(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Machine-dependent aspects *) type t = { name: string; char_signed: bool; sizeof_ptr: int; sizeof_short: int; sizeof_int: int; sizeof_long: int; sizeof_longlong: int; sizeof_float: int; sizeof_double: int; sizeof_longdouble: int; sizeof_void: int option; sizeof_fun: int option; sizeof_wchar: int; wchar_signed: bool; sizeof_size_t: int; sizeof_ptrdiff_t: int; alignof_ptr: int; alignof_short: int; alignof_int: int; alignof_long: int; alignof_longlong: int; alignof_float: int; alignof_double: int; alignof_longdouble: int; alignof_void: int option; alignof_fun: int option; bigendian: bool; bitfields_msb_first: bool; struct_return_as_int: int } let ilp32ll64 = { name = "ilp32ll64"; char_signed = false; sizeof_ptr = 4; sizeof_short = 2; sizeof_int = 4; sizeof_long = 4; sizeof_longlong = 8; sizeof_float = 4; sizeof_double = 8; sizeof_longdouble = 16; sizeof_void = None; sizeof_fun = None; sizeof_wchar = 4; wchar_signed = true; sizeof_size_t = 4; sizeof_ptrdiff_t = 4; alignof_ptr = 4; alignof_short = 2; alignof_int = 4; alignof_long = 4; alignof_longlong = 8; alignof_float = 4; alignof_double = 8; alignof_longdouble = 16; alignof_void = None; alignof_fun = None; bigendian = false; bitfields_msb_first = false; struct_return_as_int = 0 } let i32lpll64 = { name = "i32lpll64"; char_signed = false; sizeof_ptr = 8; sizeof_short = 2; sizeof_int = 4; sizeof_long = 8; sizeof_longlong = 8; sizeof_float = 4; sizeof_double = 8; sizeof_longdouble = 16; sizeof_void = None; sizeof_fun = None; sizeof_wchar = 4; wchar_signed = true; sizeof_size_t = 8; sizeof_ptrdiff_t = 8; alignof_ptr = 8; alignof_short = 2; alignof_int = 4; alignof_long = 8; alignof_longlong = 8; alignof_float = 4; alignof_double = 8; alignof_longdouble = 16; alignof_void = None; alignof_fun = None; bigendian = false; bitfields_msb_first = false; struct_return_as_int = 0 } let il32pll64 = { name = "il32pll64"; char_signed = false; sizeof_ptr = 8; sizeof_short = 2; sizeof_int = 4; sizeof_long = 4; sizeof_longlong = 8; sizeof_float = 4; sizeof_double = 8; sizeof_longdouble = 16; sizeof_void = None; sizeof_fun = None; sizeof_wchar = 4; wchar_signed = true; sizeof_size_t = 8; sizeof_ptrdiff_t = 8; alignof_ptr = 8; alignof_short = 2; alignof_int = 4; alignof_long = 4; alignof_longlong = 8; alignof_float = 4; alignof_double = 8; alignof_longdouble = 16; alignof_void = None; alignof_fun = None; bigendian = false; bitfields_msb_first = false; struct_return_as_int = 0 } (* Canned configurations for some ABIs *) let x86_32 = { ilp32ll64 with name = "x86_32"; char_signed = true; alignof_longlong = 4; alignof_double = 4; sizeof_longdouble = 12; alignof_longdouble = 4 } let x86_64 = { i32lpll64 with name = "x86_64"; char_signed = true } let win32 = { ilp32ll64 with name = "win32"; char_signed = true; sizeof_wchar = 2; wchar_signed = false } let win64 = { il32pll64 with name = "win64"; char_signed = true; sizeof_wchar = 2; wchar_signed = false } let ppc_32_bigendian = { ilp32ll64 with name = "powerpc"; bigendian = true; bitfields_msb_first = true; struct_return_as_int = 8 } let arm_littleendian = { ilp32ll64 with name = "arm"; struct_return_as_int = 4 } (* Add GCC extensions re: sizeof and alignof *) let gcc_extensions c = { c with sizeof_void = Some 1; sizeof_fun = Some 1; alignof_void = Some 1; alignof_fun = Some 1 } (* Default configuration *) let config = ref (match Sys.word_size with | 32 -> if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then win32 else ilp32ll64 | 64 -> if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then win64 else i32lpll64 | _ -> assert false)