struct_member id | TUnion (id,_) -> mem Env.find_union_member id | _ -> false (* Move to the member named [name] of the current point, which must be a struct or a union. *) let rec member env (z, i as zi) name = let ty = typeof zi in match unroll env ty, i with | TStruct(id, _), Init_struct(id', flds) -> let rec find before = function | [] -> None | (fld, i as f_i) :: after -> if fld.fld_name = name then Some(Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i) else if fld.fld_anonymous && has_member env name fld.fld_typ then let zi = (Zstruct(z, id, before, fld, after), i) in member env zi name else find (f_i :: before) after in find [] flds | TUnion(id, _), Init_union(id', fld, i) -> if fld.fld_name = name then Some(Zunion(z, id, fld), i) else begin let rec find = function | [] -> None | fld1 :: rem -> if fld1.fld_name = name then Some(Zunion(z, id, fld1), default_init env fld1.fld_typ) else if fld.fld_anonymous && has_member env name fld.fld_typ then let zi = (Zunion(z, id, fld1),default_init env fld1.fld_typ) in member env zi name else find rem in find (Env.find_union env id).Env.ci_members end | (TStruct _ | TUnion _), Init_single a -> member env (z, default_init env ty) name | _, _ -> None end (* Interpret the given designator, moving the initialization state [zi] "down" accordingly. *) let rec elab_designator loc env zi desig = match desig with | [] -> zi | INFIELD_INIT name :: desig' -> begin match I.member env zi name with | Some zi' -> elab_designator loc env zi' desig' | None -> error loc "%s has no member named %s" (I.name zi) name; raise Exit end | ATINDEX_INIT a :: desig' -> let expr,env = (!elab_expr_f loc env a) in begin match Ceval.integer_expr env expr with | None -> error loc "array element designator for %s is not an integer constant expression" (I.name zi); raise Exit | Some n -> match I.index env zi n with | Some zi' -> elab_designator loc env zi' desig' | None -> error loc "array index %Ld within %s exceeds array bounds" n (I.name zi); raise Exit end (* Elaboration of an initialization expression. Return the corresponding initializer. *) let elab_init loc env root ty_root ie = (* Perform the initializations described by the list [il] over the initialization state [zi]. [first] is true if we are at the beginning of a braced initializer. Returns the final initializer. *) let rec elab_list zi il first = match il with | [] -> (* All initialization items consumed. *) I.to_init zi | (desig, item) :: il' -> if desig = [] then begin match (if first then I.first env zi else I.next zi) with | None -> warning loc Unnamed "excess elements in initializer for %s" (I.name zi); I.to_init zi | Some zi' -> elab_item zi' item il' end else elab_item (elab_designator loc env (I.to_top zi) desig) item il' (* Perform the initialization described by [item] for the current subobject of state [zi]. Continue initializing with the list [il]. *) and elab_item zi item il = let ty = I.typeof zi in match item, unroll env ty with (* Special case char array = "string literal" or wchar array = L"wide string literal" *) | (SINGLE_INIT (CONSTANT (CONST_STRING(w, s))) | COMPOUND_INIT [_, SINGLE_INIT(CONSTANT (CONST_STRING(w, s)))]), TArray(ty_elt, sz, _) when is_integer_type env ty_elt -> begin match elab_string_literal loc w s, unroll env ty_elt with | CStr s, TInt((IChar | ISChar | IUChar), _) -> if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(String.length s - 1)) sz) then warning loc Unnamed "initializer string for array of chars %s is too long" (I.name zi); elab_list (I.set zi (init_char_array_string sz s)) il false | CStr _, _ -> error loc "initialization of an array of non-char elements with a string literal"; elab_list zi il false | CWStr s, TInt(_, _) when compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty_elt (TInt(wchar_ikind(), [])) -> if not (I.index_below (Int64.of_int(List.length s - 1)) sz) then warning loc Unnamed "initializer string for array of wide chars %s is too long" (I.name zi); elab_list (I.set zi (init_int_array_wstring sz s)) il false | CWStr _, _ -> error loc "initialization of an array of non-wchar_t elements with a wide string literal"; elab_list zi il false | _ -> assert false end (* Brace-enclosed compound initializer *) | COMPOUND_INIT il', _ -> (* Process the brace-enclosed stuff, obtaining its initializer *) let ini' = elab_list (I.top env (I.name zi) ty) il' true in (* Initialize current subobject with this state, and continue *) elab_list (I.set zi ini') il false (* Single expression *) | SINGLE_INIT a, _ -> let a',_ = !elab_expr_f loc env a in elab_single zi a' il (* No initializer: can this happen? *) | NO_INIT, _ -> elab_list zi il false (* Perform initialization by a single expression [a] for the current subobject of state [zi], Continue initializing with the list [il']. *) and elab_single zi a il = let ty = I.typeof zi in match unroll env ty with | TInt _ | TEnum _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ -> (* This is a scalar: do direct initialization and continue *) check_init_type loc env a ty; elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false | TStruct _ | TUnion _ when compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty a.etyp -> (* This is a composite that can be initialized directly from the expression: do as above *) elab_list (I.set zi (Init_single a)) il false | TStruct _ | TUnion _ | TArray _ -> (* This is an aggregate: we need to drill into it, recursively *) begin match I.first env zi with | Some zi' -> elab_single zi' a il | None -> error loc "initializer for aggregate %s with no elements requires explicit braces" (I.name zi); raise Exit end | _ -> error loc "impossible to initialize %s of type %a" (I.name zi) (print_typ env) ty; raise Exit (* Start with top-level object initialized to default *) in if is_function_type env ty_root then begin error loc "illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized)"; raise Exit end; try elab_item (I.top env root ty_root) ie [] with No_default_init -> error loc "variable has incomplete type %a" Cprint.typ ty_root; raise Exit (* Elaboration of a top-level initializer *) let elab_initial loc env root ty ie = match ie with | NO_INIT -> None | _ -> try Some (elab_init loc env root ty ie) with | Exit -> None (* error was already reported *) | Env.Error msg -> error loc "%s" (Env.error_message msg); None (* Complete an array type with the size obtained from the