(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) Require Import String. Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Maps. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Op. (** ** Machine registers *) (** The following type defines the machine registers that can be referenced as locations. These include: - Integer registers that can be allocated to RTL pseudo-registers. - Floating-point registers that can be allocated to RTL pseudo-registers. - The special [FP0] register denoting the top of the X87 float stack. The type [mreg] does not include special-purpose or reserved machine registers such as the stack pointer and the condition codes. *) Inductive mreg: Type := (** Allocatable integer regs *) | AX: mreg | BX: mreg | CX: mreg | DX: mreg | SI: mreg | DI: mreg | BP: mreg (** Allocatable float regs *) | X0: mreg | X1: mreg | X2: mreg | X3: mreg | X4: mreg | X5: mreg | X6: mreg | X7: mreg (** Special float reg *) | FP0: mreg (**r top of x87 FP stack *). Lemma mreg_eq: forall (r1 r2: mreg), {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}. Proof. decide equality. Defined. Global Opaque mreg_eq. Definition mreg_type (r: mreg): typ := match r with | AX => Tint | BX => Tint | CX => Tint | DX => Tint | SI => Tint | DI => Tint | BP => Tint | X0 => Tfloat | X1 => Tfloat | X2 => Tfloat | X3 => Tfloat | X4 => Tfloat | X5 => Tfloat | X6 => Tfloat | X7 => Tfloat | FP0 => Tfloat end. Local Open Scope positive_scope. Module IndexedMreg <: INDEXED_TYPE. Definition t := mreg. Definition eq := mreg_eq. Definition index (r: mreg): positive := match r with | AX => 1 | BX => 2 | CX => 3 | DX => 4 | SI => 5 | DI => 6 | BP => 7 | X0 => 8 | X1 => 9 | X2 => 10 | X3 => 11 | X4 => 12 | X5 => 13 | X6 => 14 | X7 => 15 | FP0 => 16 end. Lemma index_inj: forall r1 r2, index r1 = index r2 -> r1 = r2. Proof. destruct r1; destruct r2; simpl; intro; discriminate || reflexivity. Qed. End IndexedMreg. Definition is_stack_reg (r: mreg) : bool := match r with FP0 => true | _ => false end. (** ** Destroyed registers, preferred registers *) Definition destroyed_by_op (op: operation): list mreg := match op with | Omove => FP0 :: nil | Ocast8signed | Ocast8unsigned | Ocast16signed | Ocast16unsigned => AX :: nil | Omulhs => AX :: DX :: nil | Omulhu => AX :: DX :: nil | Odiv => AX :: DX :: nil | Odivu => AX :: DX :: nil | Omod => AX :: DX :: nil | Omodu => AX :: DX :: nil | Oshrximm _ => CX :: nil | Ocmp _ => AX :: CX :: nil | _ => nil end. Definition destroyed_by_load (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing): list mreg := nil. Definition destroyed_by_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing): list mreg := match chunk with | Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned => AX :: CX :: nil | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned | Mint32 | Mint64 => nil | Mfloat32 => X7 :: nil | Mfloat64 => FP0 :: nil end. Definition destroyed_by_cond (cond: condition): list mreg := nil. Definition destroyed_by_jumptable: list mreg := nil. Local Open Scope string_scope. Definition builtin_write16_reversed := ident_of_string "__builtin_write16_reversed". Definition builtin_write32_reversed := ident_of_string "__builtin_write32_reversed". Definition destroyed_by_builtin (ef: external_function): list mreg := match ef with | EF_memcpy sz al => if zle sz 32 then CX :: X7 :: nil else CX :: SI :: DI :: nil | EF_vstore (Mint8unsigned|Mint8signed) => AX :: CX :: nil | EF_vstore Mfloat32 => X7 :: nil | EF_vstore_global (Mint8unsigned|Mint8signed) _ _ => AX :: nil | EF_vstore_global Mfloat32 _ _ => X7 :: nil | EF_builtin id sg => if ident_eq id builtin_write16_reversed || ident_eq id builtin_write32_reversed then CX :: DX :: nil else nil | _ => nil end. Definition destroyed_at_function_entry: list mreg := DX :: FP0 :: nil. (* must include destroyed_by_op Omove *) Definition destroyed_by_setstack (ty: typ): list mreg := match ty with | Tfloat => FP0 :: nil | Tsingle => X7 :: FP0 :: nil | _ => nil end. Definition temp_for_parent_frame: mreg := DX. Definition mregs_for_operation (op: operation): list (option mreg) * option mreg := match op with | Omulhs => (Some AX :: None :: nil, Some DX) | Omulhu => (Some AX :: None :: nil, Some DX) | Odiv => (Some AX :: Some CX :: nil, Some AX) | Odivu => (Some AX :: Some CX :: nil, Some AX) | Omod => (Some AX :: Some CX :: nil, Some DX) | Omodu => (Some AX :: Some CX :: nil, Some DX) | Oshl => (None :: Some CX :: nil, None) | Oshr => (None :: Some CX :: nil, None) | Oshru => (None :: Some CX :: nil, None) | Oshrximm _ => (Some AX :: nil, Some AX) | _ => (nil, None) end. Definition builtin_negl := ident_of_string "__builtin_negl". Definition builtin_addl := ident_of_string "__builtin_addl". Definition builtin_subl := ident_of_string "__builtin_subl". Definition builtin_mull := ident_of_string "__builtin_mull". Definition mregs_for_builtin (ef: external_function): list (option mreg) * list (option mreg) := match ef with | EF_memcpy sz al => if zle sz 32 then (Some AX :: Some DX :: nil, nil) else (Some DI :: Some SI :: nil, nil) | EF_builtin id sg => if ident_eq id builtin_negl then (Some DX :: Some AX :: nil, Some DX :: Some AX :: nil) else if ident_eq id builtin_addl || ident_eq id builtin_subl then (Some DX :: Some AX :: Some CX :: Some BX :: nil, Some DX :: Some AX :: nil) else if ident_eq id builtin_mull then (Some AX :: Some DX :: nil, Some DX :: Some AX :: nil) else (nil, nil) | _ => (nil, nil) end. Global Opaque destroyed_by_op destroyed_by_load destroyed_by_store destroyed_by_cond destroyed_by_jumptable destroyed_by_builtin destroyed_by_setstack destroyed_at_function_entry temp_for_parent_frame mregs_for_operation mregs_for_builtin. (** Two-address operations. Return [true] if the first argument and the result must be in the same location *and* are unconstrained by [mregs_for_operation]. *) Definition two_address_op (op: operation) : bool := match op with | Omove => false | Ointconst _ => false | Ofloatconst _ => false | Oindirectsymbol _ => false | Ocast8signed => false | Ocast8unsigned => false | Ocast16signed => false | Ocast16unsigned => false | Oneg => true | Osub => true | Omul => true | Omulimm _ => true | Omulhs => false | Omulhu => false | Odiv => false | Odivu => false | Omod => false | Omodu => false | Oand => true | Oandimm _ => true | Oor => true | Oorimm _ => true | Oxor => true | Oxorimm _ => true | Oshl => true | Oshlimm _ => true | Oshr => true | Oshrimm _ => true | Oshrximm _ => false | Oshru => true | Oshruimm _ => true | Ororimm _ => true | Oshldimm _ => true | Olea addr => false | Onegf => true | Oabsf => true | Oaddf => true | Osubf => true | Omulf => true | Odivf => true | Osingleoffloat => false | Ointoffloat => false | Ofloatofint => false | Omakelong => false | Olowlong => false | Ohighlong => false | Ocmp c => false end.