(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) { open Lexing open Pre_parser open Pre_parser_aux open !Cabshelper module SSet = Set.Make(String) let lexicon : (string, Cabs.cabsloc -> token) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17 let ignored_keyworkds : SSet.t ref = ref SSet.empty let () = List.iter (fun (key, builder) -> Hashtbl.add lexicon key builder) [ ("_Alignas", fun loc -> ALIGNAS loc); ("_Alignof", fun loc -> ALIGNOF loc); ("_Bool", fun loc -> UNDERSCORE_BOOL loc); ("__alignof", fun loc -> ALIGNOF loc); ("__alignof__", fun loc -> ALIGNOF loc); ("__asm", fun loc -> ASM loc); ("__asm__", fun loc -> ASM loc); ("__attribute", fun loc -> ATTRIBUTE loc); ("__attribute__", fun loc -> ATTRIBUTE loc); ("__builtin_va_arg", fun loc -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG loc); ("__builtin_offsetof", fun loc -> BUILTIN_OFFSETOF loc); ("__const", fun loc -> CONST loc); ("__const__", fun loc -> CONST loc); ("__inline", fun loc -> INLINE loc); ("__inline__", fun loc -> INLINE loc); ("__packed__", fun loc -> PACKED loc); ("__restrict", fun loc -> RESTRICT loc); ("__restrict__", fun loc -> RESTRICT loc); ("__signed", fun loc -> SIGNED loc); ("__signed__", fun loc -> SIGNED loc); ("__volatile", fun loc -> VOLATILE loc); ("__volatile__", fun loc -> VOLATILE loc); ("asm", fun loc -> ASM loc); ("auto", fun loc -> AUTO loc); ("break", fun loc -> BREAK loc); ("case", fun loc -> CASE loc); ("char", fun loc -> CHAR loc); ("const", fun loc -> CONST loc); ("continue", fun loc -> CONTINUE loc); ("default", fun loc -> DEFAULT loc); ("do", fun loc -> DO loc); ("double", fun loc -> DOUBLE loc); ("else", fun loc -> ELSE loc); ("enum", fun loc -> ENUM loc); ("extern", fun loc -> EXTERN loc); ("float", fun loc -> FLOAT loc); ("for", fun loc -> FOR loc); ("goto", fun loc -> GOTO loc); ("if", fun loc -> IF loc); ("inline", fun loc -> INLINE loc); ("_Noreturn", fun loc -> NORETURN loc); ("int", fun loc -> INT loc); ("long", fun loc -> LONG loc); ("register", fun loc -> REGISTER loc); ("restrict", fun loc -> RESTRICT loc); ("return", fun loc -> RETURN loc); ("short", fun loc -> SHORT loc); ("signed", fun loc -> SIGNED loc); ("sizeof", fun loc -> SIZEOF loc); ("static", fun loc -> STATIC loc); ("struct", fun loc -> STRUCT loc); ("switch", fun loc -> SWITCH loc); ("typedef", fun loc -> TYPEDEF loc); ("union", fun loc -> UNION loc); ("unsigned", fun loc -> UNSIGNED loc); ("void", fun loc -> VOID loc); ("volatile", fun loc -> VOLATILE loc); ("while", fun loc -> WHILE loc)]; if Configuration.system <> "diab" then (* We can ignore the __extension__ GCC keyword. *) ignored_keyworkds := SSet.add "__extension__" !ignored_keyworkds let init_ctx = SSet.singleton "__builtin_va_list" let types_context : SSet.t ref = ref init_ctx let _ = (* See comments in pre_parser_aux.ml *) save_context := begin fun () -> let save = !types_context in fun () -> types_context := save end; declare_varname := begin fun id -> types_context := SSet.remove id !types_context end; declare_typename := begin fun id -> types_context := SSet.add id !types_context end let init filename channel : Lexing.lexbuf = let lb = Lexing.from_channel channel in lb.lex_curr_p <- {lb.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = filename; pos_lnum = 1}; lb let currentLoc = let nextident = ref 0 in let getident () = nextident := !nextident + 1; !nextident in fun lb -> let p = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb in Cabs.({ lineno = p.Lexing.pos_lnum; filename = p.Lexing.pos_fname; byteno = p.Lexing.pos_cnum; ident = getident ();}) (* Error reporting *) let fatal_error lb fmt = Cerrors.fatal_error (lb.lex_curr_p.pos_fname,lb.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum) fmt let error lb fmt = Cerrors.error (lb.lex_curr_p.pos_fname,lb.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum) fmt let warning lb fmt = Cerrors.warning (lb.lex_curr_p.pos_fname,lb.