(** This file is part of the Flocq formalization of floating-point arithmetic in Coq: http://flocq.gforge.inria.fr/ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sylvie Boldo #
# Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Guillaume Melquiond This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the COPYING file for more details. *) (** * Rounding to odd and its properties, including the equivalence between rnd_NE and double rounding with rnd_odd and then rnd_NE *) From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz. Require Import Core Operations. Definition Zrnd_odd x := match Req_EM_T x (IZR (Zfloor x)) with | left _ => Zfloor x | right _ => match (Z.even (Zfloor x)) with | true => Zceil x | false => Zfloor x end end. Global Instance valid_rnd_odd : Valid_rnd Zrnd_odd. Proof. split. (* . *) intros x y Hxy. assert (Zfloor x <= Zrnd_odd y)%Z. (* .. *) apply Z.le_trans with (Zfloor y). now apply Zfloor_le. unfold Zrnd_odd; destruct (Req_EM_T y (IZR (Zfloor y))). now apply Z.le_refl. case (Z.even (Zfloor y)). apply le_IZR. apply Rle_trans with y. apply Zfloor_lb. apply Zceil_ub. now apply Z.le_refl. unfold Zrnd_odd at 1. (* . *) destruct (Req_EM_T x (IZR (Zfloor x))) as [Hx|Hx]. (* .. *) apply H. (* .. *) case_eq (Z.even (Zfloor x)); intros Hx2. 2: apply H. unfold Zrnd_odd; destruct (Req_EM_T y (IZR (Zfloor y))) as [Hy|Hy]. apply Zceil_glb. now rewrite <- Hy. case_eq (Z.even (Zfloor y)); intros Hy2. now apply Zceil_le. apply Zceil_glb. assert (H0:(Zfloor x <= Zfloor y)%Z) by now apply Zfloor_le. case (Zle_lt_or_eq _ _ H0); intros H1. apply Rle_trans with (1:=Zceil_ub _). rewrite Zceil_floor_neq. apply IZR_le; lia. now apply sym_not_eq. contradict Hy2. rewrite <- H1, Hx2; discriminate. (* . *) intros n; unfold Zrnd_odd. rewrite Zfloor_IZR, Zceil_IZR. destruct (Req_EM_T (IZR n) (IZR n)); trivial. case (Z.even n); trivial. Qed. Lemma Zrnd_odd_Zodd: forall x, x <> (IZR (Zfloor x)) -> (Z.even (Zrnd_odd x)) = false. Proof. intros x Hx; unfold Zrnd_odd. destruct (Req_EM_T x (IZR (Zfloor x))) as [H|H]. now contradict H. case_eq (Z.even (Zfloor x)). (* difficult case *) intros H'. rewrite Zceil_floor_neq. rewrite Z.even_add, H'. reflexivity. now apply sym_not_eq. trivial. Qed. Lemma Zfloor_plus: forall (n:Z) y, (Zfloor (IZR n+y) = n + Zfloor y)%Z. Proof. intros n y; unfold Zfloor. unfold Zminus; rewrite Zplus_assoc; f_equal. apply sym_eq, tech_up. rewrite plus_IZR. apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. apply archimed. rewrite plus_IZR, Rplus_assoc. apply Rplus_le_compat_l. apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (-y)%R. ring_simplify (y+1+-y)%R. apply archimed. Qed. Lemma Zceil_plus: forall (n:Z) y, (Zceil (IZR n+y) = n + Zceil y)%Z. Proof. intros n y; unfold Zceil. rewrite Ropp_plus_distr, <- Ropp_Ropp_IZR. rewrite Zfloor_plus. ring. Qed. Lemma Zeven_abs: forall z, Z.even (Z.abs z) = Z.even z. Proof. intros z; case (Zle_or_lt z 0); intros H1. rewrite Z.abs_neq; try assumption. apply Z.even_opp. rewrite Z.abs_eq; auto with zarith. Qed. Lemma Zrnd_odd_plus: forall x y, (x = IZR (Zfloor x)) -> Z.even (Zfloor x) = true -> (IZR (Zrnd_odd (x+y)) = x+IZR (Zrnd_odd y))%R. Proof. intros x y Hx H. unfold Zrnd_odd; rewrite Hx, Zfloor_plus. case (Req_EM_T y (IZR (Zfloor y))); intros Hy. rewrite Hy; repeat rewrite <- plus_IZR. repeat rewrite Zfloor_IZR. case (Req_EM_T _ _); intros K; easy. case (Req_EM_T _ _); intros K. contradict Hy. apply Rplus_eq_reg_l with (IZR (Zfloor x)). now rewrite K, plus_IZR. rewrite Z.even_add, H; simpl. case (Z.even (Zfloor y)). now rewrite Zceil_plus, plus_IZR. now rewrite plus_IZR. Qed. Section Fcore_rnd_odd. Variable beta : radix. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { exists_NE_ : Exists_NE beta fexp }. Notation format := (generic_format beta fexp). Notation canonical := (canonical beta fexp). Notation cexp := (cexp beta fexp). Definition Rnd_odd_pt (x f : R) := format f /\ ((f = x)%R \/ ((Rnd_DN_pt format x f \/ Rnd_UP_pt format x f) /\ exists g : float beta, f = F2R g /\ canonical g /\ Z.even (Fnum g) = false)). Definition Rnd_odd (rnd : R -> R) := forall x : R, Rnd_odd_pt x (rnd x). Theorem Rnd_odd_pt_opp_inv : forall x f : R, Rnd_odd_pt (-x) (-f) -> Rnd_odd_pt x f. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x f (H1,H2). split. replace f with (-(-f))%R by ring. now apply generic_format_opp. destruct H2. left. replace f with (-(-f))%R by ring. rewrite H; ring. right. destruct H as (H2,(g,(Hg1,(Hg2,Hg3)))). split. destruct H2. right. replace f with (-(-f))%R by ring. replace x with (-(-x))%R by ring. apply Rnd_UP_pt_opp... apply generic_format_opp. left. replace f with (-(-f))%R by ring. replace x with (-(-x))%R by ring. apply Rnd_DN_pt_opp... apply generic_format_opp. exists (Float beta (-Fnum g) (Fexp g)). split. rewrite F2R_Zopp. replace f with (-(-f))%R by ring. rewrite Hg1; reflexivity. split. now apply canonical_opp. simpl. now rewrite Z.even_opp. Qed. Theorem round_odd_opp : forall x, round beta fexp Zrnd_odd (-x) = (- round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x)%R. Proof. intros x; unfold round. rewrite <- F2R_Zopp. unfold F2R; simpl. apply f_equal2; apply f_equal. rewrite scaled_mantissa_opp. generalize (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); intros r. unfold Zrnd_odd. case (Req_EM_T (- r) (IZR (Zfloor (- r)))). case (Req_EM_T r (IZR (Zfloor r))). intros Y1 Y2. apply eq_IZR. now rewrite opp_IZR, <- Y1, <-Y2. intros Y1 Y2. absurd (r=IZR (Zfloor r)); trivial. pattern r at 2; replace r with (-(-r))%R by ring. rewrite Y2, <- opp_IZR. rewrite Zfloor_IZR. rewrite opp_IZR, <- Y2. ring. case (Req_EM_T r (IZR (Zfloor r))). intros Y1 Y2. absurd (-r=IZR (Zfloor (-r)))%R; trivial. pattern r at 2; rewrite Y1. rewrite <- opp_IZR, Zfloor_IZR. now rewrite opp_IZR, <- Y1. intros Y1 Y2. unfold Zceil; rewrite Ropp_involutive. replace (Z.even (Zfloor (- r))) with (negb (Z.even (Zfloor r))). case (Z.even (Zfloor r)); simpl; ring. apply trans_eq with (Z.even (Zceil r)). rewrite Zceil_floor_neq. rewrite Z.even_add. destruct (Z.even (Zfloor r)); reflexivity. now apply sym_not_eq. rewrite <- (Z.even_opp (Zfloor (- r))). reflexivity. apply cexp_opp. Qed. Theorem round_odd_pt : forall x, Rnd_odd_pt x (round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. cut (forall x : R, (0 < x)%R -> Rnd_odd_pt x (round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x)). intros H x; case (Rle_or_lt 0 x). intros H1; destruct H1. now apply H. rewrite <- H0. rewrite round_0... split. apply generic_format_0. now left. intros Hx; apply Rnd_odd_pt_opp_inv. rewrite <- round_odd_opp. apply H. auto with real. (* *) intros x Hxp. generalize (generic_format_round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x). set (o:=round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x). intros Ho. split. assumption. (* *) case (Req_dec o x); intros Hx. now left. right. assert (o=round beta fexp Zfloor x \/ o=round beta fexp Zceil x). unfold o, round, F2R;simpl. case (Zrnd_DN_or_UP Zrnd_odd (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x))... intros H; rewrite H; now left. intros H; rewrite H; now right. split. destruct H; rewrite H. left; apply round_DN_pt... right; apply round_UP_pt... (* *) unfold o, Zrnd_odd, round. case (Req_EM_T (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x) (IZR (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)))). intros T. absurd (o=x); trivial. apply round_generic... unfold generic_format, F2R; simpl. rewrite <- (scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow beta fexp) at 1. apply f_equal2; trivial; rewrite T at 1. apply f_equal, sym_eq, Ztrunc_floor. apply Rmult_le_pos. now left. apply bpow_ge_0. intros L. case_eq (Z.even (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x))). (* . *) generalize (generic_format_round beta fexp Zceil x). unfold generic_format. set (f:=round beta fexp Zceil x). set (ef := cexp f). set (mf := Ztrunc (scaled_mantissa beta fexp f)). exists (Float beta mf ef). unfold canonical. rewrite <- H0. repeat split; try assumption. apply trans_eq with (negb (Z.even (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)))). 2: rewrite H1; reflexivity. apply trans_eq with (negb (Z.even (Fnum (Float beta (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)) (cexp x))))). 