initializer: "int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 }" becomes "int x[3] = ..." *) let fixup_typ loc env ty init = match unroll env ty, init with | TArray(ty_elt, None, attr), Init_array il -> if il = [] then warning loc Zero_length_array "zero size arrays are an extension"; TArray(ty_elt, Some(Int64.of_int(List.length il)), attr) | _ -> ty (* Entry point *) let elab_initializer loc env root ty ie = match elab_initial loc env root ty ie with | None -> (ty, None) | Some init -> (fixup_typ loc env ty init, Some init) (* Elaboration of expressions *) let elab_expr vararg loc env a = let err fmt = error loc fmt in (* non-fatal error *) let error fmt = fatal_error loc fmt in let warning t fmt = warning loc t fmt in let check_ptr_arith env ty s = match unroll env ty with | TVoid _ -> err "illegal arithmetic on a pointer to void in binary '%c'" s | TFun _ -> err "illegal arithmetic on a pointer to the function type %a in binary '%c'" (print_typ env) ty s | _ -> if incomplete_type env ty then err "arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %a in binary '%c'" (print_typ env) ty s in let rec elab env = function (* 6.5.1 Primary expressions *) | VARIABLE s -> begin match wrap Env.lookup_ident loc env s with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty },env | (id, Env.II_enum v) -> { edesc = EConst(CEnum(id, v)); etyp = TInt(enum_ikind, []) },env end | CONSTANT cst -> let cst' = elab_constant loc cst in { edesc = EConst cst'; etyp = type_of_constant cst' },env (* 6.5.2 Postfix expressions *) | INDEX(a1, a2) -> (* e1[e2] *) let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let tres = match (unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env b2.etyp) with | (TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t, _, _)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> t | (TInt _ | TEnum _), (TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t, _, _)) -> t | t1, t2 -> error "subscripted value is neither an array nor pointer" in { edesc = EBinop(Oindex, b1, b2, TPtr(tres, [])); etyp = tres },env | MEMBEROF(a1, fieldname) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let (fld, attrs) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TStruct(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | TUnion(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | _ -> error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" fieldname in (* A field of a const/volatile struct or union is itself const/volatile *) let rec access = function | [] -> b1 | fld::rest -> let b1 = access rest in { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } in access fld,env | MEMBEROFPTR(a1, fieldname) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let (fld, attrs) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TPtr(t, _) | TArray(t,_,_) -> begin match unroll env t with | TStruct(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | TUnion(id, attrs) -> (wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id, fieldname), attrs) | _ -> error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" fieldname end | _ -> error "member reference type %a is not a pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp in let rec access = function | [] -> assert false | [fld] -> { edesc = EUnop(Oarrow fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } | fld::rest -> let b1 = access rest in { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, b1); etyp = add_attributes_type (List.filter attr_inherited_by_members attrs) (type_of_member env fld) } in access fld,env (* Hack to treat vararg.h functions the GCC way. Helps with testing. va_start(ap,n) (preprocessing) --> __builtin_va_start(ap, arg) (elaboration) --> __builtin_va_start(ap) va_arg(ap, ty) (preprocessing) --> __builtin_va_arg(ap, ty) (elaboration) --> __builtin_va_arg(ap, sizeof(ty)) *) | CALL((VARIABLE "__builtin_va_start" as a1), [a2; a3]) -> if not vararg then err "'va_start' used in function with fixed args"; let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let _b3,env = elab env a3 in { edesc = ECall(b1, [b2]); etyp = TVoid [] },env | BUILTIN_VA_ARG (a2, a3) -> let ident = match wrap Env.lookup_ident loc env "__builtin_va_arg" with | (id, Env.II_ident(sto, ty)) -> { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty } | _ -> assert false in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let b3,env = elab env (TYPE_SIZEOF a3) in let ty = match b3.edesc with ESizeof ty -> ty | _ -> assert false in let ty' = default_argument_conversion env ty in if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty ty') then warning Varargs "%a is promoted to %a when passed through '...'. You should pass %a, not %a, to 'va_arg'" (print_typ env) ty (print_typ env) ty' (print_typ env) ty' (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = ECall(ident, [b2; b3]); etyp = ty },env | CALL(a1, al) -> let b1,env = (* Catch the old-style usage of calling a function without having declared it *) match a1 with | VARIABLE n when not (Env.ident_is_bound env n) -> warning Implicit_function_declaration "implicit declaration of function '%s' is invalid in C99" n; let ty = TFun(TInt(IInt, []), None, false, []) in (* Check against other definitions and enter in env *) let (id, sto, env, ty, linkage) = enter_or_refine_ident true loc env n Storage_extern ty in (* Emit an extern declaration for it *) emit_elab ~linkage env loc (Gdecl(sto, id, ty, None)); { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty },env | _ -> elab env a1 in let bl = mmap elab env al in (* Extract type information *) let (res, args, vararg) = match unroll env b1.etyp with | TFun(res, args, vararg, a) -> (res, args, vararg) | TPtr(ty, a) -> begin match unroll env ty with | TFun(res, args, vararg, a) -> (res, args, vararg) | _ -> error "called object type %a is neither a function nor function pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp end | _ -> error "called object type %a is neither a function nor function pointer" (print_typ env) b1.etyp in (* Type-check the arguments against the prototype *) let bl',env = match args with | None -> bl | Some proto -> elab_arguments 1 bl proto vararg in { edesc = ECall(b1, bl'); etyp = res },env | UNARY(POSINCR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opostincr "increment" a1 | UNARY(POSDECR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opostdecr "decrement" a1 (* 6.5.4 