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum) Cerrors.Unnamed ("warning: " ^^ fmt) (* Simple character escapes *) let convert_escape = function | 'a' -> 7L (* bell *) | 'b' -> 8L (* backspace *) | 'e' -> 27L (* escape (GCC extension) *) | 'f' -> 12L (* form feed *) | 'n' -> 10L (* new line *) | 'r' -> 13L (* carriage return *) | 't' -> 9L (* horizontal tab *) | 'v' -> 11L (* vertical tab *) | c -> Int64.of_int (Char.code c) } (* Identifiers *) let digit = ['0'-'9'] let hexadecimal_digit = ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f'] let nondigit = ['_' 'a'-'z' 'A'-'Z'] let hex_quad = hexadecimal_digit hexadecimal_digit hexadecimal_digit hexadecimal_digit let universal_character_name = "\\u" (hex_quad as n) | "\\U" (hex_quad hex_quad as n) let identifier_nondigit = nondigit (*| universal_character_name*) | '$' let identifier = identifier_nondigit (identifier_nondigit|digit)* (* Whitespaces *) let whitespace_char_no_newline = [' ' '\t' '\012' '\r'] (* Integer constants *) let nonzero_digit = ['1'-'9'] let decimal_constant = nonzero_digit digit* let octal_digit = ['0'-'7'] let octal_constant = '0' octal_digit* let hexadecimal_prefix = "0x" | "0X" let hexadecimal_constant = hexadecimal_prefix hexadecimal_digit+ let unsigned_suffix = ['u' 'U'] let long_suffix = ['l' 'L'] let long_long_suffix = "ll" | "LL" let integer_suffix = unsigned_suffix long_suffix? | unsigned_suffix long_long_suffix | long_suffix unsigned_suffix? | long_long_suffix unsigned_suffix? let integer_constant = decimal_constant integer_suffix? | octal_constant integer_suffix? | hexadecimal_constant integer_suffix? (* Floating constants *) let sign = ['-' '+'] let digit_sequence = digit+ let floating_suffix = ['f' 'l' 'F' 'L'] as suffix let fractional_constant = (digit_sequence as intpart)? '.' (digit_sequence as frac) | (digit_sequence as intpart) '.' let exponent_part = 'e' ((sign? digit_sequence) as expo) | 'E' ((sign? digit_sequence) as expo) let decimal_floating_constant = fractional_constant exponent_part? floating_suffix? | (digit_sequence as intpart) exponent_part floating_suffix? let hexadecimal_digit_sequence = hexadecimal_digit+ let hexadecimal_fractional_constant = (hexadecimal_digit_sequence as intpart)? '.' (hexadecimal_digit_sequence as frac) | (hexadecimal_digit_sequence as intpart) '.' let binary_exponent_part = 'p' ((sign? digit_sequence) as expo) | 'P' ((sign? digit_sequence) as expo) let hexadecimal_floating_constant = hexadecimal_prefix hexadecimal_fractional_constant binary_exponent_part floating_suffix? | hexadecimal_prefix (hexadecimal_digit_sequence as intpart) binary_exponent_part floating_suffix? (* Preprocessing numbers *) let preprocessing_number = '.'? ['0'-'9'] (['0'-'9' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '.'] | ['e' 'E' 'p' 'P']['+' '-'])* (* Character and string constants *) let simple_escape_sequence = '\\' ( ['\'' '\"' '?' '\\' 'a' 'b' 'e' 'f' 'n' 'r' 't' 'v'] as c) let octal_escape_sequence = '\\' ((octal_digit | octal_digit octal_digit | octal_digit octal_digit octal_digit) as n) let hexadecimal_escape_sequence = "\\x" (hexadecimal_digit+ as n) let escape_sequence = simple_escape_sequence | octal_escape_sequence | hexadecimal_escape_sequence | universal_character_name rule initial = parse | '\n' { new_line lexbuf; initial_linebegin lexbuf } | whitespace_char_no_newline + { initial lexbuf } | "/*" { multiline_comment lexbuf; initial lexbuf } | "//" { singleline_comment lexbuf; initial lexbuf } | integer_constant as s { CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_INT s, currentLoc lexbuf) } | decimal_floating_constant { CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_FLOAT {Cabs.isHex_FI = false; Cabs.integer_FI = intpart; Cabs.fraction_FI = frac; Cabs.exponent_FI = expo; Cabs.suffix_FI = match suffix with | None -> None | Some c -> Some (String.make 1 c) }, currentLoc lexbuf) } | hexadecimal_floating_constant { CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_FLOAT {Cabs.isHex_FI = true; Cabs.integer_FI = intpart; Cabs.fraction_FI = frac; Cabs.exponent_FI = Some expo; Cabs.suffix_FI = match suffix with | None -> None | Some c -> Some (String.make 1 c) }, currentLoc lexbuf)} | preprocessing_number as s { error lexbuf "invalid numerical constant '%s'@ These characters form a preprocessor number, but not a