(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Emulation of #pragma pack (experimental) *) open Printf open Machine open C open Cutil open Env open Errors open Transform type field_info = { fi_offset: int; (* byte offset within struct *) fi_swap: bool (* true if byte-swapped *) } (* Mapping from struct name to size. Only packed structs are mentioned in this table. *) let packed_structs : (ident, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17 (* Mapping from (struct name, field name) to field_info. Only fields of packed structs are mentioned in this table. *) let packed_fields : (ident * string, field_info) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 57 (* The current packing parameters. The first two are 0 if packing is turned off. *) let max_field_align = ref 0 let min_struct_align = ref 0 let byte_swap_fields = ref false (* Alignment *) let is_pow2 n = n > 0 && n land (n - 1) == 0 let align x boundary = assert (is_pow2 boundary); (x + boundary - 1) land (lnot (boundary - 1)) (* What are the types that can be byte-swapped? *) let rec can_byte_swap env ty = match unroll env ty with | TInt(ik, _) -> (true, sizeof_ikind ik > 1) | TPtr(_, _) -> (true, true) (* tolerance? *) | TArray(ty_elt, _, _) -> can_byte_swap env ty_elt | _ -> (false, false) (* Layout algorithm *) let layout_struct mfa msa swapped loc env struct_id fields = let rec layout max_al pos = function | [] -> (max_al, pos) | f :: rem -> if f.fld_bitfield <> None then error "%a: Error: bitfields in packed structs not allowed" formatloc loc; let (sz, al) = match sizeof env f.fld_typ, alignof env f.fld_typ with | Some s, Some a -> (s, a) | _, _ -> error "%a: Error: struct field has incomplete type" formatloc loc; (0, 1) in let swap = if swapped then begin let (can_swap, must_swap) = can_byte_swap env f.fld_typ in if not can_swap then error "%a: Error: cannot byte-swap field of type '%a'" formatloc loc Cprint.typ f.fld_typ; must_swap end else false in let al1 = min al mfa in let pos1 = align pos al1 in Hashtbl.add packed_fields (struct_id, f.fld_name) {fi_offset = pos1; fi_swap = swap}; let pos2 = pos1 + sz in layout (max max_al al1) pos2 rem in let (al, sz) = layout 1 0 fields in if al >= msa then (0, sz) else (msa, align sz msa) (* Rewriting of struct declarations *) let payload_field sz = { fld_name = "__payload"; fld_typ = TArray(TInt(IUChar, []), Some(Int64.of_int sz), []); fld_bitfield = None} let transf_composite loc env su id attrs ml = match su with | Union -> (attrs, ml) | Struct -> let (mfa, msa, swapped) = if !max_field_align > 0 then (!max_field_align, !min_struct_align, !byte_swap_fields) else if find_custom_attributes ["packed";"__packed__"] attrs <> [] then (1, 0, false) else (0, 0, false) in if mfa = 0 then (attrs, ml) else begin let (al, sz) = layout_struct mfa msa swapped loc env id ml in Hashtbl.add packed_structs id sz; let attrs = if al = 0 then attrs else add_attributes [Attr("__aligned__", [AInt(Int64.of_int al)])] attrs and field = payload_field sz in (attrs, [field]) end (* Accessor functions *) let lookup_function loc env name = try match Env.lookup_ident env name with | (id, II_ident(sto, ty)) -> (id, ty) | (id, II_enum _) -> raise (Env.Error(Env.Unbound_identifier name)) with Env.Error msg -> fatal_error "%a: Error: %s" formatloc loc (Env.error_message msg) (* Type for the access *) let accessor_type loc env ty = match unroll env ty with | TInt(ik,_) -> (8 * sizeof_ikind ik, TInt(unsigned_ikind_of ik,[])) | TPtr _ -> (8 * !config.sizeof_ptr, TInt(ptr_t_ikind,[])) | _ -> error "%a: unsupported type for byte-swapped field access" formatloc loc; (32, TVoid []) (* (ty) e *) let ecast ty e = {edesc = ECast(ty, e); etyp = ty} let ecast_opt env ty e = if compatible_types env ty e.etyp then e else ecast ty e (* *e *) let ederef ty e = {edesc = EUnop(Oderef, e); etyp = ty} (* e + n *) let eoffset e n = {edesc = EBinop(Oadd, e, intconst (Int64.of_int n) IInt, e.etyp); etyp = e.etyp} (* *((ty * ) (base.