(** This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/ Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Sylvie Boldo #
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Guillaume Melquiond This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details. *) (** * Error of the rounded-to-nearest addition is representable. *) Require Import Fcore_Raux. Require Import Fcore_defs. Require Import Fcore_float_prop. Require Import Fcore_generic_fmt. Require Import Fcore_FIX. Require Import Fcore_FLX. Require Import Fcore_FLT. Require Import Fcalc_ops. Section Fprop_plus_error. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Section round_repr_same_exp. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. Theorem round_repr_same_exp : forall m e, exists m', round beta fexp rnd (F2R (Float beta m e)) = F2R (Float beta m' e). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros m e. set (e' := canonic_exp beta fexp (F2R (Float beta m e))). unfold round, scaled_mantissa. fold e'. destruct (Zle_or_lt e' e) as [He|He]. exists m. unfold F2R at 2. simpl. rewrite Rmult_assoc, <- bpow_plus. rewrite <- Z2R_Zpower. 2: omega. rewrite <- Z2R_mult, Zrnd_Z2R... unfold F2R. simpl. rewrite Z2R_mult. rewrite Rmult_assoc. rewrite Z2R_Zpower. 2: omega. rewrite <- bpow_plus. apply (f_equal (fun v => Z2R m * bpow v)%R). ring. exists ((rnd (Z2R m * bpow (e - e'))) * Zpower beta (e' - e))%Z. unfold F2R. simpl. rewrite Z2R_mult. rewrite Z2R_Zpower. 2: omega. rewrite 2!Rmult_assoc. rewrite <- 2!bpow_plus. apply (f_equal (fun v => _ * bpow v)%R). ring. Qed. End round_repr_same_exp. Context { monotone_exp : Monotone_exp fexp }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp). Variable choice : Z -> bool. Lemma plus_error_aux : forall x y, (canonic_exp beta fexp x <= canonic_exp beta fexp y)%Z -> format x -> format y -> format (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) (x + y) - (x + y))%R. Proof. intros x y. set (ex := canonic_exp beta fexp x). set (ey := canonic_exp beta fexp y). intros He Hx Hy. destruct (Req_dec (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) (x + y) - (x + y)) R0) as [H0|H0]. rewrite H0. apply generic_format_0. set (mx := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)). set (my := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp y)). (* *) assert (Hxy: (x + y)%R = F2R (Float beta (mx + my * beta ^ (ey - ex)) ex)). rewrite Hx, Hy. fold mx my ex ey. rewrite <- F2R_plus. unfold Fplus. simpl. now rewrite Zle_imp_le_bool with (1 := He). (* *) rewrite Hxy. destruct (round_repr_same_exp (Znearest choice) (mx + my * beta ^ (ey - ex)) ex) as (mxy, Hxy'). rewrite Hxy'. assert (H: (F2R (Float beta mxy ex) - F2R (Float beta (mx + my * beta ^ (ey - ex)) ex))%R = F2R (Float beta (mxy - (mx + my * beta ^ (ey - ex))) ex)). now rewrite <- F2R_minus, Fminus_same_exp. rewrite H. apply generic_format_F2R. intros _. apply monotone_exp. rewrite <- H, <- Hxy', <- Hxy. apply ln_beta_le_abs. exact H0. pattern x at 3 ; replace x with (-(y - (x + y)))%R by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply (round_N_pt beta _ choice (x + y)). Qed. (** Error of the addition *) Theorem plus_error : forall x y, format x -> format y -> format (round beta fexp (Znearest choice) (x + y) - (x + y))%R. Proof. intros x y Hx Hy. destruct (Zle_or_lt (canonic_exp beta fexp x) (canonic_exp beta fexp y)). now apply plus_error_aux. rewrite Rplus_comm. apply plus_error_aux ; try easy. now apply Zlt_le_weak. Qed. End Fprop_plus_error. Section Fprop_plus_zero. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { exp_not_FTZ : Exp_not_FTZ fexp }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp). Section round_plus_eq_zero_aux. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. Lemma round_plus_eq_zero_aux : forall x y, (canonic_exp beta fexp x <= canonic_exp beta fexp y)%Z -> format x -> format y -> (0 <= x + y)%R -> round beta fexp rnd (x + y) = R0 -> (x + y = 0)%R. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x y He Hx Hy Hp Hxy. destruct (Req_dec (x + y) 0) as [H0|H0]. exact H0. destruct (ln_beta beta (x + y)) as (exy, Hexy). simpl. specialize (Hexy H0). destruct (Zle_or_lt exy (fexp exy)) as [He'|He']. (* . *) assert (H: (x + y)%R = F2R (Float beta (Ztrunc (x * bpow (- fexp exy)) + Ztrunc (y * bpow (- fexp exy))) (fexp exy))). rewrite (subnormal_exponent beta fexp exy x He' Hx) at 1. rewrite (subnormal_exponent beta fexp exy y He' Hy) at 1. now rewrite <- F2R_plus, Fplus_same_exp. rewrite H in Hxy. rewrite round_generic in Hxy... now rewrite <- H in Hxy. apply generic_format_F2R. intros _. rewrite <- H. unfold canonic_exp. rewrite ln_beta_unique with (1 := Hexy). apply Zle_refl. (* . *) elim Rle_not_lt with (1 := round_le beta _ rnd _ _ (proj1 Hexy)). rewrite (Rabs_pos_eq _ Hp). rewrite Hxy. rewrite round_generic... apply bpow_gt_0. apply generic_format_bpow. apply Zlt_succ_le. now rewrite (Zsucc_pred exy) in He'. Qed. End round_plus_eq_zero_aux. Variable rnd : R -> Z. Context { valid_rnd : Valid_rnd rnd }. (** rnd(x+y)=0 -> x+y = 0 provided this is not a FTZ format *) Theorem round_plus_eq_zero : forall x y, format x -> format y -> round beta fexp rnd (x + y) = R0 -> (x + y = 0)%R. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x y Hx Hy. destruct (Rle_or_lt R0 (x + y)) as [H1|H1]. (* . *) revert H1. destruct (Zle_or_lt (canonic_exp beta fexp x) (canonic_exp beta fexp y)) as [H2|H2]. now apply round_plus_eq_zero_aux. rewrite Rplus_comm. apply round_plus_eq_zero_aux ; try easy. now apply Zlt_le_weak. (* . *) revert H1. rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (x + y)), Ropp_plus_distr, <- Ropp_0. intros H1. rewrite round_opp. intros Hxy. apply f_equal. cut (round beta fexp (Zrnd_opp rnd) (- x + - y) = 0)%R. cut (0 <= -x + -y)%R. destruct (Zle_or_lt (canonic_exp beta fexp (-x)) (canonic_exp beta fexp (-y))) as [H2|H2]. apply round_plus_eq_zero_aux ; try apply generic_format_opp... rewrite Rplus_comm. apply round_plus_eq_zero_aux ; try apply generic_format_opp... now apply Zlt_le_weak. apply Rlt_le. now apply Ropp_lt_cancel. rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive (round _ _ _ _)). rewrite Hxy. apply Ropp_involutive. Qed. End Fprop_plus_zero. Section Fprop_plus_FLT. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable emin prec : Z. Context { prec_gt_0_ : Prec_gt_0 prec }. Theorem FLT_format_plus_small: forall x y, generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x -> generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) y -> (Rabs (x+y) <= bpow (prec+emin))%R -> generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (x+y). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x y Fx Fy H. apply generic_format_FLT_FIX... rewrite Zplus_comm; assumption. apply generic_format_FIX_FLT, FIX_format_generic in Fx. apply generic_format_FIX_FLT, FIX_format_generic in Fy. destruct Fx as (nx,(H1x,H2x)). destruct Fy as (ny,(H1y,H2y)). apply generic_format_FIX. exists (Float beta (Fnum nx+Fnum ny)%Z emin). split;[idtac|reflexivity]. rewrite H1x,H1y; unfold F2R; simpl. rewrite H2x, H2y. rewrite Z2R_plus; ring. Qed. End Fprop_plus_FLT.