2: reflexivity. case (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (round beta fexp Zfloor x)). rewrite <- round_0 with beta fexp Zfloor... apply round_le... now left. intros Y. generalize (DN_UP_parity_generic beta fexp)... unfold DN_UP_parity_prop. intros T; apply T with x; clear T. unfold generic_format. rewrite <- (scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow beta fexp x) at 1. unfold F2R; simpl. apply Rmult_neq_compat_r. apply Rgt_not_eq, bpow_gt_0. rewrite Ztrunc_floor. assumption. apply Rmult_le_pos. now left. apply bpow_ge_0. unfold canonical. simpl. apply sym_eq, cexp_DN... unfold canonical. rewrite <- H0; reflexivity. reflexivity. apply trans_eq with (round beta fexp Ztrunc (round beta fexp Zceil x)). reflexivity. apply round_generic... intros Y. replace (Fnum {| Fnum := Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x); Fexp := cexp x |}) with (Fnum (Float beta 0 (fexp (mag beta 0)))). generalize (DN_UP_parity_generic beta fexp)... unfold DN_UP_parity_prop. intros T; apply T with x; clear T. unfold generic_format. rewrite <- (scaled_mantissa_mult_bpow beta fexp x) at 1. unfold F2R; simpl. apply Rmult_neq_compat_r. apply Rgt_not_eq, bpow_gt_0. rewrite Ztrunc_floor. assumption. apply Rmult_le_pos. now left. apply bpow_ge_0. apply canonical_0. unfold canonical. rewrite <- H0; reflexivity. rewrite <- Y; unfold F2R; simpl; ring. apply trans_eq with (round beta fexp Ztrunc (round beta fexp Zceil x)). reflexivity. apply round_generic... simpl. apply eq_IZR, Rmult_eq_reg_r with (bpow (cexp x)). unfold round, F2R in Y; simpl in Y; rewrite <- Y. simpl; ring. apply Rgt_not_eq, bpow_gt_0. (* . *) intros Y. case (Rle_lt_or_eq_dec 0 (round beta fexp Zfloor x)). rewrite <- round_0 with beta fexp Zfloor... apply round_le... now left. intros Hrx. set (ef := cexp x). set (mf := Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)). exists (Float beta mf ef). unfold canonical. repeat split; try assumption. simpl. apply trans_eq with (cexp (round beta fexp Zfloor x )). apply sym_eq, cexp_DN... reflexivity. intros Hrx; contradict Y. replace (Zfloor (scaled_mantissa beta fexp x)) with 0%Z. simpl; discriminate. apply eq_IZR, Rmult_eq_reg_r with (bpow (cexp x)). unfold round, F2R in Hrx; simpl in Hrx; rewrite <- Hrx. simpl; ring. apply Rgt_not_eq, bpow_gt_0. Qed. Theorem Rnd_odd_pt_unique : forall x f1 f2 : R, Rnd_odd_pt x f1 -> Rnd_odd_pt x f2 -> f1 = f2. Proof. intros x f1 f2 (Ff1,H1) (Ff2,H2). (* *) case (generic_format_EM beta fexp x); intros L. apply trans_eq with x. case H1; try easy. intros (J,_); case J; intros J'. apply Rnd_DN_pt_idempotent with format; assumption. apply Rnd_UP_pt_idempotent with format; assumption. case H2; try easy. intros (J,_); case J; intros J'; apply sym_eq. apply Rnd_DN_pt_idempotent with format; assumption. apply Rnd_UP_pt_idempotent with format; assumption. (* *) destruct H1 as [H1|(H1,H1')]. contradict L; now rewrite <- H1. destruct H2 as [H2|(H2,H2')]. contradict L; now rewrite <- H2. destruct H1 as [H1|H1]; destruct H2 as [H2|H2]. apply Rnd_DN_pt_unique with format x; assumption. destruct H1' as (ff,(K1,(K2,K3))). destruct H2' as (gg,(L1,(L2,L3))). absurd (true = false); try discriminate. rewrite <- L3. apply trans_eq with (negb (Z.even (Fnum ff))). rewrite K3; easy. apply sym_eq. generalize (DN_UP_parity_generic beta fexp). unfold DN_UP_parity_prop; intros T; apply (T x); clear T; try assumption... rewrite <- K1; apply Rnd_DN_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x; try easy... now apply round_DN_pt... rewrite <- L1; apply Rnd_UP_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x; try easy... now apply round_UP_pt... (* *) destruct H1' as (ff,(K1,(K2,K3))). destruct H2' as (gg,(L1,(L2,L3))). absurd (true = false); try discriminate. rewrite <- K3. apply trans_eq with (negb (Z.even (Fnum gg))). rewrite L3; easy. apply sym_eq. generalize (DN_UP_parity_generic beta fexp). unfold DN_UP_parity_prop; intros T; apply (T x); clear T; try assumption... rewrite <- L1; apply Rnd_DN_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x; try easy... now apply round_DN_pt... rewrite <- K1; apply Rnd_UP_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x; try easy... now apply round_UP_pt... apply Rnd_UP_pt_unique with format x; assumption. Qed. Theorem Rnd_odd_pt_monotone : round_pred_monotone (Rnd_odd_pt). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x y f g H1 H2 Hxy. apply Rle_trans with (round beta fexp Zrnd_odd x). right; apply Rnd_odd_pt_unique with x; try assumption. apply round_odd_pt. apply Rle_trans with (round beta fexp Zrnd_odd y). apply round_le... right; apply Rnd_odd_pt_unique with y; try assumption. apply round_odd_pt. Qed. End Fcore_rnd_odd. Section Odd_prop_aux. Variable beta : radix. Hypothesis Even_beta: Z.even (radix_val beta)=true. Notation bpow e := (bpow beta e). Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Variable fexpe : Z -> Z. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { exists_NE_ : Exists_NE beta fexp }. (* for underflow reason *) Context { valid_expe : Valid_exp fexpe }. Context { exists_NE_e : Exists_NE beta fexpe }. (* for defining rounding to odd *) Hypothesis fexpe_fexp: forall e, (fexpe e <= fexp e -2)%Z. Lemma generic_format_fexpe_fexp: forall x, generic_format beta fexp x -> generic_format beta fexpe x. Proof. intros x Hx. apply generic_inclusion_mag with fexp; trivial; intros Hx2. generalize (fexpe_fexp (mag beta x)). lia. Qed. Lemma exists_even_fexp_lt: forall (c:Z->Z), forall (x:R), (exists f:float beta, F2R f = x /\ (c (mag beta x) < Fexp f)%Z) -> exists f:float beta, F2R f =x /\ canonical beta c f /\ Z.even (Fnum f) = true. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros c x (g,(Hg1,Hg2)). exists (Float beta (Fnum g*Z.pow (radix_val beta) (Fexp g - c (mag beta x))) (c (mag beta x))). assert (F2R (Float beta (Fnum g*Z.pow (radix_val beta) (Fexp g - c (mag beta x))) (c (mag beta x))) = x). unfold F2R; simpl. rewrite mult_IZR, IZR_Zpower. rewrite Rmult_assoc, <- bpow_plus. rewrite <- Hg1; unfold F2R. apply f_equal, f_equal. ring. lia. split; trivial. split. unfold canonical, cexp. now rewrite H. simpl. rewrite Z.even_mul. rewrite Z.even_pow. rewrite Even_beta. apply Bool.orb_true_intro. now right. lia. Qed. Variable choice:Z->bool. Variable x:R. Variable d u: float beta. Hypothesis Hd: Rnd_DN_pt (generic_format beta fexp) x (F2R d). Hypothesis Cd: canonical beta fexp d. Hypothesis Hu: Rnd_UP_pt (generic_format beta fexp) x (F2R u). Hypothesis Cu: canonical beta fexp u. Hypothesis xPos: (0 < x)%R. Let m:= ((F2R d+F2R u)/2)%R. Lemma d_eq: F2R d= round beta fexp Zfloor x. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. apply Rnd_DN_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x... apply round_DN_pt... Qed. Lemma u_eq: F2R u= round beta fexp Zceil x. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. apply Rnd_UP_pt_unique with (generic_format beta fexp) x... apply round_UP_pt... Qed. Lemma d_ge_0: (0 <= F2R d)%R. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. rewrite d_eq; apply round_ge_generic... apply generic_format_0. now left. Qed. Lemma mag_d: (0< F2R d)%R -> (mag beta (F2R d) = mag beta x :>Z). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. rewrite d_eq; apply mag_DN... now rewrite <- d_eq. Qed. Lemma Fexp_d: (0 < F2R d)%R -> Fexp d =fexp (mag beta x). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. now rewrite Cd, <- mag_d. Qed. Lemma format_bpow_x: (0 < F2R d)%R -> generic_format beta fexp (bpow (mag beta x)). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. apply generic_format_bpow. apply valid_exp. rewrite <- Fexp_d; trivial. apply Z.lt_le_trans with (mag beta (F2R d))%Z. rewrite Cd; apply mag_generic_gt... now apply Rgt_not_eq. apply Hd. apply mag_le; trivial. apply Hd. Qed. Lemma format_bpow_d: (0 < F2R d)%R -> generic_format beta fexp (bpow (mag beta (F2R d))). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y; apply generic_format_bpow. apply valid_exp. apply mag_generic_gt... now apply Rgt_not_eq. now apply generic_format_canonical. Qed. Lemma d_le_m: (F2R d <= m)%R. Proof. assert (F2R d <= F2R u)%R. apply Rle_trans with x. apply Hd. apply Hu. unfold m. lra. Qed. Lemma m_le_u: (m <= F2R u)%R. Proof. assert (F2R d <= F2R u)%R. apply Rle_trans with x. apply Hd. apply Hu. unfold m. lra. Qed. Lemma mag_m: (0 < F2R d)%R -> (mag beta m =mag beta (F2R d) :>Z). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros dPos; apply mag_unique_pos. split. apply Rle_trans with (F2R d). destruct (mag beta (F2R d)) as (e,He). simpl. rewrite Rabs_right in He. apply He. now apply Rgt_not_eq. apply Rle_ge; now left. apply d_le_m. case m_le_u; intros H. apply Rlt_le_trans with (1:=H). rewrite u_eq. apply round_le_generic... apply generic_format_bpow. apply valid_exp. apply mag_generic_gt... now apply Rgt_not_eq. now apply generic_format_canonical. case (Rle_or_lt x (bpow (mag beta (F2R d)))); trivial; intros Z. absurd ((bpow (mag beta (F2R d)) <= (F2R d)))%R. apply Rlt_not_le. destruct (mag beta (F2R d)) as (e,He). simpl in *; rewrite Rabs_right in He. apply He. now apply Rgt_not_eq. apply Rle_ge; now left. apply Rle_trans with (round beta fexp Zfloor x). 2: right; apply sym_eq, d_eq. apply round_ge_generic... apply generic_format_bpow. apply valid_exp. apply mag_generic_gt... now apply Rgt_not_eq. now apply generic_format_canonical. now left. replace m with (F2R d). destruct (mag beta (F2R d)) as (e,He). simpl in *; rewrite Rabs_right in He. apply He. now apply Rgt_not_eq. apply Rle_ge; now left. unfold m in H |- *. lra. Qed. Lemma mag_m_0: (0 = F2R d)%R -> (mag beta m =mag beta (F2R u)-1:>Z)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. apply mag_unique_pos. unfold m; rewrite <- Y, Rplus_0_l. rewrite u_eq. destruct (mag beta x) as (e,He). rewrite Rabs_pos_eq in He by now apply Rlt_le. rewrite round_UP_small_pos with (ex:=e). rewrite mag_bpow. ring_simplify (fexp e + 1 - 1)%Z. split. unfold Zminus; rewrite bpow_plus. unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_le_compat_l. apply bpow_ge_0. simpl; unfold Z.pow_pos; simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r; apply Rinv_le. exact Rlt_0_2. apply IZR_le. specialize (radix_gt_1 beta). lia. apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow (fexp e)*1)%R. 2: right; ring. unfold Rdiv; apply Rmult_lt_compat_l. apply bpow_gt_0. lra. now apply He, Rgt_not_eq. apply exp_small_round_0_pos with beta (Zfloor) x... now apply He, Rgt_not_eq. now rewrite <- d_eq, Y. Qed. Lemma u'_eq: (0 < F2R d)%R -> exists f:float beta, F2R f = F2R u /\ (Fexp f = Fexp d)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. rewrite u_eq; unfold round. eexists; repeat split. simpl; now rewrite Fexp_d. Qed. Lemma m_eq : (0 < F2R d)%R -> exists f:float beta, F2R f = m /\ (Fexp f = fexp (mag beta x) - 1)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. specialize (Zeven_ex (radix_val beta)); rewrite Even_beta. intros (b, Hb); rewrite Zplus_0_r in Hb. destruct u'_eq as (u', (Hu'1,Hu'2)); trivial. exists (Fmult (Float beta b (-1)) (Fplus d u'))%R. split. rewrite F2R_mult, F2R_plus, Hu'1. unfold m; rewrite Rmult_comm. unfold Rdiv; apply f_equal. unfold F2R; simpl; unfold Z.pow_pos; simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r, Hb, mult_IZR. simpl; field. apply Rgt_not_eq, Rmult_lt_reg_l with (1 := Rlt_0_2). rewrite Rmult_0_r, <- (mult_IZR 2), <-Hb. apply radix_pos. apply trans_eq with (-1+Fexp (Fplus d u'))%Z. unfold Fmult. destruct (Fplus d u'); reflexivity. rewrite Zplus_comm; unfold Zminus; apply f_equal2. 2: reflexivity. rewrite Fexp_Fplus. rewrite Z.min_l. now rewrite Fexp_d. rewrite Hu'2; lia. Qed. Lemma m_eq_0: (0 = F2R d)%R -> exists f:float beta, F2R f = m /\ (Fexp f = fexp (mag beta (F2R u)) -1)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. specialize (Zeven_ex (radix_val beta)); rewrite Even_beta. intros (b, Hb); rewrite Zplus_0_r in Hb. exists (Fmult (Float beta b (-1)) u)%R. split. rewrite F2R_mult; unfold m; rewrite <- Y, Rplus_0_l. rewrite Rmult_comm. unfold Rdiv; apply f_equal. unfold F2R; simpl; unfold Z.pow_pos; simpl. rewrite Zmult_1_r, Hb, mult_IZR. simpl; field. apply Rgt_not_eq, Rmult_lt_reg_l with (1 := Rlt_0_2). rewrite Rmult_0_r, <- (mult_IZR 2), <-Hb. apply radix_pos. apply trans_eq with (-1+Fexp u)%Z. unfold Fmult. destruct u; reflexivity. rewrite Zplus_comm, Cu; unfold Zminus; now apply f_equal2. Qed. Lemma fexp_m_eq_0: (0 = F2R d)%R -> (fexp (mag beta (F2R u)-1) < fexp (mag beta (F2R u))+1)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros Y. assert ((fexp (mag beta (F2R u) - 1) <= fexp (mag beta (F2R u))))%Z. 2: lia. destruct (mag beta x) as (e,He). rewrite Rabs_right in He. 2: now left. assert (e <= fexp e)%Z. apply exp_small_round_0_pos with beta (Zfloor) x... now apply He, Rgt_not_eq. now rewrite <- d_eq, Y. rewrite u_eq, round_UP_small_pos with (ex:=e); trivial. 