constant" s; CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_INT "0", currentLoc lexbuf) } | "'" { let l = char_literal lexbuf.lex_start_p [] lexbuf in CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_CHAR(false, l), currentLoc lexbuf) } | "L'" { let l = char_literal lexbuf.lex_start_p [] lexbuf in CONSTANT (Cabs.CONST_CHAR(true, l), currentLoc lexbuf) } | "\"" { let l = string_literal lexbuf.lex_start_p [] lexbuf in STRING_LITERAL(false, l, currentLoc lexbuf) } | "L\"" { let l = string_literal lexbuf.lex_start_p [] lexbuf in STRING_LITERAL(true, l, currentLoc lexbuf) } | "..." { ELLIPSIS(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "+=" { ADD_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "-=" { SUB_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "*=" { MUL_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "/=" { DIV_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "%=" { MOD_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "|=" { OR_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "&=" { AND_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "^=" { XOR_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "<<=" { LEFT_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ">>=" { RIGHT_ASSIGN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "<<" { LEFT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ">>" { RIGHT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "==" { EQEQ(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "!=" { NEQ(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "<=" { LEQ(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ">=" { GEQ(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "=" { EQ(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "<" { LT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ">" { GT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "++" { INC(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "--" { DEC(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "->" { PTR(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "+" { PLUS(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "-" { MINUS(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "*" { STAR(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "/" { SLASH(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "%" { PERCENT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "!" { BANG(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "&&" { ANDAND(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "||" { BARBAR(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "&" { AND(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "|" { BAR(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "^" { HAT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "?" { QUESTION(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ":" { COLON(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "~" { TILDE(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "{"|"<%" { LBRACE(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "}"|"%>" { RBRACE(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "["|"<:" { LBRACK(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "]"|":>" { RBRACK(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "(" { LPAREN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ")" { RPAREN(currentLoc lexbuf) } | ";" { SEMICOLON(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "," { COMMA(currentLoc lexbuf) } | "." { DOT(currentLoc lexbuf) } | identifier as id { if SSet.mem id !ignored_keyworkds then initial lexbuf else try Hashtbl.find lexicon id (currentLoc lexbuf) with Not_found -> PRE_NAME id } | eof { EOF } | _ as c { fatal_error lexbuf "invalid symbol %C" c } and initial_linebegin = parse | '\n' { new_line lexbuf; initial_linebegin lexbuf } | whitespace_char_no_newline { initial_linebegin lexbuf } | '#' { hash lexbuf } | "" { initial lexbuf } and char = parse | universal_character_name { try Int64.of_string ("0x" ^ n) with Failure _ -> error lexbuf "overflow in universal character name"; 0L } | hexadecimal_escape_sequence { try Int64.of_string ("0x" ^ n) with Failure _ -> error lexbuf "overflow in hexadecimal