(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *) (* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of *) (* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *) (* This file is also distributed under the terms of the *) (* INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Formalizations of machine integers modulo $2^N$ #2N#. *) Require Import Eqdep_dec Zquot Zwf. Require Import Coqlib Zbits. Require Archi. (** Backwards compatibility for Hint Rewrite locality attributes. *) Set Warnings "-unsupported-attributes". (** * Comparisons *) Inductive comparison : Type := | Ceq : comparison (**r same *) | Cne : comparison (**r different *) | Clt : comparison (**r less than *) | Cle : comparison (**r less than or equal *) | Cgt : comparison (**r greater than *) | Cge : comparison. (**r greater than or equal *) Definition negate_comparison (c: comparison): comparison := match c with | Ceq => Cne | Cne => Ceq | Clt => Cge | Cle => Cgt | Cgt => Cle | Cge => Clt end. Definition swap_comparison (c: comparison): comparison := match c with | Ceq => Ceq | Cne => Cne | Clt => Cgt | Cle => Cge | Cgt => Clt | Cge => Cle end. (** * Parameterization by the word size, in bits. *) Module Type WORDSIZE. Parameter wordsize: nat. Axiom wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat. End WORDSIZE. (* To avoid useless definitions of inductors in extracted code. *) Local Unset Elimination Schemes. Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes. Module Make(WS: WORDSIZE). Definition wordsize: nat := WS.wordsize. Definition zwordsize: Z := Z.of_nat wordsize. Definition modulus : Z := two_power_nat wordsize. Definition half_modulus : Z := modulus / 2. Definition max_unsigned : Z := modulus - 1. Definition max_signed : Z := half_modulus - 1. Definition min_signed : Z := - half_modulus. Remark wordsize_pos: zwordsize > 0. Proof. unfold zwordsize, wordsize. generalize WS.wordsize_not_zero. lia. Qed. Remark modulus_power: modulus = two_p zwordsize. Proof. unfold modulus. apply two_power_nat_two_p. Qed. Remark modulus_gt_one: modulus > 1. Proof. rewrite modulus_power. apply Z.lt_gt. apply (two_p_monotone_strict 0). generalize wordsize_pos; lia. Qed. Remark modulus_pos: modulus > 0. Proof. generalize modulus_gt_one; lia. Qed. Global Hint Resolve modulus_pos: ints. (** * Representation of machine integers *) (** A machine integer (type [int]) is represented as a Coq arbitrary-precision integer (type [Z]) plus a proof that it is in the range 0 (included) to [modulus] (excluded). *) Record int: Type := mkint { intval: Z; intrange: -1 < intval < modulus }. (** Fast normalization modulo [2^wordsize] *) Definition Z_mod_modulus (x: Z) : Z := match x with | Z0 => 0 | Zpos p => P_mod_two_p p wordsize | Zneg p => let r := P_mod_two_p p wordsize in if zeq r 0 then 0 else modulus - r end. Lemma Z_mod_modulus_range: forall x, 0 <= Z_mod_modulus x < modulus. Proof (Z_mod_two_p_range wordsize). Lemma Z_mod_modulus_range': forall x, -1 < Z_mod_modulus x < modulus. Proof. intros. generalize (Z_mod_modulus_range x); intuition. Qed. Lemma Z_mod_modulus_eq: forall x, Z_mod_modulus x = x mod modulus. Proof (Z_mod_two_p_eq wordsize). (** The [unsigned] and [signed] functions return the Coq integer corresponding to the given machine integer, interpreted as unsigned or signed respectively. *) Definition unsigned (n: int) : Z := intval n. Definition signed (n: int) : Z := let x := unsigned n in if zlt x half_modulus then x else x - modulus. (** Conversely, [repr] takes a Coq integer and returns the corresponding machine integer. The argument is treated modulo [modulus]. *) Definition repr (x: Z) : int := mkint (Z_mod_modulus x) (Z_mod_modulus_range' x). Definition zero := repr 0. Definition one := repr 1. Definition mone := repr (-1). Definition iwordsize := repr zwordsize. Lemma mkint_eq: forall x y Px Py, x = y -> mkint x Px = mkint y Py. Proof. intros. subst y. assert (forall (n m: Z) (P1 P2: n < m), P1 = P2). { unfold Z.lt; intros. apply eq_proofs_unicity. intros c1 c2. destruct c1; destruct c2; (left; reflexivity) || (right; congruence). } destruct Px as [Px1 Px2]. destruct Py as [Py1 Py2]. rewrite (H _ _ Px1 Py1). rewrite (H _ _ Px2 Py2). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eq_dec: forall (x y: int), {x = y} + {x <> y}. Proof. intros. destruct x; destruct y. destruct (zeq intval0 intval1). left. apply mkint_eq. auto. right. red; intro. injection H. exact n. Defined. (** * Arithmetic and logical operations over machine integers *) Definition eq (x y: int) : bool := if zeq (unsigned x) (unsigned y) then true else false. Definition lt (x y: int) : bool := if zlt (signed x) (signed y) then true else false. Definition ltu (x y: int) : bool := if zlt (unsigned x) (unsigned y) then true else false. Definition neg (x: int) : int := repr (- unsigned x). Definition add (x y: int) : int := repr (unsigned x + unsigned y). Definition sub (x y: int) : int := repr (unsigned x - unsigned y). Definition mul (x y: int) : int := repr (unsigned x * unsigned y). Definition divs (x y: int) : int := repr (Z.quot (signed x) (signed y)). Definition mods (x y: int) : int := repr (Z.rem (signed x) (signed y)). Definition divu (x y: int) : int := repr (unsigned x / unsigned y). Definition modu (x y: int) : int := repr ((unsigned x) mod (unsigned y)). (** Bitwise boolean operations. *) Definition and (x y: int): int := repr (Z.land (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). Definition or (x y: int): int := repr (Z.lor (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). Definition xor (x y: int) : int := repr (Z.lxor (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). Definition not (x: int) : int := xor x mone. (** Shifts and rotates. *) Definition shl (x y: int): int := repr (Z.shiftl (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). Definition shru (x y: int): int := repr (Z.shiftr (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). Definition shr (x y: int): int := repr (Z.shiftr (signed x) (unsigned y)). Definition rol (x y: int) : int := let n := (unsigned y) mod zwordsize in repr (Z.lor (Z.shiftl (unsigned x) n) (Z.shiftr (unsigned x) (zwordsize - n))). Definition ror (x y: int) : int := let n := (unsigned y) mod zwordsize in repr (Z.lor (Z.shiftr (unsigned x) n) (Z.shiftl (unsigned x) (zwordsize - n))). Definition rolm (x a m: int): int := and (rol x a) m. (** Viewed as signed divisions by powers of two, [shrx] rounds towards zero, while [shr] rounds towards minus infinity. *) Definition shrx (x y: int): int := divs x (shl one y). (** High half of full multiply. *) Definition mulhu (x y: int): int := repr ((unsigned x * unsigned y) / modulus). Definition mulhs (x y: int): int := repr ((signed x * signed y) / modulus). (** Condition flags *) Definition negative (x: int): int := if lt x zero then one else zero. Definition add_carry (x y cin: int): int := if zlt (unsigned x + unsigned y + unsigned cin) modulus then zero else one. Definition add_overflow (x y cin: int): int := let s := signed x + signed y + signed cin in if zle min_signed s && zle s max_signed then zero else one. Definition sub_borrow (x y bin: int): int := if zlt (unsigned x - unsigned y - unsigned bin) 0 then one else zero. Definition sub_overflow (x y bin: int): int := let s := signed x - signed y - signed bin in if zle min_signed s && zle s max_signed then zero else one. (** [shr_carry x y] is 1 if [x] is negative and at least one 1 bit is shifted away. *) Definition shr_carry (x y: int) : int := if lt x zero && negb (eq (and x (sub (shl one y) one)) zero) then one else zero. (** Zero and sign extensions *) Definition zero_ext (n: Z) (x: int) : int := repr (Zzero_ext n (unsigned x)). Definition sign_ext (n: Z) (x: int) : int := repr (Zsign_ext n (unsigned x)). (** Decomposition of a number as a sum of powers of two. *) Definition one_bits (x: int) : list int := List.map repr (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned x) 0). (** Recognition of powers of two. *) Definition is_power2 (x: int) : option int := match Z_is_power2 (unsigned x) with | Some i => Some (repr i) | None => None end. (** Comparisons. *) Definition cmp (c: comparison) (x y: int) : bool := match c with | Ceq => eq x y | Cne => negb (eq x y) | Clt => lt x y | Cle => negb (lt y x) | Cgt => lt y x | Cge => negb (lt x y) end. Definition cmpu (c: comparison) (x y: int) : bool := match c with | Ceq => eq x y | Cne => negb (eq x y) | Clt => ltu x y | Cle => negb (ltu y x) | Cgt => ltu y x | Cge => negb (ltu x y) end. Definition is_false (x: int) : Prop := x = zero. Definition is_true (x: int) : Prop := x <> zero. Definition notbool (x: int) : int := if eq x zero then one else zero. (** x86-style extended division and modulus *) Definition divmodu2 (nhi nlo: int) (d: int) : option (int * int) := if eq_dec d zero then None else (let (q, r) := Z.div_eucl (unsigned nhi * modulus + unsigned nlo) (unsigned d) in if zle q max_unsigned then Some(repr q, repr r) else None). Definition divmods2 (nhi nlo: int) (d: int) : option (int * int) := if eq_dec d zero then None else (let (q, r) := Z.quotrem (signed nhi * modulus + unsigned nlo) (signed d) in if zle min_signed q && zle q max_signed then Some(repr q, repr r) else None). (** * Properties of integers and integer arithmetic *) (** ** Properties of [modulus], [max_unsigned], etc. *) Remark half_modulus_power: half_modulus = two_p (zwordsize - 1). Proof. unfold half_modulus. rewrite modulus_power. set (ws1 := zwordsize - 1). replace (zwordsize) with (Z.succ ws1). rewrite two_p_S. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z_div_mult. lia. unfold ws1. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. unfold ws1. lia. Qed. Remark half_modulus_modulus: modulus = 2 * half_modulus. Proof. rewrite half_modulus_power. rewrite modulus_power. rewrite <- two_p_S. apply f_equal. lia. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. Qed. (** Relative positions, from greatest to smallest: << max_unsigned max_signed 2*wordsize-1 wordsize 0 min_signed >> *) Remark half_modulus_pos: half_modulus > 0. Proof. rewrite half_modulus_power. apply two_p_gt_ZERO. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. Qed. Remark min_signed_neg: min_signed < 0. Proof. unfold min_signed. generalize half_modulus_pos. lia. Qed. Remark max_signed_pos: max_signed >= 0. Proof. unfold max_signed. generalize half_modulus_pos. lia. Qed. Remark wordsize_max_unsigned: zwordsize <= max_unsigned. Proof. assert (zwordsize < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_strict. generalize wordsize_pos. lia. unfold max_unsigned. lia. Qed. Remark two_wordsize_max_unsigned: 2 * zwordsize - 1 <= max_unsigned. Proof. assert (2 * zwordsize - 1 < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_strict_2. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. unfold max_unsigned; lia. Qed. Remark max_signed_unsigned: max_signed < max_unsigned. Proof. unfold max_signed, max_unsigned. rewrite half_modulus_modulus. generalize half_modulus_pos. lia. Qed. Lemma unsigned_repr_eq: forall x, unsigned (repr x) = Z.modulo x modulus. Proof. intros. simpl. apply Z_mod_modulus_eq. Qed. Lemma signed_repr_eq: forall x, signed (repr x) = if zlt (Z.modulo x modulus) half_modulus then Z.modulo x modulus else Z.modulo x modulus - modulus. Proof. intros. unfold signed. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. auto. Qed. (** ** Modulo arithmetic *) (** [eqm] is equality modulo $2^{wordsize}$ #2wordsize#. *) Definition eqm := eqmod modulus. Lemma eqm_refl: forall x, eqm x x. Proof (eqmod_refl modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_refl: ints. Lemma eqm_refl2: forall x y, x = y -> eqm x y. Proof (eqmod_refl2 modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_refl2: ints. Lemma eqm_sym: forall x y, eqm x y -> eqm y x. Proof (eqmod_sym modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_sym: ints. Lemma eqm_trans: forall x y z, eqm x y -> eqm y z -> eqm x z. Proof (eqmod_trans modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_trans: ints. Lemma eqm_small_eq: forall x y, eqm x y -> 0 <= x < modulus -> 0 <= y < modulus -> x = y. Proof (eqmod_small_eq modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_small_eq: ints. Lemma eqm_add: forall a b c d, eqm a b -> eqm c d -> eqm (a + c) (b + d). Proof (eqmod_add modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_add: ints. Lemma eqm_neg: forall x y, eqm x y -> eqm (-x) (-y). Proof (eqmod_neg modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_neg: ints. Lemma eqm_sub: forall a b c d, eqm a b -> eqm c d -> eqm (a - c) (b - d). Proof (eqmod_sub modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_sub: ints. Lemma eqm_mult: forall a b c d, eqm a c -> eqm b d -> eqm (a * b) (c * d). Proof (eqmod_mult modulus). Global Hint Resolve eqm_mult: ints. Lemma eqm_same_bits: forall x y, (forall i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> Z.testbit x i = Z.testbit y i) -> eqm x y. Proof (eqmod_same_bits wordsize). Lemma same_bits_eqm: forall x y i, eqm x y -> 0 <= i < zwordsize -> Z.testbit x i = Z.testbit y i. Proof (same_bits_eqmod wordsize). (** ** Properties of the coercions between [Z] and [int] *) Lemma eqm_samerepr: forall x y, eqm x y -> repr x = repr y. Proof. intros. unfold repr. apply mkint_eq. rewrite !Z_mod_modulus_eq. apply eqmod_mod_eq. auto with ints. exact H. Qed. Lemma eqm_unsigned_repr: forall z, eqm z (unsigned (repr z)). Proof. unfold eqm; intros. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply eqmod_mod. auto with ints. Qed. Global Hint Resolve eqm_unsigned_repr: ints. Lemma eqm_unsigned_repr_l: forall a b, eqm a b -> eqm (unsigned (repr a)) b. Proof. intros. apply eqm_trans with a. apply eqm_sym. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. auto. Qed. Global Hint Resolve eqm_unsigned_repr_l: ints. Lemma eqm_unsigned_repr_r: forall a b, eqm a b -> eqm a (unsigned (repr b)). Proof. intros. apply eqm_trans with b. auto. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. Qed. Global Hint Resolve eqm_unsigned_repr_r: ints. Lemma eqm_signed_unsigned: forall x, eqm (signed x) (unsigned x). Proof. intros; red. unfold signed. set (y := unsigned x). case (zlt y half_modulus); intro. apply eqmod_refl. red; exists (-1); ring. Qed. Theorem unsigned_range: forall i, 0 <= unsigned i < modulus. Proof. destruct i. simpl. lia. Qed. Global Hint Resolve unsigned_range: ints. Theorem unsigned_range_2: forall i, 0 <= unsigned i <= max_unsigned. Proof. intro; unfold max_unsigned. generalize (unsigned_range i). lia. Qed. Global Hint Resolve unsigned_range_2: ints. Theorem signed_range: forall i, min_signed <= signed i <= max_signed. Proof. intros. unfold signed. generalize (unsigned_range i). set (n := unsigned i). intros. case (zlt n half_modulus); intro. unfold max_signed. generalize min_signed_neg. lia. unfold min_signed, max_signed. rewrite half_modulus_modulus in *. lia. Qed. Theorem repr_unsigned: forall i, repr (unsigned i) = i. Proof. destruct i; simpl. unfold repr. apply mkint_eq. rewrite Z_mod_modulus_eq. apply Z.mod_small; lia. Qed. Global Hint Resolve repr_unsigned: ints. Lemma repr_signed: forall i, repr (signed i) = i. Proof. intros. transitivity (repr (unsigned i)). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. auto with ints. Qed. Global Hint Resolve repr_signed: ints. Opaque repr. Lemma eqm_repr_eq: forall x y, eqm x (unsigned y) -> repr x = y. Proof. intros. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned y). apply eqm_samerepr; auto. Qed. Theorem unsigned_repr: forall z, 0 <= z <= max_unsigned -> unsigned (repr z) = z. Proof. intros. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply Z.mod_small. unfold max_unsigned in H. lia. Qed. Global Hint Resolve unsigned_repr: ints. Theorem signed_repr: forall z, min_signed <= z <= max_signed -> signed (repr z) = z. Proof. intros. unfold signed. destruct (zle 0 z). replace (unsigned (repr z)) with z. rewrite zlt_true. auto. unfold max_signed in H. lia. symmetry. apply unsigned_repr. generalize max_signed_unsigned. lia. pose (z' := z + modulus). replace (repr z) with (repr z'). replace (unsigned (repr z')) with z'. rewrite zlt_false. unfold z'. lia. unfold z'. unfold min_signed in H. rewrite half_modulus_modulus. lia. symmetry. apply unsigned_repr. unfold z', max_unsigned. unfold min_signed, max_signed in H. rewrite half_modulus_modulus. lia. apply eqm_samerepr. unfold z'; red. exists 1. lia. Qed. Theorem signed_eq_unsigned: forall x, unsigned x <= max_signed -> signed x = unsigned x. Proof. intros. unfold signed. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus). auto. unfold max_signed in H. extlia. Qed. Theorem signed_positive: forall x, signed x >= 0 <-> unsigned x <= max_signed. Proof. intros. unfold signed, max_signed. generalize (unsigned_range x) half_modulus_modulus half_modulus_pos; intros. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus); lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of zero, one, minus one *) Theorem unsigned_zero: unsigned zero = 0. Proof. unfold zero; rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply Zmod_0_l. Qed. Theorem unsigned_one: unsigned one = 1. Proof. unfold one; rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply Z.mod_small. split. lia. unfold modulus. replace wordsize with (S(Init.Nat.pred wordsize)). rewrite two_power_nat_S. generalize (two_power_nat_pos (Init.Nat.pred wordsize)). lia. generalize wordsize_pos. unfold zwordsize. lia. Qed. Theorem unsigned_mone: unsigned mone = modulus - 1. Proof. unfold mone; rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. replace (-1) with ((modulus - 1) + (-1) * modulus). rewrite Z_mod_plus_full. apply Z.mod_small. generalize modulus_pos. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem signed_zero: signed zero = 0. Proof. unfold signed. rewrite unsigned_zero. apply zlt_true. generalize half_modulus_pos; lia. Qed. Theorem signed_one: zwordsize > 1 -> signed one = 1. Proof. intros. unfold signed. rewrite unsigned_one. apply zlt_true. change 1 with (two_p 0). rewrite half_modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. lia. Qed. Theorem signed_mone: signed mone = -1. Proof. unfold signed. rewrite unsigned_mone. rewrite zlt_false. lia. rewrite half_modulus_modulus. generalize half_modulus_pos. lia. Qed. Theorem one_not_zero: one <> zero. Proof. assert (unsigned one <> unsigned zero). rewrite unsigned_one; rewrite unsigned_zero; congruence. congruence. Qed. Theorem unsigned_repr_wordsize: unsigned iwordsize = zwordsize. Proof. unfold iwordsize; rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply Z.mod_small. generalize wordsize_pos wordsize_max_unsigned; unfold max_unsigned; lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of equality *) Theorem eq_sym: forall x y, eq x y = eq y x. Proof. intros; unfold eq. case (zeq (unsigned x) (unsigned y)); intro. rewrite e. rewrite zeq_true. auto. rewrite zeq_false. auto. auto. Qed. Theorem eq_spec: forall (x y: int), if eq x y then x = y else x <> y. Proof. intros; unfold eq. case (eq_dec x y); intro. subst y. rewrite zeq_true. auto. rewrite zeq_false. auto. destruct x; destruct y. simpl. red; intro. elim n. apply mkint_eq. auto. Qed. Theorem eq_true: forall x, eq x x = true. Proof. intros. generalize (eq_spec x x); case (eq x x); intros; congruence. Qed. Theorem eq_false: forall x y, x <> y -> eq x y = false. Proof. intros. generalize (eq_spec x y); case (eq x y); intros; congruence. Qed. Theorem same_if_eq: forall x y, eq x y = true -> x = y. Proof. intros. generalize (eq_spec x y); rewrite H; auto. Qed. Theorem eq_signed: forall x y, eq x y = if zeq (signed x) (signed y) then true else false. Proof. intros. predSpec eq eq_spec x y. subst x. rewrite zeq_true; auto. destruct (zeq (signed x) (signed y)); auto. elim H. rewrite <- (repr_signed x). rewrite <- (repr_signed y). congruence. Qed. (** ** Properties of addition *) Theorem add_unsigned: forall x y, add x y = repr (unsigned x + unsigned y). Proof. intros; reflexivity. Qed. Theorem add_signed: forall x y, add x y = repr (signed x + signed y). Proof. intros. rewrite add_unsigned. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add; apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_signed_unsigned. Qed. Theorem add_commut: forall x y, add x y = add y x. Proof. intros; unfold add. decEq. lia. Qed. Theorem add_zero: forall x, add x zero = x. Proof. intros. unfold add. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite Z.add_0_r. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem add_zero_l: forall x, add zero x = x. Proof. intros. rewrite add_commut. apply add_zero. Qed. Theorem add_assoc: forall x y z, add (add x y) z = add x (add y z). Proof. intros; unfold add. set (x' := unsigned x). set (y' := unsigned y). set (z' := unsigned z). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_trans with ((x' + y') + z'). auto with ints. rewrite <- Z.add_assoc. auto with ints. Qed. Theorem add_permut: forall x y z, add x (add y z) = add y (add x z). Proof. intros. rewrite (add_commut y z). rewrite <- add_assoc. apply add_commut. Qed. Theorem add_neg_zero: forall x, add x (neg x) = zero. Proof. intros; unfold add, neg, zero. apply eqm_samerepr. replace 0 with (unsigned x + (- (unsigned x))). auto with ints. lia. Qed. Theorem unsigned_add_carry: forall x y, unsigned (add x y) = unsigned x + unsigned y - unsigned (add_carry x y zero) * modulus. Proof. intros. unfold add, add_carry. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite Z.add_0_r. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. generalize (unsigned_range x) (unsigned_range y). intros. destruct (zlt (unsigned x + unsigned y) modulus). rewrite unsigned_zero. apply Zmod_unique with 0. lia. lia. rewrite unsigned_one. apply Zmod_unique with 1. lia. lia. Qed. Corollary unsigned_add_either: forall x y, unsigned (add x y) = unsigned x + unsigned y \/ unsigned (add x y) = unsigned x + unsigned y - modulus. Proof. intros. rewrite unsigned_add_carry. unfold add_carry. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite Z.add_0_r. destruct (zlt (unsigned x + unsigned y) modulus). rewrite unsigned_zero. left; lia. rewrite unsigned_one. right; lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of negation *) Theorem neg_repr: forall z, neg (repr z) = repr (-z). Proof. intros; unfold neg. apply eqm_samerepr. auto with ints. Qed. Theorem neg_zero: neg zero = zero. Proof. unfold neg. rewrite unsigned_zero. auto. Qed. Theorem neg_involutive: forall x, neg (neg x) = x. Proof. intros; unfold neg. apply eqm_repr_eq. eapply eqm_trans. apply eqm_neg. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_refl2. lia. Qed. Theorem neg_add_distr: forall x y, neg(add x y) = add (neg x) (neg y). Proof. intros; unfold neg, add. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_trans with (- (unsigned x + unsigned y)). auto with ints. replace (- (unsigned x + unsigned y)) with ((- unsigned x) + (- unsigned y)). auto with ints. lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of subtraction *) Theorem sub_zero_l: forall x, sub x zero = x. Proof. intros; unfold sub. rewrite unsigned_zero. replace (unsigned x - 0) with (unsigned x) by lia. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem sub_zero_r: forall x, sub zero x = neg x. Proof. intros; unfold sub, neg. rewrite unsigned_zero. auto. Qed. Theorem sub_add_opp: forall x y, sub x y = add x (neg y). Proof. intros; unfold sub, add, neg. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add; auto with ints. Qed. Theorem sub_idem: forall x, sub x x = zero. Proof. intros; unfold sub. unfold zero. decEq. lia. Qed. Theorem sub_add_l: forall x y z, sub (add x y) z = add (sub x z) y. Proof. intros. repeat rewrite sub_add_opp. repeat rewrite add_assoc. decEq. apply add_commut. Qed. Theorem sub_add_r: forall x y z, sub x (add y z) = add (sub x z) (neg y). Proof. intros. repeat rewrite sub_add_opp. rewrite neg_add_distr. rewrite add_permut. apply add_commut. Qed. Theorem sub_shifted: forall x y z, sub (add x z) (add y z) = sub x y. Proof. intros. rewrite sub_add_opp. rewrite neg_add_distr. rewrite add_assoc. rewrite (add_commut (neg y) (neg z)). rewrite <- (add_assoc z). rewrite add_neg_zero. rewrite (add_commut zero). rewrite add_zero. symmetry. apply sub_add_opp. Qed. Theorem sub_signed: forall x y, sub x y = repr (signed x - signed y). Proof. intros. unfold sub. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_sub; apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_signed_unsigned. Qed. Theorem unsigned_sub_borrow: forall x y, unsigned (sub x y) = unsigned x - unsigned y + unsigned (sub_borrow x y zero) * modulus. Proof. intros. unfold sub, sub_borrow. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. generalize (unsigned_range x) (unsigned_range y). intros. destruct (zlt (unsigned x - unsigned y) 0). rewrite unsigned_one. apply Zmod_unique with (-1). lia. lia. rewrite unsigned_zero. apply Zmod_unique with 0. lia. lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of multiplication *) Theorem mul_commut: forall x y, mul x y = mul y x. Proof. intros; unfold mul. decEq. ring. Qed. Theorem mul_zero: forall x, mul x zero = zero. Proof. intros; unfold mul. rewrite unsigned_zero. unfold zero. decEq. ring. Qed. Theorem mul_one: forall x, mul x one = x. Proof. intros; unfold mul. rewrite unsigned_one. transitivity (repr (unsigned x)). decEq. ring. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem mul_mone: forall x, mul x mone = neg x. Proof. intros; unfold mul, neg. rewrite unsigned_mone. apply eqm_samerepr. replace (-unsigned x) with (0 - unsigned x) by lia. replace (unsigned x * (modulus - 1)) with (unsigned x * modulus - unsigned x) by ring. apply eqm_sub. exists (unsigned x). lia. apply eqm_refl. Qed. Theorem mul_assoc: forall x y z, mul (mul x y) z = mul x (mul y z). Proof. intros; unfold mul. set (x' := unsigned x). set (y' := unsigned y). set (z' := unsigned z). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_trans with ((x' * y') * z'). auto with ints. rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc. auto with ints. Qed. Theorem mul_add_distr_l: forall x y z, mul (add x y) z = add (mul x z) (mul y z). Proof. intros; unfold mul, add. apply eqm_samerepr. set (x' := unsigned x). set (y' := unsigned y). set (z' := unsigned z). apply eqm_trans with ((x' + y') * z'). auto with ints. replace ((x' + y') * z') with (x' * z' + y' * z'). auto with ints. ring. Qed. Theorem mul_add_distr_r: forall x y z, mul x (add y z) = add (mul x y) (mul x z). Proof. intros. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_add_distr_l. decEq; apply mul_commut. Qed. Theorem neg_mul_distr_l: forall x y, neg(mul x y) = mul (neg x) y. Proof. intros. unfold mul, neg. set (x' := unsigned x). set (y' := unsigned y). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_trans with (- (x' * y')). auto with ints. replace (- (x' * y')) with ((-x') * y') by ring. auto with ints. Qed. Theorem neg_mul_distr_r: forall x y, neg(mul x y) = mul x (neg y). Proof. intros. rewrite (mul_commut x y). rewrite (mul_commut x (neg y)). apply neg_mul_distr_l. Qed. Theorem mul_signed: forall x y, mul x y = repr (signed x * signed y). Proof. intros; unfold mul. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_mult; apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_signed_unsigned. Qed. (** ** Properties of division and modulus *) Lemma modu_divu_Euclid: forall x y, y <> zero -> x = add (mul (divu x y) y) (modu x y). Proof. intros. unfold add, mul, divu, modu. transitivity (repr (unsigned x)). auto with ints. apply eqm_samerepr. set (x' := unsigned x). set (y' := unsigned y). apply eqm_trans with ((x' / y') * y' + x' mod y'). apply eqm_refl2. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z_div_mod_eq. generalize (unsigned_range y); intro. assert (unsigned y <> 0). red; intro. elim H. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned y). unfold zero. congruence. unfold y'. lia. auto with ints. Qed. Theorem modu_divu: forall x y, y <> zero -> modu x y = sub x (mul (divu x y) y). Proof. intros. assert (forall a b c, a = add b c -> c = sub a b). intros. subst a. rewrite sub_add_l. rewrite sub_idem. rewrite add_commut. rewrite add_zero. auto. apply H0. apply modu_divu_Euclid. auto. Qed. Lemma mods_divs_Euclid: forall x y, x = add (mul (divs x y) y) (mods x y). Proof. intros. unfold add, mul, divs, mods. transitivity (repr (signed x)). auto with ints. apply eqm_samerepr. set (x' := signed x). set (y' := signed y). apply eqm_trans with ((Z.quot x' y') * y' + Z.rem x' y'). apply eqm_refl2. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z.quot_rem'. apply eqm_add; auto with ints. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_r. apply eqm_mult; auto with ints. unfold y'. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. Qed. Theorem mods_divs: forall x y, mods x y = sub x (mul (divs x y) y). Proof. intros. assert (forall a b c, a = add b c -> c = sub a b). intros. subst a. rewrite sub_add_l. rewrite sub_idem. rewrite add_commut. rewrite add_zero. auto. apply H. apply mods_divs_Euclid. Qed. Theorem divu_one: forall x, divu x one = x. Proof. unfold divu; intros. rewrite unsigned_one. rewrite Zdiv_1_r. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem divs_one: forall x, zwordsize > 1 -> divs x one = x. Proof. unfold divs; intros. rewrite signed_one. rewrite Z.quot_1_r. apply repr_signed. auto. Qed. Theorem modu_one: forall x, modu x one = zero. Proof. intros. rewrite modu_divu. rewrite divu_one. rewrite mul_one. apply sub_idem. apply one_not_zero. Qed. Theorem divs_mone: forall x, divs x mone = neg x. Proof. unfold divs, neg; intros. rewrite signed_mone. replace (Z.quot (signed x) (-1)) with (- (signed x)). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_neg. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. set (x' := signed x). set (one := 1). change (-1) with (- one). rewrite Zquot_opp_r. assert (Z.quot x' one = x'). symmetry. apply Zquot_unique_full with 0. red. change (Z.abs one) with 1. destruct (zle 0 x'). left. lia. right. lia. unfold one; ring. congruence. Qed. Theorem mods_mone: forall x, mods x mone = zero. Proof. intros. rewrite mods_divs. rewrite divs_mone. rewrite <- neg_mul_distr_l. rewrite mul_mone. rewrite neg_involutive. apply sub_idem. Qed. Theorem divmodu2_divu_modu: forall n d, d <> zero -> divmodu2 zero n d = Some (divu n d, modu n d). Proof. unfold divmodu2, divu, modu; intros. rewrite dec_eq_false by auto. set (N := unsigned zero * modulus + unsigned n). assert (E1: unsigned n = N) by (unfold N; rewrite unsigned_zero; ring). rewrite ! E1. set (D := unsigned d). set (Q := N / D); set (R := N mod D). assert (E2: Z.div_eucl N D = (Q, R)). { unfold Q, R, Z.div, Z.modulo. destruct (Z.div_eucl N D); auto. } rewrite E2. rewrite zle_true. auto. assert (unsigned d <> 0). { red; intros. elim H. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned d). rewrite H0; auto. } assert (0 < D). { unfold D. generalize (unsigned_range d); intros. lia. } assert (0 <= Q <= max_unsigned). { unfold Q. apply Zdiv_interval_2. rewrite <- E1; apply unsigned_range_2. lia. unfold max_unsigned; generalize modulus_pos; lia. lia. } lia. Qed. Lemma unsigned_signed: forall n, unsigned n = if lt n zero then signed n + modulus else signed n. Proof. intros. unfold lt. rewrite signed_zero. unfold signed. generalize (unsigned_range n). rewrite half_modulus_modulus. intros. destruct (zlt (unsigned n) half_modulus). - rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. - rewrite zlt_true by lia. ring. Qed. Theorem divmods2_divs_mods: forall n d, d <> zero -> n <> repr min_signed \/ d <> mone -> divmods2 (if lt n zero then mone else zero) n d = Some (divs n d, mods n d). Proof. unfold divmods2, divs, mods; intros. rewrite dec_eq_false by auto. set (N := signed (if lt n zero then mone else zero) * modulus + unsigned n). set (D := signed d). assert (D <> 0). { unfold D; red; intros. elim H. rewrite <- (repr_signed d). rewrite H1; auto. } assert (N = signed n). { unfold N. rewrite unsigned_signed. destruct (lt n zero). rewrite signed_mone. ring. rewrite signed_zero. ring. } set (Q := Z.quot N D); set (R := Z.rem N D). assert (E2: Z.quotrem N D = (Q, R)). { unfold Q, R, Z.quot, Z.rem. destruct (Z.quotrem N D); auto. } rewrite E2. assert (min_signed <= N <= max_signed) by (rewrite H2; apply signed_range). assert (min_signed <= Q <= max_signed). { unfold Q. destruct (zeq D 1); [ | destruct (zeq D (-1))]. - (* D = 1 *) rewrite e. rewrite Z.quot_1_r; auto. - (* D = -1 *) rewrite e. change (-1) with (Z.opp 1). rewrite Z.quot_opp_r by lia. rewrite Z.quot_1_r. assert (N <> min_signed). { red; intros; destruct H0. + elim H0. rewrite <- (repr_signed n). rewrite <- H2. rewrite H4. auto. + elim H0. rewrite <- (repr_signed d). unfold D in e; rewrite e; auto. } unfold min_signed, max_signed in *. lia. - (* |D| > 1 *) assert (Z.abs (Z.quot N D) < half_modulus). { rewrite <- Z.quot_abs by lia. apply Zquot_lt_upper_bound. extlia. extlia. apply Z.le_lt_trans with (half_modulus * 1). rewrite Z.mul_1_r. unfold min_signed, max_signed in H3; extlia. apply Zmult_lt_compat_l. generalize half_modulus_pos; lia. extlia. } rewrite Z.abs_lt in H4. unfold min_signed, max_signed; lia. } unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite ! zle_true by lia; simpl. unfold Q, R; rewrite H2; auto. Qed. (** ** Bit-level properties *) Definition testbit (x: int) (i: Z) : bool := Z.testbit (unsigned x) i. Lemma testbit_repr: forall x i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (repr x) i = Z.testbit x i. Proof. intros. unfold testbit. apply same_bits_eqm; auto with ints. Qed. Lemma same_bits_eq: forall x y, (forall i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit x i = testbit y i) -> x = y. Proof. intros. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned x). rewrite <- (repr_unsigned y). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_same_bits. auto. Qed. Lemma bits_above: forall x i, i >= zwordsize -> testbit x i = false. Proof. intros. apply Ztestbit_above with wordsize; auto. apply unsigned_range. Qed. Lemma bits_below: forall x i, i < 0 -> testbit x i = false. Proof. intros. apply Z.testbit_neg_r; auto. Qed. Lemma bits_zero: forall i, testbit zero i = false. Proof. intros. unfold testbit. rewrite unsigned_zero. apply Ztestbit_0. Qed. Remark bits_one: forall n, testbit one n = zeq n 0. Proof. unfold testbit; intros. rewrite unsigned_one. apply Ztestbit_1. Qed. Lemma bits_mone: forall i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit mone i = true. Proof. intros. unfold mone. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. apply Ztestbit_m1. lia. Qed. #[global] Hint Rewrite bits_zero bits_mone : ints. Ltac bit_solve := intros; apply same_bits_eq; intros; autorewrite with ints; auto with bool. Lemma sign_bit_of_unsigned: forall x, testbit x (zwordsize - 1) = if zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus then false else true. Proof. intros. unfold testbit. set (ws1 := Init.Nat.pred wordsize). assert (zwordsize - 1 = Z.of_nat ws1). unfold zwordsize, ws1, wordsize. destruct WS.wordsize as [] eqn:E. elim WS.wordsize_not_zero; auto. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. simpl. lia. assert (half_modulus = two_power_nat ws1). rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. rewrite <- H. apply half_modulus_power. rewrite H; rewrite H0. apply Zsign_bit. rewrite two_power_nat_S. rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- half_modulus_modulus. apply unsigned_range. Qed. Lemma bits_signed: forall x i, 0 <= i -> Z.testbit (signed x) i = testbit x (if zlt i zwordsize then i else zwordsize - 1). Proof. intros. destruct (zlt i zwordsize). - apply same_bits_eqm. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. lia. - unfold signed. rewrite sign_bit_of_unsigned. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus). + apply Ztestbit_above with wordsize. apply unsigned_range. auto. + apply Ztestbit_above_neg with wordsize. fold modulus. generalize (unsigned_range x). lia. auto. Qed. Lemma bits_le: forall x y, (forall i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit x i = true -> testbit y i = true) -> unsigned x <= unsigned y. Proof. intros. apply Ztestbit_le. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. intros. fold (testbit y i). destruct (zlt i zwordsize). apply H. lia. auto. fold (testbit x i) in H1. rewrite bits_above in H1; auto. congruence. Qed. (** ** Properties of bitwise and, or, xor *) Lemma bits_and: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (and x y) i = testbit x i && testbit y i. Proof. intros. unfold and. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.land_spec; intuition. Qed. Lemma bits_or: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (or x y) i = testbit x i || testbit y i. Proof. intros. unfold or. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.lor_spec; intuition. Qed. Lemma bits_xor: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (xor x y) i = xorb (testbit x i) (testbit y i). Proof. intros. unfold xor. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.lxor_spec; intuition. Qed. Lemma bits_not: forall x i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (not x) i = negb (testbit x i). Proof. intros. unfold not. rewrite bits_xor; auto. rewrite bits_mone; auto. Qed. #[global] Hint Rewrite bits_and bits_or bits_xor bits_not: ints. Theorem and_commut: forall x y, and x y = and y x. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem and_assoc: forall x y z, and (and x y) z = and x (and y z). Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem and_zero: forall x, and x zero = zero. Proof. bit_solve. apply andb_b_false. Qed. Corollary and_zero_l: forall x, and zero x = zero. Proof. intros. rewrite and_commut. apply and_zero. Qed. Theorem and_mone: forall x, and x mone = x. Proof. bit_solve. apply andb_b_true. Qed. Corollary and_mone_l: forall x, and mone x = x. Proof. intros. rewrite and_commut. apply and_mone. Qed. Theorem and_idem: forall x, and x x = x. Proof. bit_solve. destruct (testbit x i); auto. Qed. Theorem or_commut: forall x y, or x y = or y x. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem or_assoc: forall x y z, or (or x y) z = or x (or y z). Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem or_zero: forall x, or x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Corollary or_zero_l: forall x, or zero x = x. Proof. intros. rewrite or_commut. apply or_zero. Qed. Theorem or_mone: forall x, or x mone = mone. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem or_idem: forall x, or x x = x. Proof. bit_solve. destruct (testbit x i); auto. Qed. Theorem and_or_distrib: forall x y z, and x (or y z) = or (and x y) (and x z). Proof. bit_solve. apply demorgan1. Qed. Corollary and_or_distrib_l: forall x y z, and (or x y) z = or (and x z) (and y z). Proof. intros. rewrite (and_commut (or x y)). rewrite and_or_distrib. f_equal; apply and_commut. Qed. Theorem or_and_distrib: forall x y z, or x (and y z) = and (or x y) (or x z). Proof. bit_solve. apply orb_andb_distrib_r. Qed. Corollary or_and_distrib_l: forall x y z, or (and x y) z = and (or x z) (or y z). Proof. intros. rewrite (or_commut (and x y)). rewrite or_and_distrib. f_equal; apply or_commut. Qed. Theorem and_or_absorb: forall x y, and x (or x y) = x. Proof. bit_solve. assert (forall a b, a && (a || b) = a) by destr_bool. auto. Qed. Theorem or_and_absorb: forall x y, or x (and x y) = x. Proof. bit_solve. assert (forall a b, a || (a && b) = a) by destr_bool. auto. Qed. Theorem xor_commut: forall x y, xor x y = xor y x. Proof. bit_solve. apply xorb_comm. Qed. Theorem xor_assoc: forall x y z, xor (xor x y) z = xor x (xor y z). Proof. bit_solve. apply xorb_assoc. Qed. Theorem xor_zero: forall x, xor x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. apply xorb_false. Qed. Corollary xor_zero_l: forall x, xor zero x = x. Proof. intros. rewrite xor_commut. apply xor_zero. Qed. Theorem xor_idem: forall x, xor x x = zero. Proof. bit_solve. apply xorb_nilpotent. Qed. Theorem xor_zero_one: xor zero one = one. Proof. rewrite xor_commut. apply xor_zero. Qed. Theorem xor_one_one: xor one one = zero. Proof. apply xor_idem. Qed. Theorem xor_zero_equal: forall x y, xor x y = zero -> x = y. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. assert (xorb (testbit x i) (testbit y i) = false). rewrite <- bits_xor; auto. rewrite H. apply bits_zero. destruct (testbit x i); destruct (testbit y i); reflexivity || discriminate. Qed. Theorem xor_is_zero: forall x y, eq (xor x y) zero = eq x y. Proof. intros. predSpec eq eq_spec (xor x y) zero. - apply xor_zero_equal in H. subst y. rewrite eq_true; auto. - predSpec eq eq_spec x y. + elim H; subst y; apply xor_idem. + auto. Qed. Theorem and_xor_distrib: forall x y z, and x (xor y z) = xor (and x y) (and x z). Proof. bit_solve. assert (forall a b c, a && (xorb b c) = xorb (a && b) (a && c)) by destr_bool. auto. Qed. Theorem and_le: forall x y, unsigned (and x y) <= unsigned x. Proof. intros. apply bits_le; intros. rewrite bits_and in H0; auto. rewrite andb_true_iff in H0. tauto. Qed. Theorem or_le: forall x y, unsigned x <= unsigned (or x y). Proof. intros. apply bits_le; intros. rewrite bits_or; auto. rewrite H0; auto. Qed. (** ** Properties of bitwise complement.*) Theorem not_involutive: forall (x: int), not (not x) = x. Proof. intros. unfold not. rewrite xor_assoc. rewrite xor_idem. apply xor_zero. Qed. Theorem not_zero: not zero = mone. Proof. unfold not. rewrite xor_commut. apply xor_zero. Qed. Theorem not_mone: not mone = zero. Proof. rewrite <- (not_involutive zero). symmetry. decEq. apply not_zero. Qed. Theorem not_or_and_not: forall x y, not (or x y) = and (not x) (not y). Proof. bit_solve. apply negb_orb. Qed. Theorem not_and_or_not: forall x y, not (and x y) = or (not x) (not y). Proof. bit_solve. apply negb_andb. Qed. Theorem and_not_self: forall x, and x (not x) = zero. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem or_not_self: forall x, or x (not x) = mone. Proof. bit_solve. Qed. Theorem xor_not_self: forall x, xor x (not x) = mone. Proof. bit_solve. destruct (testbit x i); auto. Qed. Lemma unsigned_not: forall x, unsigned (not x) = max_unsigned - unsigned x. Proof. intros. transitivity (unsigned (repr(-unsigned x - 1))). f_equal. bit_solve. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. symmetry. apply Z_one_complement. lia. rewrite unsigned_repr_eq. apply Zmod_unique with (-1). unfold max_unsigned. lia. generalize (unsigned_range x). unfold max_unsigned. lia. Qed. Theorem not_neg: forall x, not x = add (neg x) mone. Proof. bit_solve. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned x) at 1. unfold add. rewrite !testbit_repr; auto. transitivity (Z.testbit (-unsigned x - 1) i). symmetry. apply Z_one_complement. lia. apply same_bits_eqm; auto. replace (-unsigned x - 1) with (-unsigned x + (-1)) by lia. apply eqm_add. unfold neg. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_mone. exists (-1). ring. Qed. Theorem neg_not: forall x, neg x = add (not x) one. Proof. intros. rewrite not_neg. rewrite add_assoc. replace (add mone one) with zero. rewrite add_zero. auto. apply eqm_samerepr. rewrite unsigned_mone. rewrite unsigned_one. exists (-1). ring. Qed. Theorem sub_add_not: forall x y, sub x y = add (add x (not y)) one. Proof. intros. rewrite sub_add_opp. rewrite neg_not. rewrite ! add_assoc. auto. Qed. Theorem sub_add_not_3: forall x y b, b = zero \/ b = one -> sub (sub x y) b = add (add x (not y)) (xor b one). Proof. intros. rewrite ! sub_add_not. rewrite ! add_assoc. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite <- neg_not. rewrite <- sub_add_opp. destruct H; subst b. rewrite xor_zero_l. rewrite sub_zero_l. auto. rewrite xor_idem. rewrite sub_idem. auto. Qed. Theorem sub_borrow_add_carry: forall x y b, b = zero \/ b = one -> sub_borrow x y b = xor (add_carry x (not y) (xor b one)) one. Proof. intros. unfold sub_borrow, add_carry. rewrite unsigned_not. replace (unsigned (xor b one)) with (1 - unsigned b). destruct (zlt (unsigned x - unsigned y - unsigned b)). rewrite zlt_true. rewrite xor_zero_l; auto. unfold max_unsigned; lia. rewrite zlt_false. rewrite xor_idem; auto. unfold max_unsigned; lia. destruct H; subst b. rewrite xor_zero_l. rewrite unsigned_one, unsigned_zero; auto. rewrite xor_idem. rewrite unsigned_one, unsigned_zero; auto. Qed. (** ** Connections between [add] and bitwise logical operations. *) Lemma Z_add_is_or: forall i, 0 <= i -> forall x y, (forall j, 0 <= j <= i -> Z.testbit x j && Z.testbit y j = false) -> Z.testbit (x + y) i = Z.testbit x i || Z.testbit y i. Proof. intros i0 POS0. pattern i0. apply Zlt_0_ind; auto. intros i IND POS x y EXCL. rewrite (Zdecomp x) in *. rewrite (Zdecomp y) in *. transitivity (Z.testbit (Zshiftin (Z.odd x || Z.odd y) (Z.div2 x + Z.div2 y)) i). - f_equal. rewrite !Zshiftin_spec. exploit (EXCL 0). lia. rewrite !Ztestbit_shiftin_base. intros. Opaque Z.mul. destruct (Z.odd x); destruct (Z.odd y); simpl in *; discriminate || ring. - rewrite !Ztestbit_shiftin; auto. destruct (zeq i 0). + auto. + apply IND. lia. intros. exploit (EXCL (Z.succ j)). lia. rewrite !Ztestbit_shiftin_succ. auto. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem add_is_or: forall x y, and x y = zero -> add x y = or x y. Proof. bit_solve. unfold add. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. apply Z_add_is_or. lia. intros. assert (testbit (and x y) j = testbit zero j) by congruence. autorewrite with ints in H2. assumption. lia. Qed. Theorem xor_is_or: forall x y, and x y = zero -> xor x y = or x y. Proof. bit_solve. assert (testbit (and x y) i = testbit zero i) by congruence. autorewrite with ints in H1; auto. destruct (testbit x i); destruct (testbit y i); simpl in *; congruence. Qed. Theorem add_is_xor: forall x y, and x y = zero -> add x y = xor x y. Proof. intros. rewrite xor_is_or; auto. apply add_is_or; auto. Qed. Theorem add_and: forall x y z, and y z = zero -> add (and x y) (and x z) = and x (or y z). Proof. intros. rewrite add_is_or. rewrite and_or_distrib; auto. rewrite (and_commut x y). rewrite and_assoc. repeat rewrite <- (and_assoc x). rewrite (and_commut (and x x)). rewrite <- and_assoc. rewrite H. rewrite and_commut. apply and_zero. Qed. (** ** Properties of shifts *) Lemma bits_shl: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shl x y) i = if zlt i (unsigned y) then false else testbit x (i - unsigned y). Proof. intros. unfold shl. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned y)). apply Z.shiftl_spec_low. auto. apply Z.shiftl_spec_high. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_shru: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shru x y) i = if zlt (i + unsigned y) zwordsize then testbit x (i + unsigned y) else false. Proof. intros. unfold shru. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. fold (testbit x (i + unsigned y)). destruct (zlt (i + unsigned y) zwordsize). auto. apply bits_above; auto. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_shr: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shr x y) i = testbit x (if zlt (i + unsigned y) zwordsize then i + unsigned y else zwordsize - 1). Proof. intros. unfold shr. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. apply bits_signed. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. lia. Qed. #[global] Hint Rewrite bits_shl bits_shru bits_shr: ints. Theorem shl_zero: forall x, shl x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite zlt_false. f_equal; lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bitwise_binop_shl: forall f f' x y n, (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f x y) i = f' (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) -> f' false false = false -> f (shl x n) (shl y n) = shl (f x y) n. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite H; auto. rewrite !bits_shl; auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned n)); auto. rewrite H; auto. generalize (unsigned_range n); lia. Qed. Theorem and_shl: forall x y n, and (shl x n) (shl y n) = shl (and x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shl with andb. exact bits_and. auto. Qed. Theorem or_shl: forall x y n, or (shl x n) (shl y n) = shl (or x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shl with orb. exact bits_or. auto. Qed. Theorem xor_shl: forall x y n, xor (shl x n) (shl y n) = shl (xor x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shl with xorb. exact bits_xor. auto. Qed. Lemma ltu_inv: forall x y, ltu x y = true -> 0 <= unsigned x < unsigned y. Proof. unfold ltu; intros. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). split; auto. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. discriminate. Qed. Lemma ltu_iwordsize_inv: forall x, ltu x iwordsize = true -> 0 <= unsigned x < zwordsize. Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. auto. Qed. Theorem shl_shl: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> ltu (add y z) iwordsize = true -> shl (shl x y) z = shl x (add y z). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H) (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H0); intros. assert (unsigned (add y z) = unsigned y + unsigned z). unfold add. apply unsigned_repr. generalize two_wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shl; auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned z)). - rewrite bits_shl; auto. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. - rewrite bits_shl. destruct (zlt (i - unsigned z) (unsigned y)). + rewrite bits_shl; auto. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. + rewrite bits_shl; auto. rewrite zlt_false. f_equal. lia. lia. + lia. Qed. Theorem sub_ltu: forall x y, ltu x y = true -> 0 <= unsigned y - unsigned x <= unsigned y. Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_inv x y H). intros . split. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem shru_zero: forall x, shru x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite zlt_true. f_equal; lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bitwise_binop_shru: forall f f' x y n, (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f x y) i = f' (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) -> f' false false = false -> f (shru x n) (shru y n) = shru (f x y) n. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite H; auto. rewrite !bits_shru; auto. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned n) zwordsize); auto. rewrite H; auto. generalize (unsigned_range n); lia. Qed. Theorem and_shru: forall x y n, and (shru x n) (shru y n) = shru (and x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shru with andb; auto. exact bits_and. Qed. Theorem or_shru: forall x y n, or (shru x n) (shru y n) = shru (or x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shru with orb; auto. exact bits_or. Qed. Theorem xor_shru: forall x y n, xor (shru x n) (shru y n) = shru (xor x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shru with xorb; auto. exact bits_xor. Qed. Theorem shru_shru: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> ltu (add y z) iwordsize = true -> shru (shru x y) z = shru x (add y z). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H) (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H0); intros. assert (unsigned (add y z) = unsigned y + unsigned z). unfold add. apply unsigned_repr. generalize two_wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru; auto. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned z) zwordsize). - rewrite bits_shru. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned z + unsigned y) zwordsize). + rewrite bits_shru; auto. rewrite zlt_true. f_equal. lia. lia. + rewrite bits_shru; auto. rewrite zlt_false. auto. lia. + lia. - rewrite bits_shru; auto. rewrite zlt_false. auto. lia. Qed. Theorem shr_zero: forall x, shr x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite zlt_true. f_equal; lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bitwise_binop_shr: forall f f' x y n, (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f x y) i = f' (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) -> f (shr x n) (shr y n) = shr (f x y) n. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite H; auto. rewrite !bits_shr; auto. rewrite H; auto. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned n) zwordsize). generalize (unsigned_range n); lia. lia. Qed. Theorem and_shr: forall x y n, and (shr x n) (shr y n) = shr (and x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shr with andb. exact bits_and. Qed. Theorem or_shr: forall x y n, or (shr x n) (shr y n) = shr (or x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shr with orb. exact bits_or. Qed. Theorem xor_shr: forall x y n, xor (shr x n) (shr y n) = shr (xor x y) n. Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_shr with xorb. exact bits_xor. Qed. Theorem shr_shr: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> ltu (add y z) iwordsize = true -> shr (shr x y) z = shr x (add y z). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H) (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H0); intros. assert (unsigned (add y z) = unsigned y + unsigned z). unfold add. apply unsigned_repr. generalize two_wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite !bits_shr; auto. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned z) zwordsize). rewrite H4. replace (i + (unsigned y + unsigned z)) with (i + unsigned z + unsigned y) by lia. auto. rewrite (zlt_false _ (i + unsigned (add y z))). destruct (zlt (zwordsize - 1 + unsigned y) zwordsize); lia. lia. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned z) zwordsize); lia. Qed. Theorem and_shr_shru: forall x y z, and (shr x z) (shru y z) = shru (and x y) z. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_and; auto. rewrite bits_shr; auto. rewrite !bits_shru; auto. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned z) zwordsize). - rewrite bits_and; auto. generalize (unsigned_range z); lia. - apply andb_false_r. Qed. Theorem shr_and_shru_and: forall x y z, shru (shl z y) y = z -> and (shr x y) z = and (shru x y) z. Proof. intros. rewrite <- H. rewrite and_shru. rewrite and_shr_shru. auto. Qed. Theorem shru_lt_zero: forall x, shru x (repr (zwordsize - 1)) = if lt x zero then one else zero. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru; auto. rewrite unsigned_repr. destruct (zeq i 0). subst i. rewrite Z.add_0_l. rewrite zlt_true. rewrite sign_bit_of_unsigned. unfold lt. rewrite signed_zero. unfold signed. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus). rewrite zlt_false. auto. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. rewrite zlt_true. unfold one; rewrite testbit_repr; auto. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. lia. rewrite zlt_false. unfold testbit. rewrite Ztestbit_eq. rewrite zeq_false. destruct (lt x zero). rewrite unsigned_one. simpl Z.div2. rewrite Z.testbit_0_l; auto. rewrite unsigned_zero. simpl Z.div2. rewrite Z.testbit_0_l; auto. auto. lia. lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. Theorem shr_lt_zero: forall x, shr x (repr (zwordsize - 1)) = if lt x zero then mone else zero. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shr; auto. rewrite unsigned_repr. transitivity (testbit x (zwordsize - 1)). f_equal. destruct (zlt (i + (zwordsize - 1)) zwordsize); lia. rewrite sign_bit_of_unsigned. unfold lt. rewrite signed_zero. unfold signed. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) half_modulus). rewrite zlt_false. rewrite bits_zero; auto. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. rewrite zlt_true. rewrite bits_mone; auto. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. (** ** Properties of rotations *) Lemma bits_rol: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (rol x y) i = testbit x ((i - unsigned y) mod zwordsize). Proof. intros. unfold rol. exploit (Z_div_mod_eq (unsigned y) zwordsize). apply wordsize_pos. set (j := unsigned y mod zwordsize). set (k := unsigned y / zwordsize). intros EQ. exploit (Z_mod_lt (unsigned y) zwordsize). apply wordsize_pos. fold j. intros RANGE. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.lor_spec. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. 2: lia. destruct (zlt i j). - rewrite Z.shiftl_spec_low; auto. simpl. unfold testbit. f_equal. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with (-k - 1). rewrite EQ. ring. lia. - rewrite Z.shiftl_spec_high. fold (testbit x (i + (zwordsize - j))). rewrite bits_above. rewrite orb_false_r. fold (testbit x (i - j)). f_equal. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with (-k). rewrite EQ. ring. lia. lia. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_ror: forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (ror x y) i = testbit x ((i + unsigned y) mod zwordsize). Proof. intros. unfold ror. exploit (Z_div_mod_eq (unsigned y) zwordsize). apply wordsize_pos. set (j := unsigned y mod zwordsize). set (k := unsigned y / zwordsize). intros EQ. exploit (Z_mod_lt (unsigned y) zwordsize). apply wordsize_pos. fold j. intros RANGE. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.lor_spec. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. 2: lia. destruct (zlt (i + j) zwordsize). - rewrite Z.shiftl_spec_low; auto. rewrite orb_false_r. unfold testbit. f_equal. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with k. rewrite EQ. ring. lia. lia. - rewrite Z.shiftl_spec_high. fold (testbit x (i + j)). rewrite bits_above. simpl. unfold testbit. f_equal. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with (k + 1). rewrite EQ. ring. lia. lia. lia. lia. Qed. #[global] Hint Rewrite bits_rol bits_ror: ints. Theorem shl_rolm: forall x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> shl x n = rolm x n (shl mone n). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize; intros. unfold rolm. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_and; auto. rewrite !bits_shl; auto. rewrite bits_rol; auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned n)). - rewrite andb_false_r; auto. - generalize (unsigned_range n); intros. rewrite bits_mone. rewrite andb_true_r. f_equal. symmetry. apply Z.mod_small. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem shru_rolm: forall x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> shru x n = rolm x (sub iwordsize n) (shru mone n). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize; intros. unfold rolm. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_and; auto. rewrite !bits_shru; auto. rewrite bits_rol; auto. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned n) zwordsize). - generalize (unsigned_range n); intros. rewrite bits_mone. rewrite andb_true_r. f_equal. unfold sub. rewrite unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with (-1). ring. lia. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned. lia. lia. - rewrite andb_false_r; auto. Qed. Theorem rol_zero: forall x, rol x zero = x. Proof. bit_solve. f_equal. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r. apply Z.mod_small; auto. Qed. Lemma bitwise_binop_rol: forall f f' x y n, (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f x y) i = f' (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) -> rol (f x y) n = f (rol x n) (rol y n). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite H; auto. rewrite !bits_rol; auto. rewrite H; auto. apply Z_mod_lt. apply wordsize_pos. Qed. Theorem rol_and: forall x y n, rol (and x y) n = and (rol x n) (rol y n). Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_rol with andb. exact bits_and. Qed. Theorem rol_or: forall x y n, rol (or x y) n = or (rol x n) (rol y n). Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_rol with orb. exact bits_or. Qed. Theorem rol_xor: forall x y n, rol (xor x y) n = xor (rol x n) (rol y n). Proof. intros. apply bitwise_binop_rol with xorb. exact bits_xor. Qed. Theorem rol_rol: forall x n m, Z.divide zwordsize modulus -> rol (rol x n) m = rol x (modu (add n m) iwordsize). Proof. bit_solve. f_equal. apply eqmod_mod_eq. apply wordsize_pos. set (M := unsigned m); set (N := unsigned n). apply eqmod_trans with (i - M - N). apply eqmod_sub. apply eqmod_sym. apply eqmod_mod. apply wordsize_pos. apply eqmod_refl. replace (i - M - N) with (i - (M + N)) by lia. apply eqmod_sub. apply eqmod_refl. apply eqmod_trans with (Z.modulo (unsigned n + unsigned m) zwordsize). replace (M + N) with (N + M) by lia. apply eqmod_mod. apply wordsize_pos. unfold modu, add. fold M; fold N. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. assert (forall a, eqmod zwordsize a (unsigned (repr a))). intros. eapply eqmod_divides. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. assumption. eapply eqmod_trans. 