(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Strength reduction for operators and conditions. This is the machine-dependent part of [Constprop]. *) Require Import Coqlib Compopts. Require Import AST Integers Floats. Require Import Op Registers. Require Import ValueDomain. (** * Converting known values to constants *) Parameter symbol_is_external: ident -> bool. (**r See [SelectOp] *) Definition Olea_ptr (a: addressing) := if Archi.ptr64 then Oleal a else Olea a. Definition const_for_result (a: aval) : option operation := match a with | I n => Some(Ointconst n) | L n => if Archi.ptr64 then Some(Olongconst n) else None | F n => if Compopts.generate_float_constants tt then Some(Ofloatconst n) else None | FS n => if Compopts.generate_float_constants tt then Some(Osingleconst n) else None | Ptr(Gl id ofs) => if symbol_is_external id then if Ptrofs.eq ofs Ptrofs.zero then Some (Oindirectsymbol id) else None else Some (Olea_ptr (Aglobal id ofs)) | Ptr(Stk ofs) => Some(Olea_ptr (Ainstack ofs)) | _ => None end. (** * Operator strength reduction *) (** We now define auxiliary functions for strength reduction of operators and addressing modes: replacing an operator with a cheaper one if some of its arguments are statically known. These are again large pattern-matchings expressed in indirect style. *) Nondetfunction cond_strength_reduction (cond: condition) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := match cond, args, vl with | Ccomp c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ccompimm (swap_comparison c) n1, r2 :: nil) | Ccomp c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => (Ccompimm c n2, r1 :: nil) | Ccompu c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ccompuimm (swap_comparison c) n1, r2 :: nil) | Ccompu c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => (Ccompuimm c n2, r1 :: nil) | Ccompl c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ccomplimm (swap_comparison c) n1, r2 :: nil) | Ccompl c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => (Ccomplimm c n2, r1 :: nil) | Ccomplu c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ccompluimm (swap_comparison c) n1, r2 :: nil) | Ccomplu c, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => (Ccompluimm c n2, r1 :: nil) | _, _, _ => (cond, args) end. Definition make_cmp_base (c: condition) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := let (c', args') := cond_strength_reduction c args vl in (Ocmp c', args'). Nondetfunction make_cmp (c: condition) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := match c, args, vl with | Ccompimm Ceq n, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => if Int.eq_dec n Int.one && vincl v1 (Uns Ptop 1) then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero && vincl v1 (Uns Ptop 1) then (Oxorimm Int.one, r1 :: nil) else make_cmp_base c args vl | Ccompimm Cne n, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => if Int.eq_dec n Int.zero && vincl v1 (Uns Ptop 1) then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.eq_dec n Int.one && vincl v1 (Uns Ptop 1) then (Oxorimm Int.one, r1 :: nil) else make_cmp_base c args vl | _, _, _ => make_cmp_base c args vl end. (** For addressing modes, we need to distinguish - reductions that produce pointers (i.e. that produce [Aglobal], [Ainstack], [Abased] and [Abasedscaled] addressing modes), which are valid only if the pointer size is right; - other reductions (producing [Aindexed] or [Aindexed2] modes), which are valid independently of the pointer size. *) Nondetfunction addr_strength_reduction_32_generic (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := match addr, args, vl with | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int.signed n1 + ofs), r2 :: nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int.signed n2 + ofs), r1 :: nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int.signed n2 * sc + ofs), r1 :: nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ascaled sc (Int.signed n1 + ofs), r2 :: nil) | _, _ => (addr, args) end. Nondetfunction addr_strength_reduction_32 (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := if Archi.ptr64 then addr_strength_reduction_32_generic addr args vl else match addr, args, vl with | Aindexed ofs, r1 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n) :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add n (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed ofs, r1 :: nil, Ptr(Stk n) :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add n (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: I n2 :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int n2)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: Ptr(Gl symb n2) :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n2 (Ptrofs.of_int n1)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Stk n1) :: I n2 :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int n2)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: Ptr(Stk n2) :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.of_int n1) n2) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: v2 :: nil => (Abased symb (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), r2 :: nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: Ptr(Gl symb n2) :: nil => (Abased symb (Ptrofs.add n2 (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), r1 :: nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: I n2 :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.mul n2 (Int.repr sc)))) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: v2 :: nil => (Abasedscaled sc symb (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), r2 :: nil) | Abased id ofs, r1 :: nil, I