Cast operators *) | CAST ((spec, dcl), SINGLE_INIT a1) -> let (ty, env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (wrap2 valid_cast loc env b1.etyp ty) then begin match unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env ty with | _, (TStruct _|TUnion _ | TVoid _) -> err "used type %a where arithmetic or pointer type is required" (print_typ env) ty | (TStruct _| TUnion _ | TVoid _),_ -> err "operand of type %a where arithmetic or pointer type is required" (print_typ env) b1.etyp | TFloat _, TPtr _ -> err "operand of type %a cannot be cast to a pointer type" (print_typ env) b1.etyp | TPtr _ , TFloat _ -> err "pointer cannot be cast to type %a" (print_typ env) ty | _ -> err "illegal cast from %a to %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty end; { edesc = ECast(ty, b1); etyp = ty },env (* Compound literals *) | CAST ((spec, dcl), ie) -> let (ty, env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in begin match elab_initializer loc env "" ty ie with | (ty', Some i) -> { edesc = ECompound(ty', i); etyp = ty' },env | (ty', None) -> error "ill-formed compound literal" end (* 6.5.3 Unary expressions *) | EXPR_SIZEOF a1 -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if wrap incomplete_type loc env b1.etyp then error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; let bdesc = (* Catch special cases sizeof("string literal") *) match b1.edesc with | EConst(CStr s) -> let sz = String.length s + 1 in EConst(CInt(Int64.of_int sz, size_t_ikind(), "")) | EConst(CWStr s) -> let sz = (!config).sizeof_wchar * (List.length s + 1) in EConst(CInt(Int64.of_int sz, size_t_ikind(), "")) | _ -> ESizeof b1.etyp in { edesc = bdesc; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env | TYPE_SIZEOF (spec, dcl) -> let (ty, env') = elab_type loc env spec dcl in if wrap incomplete_type loc env' ty then error "invalid application of 'sizeof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = ESizeof ty; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env' | EXPR_ALIGNOF a1 -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if wrap incomplete_type loc env b1.etyp then error "invalid application of 'alignof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EAlignof b1.etyp; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env | TYPE_ALIGNOF (spec, dcl) -> let (ty, env') = elab_type loc env spec dcl in if wrap incomplete_type loc env' ty then error "invalid application of 'alignof' to an incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; { edesc = EAlignof ty; etyp = TInt(size_t_ikind(), []) },env' | BUILTIN_OFFSETOF ((spec,dcl), mem) -> let (ty,env) = elab_type loc env spec dcl in if incomplete_type env ty then error "offsetof of incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty; let members env ty mem = match ty with | TStruct (id,_) -> wrap Env.find_struct_member loc env (id,mem) | TUnion (id,_) -> wrap Env.find_union_member loc env (id,mem) | _ -> error "request for member '%s' in something not a structure or union" mem in let rec offset_of_list acc env ty = function | [] -> acc,ty | fld::rest -> let off = offsetof env ty fld in offset_of_list (acc+off) env fld.fld_typ rest in let offset_of_member (env,off_accu,ty) mem = match mem,unroll env ty with | INFIELD_INIT mem,ty -> let flds = members env ty mem in let flds = List.rev flds in let off,ty = offset_of_list 0 env ty flds in env,off_accu + off,ty | ATINDEX_INIT e,TArray (sub_ty,_,_) -> let e,env = elab env e in let e = match Ceval.integer_expr env e with | None -> error "array element designator for is not an integer constant expression" | Some n-> n in let size = match sizeof env sub_ty with | None -> assert false (* We expect only complete types *) | Some s -> s in let off_accu = match cautious_mul e size with | None -> error "'offsetof' overflows" | Some s -> off_accu + s in env,off_accu,sub_ty | ATINDEX_INIT _,_ -> error "subscripted value is not an array" in let env,offset,_ = List.fold_left offset_of_member (env,0,ty) mem in let size_t = size_t_ikind () in let offset = Ceval.normalize_int (Int64.of_int offset) size_t in let offsetof_const = EConst (CInt(offset,size_t,"")) in { edesc = offsetof_const; etyp = TInt(size_t, []) },env | UNARY(PLUS, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_arith_type env b1.etyp) then error "invalid argument type %a to unary '+'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Oplus, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(MINUS, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_arith_type env b1.etyp) then error "invalid argument type %a to unary '-'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Ominus, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(BNOT, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_integer_type env b1.etyp) then error "invalid argument type %a to unary '~'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Onot, b1); etyp = unary_conversion env b1.etyp },env | UNARY(NOT, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then error "invalid argument type %a to unary '!'" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(Olognot, b1); etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env | UNARY(ADDROF, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_lvalue b1 || is_function_type env b1.etyp) then err "argument of '&' is not an lvalue (invalid %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; begin match b1.edesc with | EVar id -> begin match wrap Env.find_ident loc env id with | Env.II_ident(Storage_register, _) -> err "address of register variable '%s' requested" id.name | _ -> () end | EUnop(Odot f, b2) -> let fld = wrap2 field_of_dot_access loc env b2.etyp f in if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then err "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f | EUnop(Oarrow f, b2) -> let fld = wrap2 field_of_arrow_access loc env b2.etyp f in if fld.fld_bitfield <> None then err "address of bit-field '%s' requested" f | _ -> () end; { edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, b1); etyp = TPtr(b1.etyp, []) },env | UNARY(MEMOF, a1) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in begin match unroll env b1.etyp with (* '*' applied to a function type has no effect *) | TFun _ -> b1,env | TPtr(ty, _) | TArray(ty, _, _) -> { edesc = EUnop(Oderef, b1); etyp = ty },env | _ -> error "arguemnt of unary '*' is not a pointer (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp end | UNARY(PREINCR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opreincr "increment" a1 | UNARY(PREDECR, a1) -> elab_pre_post_incr_decr Opredecr "decrement" a1 (* 6.5.5 to 6.5.12 Binary operator expressions *) | BINARY(MUL, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_arithmetic "*" Omul a1 a2 | BINARY(DIV, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_arithmetic "/" Odiv a1 a2 | BINARY(MOD, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "%" Omod a1 a2 | BINARY(ADD, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let tyres = if is_arith_type env b1.etyp && is_arith_type env b2.etyp then binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp else begin let ty = match unroll env b1.etyp, unroll env b2.etyp with | (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> ty | (TInt _ | TEnum _), (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)) -> ty | _, _ -> error "invalid operands to binary '+' (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp in check_ptr_arith env ty '+'; TPtr(ty, []) end in { edesc = EBinop(Oadd, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env | BINARY(SUB, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let (tyop, tyres) = if is_arith_type env b1.etyp && is_arith_type env b2.etyp then begin let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in (tyres, tyres) end else begin match wrap unroll loc env b1.etyp, wrap unroll loc env b2.etyp with | (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)), (TInt _ | TEnum _) -> if not (wrap pointer_arithmetic_ok loc env ty) then err "illegal pointer arithmetic in binary '-'"; (TPtr(ty, []), TPtr(ty, [])) | (TInt _ | TEnum _), (TPtr(ty, a) | TArray(ty, _, a)) -> check_ptr_arith env ty '-'; (TPtr(ty, []), TPtr(ty, [])) | (TPtr(ty1, a1) | TArray(ty1, _, a1)), (TPtr(ty2, a2) | TArray(ty2, _, a2)) -> if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2) then err "%a and %a are not pointers to compatible types" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b1.etyp; check_ptr_arith env ty1 '-'; if wrap sizeof loc env ty1 = Some 0 then err "subtraction between two pointers to zero-sized objects"; (TPtr(ty1, []), TInt(ptrdiff_t_ikind(), [])) | _, _ -> error "invalid operands to binary '-' (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp end in { edesc = EBinop(Osub, b1, b2, tyop); etyp = tyres },env | BINARY(SHL, a1, a2) -> elab_shift "<<" Oshl a1 a2 | BINARY(SHR, a1, a2) -> elab_shift ">>" Oshr a1 a2 | BINARY(EQ, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Oeq a1 a2 | BINARY(NE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison One a1 a2 | BINARY(LT, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Olt a1 a2 | BINARY(GT, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Ogt a1 a2 | BINARY(LE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Ole a1 a2 | BINARY(GE, a1, a2) -> elab_comparison Oge a1 a2 | BINARY(BAND, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "&" Oand a1 a2 | BINARY(BOR, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "|" Oor a1 a2 | BINARY(XOR, a1, a2) -> elab_binary_integer "^" Oxor a1 a2 (* 6.5.13 and 6.5.14 Logical operator expressions *) | BINARY(AND, a1, a2) -> elab_logical_operator "&&" Ologand a1 a2 | BINARY(OR, a1, a2) -> elab_logical_operator "||" Ologor a1 a2 (* 6.5.15 Conditional expressions *) | QUESTION(a1, a2, a3) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let b3,env = elab env a3 in if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then err "first argument of '?:' is not a scalar type (invalid %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp; begin match pointer_decay env b2.etyp, pointer_decay env b3.etyp with | (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _), (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _) -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = binary_conversion env b2.etyp b3.etyp },env | (TPtr(ty1, a1) as pty1), (TPtr(ty2, a2) as pty2) -> let tyres = if is_void_type env ty1 || is_void_type env ty2 then TPtr(TVoid (add_attributes a1 a2), []) else match combine_types AttrIgnoreAll env (TPtr(ty1, a1)) (TPtr(ty2, a2)) with | None -> warning Pointer_type_mismatch "the second and third argument of '?:' have incompatible pointer types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) pty1 (print_typ env) pty2; (* tolerance *) TPtr(TVoid (add_attributes a1 a2), []) | Some ty -> ty in { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = tyres },env | TPtr(ty1, a1), TInt _ when is_literal_0 b3 -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, nullconst); etyp = TPtr(ty1, []) },env | TInt _, TPtr(ty2, a2) when is_literal_0 b2 -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, nullconst, b3); etyp = TPtr(ty2, []) },env | ty1, ty2 -> match combine_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2 with | None -> error "the second and third argument of '?:' incompatible types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) ty1 (print_typ env) ty2 | Some tyres -> { edesc = EConditional(b1, b2, b3); etyp = tyres },env end (* 6.5.16 Assignment expressions *) | BINARY(ASSIGN, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env b1.etyp) then error "left-hand side of assignment has 'const' type"; if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then err "expression is not assignable"; if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b2 b1.etyp) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env b2.etyp b1.etyp then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env b2.etyp b1.etyp then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp else err "assigning to %a from incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; end; { edesc = EBinop(Oassign, b1, b2, b1.etyp); etyp = b1.etyp },env | BINARY((ADD_ASSIGN | SUB_ASSIGN | MUL_ASSIGN | DIV_ASSIGN | MOD_ASSIGN | BAND_ASSIGN | BOR_ASSIGN | XOR_ASSIGN | SHL_ASSIGN | SHR_ASSIGN as op), a1, a2) -> let (sop, top) = match op with | ADD_ASSIGN -> (ADD, Oadd_assign) | SUB_ASSIGN -> (SUB, Osub_assign) | MUL_ASSIGN -> (MUL, Omul_assign) | DIV_ASSIGN -> (DIV, Odiv_assign) | MOD_ASSIGN -> (MOD, Omod_assign) | BAND_ASSIGN -> (BAND, Oand_assign) | BOR_ASSIGN -> (BOR, Oor_assign) | XOR_ASSIGN -> (XOR, Oxor_assign) | SHL_ASSIGN -> (SHL, Oshl_assign) | SHR_ASSIGN -> (SHR, Oshr_assign) | _ -> assert false in begin match elab env (BINARY(sop, a1, a2)) with | ({ edesc = EBinop(_, b1, b2, _); etyp = ty } as b),env -> if List.mem AConst (attributes_of_type env b1.etyp) then err "left-hand side of assignment has 'const' type"; if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then err "expression is not assignable"; if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b b1.etyp) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env ty b1.etyp then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env ty b1.etyp then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion assigning to %a from %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty else err "assigning to %a from incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) ty; end; { edesc = EBinop(top, b1, b2, ty); etyp = b1.etyp },env | _ -> assert false end (* 6.5.17 Sequential expressions *) | BINARY(COMMA, a1, a2) -> let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in { edesc = EBinop (Ocomma, b1, b2, b2.etyp); etyp = b2.etyp },env (* Elaboration of pre- or post- increment/decrement *) and elab_pre_post_incr_decr op msg a1 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in if not (is_modifiable_lvalue env b1) then err "expression is not assignable"; if not (is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) then err "cannot %s value of type %a" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp; { edesc = EUnop(op, b1); etyp = b1.etyp },env (* Elaboration of binary operators over integers *) and elab_binary_integer msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_integer_type env b1.etyp) && (is_integer_type env b2.etyp)) then error "invalid operands to binary '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of binary operators over arithmetic types *) and elab_binary_arithmetic msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_arith_type env b1.etyp) && (is_arith_type env b2.etyp)) then error "invalid operands to binary '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of shift operators *) and elab_shift msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_integer_type env b1.etyp) && (is_integer_type env b2.etyp)) then error "invalid operands to '%s' (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; let tyres = unary_conversion env b1.etyp in { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, tyres); etyp = tyres },env (* Elaboration of comparisons *) and elab_comparison op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in let resdesc = match pointer_decay env b1.etyp, pointer_decay env b2.etyp with | (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _), (TInt _ | TFloat _ | TEnum _) -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, binary_conversion env b1.etyp b2.etyp) | TInt _, TPtr(ty, _) when is_literal_0 b1 -> EBinop(op, nullconst, b2, TPtr(ty, [])) | TPtr(ty, _), TInt _ when is_literal_0 b2 -> EBinop(op, b1, nullconst, TPtr(ty, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) when is_void_type env ty1 -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty2, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) when is_void_type env ty2 -> EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty1, [])) | TPtr(ty1, _), TPtr(ty2, _) -> if not (compatible_types AttrIgnoreAll env ty1 ty2) then warning Compare_distinct_pointer_types "comparison of distinct pointer types (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(ty1, [])) | TPtr _, (TInt _ | TEnum _) | (TInt _ | TEnum _), TPtr _ -> warning Unnamed "comparison between pointer and integer (%a and %a)" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; EBinop(op, b1, b2, TPtr(TVoid [], [])) | ty1, ty2 -> error "illegal comparison between types@ %a@ and %a" (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; in { edesc = resdesc; etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env (* Elaboration of && and || *) and elab_logical_operator msg op a1 a2 = let b1,env = elab env a1 in let b2,env = elab env a2 in if not ((is_scalar_type env b1.etyp) && (is_scalar_type env b2.etyp)) then error "invalid operands to binary %s (%a and %a)" msg (print_typ env) b1.etyp (print_typ env) b2.etyp; { edesc = EBinop(op, b1, b2, TInt(IInt, [])); etyp = TInt(IInt, []) },env (* Type-checking of function arguments *) and elab_arguments argno args params vararg = match args, params with | ([],env), [] -> [],env | ([],env), _::_ -> let found = argno - 1 in let expected = List.length params + found in let vararg = if vararg then "at least " else "" in err "too few arguments to function call, expected %s%d, have %d" vararg expected found; [],env | (_::_,env), [] -> if vararg then args else let expected = argno - 1 in let found = List.length (fst args) + expected in (err "too many arguments to function call, expected %d, have %d" expected found; args) | (arg1 :: argl,env), (_, ty_p) :: paraml -> let ty_a = argument_conversion env arg1.etyp in if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env {arg1 with etyp = ty_a} ty_p) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env ty_a ty_p then begin if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env ty_a ty_p then warning Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: passing %a to parameter %d of type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p else warning Unnamed "incompatible conversion passing %a to parameter %d of type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p end else err "passing %a to parameter %d of incompatible type %a" (print_typ env) ty_a argno (print_typ env) ty_p end; let rest,env = elab_arguments (argno + 1) (argl,env) paraml vararg in arg1 :: rest,env in elab env a (* Filling in forward declaration *) let _ = elab_expr_f := (elab_expr false) let elab_opt_expr vararg loc env = function | None -> None,env | Some a -> let a,env = (elab_expr vararg loc env a) in Some a,env let elab_for_expr vararg loc env = function | None -> { sdesc = Sskip; sloc = elab_loc loc },env | Some a -> let a,env = elab_expr vararg loc env a in { sdesc = Sdo a; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Handling of __func__ (section *) let __func__type_and_init s = (TArray(TInt(IChar, [AConst]), Some(Int64.of_int (String.length s + 1)), []), init_char_array_string None s) (* Elaboration of top-level and local definitions *) let enter_typedefs loc env sto dl = if sto <> Storage_default then error loc "non-default storage-class on 