(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Neededness analysis for x86_64 operators *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import AST Integers Floats Values Memory Globalenvs. Require Import Op NeedDomain RTL. Definition op1 (nv: nval) := nv :: nil. Definition op2 (nv: nval) := nv :: nv :: nil. Definition needs_of_condition (cond: condition): list nval := match cond with | Cmaskzero n | Cmasknotzero n => op1 (maskzero n) | _ => nil end. Definition needs_of_addressing_32 (addr: addressing) (nv: nval): list nval := match addr with | Aindexed n => op1 (modarith nv) | Aindexed2 n => op2 (modarith nv) | Ascaled sc ofs => op1 (modarith (modarith nv)) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs => op2 (modarith nv) | Aglobal s ofs => nil | Abased s ofs => op1 (modarith nv) | Abasedscaled sc s ofs => op1 (modarith (modarith nv)) | Ainstack ofs => nil end. Definition needs_of_addressing_64 (addr: addressing) (nv: nval): list nval := match addr with | Aindexed n => op1 (default nv) | Aindexed2 n => op2 (default nv) | Ascaled sc ofs => op1 (default nv) | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs => op2 (default nv) | Aglobal s ofs => nil | Abased s ofs => op1 (default nv) | Abasedscaled sc s ofs => op1 (default nv) | Ainstack ofs => nil end. Definition needs_of_addressing (addr: addressing) (nv: nval): list nval := if Archi.ptr64 then needs_of_addressing_64 addr nv else needs_of_addressing_32 addr nv. Definition needs_of_operation (op: operation) (nv: nval): list nval := match op with | Omove => op1 nv | Ointconst n => nil | Olongconst n => nil | Ofloatconst n => nil | Osingleconst n => nil | Oindirectsymbol id => nil | Ocast8signed => op1 (sign_ext 8 nv) | Ocast8unsigned => op1 (zero_ext 8 nv) | Ocast16signed => op1 (sign_ext 16 nv) | Ocast16unsigned => op1 (zero_ext 16 nv) | Oneg => op1 (modarith nv) | Osub => op2 (default nv) | Omul => op2 (modarith nv) | Omulimm n => op1 (modarith nv) | Omulhs | Omulhu | Odiv | Odivu | Omod | Omodu => op2 (default nv) | Oand => op2 (bitwise nv) | Oandimm n => op1 (andimm nv n) | Oor => op2 (bitwise nv) | Oorimm n => op1 (orimm nv n) | Oxor => op2 (bitwise nv) | Oxorimm n => op1 (bitwise nv) | Onot => op1 (bitwise nv) | Oshl => op2 (default nv) | Oshlimm n => op1 (shlimm nv n) | Oshr => op2 (default nv) | Oshrimm n => op1 (shrimm nv n) | Oshrximm n => op1 (default nv) | Oshru => op2 (default nv) | Oshruimm n => op1 (shruimm nv n) | Ororimm n => op1 (ror nv n) | Oshldimm n => op1 (default nv) | Olea addr => needs_of_addressing_32 addr nv | Omakelong => op2 (default nv) | Olowlong | Ohighlong => op1 (default nv) | Ocast32signed => op1 (default nv) | Ocast32unsigned => op1 (default nv) | Onegl => op1 (default nv) | Oaddlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Osubl => op2 (default nv) | Omull => op2 (default nv) | Omullimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Odivl => op2 (default nv) | Odivlu => op2 (default nv) | Omodl => op2 (default nv) | Omodlu => op2 (default nv) | Oandl => op2 (default nv) | Oandlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Oorl => op2 (default nv) | Oorlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Oxorl => op2 (default nv) | Oxorlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Onotl => op1 (default nv) | Oshll => op2 (default nv) | Oshllimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Oshrl => op2 (default nv) | Oshrlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Oshrlu => op2 (default nv) | Oshrluimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Ororlimm _ => op1 (default nv) | Oleal addr => needs_of_addressing_64 addr nv | Onegf | Oabsf => op1 (default nv) | Oaddf | Osubf | Omulf | Odivf => op2 (default nv) | Onegfs | Oabsfs => op1 (default nv) | Oaddfs | Osubfs | Omulfs | Odivfs => op2 (default nv) | Osingleoffloat | Ofloatofsingle => op1 (default nv) | Ointoffloat | Ofloatofint | Ointofsingle | Osingleofint => op1 (default nv) | Olongoffloat | Ofloatoflong | Olongofsingle | Osingleoflong => op1 (default nv) | Ocmp c => needs_of_condition c end. Definition operation_is_redundant (op: operation) (nv: nval): bool := match op with | Ocast8signed => sign_ext_redundant 8 nv | Ocast8unsigned => zero_ext_redundant 8 nv | Ocast16signed => sign_ext_redundant 16 nv | Ocast16unsigned => zero_ext_redundant 16 nv | Oandimm n => andimm_redundant nv n | Oorimm