/* *********************************************************************/ /* */ /* The Compcert verified compiler */ /* */ /* Jacques-Henri Jourdan, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt */ /* */ /* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en */ /* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */ /* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed */ /* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. */ /* */ /* *********************************************************************/ %{ open Pre_parser_aux let set_id_type (_,r,_) t = r := t let declare_varname (i,_,_) = !declare_varname i let declare_typename (i,_,_) = !declare_typename i let syntax_error pos = Cerrors.fatal_error "%s:%d: syntax error" pos.Lexing.pos_fname pos.Lexing.pos_lnum let unclosed opening closing pos1 pos2 = Cerrors.info "%s:%d: syntax error: expecting '%s'" pos2.Lexing.pos_fname pos2.Lexing.pos_lnum closing; Cerrors.fatal_error "%s:%d: this is the location of the unclosed '%s'" pos1.Lexing.pos_fname pos1.Lexing.pos_lnum opening %} %token VAR_NAME TYPEDEF_NAME %token CONSTANT %token STRING_LITERAL %token PRAGMA %token SIZEOF PTR INC DEC LEFT RIGHT LEQ GEQ EQEQ EQ NEQ LT GT ANDAND BARBAR PLUS MINUS STAR TILDE BANG SLASH PERCENT HAT BAR QUESTION COLON AND MUL_ASSIGN DIV_ASSIGN MOD_ASSIGN ADD_ASSIGN SUB_ASSIGN LEFT_ASSIGN RIGHT_ASSIGN AND_ASSIGN XOR_ASSIGN OR_ASSIGN LPAREN RPAREN LBRACK RBRACK LBRACE RBRACE DOT COMMA SEMICOLON ELLIPSIS TYPEDEF EXTERN STATIC RESTRICT AUTO REGISTER INLINE CHAR SHORT INT LONG SIGNED UNSIGNED FLOAT DOUBLE UNDERSCORE_BOOL CONST VOLATILE VOID STRUCT UNION ENUM CASE DEFAULT IF ELSE SWITCH WHILE DO FOR GOTO CONTINUE BREAK RETURN BUILTIN_VA_ARG ALIGNOF ATTRIBUTE ALIGNAS PACKED ASM %token EOF (* These precedences declarations solve the conflict in the following declaration : int f(int (a)); when a is a TYPEDEF_NAME. It is specified by 11. WARNING: These precedence declarations tend to silently solve other conflicts. So, if you change the grammar (especially or statements), you should check that without these declarations, it has ONLY ONE CONFLICT. *) %nonassoc TYPEDEF_NAME %nonassoc highPrec %start translation_unit_file %% (* Helpers *) (* Note that, by convention, [X?] is syntactic sugar for [option(X)], so this definition of [option] is actually used, even though the word [option] does not appear in the rest of this file. *) option(X): | /* nothing */ { None } | x = X { Some x } (* [ioption(X)] is equivalent to [option(X)], but is marked [%inline], so its definition is expanded. In the absence of conflicts, the two are equivalent. Using [ioption] instead of [option] in well-chosen places can help avoid conflicts. Conversely, using [option] instead of [ioption] in well-chosen places can help reduce the number of states of the automaton. *) %inline ioption(X): | /* nothing */ { None } | x = X { Some x } %inline fst(X): | x = X { fst x } general_identifier: | i = VAR_NAME | i = TYPEDEF_NAME { i } (* [other_identifier] is equivalent to [general_identifier], but adds an instruction that re-classifies this identifier as an [OtherId]. Because this definition is marked %inline, the function call takes place when the host production is reduced. *) %inline other_identifier: i = general_identifier { set_id_type i OtherId } string_literals_list: | STRING_LITERAL | string_literals_list STRING_LITERAL {} (* WARNING : because of the lookahead token, the context might be opened or closed one token after the position of this non-terminal ! Opening too late is not dangerous for us, because this does not change the token stream. However, we have to make sure the lookahead token present just after closing/declaring/restoring is not an identifier. An easy way to check that is to look at the follow set of the non-terminal in question. The follow sets are given by menhir with option -lg 3. *) %inline nop: (* empty *) { } open_context: (* empty *)%prec highPrec { !open_context () } close_context: (* empty *) { !close_context () } in_context(nt): open_context x = nt close_context { x } save_contexts_stk: (* empty *) { !save_contexts_stk () } declare_varname(nt): i = nt { declare_varname i; i } declare_typename(nt): i = nt { declare_typename i; i } (* Actual grammar *) primary_expression: | VAR_NAME | CONSTANT | string_literals_list | LPAREN expression RPAREN {} | LPAREN expression error { unclosed "(" ")" $startpos($1) $endpos } postfix_expression: | primary_expression | postfix_expression LBRACK expression RBRACK | postfix_expression LPAREN argument_expression_list? RPAREN {} | postfix_expression