(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) open Printf open Commandline open Camlcoq open Clflags open Timing (* Location of the compatibility library *) let stdlib_path = ref Configuration.stdlib_path let command cmd = if !option_v then begin prerr_string "+ "; prerr_string cmd; prerr_endline "" end; Sys.command cmd let quote_options opts = String.concat " " (List.rev_map Filename.quote opts) let quote_arguments args = String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote args) let safe_remove file = try Sys.remove file with Sys_error _ -> () (* Printing of error messages *) let print_error oc msg = let print_one_error = function | Errors.MSG s -> output_string oc (camlstring_of_coqstring s) | Errors.CTX i -> output_string oc (extern_atom i) | Errors.POS i -> fprintf oc "%ld" (P.to_int32 i) in List.iter print_one_error msg; output_char oc '\n' (* Determine names for output files. We use -o option if specified and if this is the final destination file (not a dump file). Otherwise, we generate a file in the current directory. *) let output_filename ?(final = false) source_file source_suffix output_suffix = match !option_o with | Some file when final -> file | _ -> Filename.basename (Filename.chop_suffix source_file source_suffix) ^ output_suffix (* A variant of [output_filename] where the default output name is fixed *) let output_filename_default default_file = match !option_o with | Some file -> file | None -> default_file (* From C to preprocessed C *) let preprocess ifile ofile = let output = if ofile = "-" then "" else sprintf "> %s" ofile in let cmd = sprintf "%s -D__COMPCERT__ %s %s %s %s" Configuration.prepro (if Configuration.has_runtime_lib then sprintf "-I%s" !stdlib_path else "") (quote_options !prepro_options) ifile output in if command cmd <> 0 then begin if ofile <> "-" then safe_remove ofile; eprintf "Error during preprocessing.\n"; exit 2 end (* From preprocessed C to Csyntax *) let parse_c_file sourcename ifile = Sections.initialize(); (* Simplification options *) let simplifs = "b" (* blocks: mandatory *) ^ (if !option_fstruct_return then "s" else "") ^ (if !option_fbitfields then "f" else "") ^ (if !option_fpacked_structs then "p" else "") in (* Parsing and production of a simplified C AST *) let ast = match Parse.preprocessed_file simplifs sourcename ifile with | None -> exit 2 | Some p -> p in (* Save C AST if requested *) if !option_dparse then begin let ofile = output_filename sourcename ".c" ".parsed.c" in let oc = open_out ofile in Cprint.program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) ast; close_out oc end; (* Conversion to Csyntax *) let csyntax = match C2C.convertProgram ast with | None -> exit 2 | Some p -> p in flush stderr; (* Save CompCert C AST if requested *) if !option_dcmedium then begin let ofile = output_filename sourcename ".c" ".compcert.c" in let oc = open_out ofile in PrintCsyntax.print_program (Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc) csyntax; close_out oc end; csyntax (* Dump Asm code in binary format for the validator *) let sdump_magic_number = "CompCertSDUMP" ^ Configuration.version let dump_asm asm destfile = let oc = open_out_bin destfile in output_string oc sdump_magic_number; output_value oc asm; output_value oc Camlcoq.string_of_atom; output_value oc C2C.decl_atom; close_out oc (* From CompCert C AST to asm *) let compile_c_ast sourcename csyntax ofile = (* Prepare to dump Clight, RTL, etc, if requested *) let set_dest dst opt ext = dst := if !opt then Some (output_filename sourcename ".c" ext) else None in set_dest PrintClight.destination option_dclight ".light.c"; set_dest PrintCminor.destination option_dcminor ".cm"; set_dest PrintRTL.destination option_drtl ".rtl"; set_dest Regalloc.destination_alloctrace option_dalloctrace ".alloctrace"; set_dest PrintLTL.destination option_dltl ".ltl"; set_dest PrintMach.destination option_dmach ".mach"; (* Convert to Asm *) let asm = match Compiler.transf_c_program csyntax with | Errors.OK asm -> Asmexpand.expand_program asm | Errors.Error msg -> print_error stderr msg; exit 2 in (* Dump Asm in binary format *) if !option_sdump then dump_asm asm (output_filename sourcename ".c" ".sdump"); (* Print Asm in text form *) let oc = open_out ofile in PrintAsm.print_program oc asm; close_out oc (* From C source to asm *) let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile = compile_c_ast sourcename (parse_c_file sourcename ifile) ofile (* From Cminor to asm *) let compile_cminor_file ifile ofile = (* Prepare to dump RTL, Mach, etc, if requested *) let set_dest dst opt ext = dst := if !opt then Some (output_filename ifile ".cm" ext) else None in set_dest PrintRTL.destination option_drtl ".rtl"; set_dest Regalloc.destination_alloctrace