2: now apply He, Rgt_not_eq. rewrite mag_bpow. ring_simplify (fexp e + 1 - 1)%Z. replace (fexp (fexp e)) with (fexp e). case exists_NE_; intros V. contradict V; rewrite Even_beta; discriminate. rewrite (proj2 (V e)); lia. apply sym_eq, valid_exp; lia. Qed. Lemma Fm: generic_format beta fexpe m. Proof. case (d_ge_0); intros Y. (* *) destruct m_eq as (g,(Hg1,Hg2)); trivial. apply generic_format_F2R' with g. now apply sym_eq. intros H; unfold cexp; rewrite Hg2. rewrite mag_m; trivial. rewrite <- Fexp_d; trivial. rewrite Cd. unfold cexp. generalize (fexpe_fexp (mag beta (F2R d))). lia. (* *) destruct m_eq_0 as (g,(Hg1,Hg2)); trivial. apply generic_format_F2R' with g. assumption. intros H; unfold cexp; rewrite Hg2. rewrite mag_m_0; try assumption. apply Z.le_trans with (1:=fexpe_fexp _). generalize (fexp_m_eq_0 Y). lia. Qed. Lemma Zm: exists g : float beta, F2R g = m /\ canonical beta fexpe g /\ Z.even (Fnum g) = true. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. case (d_ge_0); intros Y. (* *) destruct m_eq as (g,(Hg1,Hg2)); trivial. apply exists_even_fexp_lt. exists g; split; trivial. rewrite Hg2. rewrite mag_m; trivial. rewrite <- Fexp_d; trivial. rewrite Cd. unfold cexp. generalize (fexpe_fexp (mag beta (F2R d))). lia. (* *) destruct m_eq_0 as (g,(Hg1,Hg2)); trivial. apply exists_even_fexp_lt. exists g; split; trivial. rewrite Hg2. rewrite mag_m_0; trivial. apply Z.le_lt_trans with (1:=fexpe_fexp _). generalize (fexp_m_eq_0 Y). lia. Qed. Lemma DN_odd_d_aux : forall z, (F2R d <= z < F2R u)%R -> Rnd_DN_pt (generic_format beta fexp) z (F2R d). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros z Hz1. replace (F2R d) with (round beta fexp Zfloor z). apply round_DN_pt... case (Rnd_DN_UP_pt_split _ _ _ _ Hd Hu (round beta fexp Zfloor z)). apply generic_format_round... intros Y; apply Rle_antisym; trivial. apply round_DN_pt... apply Hd. apply Hz1. intros Y ; elim (Rlt_irrefl z). apply Rlt_le_trans with (1:=proj2 Hz1), Rle_trans with (1:=Y). apply round_DN_pt... Qed. Lemma UP_odd_d_aux : forall z, (F2R d < z <= F2R u)%R -> Rnd_UP_pt (generic_format beta fexp) z (F2R u). Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros z Hz1. replace (F2R u) with (round beta fexp Zceil z). apply round_UP_pt... case (Rnd_DN_UP_pt_split _ _ _ _ Hd Hu (round beta fexp Zceil z)). apply generic_format_round... intros Y ; elim (Rlt_irrefl z). apply Rle_lt_trans with (2:=proj1 Hz1), Rle_trans with (2:=Y). apply round_UP_pt... intros Y; apply Rle_antisym; trivial. apply round_UP_pt... apply Hu. apply Hz1. Qed. Lemma round_N_odd_pos : round beta fexp (Znearest choice) (round beta fexpe Zrnd_odd x) = round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. set (o:=round beta fexpe Zrnd_odd x). case (generic_format_EM beta fexp x); intros Hx. replace o with x; trivial. unfold o; apply sym_eq, round_generic... now apply generic_format_fexpe_fexp. assert (K1:(F2R d <= o)%R). apply round_ge_generic... apply generic_format_fexpe_fexp, Hd. apply Hd. assert (K2:(o <= F2R u)%R). apply round_le_generic... apply generic_format_fexpe_fexp, Hu. apply Hu. assert (P:(x <> m -> o=m -> (forall P:Prop, P))). intros Y1 Y2. assert (H:(Rnd_odd_pt beta fexpe x o)). apply round_odd_pt... destruct H as (_,H); destruct H. absurd (x=m)%R; try trivial. now rewrite <- Y2, H. destruct H as (_,(k,(Hk1,(Hk2,Hk3)))). destruct Zm as (k',(Hk'1,(Hk'2,Hk'3))). absurd (true=false). discriminate. rewrite <- Hk3, <- Hk'3. apply f_equal, f_equal. apply canonical_unique with fexpe... now rewrite Hk'1, <- Y2. assert (generic_format beta fexp o -> (forall P:Prop, P)). intros Y. assert (H:(Rnd_odd_pt beta fexpe x o)). apply round_odd_pt... destruct H as (_,H); destruct H. absurd (generic_format beta fexp x); trivial. now rewrite <- H. destruct H as (_,(k,(Hk1,(Hk2,Hk3)))). destruct (exists_even_fexp_lt fexpe o) as (k',(Hk'1,(Hk'2,Hk'3))). eexists; split. apply sym_eq, Y. simpl; unfold cexp. apply Z.le_lt_trans with (1:=fexpe_fexp _). lia. absurd (true=false). discriminate. rewrite <- Hk3, <- Hk'3. apply f_equal, f_equal. apply canonical_unique with fexpe... now rewrite Hk'1, <- Hk1. case K1; clear K1; intros K1. 