LPAREN argument_expression_list? error { unclosed "(" ")" $startpos($2) $endpos } | BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA type_name RPAREN {} | BUILTIN_VA_ARG LPAREN assignment_expression COMMA type_name error { unclosed "(" ")" $startpos($2) $endpos } | postfix_expression DOT other_identifier | postfix_expression PTR other_identifier | postfix_expression INC | postfix_expression DEC | LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list COMMA? RBRACE {} | LPAREN type_name error { unclosed "(" ")" $startpos($1) $endpos } | LPAREN type_name RPAREN LBRACE initializer_list COMMA? error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($4) $endpos } argument_expression_list: | assignment_expression | argument_expression_list COMMA assignment_expression {} unary_expression: | postfix_expression | INC unary_expression | DEC unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | SIZEOF unary_expression | SIZEOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN | ALIGNOF unary_expression | ALIGNOF LPAREN type_name RPAREN {} unary_operator: | AND | STAR | PLUS | MINUS | TILDE | BANG {} cast_expression: | unary_expression | LPAREN type_name RPAREN cast_expression {} multiplicative_expression: | cast_expression | multiplicative_expression STAR cast_expression | multiplicative_expression SLASH cast_expression | multiplicative_expression PERCENT cast_expression {} additive_expression: | multiplicative_expression | additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression | additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression {} shift_expression: | additive_expression | shift_expression LEFT additive_expression | shift_expression RIGHT additive_expression {} relational_expression: | shift_expression | relational_expression LT shift_expression | relational_expression GT shift_expression | relational_expression LEQ shift_expression | relational_expression GEQ shift_expression {} equality_expression: | relational_expression | equality_expression EQEQ relational_expression | equality_expression NEQ relational_expression {} and_expression: | equality_expression | and_expression AND equality_expression {} exclusive_or_expression: | and_expression | exclusive_or_expression HAT and_expression {} inclusive_or_expression: | exclusive_or_expression | inclusive_or_expression BAR exclusive_or_expression {} logical_and_expression: | inclusive_or_expression | logical_and_expression ANDAND inclusive_or_expression {} logical_or_expression: | logical_and_expression | logical_or_expression BARBAR logical_and_expression {} conditional_expression: | logical_or_expression | logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON conditional_expression {} assignment_expression: | conditional_expression | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression {} assignment_operator: | EQ | MUL_ASSIGN | DIV_ASSIGN | MOD_ASSIGN | ADD_ASSIGN | SUB_ASSIGN | LEFT_ASSIGN | RIGHT_ASSIGN | AND_ASSIGN | XOR_ASSIGN | OR_ASSIGN {} expression: | assignment_expression | expression COMMA assignment_expression {} constant_expression: | conditional_expression {} (* We separate two kinds of declarations: the typedef declaration and the normal declarations. This makes possible to distinguish /in the grammar/ whether a declaration should add a typename or a varname in the context. There is an other difference between [init_declarator_list] and [typedef_declarator_list]: the later cannot contain an initialization (this is an error to initialize a typedef). *) declaration: | declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list? SEMICOLON {} | declaration_specifiers_typedef typedef_declarator_list? SEMICOLON {} init_declarator_list: | init_declarator | init_declarator_list COMMA init_declarator {} init_declarator: | declare_varname(fst(declarator)) | declare_varname(fst(declarator)) EQ c_initializer { } typedef_declarator_list: | typedef_declarator | typedef_declarator_list COMMA typedef_declarator {} typedef_declarator: | declare_typename(fst(declarator)) { } storage_class_specifier_no_typedef: | EXTERN | STATIC | AUTO | REGISTER {} (* [declaration_specifiers_no_type] matches declaration specifiers that do not contain either "typedef" nor type specifiers. *) declaration_specifiers_no_type: | storage_class_specifier_no_typedef declaration_specifiers_no_type? | type_qualifier declaration_specifiers_no_type? | function_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_type? {} (* [declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name] matches declaration specifiers that contain