(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (* Simplification of blocks and initializers within functions *) (* Assumes: nothing Produces: unblocked code *) open C open Cutil open Cerrors (* Convert an initializer to a list of assignment expressions. *) let rec local_initializer env path init k = match init with | Init_single e -> { edesc = EBinop(Oassign, path, e, path.etyp); etyp = path.etyp } :: k | Init_array il -> let (ty_elt, sz) = match unroll env path.etyp with | TArray(ty_elt, Some sz, _) -> (ty_elt, sz) | _ -> fatal_error "Wrong type for array initializer" in let rec array_init pos il = if pos >= sz then k else begin let (i1, il') = match il with | [] -> (default_init env ty_elt, []) | i1 :: il' -> (i1, il') in local_initializer env { edesc = EBinop(Oindex, path, intconst pos IInt, TPtr(ty_elt, [])); etyp = ty_elt } i1 (array_init (Int64.succ pos) il') end in array_init 0L il | Init_struct(id, fil) -> let field_init (fld, i) k = local_initializer env { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, path); etyp = fld.fld_typ } i k in List.fold_right field_init fil k | Init_union(id, fld, i) -> local_initializer env { edesc = EUnop(Odot fld.fld_name, path); etyp = fld.fld_typ } i k (* Prepend assignments to the given statement. *) let add_inits_stmt loc inits s = List.fold_right (fun e s -> sseq loc {sdesc = Sdo e; sloc = loc} s) inits s (* Prepend assignments to the given expression. *) (* Associate to the left so that it prints more nicely *) let add_inits_expr inits e = match inits with | [] -> e | i1 :: il -> let comma a b = { edesc = EBinop(Ocomma, a, b, b.etyp); etyp = b.etyp } in comma (List.fold_left comma i1 il) e (* Record new variables to be locally or globally defined *) let local_variables = ref ([]: decl list) let global_variables = ref ([]: decl list) (* Note: "const int x = y - 1;" is legal, but we turn it into "const int x; x = y - 1;", which is not. Therefore, remove top-level 'const' attribute. Also remove it on element type of array type. *) let remove_const env ty = remove_attributes_type env [AConst] ty (* Process a compound literal "(ty) { init }". At top-level, within an initializer for a global variable, it gives rise to a static global definition of a fresh variable, initialized with "init". The compound variable is replaced by the fresh variable. Within a function, it gives rise to a local variable and an explicit initialization at the nearest sequence point. *) let process_compound_literal islocal env ty init = let id = Env.fresh_ident "__compound" in if islocal then begin let ty' = remove_const env ty in let e = {edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty'} in local_variables := (Storage_default, id, ty', None) :: !local_variables; (local_initializer env e init [], e) end else begin global_variables := (Storage_static, id, ty, Some init) :: !global_variables; ([], {edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty}) end (* Elimination of compound literals within an expression. Compound literals are turned into fresh variables, recorded in [local_variables] or [global_variables] depending on [islocal]. For local variables, initializing assignments are added before the expression and after sequence points in the expression. Use only if [e] is a r-value. *) let rec expand_expr islocal env e = let inits = ref [] in (* accumulator for initializing assignments *) let rec expand e = match e.edesc with | EConst _ | ESizeof _ | EAlignof _ | EVar _ -> e | EUnop(op, e1) -> {edesc = EUnop(op, expand e1); etyp = e.etyp} | EBinop(op, e1, e2, ty) -> let e1' = expand e1 in let e2' = match op with | Ocomma | Ologand | Ologor -> expand_expr islocal env e2 (* Make sure the initializers of [e2] are performed in sequential order, i.e. just before [e2] but after [e1]. *) | _ -> expand e2 in {edesc = EBinop(op, e1', e2', ty); etyp = e.etyp} | EConditional(e1, e2, e3) -> (* Same remark as above: initializers of [e2] and [e3] must be performed