escape sequence"; 0L } | octal_escape_sequence { Int64.of_string ("0o" ^ n) } | simple_escape_sequence { convert_escape c } | '\\' (_ as c) { error lexbuf "incorrect escape sequence '\\%c'" c; Int64.of_int (Char.code c) } | _ as c { Int64.of_int (Char.code c) } and char_literal startp accu = parse | '\'' { lexbuf.lex_start_p <- startp; List.rev accu } | '\n' | eof { fatal_error lexbuf "missing terminating \"'\" character" } | "" { let c = char lexbuf in char_literal startp (c :: accu) lexbuf } and string_literal startp accu = parse | '\"' { lexbuf.lex_start_p <- startp; List.rev accu } | '\n' | eof { fatal_error lexbuf "missing terminating '\"' character" } | "" { let c = char lexbuf in string_literal startp (c :: accu) lexbuf } (* We assume gcc -E syntax but try to tolerate variations. *) and hash = parse | whitespace_char_no_newline + (decimal_constant as n) whitespace_char_no_newline * "\"" ([^ '\n' '\"']* as file) "\"" [^ '\n']* '\n' { let n = try int_of_string n with Failure _ -> warning lexbuf "invalid line number"; lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum in lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = file; pos_lnum = n; pos_bol = lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum }; initial_linebegin lexbuf } | whitespace_char_no_newline * "pragma" whitespace_char_no_newline + ([^ '\n']* as s) '\n' { new_line lexbuf; PRAGMA (s, currentLoc lexbuf) } | [^ '\n']* '\n' { warning lexbuf "unrecognized '#' line"; new_line lexbuf; initial_linebegin lexbuf } | [^ '\n']* eof { fatal_error lexbuf "unexpected end of file" } | _ as c { fatal_error lexbuf "invalid symbol %C" c } (* Multi-line comment terminated by "*/" *) and multiline_comment = parse | "*/" { () } | eof { error lexbuf "unterminated comment" } | '\n' { new_line lexbuf; multiline_comment lexbuf } | _ { multiline_comment lexbuf } (* Single-line comment terminated by a newline *) and singleline_comment = parse | '\n' { new_line lexbuf } | eof { () } | _ { singleline_comment lexbuf } { open Streams open Specif open Parser open !Aut.GramDefs (* This is the main entry point to the lexer. *) let lexer : lexbuf -> Pre_parser.token = fun lexbuf -> if lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_cnum = lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_bol then initial_linebegin lexbuf else initial lexbuf (* [lexer tokens buffer] is a new lexer, which wraps [lexer], and also: 1- records the token stream into the FIFO queue [tokens] and 2- records the start and end positions of the last two tokens in the two-place buffer [buffer] and 3- duplicates identifier tokens into PRE_NAME and VAR/TYPE_NAME. *) let lexer tokens buffer : lexbuf -> Pre_parser.token = let curr_id = ref None in types_context := init_ctx; fun lexbuf -> match !curr_id with | Some id -> curr_id := None; let loc = currentLoc lexbuf in let token = if SSet.mem id !types_context then TYPEDEF_NAME (id, ref TypedefId, loc) else VAR_NAME (id, ref VarId, loc) in Queue.push token tokens; token | None -> let token = lexer lexbuf in begin match token with | PRE_NAME id -> curr_id := Some id | _ -> Queue.push token tokens end; let startp = lexbuf.lex_start_p and endp = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in buffer := ErrorReports.update !buffer (startp, endp); token (* [invoke_pre_parser] is in charge of calling the pre_parser. It uses the incremental API, which allows us to do our own error handling. *) let invoke_pre_parser filename text lexer buffer = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string text in lexbuf.lex_curr_p <- {lexbuf.lex_curr_p with pos_fname = filename; pos_lnum = 1}; let module I = Pre_parser.MenhirInterpreter in let checkpoint = Pre_parser.Incremental.translation_unit_file lexbuf.lex_curr_p and supplier = I.lexer_lexbuf_to_supplier lexer lexbuf and succeed () = () and fail checkpoint = Cerrors.fatal_error_raw "%s" (ErrorReports.report text !buffer checkpoint) in I.loop_handle succeed fail supplier checkpoint (* [tokens_stream filename text] runs the pre_parser and produces a stream of (appropriately classified) tokens. *) let tokens_stream filename text : token coq_Stream = let tokens = Queue.create () in let buffer = ref ErrorReports.Zero in invoke_pre_parser filename text (lexer tokens buffer) buffer; let rec compute_token_stream () = let loop t v = Cons (Coq_existT (t, Obj.magic v), Lazy.from_fun compute_token_stream) in match Queue.pop tokens with | ADD_ASSIGN loc -> loop ADD_ASSIGN't loc | AND loc -> loop AND't loc | ANDAND loc -> loop ANDAND't loc | AND_ASSIGN loc -> loop AND_ASSIGN't loc | AUTO loc -> loop AUTO't loc | BANG loc -> loop BANG't loc | BAR loc -> loop BAR't loc | BARBAR loc -> loop BARBAR't loc | UNDERSCORE_BOOL loc -> loop UNDERSCORE_BOOL't loc | BREAK loc -> loop BREAK't loc | BUILTIN_VA_ARG loc -> loop BUILTIN_VA_ARG't loc | BUILTIN_OFFSETOF loc -> loop BUILTIN_OFFSETOF't loc | CASE loc -> loop CASE't loc | CHAR loc -> loop CHAR't loc | COLON loc -> loop COLON't loc | COMMA loc -> loop COMMA't loc | CONST loc -> loop CONST't loc | CONSTANT (cst, loc) -> loop CONSTANT't (cst, loc) | CONTINUE loc -> loop CONTINUE't loc | DEC loc -> loop DEC't loc | DEFAULT loc -> loop DEFAULT't loc | DIV_ASSIGN loc -> loop DIV_ASSIGN't loc | DO loc -> loop DO't loc | DOT loc -> loop DOT't loc | DOUBLE loc -> loop DOUBLE't loc | ELLIPSIS loc -> loop ELLIPSIS't loc | ELSE loc -> loop ELSE't loc | ENUM loc -> loop ENUM't loc | EOF -> loop EOF't () | EQ loc -> loop EQ't loc | EQEQ loc -> loop EQEQ't loc | EXTERN loc -> loop EXTERN't loc | FLOAT loc -> loop FLOAT't loc | FOR loc -> loop FOR't loc | GEQ loc -> loop GEQ't loc | GOTO loc -> loop GOTO't loc | GT loc -> loop GT't loc | HAT loc -> loop HAT't loc | IF loc -> loop IF't loc | INC loc -> loop INC't loc | INLINE loc -> loop INLINE't loc | INT loc -> loop INT't loc | LBRACE loc -> loop LBRACE't loc | LBRACK loc -> loop LBRACK't loc | LEFT loc -> loop LEFT't loc | LEFT_ASSIGN loc -> loop LEFT_ASSIGN't loc | LEQ loc -> loop LEQ't loc | LONG loc -> loop LONG't loc | LPAREN loc -> loop LPAREN't loc | LT loc -> loop LT't loc | MINUS loc -> loop MINUS't loc | MOD_ASSIGN loc -> loop MOD_ASSIGN't loc | MUL_ASSIGN loc -> loop MUL_ASSIGN't loc | NEQ loc -> loop NEQ't loc | NORETURN loc -> loop NORETURN't loc | OR_ASSIGN loc -> loop OR_ASSIGN't loc | PACKED loc -> loop PACKED't loc | PERCENT loc -> loop PERCENT't loc | PLUS loc -> loop PLUS't loc | PTR loc -> loop PTR't loc | QUESTION loc -> loop QUESTION't loc | RBRACE loc -> loop RBRACE't loc | RBRACK loc -> loop RBRACK't loc | REGISTER loc -> loop REGISTER't loc | RESTRICT loc -> loop RESTRICT't loc | RETURN loc -> loop RETURN't loc | RIGHT loc -> loop RIGHT't loc | RIGHT_ASSIGN loc -> loop RIGHT_ASSIGN't loc | RPAREN loc -> loop RPAREN't loc | SEMICOLON loc -> loop SEMICOLON't loc | SHORT loc -> loop SHORT't loc | SIGNED loc -> loop SIGNED't loc | SIZEOF loc -> loop SIZEOF't loc | SLASH loc -> loop SLASH't loc | STAR loc -> loop STAR't loc | STATIC loc -> loop STATIC't loc | STRING_LITERAL (wide, str, loc) -> (* Merge consecutive string literals *) let rec doConcat wide str = try match Queue.peek tokens with | STRING_LITERAL (wide', str', loc) -> ignore (Queue.pop tokens); let (wide'', str'') = doConcat wide' str' in if str'' <> [] then (wide || wide'', str @ str'') else (wide, str) | _ -> (wide, str) with Queue.Empty -> (wide, str) in let (wide', str') = doConcat wide str in loop STRING_LITERAL't ((wide', str'), loc) | STRUCT loc -> loop STRUCT't loc | SUB_ASSIGN loc -> loop SUB_ASSIGN't loc | SWITCH loc -> loop SWITCH't loc | TILDE loc -> loop TILDE't loc | TYPEDEF loc -> loop TYPEDEF't loc | TYPEDEF_NAME (id, typ, loc) | VAR_NAME (id, typ, loc) -> let terminal = match !typ with | VarId -> VAR_NAME't | TypedefId -> TYPEDEF_NAME't | OtherId -> OTHER_NAME't in loop terminal (id, loc) | UNION loc -> loop UNION't loc | UNSIGNED loc -> loop UNSIGNED't loc | VOID loc -> loop VOID't loc | VOLATILE loc -> loop VOLATILE't loc | WHILE loc -> loop WHILE't loc | XOR_ASSIGN loc -> loop XOR_ASSIGN't loc | ALIGNAS loc -> loop ALIGNAS't loc | ALIGNOF loc -> loop ALIGNOF't loc | ATTRIBUTE loc -> loop ATTRIBUTE't loc | ASM loc -> loop ASM't loc | PRAGMA (s, loc) -> loop PRAGMA't (s, loc) | PRE_NAME _ -> assert false in Lazy.from_fun compute_token_stream }