'typedef' definition"; List.fold_left (fun env (s, ty, init) -> if init <> NO_INIT then error loc "initializer in typedef"; match previous_def Env.lookup_typedef env s with | Some (s',ty') -> if equal_types env ty ty' then begin warning loc Celeven_extension "redefinition of typedef '%s' is C11 extension" s; env end else begin error loc "typedef redefinition with different types (%a vs %a)" (print_typ env) ty (print_typ env) ty'; env end | None -> if redef Env.lookup_ident env s then error loc "redefinition of '%s' as different kind of symbol" s; let (id, env') = Env.enter_typedef env s ty in emit_elab env loc (Gtypedef(id, ty)); env') env dl let enter_decdefs local loc env sto dl = (* Sanity checks on storage class *) if sto = Storage_register && not local then fatal_error loc "'register' storage-class on file-scoped variable"; if sto <> Storage_default && dl = [] then warning loc Missing_declarations "declaration does not declare anything"; let enter_decdef (decls, env) (s, ty, init) = let isfun = is_function_type env ty in if sto = Storage_extern && init <> NO_INIT then error loc "'extern' declaration variable has an initializer"; if local && isfun then begin match sto with | Storage_static -> error loc "function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage-class"; | Storage_register -> error loc "invalid 'register' storage-class on function"; | _ -> () end; (* Local function declarations are always treated as extern *) let sto1 = if local && isfun then Storage_extern else sto in (* enter ident in environment with declared type, because initializer can refer to the ident *) let (id, sto', env1, ty, linkage) = enter_or_refine_ident local loc env s sto1 ty in if not isfun && is_void_type env ty then fatal_error loc "'%s' has incomplete type" s; (* process the initializer *) let (ty', init') = elab_initializer loc env1 s ty init in (* update environment with refined type *) let env2 = Env.add_ident env1 id sto' ty' in (* check for incomplete type *) if local && sto' <> Storage_extern && not isfun && wrap incomplete_type loc env ty' then error loc "variable has incomplete type %a" (print_typ env) ty'; if local && not isfun && sto' <> Storage_extern && sto' <> Storage_static then (* Local definition *) ((sto', id, ty', init') :: decls, env2) else begin (* Global definition *) emit_elab ~linkage env2 loc (Gdecl(sto', id, ty', init')); (decls, env2) end in let (decls, env') = List.fold_left enter_decdef ([], env) dl in (List.rev decls, env') (* Processing of K&R-style function definitions. Synopsis: T f(X1, ..., Xn) T1 Y1; ...; Tm Ym; { ... } "params" is the list [X1; ...; Xn] "defs" is the list of declarations [T1 Y1; ... Tm Ym] We need to match the names Xi's with the Yj's so as to find the types Ti' of the Xi and produce a typed argument list in prototyped style. Owing to default argument promotion, the types Ti' and Tj may not match, in which case we need to declare a local variable with the correct type. Consider: float f(x) float x; { return x; } Since float arguments are promoted by default to double, this must be converted as float f(double x) { float x1 = x; return x1; } *) let elab_KR_function_parameters env params defs loc = (* Check that the parameters have unique names *) List.iter (fun id -> if List.length (List.filter ((=) id) params) > 1 then fatal_error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" id) params; (* Check that the declarations only declare parameters *) let extract_name (Init_name(Name(s, dty, attrs, loc') as name, ie)) = if not (List.mem s params) then error loc' "Declaration of '%s' which is not a function parameter" s; if ie <> NO_INIT then error loc' "illegal initialization of parameter '%s'" s; name in (* Extract names and types from the declarations *) let elab_param_def env = function | DECDEF((spec', name_init_list), loc') -> let name_list = List.map extract_name name_init_list in let (paramsenv, sto) = elab_name_group true loc' env (spec', name_list) in begin match sto with | Storage_extern -> error loc' "invalid 'extern' storage-class specifier for function parameter" | Storage_static -> error loc' "invalid 'static' storage-class specifier for function parameter" | _ -> () end; paramsenv | d -> (* Should never be produced by the parser *) fatal_error (get_definitionloc d) "Illegal declaration of function parameter" in let kr_params_defs,paramsenv = let params,paramsenv = mmap elab_param_def env defs in List.concat params,paramsenv in (* Find the type of a parameter *) let type_of_param param = match List.filter (fun (p, _) -> p = param) kr_params_defs with | [] -> (* Parameter is not declared, defaults to "int" in ISO C90, is an error in ISO C99. Just emit a warning. *) warning loc Implicit_int "type of '%s' defaults to 'int'" param; TInt (IInt, []) | (_, ty) :: rem -> if rem <> [] then error loc "redefinition of parameter '%s'" param; ty in (* Match parameters against declarations *) let rec match_params params' extra_decls = function | [] -> (List.rev params', List.rev extra_decls) | p :: ps -> let ty = type_of_param p in let ty_var = argument_conversion env ty and ty_param = default_argument_conversion env ty in if compatible_types AttrIgnoreTop env ty_var ty_param then begin (* No need for an extra conversion *) let id = Env.fresh_ident p in match_params ((id, ty_var) :: params') extra_decls ps end else begin (* Local variable of type ty_var is to be initialized from the parameter of type ty_param *) let id_param = Env.fresh_ident p in let id_var = Env.fresh_ident p in let init = Init_single { edesc = EVar id_param; etyp = ty_param } in match_params ((id_param, ty_param) :: params') ((Storage_default, id_var, ty_var, Some init) :: extra_decls) ps end in let a,b = match_params [] [] params in a,b,paramsenv (* Look for varargs flag in previous definitions of a function *) let inherit_vararg env s sto ty = match previous_def Env.lookup_ident env s with | Some(id, Env.II_ident(_, old_ty)) when sto = Storage_extern || Env.in_current_scope env id -> begin match old_ty, ty with | TFun(_, _, true, _), TFun(_, _, _, _) -> true | _, _ -> false end | _ -> false (* Function definitions *) let elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc = let (s, sto, inline, noret, ty, kr_params, env1) = elab_fundef_name true env spec name in if sto = Storage_register then fatal_error loc "invalid 'register' storage-class on function"; begin match kr_params, defs