2: apply H; rewrite <- K1; apply Hd. case K2; clear K2; intros K2. 2: apply H; rewrite K2; apply Hu. case (Rle_or_lt x m); intros Y;[destruct Y|idtac]. (* . *) apply trans_eq with (F2R d). apply round_N_eq_DN_pt with (F2R u)... apply DN_odd_d_aux; split; try left; assumption. apply UP_odd_d_aux; split; try left; assumption. assert (o <= (F2R d + F2R u) / 2)%R. apply round_le_generic... apply Fm. now left. destruct H1; trivial. apply P. now apply Rlt_not_eq. trivial. apply sym_eq, round_N_eq_DN_pt with (F2R u)... (* . *) replace o with x. reflexivity. apply sym_eq, round_generic... rewrite H0; apply Fm. (* . *) apply trans_eq with (F2R u). apply round_N_eq_UP_pt with (F2R d)... apply DN_odd_d_aux; split; try left; assumption. apply UP_odd_d_aux; split; try left; assumption. assert ((F2R d + F2R u) / 2 <= o)%R. apply round_ge_generic... apply Fm. now left. destruct H0; trivial. apply P. now apply Rgt_not_eq. rewrite <- H0; trivial. apply sym_eq, round_N_eq_UP_pt with (F2R d)... Qed. End Odd_prop_aux. Section Odd_prop. Variable beta : radix. Hypothesis Even_beta: Z.even (radix_val beta)=true. Variable fexp : Z -> Z. Variable fexpe : Z -> Z. Variable choice:Z->bool. Context { valid_exp : Valid_exp fexp }. Context { exists_NE_ : Exists_NE beta fexp }. (* for underflow reason *) Context { valid_expe : Valid_exp fexpe }. Context { exists_NE_e : Exists_NE beta fexpe }. (* for defining rounding to odd *) Hypothesis fexpe_fexp: forall e, (fexpe e <= fexp e -2)%Z. Theorem round_N_odd : forall x, round beta fexp (Znearest choice) (round beta fexpe Zrnd_odd x) = round beta fexp (Znearest choice) x. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x. case (total_order_T x 0); intros H; [case H; clear H; intros H | idtac]. rewrite <- (Ropp_involutive x). rewrite round_odd_opp. rewrite 2!round_N_opp. apply f_equal. destruct (canonical_generic_format beta fexp (round beta fexp Zfloor (-x))) as (d,(Hd1,Hd2)). apply generic_format_round... destruct (canonical_generic_format beta fexp (round beta fexp Zceil (-x))) as (u,(Hu1,Hu2)). apply generic_format_round... apply round_N_odd_pos with d u... rewrite <- Hd1; apply round_DN_pt... rewrite <- Hu1; apply round_UP_pt... auto with real. (* . *) rewrite H; repeat rewrite round_0... (* . *) destruct (canonical_generic_format beta fexp (round beta fexp Zfloor x)) as (d,(Hd1,Hd2)). apply generic_format_round... destruct (canonical_generic_format beta fexp (round beta fexp Zceil x)) as (u,(Hu1,Hu2)). apply generic_format_round... apply round_N_odd_pos with d u... rewrite <- Hd1; apply round_DN_pt... rewrite <- Hu1; apply round_UP_pt... Qed. End Odd_prop. Section Odd_propbis. Variable beta : radix. Hypothesis Even_beta: Z.even (radix_val beta)=true. Variable emin prec:Z. Variable choice:Z->bool. Hypothesis prec_gt_1: (1 < prec)%Z. Notation format := (generic_format beta (FLT_exp emin prec)). Notation round_flt :=(round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) (Znearest choice)). Notation cexp_flt := (cexp beta (FLT_exp emin prec)). Notation fexpe k := (FLT_exp (emin-k) (prec+k)). Lemma Zrnd_odd_plus': forall x y, (exists n:Z, exists e:Z, (x = IZR n*bpow beta e)%R /\ (1 <= e)%Z) -> (IZR (Zrnd_odd (x+y)) = x+IZR (Zrnd_odd y))%R. Proof. intros x y (n,(e,(H1,H2))). apply Zrnd_odd_plus. rewrite H1. rewrite <- IZR_Zpower. 2: auto with zarith. now rewrite <- mult_IZR, Zfloor_IZR. rewrite H1, <- IZR_Zpower. 