(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Export Clight as a Coq file *) open Format open Camlcoq open Datatypes open Values open AST open Ctypes open Cop open Clight (* Options, lists, pairs *) let print_option fn p = function | None -> fprintf p "None" | Some x -> fprintf p "(Some %a)" fn x let print_pair fn1 fn2 p (x1, x2) = fprintf p "@[(%a,@ %a)@]" fn1 x1 fn2 x2 let print_list fn p l = match l with | [] -> fprintf p "nil" | hd :: tl -> fprintf p "@[("; let rec plist = function | [] -> fprintf p "nil" | hd :: tl -> fprintf p "%a ::@ " fn hd; plist tl in plist l; fprintf p ")@]" (* Identifiers *) exception Not_an_identifier let sanitize s = let s' = String.create (String.length s) in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do s'.[i] <- match s.[i] with | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' as c -> c | ' ' | '$' -> '_' | _ -> raise Not_an_identifier done; s' module StringSet = Set.Make(String) let temp_names : (ident, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17 let all_temp_names : StringSet.t ref = ref StringSet.empty let ident p id = try let s = Hashtbl.find string_of_atom id in fprintf p "_%s" (sanitize s) with Not_found | Not_an_identifier -> try let s = Hashtbl.find temp_names id in fprintf p "%s" s with Not_found -> fprintf p "%ld%%positive" (P.to_int32 id) let define_idents p = Hashtbl.iter (fun id name -> try fprintf p "Definition _%s : ident := %ld%%positive.@ " (sanitize name) (P.to_int32 id) with Not_an_identifier -> ()) string_of_atom; Hashtbl.iter (fun id name -> fprintf p "Definition %s : ident := %ld%%positive.@ " name (P.to_int32 id)) temp_names; fprintf p "@ " let rec find_temp_name name counter = let name' = if counter = 0 then name ^ "'" else sprintf "%s'%d" name counter in if StringSet.mem name' !all_temp_names then find_temp_name name (counter + 1) else name' let name_temporary t v = (* Try to give "t" a name that is the name of "v" with a prime plus a number to disambiguate if needed. *) if not (Hashtbl.mem string_of_atom t || Hashtbl.mem temp_names t) then begin try let vname = "_" ^ sanitize (Hashtbl.find string_of_atom v) in let tname = find_temp_name vname 0 in Hashtbl.add temp_names t tname; all_temp_names := StringSet.add tname !all_temp_names with Not_found | Not_an_identifier -> () end (* Numbers *) let coqint p n = let n = camlint_of_coqint n in if n >= 0l then fprintf p "(Int.repr %ld)" n else fprintf p "(Int.repr (%ld))" n let coqint64 p n = let n = camlint64_of_coqint n in if n >= 0L then fprintf p "(Int64.repr %Ld)" n else fprintf p "(Int64.repr (%Ld))" n let coqfloat p n = let n = camlint64_of_coqint(Floats.Float.to_bits n) in if n >= 0L then fprintf p "(Float.of_bits (Int64.repr %Ld))" n else fprintf p "(Float.of_bits (Int64.repr (%Ld)))" n let coqsingle p n = let n = camlint_of_coqint(Floats.Float32.to_bits n) in if n >= 0l then fprintf p "(Float32.of_bits (Int.repr %ld))" n else fprintf p "(Float32.of_bits (Int.repr (%ld)))" n (* Types *) let use_struct_names = ref true let rec typ p t = match attr_of_type t with | { attr_volatile = false; attr_alignas = None} -> rtyp p t | { attr_volatile = true; attr_alignas = None} -> fprintf p "(tvolatile %a)" rtyp t | { attr_volatile = false; attr_alignas = Some n} -> fprintf p "(talignas %ld%%N %a)" (N.to_int32 n) rtyp t | { attr_volatile = true; attr_alignas = Some n} -> fprintf p "(tvolatile_alignas %ld%%N %a)" (N.to_int32 n) rtyp t and rtyp p = function | Tvoid -> fprintf p "tvoid" | Tint(sz, sg, _) -> fprintf p "%s" ( match sz, sg with | I8, Signed -> "tschar" | I8, Unsigned -> "tuchar" | I16, Signed -> "tshort" | I16, Unsigned -> "tushort" | I32, Signed -> "tint" | I32, Unsigned -> "tuint" | IBool, _ -> "tbool") | Tlong(sg, _) -> fprintf p "%s" ( match sg with | Signed -> "tlong" | Unsigned -> "tulong") | Tfloat(sz, _) -> fprintf p "%s" ( match sz with | F32 -> "tfloat" | F64 -> "tdouble") | Tpointer(t, _) -> fprintf p "(tptr %a)" typ t | Tarray(t, sz, _) -> fprintf p "(tarray %a %ld)" typ t (Z.to_int32 sz) | Tfunction(targs, tres, cc) -> fprintf p "@[(Tfunction@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" typlist targs typ tres callconv cc | Tstruct(id, flds, _) -> if !use_struct_names then fprintf p "t%a" ident id else fprintf p "@[(Tstruct %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds | Tunion(id, flds, _) -> if !use_struct_names then fprintf p "t%a" ident id else fprintf p "@[(Tunion %a@ %a@ noattr)@]" ident id fieldlist flds | Tcomp_ptr(id, _) -> fprintf p "(Tcomp_ptr %a noattr)" ident id and typlist p = function | Tnil -> fprintf p "Tnil" | Tcons(t, tl) -> fprintf p "@[(Tcons@ %a@ %a)@]" typ t typlist tl and fieldlist p = function | Fnil -> fprintf p "Fnil" | Fcons(id, t, fl) -> fprintf p "@[(Fcons %a@ %a@ %a)@]" ident id typ t fieldlist fl and callconv p cc = if cc = cc_default then fprintf p "cc_default" else fprintf p "{|cc_vararg:=%b; cc_structret:=%b|}" cc.cc_vararg cc.cc_structret (* External functions *) let asttype p t = fprintf p "%s" (match t with | AST.Tint -> "AST.Tint" | AST.Tfloat -> "AST.Tfloat" | AST.Tlong -> "AST.Tlong" | AST.Tsingle -> "AST.Tsingle" | AST.Tany32 -> "AST.Tany32" | AST.Tany64 -> "AST.Tany64") let name_of_chunk = function | Mint8signed -> "Mint8signed" | Mint8unsigned -> "Mint8unsigned" | Mint16signed -> "Mint16signed" | Mint16unsigned -> "Mint16unsigned" | Mint32 -> "Mint32" | Mint64 -> "Mint64" | Mfloat32 -> "Mfloat32" | Mfloat64 -> "Mfloat64" | Many32 -> "Many32" | Many64 -> "Many64" let signatur p sg = fprintf p "@[(mksignature@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" (print_list asttype) sg.sig_args (print_option asttype) sg.sig_res callconv sg.sig_cc let assertions = ref ([]: (ident * annot_arg list) list) let annot_arg p = function | AA_arg ty -> fprintf p "AA_arg %a" asttype ty | AA_int n -> fprintf p "AA_int %a" coqint n | AA_float n -> fprintf p "AA_float %a" coqfloat n let external_function p = function | EF_external(name, sg) -> fprintf p "@[(EF_external %a@ %a)@]" ident name signatur sg | EF_builtin(name, sg) -> fprintf p "@[(EF_builtin %a@ %a)@]" ident name signatur sg | EF_vload chunk -> fprintf p "(EF_vload %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk) | EF_vstore chunk -> fprintf p "(EF_vstore %s)" (name_of_chunk chunk) | EF_vload_global(chunk, id, ofs) -> fprintf p "(EF_vload_global %s %a %a)" (name_of_chunk chunk) ident id coqint ofs | EF_vstore_global(chunk, id, ofs) -> fprintf p "(EF_vstore_global %s %a %a)" (name_of_chunk chunk) ident id coqint ofs | EF_malloc -> fprintf p "EF_malloc" | EF_free -> fprintf p "EF_free" | EF_memcpy(sz, al) -> fprintf p "(EF_memcpy %ld %ld)" (Z.to_int32 sz) (Z.to_int32 al) | EF_annot(text, targs) -> assertions := (text, targs) :: !assertions; fprintf p "(EF_annot %ld%%positive %a)" (P.to_int32 text) (print_list annot_arg) targs | EF_annot_val(text, targ) -> assertions := (text, [AA_arg targ]) :: !assertions; fprintf p "(EF_annot_val %ld%%positive %a)" (P.to_int32 text) asttype targ | EF_inline_asm(text) -> fprintf p "(EF_inline_asm %ld%%positive)" (P.to_int32 text) (* Expressions *) let name_unop = function | Onotbool -> "Onotbool" | Onotint -> "Onotint" | Oneg -> "Oneg" | Oabsfloat -> "Oabsfloat" let name_binop = function | Oadd -> "Oadd" | Osub -> "Osub" | Omul -> "Omul" | Odiv -> "Odiv" | Omod -> "Omod" | Oand -> "Oand" | Oor -> "Oor" | Oxor -> "Oxor" | Oshl -> "Oshl" | Oshr -> "Oshr" | Oeq -> "Oeq" | One -> "One" | Olt -> "Olt" | Ogt -> "Ogt" | Ole -> "Ole" | Oge -> "Oge" let rec expr p = function | Evar(id, t) -> fprintf p "(Evar %a %a)" ident id typ t | Etempvar(id, t) -> fprintf p "(Etempvar %a %a)" ident id typ t | Ederef(a1, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Ederef@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t | Efield(a1, f, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Efield@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 ident f typ t | Econst_int(n, t) -> fprintf p "(Econst_int %a %a)" coqint n typ t | Econst_float(n, t) -> fprintf p "(Econst_float %a %a)" coqfloat n typ t | Econst_long(n, t) -> fprintf p "(Econst_long %a %a)" coqint64 n typ t | Econst_single(n, t) -> fprintf p "(Econst_single %a %a)" coqsingle n typ t | Eunop(op, a1, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Eunop %s@ %a@ %a)@]" (name_unop op) expr a1 typ t | Eaddrof(a1, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Eaddrof@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t | Ebinop(op, a1, a2, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Ebinop %s@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" (name_binop op) expr a1 expr a2 typ t | Ecast(a1, t) -> fprintf p "@[(Ecast@ %a@ %a)@]" expr a1 typ t (* Statements *) let rec stmt p = function | Sskip -> fprintf p "Sskip" | Sassign(e1, e2) -> fprintf p "@[(Sassign@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e1 expr e2 | Sset(id, e2) -> fprintf p "@[(Sset %a@ %a)@]" ident id expr e2 | Scall(optid, e1, el) -> fprintf p "@[(Scall %a@ %a@ %a)@]" (print_option ident) optid expr e1 (print_list expr) el | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyl, el) -> fprintf p "@[(Sbuiltin %a@ %a@ %a@ %a)@]" (print_option ident) optid external_function ef typlist tyl (print_list expr) el | Ssequence(Sskip, s2) -> stmt p s2 | Ssequence(s1, Sskip) -> stmt p s1 | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[(Ssequence@ %a@ %a)@]" stmt s1 stmt s2 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[(Sifthenelse %a@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s1 stmt s2 | Sloop (Ssequence (Sifthenelse(e, Sskip, Sbreak), s), Sskip) -> fprintf p "@[(Swhile@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s | Sloop (Ssequence (Ssequence(Sskip, Sifthenelse(e, Sskip, Sbreak)), s), Sskip) -> fprintf p "@[(Swhile@ %a@ %a)@]" expr e stmt s | Sloop(s1, s2) -> fprintf p "@[(Sloop@ %a@ %a)@]" stmt s1 stmt s2 | Sbreak -> fprintf p "Sbreak" | Scontinue -> fprintf p "Scontinue" | Sswitch(e, cases) -> fprintf p "@[(Sswitch %a@ %a)@]" expr e lblstmts cases | Sreturn e -> fprintf p "@[(Sreturn %a)@]" (print_option expr) e | Slabel(lbl, s1) -> fprintf p "@[(Slabel %a@ %a)@]" ident lbl stmt s1 | Sgoto lbl -> fprintf p "(Sgoto %a)" ident lbl and lblstmts p = function | LSnil -> () | LScons(lbl, s, ls) -> fprintf p "@[(LScase %a@ %a@ %a)@]" (print_option coqint) lbl stmt s lblstmts ls let print_function p (id, f) = fprintf p "Definition f_%s := {|@ " (extern_atom id); fprintf p " fn_return := %a;@ " typ f.fn_return; fprintf p " fn_callconv := %a;@ " callconv f.fn_callconv; fprintf p " fn_params := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_params; fprintf p " fn_vars := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_vars; fprintf p " fn_temps := %a;@ " (print_list (print_pair ident typ)) f.fn_temps; fprintf p " fn_body :=@ "; stmt p f.fn_body; fprintf p "@ |}.