(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Eliminate structs and unions being returned by value as function results *) (* This is a simpler special case of [StructByValue]. *) open C open Cutil open Transform (* In function result types, struct s -> void + add 1st parameter struct s * Try to preserve original typedef names when no change. *) let rec transf_type env t = match unroll env t with | TFun(tres, None, vararg, attr) -> let tres' = transf_type env tres in TFun((if is_composite_type env tres then TVoid [] else tres'), None, vararg, attr) | TFun(tres, Some args, vararg, attr) -> let args' = List.map (transf_funarg env) args in let tres' = transf_type env tres in if is_composite_type env tres then begin let res = Env.fresh_ident "_res" in TFun(TVoid [], Some((res, TPtr(tres', [])) :: args'), vararg, attr) end else TFun(tres', Some args', vararg, attr) | TPtr(t1, attr) -> let t1' = transf_type env t1 in if t1' = t1 then t else TPtr(transf_type env t1, attr) | TArray(t1, sz, attr) -> let t1' = transf_type env t1 in if t1' = t1 then t else TArray(transf_type env t1, sz, attr) | _ -> t and transf_funarg env (id, t) = (id, transf_type env t) (* Expressions: transform calls + rewrite the types *) let rec transf_expr env ctx e = let newty = transf_type env e.etyp in match e.edesc with | EConst c -> {edesc = EConst c; etyp = newty} | ESizeof ty -> {edesc = ESizeof (transf_type env ty); etyp = newty} | EVar x -> {edesc = EVar x; etyp = newty} | EUnop(op, e1) -> {edesc = EUnop(op, transf_expr env Val e1); etyp = newty} | EBinop(Oassign, lhs, {edesc = ECall(fn, args)}, ty) when is_composite_type env ty -> transf_composite_call env ctx (Some lhs) fn args ty | EBinop(Ocomma, e1, e2, ty) -> {edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, transf_expr env Effects e1, transf_expr env ctx e2, transf_type env ty); etyp = newty} | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) -> {edesc = EBinop(op, transf_expr env Val e1, transf_expr env Val e2, transf_type env ty); etyp = newty} | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) -> {edesc = EConditional(transf_expr env Val e1, transf_expr env ctx e2, transf_expr env ctx e3); etyp = newty} | ECast(ty, e1) -> {edesc = ECast(transf_type env ty, transf_expr env Val e1); etyp = newty} | ECall(fn, args) -> if is_composite_type env e.etyp then transf_composite_call env ctx None fn args e.etyp else {edesc = ECall(transf_expr env Val fn, List.map (transf_expr env Val) args); etyp = newty} (* Function calls returning a composite: add first argument. ctx = Effects: lv = f(...) -> f(&lv, ...) [copy optimization] f(...) -> f(&newtemp, ...) ctx = Val: lv = f(...) -> f(&newtemp, ...), lv = newtemp f(...) -> f(&newtemp, ...), newtemp *) and transf_composite_call env ctx opt_lhs fn args ty = let ty = transf_type env ty in let fn = transf_expr env Val fn in let args = List.map (transf_expr env Val) args in match ctx, opt_lhs with | Effects, None -> let tmp = new_temp ~name:"_res" ty in {edesc = ECall(fn, eaddrof tmp :: args); etyp = TVoid []} | Effects, Some lhs -> let lhs = transf_expr env Val lhs in {edesc = ECall(fn, eaddrof lhs :: args); etyp = TVoid []} | Val, None -> let tmp = new_temp ~name:"_res" ty in ecomma {edesc = ECall(fn, eaddrof tmp :: args); etyp = TVoid []} tmp | Val, Some lhs -> let lhs = transf_expr env Val lhs in let tmp = new_temp ~name:"_res" ty in ecomma {edesc = ECall(fn, eaddrof tmp :: args); etyp = TVoid []} (eassign lhs tmp) (* Initializers *) let rec transf_init env = function | Init_single e -> Init_single (transf_expr env Val e) | Init_array il -> Init_array (List.map (transf_init env) il) | Init_struct(id, fil) -> Init_struct (id, List.map (fun (fld, i) -> (fld, transf_init env i)) fil) | Init_union(id, fld, i) -> Init_union(id, fld, transf_init env i) (* Declarations *) let transf_decl env (sto, id, ty, init) = (sto, id, transf_type env ty, match init with None -> None | Some i -> Some (transf_init env i)) (* Transformation of statements and function bodies *) let transf_funbody env body optres = let transf_expr ctx e = transf_expr env ctx e in (* Function returns: if return type is struct or union, return x -> _res = x; return *) let rec transf_stmt s = match s.sdesc with | Sskip -> s | Sdo e -> {s with sdesc = Sdo(transf_expr Effects e)} | Sseq(s1, s2) -> {s with sdesc = Sseq(transf_stmt s1, transf_stmt s2)} | Sif(e, s1, s2) -> {s with sdesc = Sif(transf_expr Val e, transf_stmt s1, transf_stmt s2)} | Swhile(e, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Swhile(transf_expr Val e, transf_stmt s1)} | Sdowhile(s1, e) -> {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(transf_stmt s1, transf_expr Val e)} | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) -> {s with sdesc = Sfor(transf_stmt s1, transf_expr Val e, transf_stmt s2, transf_stmt s3)} | Sbreak -> s | Scontinue -> s | Sswitch(e, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Sswitch(transf_expr Val e, transf_stmt s1)} | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> {s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, transf_stmt s1)} | Sgoto lbl -> s | Sreturn None -> s | Sreturn(Some e) -> let e = transf_expr Val e in begin match optres with | None -> {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some e)} | Some dst -> sseq s.sloc (sassign s.sloc dst e) {sdesc = Sreturn None; sloc = s.sloc} end | Sblock sl -> {s with sdesc = Sblock(List.map transf_stmt sl)} | Sdecl d -> {s with sdesc = Sdecl(transf_decl env d)} in transf_stmt body let transf_fundef env f = reset_temps(); let ret = transf_type env f.fd_ret in let params = List.map (fun (id, ty) -> (id, transf_type env ty)) f.fd_params in let (ret1, params1, body1) = if is_composite_type env ret then begin let vres = Env.fresh_ident "_res" in let tres = TPtr(ret, []) in let eres = {edesc = EVar vres; etyp = tres} in let eeres = {edesc = EUnop(Oderef, eres); etyp = ret} in (TVoid [], (vres, tres) :: params, transf_funbody env f.fd_body (Some eeres)) end else (ret, params, transf_funbody env f.fd_body None) in let temps = get_temps() in {f with fd_ret = ret1; fd_params = params1; fd_locals = f.fd_locals @ temps; fd_body = body1} (* Composites *) let transf_composite env su id attr fl = (attr, List.map (fun f -> {f with fld_typ = transf_type env f.fld_typ}) fl) (* Entry point *) let program p = Transform.program ~decl:transf_decl ~fundef:transf_fundef ~composite:transf_composite ~typedef:(fun env id ty -> transf_type env ty) p