after the conditional is resolved. *) {edesc = EConditional(expand e1, expand_expr islocal env e2, expand_expr islocal env e3); etyp = e.etyp} | ECast(ty, e1) -> {edesc = ECast(ty, expand e1); etyp = e.etyp} | ECompound(ty, ie) -> let ie' = expand_init islocal env ie in let (l, e') = process_compound_literal islocal env ty ie' in inits := l @ !inits; e' | ECall(e1, el) -> {edesc = ECall(expand e1, List.map expand el); etyp = e.etyp} in let e' = expand e in ecommalist !inits e' (* Elimination of compound literals within an initializer. *) and expand_init islocal env i = let rec expand i = match i with (* The following "flattening" is not C99. GCC documents it; whether it implements it is unclear. Clang implements it. At any rate, it makes it possible to use compound literals in static initializers, something that is not possible in C99 because compound literals are not constant expressions. Note that flattening is done for structs and unions but not for arrays, because a compound literal of array type in r-value position decays to a pointer to its first element. *) | Init_single {edesc = ECompound(_, ((Init_struct _ | Init_union _) as i))} -> expand i | Init_single e -> Init_single (expand_expr islocal env e) | Init_array il -> Init_array (List.map expand il) | Init_struct(id, flds) -> Init_struct(id, List.map (fun (f, i) -> (f, expand i)) flds) | Init_union(id, fld, i) -> Init_union(id, fld, expand i) in expand i (* Insertion of debug annotation, for -g mode *) let debug_id = Env.fresh_ident "__builtin_debug" let debug_ty = TFun(TVoid [], Some [Env.fresh_ident "kind", TInt(IInt, [])], true, []) let debug_annot kind args = { sloc = no_loc; sdesc = Sdo { etyp = TVoid []; edesc = ECall({edesc = EVar debug_id; etyp = debug_ty}, intconst kind IInt :: args) } } let string_const str = let c = CStr str in { edesc = EConst c; etyp = type_of_constant c } let integer_const n = intconst (Int64.of_int n) IInt (* Line number annotation: __builtin_debug(1, "#line:filename:lineno", scope1, ..., scopeN) *) (* TODO: consider __builtin_debug(1, "filename", lineno, scope1, ..., scopeN) instead. *) let debug_lineno ctx (filename, lineno) = debug_annot 1L (string_const (Printf.sprintf "#line:%s:%d" filename lineno) :: List.rev_map integer_const ctx) let add_lineno ctx prev_loc this_loc s = if !Clflags.option_g && this_loc <> prev_loc && this_loc <> no_loc then sseq no_loc (debug_lineno ctx this_loc) s else s (* Variable declaration annotation: __builtin_debug(6, var, scope) *) let debug_var_decl ctx id ty = let scope = match ctx with [] -> 0 | sc :: _ -> sc in debug_annot 6L [ {edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty}; integer_const scope ] let add_var_decl ctx id ty s = if !Clflags.option_g then sseq no_loc (debug_var_decl ctx id ty) s else s let add_param_decls params body = if !Clflags.option_g then List.fold_right (fun (id, ty) s -> sseq no_loc (debug_var_decl [] id ty) s) params body else body (* Generate fresh scope identifiers, for blocks that contain at least one declaration *) let block_contains_decl sl = List.exists (function {sdesc = Sdecl _} -> true | _ -> false) sl let next_scope_id = ref 0 let new_scope_id () = incr next_scope_id; !next_scope_id (* Process a block-scoped variable declaration. The variable is entered in [local_variables]. The initializer, if any, is converted into assignments and prepended to [k]. *) let process_decl loc env ctx (sto, id, ty, optinit) k = let ty' = remove_const env ty in local_variables := (sto, id, ty', None) :: !local_variables; add_var_decl ctx id ty (match optinit with | None -> k | Some init -> let init' = expand_init true env init in let l = local_initializer env { edesc = EVar id; etyp = ty' } init' [] in add_inits_stmt loc l k) (* Simplification of blocks within a statement *) let rec unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s = match s.sdesc with | Sskip -> s | Sdo e -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sdo(expand_expr