@ @ " let init_data p = function | Init_int8 n -> fprintf p "Init_int8 %a" coqint n | Init_int16 n -> fprintf p "Init_int16 %a" coqint n | Init_int32 n -> fprintf p "Init_int32 %a" coqint n | Init_int64 n -> fprintf p "Init_int64 %a" coqint64 n | Init_float32 n -> fprintf p "Init_float32 %a" coqsingle n | Init_float64 n -> fprintf p "Init_float64 %a" coqfloat n | Init_space n -> fprintf p "Init_space %ld" (Z.to_int32 n) | Init_addrof(id,ofs) -> fprintf p "Init_addrof %a %a" ident id coqint ofs let print_variable p (id, v) = fprintf p "Definition v_%s := {|@ " (extern_atom id); fprintf p " gvar_info := %a;@ " typ v.gvar_info; fprintf p " gvar_init := %a;@ " (print_list init_data) v.gvar_init; fprintf p " gvar_readonly := %B;@ " v.gvar_readonly; fprintf p " gvar_volatile := %B@ " v.gvar_volatile; fprintf p "|}.@ @ " let print_globdef p (id, gd) = match gd with | Gfun(Internal f) -> print_function p (id, f) | Gfun(External _) -> () | Gvar v -> print_variable p (id, v) let print_ident_globdef p = function | (id, Gfun(Internal f)) -> fprintf p "(%a, Gfun(Internal f_%s))" ident id (extern_atom id) | (id, Gfun(External(ef, targs, tres, cc))) -> fprintf p "@[(%a,@ @[Gfun(External %a@ %a@ %a@ %a))@]@]" ident id external_function ef typlist targs typ tres callconv cc | (id, Gvar v) -> fprintf p "(%a, Gvar v_%s)" ident id (extern_atom id) (* Collecting the names and fields of structs and unions *) module TypeSet = Set.Make(struct type t = coq_type let compare = Pervasives.compare end) let struct_unions = ref TypeSet.empty let register_struct_union ty = struct_unions := TypeSet.add ty !struct_unions let rec collect_type = function | Tvoid -> () | Tint _ -> () | Tlong _ -> () | Tfloat _ -> () | Tpointer(t, _) -> collect_type t | Tarray(t, _, _) -> collect_type t | Tfunction(args, res, _) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res | Tstruct(id, fld, _) -> register_struct_union (Tstruct(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*) | Tunion(id, fld, _) -> register_struct_union (Tunion(id, fld, noattr)) (*; collect_fields fld*) | Tcomp_ptr _ -> () and collect_type_list = function | Tnil -> () | Tcons(hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_type_list tl and collect_fields = function | Fnil -> () | Fcons(id, hd, tl) -> collect_type hd; collect_fields tl let rec collect_expr e = collect_type (typeof e); match e with | Econst_int _ -> () | Econst_float _ -> () | Econst_long _ -> () | Econst_single _ -> () | Evar _ -> () | Etempvar _ -> () | Ederef(r, _) -> collect_expr r | Efield(l, _, _) -> collect_expr l | Eaddrof(l, _) -> collect_expr l | Eunop(_, r, _) -> collect_expr r | Ebinop(_, r1, r2, _) -> collect_expr r1; collect_expr r2 | Ecast(r, _) -> collect_expr r let rec collect_exprlist = function | [] -> () | r1 :: rl -> collect_expr r1; collect_exprlist rl let rec temp_of_expr = function | Etempvar(tmp, _) -> Some tmp | Ecast(e, _) -> temp_of_expr e | _ -> None let rec collect_stmt = function | Sskip -> () | Sassign(e1, e2) -> collect_expr e1; collect_expr e2 | Sset(id, e2) -> begin match temp_of_expr e2 with | Some tmp -> name_temporary