option_dalloctrace ".alloctrace"; set_dest PrintLTL.destination option_dltl ".ltl"; set_dest PrintMach.destination option_dmach ".mach"; Sections.initialize(); let ic = open_in ifile in let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in try match Compiler.transf_cminor_program (CMtypecheck.type_program (CMparser.prog CMlexer.token lb)) with | Errors.Error msg -> print_error stderr msg; exit 2 | Errors.OK p -> let oc = open_out ofile in PrintAsm.print_program oc p; close_out oc with Parsing.Parse_error -> eprintf "File %s, character %d: Syntax error\n" ifile (Lexing.lexeme_start lb); exit 2 | CMlexer.Error msg -> eprintf "File %s, character %d: %s\n" ifile (Lexing.lexeme_start lb) msg; exit 2 | CMtypecheck.Error msg -> eprintf "File %s, type-checking error:\n%s" ifile msg; exit 2 (* From asm to object file *) let assemble ifile ofile = let cmd = sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s" Configuration.asm ofile (quote_options !assembler_options) ifile in let retcode = command cmd in if retcode <> 0 then begin safe_remove ofile; eprintf "Error during assembling.\n"; exit 2 end (* Linking *) let linker exe_name files = let cmd = sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s" Configuration.linker (Filename.quote exe_name) (quote_arguments files) (if Configuration.has_runtime_lib then sprintf "-L%s -lcompcert" !stdlib_path else "") in if command cmd <> 0 then exit 2 (* Processing of a .c file *) let process_c_file sourcename = if !option_E then begin preprocess sourcename (output_filename_default "-"); "" end else begin let preproname = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".i" in preprocess sourcename preproname; if !option_interp then begin let csyntax = parse_c_file sourcename preproname in safe_remove preproname; Interp.execute csyntax; "" end else if !option_S then begin compile_c_file sourcename preproname (output_filename ~final:true sourcename ".c" ".s"); safe_remove preproname; "" end else begin let asmname = if !option_dasm then output_filename sourcename ".c" ".s" else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in compile_c_file sourcename preproname asmname; safe_remove preproname; let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".c" ".o" in assemble asmname objname; if not !option_dasm then safe_remove asmname; objname end end (* Processing of a .i / .p file (preprocessed C) *) let process_i_file sourcename = if !option_interp then begin let csyntax = parse_c_file sourcename sourcename in Interp.execute csyntax; "" end else if !option_S then begin compile_c_file sourcename sourcename (output_filename ~final:true sourcename ".c" ".s"); "" end else begin let asmname = if !option_dasm then output_filename sourcename ".c" ".s" else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in compile_c_file sourcename sourcename asmname; let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".c" ".o" in assemble asmname objname; if not !option_dasm then safe_remove asmname; objname end (* Processing of a .cm file *) let process_cminor_file sourcename = if !option_S then begin compile_cminor_file sourcename (output_filename ~final:true sourcename ".cm" ".s"); "" end else begin let asmname = if !option_dasm then output_filename sourcename ".cm" ".s" else Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in compile_cminor_file sourcename asmname; let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".cm" ".o" in assemble asmname objname; if not !option_dasm then safe_remove asmname; objname end (* Processing of .S and .s files *) let process_s_file sourcename = let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".s" ".o" in assemble sourcename objname; objname let process_S_file sourcename = if !option_E then begin preprocess sourcename (output_filename_default "-"); "" end else begin let preproname = Filename.temp_file "compcert" ".s" in preprocess sourcename preproname; let objname = output_filename ~final: !option_c sourcename ".S" ".o" in assemble preproname objname; safe_remove preproname; objname end (* Processing of .h files *) let process_h_file sourcename = if !option_E then begin preprocess sourcename (output_filename_default "-"); "" end else begin eprintf "Error: input file %s ignored (not in -E mode)\n" sourcename; exit 2 end (* Record actions to be performed after parsing the command line *) let actions : ((string -> string) * string) list ref = ref [] let push_action fn arg = actions := (fn, arg) :: !actions let push_linker_arg arg = push_action (fun s -> s) arg let perform_actions () = let rec perform = function | [] -> [] | (fn, arg) :: rem -> let res = fn arg in res :: perform rem in perform (List.rev !actions) (* Command-line parsing *) let explode_comma_option s = match Str.split (Str.regexp ",") s with | [] -> assert false | hd :: tl -> tl let usage_string = "The CompCert C verified compiler, version " ^ Configuration.version ^ " Usage: ccomp [options] Recognized source files: .c C source file .i or .p C source file that should not be preprocessed .cm Cminor source file .s Assembly file .S Assembly file that must be preprocessed .o Object file .a Library file Processing options: -c Compile to object file only (no linking), result in .o -E Preprocess only, send result to standard output -S Compile to assembler only, save result in .s -o Generate output in Preprocessing options: -I Add to search path for #include files -D= Define preprocessor symbol -U Undefine preprocessor symbol -Wp, Pass option to the preprocessor Language support options (use -fno- to turn off -f) : -fbitfields Emulate bit fields in structs [off] -flongdouble Treat 'long double' as 'double' [off] -fstruct-return Emulate returning structs and unions by value [off] -fvararg-calls Support calls to variable-argument functions [on] -funprototyped Support calls to old-style functions without prototypes [on] -fpacked-structs Emulate packed structs [off] -finline-asm Support inline 'asm' statements [off] -fall Activate all language support options above -fnone Turn off all language support options above Debugging options: -g Generate debugging information Optimization options: (use -fno- to turn off -f) -O Optimize the compiled code [on by default] -O0 Do not optimize the compiled code -O1 -O2 -O3 Synonymous for -O -Os Optimize for code size in preference to code speed -ftailcalls Optimize function calls in tail position [on] -fconst-prop Perform global constant propagation [on] -ffloat-const-prop Control constant propagation of floats (=0: none, =1: limited, =2: full; default is full) -fcse Perform common subexpression elimination [on] -fredundancy Perform redundancy elimination [on] Code generation options: (use -fno- to turn off -f) -ffpu Use FP registers for some integer operations [on] -fsmall-data Set maximal size for allocation in small data area -fsmall-const Set maximal size for allocation in small constant area -falign-functions Set alignment (in bytes) of function entry points -falign-branch-targets Set alignment (in bytes) of branch targets -falign-cond-branches Set alignment (in bytes) of conditional branches Target processor options: -mthumb (ARM only) Use Thumb2 instruction encoding -marm (ARM only) Use classic ARM instruction encoding Assembling options: -Wa, Pass option to the assembler Linking options: -l Link library -L Add to search path for libraries -Wl, Pass option to the linker Tracing options: -dparse Save C file after parsing and elaboration in .parse.c -dc Save generated Compcert C in .compcert.c -dclight Save generated Clight in .light.c -dcminor Save generated Cminor in .cm -drtl Save RTL at various optimization points in .rtl. -dltl Save LTL after register allocation in .ltl -dmach Save generated Mach code in .mach -dasm Save generated assembly in .s -sdump Save info for post-linking validation in .sdump General options: -stdlib Set the path of the Compcert run-time library -v Print external commands before invoking them -timings Show the time spent in various compiler passes Interpreter mode: -interp Execute given .c files using the reference interpreter -quiet Suppress diagnostic messages for the interpreter -trace Have the interpreter produce a detailed trace of reductions -random Randomize execution order -all Simulate all possible execution orders " let language_support_options = [ option_fbitfields; option_flongdouble; option_fstruct_return; option_fvararg_calls; option_funprototyped; option_fpacked_structs; option_finline_asm ] let optimization_options = [ option_ftailcalls; option_fconstprop; option_fcse; option_fredundancy ] let set_all opts = List.iter (fun r -> r := true) opts let unset_all opts = List.iter (fun r -> r := false) opts let num_source_files = ref 0 let cmdline_actions = let f_opt name ref = [Exact("-f" ^ name), Set ref; Exact("-fno-" ^ name), Unset ref] in [ (* File arguments *) Suffix ".c", Self (fun s -> push_action process_c_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".i", Self (fun s -> push_action process_i_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".p", Self (fun s -> push_action process_i_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".cm", Self (fun s -> push_action process_cminor_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".s", Self (fun s -> push_action process_s_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".S", Self (fun s -> push_action process_S_file s; incr num_source_files); Suffix ".o", Self push_linker_arg; Suffix ".a", Self push_linker_arg; (* GCC compatibility: .o.ext files and .so files are also object files *) _Regexp ".*\\.o\\.", Self push_linker_arg; Suffix ".so", Self push_linker_arg; (* GCC compatibility: .h files can be preprocessed with -E *) Suffix ".h", Self (fun s -> push_action process_h_file s; incr num_source_files); (* Processing options *) Exact "-c", Set option_c; Exact "-E", Set option_E; Exact "-S", Set option_S; Exact "-o", String(fun s -> option_o := Some s); (* Preprocessing options *) Exact "-I", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-I" :: !prepro_options); Prefix "-I", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options); Exact "-D", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-D" :: !prepro_options); Prefix "-D", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options); Exact "-U", String(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: "-U" :: !prepro_options); Prefix "-U", Self(fun s -> prepro_options := s :: !prepro_options); Prefix "-Wp,", Self (fun s -> prepro_options := List.rev_append (explode_comma_option s) !prepro_options); (* Language support options -- more below *) Exact "-fall", Self (fun _ -> set_all language_support_options); Exact "-fnone", Self (fun _ -> unset_all language_support_options); (* Debugging options *) Exact "-g", Self (fun s -> option_g := true; push_linker_arg s); (* Code generation options -- more below *) Exact "-O0", Self (fun _ -> unset_all optimization_options); Exact "-O", Self (fun _ -> set_all optimization_options); _Regexp "-O[123]$", Self (fun _ -> set_all optimization_options); Exact "-Os", Set option_Osize; Exact "-fsmall-data", Integer(fun n -> option_small_data := n); Exact "-fsmall-const", Integer(fun n -> option_small_const := n); Exact "-ffloat-const-prop", Integer(fun n -> option_ffloatconstprop := n); Exact "-falign-functions", Integer(fun n -> option_falignfunctions := Some n); Exact "-falign-branch-targets", Integer(fun n -> option_falignbranchtargets := n); Exact "-falign-cond-branches", Integer(fun n -> option_faligncondbranchs := n); (* Target processor options *) Exact "-mthumb", Set option_mthumb; Exact "-marm", Unset option_mthumb; (* Assembling options *) Prefix "-Wa,", Self (fun s -> assembler_options := s :: !assembler_options); (* Linking options *) Prefix "-l", Self push_linker_arg; Prefix "-L", Self push_linker_arg; Prefix "-Wl,", Self push_linker_arg; (* Tracing options *) Exact "-dparse", Set option_dparse; Exact "-dc", Set option_dcmedium; Exact "-dclight", Set option_dclight; Exact "-dcminor", Set option_dcminor; Exact "-drtl", Set option_drtl; Exact "-dltl", Set option_dltl; Exact "-dalloctrace", Set option_dalloctrace; Exact "-dmach", Set option_dmach; Exact "-dasm", Set option_dasm; Exact "-sdump", Set option_sdump; (* General options *) Exact "-v", Set option_v; Exact "-stdlib", String(fun s -> stdlib_path := s); Exact "-timings", Set option_timings; (* Interpreter mode *) Exact "-interp", Set option_interp; Exact "-quiet", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 0); Exact "-trace", Self (fun _ -> Interp.trace := 2); Exact "-random", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.Random); Exact "-all", Self (fun _ -> Interp.mode := Interp.All) ] (* -f options: come in -f and -fno- variants *) (* Language support options *) @ f_opt "longdouble" option_flongdouble @ f_opt "struct-return" option_fstruct_return @ f_opt "bitfields" option_fbitfields @ f_opt "vararg-calls" option_fvararg_calls @ f_opt "unprototyped" option_funprototyped @ f_opt "packed-structs" option_fpacked_structs @ f_opt "inline-asm" option_finline_asm (* Optimization options *) @ f_opt "tailcalls" option_ftailcalls @ f_opt "const-prop" option_fconstprop @ f_opt "cse" option_fcse @ f_opt "redundancy" option_fredundancy (* Code generation options *) @ f_opt "fpu" option_ffpu @ f_opt "sse" option_ffpu (* backward compatibility *) let _ = try Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.minor_heap_size = 524288; (* 512k *) Gc.major_heap_increment = 4194304 (* 4M *) }; Printexc.record_backtrace true; Machine.config := begin match Configuration.arch with | "powerpc" -> Machine.ppc_32_bigendian | "arm" -> Machine.arm_littleendian | "ia32" -> Machine.x86_32 | _ -> assert false end; Builtins.set C2C.builtins; CPragmas.initialize(); parse_cmdline cmdline_actions usage_string; let nolink = !option_c || !option_S || !option_E || !option_interp in if nolink && !option_o <> None && !num_source_files >= 2 then begin eprintf "Ambiguous '-o' option (multiple source files)\n"; exit 2 end; let linker_args = time "Total compilation time" perform_actions () in if (not nolink) && linker_args <> [] then begin linker (output_filename_default "a.out") linker_args end with Sys_error msg -> eprintf "I/O error: %s.\n" msg; exit 2