__payload + offset)) *) let dot_packed_field base pf ty = let payload = {edesc = EUnop(Odot "__payload", base); etyp = TArray(TInt(IChar,[]),None,[]) } in ederef ty (ecast (TPtr(ty, [])) (eoffset payload pf.fi_offset)) (* *((ty * ) (base->__payload + offset)) *) let arrow_packed_field base pf ty = let payload = {edesc = EUnop(Oarrow "__payload", base); etyp = TArray(TInt(IChar,[]),None,[]) } in ederef ty (ecast (TPtr(ty, [])) (eoffset payload pf.fi_offset)) (* (ty) __builtin_read_NN_reversed(&lval) *) let bswap_read loc env lval = let ty = lval.etyp in let (bsize, aty) = accessor_type loc env ty in if bsize = 8 then lval else begin let (id, fty) = lookup_function loc env (sprintf "__builtin_read%d_reversed" bsize) in let fn = {edesc = EVar id; etyp = fty} in let args = [ecast_opt env (TPtr(aty,[])) (eaddrof lval)] in let call = {edesc = ECall(fn, args); etyp = aty} in ecast_opt env ty call end (* __builtin_write_intNN_reversed(&lhs,rhs) *) let bswap_write loc env lhs rhs = let ty = lhs.etyp in let (bsize, aty) = accessor_type loc env ty in if bsize = 8 then eassign lhs rhs else begin let (id, fty) = lookup_function loc env (sprintf "__builtin_write%d_reversed" bsize) in let fn = {edesc = EVar id; etyp = fty} in let args = [ecast_opt env (TPtr(aty,[])) (eaddrof lhs); ecast_opt env aty rhs] in {edesc = ECall(fn, args); etyp = TVoid[]} end (* Expressions *) let transf_expr loc env ctx e = let is_packed_access ty fieldname = match unroll env ty with | TStruct(id, _) -> (try Some(Hashtbl.find packed_fields (id, fieldname)) with Not_found -> None) | _ -> None in let is_packed_access_ptr ty fieldname = match unroll env ty with | TPtr(ty', _) -> is_packed_access ty' fieldname | _ -> None in (* Transformation of l-values. Return transformed expr plus [true] if l-value is a byte-swapped field and [false] otherwise. *) let rec lvalue e = match e.edesc with | EUnop(Odot fieldname, e1) -> let e1' = texp Val e1 in begin match is_packed_access e1.etyp fieldname with | None -> ({edesc = EUnop(Odot fieldname, e1'); etyp = e.etyp}, false) | Some pf -> (dot_packed_field e1' pf e.etyp, pf.fi_swap) end | EUnop(Oarrow fieldname, e1) -> let e1' = texp Val e1 in begin match is_packed_access_ptr e1.etyp fieldname with | None -> ({edesc = EUnop(Oarrow fieldname, e1'); etyp = e.etyp}, false) | Some pf -> (arrow_packed_field e1' pf e.etyp, pf.fi_swap) end | EBinop(Oindex, e1, e2, tyres) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in ({edesc = EBinop(Oindex, e1', e2, tyres); etyp = e.etyp}, swap) | _ -> (texp Val e, false) and texp ctx e = match e.edesc with | EConst _ -> e | ESizeof _ -> e | EAlignof _ -> e | EVar _ -> e | EUnop(Odot _, _) | EUnop(Oarrow _, _) | EBinop(Oindex, _, _, _) -> let (e', swap) = lvalue e in if swap then bswap_read loc env e' else e' | EUnop(Oaddrof, e1) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in if swap then error "%a: Error: & over byte-swapped field" formatloc loc; {edesc = EUnop(Oaddrof, e1'); etyp = e.etyp} | EUnop((Opreincr|Opredecr) as op, e1) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in if swap then expand_preincrdecr ~read:(bswap_read loc env) ~write:(bswap_write loc env) env ctx op e1' else {edesc = EUnop(op, e1'); etyp = e.etyp} | EUnop((Opostincr|Opostdecr as op), e1) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in if swap then expand_postincrdecr ~read:(bswap_read loc env) ~write:(bswap_write loc env) env ctx op e1' else {edesc = EUnop(op, e1'); etyp = e.etyp} | EUnop(op, e1) -> {edesc = EUnop(op, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp} | EBinop(Oassign, e1, e2, ty) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in let e2' = texp Val e2 in if swap then expand_assign ~write:(bswap_write loc env) env ctx e1' e2' else {edesc = EBinop(Oassign, e1', e2', ty); etyp = e.etyp} | EBinop((Oadd_assign|Osub_assign|Omul_assign|Odiv_assign|Omod_assign| Oand_assign|Oor_assign|Oxor_assign|Oshl_assign|Oshr_assign as op), e1, e2, ty) -> let (e1', swap) = lvalue e1 in let e2' = texp Val e2 in if swap then expand_assignop ~read:(bswap_read loc env) ~write:(bswap_write loc env) env ctx op e1' e2' ty else {edesc = EBinop(op, e1', e2', ty); etyp = e.etyp} | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) -> {edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, texp Effects e1, texp Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp} | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) -> {edesc = EBinop(op, texp Val e1, texp Val e2, ty); etyp = e.etyp} | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) -> {edesc = EConditional(texp Val e1, texp ctx e2, texp ctx e3); etyp = e.etyp} | ECast(ty, e1) -> {edesc = ECast(ty, texp Val e1); etyp = e.etyp} | ECall(e1, el) -> {edesc = ECall(texp Val e1, List.map (texp Val) el); etyp = e.etyp} in texp ctx e (* Statements *) let transf_stmt env s = Transform.stmt transf_expr env s (* Functions *) let transf_fundef env f = Transform.fundef transf_stmt env f (* Initializers *) let extract_byte env e i = let ty = unary_conversion env e.etyp in let e1 = if i = 0 then e else { edesc = EBinop(Oshr, e, intconst (Int64.of_int (i*8)) IInt, ty); etyp = ty } in { edesc = EBinop(Oand, e1, intconst 0xFFL IInt, ty); etyp = ty } let init_packed_struct loc env struct_id struct_sz initdata = let new_initdata = Array.make struct_sz (Init_single (intconst 0L IUChar)) in let enter_scalar pos e sz bigendian = for i = 0 to sz - 1 do let bytenum = if bigendian then sz - 1 - i else i in new_initdata.