(* [delex] converts a terminal symbol (represented as a symbolic string) to a concrete string, which the lexer would accept. *) (* This can be used to convert an error sentence produced by Menhir to C code. *) (* [delex] should be maintained in sync with the lexer! *) let delex (symbol : string) : string = match symbol with | "ALIGNAS" -> "_Alignas" | "ALIGNOF" -> "__alignof__" (* use the gcc-compatible form *) | "UNDERSCORE_BOOL" -> "_Bool" | "ASM" -> "__asm" | "ATTRIBUTE" -> "__attribute" | "BUILTIN_VA_ARG" -> "__builtin_va_arg" | "CONST" -> "const" | "INLINE" -> "inline" | "PACKED" -> "__packed__" | "RESTRICT" -> "restrict" | "SIGNED" -> "signed" | "VOLATILE" -> "volatile" | "AUTO" -> "auto" | "BREAK" -> "break" | "CASE" -> "case" | "CHAR" -> "char" | "CONTINUE" -> "continue" | "DEFAULT" -> "default" | "DO" -> "do" | "DOUBLE" -> "double" | "ELSE" -> "else" | "ENUM" -> "enum" | "EXTERN" -> "extern" | "FLOAT" -> "float" | "FOR" -> "for" | "GOTO" -> "goto" | "IF" -> "if" | "INT" -> "int" | "LONG" -> "long" | "REGISTER" -> "register" | "RETURN" -> "return" | "SHORT" -> "short" | "SIZEOF" -> "sizeof" | "STATIC" -> "static" | "STRUCT" -> "struct" | "SWITCH" -> "switch" | "TYPEDEF" -> "typedef" | "UNION" -> "union" | "UNSIGNED" -> "unsigned" | "VOID" -> "void" | "WHILE" -> "while" | "TYPEDEF_NAME" -> "t" (* this should be a type name *) | "VAR_NAME" -> "x" (* this should be a variable name *) | "CONSTANT" -> "42" | "STRING_LITERAL" -> "\"\"" | "ELLIPSIS" -> "..." | "ADD_ASSIGN" -> "+=" | "SUB_ASSIGN" -> "-=" | "MUL_ASSIGN" -> "*=" | "DIV_ASSIGN" -> "/=" | "MOD_ASSIGN" -> "%=" | "OR_ASSIGN" -> "|=" | "AND_ASSIGN" -> "&=" | "XOR_ASSIGN" -> "^=" | "LEFT_ASSIGN" -> "<<=" | "RIGHT_ASSIGN" -> ">>=" | "LEFT" -> "<<" | "RIGHT" -> ">>" | "EQEQ" -> "==" | "NEQ" -> "!=" | "LEQ" -> "<=" | "GEQ" -> ">=" | "EQ" -> "=" | "LT" -> "<" | "GT" -> ">" | "INC" -> "++" | "DEC" -> "--" | "PTR" -> "->" | "PLUS" -> "+" | "MINUS" -> "-" | "STAR" -> "*" | "SLASH" -> "/" | "PERCENT" -> "%" | "BANG" -> "!" | "ANDAND" -> "&&" | "BARBAR" -> "||" | "AND" -> "&" | "BAR" -> "|" | "HAT" -> "^" | "QUESTION" -> "?" | "COLON" -> ":" | "TILDE" -> "~" | "LBRACE" -> "{" | "RBRACE" -> "}" | "LBRACK" -> "[" | "RBRACK" -> "]" | "LPAREN" -> "(" | "RPAREN" -> ")" | "SEMICOLON" -> ";" | "COMMA" -> "," | "DOT" -> "." | "PRAGMA" -> "#pragma \n" | "EOF" -> "" (* this should be ok *) | _ -> raise Not_found (* this should not happen *) (* De-lexing a sentence. *) let delex sentence = let symbols = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") sentence in let symbols = List.map delex symbols in List.iter (fun symbol -> Printf.printf "%s " symbol ) symbols (* This file is meant to be run as a script. We read one line from the standard input channel and delex it. *) let () = delex (input_line stdin); print_newline()