true env e)} | Sseq(s1, s2) -> {s with sdesc = Sseq(unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s1, unblock_stmt env ctx s1.sloc s2)} | Sif(e, s1, s2) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sif(expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s2)} | Swhile(e, s1) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Swhile(expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)} | Sdowhile(s1, e) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sdowhile(unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1, expand_expr true env e)} | Sfor(s1, e, s2, s3) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sfor(unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1, expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s2, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s3)} | Sbreak -> s | Scontinue -> s | Sswitch(e, s1) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sswitch(expand_expr true env e, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)} | Slabeled(lbl, s1) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Slabeled(lbl, unblock_stmt env ctx s.sloc s1)} | Sgoto lbl -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc s | Sreturn None -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc s | Sreturn (Some e) -> add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sreturn(Some (expand_expr true env e))} | Sblock sl -> let ctx' = if block_contains_decl sl then new_scope_id () :: ctx else ctx in unblock_block env ctx' ploc sl | Sdecl d -> assert false | Sasm(attr, template, outputs, inputs, clob) -> let expand_asm_operand (lbl, cstr, e) = (lbl, cstr, expand_expr true env e) in add_lineno ctx ploc s.sloc {s with sdesc = Sasm(attr, template, List.map expand_asm_operand outputs, List.map expand_asm_operand inputs, clob)} and unblock_block env ctx ploc = function | [] -> sskip | {sdesc = Sdecl d; sloc = loc} :: sl -> add_lineno ctx ploc loc (process_decl loc env ctx d (unblock_block env ctx loc sl)) | s :: sl -> sseq s.sloc (unblock_stmt env ctx ploc s) (unblock_block env ctx s.sloc sl) (* Simplification of blocks and compound literals within a function *) let unblock_fundef env f = local_variables := []; next_scope_id := 0; let body = add_param_decls f.fd_params (unblock_stmt env [] no_loc f.fd_body) in let decls = !local_variables in local_variables := []; { f with fd_locals = f.fd_locals @ decls; fd_body = body } (* Simplification of compound literals within a top-level declaration *) let unblock_decl loc env ((sto, id, ty, optinit) as d) = match optinit with | None -> [d] | Some init -> global_variables := []; let init' = expand_init false env init in let decls = !global_variables in global_variables := []; decls @ [(sto, id, ty, Some init')] (* Unblocking and simplification for whole files. The environment is used for typedefs and composites only, so we do not maintain variable and function definitions. *) let rec unblock_glob env accu = function | [] -> List.rev accu | g :: gl -> match g.gdesc with | Gdecl((sto, id, ty, init) as d) -> let dl = unblock_decl g.gloc env d in unblock_glob env (List.rev_append (List.map (fun d' -> {g with gdesc = Gdecl d'}) dl) accu) gl | Gfundef f -> let f' = unblock_fundef env f in unblock_glob env ({g with gdesc = Gfundef f'} :: accu) gl | Gcompositedecl(su, id, attr) -> unblock_glob (Env.add_composite env id (composite_info_decl env su attr)) (g :: accu) gl | Gcompositedef(su, id, attr, fl) -> unblock_glob (Env.add_composite env id (composite_info_def env su attr fl)) (g :: accu) gl | Gtypedef(id, ty) -> unblock_glob (Env.add_typedef env id ty) (g :: accu) gl | Genumdef (id, attr, members) -> unblock_glob (Env.add_enum env id {Env.ei_members = members; Env.ei_attr = attr}) (g :: accu) gl | Gpragma _ -> unblock_glob env (g :: accu) gl (* Entry point *) let program p = {gloc = no_loc; gdesc = Gdecl(Storage_extern, debug_id, debug_ty, None)} :: unblock_glob (Builtins.environment()) [] p