(pos + i) <- Init_single(extract_byte env e bytenum) done in let rec enter_init pos ty init bigendian = match (unroll env ty, init) with | (TInt(ik, _), Init_single e) -> enter_scalar pos e (sizeof_ikind ik) bigendian | (TPtr _, Init_single e) -> enter_scalar pos e ((!Machine.config).sizeof_ptr) bigendian | (TArray(ty_elt, _, _), Init_array il) -> begin match sizeof env ty_elt with | Some sz -> enter_init_array pos ty_elt sz il bigendian | None -> fatal_error "%a: Internal error: incomplete type in init data" formatloc loc end | (_, _) -> error "%a: Unsupported initializer for packed struct" formatloc loc and enter_init_array pos ty sz il bigendian = match il with | [] -> () | i1 :: il' -> enter_init pos ty i1 bigendian; enter_init_array (pos + sz) ty sz il' bigendian in let enter_field (fld, init) = let finfo = try Hashtbl.find packed_fields (struct_id, fld.fld_name) with Not_found -> fatal_error "%a: Internal error: non-packed field in packed struct" formatloc loc in enter_init finfo.fi_offset fld.fld_typ init ((!Machine.config).bigendian <> finfo.fi_swap) in List.iter enter_field initdata; Init_struct(struct_id, [ (payload_field struct_sz, Init_array (Array.to_list new_initdata)) ]) let transf_init loc env i = let rec trinit = function | Init_single e as i -> i | Init_array il -> Init_array (List.map trinit il) | Init_struct(id, fld_init_list) -> begin try let sz = Hashtbl.find packed_structs id in init_packed_struct loc env id sz fld_init_list with Not_found -> Init_struct(id, List.map (fun (f,i) -> (f, trinit i)) fld_init_list) end | Init_union(id, fld, i) -> Init_union(id, fld, trinit i) in trinit i (* Declarations *) let transf_decl loc env (sto, id, ty, init_opt) = (sto, id, ty, match init_opt with | None -> None | Some i -> Some (transf_init loc env i)) (* Pragmas *) let re_pack = Str.regexp "pack\\b" let re_pack_1 = Str.regexp "pack[ \t]*(\\([ \t0-9,]*\\))[ \t]*$" let re_comma = Str.regexp ",[ \t]*" let process_pragma loc s = if Str.string_match re_pack s 0 then begin if Str.string_match re_pack_1 s 0 then begin let arg = Str.matched_group 1 s in let (mfa, msa, bs) = match List.map int_of_string (Str.split re_comma arg) with | [] -> (0, 0, false) | [x] -> (x, 0, false) | [x;y] -> (x, y, false) | x :: y :: z :: _ -> (x, y, z = 1) in if mfa = 0 || is_pow2 mfa then max_field_align := mfa else error "%a: Error: In #pragma pack, max field alignment must be a power of 2" formatloc loc; if msa = 0 || is_pow2 msa then min_struct_align := msa else error "%a: Error: In #pragma pack, min struct alignment must be a power of 2" formatloc loc; byte_swap_fields := bs; true end else begin warning "%a: Warning: Ill-formed #pragma pack, ignored" formatloc loc; false end end else false (* Global declarations *) let rec transf_globdecls env accu = function | [] -> List.rev accu | g :: gl -> match g.gdesc with | Gdecl((sto, id, ty, init) as d) -> transf_globdecls (Env.add_ident env id sto ty) ({g with gdesc = Gdecl(transf_decl g.gloc env d)} :: accu) gl | Gfundef f -> transf_globdecls (Env.add_ident env f.fd_name f.fd_storage (fundef_typ f)) ({g with gdesc = Gfundef(transf_fundef env f)} :: accu) gl | Gcompositedecl(su, id, attr) -> transf_globdecls (Env.add_composite env id (composite_info_decl env su attr)) (g :: accu) gl | Gcompositedef(su, id, attr, fl) -> let (attr', fl') = transf_composite g.gloc env su id attr fl in transf_globdecls (Env.add_composite env id (composite_info_def env su attr' fl')) ({g with gdesc = Gcompositedef(su, id, attr', fl')} :: accu) gl | Gtypedef(id, ty) -> transf_globdecls (Env.add_typedef env id ty) (g :: accu) gl | Genumdef _ -> transf_globdecls env (g :: accu) gl | Gpragma p -> if process_pragma g.gloc p then transf_globdecls env accu gl else transf_globdecls env (g :: accu) gl (* Program *) let program p = min_struct_align := 0; max_field_align := 0; byte_swap_fields := false; transf_globdecls (Builtins.environment()) [] p