n => orimm_redundant nv n | _ => false end. Ltac InvAgree := match goal with | [H: vagree_list nil _ _ |- _ ] => inv H; InvAgree | [H: vagree_list (_::_) _ _ |- _ ] => inv H; InvAgree | _ => idtac end. Ltac TrivialExists := match goal with | [ |- exists v, Some ?x = Some v /\ _ ] => exists x; split; auto | _ => idtac end. Section SOUNDNESS. Variable ge: genv. Variable sp: block. Variables m m': mem. Hypothesis PERM: forall b ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p -> Mem.perm m' b ofs k p. Lemma needs_of_condition_sound: forall cond args b args', eval_condition cond args m = Some b -> vagree_list args args' (needs_of_condition cond) -> eval_condition cond args' m' = Some b. Proof. intros. destruct cond; simpl in H; try (eapply default_needs_of_condition_sound; eauto; fail); simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree. - eapply maskzero_sound; eauto. - destruct (Val.maskzero_bool v n) as [b'|] eqn:MZ; try discriminate. erewrite maskzero_sound; eauto. Qed. Lemma needs_of_addressing_32_sound: forall sp addr args v nv args', eval_addressing32 ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) addr args = Some v -> vagree_list args args' (needs_of_addressing_32 addr nv) -> exists v', eval_addressing32 ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) addr args' = Some v' /\ vagree v v' nv. Proof. unfold needs_of_addressing_32; intros. destruct addr; simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree; TrivialExists; auto using add_sound, mul_sound with na. apply add_sound; auto with na. apply add_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto. apply add_sound; auto. apply add_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto with na. apply mul_sound; rewrite modarith_idem; auto with na. Qed. (* Lemma needs_of_addressing_64_sound: forall sp addr args v nv args', eval_addressing64 ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) addr args = Some v -> vagree_list args args' (needs_of_addressing_64 addr nv) -> exists v', eval_addressing64 ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) addr args' = Some v' /\ vagree v v' nv. *) Lemma needs_of_operation_sound: forall op args v nv args', eval_operation ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) op args m = Some v -> vagree_list args args' (needs_of_operation op nv) -> nv <> Nothing -> exists v', eval_operation ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) op args' m' = Some v' /\ vagree v v' nv. Proof. unfold needs_of_operation; intros; destruct op; try (eapply default_needs_of_operation_sound; eauto; fail); simpl in *; FuncInv; InvAgree; TrivialExists. - apply sign_ext_sound; auto. compute; auto. - apply zero_ext_sound; auto. omega. - apply sign_ext_sound; auto. compute; auto. - apply zero_ext_sound; auto. omega. - apply neg_sound; auto. - apply mul_sound; auto. - apply mul_sound; auto with na. - apply and_sound; auto. - apply andimm_sound; auto. - apply or_sound; auto. - apply orimm_sound; auto. - apply xor_sound; auto. - apply xor_sound; auto with na. - apply notint_sound; auto. - apply shlimm_sound; auto. - apply shrimm_sound; auto. - apply shruimm_sound; auto. - apply ror_sound; auto. - eapply needs_of_addressing_32_sound; eauto. - change (eval_addressing64 ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) a args') with (eval_operation ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) (Oleal a) args' m'). eapply default_needs_of_operation_sound; eauto. destruct a; simpl in H0; auto. - destruct (eval_condition cond args m) as [b|] eqn:EC; simpl in H2. erewrite needs_of_condition_sound by eauto. subst v; simpl. auto with na. subst v; auto with na. Qed. Lemma operation_is_redundant_sound: forall op nv arg1 args v arg1' args', operation_is_redundant op nv = true -> eval_operation ge (Vptr sp Ptrofs.zero) op (arg1 :: args) m = Some v -> vagree_list (arg1 :: args) (arg1' :: args') (needs_of_operation op nv) -> vagree v arg1' nv. Proof. intros. destruct op; simpl in *; try discriminate; inv H1; FuncInv; subst. - apply sign_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega. - apply zero_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega. - apply sign_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega. - apply zero_ext_redundant_sound; auto. omega. - apply andimm_redundant_sound; auto. - apply orimm_redundant_sound; auto. Qed. End SOUNDNESS.