n1 :: nil => (Aglobal id (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.of_int n1)), nil) | Abasedscaled sc id ofs, r1 :: nil, I n1 :: nil => (Aglobal id (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.mul n1 (Int.repr sc)))), nil) | _, _ => addr_strength_reduction_32_generic addr args vl end. Nondetfunction addr_strength_reduction_64_generic (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := match addr, args, vl with | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int64.signed n1 + ofs), r2 :: nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int64.signed n2 + ofs), r1 :: nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => (Aindexed (Int64.signed n2 * sc + ofs), r1 :: nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => (Ascaled sc (Int64.signed n1 + ofs), r2 :: nil) | _, _ => (addr, args) end. Nondetfunction addr_strength_reduction_64 (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := if negb Archi.ptr64 then addr_strength_reduction_64_generic addr args vl else match addr, args, vl with | Aindexed ofs, r1 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n) :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add n (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed ofs, r1 :: nil, Ptr(Stk n) :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add n (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: L n2 :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int64 n2)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: Ptr(Gl symb n2) :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n2 (Ptrofs.of_int64 n1)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Stk n1) :: L n2 :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int64 n2)) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2 ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: Ptr(Stk n2) :: nil => (Ainstack (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.of_int64 n1) n2) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, Ptr(Gl symb n1) :: L n2 :: nil => (Aglobal symb (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add n1 (Ptrofs.of_int64 (Int64.mul n2 (Int64.repr sc)))) (Ptrofs.repr ofs)), nil) | _, _ => addr_strength_reduction_64_generic addr args vl end. Definition addr_strength_reduction (addr: addressing) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := if Archi.ptr64 then addr_strength_reduction_64 addr args vl else addr_strength_reduction_32 addr args vl. Definition make_addimm (n: int) (r: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Olea (Aindexed (Int.signed n)), r :: nil). Definition make_shlimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize then (Oshlimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshl, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_shrimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize then (Oshrimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshr, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_shruimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int.iwordsize then (Oshruimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshru, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_mulimm (n: int) (r: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Ointconst Int.zero, nil) else if Int.eq n Int.one then (Omove, r :: nil) else match Int.is_power2 n with | Some l => (Oshlimm l, r :: nil) | None => (Omulimm n, r :: nil) end. Definition make_andimm (n: int) (r: reg) (a: aval) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Ointconst Int.zero, nil) else if Int.eq n Int.mone then (Omove, r :: nil) else if match a with Uns _ m => Int.eq (Int.zero_ext m (Int.not n)) Int.zero | _ => false end then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Oandimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_orimm (n: int) (r: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else if Int.eq n Int.mone then (Ointconst Int.mone, nil) else (Oorimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_xorimm (n: int) (r: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else if Int.eq n Int.mone then (Onot, r :: nil) else (Oxorimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_divimm n (r1 r2: reg) := match Int.is_power2 n with | Some l => if Int.ltu l (Int.repr 31) then (Oshrximm l, r1 :: nil) else (Odiv, r1 :: r2 :: nil) | None => (Odiv, r1 :: r2 :: nil) end. Definition make_divuimm n (r1 r2: reg) := match Int.is_power2 n with | Some l => (Oshruimm l, r1 :: nil) | None => (Odivu, r1 :: r2 :: nil) end. Definition make_moduimm n (r1 r2: reg) := match Int.is_power2 n with | Some l => (Oandimm (Int.sub n Int.one), r1 :: nil) | None => (Omodu, r1 :: r2 :: nil) end. Definition make_addlimm (n: int64) (r: reg) := if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Oleal (Aindexed (Int64.signed n)), r :: nil). Definition make_shllimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' then (Oshllimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshll, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_shrlimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' then (Oshrlimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshrl, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_shrluimm (n: int) (r1 r2: reg) := if Int.eq n Int.zero then (Omove, r1 :: nil) else if Int.ltu n Int64.iwordsize' then (Oshrluimm n, r1 :: nil) else (Oshrlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_mullimm (n: int64) (r: reg) := if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then (Olongconst Int64.zero, nil) else if Int64.eq n Int64.one then (Omove, r :: nil) else match Int64.is_power2' n with | Some l => (Oshllimm l, r :: nil) | None => (Omullimm n, r :: nil) end. Definition make_andlimm (n: int64) (r: reg) (a: aval) := if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then (Olongconst Int64.zero, nil) else if Int64.eq n Int64.mone then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Oandlimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_orlimm (n: int64) (r: reg) := if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else if Int64.eq n Int64.mone then (Olongconst Int64.mone, nil) else (Oorlimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_xorlimm (n: int64) (r: reg) := if Int64.eq n Int64.zero then (Omove, r :: nil) else if Int64.eq n Int64.mone then (Onotl, r :: nil) else (Oxorlimm n, r :: nil). Definition make_divluimm n (r1 r2: reg) := match Int64.is_power2' n with | Some l => (Oshrluimm l, r1 :: nil) | None => (Odivlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil) end. Definition make_modluimm n (r1 r2: reg) := match Int64.is_power2 n with | Some l => (Oandlimm (Int64.sub n Int64.one), r1 :: nil) | None => (Omodlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil) end. Definition make_mulfimm (n: float) (r r1 r2: reg) := if Float.eq_dec n (Float.of_int (Int.repr 2)) then (Oaddf, r :: r :: nil) else (Omulf, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_mulfsimm (n: float32) (r r1 r2: reg) := if Float32.eq_dec n (Float32.of_int (Int.repr 2)) then (Oaddfs, r :: r :: nil) else (Omulfs, r1 :: r2 :: nil). Definition make_cast8signed (r: reg) (a: aval) := if vincl a (Sgn Ptop 8) then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Ocast8signed, r :: nil). Definition make_cast8unsigned (r: reg) (a: aval) := if vincl a (Uns Ptop 8) then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Ocast8unsigned, r :: nil). Definition make_cast16signed (r: reg) (a: aval) := if vincl a (Sgn Ptop 16) then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Ocast16signed, r :: nil). Definition make_cast16unsigned (r: reg) (a: aval) := if vincl a (Uns Ptop 16) then (Omove, r :: nil) else (Ocast16unsigned, r :: nil). Nondetfunction op_strength_reduction (op: operation) (args: list reg) (vl: list aval) := match op, args, vl with | Ocast8signed, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_cast8signed r1 v1 | Ocast8unsigned, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_cast8unsigned r1 v1 | Ocast16signed, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_cast16signed r1 v1 | Ocast16unsigned, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_cast16unsigned r1 v1 | Osub, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_addimm (Int.neg n2) r1 | Omul, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_mulimm n1 r2 | Omul, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_mulimm n2 r1 | Odiv, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_divimm n2 r1 r2 | Odivu, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_divuimm n2 r1 r2 | Omodu, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_moduimm n2 r1 r2 | Oand, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_andimm n1 r2 v2 | Oand, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_andimm n2 r1 v1 | Oandimm n, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_andimm n r1 v1 | Oor, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_orimm n1 r2 | Oor, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_orimm n2 r1 | Oxor, r1 :: r2 :: nil, I n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_xorimm n1 r2 | Oxor, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_xorimm n2 r1 | Oshl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shlimm n2 r1 r2 | Oshr, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shrimm n2 r1 r2 | Oshru, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shruimm n2 r1 r2 | Olea addr, args, vl => let (addr', args') := addr_strength_reduction_32 addr args vl in (Olea addr', args') | Osubl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_addlimm (Int64.neg n2) r1 | Omull, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_mullimm n1 r2 | Omull, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_mullimm n2 r1 | Odivlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_divluimm n2 r1 r2 | Omodlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_modluimm n2 r1 r2 | Oandl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_andlimm n1 r2 v2 | Oandl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_andlimm n2 r1 v1 | Oandlimm n, r1 :: nil, v1 :: nil => make_andlimm n r1 v1 | Oorl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_orlimm n1 r2 | Oorl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_orlimm n2 r1 | Oxorl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, L n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_xorlimm n1 r2 | Oxorl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: L n2 :: nil => make_xorlimm n2 r1 | Oshll, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shllimm n2 r1 r2 | Oshrl, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shrlimm n2 r1 r2 | Oshrlu, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: I n2 :: nil => make_shrluimm n2 r1 r2 | Oleal addr, args, vl => let (addr', args') := addr_strength_reduction_64 addr args vl in (Oleal addr', args') | Ocmp c, args, vl => make_cmp c args vl | Omulf, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: F n2 :: nil => make_mulfimm n2 r1 r1 r2 | Omulf, r1 :: r2 :: nil, F n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_mulfimm n1 r2 r1 r2 | Omulfs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, v1 :: FS n2 :: nil => make_mulfsimm n2 r1 r1 r2 | Omulfs, r1 :: r2 :: nil, FS n1 :: v2 :: nil => make_mulfsimm n1 r2 r1 r2 | _, _, _ => (op, args) end.