(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Bernhard Schommer, AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH *) (* *) (* AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH. All rights reserved. This file *) (* is distributed under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial *) (* License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open C open Cutil open DebugInformation open DwarfTypes open DwarfUtil (* Generate the dwarf DIE's from the information collected in DebugInformation *) (* Helper function to get values that must be set. *) let get_opt_val = function | Some a -> a | None -> assert false (* Functions to translate the basetypes. *) let int_type_to_entry id i = let encoding = (match i.int_kind with | IBool -> DW_ATE_boolean | IChar -> if !Machine.config.Machine.char_signed then DW_ATE_signed_char else DW_ATE_unsigned_char | IInt | ILong | ILongLong | IShort | ISChar -> DW_ATE_signed | _ -> DW_ATE_unsigned)in let int = { base_type_byte_size = sizeof_ikind i.int_kind; base_type_encoding = Some encoding; base_type_name = typ_to_string (TInt (i.int_kind,[]));} in new_entry id (DW_TAG_base_type int) let float_type_to_entry id f = let byte_size = sizeof_fkind f.float_kind in let float = { base_type_byte_size = byte_size; base_type_encoding = Some DW_ATE_float; base_type_name = typ_to_string (TFloat (f.float_kind,[])); } in new_entry id (DW_TAG_base_type float) let void_to_entry id = let void = { base_type_byte_size = 0; base_type_encoding = None; base_type_name = "void"; } in new_entry id (DW_TAG_base_type void) let typedef_to_entry id t = let i = get_opt_val t.typ in let td = { typedef_file_loc = t.typedef_file_loc; typedef_name = t.typedef_name; typedef_type = i; } in new_entry id (DW_TAG_typedef td) let pointer_to_entry id p = let p = {pointer_type = p.pts} in new_entry id (DW_TAG_pointer_type p) let array_to_entry id arr = let arr_tag = { array_type_file_loc = None; array_type = arr.arr_type; } in let arr_entry = new_entry id (DW_TAG_array_type arr_tag) in let children = List.map (fun a -> let r = match a with | None -> None | Some i -> let bound = Int64.to_int (Int64.sub i Int64.one) in Some (BoundConst bound) in let s = { subrange_type = None; subrange_upper_bound = r; } in new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_subrange_type s)) arr.arr_size in add_children arr_entry children let const_to_entry id c = new_entry id (DW_TAG_const_type ({const_type = c.cst_type})) let volatile_to_entry id v = new_entry id (DW_TAG_volatile_type ({volatile_type = v.vol_type})) let enum_to_entry id e = let enumerator_to_entry e = let tag = { enumerator_file_loc = None; enumerator_value = Int64.to_int (e.enumerator_const); enumerator_name = e.enumerator_name; } in new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_enumerator tag) in let bs = sizeof_ikind enum_ikind in let enum = { enumeration_file_loc = e.enum_file_loc; enumeration_byte_size = bs; enumeration_declaration = Some false; enumeration_name = Some e.enum_name; } in let enum = new_entry id (DW_TAG_enumeration_type enum) in let child = List.map enumerator_to_entry e.enum_enumerators in add_children enum child let fun_type_to_entry id f = let children = if f.fun_prototyped then let u = { unspecified_parameter_file_loc = None; unspecified_parameter_artificial = None; } in [new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_unspecified_parameter u)] else List.map (fun p -> let fp = { formal_parameter_file_loc = None; formal_parameter_artificial = None; formal_parameter_name = if p.param_name <> "" then Some p.param_name else None; formal_parameter_type = p.param_type; formal_parameter_variable_parameter = None; } in new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_formal_parameter fp)) f.fun_params; in let s = { subroutine_type = f.fun_return_type; subroutine_prototyped = f.fun_prototyped } in let s = new_entry id (DW_TAG_subroutine_type s) in add_children s children let member_to_entry mem = let mem = { member_file_loc = None; member_byte_size = mem.cfd_byte_size; member_bit_offset = mem.cfd_bit_offset; member_bit_size = mem.cfd_bit_size; member_data_member_location = Some (DataLocBlock [DW_OP_plus_uconst (get_opt_val mem.cfd_byte_offset)]); member_declaration = None; member_name = Some (mem.cfd_name); member_type = mem.cfd_typ; } in new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_member mem) let struct_to_entry id s = let tag = { structure_file_loc = s.ct_file_loc; structure_byte_size = s.ct_sizeof; structure_declaration = Some s.ct_declaration; structure_name = if s.ct_name <> "" then Some s.ct_name else None; } in let entry = new_entry id (DW_TAG_structure_type tag) in let child = List.map member_to_entry s.ct_members in add_children entry child let union_to_entry id s = let tag = { union_file_loc = s.ct_file_loc; union_byte_size = s.ct_sizeof; union_declaration = Some s.ct_declaration; union_name = if s.ct_name <> "" then Some s.ct_name else None; } in let entry = new_entry id (DW_TAG_union_type tag) in let child = List.map member_to_entry s.ct_members in add_children entry child let composite_to_entry id s = match s.ct_sou with | Struct -> struct_to_entry id s | Union -> union_to_entry id s let infotype_to_entry id = function | IntegerType i -> int_type_to_entry id i | FloatType f -> float_type_to_entry id f | PointerType p -> pointer_to_entry id p | ArrayType arr -> array_to_entry id arr | CompositeType c -> composite_to_entry id c | EnumType e -> enum_to_entry id e | FunctionType f -> fun_type_to_entry id f | Typedef t -> typedef_to_entry id t | ConstType c -> const_to_entry id c | VolatileType v -> volatile_to_entry id v | Void -> void_to_entry id let gen_types () = List.rev (Hashtbl.fold (fun id t acc -> (infotype_to_entry id t)::acc) types []) let global_variable_to_entry id v = let var = { variable_file_loc = v.gvar_file_loc; variable_declaration = Some v.gvar_declaration; variable_external = Some v.gvar_external; variable_name = v.gvar_name; variable_type = v.gvar_type; variable_location = match v.gvar_atom with Some a -> Some (LocSymbol a) | None -> None; } in new_entry id (DW_TAG_variable var) let function_parameter_to_entry p = let p = { formal_parameter_file_loc = None; formal_parameter_artificial = None; formal_parameter_name = Some p.parameter_name; formal_parameter_type = p.parameter_type; formal_parameter_variable_parameter = None; } in new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_formal_parameter p) let local_variable_to_entry v id = let var = { variable_file_loc = v.lvar_file_loc; variable_declaration = None; variable_external = None; variable_name = v.lvar_name; variable_type = v.lvar_type; variable_location = None; } in new_entry id (DW_TAG_variable var) let function_to_entry id f = let f_tag = { subprogram_file_loc = f.fun_file_loc; subprogram_external = Some f.fun_external; subprogram_name = f.fun_name; subprogram_prototyped = true; subprogram_type = f.fun_return_type; subprogram_high_pc = f.fun_high_pc; subprogram_low_pc = f.fun_low_pc; } in let f_entry = new_entry id (DW_TAG_subprogram f_tag) in let params = List.map function_parameter_to_entry f.fun_parameter in (* let vars = List.map local_variable_to_entry f.fun_locals in*) add_children f_entry params let definition_to_entry id t = match t with | GlobalVariable g -> global_variable_to_entry id g | Function f -> function_to_entry id f let gen_defs () = List.rev (Hashtbl.fold (fun id t acc -> (definition_to_entry id t)::acc) definitions []) let gen_debug_info () = let cp = { compile_unit_name = !file_name; } in let cp = new_entry (next_id ()) (DW_TAG_compile_unit cp) in add_children cp ((gen_types ()) @ (gen_defs ()))