2: auto with zarith. rewrite <- mult_IZR, Zfloor_IZR. rewrite Z.even_mul. rewrite Z.even_pow. 2: auto with zarith. rewrite Even_beta. apply Bool.orb_true_iff; now right. Qed. Theorem mag_round_odd: forall (x:R), (emin < mag beta x)%Z -> (mag_val beta _ (mag beta (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x)) = mag_val beta x (mag beta x))%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x. assert (T:Prec_gt_0 prec). unfold Prec_gt_0; auto with zarith. case (Req_dec x 0); intros Zx. intros _; rewrite Zx, round_0... destruct (mag beta x) as (e,He); simpl; intros H. apply mag_unique; split. apply abs_round_ge_generic... apply generic_format_FLT_bpow... now apply Z.lt_le_pred. now apply He. assert (V: (Rabs (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x) <= bpow beta e)%R). apply abs_round_le_generic... apply generic_format_FLT_bpow... now apply Zlt_le_weak. left; now apply He. case V; try easy; intros K. assert (H0:Rnd_odd_pt beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x)). apply round_odd_pt... destruct H0 as (_,HH); destruct HH as [H0|(H0,(g,(Hg1,(Hg2,Hg3))))]. absurd (Rabs x < bpow beta e)%R. apply Rle_not_lt; right. now rewrite <- H0,K. now apply He. pose (gg:=Float beta (Zpower beta (e-FLT_exp emin prec (e+1))) (FLT_exp emin prec (e+1))). assert (Y1: F2R gg = bpow beta e). unfold F2R; simpl. rewrite IZR_Zpower. rewrite <- bpow_plus. f_equal; ring. assert (FLT_exp emin prec (e+1) <= e)%Z; [idtac|auto with zarith]. unfold FLT_exp. apply Z.max_case_strong; auto with zarith. assert (Y2: canonical beta (FLT_exp emin prec) gg). unfold canonical; rewrite Y1; unfold gg; simpl. unfold cexp; now rewrite mag_bpow. assert (Y3: Fnum gg = Z.abs (Fnum g)). apply trans_eq with (Fnum (Fabs g)). 2: destruct g; unfold Fabs; now simpl. f_equal. apply canonical_unique with (FLT_exp emin prec); try assumption. destruct g; unfold Fabs; apply canonical_abs; easy. now rewrite Y1, F2R_abs, <- Hg1,K. assert (Y4: Z.even (Fnum gg) = true). unfold gg; simpl. rewrite Z.even_pow; try assumption. assert (FLT_exp emin prec (e+1) < e)%Z; [idtac|auto with zarith]. unfold FLT_exp. apply Z.max_case_strong; auto with zarith. absurd (true = false). discriminate. rewrite <- Hg3. rewrite <- Zeven_abs. now rewrite <- Y3. Qed. Theorem fexp_round_odd: forall (x:R), (cexp_flt (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x) = cexp_flt x)%Z. Proof with auto with typeclass_instances. intros x. assert (G0:Valid_exp (FLT_exp emin prec)). apply FLT_exp_valid; unfold Prec_gt_0; auto with zarith. case (Req_dec x 0); intros Zx. rewrite Zx, round_0... case (Zle_or_lt (mag beta x) emin). unfold cexp; destruct (mag beta x) as (e,He); simpl. intros H; unfold FLT_exp at 4. rewrite Z.max_r. 2: auto with zarith. apply Z.max_r. assert (G: Rabs (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x) = bpow beta emin). assert (G1: (Rabs (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x) <= bpow beta emin)%R). apply abs_round_le_generic... apply generic_format_bpow'... unfold FLT_exp; rewrite Z.max_r; auto with zarith. left; apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow beta e). now apply He. now apply bpow_le. assert (G2: (0 <= Rabs (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x))%R). apply Rabs_pos. assert (G3: (Rabs (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x) <> 0)%R). assert (H0:Rnd_odd_pt beta (FLT_exp emin prec) x (round beta (FLT_exp emin prec) Zrnd_odd x)). apply round_odd_pt... destruct H0 as (_,H0); destruct H0 as [H0|(_,(g,(Hg1,(Hg2,Hg3))))]. apply Rgt_not_eq; rewrite H0. apply Rlt_le_trans with (bpow beta (e-1)). apply bpow_gt_0. now apply He. rewrite Hg1; intros K. contradict Hg3. replace (Fnum g) with 0%Z. easy. case (Z.eq_dec (Fnum g) Z0); intros W; try easy. contradict K. apply Rabs_no_R0. now apply F2R_neq_0. apply Rle_antisym; try assumption. apply Rle_trans with (succ beta (FLT_exp emin prec) 0). right; rewrite succ_0. rewrite ulp_FLT_small; try easy. unfold Prec_gt_0; auto with zarith. rewrite Rabs_R0; apply bpow_gt_0. apply succ_le_lt... apply generic_format_0. apply generic_format_abs; apply generic_format_round... case G2; [easy|intros; now contradict G3]. rewrite <- mag_abs. rewrite G, mag_bpow; auto with zarith. intros H; unfold cexp. now rewrite mag_round_odd. Qed. End Odd_propbis.