####################################################################### # # # The Compcert verified compiler # # # # François Pottier, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt # # Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt # # # # Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en # # Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed # # under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. # # # ####################################################################### # This file contains a complete list of sentences that cause the pre_parser to # detect an error. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # WORKFLOW: # The workflow (when and how this file should be modified; which tools exist # to maintain it; etc.) is documented in GNUmakefile in this directory. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FILE FORMAT: # Each sentence is followed with a hand-written error message, which must be # preceded and followed by a blank line. # If several sentences should share a single error message, they can be grouped, # with no whitespace between them. # Hand-written comments, which begin with a single hash character, like this, are # preserved when this file is updated by Menhir. Auto-generated comments, which # begin with two hash characters, are re-generated by Menhir. # An error message is basically free-form text. It cannot contain a blank line. # Occurrences of the special form $i, where i is a number (an index into the # parser's stack), will be replaced by the fragment of the source text that # corresponds to this stack entry. It is the user's responsibility to ensure # that the index i is within range, i.e., falls into the known suffix of the # stack. Note that this index is 0-based and counts from right to left, i.e., # $0 refers to the RIGHTMOST stack cell. # The replacement text for $i can be quite long (up to one line, basically) # so one should avoid using several $i on a single line, unless one knows # a smaller bound on their length. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONVENTIONS ABOUT THE FORM AND STYLE OF ERROR MESSAGES: # If possible, start with "Ill-formed foo", where "foo" is the thing that we # are trying to recognize, i.e., the left-hand side of our items. This is not # always possible, as we do not always know with certainty what we are trying # to rcognize. # If possible, say "Up to this point, a bar has been recognized", and show it, # by using $i. # If the current state was reached via spurious reductions, print a hypothesis, # of the form "If this bar is complete, then". # Show a list of the permitted continuations: "at this point, one of the # following is expected:". The list should be complete, although unlikely # continuations can be omitted. A continuation can be just one symbol, or # a sequence of symbols. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NOTE ON THE CONTEXT OF AN EXPRESSION: # A C expression occurs in many contexts. # Although we could distinguish between these contexts statically, by adding a # phantom parameter to all of the nonterminal symbols that encode expressions, # that would be quite heavy: the number of states in the automaton would grow # quite dramatically. # Instead, we prefer to dynamically distinguish between these contexts. We do # so in a very simple way: we give %on_error_reduce declarations to Menhir (in # pre_parser.mly) so as to replace certain error actions with reduction actions. # Thus, when Menhir finds an error and whatever is on the stack can be reduced # to an expression, the automaton will reduce it to an expression. By carrying # out this extra (spurious) reduction, the automaton ends up in a state where # sufficient static context is available to tell what should follow. Thus, # without doing anything special beyond giving these directives, we are able # to sidestep the issue of the context of expressions. # Of course, we must be careful to say (in our error messages) "IF this # expression (or list of expressions) is complete, THEN the following # continuations are expected". The weakness of this approach is that if the # expression is NOT complete (in the user's mind), then we do not help the user # understand how the expression should be completed. Our error message exhibits # a bias towards ending expressions. # OTHER USES OF %on_error_reduce: # We apply this technique also to attribute_specifier_list and declarator. This # means, intuitively, that when we find an error at a position where an # attribute specifier list and/or a declarator could be complete, but could also # be continued, we implicitly assume it is complete. Again, this must be taken # into account in messages where an attribute_specifier_list or a declarator has # just been recognized. # ABOUT STRICT VERSUS LAX INTERPRETATIONS OF %on_error_reduce: # There are two ways in which Menhir could implement %on_error_reduce. In the # strict interpretation, an extra reduction takes place only if this is the # only reduction that can take place in this state. (Thus, we do not choose # between two interpretations of the past.) In the lax interpretation, an extra # reduction can take place even if some other reduction is enabled. (In a # situation where two extra reductions compete, neither takes place.) # Adopting the lax interpretation adds more extra reductions, causing some # error states to disappear. For instance, this state, where we have a read # a VAR_NAME which could be either the beginning of an expression or the # beginning of a labeled statement: # general_identifier -> PRE_NAME VAR_NAME . [ COLON ] # primary_expression -> PRE_NAME VAR_NAME . [ ] # In the strict interpretation, no extra reduction is permitted here, because # two reductions are enabled. In the lax interpretation, because we have # declared %on_error_reduce primary_expression, the second production is # reduced. Hence, we implicitly assume that this name forms an expression # (as opposed to a label). This is slightly inaccurate (we lose completeness) # but removes an error state that is rather unpleasant. # Even though it may sound "bad" to arbitrarily force one reduction among # several possible reductions, one should keep in mind that an arbitrary # choice is already made for us by the user when he "chooses" the incorrect # token. Indeed, depending on which incorrect token is used, we may fall # within or outside of a lookahead set, so we may make different reduction # choices, and give different error messages. So, we shouldn't feel too bad # about forcing a few more arbitrary choices. This is actually more regular, # in a sense. # In another instance of this phenomemon, there is a rather tricky state, # where we have read "int f" at the toplevel, and we do not know whether this # will be a variable definition (declarator) or a function definition # (direct_declarator). In the lax interpretation, because we have declared # %on_error_reduce declarator, we implicitly assume this must be the # beginning of a declarator. Again, we lose completeness (we will not suggest # that an opening parenthesis would have been accepted) but this makes our # life easier, and does not sound too bad. # Another instance is a state where we have read "enum foo". This could be a # complete enum_specifier, or it could be continued with an opening brace. If it # is complete, though, we lack static context to tell what should come after it. # Using lax %on_error_reduce enum_specifier allows us to force a reduction, # (thus forgetting that an opening brace would have been permitted) and to move # to another state where more contextual information is available. As noted # above, this reduction can already take place naturally, depending on the # lookahead token, so we are only adding more cases where it takes place. # The lax %on_error_reduce is used also to deal with a family of error states # where we have recognized a complete statement which could be continued with an # ELSE branch. These error states are difficult to explain: although we can # definitely say that ELSE is permitted, we have difficulty telling what else is # permitted, by lack of static context. We could recover this static information # by introducing a phantom parameter on statements, but that would be heavy. We # just cut a corner and use %on_error_reduce to view this as a complete # statement. Thus, we abandon the possibility that the statement could be # continued with ELSE: our error message will not mention it. Again, this makes # our life easier, and does not sound too bad. # We also apply %on_error_reduce to specifier_qualifier_list and # option(abstract_declarator(type_name)). This allows us to recognize # a valid type name, even when this type name could be continued. This # allows us to go back to a state where we see the opening parenthesis # before the type name (there is always one), which allows us to # explain why we request a closing parenthesis. This is a bit costly, # as there are quite a few similar error states to deal with here. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 299. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS LPAREN type_name . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNAS LPAREN type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## # Maybe the type name was not complete, but we have reduced anyway # and assume it is complete. Thus, we expect a closing parenthesis. # This example comes in several variants, because there are several # places in the grammar where LPAREN type_name RPAREN appears. # gcc, clang: like us, expect a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed _Alignas qualifier. Up to this point, a type name has been recognized: $0 If this type name is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ ALIGNOF LPAREN VOID XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 311. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name . RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name . RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ SIZEOF LPAREN VOID XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 378. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name . RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> SIZEOF LPAREN type_name . RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## SIZEOF LPAREN type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## Ill-formed use of $2. Up to this point, a type name has been recognized: $0 If this type name is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA VOID XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 342. ## ## postfix_expression -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA type_name . RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## Ill-formed use of __builtin_va_arg. Up to this point, a type name has been recognized: $0 If this type name is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ INC LPAREN VOID XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 372. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name . RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## # gcc simply says it expects a closing parenthesis, # but clang says it expects a closing parenthesis and an opening brace. Ill-formed compound literal. Up to this point, a type name has been recognized: $0 If this type name is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN VOID XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 375. ## ## cast_expression -> LPAREN type_name . RPAREN cast_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name . RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 152, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) ## In state 301, spurious reduction of production option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) -> ## In state 307, spurious reduction of production type_name -> specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) option(abstract_declarator(type_name)) ## # gcc and clang say they expect a closing parenthesis. Up to this point, a type name has been recognized: $0 If this type name is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 309. ## ## argument_expression_list -> argument_expression_list . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS LPAREN argument_expression_list . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNAS LPAREN argument_expression_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 133, spurious reduction of production argument_expression_list -> assignment_expression ## # We are trying to recognize an alignas specifier. # We have already recognized at least one argument_expression. # We expect either "COMMA assignment_expression" or RPAREN. # But, in CompCert, only one expression is allowed as part of ALIGNAS (see Elab.ml). # So we say we expect RPAREN. # And we say we have recognized "an expression", instead of "a list of expressions". # Not sure whether this is a good idea. # gcc, clang: like us, expect a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed _Alignas qualifier. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LBRACK RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 235. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> option(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK option(type_qualifier_list) . optional(assignment_expression,RBRACK) [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF RESTRICT RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN INC DEC CONSTANT CONST BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF RESTRICT RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN INC DEC CONSTANT CONST BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## option(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK option(type_qualifier_list) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LBRACK RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 252. ## ## direct_declarator -> direct_declarator LBRACK option(type_qualifier_list) . optional(assignment_expression,RBRACK) [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF RESTRICT RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN INC DEC CONSTANT CONST BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF RESTRICT RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN INC DEC CONSTANT CONST BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## direct_declarator LBRACK option(type_qualifier_list) ## # We are trying to recognize an array declarator. # We have seen the opening bracket and (maybe) some type qualifiers. # We are expecting more type qualifiers, or an expression, or a closing bracket. # gcc, clang: both say they expect an expression (and nothing else). # Yet, they do accept a closing bracket. # If in the first sentence we replace the invalid token with a type qualifier, such as CONST, # gcc and clang both say: # error: type qualifier used in array declarator outside of function prototype # On the other hand, in the second sentence, they accept a qualifier. # We choose not to mention the possibility of a type qualifier (which may be # illegal here anyway). Ill-formed array declarator. At this point, one of the following is expected: an expression, followed with a closing bracket ']'; or a closing bracket ']'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LPAREN INT COMMA ELLIPSIS XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 263. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN option(context_parameter_type_list) . RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN option(context_parameter_type_list) ## translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LBRACK RBRACK LPAREN INT COMMA ELLIPSIS XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 246. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> direct_abstract_declarator LPAREN option(context_parameter_type_list) . RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## direct_abstract_declarator LPAREN option(context_parameter_type_list) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT COMMA ELLIPSIS XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 280. ## ## direct_declarator -> direct_declarator LPAREN context_parameter_type_list . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## direct_declarator LPAREN context_parameter_type_list ## # Unlikely error, since only the ELLIPSIS allows us to tell that # the parameter list is finished. At this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LPAREN LPAREN RPAREN COMMA ## ## Ends in an error in state: 261. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN save_context abstract_declarator(type_name) . RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN save_context abstract_declarator(type_name) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 254, spurious reduction of production abstract_declarator(type_name) -> direct_abstract_declarator ## # # The first LPAREN in this example must be the beginning of an abstract_declarator. # It leads us into a state where we do not yet know the meaning of the opening parenthesis: # direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . abstract_declarator RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] # direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . in_context(option(parameter_type_list)) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] # i.e. (a) this could be the opening parenthesis in a pair of parentheses, # or (d) this could be the opening parenthesis in a function type. # The second LPAREN takes us again into the same state. # The RPAREN allows us to recognize that we have a function type of no parameters (d). # Hence, LPAREN RPAREN forms a direct_abstract_declarator. # At this point, the status of the first LPAREN is still undetermined (regular paren, # or beginning of a function type?) but that is not a problem for us. # # This case is simplified by giving a phantom context parameter to abstract_declarator. # Here, we know we are in the context of a type_name or direct_abstract_declarator, # so RPAREN is allowed next. # If we were in the context of a parameter_declaration, COMMA would be allowed next. # # gcc and clang simply request a closing parenthesis. Up to this point, an abstract declarator has been recognized: $0 At this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 302. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . save_context abstract_declarator(type_name) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . option(context_parameter_type_list) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN ## # gcc and clang both say they want a closing parenthesis. # This seems a bit extreme. An opening parenthesis '(' has been recognized. At this point, one of the following is expected: an abstract declarator, if this parenthesis is a delimiter; or a list of parameter declarations, if this parenthesis is the beginning of a function declarator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 229. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . save_context abstract_declarator(type_name) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## direct_abstract_declarator -> LPAREN . option(context_parameter_type_list) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## direct_declarator -> LPAREN . save_context declarator RPAREN [ RPAREN PACKED LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN ## # Analogous to the above, but has a third item. An opening parenthesis '(' has been recognized. At this point, one of the following is expected: an abstract declarator or a declarator, if this parenthesis is a delimiter; or a list of parameter declarations, if this parenthesis is the beginning of a function declarator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN VOLATILE ADD_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 294. ## ## option(type_qualifier_list) -> type_qualifier_list . [ VOLATILE RESTRICT PACKED CONST ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_qualifier_list . typedef_name option(type_qualifier_list) [ STAR RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] ## specifier_qualifier_list(type_name) -> type_qualifier_list . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_qualifier_list ## # We are trying to recognize a specifier-qualifier-list, and have not yet seen # a type specifier, which is why we know the list is not finished. # clang says it expects a type. # gcc says the missing type defaults to int, and expects a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed type name. At this point, one of the following is expected: a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 150. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS LPAREN . argument_expression_list RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS LPAREN . type_name RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNAS LPAREN ## # This one seems easy. We have recognized ALIGNAS LPAREN, and nothing that makes sense beyond that. # clang and gcc say they expect an expression. Ill-formed _Alignas qualifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: an expression; or a type name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 149. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS . LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## attribute_specifier -> ALIGNAS . LPAREN type_name RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNAS ## # Fingers in the nose. Ill-formed _Alignas qualifier. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 354. ## ## gcc_attribute_list -> gcc_attribute_list COMMA . gcc_attribute [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_list COMMA ## # We are expecting a gcc_attribute. This symbol is nullable, so # RPAREN and COMMA are permitted too, but we can ignore this # possibility in the error message (why would someone use an # empty attribute?). # clang and gcc say they expect a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed attribute specifier. At this point, a gcc attribute is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 352. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list RPAREN . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list RPAREN ## Ill-formed attribute specifier. At this point, a second closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 351. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list . RPAREN RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## gcc_attribute_list -> gcc_attribute_list . COMMA gcc_attribute [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list ## # We have a seen a (non-empty) attribute list, so we expect either # a COMMA or a closing LPAREN LPAREN. # gcc/clang say they expect a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed attribute specifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: a comma ',', followed with a gcc attribute; or two closing parentheses '))'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME COMMA PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 347. ## ## argument_expression_list -> argument_expression_list . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name COMMA argument_expression_list . RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name COMMA argument_expression_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 133, spurious reduction of production argument_expression_list -> assignment_expression ## # We know for sure that we are parsing a gcc attribute. # A (non-empty) list of expressions has been read. # gcc/clang say they want a closing parenthesis. Ill-formed gcc attribute. Up to this point, a list of expressions has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 346. ## ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name COMMA . argument_expression_list RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name COMMA ## # gcc/clang agree. Ill-formed gcc attribute. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 345. ## ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name . COMMA argument_expression_list RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_word LPAREN typedef_name ## # gcc and clang complain about the TYPEDEF_NAME, not sure why. Ill-formed gcc attribute. At this point, a comma ',' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 45. ## ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word LPAREN . option(argument_expression_list) RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word LPAREN . typedef_name COMMA argument_expression_list RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_word LPAREN ## # gcc and clang just say they expect an expression. # There is kind of hack in the pre_parser, here. # Without going into the details, we should just say we expect a list of attribute arguments. Ill-formed gcc attribute. At this point, a list of expressions is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 44. ## ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word . [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word . LPAREN option(argument_expression_list) RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## gcc_attribute -> gcc_attribute_word . LPAREN typedef_name COMMA argument_expression_list RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## gcc_attribute_word ## # gcc and clang say they expect a closing parenthesis (as usual). Ill-formed gcc attribute specifier. Up to this point, an attribute has been recognized: $0 At this point, one of the following is expected: an opening parenthesis '(', followed with a list of parameters for this attribute; or a comma ',', followed with another attribute; or a closing parenthesis ')'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 37. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN . gcc_attribute_list RPAREN RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN ## # A non-empty attribute list is expected. # Hence, an attribute is expected. # (The gcc documentation says a list of attributes can be empty, but # since an attribute can be empty too, this creates a conflict.) # clang and gcc want a closing parenthesis, as usual (sigh)... Ill-formed gcc attribute specifier. At this point, a gcc attribute is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 36. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ATTRIBUTE LPAREN . LPAREN gcc_attribute_list RPAREN RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ATTRIBUTE LPAREN ## Ill-formed gcc attribute specifier. At this point, a second opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ATTRIBUTE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 35. ## ## attribute_specifier -> ATTRIBUTE . LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list RPAREN RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ATTRIBUTE ## Ill-formed gcc attribute specifier. At this point, two opening parentheses '((' are expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 362. ## ## enumerator_list -> enumerator_list COMMA . declare_varname(enumerator) [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## option(COMMA) -> COMMA . [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## enumerator_list COMMA ## # We omit the possibility of a closing brace. # gcc and clang say they want an identifier. # Indeed, an enumerator must begin with an identifier. Ill-formed enumeration specifier. At this point, an enumerator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ CONSTANT SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 361. ## ## enum_specifier -> ENUM attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE enumerator_list . option(COMMA) RBRACE [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## enumerator_list -> enumerator_list . COMMA declare_varname(enumerator) [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ENUM attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE enumerator_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 57, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 366, spurious reduction of production enumerator -> enumeration_constant EQ conditional_expression ## In state 363, spurious reduction of production declare_varname(enumerator) -> enumerator ## In state 370, spurious reduction of production enumerator_list -> declare_varname(enumerator) ## # # At first sight, it seems that the last enumerator that we have recognized # could be of the form either "enumeration_constant" or # "enumeration_constant EQ constant_expression". # # However, a moment's thought reveals that it cannot be of the first form, # otherwise the syntax error would have been detected in this state: # enumerator -> enumeration_constant . [ RBRACE COMMA ] # enumerator -> enumeration_constant . EQ constant_expression [ RBRACE COMMA ] # To see this, try the sentence ENUM LBRACE VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN. # # So, the last enumerator must be of the second form, which means it would be safe # for us to say "an expression has just been recognized". # # On the other hand, we cannot show the expression that has just been recognized; # we can only show the enumerator list $0. # # We omit the fact that a comma is allowed just before the closing brace. Ill-formed enumeration specifier. Up to this point, a list of enumerators has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing brace '}' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 365. ## ## enumerator -> enumeration_constant EQ . conditional_expression [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## enumeration_constant EQ ## Ill-formed enumeration specifier. At this point, a constant expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 364. ## ## enumerator -> enumeration_constant . [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## enumerator -> enumeration_constant . EQ conditional_expression [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## enumeration_constant ## # Here, both clang and gcc give an incomplete diagnostic message. Ill-formed enumeration specifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: an equals sign '=', followed with a constant expression; or a comma ',', followed with an enumerator; or a closing brace '}'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM LBRACE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 359. ## ## enum_specifier -> ENUM attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE . enumerator_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ENUM attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE ## # gcc says it expects an identifier. # clang says it expects a closing brace (which seems incorrect). Ill-formed enumeration specifier. At this point, an enumerator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ENUM XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 357. ## ## enum_specifier -> ENUM attribute_specifier_list . option(other_identifier) LBRACE enumerator_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## enum_specifier -> ENUM attribute_specifier_list . general_identifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ENUM attribute_specifier_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 34, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## # Here, both clang and gcc give an incomplete diagnostic message. Ill-formed enumeration specifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: an attribute specifier; or an identifier; or an opening brace '{'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ ALIGNOF LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 53. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN . type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## primary_expression -> LPAREN . expression RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> ALIGNOF LPAREN . type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNOF LPAREN ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ SIZEOF LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 26. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN . type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## primary_expression -> LPAREN . expression RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> SIZEOF LPAREN . type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## SIZEOF LPAREN ## # Tricky because we could be looking at the beginning of a compound # literal, in which case we expect a type name! But that would be a # use of SIZEOF or ALIGNOF without parentheses, which is very unlikely. # So, we omit this possibility. # gcc/clang do the same. Ill-formed use of $1. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ ALIGNOF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 52. ## ## unary_expression -> ALIGNOF . unary_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> ALIGNOF . LPAREN type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ALIGNOF ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ SIZEOF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 21. ## ## unary_expression -> SIZEOF . unary_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## unary_expression -> SIZEOF . LPAREN type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## SIZEOF ## # Let's not reveal that _Alignof and sizeof can be used without parentheses. # gcc and clang say they expect an expression, which seems both surprising # (they don't request a parenthesis) and incomplete (they don't allow a type name). Ill-formed use of $0. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected, followed with an expression or a type name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 340. ## ## postfix_expression -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression . COMMA type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## Ill-formed use of $2. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a comma ',' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 341. ## ## postfix_expression -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA . type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA ## Ill-formed use of $3. At this point, a type name is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 49. ## ## postfix_expression -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN . assignment_expression COMMA type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN ## Ill-formed use of $1. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ BUILTIN_VA_ARG XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 48. ## ## postfix_expression -> BUILTIN_VA_ARG . LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA type_name RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BUILTIN_VA_ARG ## Ill-formed use of $0. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ DEC XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 46. ## ## unary_expression -> DEC . unary_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## DEC ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ INC XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 31. ## ## unary_expression -> INC . unary_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## INC ## Ill-formed expression. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ INC LPAREN INT RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 373. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name RPAREN . LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name RPAREN ## # Here, we seem to be certain that this must be the beginning of a # compound literal, so an opening brace is expected. # However, it is quite likely that the user does not even know about # compound literals, so the error took place earlier. # Maybe the user intended to write a cast expression, and he forgot # to open one more parenthesis before the one we see here. # Or maybe the name that we classified as a type was intended to be a variable. # gcc says an expression is expected, which seems incorrect. # clang says "expected '{' in compound literal". Ill-formed expression. Up to this point, a type name in parentheses has been recognized: $2 $1 $0 If this is the beginning of a compound literal, then at this point, an opening brace '{' is expected. If this is intended to be the beginning of a cast expression, then perhaps an opening parenthesis '(' was forgotten earlier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ INC LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 32. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN . type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## primary_expression -> LPAREN . expression RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN ## # gcc and clang expect an expression. # We could choose to omit the first possibility, too. Ill-formed expression. At this point, one of the following is expected: a type name (if this is the beginning of a compound literal); or an expression. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 337. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## primary_expression -> LPAREN expression . RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## # Since we are saying "if this expression is complete", # there seems to be no need to say that this expression # can be continued with a comma and another expression. # So, let's just say a closing parenthesis is expected. Up to this point, a parenthesis '(' and an expression have been recognized: $1 $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN INT RPAREN LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 334. ## ## initializer_list -> initializer_list . COMMA option(designation) c_initializer [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list . option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 327, spurious reduction of production c_initializer -> assignment_expression ## In state 333, spurious reduction of production initializer_list -> option(designation) c_initializer ## # Let's ignore the fact that a comma can precede a closing brace. Ill-formed compound literal. Up to this point, a list of initializers has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing brace '}' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN INT RPAREN LBRACE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 313. ## ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE . initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE ## # gcc and clang say an expression is expected, which is incomplete. Ill-formed compound literal. At this point, an initializer is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN INT RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 376. ## ## cast_expression -> LPAREN type_name RPAREN . cast_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN type_name RPAREN . LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN type_name RPAREN ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed expression. Up to this point, a type name in parentheses has been recognized: $2 $1 $0 At this point, one of the following is expected: an expression, if this is a type cast; or an opening brace '{', if this is a compound literal. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 28. ## ## cast_expression -> LPAREN . type_name RPAREN cast_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## postfix_expression -> LPAREN . type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## primary_expression -> LPAREN . expression RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed expression. An opening parenthesis '(' has just been recognized. At this point, one of the following is expected: a type name, if this is a type cast or a compound literal; or an expression, if this is a parenthesized expression. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ TILDE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 56. ## ## unary_expression -> unary_operator . cast_expression [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DIV_ASSIGN COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## unary_operator ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed use of the unary operator $0. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME AND XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 116. ## ## and_expression -> and_expression AND . equality_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION HAT COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## and_expression AND ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME ANDAND XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 105. ## ## logical_and_expression -> logical_and_expression ANDAND . inclusive_or_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION COMMA COLON BARBAR ANDAND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## logical_and_expression ANDAND ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME BAR XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 107. ## ## inclusive_or_expression -> inclusive_or_expression BAR . exclusive_or_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## inclusive_or_expression BAR ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME BARBAR XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 128. ## ## logical_or_expression -> logical_or_expression BARBAR . logical_and_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION COMMA COLON BARBAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## logical_or_expression BARBAR ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME HAT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 109. ## ## exclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression HAT . and_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION HAT COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## exclusive_or_expression HAT ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 99. ## ## relational_expression -> relational_expression relational_operator . shift_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION NEQ LT LEQ HAT GT GEQ EQEQ COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## relational_expression relational_operator ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME NEQ XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 113. ## ## equality_expression -> equality_expression equality_operator . relational_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION NEQ HAT EQEQ COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## equality_expression equality_operator ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME PLUS XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 92. ## ## additive_expression -> additive_expression additive_operator . multiplicative_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS NEQ MINUS LT LEQ LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## additive_expression additive_operator ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RIGHT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 81. ## ## shift_expression -> shift_expression shift_operator . additive_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION NEQ LT LEQ LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## shift_expression shift_operator ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME STAR XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 86. ## ## multiplicative_expression -> multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator . cast_expression [ STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PLUS PERCENT NEQ MINUS LT LEQ LEFT HAT GT GEQ EQEQ COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR ANDAND AND ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed use of the binary operator $0. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 77. ## ## assignment_expression -> unary_expression assignment_operator . assignment_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## unary_expression assignment_operator ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed use of the assignment operator $0. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 135. ## ## argument_expression_list -> argument_expression_list COMMA . assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## argument_expression_list COMMA ## # Here, we could say more about the context if we parameterized # argument_expression_list with a context. For the moment, let # us just say that an expression is expected at this point. # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed list of expressions. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME DOT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 141. ## ## postfix_expression -> postfix_expression DOT . general_identifier [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## postfix_expression DOT ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME PTR XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 62. ## ## postfix_expression -> postfix_expression PTR . general_identifier [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## postfix_expression PTR ## # clang and gcc expect an identifier. Ill-formed use of the dereferencing operator $0. At this point, the name of a struct or union member is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LBRACK PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 138. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RBRACK COMMA ] ## postfix_expression -> postfix_expression LBRACK expression . RBRACK [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## postfix_expression LBRACK expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## # We know for sure that an array subscript expression has begun, and # a closing bracket is expected (if the expression is complete). # The expression could also be completed with a COMMA, but there is # no reason to mention that -- it can be viewed as part of the # hypothesis "if the expression is complete". Ill-formed expression. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing bracket ']' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LBRACK XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 137. ## ## postfix_expression -> postfix_expression LBRACK . expression RBRACK [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## postfix_expression LBRACK ## Ill-formed expression. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 134. ## ## argument_expression_list -> argument_expression_list . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## option(argument_expression_list) -> argument_expression_list . [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## argument_expression_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 133, spurious reduction of production argument_expression_list -> assignment_expression ## Up to this point, a list of expressions has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 64. ## ## postfix_expression -> postfix_expression LPAREN . option(argument_expression_list) RPAREN [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## postfix_expression LPAREN ## # gcc and clang expect an expression: this is incomplete. Ill-formed expression. At this point, a list of expressions, followed with a closing parenthesis ')', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME QUESTION PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 125. ## ## conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON . conditional_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME QUESTION XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 103. ## ## conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression QUESTION . expression COLON conditional_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## logical_or_expression QUESTION ## Ill-formed conditional expression. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME VAR_NAME QUESTION PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 121. ## ## conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression QUESTION expression . COLON conditional_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK RBRACE COMMA COLON ] ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## logical_or_expression QUESTION expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## # gcc and clang simply expect a colon. Ill-formed conditional expression. Up to this point, an expression, '?', and an expression have been recognized: $2 $1 $0 If the last expression is complete, then at this point, a colon ':' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: PACKED LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 381. ## ## argument_expression_list -> argument_expression_list . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## attribute_specifier -> PACKED LPAREN argument_expression_list . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PACKED LPAREN argument_expression_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 133, spurious reduction of production argument_expression_list -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed $2 attribute. Up to this point, a list of expressions has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: PACKED LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 17. ## ## attribute_specifier -> PACKED LPAREN . argument_expression_list RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PACKED LPAREN ## # clang expects a "parameter declarator" (?). # gcc expects "declaration specifiers or ‘...’". # Which is incorrect, since an ellipsis is rejected here. Ill-formed $1 attribute. At this point, a list of expressions is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME ## ## Ends in an error in state: 22. ## ## primary_expression -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA COLON BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## Ill-formed expression. The following identifier is used as a variable, but has been defined as a type: $0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: PACKED XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 16. ## ## attribute_specifier -> PACKED . LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK PRE_NAME PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE DEC CONSTANT CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PACKED ## # This one seems important, since CompCert currently does not support __packed__ # without an argument. Ill-formed $0 attribute. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(', followed with a possibly empty list of expressions, is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: SEMICOLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 399. ## ## translation_unit -> translation_unit . external_declaration [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PRAGMA PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EOF ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## translation_unit -> translation_unit . SEMICOLON [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PRAGMA PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EOF ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## translation_unit_file -> translation_unit . EOF [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## translation_unit ## translation_unit_file: XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 0. ## ## translation_unit_file' -> . translation_unit_file [ # ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ## # The king of all syntax errors: an error in the initial state. # Anyway, we are at the toplevel. # clang and gcc want an identifier or an opening parenthesis, which is way incomplete. At this point, one of the following is expected: a function definition; or a declaration; or a pragma; or the end of the file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: TYPEDEF PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 384. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 393. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE TYPEDEF PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 406. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 412. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: TYPEDEF INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 386. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: INT TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 397. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE TYPEDEF INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 408. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE INT TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 416. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## # We have begun a type definition (a.k.a. declaration_specifiers_typedef). # To complete this type definition, # we expect a possibly-empty list declaration_specifiers_no_type?, # or declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name?, # (depending on which example sentence one looks at) # which (in all cases) means a list of: # storage class specifiers, # type qualifiers, # function specifiers (i.e., INLINE, but I suspect this is illegal here). # and (in the second case) also includes: # type_specifier_no_typedef_name (e.g., INT, etc.). # After this type definition, # we expect typedef_declarator_list? SEMICOLON. # We omit the possibility of giving another type specifier, such as INT. # We could omit the possibility of a storage class specifier and a type qualifier. # gcc and clang expect identifier or '(', which is correct but incomplete (and too low-level). Ill-formed type definition. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a list of declarators, followed with a semicolon ';'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 7. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE TYPEDEF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 404. ## ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## # We have seen the TYPEDEF keyword, and possibly some declaration_specifiers_no_type. # We expect: # possibly more declaration_specifiers_no_type?, # which means a list of: # storage class specifiers, # type qualifiers, # function specifiers (i.e., INLINE, but I suspect this is illegal here). # followed with a type specifier. # gcc and clang expect identifier or '('. Ill-formed type definition. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 217. ## ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 209, spurious reduction of production rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> type_qualifier_noattr ## # Analogous to the above, except we are in the context of a parameter declaration, # and (obviously) have not seen a TYPEDEF keyword. # We expect possibly more declaration_specifiers_no_type? # followed with a type specifier. # I think it is OK to forbid INLINE here. # (At this point, our declaration_specifiers will be complete, and the # continuation would be declarator, abstract_declarator, or nothing, # which implies COMMA or RPAREN. Let's not mention that, and describe # things only up to the (required) type specifier.) Ill-formed parameter declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 391. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 410. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 395. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: VOLATILE INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 414. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## # We have seen a TYPEDEF_NAME or a primitive type specifier, # and possibly some declaration_specifiers_no_type. # We expect: # possibly more declaration_specifier_no_type or declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name, # which means a list of: # storage class specifiers, # type qualifiers, # function specifiers, # possibly type specifiers, # possibly followed with a TYPEDEF keyword. # Note that we can get here via spurious reductions (e.g. "enum foo" can # be considered a complete enum_specifier, hence a complete type_specifier). # Thus, the list of permitted continuations below can be slightly incomplete: # an opening brace could be used to continue "enum foo". # Let's NOT mention the possibility of placing TYPEDEF somewhere in the middle. # This means we pretend to be definitely in a declaration_specifiers(declaration). # In other words, we are in the beginning of a declaration of function definition # (we do not know which, yet). # Let's also ignore the possibility of writing INLINE *after* the result type, # which sounds awkward. # If this declaration_specifiers is complete, # then we expect: # init_declarator_list? SEMICOLON if this is a declaration; # declarator if this is a function definition. # (followed with a function body) # gcc and clang expect identifier or '(', which is very low-level. # We simplify "a list of init declarators" to "an init declarator". # Our message is probably too elaborate; we could omit certain elements, # or try to simplify our description in the case of a function definition. Ill-formed declaration or function definition. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or an init declarator, if this is a declaration; or a declarator, followed with a function body, if this is a function definition. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 196. ## ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN VOLATILE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 219. ## ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 202. ## ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN VOLATILE INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 221. ## ## declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR RPAREN PRE_NAME LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## # Analogous to the above situation, except this time, we are in the # context of a parameter declaration (as opposed to a declaration or # function definition). This rules out 'typedef' and 'inline', for real, # I think. Also, this changes the continuation. # We have seen a type specifier, # and possibly some declaration_specifiers_no_type. # We expect: # possibly more declaration_specifier_no_type or declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name, # which means a list of: # storage class specifiers, # type qualifiers. # (omitting the possibility of another type specifier) # If this declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) is complete, # then we expect: # declarator # abstract_declarator # or neither, which means that the parameter_declaration is over, # which means we expect COMMA or RPAREN. # We could say that $1 has been interpreted as a type specifier, # although I don't know if that would help. # clang expects ')'. # gcc expects ‘;’, ‘,’ or ‘)’. The semicolon seems incorrect. Ill-formed parameter declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a declarator; or an abstract declarator; or a comma ',', followed with a parameter declaration; or a closing parenthesis ')'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 402. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 209, spurious reduction of production rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> type_qualifier_noattr ## # We have seen some specifiers or qualifiers. We have probably seen at least # one of them, otherwise we would be at the top level of the file, and the # error would be signaled in another state, I think. # This could be the beginning of a declaration or function definition. # It could in theory be the beginning of a type definition, but only # if the TYPEDEF keyword is not in front, which sounds awkward, so # let's ignore that. # Again, we ignore the possibility of INLINE when not in front, as it # is awkward. # We have not yet seen a type specifier, so we must see it, regardless # of whether this is a declaration or function definition. Ill-formed declaration or function definition. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 511. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 209, spurious reduction of production rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> type_qualifier_noattr ## # Identical to the previous one, except we are not at the top level, # so we know this cannot be the beginning of a function definition. Ill-formed declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 508. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE VOLATILE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 513. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 510. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE VOLATILE INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 515. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## # This is analogous to the error sentence TYPEDEF_NAME VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN, # except we are inside a block, instead of at the top level, so we # know that this cannot be the beginning of a function definition. # This is an interesting situation where, by using phantom parameters, # we have forced a distinction between two states that would NOT be # distinguished in a canonical automaton. Indeed, the lookahead sets # are the same: the states would be the same if the phantom parameters # were erased. # Assuming that the list of init declarators is nonempty, we say that # we expect an init declarator, instead of saying that we expect a # possibly empty, comma-separated list of init declarators, followed # with a semicolon. # We do not distinguish the case where we have seen a primitive type # specifier, so another primitive type specifier would be OK. # gcc and clang expect identifier or '(', which is incomplete and low-level. Ill-formed declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or an init declarator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 177. ## ## struct_declaration -> specifier_qualifier_list(struct_declaration) . option(struct_declarator_list) SEMICOLON [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT RBRACE PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT FLOAT ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## specifier_qualifier_list(struct_declaration) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 163, spurious reduction of production specifier_qualifier_list(struct_declaration) -> typedef_name option(type_qualifier_list) ## # We have (spuriously) recognized a specifier_qualifier_list, # part of a struct_declaration. # Thus, we expect: # more type qualifiers or specifiers (part of the specifier_qualifier_list), or # a struct declarator, or # a semicolon. # The nonterminal symbol is officially called struct-declaration. # But this means struct *or union*, # and it is a declaration of a struct or union *member*. # It seems good to show the type specifier that we have just read (if # there is one), as it could be a variable name that has been # mis-classified as a type name, I suppose. # clang's message is analogous to ours. # gcc expects identifier or '('. Ill-formed struct declaration. Up to this point, a list of type qualifiers and type specifiers has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, one of the following is expected: a struct declarator; or a semicolon ';'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE LONG COLON CONSTANT RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 282. ## ## option(struct_declarator_list) -> struct_declarator_list . [ SEMICOLON ] ## struct_declarator_list -> struct_declarator_list . COMMA struct_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## struct_declarator_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 57, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 287, spurious reduction of production struct_declarator -> option(declarator) COLON conditional_expression ## In state 289, spurious reduction of production struct_declarator_list -> struct_declarator ## # We have seen a non-empty struct_declarator_list. # clang expects a semicolon, like us. # gcc expects too many things (incorrect). Ill-formed struct declaration. Up to this point, a list of struct declarators has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE INT COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 286. ## ## struct_declarator -> option(declarator) COLON . conditional_expression [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## option(declarator) COLON ## Ill-formed struct declarator. At this point, a constant expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 283. ## ## struct_declarator_list -> struct_declarator_list COMMA . struct_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## struct_declarator_list COMMA ## Ill-formed struct declaration. At this point, a struct declarator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 288. ## ## option(declarator) -> declarator . [ COLON ] ## struct_declarator -> declarator . [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declarator ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production declarator_noattrend -> direct_declarator ## In state 255, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## In state 256, spurious reduction of production declarator -> declarator_noattrend attribute_specifier_list ## # Assuming the declarator so far is complete, we expect # either COLON constant_expression (part of this struct_declarator) # or something that follows this struct_declarator. # clang expects ';'. # gcc expects many things, including '}', which seems incorrect. Ill-formed struct declaration. Up to this point, a declarator has been recognized: $0 If this declarator is complete, then at this point, one of the following is expected: a colon ':', followed with a constant expression; or a comma ',', followed with a struct declarator; or a semicolon ';'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE VOLATILE ADD_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 171. ## ## option(type_qualifier_list) -> type_qualifier_list . [ VOLATILE RESTRICT PACKED CONST ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## specifier_qualifier_list(struct_declaration) -> type_qualifier_list . typedef_name option(type_qualifier_list) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN COLON ] ## specifier_qualifier_list(struct_declaration) -> type_qualifier_list . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(specifier_qualifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_qualifier_list ## # A list of qualifiers has been read. # (Probably a nonempty list, otherwise we would be in a different state.) # We expect a type specifier, or one more qualifier. Ill-formed struct declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION LBRACE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 160. ## ## struct_declaration_list -> struct_declaration_list . struct_declaration [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT RBRACE PRE_NAME PACKED LONG INT FLOAT ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## struct_or_union_specifier -> struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE struct_declaration_list . RBRACE [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list option(other_identifier) LBRACE struct_declaration_list ## # gcc and clang do not seem prepared to accept a struct or union with # zero members, so they request a type specifier or qualifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: a struct declaration; or a closing brace '}'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: UNION XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 157. ## ## struct_or_union_specifier -> struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list . option(other_identifier) LBRACE struct_declaration_list RBRACE [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## struct_or_union_specifier -> struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list . general_identifier [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 156, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## # gcc expects '{'. # clang gives a mysterious message: "declaration of anonymous union must be a definition". # Adding TYPEDEF in front does not help. Ill-formed struct or union specifier. At this point, one of the following is expected: an attribute specifier; or an identifier; or an opening brace '{', followed with a list of members. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 259. ## ## direct_declarator -> LPAREN save_context declarator . RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN save_context declarator ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production declarator_noattrend -> direct_declarator ## In state 255, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## In state 256, spurious reduction of production declarator -> declarator_noattrend attribute_specifier_list ## Up to this point, an opening parenthesis and a declarator have been recognized: $1 $0 If this declarator is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 183. ## ## direct_declarator -> LPAREN save_context . declarator RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LPAREN save_context ## # clang and gcc expect identifier or '(', as usual. Ill-formed direct declarator. At this point, a declarator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 276. ## ## identifier_list -> identifier_list . COMMA PRE_NAME VAR_NAME [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## option(identifier_list) -> identifier_list . [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## identifier_list ## Ill-formed K&R function definition. Up to this point, a list of identifiers has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 189. ## ## context_parameter_type_list -> save_context . parameter_type_list save_context [ RPAREN ] ## direct_declarator -> direct_declarator LPAREN save_context . option(identifier_list) RPAREN [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## direct_declarator LPAREN save_context ## # Ignore K&R syntax, just request ANSI syntax. # Ignore the distinction between parameter-type-list and parameter-list. # clang expects a parameter declarator (which is incomplete). # gcc expects declaration specifiers or ‘...’ (which is incorrect). Ill-formed function definition. At this point, a list of parameter declarations, followed with a closing parenthesis ')', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT STAR RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 186. ## ## declarator_noattrend -> list(pointer1) STAR option(type_qualifier_list) . direct_declarator [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(pointer1) -> list(pointer1) STAR option(type_qualifier_list) . [ STAR ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STAR RESTRICT PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN CONST ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## type_qualifier_list -> option(type_qualifier_list) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STAR RESTRICT PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN CONST ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## list(pointer1) STAR option(type_qualifier_list) ## # If the pointer isn't finished, we expect # one more type qualifier; or # one more '*', possibly followed with type qualifiers. # If the pointer is finished, then we expect a direct declarator. # If may seem tempting to declare %on_error_reduce "list(pointer1)", but # that would clash with %on_error_reduce "abstract_declarator(type_name)". # There are states where both reductions are enabled, and Menhir currently # refuses to choose between them. # clang and gcc expect identifier or '(', as usual. Ill-formed declarator. At this point, one of the following is expected: a type qualifier; or a star '*', possibly followed with type qualifiers; or a direct declarator. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: TYPEDEF INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 527. ## ## option(typedef_declarator_list) -> typedef_declarator_list . [ SEMICOLON ] ## typedef_declarator_list -> typedef_declarator_list . COMMA typedef_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_declarator_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production declarator_noattrend -> direct_declarator ## In state 255, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## In state 256, spurious reduction of production declarator -> declarator_noattrend attribute_specifier_list ## In state 531, spurious reduction of production declare_typename(declarator) -> declarator ## In state 530, spurious reduction of production typedef_declarator -> declare_typename(declarator) ## In state 532, spurious reduction of production typedef_declarator_list -> typedef_declarator ## # Because attribute_specifier_list, declarator and declarator_noattrend have been marked # %on_error_reduce, we perform several spurious reductions and end up here. # Which is good, because the context is clear. # If the attribute_specifier_list or declarator was not finished, then we could have accepted: # an attribute specifier. # a opening bracket '['. # an opening parenthesis '('. # As far as the C grammar is concerned, typedef_declarator is just declarator. # clang says "invalid token after top level declarator", which seems vague. # gcc expects a list of many things... Up to this point, a list of declarators has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: TYPEDEF INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 528. ## ## typedef_declarator_list -> typedef_declarator_list COMMA . typedef_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_declarator_list COMMA ## At this point, a declarator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN INT LPAREN RPAREN LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 244. ## ## direct_abstract_declarator -> direct_abstract_declarator LPAREN . option(context_parameter_type_list) RPAREN [ RPAREN LPAREN LBRACK COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## direct_abstract_declarator LPAREN ## At this point, a list of parameter declarations, followed with a closing parenthesis ')', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM CONST XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 443. ## ## asm_attributes -> CONST . asm_attributes [ LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## CONST ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 442. ## ## asm_attributes -> VOLATILE . asm_attributes [ LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## VOLATILE ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 441. ## ## asm_statement -> ASM . asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ASM ## Ill-formed assembly statement. At this point, one of the following is expected: an assembly attribute, such as 'volatile'; or an opening parenthesis '('. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON COLON COLON STRING_LITERAL COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 467. ## ## asm_flags -> asm_flags COMMA . string_literals_list [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_flags COMMA ## # We are in the clobber list. # We have seen a comma, so we expect a string literal. # first(asm_flags) = STRING_LITERAL translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON COLON COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 464. ## ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON . asm_flags [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON ## # We are at the beginning of the clobber list. # first(asm_flags) = STRING_LITERAL Ill-formed assembly statement. At this point, a clobbered resource is expected. Examples of clobbered resources: "memory" "eax" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON COLON COLON STRING_LITERAL XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 466. ## ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON asm_flags . [ RPAREN ] ## asm_flags -> asm_flags . COMMA string_literals_list [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON asm_flags ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 465, spurious reduction of production asm_flags -> string_literals_list ## # Let's ignore the possibility of concatenating string literals. # We are in the clobber list (asm_flags). # Either we extend it, or we terminate it with RPAREN. Ill-formed assembly statement. Up to this point, a list of clobbered resources has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON STRING_LITERAL LPAREN CONSTANT RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 461. ## ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands . [ RPAREN ] ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands . COLON asm_operands [ RPAREN ] ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands . COLON asm_operands COLON asm_flags [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## COLON asm_operands ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 453, spurious reduction of production asm_operands -> asm_operands_ne ## # We have seen one COLON, hence the outputs. (The list of outputs may be empty.) Ill-formed assembly statement. Up to this point, a list of outputs has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, one of the following is expected: a colon ':', followed with a list of inputs; or a closing parenthesis ')'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 463. ## ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands . [ RPAREN ] ## asm_arguments -> COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands . COLON asm_flags [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 462, spurious reduction of production asm_operands -> ## # We have seen two COLONs, hence the outputs and inputs. (The list of inputs may be empty.) # clang requests a closing parenthesis. gcc requests a string literal. Ill-formed assembly statement. Up to this point, a list of outputs and a list of inputs have been recognized: $2 $0 If the latter list is complete, then at this point, one of the following is expected: a colon ':', followed with a list of clobbered resources; or a closing parenthesis ')'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON LBRACK PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RBRACK XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 456. ## ## asm_operand -> asm_op_name . string_literals_list LPAREN expression RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_op_name ## # Example of asm_operand: [oldval]"=r"(res) # We have seen an asm_op_name, we now expect a string literal list. # "=r" is an example of a constraint. Ill-formed assembly operand. At this point, a string literal, representing a constraint, is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON LBRACK PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 451. ## ## asm_op_name -> LBRACK general_identifier . RBRACK [ STRING_LITERAL ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACK general_identifier ## Ill-formed assembly operand. At this point, a closing bracket ']' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON LBRACK XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 450. ## ## asm_op_name -> LBRACK . general_identifier RBRACK [ STRING_LITERAL ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACK ## Ill-formed assembly operand. At this point, an identifier is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON STRING_LITERAL LPAREN CONSTANT RPAREN COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 454. ## ## asm_operands_ne -> asm_operands_ne COMMA . asm_operand [ RPAREN COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_operands_ne COMMA ## # clang and gcc request a string literal (which is incomplete). Ill-formed assembly statement. At this point, an assembly operand is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON STRING_LITERAL LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 459. ## ## asm_operand -> asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN expression . RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA COLON ] ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed assembly operand. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON STRING_LITERAL LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 458. ## ## asm_operand -> asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN . expression RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN ## Ill-formed assembly operand. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL COLON STRING_LITERAL XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 457. ## ## asm_operand -> asm_op_name string_literals_list . LPAREN expression RPAREN [ RPAREN COMMA COLON ] ## string_literals_list -> string_literals_list . STRING_LITERAL [ STRING_LITERAL LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## asm_op_name string_literals_list ## # If we disregard the concatenation of string literals, then # at this point, we expect LPAREN. Ill-formed assembly operand. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(', followed with an expression and a closing parenthesis ')', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 448. ## ## asm_statement -> ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list . asm_arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## string_literals_list -> string_literals_list . STRING_LITERAL [ STRING_LITERAL RPAREN COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list ## # Expecting either one more string literal, or COLON, or RPAREN. # clang requests ')'. gcc requests ':' or ')'. Ill-formed assembly statement. At this point, one of the following is expected: a string literal, representing one more instruction; or a colon ':', followed with a list of outputs; or a closing parenthesis ')'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 447. ## ## asm_statement -> ASM asm_attributes LPAREN . string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ASM asm_attributes LPAREN ## Ill-formed assembly statement. At this point, a string literal, representing an instruction, is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE BREAK XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 439. ## ## jump_statement -> BREAK . SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## BREAK ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE CONTINUE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 434. ## ## jump_statement -> CONTINUE . SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## CONTINUE ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO SEMICOLON WHILE LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 558. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN . SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE GOTO PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 430. ## ## jump_statement -> GOTO general_identifier . SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## GOTO general_identifier ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE ASM LPAREN STRING_LITERAL RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 471. ## ## asm_statement -> ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN . SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN ## Ill-formed statement. At this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE CASE CONSTANT COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 438. ## ## labeled_statement -> CASE conditional_expression COLON . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## CASE conditional_expression COLON ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DEFAULT COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 433. ## ## labeled_statement -> DEFAULT COLON . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## DEFAULT COLON ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 487. ## ## labeled_statement -> general_identifier COLON . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## general_identifier COLON ## # gcc and clang request an expression, which seems misleading (incomplete). Ill-formed labeled statement. At this point, a statement is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE CASE CONSTANT SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 437. ## ## labeled_statement -> CASE conditional_expression . COLON statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## CASE conditional_expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 57, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## Ill-formed labeled statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a colon ':' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE CASE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 436. ## ## labeled_statement -> CASE . conditional_expression COLON statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## CASE ## Ill-formed labeled statement. At this point, a constant expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DEFAULT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 432. ## ## labeled_statement -> DEFAULT . COLON statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## DEFAULT ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 486. ## ## labeled_statement -> general_identifier . COLON statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## general_identifier ## # gcc and clang apparently do not allow a TYPEDEF_NAME to be reclassified as a label. Ill-formed labeled statement. At this point, a colon ':' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO SEMICOLON WHILE LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 557. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## iteration_statement -> save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN expression . RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed 'do' ... 'while' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' and a semicolon ';' are expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO SEMICOLON WHILE LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 556. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN . expression RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context do_statement1 WHILE LPAREN ## Ill-formed 'do' ... 'while' statement. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO SEMICOLON WHILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 555. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context do_statement1 WHILE . LPAREN expression RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context do_statement1 WHILE ## Ill-formed 'do' ... 'while' statement. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO SEMICOLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 554. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context do_statement1 . WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context do_statement1 ## # Quite nicely, in this case, there is no doubt that the statement is # finished. This is not true in general, I think (the statement could # be an if/then, and we don't know whether it should have an ELSE # branch) but is true sometimes (e.g. it is not a conditional # statement, or it is one and we just saw the ELSE branch). Ill-formed 'do' ... 'while' statement. At this point, a 'while' keyword is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 550. ## ## do_statement1 -> save_context DO . statement [ WHILE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context DO ## # gcc and clang expect an expression. Ill-formed 'do' ... 'while' statement. At this point, a statement (the loop body) is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN SEMICOLON SEMICOLON RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 520. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) optional(expression,RPAREN) . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) optional(expression,RPAREN) ## Ill-formed 'for' statement. At this point, a statement (the loop body) is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN SEMICOLON SEMICOLON PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 522. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## optional(expression,RPAREN) -> expression . RPAREN [ WHILE TILDE SWITCH STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RETURN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC IF GOTO FOR DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG ASM AND ALIGNOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## # The use of optional(expression,RPAREN) tells us that we are in a FOR statement. # Relying on this is a bit fragile, though. Ill-formed 'for' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN SEMICOLON SEMICOLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 518. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) . optional(expression,RPAREN) statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) ## # Expecting the third part of the loop header -- the expression # that tells what happens after each iteration. Ill-formed 'for' statement. At this point, an optional expression (evaluated after each execution of the loop body), followed with a closing parenthesis ')', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN SEMICOLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 517. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header . optional(expression,SEMICOLON) optional(expression,RPAREN) statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context FOR LPAREN for_statement_header ## # Expecting the second part of the loop header -- the controlling expression. Ill-formed 'for' statement. At this point, an optional expression (evaluated before each execution of the loop body), followed with a semicolon ';', is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 524. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## optional(expression,SEMICOLON) -> expression . SEMICOLON [ TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RPAREN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN INC DEC CONSTANT BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AND ALIGNOF ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## # At the time of writing, optional(expression,SEMICOLON) is used only in FOR # loops, but it could be used elsewhere in the future. This is a bit fragile. Ill-formed 'for' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 505. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context FOR LPAREN . for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) optional(expression,RPAREN) statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context FOR LPAREN ## # gcc and clang say they expect an expression, which is incomplete. Ill-formed 'for' statement. At this point, one of the following is expected: an optional expression (evaluated once at the beginning), followed with a semicolon ';'; or a declaration. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE FOR XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 504. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context FOR . LPAREN for_statement_header optional(expression,SEMICOLON) optional(expression,RPAREN) statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context FOR ## Ill-formed 'for' statement. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE GOTO XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 429. ## ## jump_statement -> GOTO . general_identifier SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## GOTO ## Ill-formed 'goto' statement. At this point, an identifier (a 'goto' label) is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE DO IF LPAREN CONSTANT RPAREN SEMICOLON ELSE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 552. ## ## selection_statement -> save_context ifelse_statement1 . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context ifelse_statement1 ## Ill-formed 'if' ... 'else' statement. At this point, a statement is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE IF LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 501. ## ## ifelse_statement1 -> IF LPAREN expression RPAREN save_context . statement ELSE [ WHILE TILDE SWITCH STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RETURN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC IF GOTO FOR DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG ASM AND ALIGNOF ] ## selection_statement -> save_context IF LPAREN expression RPAREN save_context . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context IF LPAREN expression RPAREN save_context ## Ill-formed 'if' statement. At this point, a statement is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE IF LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 499. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ifelse_statement1 -> IF LPAREN expression . RPAREN save_context statement ELSE [ WHILE TILDE SWITCH STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RETURN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC IF GOTO FOR DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG ASM AND ALIGNOF ] ## selection_statement -> save_context IF LPAREN expression . RPAREN save_context statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context IF LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed 'if' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE IF LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 498. ## ## ifelse_statement1 -> IF LPAREN . expression RPAREN save_context statement ELSE [ WHILE TILDE SWITCH STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RETURN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC IF GOTO FOR DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG ASM AND ALIGNOF ] ## selection_statement -> save_context IF LPAREN . expression RPAREN save_context statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context IF LPAREN ## Ill-formed 'if' statement. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE IF XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 497. ## ## ifelse_statement1 -> IF . LPAREN expression RPAREN save_context statement ELSE [ WHILE TILDE SWITCH STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF SEMICOLON RETURN PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC IF GOTO FOR DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG ASM AND ALIGNOF ] ## selection_statement -> save_context IF . LPAREN expression RPAREN save_context statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context IF ## Ill-formed 'if' statement. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE SWITCH LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 495. ## ## selection_statement -> save_context SWITCH LPAREN expression RPAREN . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context SWITCH LPAREN expression RPAREN ## # Technically, the body of a 'switch' statement is just a statement, # but in practice, it should be a list of labeled statements, # enclosed in braces. (Unless someone is writing a Duff loop...) # gcc and clang again request an expression... Ill-formed 'switch' statement. At this point, a statement is expected. It usually takes the form of a series of labeled statements, enclosed within braces '{' and '}'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE SWITCH LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 494. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## selection_statement -> save_context SWITCH LPAREN expression . RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context SWITCH LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed 'switch' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE SWITCH LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 493. ## ## selection_statement -> save_context SWITCH LPAREN . expression RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context SWITCH LPAREN ## Ill-formed 'switch' statement. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE SWITCH XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 492. ## ## selection_statement -> save_context SWITCH . LPAREN expression RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context SWITCH ## Ill-formed 'switch' statement. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE WHILE LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 479. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN . statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context WHILE LPAREN expression RPAREN ## Ill-formed 'while' statement. At this point, a statement (the loop body) is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE WHILE LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 478. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## iteration_statement -> save_context WHILE LPAREN expression . RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context WHILE LPAREN expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Ill-formed 'while' statement. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE WHILE LPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 477. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context WHILE LPAREN . expression RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context WHILE LPAREN ## Ill-formed 'while' statement. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE WHILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 476. ## ## iteration_statement -> save_context WHILE . LPAREN expression RPAREN statement [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context WHILE ## Ill-formed 'while' statement. At this point, an opening parenthesis '(' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 420. ## ## block_item_list -> option(block_item_list) . block_item [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## compound_statement -> save_context LBRACE option(block_item_list) . RBRACE [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN EOF ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## save_context LBRACE option(block_item_list) ## # We are possibly at the end of a block. # # Note that, because we have used %on_error_reduce to consider some # statements as complete even when they could be continued with ELSE, # we may end up here even though ELSE is permitted. There is nothing # we can do about it. We just omit this permitted continuation in our # message. # clang and gcc say an expression is expected. At this point, one of the following is expected: a declaration; or a statement; or a pragma; or a closing brace '}'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE RETURN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 421. ## ## jump_statement -> RETURN . option(expression) SEMICOLON [ WHILE VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF TILDE SWITCH STRUCT STRING_LITERAL STATIC STAR SIZEOF SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RETURN RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACE PRE_NAME PRAGMA PLUS PACKED MINUS LPAREN LONG LBRACE INT INLINE INC IF GOTO FOR FLOAT EXTERN ENUM ELSE DOUBLE DO DEFAULT DEC CONTINUE CONSTANT CONST CHAR CASE BUILTIN_VA_ARG BREAK BANG AUTO ATTRIBUTE ASM AND ALIGNOF ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## RETURN ## # clang and gcc expect an expression. Ill-formed 'return' statement. At this point, one of the following is expected: an expression; or a semicolon ';'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE STRING_LITERAL RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 424. ## ## expression -> expression . COMMA assignment_expression [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## option(expression) -> expression . [ SEMICOLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 58, spurious reduction of production primary_expression -> string_literals_list ## In state 60, spurious reduction of production postfix_expression -> primary_expression ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 127, spurious reduction of production expression -> assignment_expression ## Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 561. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> typedef_name . list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers_typedef -> typedef_name . list(declaration_specifier_no_type) TYPEDEF list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## general_identifier -> typedef_name . [ COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name ## # We see a type name "foo" at the beginning of a block_item, it seems. # This could be the beginning of a declaration, "foo x". # In that case, we expect a possibly-empty list declaration_specifiers_no_type?, # which means a list of: # storage class specifiers, # type qualifiers, # function specifiers (i.e., INLINE, but I suspect this is illegal here). # After this list, we expect init_declarator_list? SEMICOLON. # The second form, where this could be a typedef, is very exotic; ignore it. # This could also be a labeled statement, in which case we expect a colon. # This case sounds rather unlikely. Let's omit it. # We simplify "a list of init declarators" to "an init declarator". A type identifier has been recognized. Assuming this is the beginning of a declaration, at this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or an init declarator, followed with a semicolon ';'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 122. ## ## expression -> expression COMMA . assignment_expression [ SEMICOLON RPAREN RBRACK COMMA COLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## expression COMMA ## Ill-formed use of the sequencing operator ','. At this point, an expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 538. ## ## init_declarator_list -> init_declarator_list . COMMA init_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## option(init_declarator_list) -> init_declarator_list . [ SEMICOLON ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## init_declarator_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production declarator_noattrend -> direct_declarator ## In state 546, spurious reduction of production declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) -> declarator_noattrend ## In state 541, spurious reduction of production save_context -> ## In state 542, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## In state 543, spurious reduction of production init_declarator -> declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) save_context attribute_specifier_list ## In state 540, spurious reduction of production init_declarator_list -> init_declarator_list COMMA init_declarator ## Up to this point, a list of declarators has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 539. ## ## init_declarator_list -> init_declarator_list COMMA . init_declarator [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## init_declarator_list COMMA ## Ill-formed declaration. At this point, an init declarator is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE DOT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ ALIGNAS ## ## Ends in an error in state: 321. ## ## initializer_list -> option(designation) . c_initializer [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## option(designation) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA DOT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ ALIGNAS ## ## Ends in an error in state: 325. ## ## initializer_list -> initializer_list COMMA option(designation) . c_initializer [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## initializer_list COMMA option(designation) ## Ill-formed initializer list. At this point, an initializer is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE DOT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 328. ## ## designation -> designator_list . EQ [ TILDE STRING_LITERAL STAR SIZEOF PRE_NAME PLUS MINUS LPAREN LBRACE INC DEC CONSTANT BUILTIN_VA_ARG BANG AND ALIGNOF ] ## option(designator_list) -> designator_list . [ LBRACK DOT ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## designator_list ## # We are expecting either one more designator, # or an EQ sign (which marks the end of the designation). Ill-formed designation. Up to this point, a list of designators has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, an equals sign '=' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE DOT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 318. ## ## designator -> DOT . general_identifier [ LBRACK EQ DOT ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## DOT ## # clang gives examples of designators. Ill-formed designator. At this point, the name of a struct or union member is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE LBRACK PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 316. ## ## designator -> LBRACK conditional_expression . RBRACK [ LBRACK EQ DOT ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACK conditional_expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 57, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## Ill-formed designator. Up to this point, an opening bracket and an expression have been recognized: $1 $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing bracket ']' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE LBRACK XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 315. ## ## designator -> LBRACK . conditional_expression RBRACK [ LBRACK EQ DOT ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACK ## Ill-formed designator. At this point, a constant expression is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 324. ## ## initializer_list -> initializer_list COMMA . option(designation) c_initializer [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## option(COMMA) -> COMMA . [ RBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## initializer_list COMMA ## # This could be a trailing comma, in which case a closing brace is legal. # Or, this comma could announce a new option(designation) c_initializer. Ill-formed initializer list. At this point, one of the following is expected: an optional designation, followed with an initializer; or a closing brace '}'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE CONSTANT SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 323. ## ## c_initializer -> LBRACE initializer_list . option(COMMA) RBRACE [ SEMICOLON RBRACE COMMA ] ## initializer_list -> initializer_list . COMMA option(designation) c_initializer [ RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE initializer_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## In state 327, spurious reduction of production c_initializer -> assignment_expression ## In state 333, spurious reduction of production initializer_list -> option(designation) c_initializer ## # Omitting the fact that the closing brace can be preceded with a comma. Ill-formed initializer. Up to this point, a list of initializers has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing brace '}' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ LBRACE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 322. ## ## c_initializer -> LBRACE . initializer_list option(COMMA) RBRACE [ SEMICOLON RBRACE COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## LBRACE ## # An initializer list is expected. # Hence, an initializer is expected. # clang and gcc expect an expression (incomplete). Ill-formed initializer. At this point, an optional designation, followed with an initializer, is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME EQ XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 544. ## ## init_declarator -> declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) save_context attribute_specifier_list EQ . c_initializer [ SEMICOLON COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) save_context attribute_specifier_list EQ ## # clang and gcc expect an expression (incomplete). Ill-formed init declarator. At this point, an initializer is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LBRACK CONSTANT SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 238. ## ## optional(assignment_expression,RBRACK) -> assignment_expression . RBRACK [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## assignment_expression ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 61, spurious reduction of production unary_expression -> postfix_expression ## In state 65, spurious reduction of production cast_expression -> unary_expression ## In state 88, spurious reduction of production multiplicative_expression -> cast_expression ## In state 82, spurious reduction of production additive_expression -> multiplicative_expression ## In state 101, spurious reduction of production shift_expression -> additive_expression ## In state 78, spurious reduction of production relational_expression -> shift_expression ## In state 94, spurious reduction of production equality_expression -> relational_expression ## In state 110, spurious reduction of production and_expression -> equality_expression ## In state 118, spurious reduction of production exclusive_or_expression -> and_expression ## In state 119, spurious reduction of production inclusive_or_expression -> exclusive_or_expression ## In state 120, spurious reduction of production logical_and_expression -> inclusive_or_expression ## In state 104, spurious reduction of production logical_or_expression -> logical_and_expression ## In state 102, spurious reduction of production conditional_expression -> logical_or_expression ## In state 123, spurious reduction of production assignment_expression -> conditional_expression ## # At the time of writing, optional(expression,RBRACK) is used only in direct # (possibly abstract) declarators, but it could be used elsewhere in the future. # This is a bit fragile. # Ill-formed direct declarator or direct abstract declarator. Up to this point, an expression has been recognized: $0 If this expression is complete, then at this point, a closing bracket ']' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 277. ## ## identifier_list -> identifier_list COMMA . PRE_NAME VAR_NAME [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## identifier_list COMMA ## # Strangely, gcc requests ')'. Ill-formed K&R function definition. At this point, an identifier is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME COMMA PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME ## ## Ends in an error in state: 278. ## ## identifier_list -> identifier_list COMMA PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## identifier_list COMMA PRE_NAME ## Ill-formed K&R function definition. The following type name is used as a K&R parameter name: $0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 580. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN VOLATILE INT XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 585. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) . declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC STAR SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 578. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN VOLATILE PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 583. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . storage_class_specifier_no_typedef [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_qualifier_noattr [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . function_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## list(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> list(declaration_specifier_no_type) . attribute_specifier [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## # We omit the case of the empty list of declarators # We omit the case of successive primitive type specifiers Ill-formed K&R parameter declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a list of declarators. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN VOLATILE XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 581. ## ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(block_item)) -> rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) . type_specifier_no_typedef_name list(declaration_specifier_no_typedef_name) [ STAR SEMICOLON PRE_NAME LPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 209, spurious reduction of production rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> type_qualifier_noattr ## Ill-formed K&R parameter declaration. At this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: VOID PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME PACKED LPAREN CONSTANT RPAREN XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 594. ## ## attribute_specifier_list -> attribute_specifier . attribute_specifier_list [ SEMICOLON LBRACE EQ COMMA ] ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> attribute_specifier . [ VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT SIGNED SHORT PRE_NAME LONG INT FLOAT ENUM DOUBLE CHAR ] ## rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) -> attribute_specifier . rlist(declaration_specifier_no_type) [ VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT SIGNED SHORT PRE_NAME LONG INT FLOAT ENUM DOUBLE CHAR ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## attribute_specifier ## # We have just parsed a list of attribute specifiers, but we cannot # print it because it is not available. We do not know wether it is # part of the declaration or whether it is part of the first K&R parameter # declaration. # We omit the possibility of one more attribute specifier Ill-formed declaration or function definition. Up to this point, a list of attribute specifiers has been recognized. If this is a declaration, then at this point, a semicolon ';' is expected. If this is a function definition, then at this point, an opening brace '{' is expected (for the function body). If this is the parameter declaration of a K&R function definition, then at this point, one of the following is expected: a storage class specifier; or a type qualifier; or a type specifier. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT COMMA XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 225. ## ## parameter_list -> parameter_list COMMA . parameter_declaration [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## parameter_type_list -> parameter_list COMMA . ELLIPSIS [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## parameter_list COMMA ## At this point, one of the following is expected: a parameter declaration; or an ellipsis '...'. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME SEMICOLON ## ## Ends in an error in state: 224. ## ## parameter_list -> parameter_list . COMMA parameter_declaration [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## parameter_type_list -> parameter_list . [ RPAREN ] ## parameter_type_list -> parameter_list . COMMA ELLIPSIS [ RPAREN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## parameter_list ## ## WARNING: This example involves spurious reductions. ## This implies that, although the LR(1) items shown above provide an ## accurate view of the past (what has been recognized so far), they ## may provide an INCOMPLETE view of the future (what was expected next). ## In state 250, spurious reduction of production declarator_noattrend -> direct_declarator ## In state 255, spurious reduction of production attribute_specifier_list -> ## In state 256, spurious reduction of production declarator -> declarator_noattrend attribute_specifier_list ## In state 272, spurious reduction of production declare_varname(declarator) -> declarator ## In state 271, spurious reduction of production parameter_declaration -> declaration_specifiers(parameter_declaration) declare_varname(declarator) ## In state 232, spurious reduction of production parameter_list -> parameter_declaration ## # We omit the possibility of an ellipsis. # It can be understood as part of the "if this list is complete..." hypothesis. # Strangely, gcc is not bothered by the last SEMICOLON, # but complains that this is a "forward declaration" of the parameter. Up to this point, a list of parameter declarations has been recognized: $0 If this list is complete, then at this point, a closing parenthesis ')' is expected. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: PRE_NAME VAR_NAME ## ## Ends in an error in state: 14. ## ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA COLON AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## # This can only happen in a declaration Ill-formed declaration. The following identifier is used as a type, but has not been defined as such: $0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: INT PRE_NAME VAR_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME VAR_NAME RPAREN INT SEMICOLON XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 590. ## ## declaration_list -> declaration_list . kr_param_declaration [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LONG LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN ENUM DOUBLE CONST CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## function_definition1 -> declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) save_context declaration_list . [ LBRACE ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## declaration_specifiers(declaration(external_declaration)) declare_varname(declarator_noattrend) save_context declaration_list ## # clang requests the function body; gcc requests a declaration :-) Ill-formed K&R function definition. At this point, one of the following is expected: a declaration; or an opening brace '{' (for the function body). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 27. ## ## primary_expression -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## translation_unit_file: ALIGNAS LPAREN VOID LPAREN VOID LPAREN PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 231. ## ## declarator_identifier -> PRE_NAME . low_prec TYPEDEF_NAME [ RPAREN PACKED LPAREN LBRACK ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## declarator_identifier -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ RPAREN PACKED LPAREN LBRACK ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## translation_unit_file: UNION PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 38. ## ## general_identifier -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ XOR_ASSIGN VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF SUB_ASSIGN STRUCT STATIC STAR SLASH SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PRE_NAME PLUS PERCENT PACKED OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LONG LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC HAT GT GEQ FLOAT EXTERN EQEQ EQ ENUM DOUBLE DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BARBAR BAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ALIGNAS ADD_ASSIGN ] ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ XOR_ASSIGN VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL TYPEDEF SUB_ASSIGN STRUCT STATIC STAR SLASH SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT RESTRICT REGISTER RBRACK RBRACE QUESTION PTR PRE_NAME PLUS PERCENT PACKED OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LONG LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE INC HAT GT GEQ FLOAT EXTERN EQEQ EQ ENUM DOUBLE DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC CONST COMMA COLON CHAR BARBAR BAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ALIGNAS ADD_ASSIGN ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## translation_unit_file: VOID PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME LBRACE PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 426. ## ## general_identifier -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ COLON ] ## primary_expression -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ XOR_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN STAR SLASH SEMICOLON RIGHT_ASSIGN RIGHT QUESTION PTR PLUS PERCENT OR_ASSIGN NEQ MUL_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN MINUS LT LPAREN LEQ LEFT_ASSIGN LEFT LBRACK INC HAT GT GEQ EQEQ EQ DOT DIV_ASSIGN DEC COMMA BARBAR BAR AND_ASSIGN ANDAND AND ADD_ASSIGN ] ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE TYPEDEF STATIC STAR SEMICOLON RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN INLINE EXTERN CONST COLON AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## translation_unit_file: VOID PRE_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME LPAREN PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 190. ## ## identifier_list -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ RPAREN COMMA ] ## typedef_name -> PRE_NAME . TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE STATIC STAR RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LBRACK INLINE EXTERN CONST COMMA AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## translation_unit_file: VOID PRE_NAME XOR_ASSIGN ## ## Ends in an error in state: 178. ## ## declarator_identifier -> PRE_NAME . low_prec TYPEDEF_NAME [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## declarator_identifier -> PRE_NAME . VAR_NAME [ VOLATILE VOID UNSIGNED UNION UNDERSCORE_BOOL STRUCT STATIC SIGNED SHORT SEMICOLON RPAREN RESTRICT REGISTER PRE_NAME PACKED LPAREN LONG LBRACK LBRACE INT INLINE FLOAT EXTERN EQ ENUM DOUBLE CONST COMMA COLON CHAR AUTO ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS ] ## ## The known suffix of the stack is as follows: ## PRE_NAME ## # This is not supposed to be possible, since the Lexer can only emit a # VAR_NAME or a TYPEDEF_NAME after a PRE_NAME Internal error when printing a syntax error message. Please report. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Local Variables: # mode: shell-script # End: