(** This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/ Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Sylvie Boldo #
# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Guillaume Melquiond This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details. *) (** Basic operations on floats: alignment, addition, multiplication *) Require Import Raux Defs Float_prop. Set Implicit Arguments. Set Strongly Strict Implicit. Section Float_ops. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Arguments Float {beta}. Definition Falign (f1 f2 : float beta) := let '(Float m1 e1) := f1 in let '(Float m2 e2) := f2 in if Zle_bool e1 e2 then (m1, (m2 * Zpower beta (e2 - e1))%Z, e1) else ((m1 * Zpower beta (e1 - e2))%Z, m2, e2). Theorem Falign_spec : forall f1 f2 : float beta, let '(m1, m2, e) := Falign f1 f2 in F2R f1 = @F2R beta (Float m1 e) /\ F2R f2 = @F2R beta (Float m2 e). Proof. unfold Falign. intros (m1, e1) (m2, e2). generalize (Zle_cases e1 e2). case (Zle_bool e1 e2) ; intros He ; split ; trivial. now rewrite <- F2R_change_exp. rewrite <- F2R_change_exp. apply refl_equal. omega. Qed. Theorem Falign_spec_exp: forall f1 f2 : float beta, snd (Falign f1 f2) = Z.min (Fexp f1) (Fexp f2). Proof. intros (m1,e1) (m2,e2). unfold Falign; simpl. generalize (Zle_cases e1 e2);case (Zle_bool e1 e2); intros He. case (Zmin_spec e1 e2); intros (H1,H2); easy. case (Zmin_spec e1 e2); intros (H1,H2); easy. Qed. Definition Fopp (f1 : float beta) : float beta := let '(Float m1 e1) := f1 in Float (-m1)%Z e1. Theorem F2R_opp : forall f1 : float beta, (F2R (Fopp f1) = -F2R f1)%R. intros (m1,e1). apply F2R_Zopp. Qed. Definition Fabs (f1 : float beta) : float beta := let '(Float m1 e1) := f1 in Float (Z.abs m1)%Z e1. Theorem F2R_abs : forall f1 : float beta, (F2R (Fabs f1) = Rabs (F2R f1))%R. intros (m1,e1). apply F2R_Zabs. Qed. Definition Fplus (f1 f2 : float beta) : float beta := let '(m1, m2 ,e) := Falign f1 f2 in Float (m1 + m2) e. Theorem F2R_plus : forall f1 f2 : float beta, F2R (Fplus f1 f2) = (F2R f1 + F2R f2)%R. Proof. intros f1 f2. unfold Fplus. generalize (Falign_spec f1 f2). destruct (Falign f1 f2) as ((m1, m2), e). intros (H1, H2). rewrite H1, H2. unfold F2R. simpl. rewrite plus_IZR. apply Rmult_plus_distr_r. Qed. Theorem Fplus_same_exp : forall m1 m2 e, Fplus (Float m1 e) (Float m2 e) = Float (m1 + m2) e. Proof. intros m1 m2 e. unfold Fplus. simpl. now rewrite Zle_bool_refl, Zminus_diag, Zmult_1_r. Qed. Theorem Fexp_Fplus : forall f1 f2 : float beta, Fexp (Fplus f1 f2) = Z.min (Fexp f1) (Fexp f2). Proof. intros f1 f2. unfold Fplus. rewrite <- Falign_spec_exp. now destruct (Falign f1 f2) as ((p,q),e). Qed. Definition Fminus (f1 f2 : float beta) := Fplus f1 (Fopp f2). Theorem F2R_minus : forall f1 f2 : float beta, F2R (Fminus f1 f2) = (F2R f1 - F2R f2)%R. Proof. intros f1 f2; unfold Fminus. rewrite F2R_plus, F2R_opp. ring. Qed. Theorem Fminus_same_exp : forall m1 m2 e, Fminus (Float m1 e) (Float m2 e) = Float (m1 - m2) e. Proof. intros m1 m2 e. unfold Fminus. apply Fplus_same_exp. Qed. Definition Fmult (f1 f2 : float beta) : float beta := let '(Float m1 e1) := f1 in let '(Float m2 e2) := f2 in Float (m1 * m2) (e1 + e2). Theorem F2R_mult : forall f1 f2 : float beta, F2R (Fmult f1 f2) = (F2R f1 * F2R f2)%R. Proof. intros (m1, e1) (m2, e2). unfold Fmult, F2R. simpl. rewrite mult_IZR, bpow_plus. ring. Qed. End Float_ops.