Require Iteration. Require Floats. Require RTLgen. Require Coloring. Require Allocation. Require Main. (* Standard lib *) Extract Inductive unit => "unit" [ "()" ]. Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ]. Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ]. (* Float *) Extract Inlined Constant Floats.float => "float". Extract Constant => "0.". Extract Constant => "1.". Extract Constant Floats.Float.neg => "( ~-. )". Extract Constant Floats.Float.abs => "abs_float". Extract Constant Floats.Float.singleoffloat => "Floataux.singleoffloat". Extract Constant Floats.Float.intoffloat => "Floataux.intoffloat". Extract Constant Floats.Float.floatofint => "Floataux.floatofint". Extract Constant Floats.Float.floatofintu => "Floataux.floatofintu". Extract Constant Floats.Float.add => "( +. )". Extract Constant Floats.Float.sub => "( -. )". Extract Constant Floats.Float.mul => "( *. )". Extract Constant Floats.Float.div => "( /. )". Extract Constant Floats.Float.cmp => "Floataux.cmp". Extract Constant Floats.Float.eq_dec => "fun (x: float) (y: float) -> x = y". (* Iteration *) Extract Constant Iteration.dependent_description' => "fun x -> assert false". Extract Constant Iteration.GenIter.iterate => "let rec iter f a = match f a with Coq_inl b -> Some b | Coq_inr a' -> iter f a' in iter". (* RTLgen *) Extract Constant RTLgen.compile_switch => "RTLgenaux.compile_switch". Extract Constant RTLgen.more_likely => "RTLgenaux.more_likely". (* RTLtyping *) Extract Constant RTLtyping.infer_type_environment => "RTLtypingaux.infer_type_environment". (* Coloring *) Extract Constant Coloring.graph_coloring => "Coloringaux.graph_coloring". (* Linearize *) Extract Constant Linearize.enumerate_aux => "Linearizeaux.enumerate_aux". (* PPC *) Extract Constant PPC.low_half_signed => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Constant PPC.high_half_signed => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Constant PPC.low_half_unsigned => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Constant PPC.high_half_unsigned => "fun _ -> assert false". (* Suppression of stupidly big equality functions *) Extract Constant CSE.eq_rhs => "fun (x: rhs) (y: rhs) -> x = y". Extract Constant Locations.mreg_eq => "fun (x: mreg) (y: mreg) -> x = y". Extract Constant PPC.ireg_eq => "fun (x: ireg) (y: ireg) -> x = y". Extract Constant PPC.freg_eq => "fun (x: freg) (y: freg) -> x = y". Extract Constant PPC.preg_eq => "fun (x: preg) (y: preg) -> x = y". (* Go! *) Recursive Extraction Library Main.