tmp id | None -> () end; collect_expr e2 | Scall(optid, e1, el) -> collect_expr e1; collect_exprlist el | Sbuiltin(optid, ef, tyl, el) -> collect_exprlist el | Ssequence(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2 | Sifthenelse(e, s1, s2) -> collect_expr e; collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2 | Sloop(s1, s2) -> collect_stmt s1; collect_stmt s2 | Sbreak -> () | Scontinue -> () | Sswitch(e, cases) -> collect_expr e; collect_cases cases | Sreturn None -> () | Sreturn (Some e) -> collect_expr e | Slabel(lbl, s) -> collect_stmt s | Sgoto lbl -> () and collect_cases = function | LSnil -> () | LScons(lbl, s, rem) -> collect_stmt s; collect_cases rem let collect_function f = collect_type f.fn_return; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_params; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_vars; List.iter (fun (id, ty) -> collect_type ty) f.fn_temps; collect_stmt f.fn_body let collect_globdef (id, gd) = match gd with | Gfun(External(_, args, res, _)) -> collect_type_list args; collect_type res | Gfun(Internal f) -> collect_function f | Gvar v -> collect_type v.gvar_info let define_struct p ty = match ty with | Tstruct(id, _, _) | Tunion(id, _, _) -> fprintf p "@[Definition t%a :=@ %a.@]@ " ident id typ ty | _ -> assert false let define_structs p prog = use_struct_names := false; TypeSet.iter (define_struct p) !struct_unions; use_struct_names := true; fprintf p "@ " (* Assertion processing *) let re_annot_param = Str.regexp "%%\\|%[1-9][0-9]*" type fragment = Text of string | Param of int (* For compatibility with OCaml < 4.00 *) let list_iteri f l = let rec iteri i = function | [] -> () | a::l -> f i a; iteri (i + 1) l in iteri 0 l let print_assertion p (txt, targs) = let frags = List.map (function | Str.Text s -> Text s | Str.Delim "%%" -> Text "%" | Str.Delim s -> Param(int_of_string(String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)))) (Str.full_split re_annot_param (extern_atom txt)) in let max_param = ref 0 in List.iter (function | Text _ -> () | Param n -> max_param := max n !max_param) frags; fprintf p " | %ld%%positive, " (P.to_int32 txt); list_iteri (fun i targ -> match targ with | AA_arg _ -> fprintf p "_x%d :: " (i + 1) | _ -> ()) targs; fprintf p "nil =>@ "; list_iteri (fun i targ -> match targ with | AA_arg _ -> () | AA_int n -> fprintf p " let _x%d := %a in@ " (i + 1) coqint n | AA_float n -> fprintf p " let _x%d := %a in@ " (i + 1) coqfloat n) targs; fprintf p " "; List.iter (function | Text s -> fprintf p "%s" s | Param n -> fprintf p "_x%d" n) frags; fprintf p "@ " let print_assertions p = if !assertions <> [] then begin fprintf p "Definition assertions (id: ident) args : Prop :=@ "; fprintf p " match id, args with@ "; List.iter (print_assertion p) !assertions; fprintf p " | _, _ => False@ "; fprintf p " end.@ @ " end (* The prologue *) let prologue = "\ Require Import Clightdefs. Local Open Scope Z_scope. " (* All together *) let print_program p prog = fprintf p "@["; fprintf p "%s" prologue; Hashtbl.clear temp_names; all_temp_names := StringSet.empty; struct_unions := TypeSet.empty; List.iter collect_globdef prog.prog_defs; define_idents p; define_structs p prog; List.iter (print_globdef p) prog.prog_defs; fprintf p "Definition prog : Clight.program := {|@ "; fprintf p "prog_defs :=@ %a;@ " (print_list print_ident_globdef) prog.prog_defs; fprintf p "prog_main := %a@ " ident prog.prog_main; fprintf p "|}.@ "; print_assertions p; fprintf p "@]@."