with | None, d::_ -> error (get_definitionloc d) "old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition" | _ -> () end; (* Process the parameters and the K&R declarations, if any, to obtain: - [ty]: the full, prototyped type of the function - [extra_decls]: extra declarations to be inserted at the beginning of the function *) let (ty, extra_decls,env1) = match ty, kr_params with | TFun(ty_ret, None, vararg, attr), None -> (TFun(ty_ret, Some [], vararg, attr), [],env1) | ty, None -> (ty, [],env1) | TFun(ty_ret, None, false, attr), Some params -> warning loc CompCert_conformance "non-prototype, pre-standard function definition, converting to prototype form"; let (params', extra_decls,env) = elab_KR_function_parameters env params defs loc in (TFun(ty_ret, Some params', inherit_vararg env s sto ty, attr), extra_decls,env) | _, Some params -> assert false in (* Extract infos from the type of the function *) let (ty_ret, params, vararg, attr) = match ty with | TFun(ty_ret, Some params, vararg, attr) -> if wrap incomplete_type loc env1 ty_ret && not (is_void_type env ty_ret) then fatal_error loc "incomplete result type %a in function definition" (print_typ env) ty_ret; (ty_ret, params, vararg, attr) | _ -> fatal_error loc "wrong type for function definition" in (* Enter function in the environment, for recursive references *) let (fun_id, sto1, env1, _, _) = enter_or_refine_ident false loc env1 s sto ty in let incomplete_param env ty = if wrap incomplete_type loc env ty then fatal_error loc "parameter has incomplete type" in (* Enter parameters and extra declarations in the environment *) let env2 = List.fold_left (fun e (id, ty) -> incomplete_param e ty; Env.add_ident e id Storage_default ty) (Env.new_scope env1) params in let env2 = List.fold_left (fun e (sto, id, ty, init) -> Env.add_ident e id sto ty) env2 extra_decls in (* Define "__func__" and enter it in the environment *) let (func_ty, func_init) = __func__type_and_init s in let (func_id, _, env3, func_ty, _) = enter_or_refine_ident true loc env2 "__func__" Storage_static func_ty in emit_elab ~debuginfo:false env3 loc (Gdecl(Storage_static, func_id, func_ty, Some func_init)); (* Elaborate function body *) let body1 = !elab_funbody_f ty_ret vararg env3 body in (* Special treatment of the "main" function *) let body2 = if s = "main" then begin match unroll env ty_ret with | TInt(IInt, []) -> (* Add implicit "return 0;" at end of function body *) sseq no_loc body1 {sdesc = Sreturn(Some(intconst 0L IInt)); sloc = no_loc} | _ -> warning loc Main_return_type "return type of 'main' should be 'int'"; body1 end else body1 in (* Add the extra declarations if any *) let body3 = if extra_decls = [] then body2 else begin let mkdecl d = { sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = no_loc } in { sdesc = Sblock (List.map mkdecl extra_decls @ [body2]); sloc = no_loc } end in if noret then begin warning loc Celeven_extension "_Noreturn functions are a C11 extension"; if contains_return body1 then warning loc Invalid_noreturn "function '%s' declared 'noreturn' should not return" s; end; (* Build and emit function definition *) let fn = { fd_storage = sto1; fd_inline = inline; fd_name = fun_id; fd_attrib = attr; fd_ret = ty_ret; fd_params = params; fd_vararg = vararg; fd_locals = []; fd_body = body3 } in emit_elab ~linkage:true env1 loc (Gfundef fn); env1 (* Definitions *) let rec elab_definition (local: bool) (env: Env.t) (def: Cabs.definition) : decl list * Env.t = match def with (* "int f(int x) { ... }" *) (* "int f(x, y) double y; { ... }" *) | FUNDEF(spec, name, defs, body, loc) -> if local then error loc "function definition is not allowed here"; let env1 = elab_fundef env spec name defs body loc in ([], env1) (* "int x = 12, y[10], *z" *) | DECDEF(init_name_group, loc) -> let ((dl, env1), sto, tydef) = elab_init_name_group false loc env init_name_group in if tydef then let env2 = enter_typedefs loc env1 sto dl in ([], env2) else enter_decdefs local loc env1 sto dl (* pragma *) | PRAGMA(s, loc) -> emit_elab env loc (Gpragma s); ([], env) and elab_definitions local env = function | [] -> ([], env) | d1 :: dl -> let (decl1, env1) = elab_definition local env d1 in let (decl2, env2) = elab_definitions local env1 dl in (decl1 @ decl2, env2) (* Extended asm *) let elab_asm_operand vararg loc env (ASMOPERAND(label, wide, chars, e)) = let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in let e',env = elab_expr vararg loc env e in (label, s, e'),env (* Contexts for elaborating statements *) module StringSet = Set.Make(String) type stmt_context = { ctx_return_typ: typ; (**r return type for the function *) ctx_labels: StringSet.t; (**r all labels defined in the function *) ctx_break: bool; (**r is 'break' allowed? *) ctx_continue: bool; (**r is 'continue' allowed? *) ctx_vararg: bool; (**r is this a vararg function? *) } let stmt_labels stmt = let lbls = ref StringSet.empty in let rec do_stmt = function | BLOCK(b, _) -> do_block b | If(_, s1, Some s2, _) -> do_stmt s1; do_stmt s2 | If(_, s1, None, _) -> do_stmt s1 | WHILE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | DOWHILE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | FOR(_, _, _, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | SWITCH(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | CASE(_, s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | DEFAULT(s1, _) -> do_stmt s1 | LABEL(lbl, s1, loc) -> if StringSet.mem lbl !lbls then error loc "redefinition of label '%s'\n" lbl; lbls := StringSet.add lbl !lbls; do_stmt s1 | _ -> () and do_block b = List.iter do_stmt b in do_stmt stmt; !lbls let ctx_loop ctx = { ctx with ctx_break = true; ctx_continue = true } let ctx_switch ctx = { ctx with ctx_break = true } (* Elaboration of statements *) let rec elab_stmt env ctx s = match s with (* 6.8.3 Expression statements *) | COMPUTATION(a, loc) -> let a,env = (elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a) in { sdesc = Sdo a; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.1 Labeled statements *) | LABEL(lbl, s1, loc) -> let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Slabel lbl, s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | CASE(a, s1, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in begin match Ceval.integer_expr env a' with | None -> error loc "expression of 'case' label is not an integer constant expression" | Some n -> () end; let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Scase a', s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | DEFAULT(s1, loc) -> let s1,env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in { sdesc = Slabeled(Sdefault, s1); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.2 Compound statements *) | BLOCK(b, loc) -> elab_block loc env ctx b (* 6.8.4 Conditional statements *) | If(a, s1, s2, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'if' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env ctx s1 in let s2',env = match s2 with | None -> sskip,env | Some s2 -> elab_stmt env ctx s2 in { sdesc = Sif(a', s1', s2'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.5 Iterative statements *) | WHILE(a, s1, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'while' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in { sdesc = Swhile(a', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | DOWHILE(a, s1, loc) -> let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in let a',env = elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in if not (is_scalar_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'while' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; { sdesc = Sdowhile(s1', a'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env | FOR(fc, a2, a3, s1, loc) -> let (a1', env', decls') = match fc with | Some (FC_EXP a1) -> let a1,env = elab_for_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env (Some a1) in (a1, env, None) | None -> let a1,env = elab_for_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env None in (a1, env, None) | Some (FC_DECL def) -> let (dcl, env') = elab_definition true (Env.new_scope env) def in let loc = elab_loc (get_definitionloc def) in (sskip, env', Some(List.map (fun d -> {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc}) dcl)) in let a2',env = match a2 with | None -> intconst 1L IInt,env | Some a2 -> elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env' a2 in if not (is_scalar_type env' a2'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'for' does not have scalar type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a2'.etyp; let a3',env' = elab_for_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env' a3 in let s1',env' = elab_stmt env' (ctx_loop ctx) s1 in let sfor = { sdesc = Sfor(a1', a2', a3', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc } in begin match decls' with | None -> sfor,env | Some sl -> { sdesc = Sblock (sl @ [sfor]); sloc = elab_loc loc },env end (* 6.8.4 Switch statement *) | SWITCH(a, s1, loc) -> let a',env = elab_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in if not (is_integer_type env a'.etyp) then error loc "controlling expression of 'switch' does not have integer type (%a invalid)" (print_typ env) a'.etyp; let s1',env = elab_stmt env (ctx_switch ctx) s1 in { sdesc = Sswitch(a', s1'); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Break and continue statements *) | BREAK loc -> if not ctx.ctx_break then error loc "'break' statement not in loop or switch statement"; { sdesc = Sbreak; sloc = elab_loc loc },env | CONTINUE loc -> if not ctx.ctx_continue then error loc "'continue' statement not in loop statement"; { sdesc = Scontinue; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Return statements *) | RETURN(a, loc) -> let a',env = elab_opt_expr ctx.ctx_vararg loc env a in begin match (unroll env ctx.ctx_return_typ, a') with | TVoid _, None -> () | TVoid _, Some _ -> error loc "'return' with a value in a function returning void" | _, None -> warning loc Return_type "'return' with no value, in a function returning non-void" | _, Some b -> if not (wrap2 valid_assignment loc env b ctx.ctx_return_typ) then begin if wrap2 valid_cast loc env b.etyp ctx.ctx_return_typ then if wrap2 int_pointer_conversion loc env b.etyp ctx.ctx_return_typ then warning loc Int_conversion "incompatible integer-pointer conversion: returning %a from a function with result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ else warning loc Unnamed "incompatible conversion returning %a from a function with result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ else error loc "returning %a from a function with incompatible result type %a" (print_typ env) b.etyp (print_typ env) ctx.ctx_return_typ end end; { sdesc = Sreturn a'; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.6 Goto statements *) | GOTO(lbl, loc) -> if not (StringSet.mem lbl ctx.ctx_labels) then error loc "use of undeclared label '%s'" lbl; { sdesc = Sgoto lbl; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* 6.8.3 Null statements *) | NOP loc -> { sdesc = Sskip; sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Traditional extensions *) | ASM(cv_specs, wide, chars, outputs, inputs, flags, loc) -> let a = elab_cvspecs env cv_specs in let s = elab_simple_string loc wide chars in let outputs,env = mmap (elab_asm_operand ctx.ctx_vararg loc) env outputs in let inputs ,env= mmap (elab_asm_operand ctx.ctx_vararg loc) env inputs in let flags = List.map (fun (w,c) -> elab_simple_string loc w c) flags in { sdesc = Sasm(a, s, outputs, inputs, flags); sloc = elab_loc loc },env (* Unsupported *) | DEFINITION def -> error (get_definitionloc def) "ill-placed definition"; sskip,env and elab_block loc env ctx b = let b',_ = elab_block_body (Env.new_scope env) ctx b in { sdesc = Sblock b'; sloc = elab_loc loc },env and elab_block_body env ctx sl = match sl with | [] -> [],env | DEFINITION def :: sl1 -> let (dcl, env') = elab_definition true env def in let loc = elab_loc (get_definitionloc def) in let dcl = List.map (fun ((sto,id,ty,_) as d) -> Debug.insert_local_declaration sto id ty loc; {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc}) dcl in let sl1',env' = elab_block_body env' ctx sl1 in dcl @ sl1',env' | s :: sl1 -> let s',env = elab_stmt env ctx s in let sl1',env = elab_block_body env ctx sl1 in s' :: sl1',env (* Elaboration of a function body. Return the corresponding C statement. *) let elab_funbody return_typ vararg env b = let ctx = { ctx_return_typ = return_typ; ctx_labels = stmt_labels b; ctx_break = false; ctx_continue = false; ctx_vararg = vararg;} in fst(elab_stmt env ctx b) (* Filling in forward declaration *) let _ = elab_funbody_f := elab_funbody (** * Entry point *) let elab_file prog = reset(); ignore (elab_definitions false (Builtins.environment()) prog); elaborated_program()