neither "typedef" nor a typedef name (i.e. type specifier declared using a previous "typedef keyword"). *) declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name: | storage_class_specifier_no_typedef declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? | type_qualifier declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? | function_specifier declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? | type_specifier_no_typedef_name declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? {} (* [declaration_specifiers_no_type] matches declaration_specifiers that do not contains "typedef". Moreover, it makes sure that it contains either one typename and not other type specifier or no typename. This is a weaker condition than 6.7.2 2. It is necessary to enforce this in the grammar to disambiguate the example in 6.7.7 6: typedef signed int t; struct tag { unsigned t:4; const t:5; }; The first field is a named t, while the second is unnamed of type t. *) declaration_specifiers: | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) TYPEDEF_NAME declaration_specifiers_no_type? | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? {} (* This matches declaration_specifiers that do contains once the "typedef" keyword. To avoid conflicts, we also encode the constraint described in the comment for [declaration_specifiers]. *) declaration_specifiers_typedef: | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers_no_type? TYPEDEF_NAME declaration_specifiers_no_type? | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) TYPEDEF_NAME declaration_specifiers_no_type? TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers_no_type? | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers_no_type? type_specifier_no_typedef_name declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? | ioption(declaration_specifiers_no_type) type_specifier_no_typedef_name declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? TYPEDEF declaration_specifiers_no_typedef_name? {} (* A type specifier which is not a typedef name. *) type_specifier_no_typedef_name: | VOID | CHAR | SHORT | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE | SIGNED | UNSIGNED | UNDERSCORE_BOOL | struct_or_union_specifier | enum_specifier {} struct_or_union_specifier: | struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list other_identifier? LBRACE struct_declaration_list RBRACE | struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list other_identifier {} | struct_or_union attribute_specifier_list other_identifier? LBRACE struct_declaration_list error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($4) $endpos } struct_or_union: | STRUCT | UNION {} struct_declaration_list: | (* empty *) | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration {} struct_declaration: | specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list? SEMICOLON {} (* As in the standard, except it also encodes the constraint described in the comment above [declaration_specifiers]. *) specifier_qualifier_list: | type_qualifier_list? TYPEDEF_NAME type_qualifier_list? | type_qualifier_list? type_specifier_no_typedef_name specifier_qualifier_list_no_typedef_name? {} specifier_qualifier_list_no_typedef_name: | type_specifier_no_typedef_name specifier_qualifier_list_no_typedef_name? | type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list_no_typedef_name? {} struct_declarator_list: | struct_declarator | struct_declarator_list COMMA struct_declarator {} struct_declarator: | declarator | declarator? COLON constant_expression {} enum_specifier: | ENUM attribute_specifier_list other_identifier? LBRACE enumerator_list COMMA? RBRACE | ENUM attribute_specifier_list other_identifier {} | ENUM attribute_specifier_list other_identifier? LBRACE enumerator_list COMMA? error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($4) $endpos } enumerator_list: | declare_varname(enumerator) | enumerator_list COMMA declare_varname(enumerator) {} enumerator: | i = enumeration_constant | i = enumeration_constant EQ constant_expression { i } enumeration_constant: | i = general_identifier { set_id_type i VarId; i } type_qualifier: | CONST | RESTRICT | VOLATILE | attribute_specifier {} attribute_specifier_list: | /* empty */ | attribute_specifier_list attribute_specifier {} attribute_specifier: | ATTRIBUTE LPAREN LPAREN gcc_attribute_list RPAREN RPAREN | PACKED LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN (* TODO: slove conflict *) (* | PACKED *) | ALIGNAS LPAREN argument_expression_list RPAREN | ALIGNAS LPAREN type_name RPAREN {} gcc_attribute_list: | gcc_attribute | gcc_attribute_list COMMA gcc_attribute {} gcc_attribute: | /* empty */ | gcc_attribute_word | gcc_attribute_word LPAREN argument_expression_list? RPAREN {} | gcc_attribute_word LPAREN i = TYPEDEF_NAME COMMA argument_expression_list RPAREN (* This is to emulate GCC's attribute syntax : we make this identifier a var name identifier, so that the parser will see it as a variable reference *) { set_id_type i VarId } gcc_attribute_word: | other_identifier | CONST | PACKED {} function_specifier: | INLINE {} (* The semantic action returned by [declarator] is a pair of the identifier being defined and an option of the context stack that has to be restored if entering the body of the function being defined, if so. *) declarator: | ioption(pointer) x = direct_declarator attribute_specifier_list { x } direct_declarator: | i = general_identifier { set_id_type i VarId; (i, None) } | LPAREN x = declarator RPAREN | x = direct_declarator LBRACK type_qualifier_list? assignment_expression? RBRACK { x } | x = direct_declarator LPAREN open_context parameter_type_list? restore_fun = save_contexts_stk close_context RPAREN { match snd x with | None -> (fst x, Some restore_fun) | Some _ -> x } pointer: | STAR type_qualifier_list? | STAR type_qualifier_list? pointer {} type_qualifier_list: | type_qualifier_list? type_qualifier {} parameter_type_list: | l=parameter_list | l=parameter_list COMMA ELLIPSIS { l } parameter_list: | i=parameter_declaration { [i] } | l=parameter_list COMMA i=parameter_declaration { i::l } parameter_declaration: | declaration_specifiers id=declare_varname(fst(declarator)) { Some id } | declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator? { None } type_name: | specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator? {} abstract_declarator: | pointer | ioption(pointer) direct_abstract_declarator {} direct_abstract_declarator: | LPAREN abstract_declarator RPAREN | option(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK type_qualifier_list? assignment_expression? RBRACK | ioption(direct_abstract_declarator) LPAREN in_context(parameter_type_list?) RPAREN {} c_initializer: | assignment_expression | LBRACE initializer_list COMMA? RBRACE {} | LBRACE initializer_list COMMA? error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($1) $endpos } initializer_list: | designation? c_initializer | initializer_list COMMA designation? c_initializer {} designation: | designator_list EQ {} designator_list: | designator_list? designator {} designator: | LBRACK constant_expression RBRACK | DOT other_identifier {} (* The grammar of statements is replicated three times. [statement_finish_close] should close the current context just before its last token. [statement_finish_noclose] should not close the current context. It should modify it only if this modification actually changes the context of the current block. [statement_intern_close] is like [statement_finish_close], except it cannot reduce to a single-branch if statement. *) statement_finish_close: | labeled_statement(statement_finish_close) | compound_statement(nop) | expression_statement(close_context) | selection_statement_finish(nop) | iteration_statement(nop,statement_finish_close) | jump_statement(close_context) | asm_statement(close_context) {} statement_finish_noclose: | labeled_statement(statement_finish_noclose) | compound_statement(open_context) | expression_statement(nop) | selection_statement_finish(open_context) | iteration_statement(open_context,statement_finish_close) | jump_statement(nop) | asm_statement(nop) {} statement_intern_close: | labeled_statement(statement_intern_close) | compound_statement(nop) | expression_statement(close_context) | selection_statement_intern_close | iteration_statement(nop,statement_intern_close) | jump_statement(close_context) | asm_statement(close_context) {} (* [labeled_statement(last_statement)] has the same effect on contexts as [last_statement]. *) labeled_statement(last_statement): | other_identifier COLON last_statement | CASE constant_expression COLON last_statement | DEFAULT COLON last_statement {} (* [compound_statement] uses a local context and closes it before its last token. It uses [openc] to open this local context if needed. That is, if a local context has already been opened, [openc] = [nop], otherwise, [openc] = [open_context]. *) compound_statement(openc): | LBRACE openc block_item_list? close_context RBRACE {} | LBRACE openc block_item_list? close_context error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($1) $endpos } block_item_list: | block_item_list? block_item {} block_item: | declaration | statement_finish_noclose | PRAGMA {} (* [expression_statement], [jump_statement] and [asm_statement] close the local context if needed, depending of the close parameter. If there is no local context, [close] = [nop]. Otherwise, [close] = [close_context]. *) expression_statement(close): | expression? close SEMICOLON {} jump_statement(close): | GOTO other_identifier close SEMICOLON | CONTINUE close SEMICOLON | BREAK close SEMICOLON | RETURN expression? close SEMICOLON {} asm_statement(close): | ASM asm_attributes LPAREN string_literals_list asm_arguments RPAREN close SEMICOLON {} (* [selection_statement_finish] and [selection_statement_intern] use a local context and close it before their last token. [selection_statement_finish(openc)] uses [openc] to open this local context if needed. That is, if a local context has already been opened, [openc] = [nop], otherwise, [openc] = [open_context]. [selection_statement_intern_close] is always called with a local context openned. It closes it before its last token. *) (* It should be noted that the token [ELSE] should be lookaheaded /outside/ of the local context because if the lookaheaded token is not [ELSE], then this is the end of the statement. This is especially important to parse correctly the following example: typedef int a; int f() { for(int a; ;) if(1); a * x; } However, if the lookahead token is [ELSE], we should parse the second branch in the same context as the first branch, so we have to reopen the previously closed context. This is the reason for the save/restore system. *) if_else_statement_begin(openc): | IF openc LPAREN expression RPAREN restore_fun = save_contexts_stk statement_intern_close { restore_fun () } selection_statement_finish(openc): | IF openc LPAREN expression RPAREN save_contexts_stk statement_finish_close | if_else_statement_begin(openc) ELSE statement_finish_close | SWITCH openc LPAREN expression RPAREN statement_finish_close {} selection_statement_intern_close: | if_else_statement_begin(nop) ELSE statement_intern_close | SWITCH LPAREN expression RPAREN statement_intern_close {} (* [iteration_statement] uses a local context and closes it before their last token. [iteration_statement] uses [openc] to open this local context if needed. That is, if a local context has already been opened, [openc] = [nop], otherwise, [openc] = [open_context]. [last_statement] is either [statement_intern_close] or [statement_finish_close]. That is, it should /always/ close the local context. *) iteration_statement(openc,last_statement): | WHILE openc LPAREN expression RPAREN last_statement | DO open_context statement_finish_close WHILE openc LPAREN expression RPAREN close_context SEMICOLON | FOR openc LPAREN expression? SEMICOLON expression? SEMICOLON expression? RPAREN last_statement | FOR openc LPAREN declaration expression? SEMICOLON expression? RPAREN last_statement {} asm_attributes: | /* empty */ | CONST asm_attributes | VOLATILE asm_attributes {} asm_arguments: | /* empty */ | COLON asm_operands | COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands | COLON asm_operands COLON asm_operands COLON asm_flags {} asm_operands: | /* empty */ | asm_operands_ne {} asm_operands_ne: | asm_operands_ne COMMA asm_operand | asm_operand {} asm_operand: | asm_op_name string_literals_list LPAREN expression RPAREN {} asm_op_name: | /*empty*/ | LBRACK other_identifier RBRACK {} asm_flags: | string_literals_list | string_literals_list COMMA asm_flags {} translation_unit_file: | translation_unit EOF | EOF {} | error { syntax_error $endpos } translation_unit: | external_declaration | translation_unit external_declaration | translation_unit SEMICOLON | SEMICOLON {} external_declaration: | function_definition | declaration | PRAGMA {} function_definition_begin: | declaration_specifiers ioption(pointer) x=direct_declarator { match x with | (_, None) -> $syntaxerror | (i, Some restore_fun) -> restore_fun () } | declaration_specifiers ioption(pointer) x=direct_declarator LPAREN params=identifier_list RPAREN open_context declaration_list { match x with | (_, Some _) -> $syntaxerror | (i, None) -> declare_varname i; List.iter declare_varname params } identifier_list: | id = VAR_NAME { [id] } | idl = identifier_list COMMA id = VAR_NAME { id :: idl } declaration_list: | /*empty*/ { } | declaration_list declaration { } function_definition: | function_definition_begin LBRACE block_item_list? close_context RBRACE { } | function_definition_begin LBRACE block_item_list? close_context error { unclosed "{" "}" $startpos($2) $endpos }