open Lexing open Pre_parser.MenhirInterpreter module S = MenhirLib.General (* Streams *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* There are places where we may hit an internal error and we would like to fail abruptly because "this cannot happen". Yet, it is safer when shipping to silently cover up for our internal error. Thus, we typically use an idiom of the form [if debug then assert false else ]. *) let debug = true (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The parser keeps track of the last two tokens in a two-place buffer. *) type 'a buffer = | Zero | One of 'a | Two of 'a * (* most recent: *) 'a (* [push buffer x] pushes [x] into [buffer], causing the buffer to slide. *) let update buffer x : _ buffer = match buffer, x with | Zero, _ -> One x | One x1, x2 | Two (_, x1), x2 -> Two (x1, x2) (* [show f buffer] prints the contents of the buffer. The function [f] is used to print an element. *) let show f buffer : string = match buffer with | Zero -> (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens, we cannot have detected a syntax error. *) if debug then assert false else "" | One invalid -> (* It is unlikely, but possible, that we have read just one token. *) Printf.sprintf "before '%s'" (f invalid) | Two (valid, invalid) -> (* In the most likely case, we have read two tokens. *) Printf.sprintf "after '%s' and before '%s'" (f valid) (f invalid) (* [last buffer] returns the last element of the buffer (that is, the invalid token). *) let last buffer = match buffer with | Zero -> (* The buffer cannot be empty. If we have read no tokens, we cannot have detected a syntax error. *) assert false | One invalid | Two (_, invalid) -> invalid (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [extract text (pos1, pos2)] extracts the sub-string of [text] delimited by the positions [pos1] and [pos2]. *) let extract text (pos1, pos2) : string = let ofs1 = pos1.pos_cnum and ofs2 = pos2.pos_cnum in let len = ofs2 - ofs1 in try String.sub text ofs1 len with Invalid_argument _ -> (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's make this a non-fatal error. *) if debug then assert false else "???" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [sanitize text] eliminates any special characters from the text [text]. They are (arbitrarily) replaced with a single dot character. *) let sanitize text = (fun c -> if Char.code c < 32 || Char.code c >= 127 then '.' else c ) text (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [shorten k text] limits the length of [text] to [2k+3] characters. If the text is too long, a fragment in the middle is replaced with an ellipsis. *) let shorten k text = let n = String.length text in if n <= 2 * k + 3 then text else String.sub text 0 k ^ "..." ^ String.sub text (n - k) k (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [stack checkpoint] extracts the parser's stack out of a checkpoint. *) let stack checkpoint = match checkpoint with | HandlingError env -> stack env | _ -> assert false (* this cannot happen, I promise *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [state checkpoint] extracts the number of the current state out of a parser checkpoint. *) let state checkpoint : int = match Lazy.force (stack checkpoint) with | S.Nil -> (* Hmm... The parser is in its initial state. Its number is usually 0. This is a BIG HACK. TEMPORARY *) 0 | S.Cons (Element (s, _, _, _), _) -> number s (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* TEMPORARY move to MenhirLib.General *) let rec drop n (xs : 'a : 'a = match n, xs with | 0, _ | _, lazy (S.Nil) -> xs | _, lazy (S.Cons (_, xs)) -> drop (n - 1) xs (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [element checkpoint i] returns the [i]-th cell of the parser stack. The index [i] is 0-based. [i] should (ideally) be within bounds; we raise [Not_found] if it isn't. *) let element checkpoint i : element = match Lazy.force (drop i (stack checkpoint)) with | S.Nil -> (* [i] is out of range. This could happen if the handwritten error messages are out of sync with the grammar, or if a mistake was made. We fail in a non-fatal way. *) raise Not_found | S.Cons (e, _) -> e (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [range text e] converts the stack element [e] to the fragment of the source text that corresponds to this stack element. The fragment is placed within single quotes and shortened if it is too long. We also ensure that it does not contain any special characters. *) let width = 30 let range text (e : element) : string = (* Extract the start and positions of this stack element. *) let Element (_, _, pos1, pos2) = e in (* Get the underlying source text fragment. *) let fragment = extract text (pos1, pos2) in (* Sanitize it and limit its length. Enclose it in single quotes. *) "'" ^ shorten width (sanitize fragment) ^ "'" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* We allow an error message to contain the special form $i, where is a 0-based index into the stack. We replace it with the fragment of the source text that corresponds to this stack entry. *) let fragment text checkpoint message = try let i = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 message) in range text (element checkpoint i) with | Failure _ -> (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's cover up for our internal error. *) if debug then assert false else "???" | Not_found -> (* In principle, this should not happen, but if it does, let's cover up for our internal error. *) if debug then assert false else "???" let fragments text checkpoint (message : string) : string = Str.global_substitute (Str.regexp "\\$\\([0-9]+\\)") (fragment text checkpoint) message (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [report text buffer checkpoint] constructs an error message. The C source code must be stored in the string [text]. The start and end positions of the last two tokens that were read must be stored in [buffer]. The parser state (i.e., the automaton's state and stack) must be recorded in the checkpoint [checkpoint]. *) (* The start and end positions of the invalid token are [lexbuf.lex_start_p] and [lexbuf.lex_curr_p], since this is the last token that was read. But we need not care about that here. *) let report text buffer checkpoint : string = (* Extract the position where the error occurred, that is, the start position of the invalid token. We display it as a filename, a (1-based) line number, and a (0-based) column number. *) let (pos, _) = last buffer in (* Construct a readable description of where the error occurred, that is, after which token and before which token. *) let where = show (extract text) buffer in (* Find out in which state the parser failed. *) let s : int = state checkpoint in (* Choose an error message, based on the state number [s]. Then, customize it, based on dynamic information. *) let message = try Pre_parser_messages.message s |> fragments text checkpoint with Not_found -> (* If the state number cannot be found -- which, in principle, should not happen, since our list of erroneous states is supposed to be complete! -- produce a generic message. *) Printf.sprintf "This is an unknown syntax error (%d).\n\ Please report this problem to the compiler vendor.\n" s in (* Construct the full error message. *) Printf.sprintf "%s:%d:%d: syntax error %s.\n%s" pos.pos_fname pos.pos_lnum (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) where message