2: apply H1. apply eqmod_refl2. apply eqmod_mod_eq. apply wordsize_pos. auto. apply Z_mod_lt. apply wordsize_pos. Qed. Theorem rolm_zero: forall x m, rolm x zero m = and x m. Proof. intros. unfold rolm. rewrite rol_zero. auto. Qed. Theorem rolm_rolm: forall x n1 m1 n2 m2, Z.divide zwordsize modulus -> rolm (rolm x n1 m1) n2 m2 = rolm x (modu (add n1 n2) iwordsize) (and (rol m1 n2) m2). Proof. intros. unfold rolm. rewrite rol_and. rewrite and_assoc. rewrite rol_rol. reflexivity. auto. Qed. Theorem or_rolm: forall x n m1 m2, or (rolm x n m1) (rolm x n m2) = rolm x n (or m1 m2). Proof. intros; unfold rolm. symmetry. apply and_or_distrib. Qed. Theorem ror_rol: forall x y, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ror x y = rol x (sub iwordsize y). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H); intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_ror; auto. rewrite bits_rol; auto. f_equal. unfold sub. rewrite unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. apply eqmod_mod_eq. apply wordsize_pos. exists 1. ring. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize wordsize_pos; generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. Theorem ror_rol_neg: forall x y, (zwordsize | modulus) -> ror x y = rol x (neg y). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_ror by auto. rewrite bits_rol by auto. f_equal. apply eqmod_mod_eq. lia. apply eqmod_trans with (i - (- unsigned y)). apply eqmod_refl2; lia. apply eqmod_sub. apply eqmod_refl. apply eqmod_divides with modulus. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. auto. Qed. Theorem or_ror: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> add y z = iwordsize -> ror x z = or (shl x y) (shru x z). Proof. intros. generalize (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H) (ltu_iwordsize_inv _ H0); intros. unfold ror, or, shl, shru. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite !testbit_repr; auto. rewrite !Z.lor_spec. rewrite orb_comm. f_equal; apply same_bits_eqm; auto. - apply eqm_unsigned_repr_r. apply eqm_refl2. f_equal. rewrite Z.mod_small; auto. assert (unsigned (add y z) = zwordsize). rewrite H1. apply unsigned_repr_wordsize. unfold add in H5. rewrite unsigned_repr in H5. lia. generalize two_wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. - apply eqm_unsigned_repr_r. apply eqm_refl2. f_equal. apply Z.mod_small; auto. Qed. (** ** Properties of [is_power2]. *) Remark is_power2_inv: forall n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> Z_is_power2 (unsigned n) = Some (unsigned logn) /\ 0 <= unsigned logn < zwordsize. Proof. unfold is_power2; intros. destruct (Z_is_power2 (unsigned n)) as [i|] eqn:E; inv H. assert (0 <= i < zwordsize). { apply Z_is_power2_range with (unsigned n). generalize wordsize_pos; lia. rewrite <- modulus_power. apply unsigned_range. auto. } rewrite unsigned_repr; auto. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. Lemma is_power2_rng: forall n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> 0 <= unsigned logn < zwordsize. Proof. intros. apply (is_power2_inv n logn); auto. Qed. Theorem is_power2_range: forall n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> ltu logn iwordsize = true. Proof. intros. unfold ltu. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. apply zlt_true. generalize (is_power2_rng _ _ H). tauto. Qed. Lemma is_power2_correct: forall n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> unsigned n = two_p (unsigned logn). Proof. intros. apply is_power2_inv in H. destruct H as [P Q]. apply Z_is_power2_sound in P. tauto. Qed. Remark two_p_range: forall n, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> 0 <= two_p n <= max_unsigned. Proof. intros. split. assert (two_p n > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. lia. generalize (two_p_monotone_strict _ _ H). unfold zwordsize; rewrite <- two_power_nat_two_p. unfold max_unsigned, modulus. lia. Qed. Lemma is_power2_two_p: forall n, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> is_power2 (repr (two_p n)) = Some (repr n). Proof. intros. unfold is_power2. rewrite unsigned_repr. rewrite Z_is_power2_complete by lia; auto. apply two_p_range. auto. Qed. (** ** Relation between bitwise operations and multiplications / divisions by powers of 2 *) (** Left shifts and multiplications by powers of 2. *) Lemma shl_mul_two_p: forall x y, shl x y = mul x (repr (two_p (unsigned y))). Proof. intros. unfold shl, mul. apply eqm_samerepr. rewrite Zshiftl_mul_two_p. auto with ints. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. Qed. Theorem shl_mul: forall x y, shl x y = mul x (shl one y). Proof. intros. assert (shl one y = repr (two_p (unsigned y))). { rewrite shl_mul_two_p. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_one. auto. } rewrite H. apply shl_mul_two_p. Qed. Theorem mul_pow2: forall x n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> mul x n = shl x logn. Proof. intros. generalize (is_power2_correct n logn H); intro. rewrite shl_mul_two_p. rewrite <- H0. rewrite repr_unsigned. auto. Qed. Theorem shifted_or_is_add: forall x y n, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> unsigned y < two_p n -> or (shl x (repr n)) y = repr(unsigned x * two_p n + unsigned y). Proof. intros. rewrite <- add_is_or. - unfold add. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add; auto with ints. rewrite shl_mul_two_p. unfold mul. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply eqm_mult; auto with ints. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply eqm_refl2. rewrite unsigned_repr. auto. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. - bit_solve. rewrite unsigned_repr. destruct (zlt i n). + auto. + replace (testbit y i) with false. apply andb_false_r. symmetry. unfold testbit. assert (EQ: Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat n) = n) by (apply Z2Nat.id; lia). apply Ztestbit_above with (Z.to_nat n). rewrite <- EQ in H0. rewrite <- two_power_nat_two_p in H0. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. rewrite EQ; auto. + generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. (** Unsigned right shifts and unsigned divisions by powers of 2. *) Lemma shru_div_two_p: forall x y, shru x y = repr (unsigned x / two_p (unsigned y)). Proof. intros. unfold shru. rewrite Zshiftr_div_two_p. auto. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. Qed. Theorem divu_pow2: forall x n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> divu x n = shru x logn. Proof. intros. generalize (is_power2_correct n logn H). intro. symmetry. unfold divu. rewrite H0. apply shru_div_two_p. Qed. (** Signed right shifts and signed divisions by powers of 2. *) Lemma shr_div_two_p: forall x y, shr x y = repr (signed x / two_p (unsigned y)). Proof. intros. unfold shr. rewrite Zshiftr_div_two_p. auto. generalize (unsigned_range y); lia. Qed. Theorem divs_pow2: forall x n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> divs x n = shrx x logn. Proof. intros. generalize (is_power2_correct _ _ H); intro. unfold shrx. rewrite shl_mul_two_p. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_one. rewrite <- H0. rewrite repr_unsigned. auto. Qed. (** Unsigned modulus over [2^n] is masking with [2^n-1]. *) Theorem modu_and: forall x n logn, is_power2 n = Some logn -> modu x n = and x (sub n one). Proof. intros. generalize (is_power2_correct _ _ H); intro. generalize (is_power2_rng _ _ H); intro. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_and; auto. unfold sub. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite H0. rewrite unsigned_one. unfold modu. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite H0. rewrite Ztestbit_mod_two_p. rewrite Ztestbit_two_p_m1. destruct (zlt i (unsigned logn)). rewrite andb_true_r; auto. rewrite andb_false_r; auto. tauto. tauto. tauto. tauto. Qed. (** ** Properties of [shrx] (signed division by a power of 2) *) Theorem shrx_zero: forall x, zwordsize > 1 -> shrx x zero = x. Proof. intros. unfold shrx. rewrite shl_zero. unfold divs. rewrite signed_one by auto. rewrite Z.quot_1_r. apply repr_signed. Qed. Theorem shrx_shr: forall x y, ltu y (repr (zwordsize - 1)) = true -> shrx x y = shr (if lt x zero then add x (sub (shl one y) one) else x) y. Proof. intros. set (uy := unsigned y). assert (0 <= uy < zwordsize - 1). generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr. auto. generalize wordsize_pos wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. rewrite shr_div_two_p. unfold shrx. unfold divs. assert (shl one y = repr (two_p uy)). transitivity (mul one (repr (two_p uy))). symmetry. apply mul_pow2. replace y with (repr uy). apply is_power2_two_p. lia. apply repr_unsigned. rewrite mul_commut. apply mul_one. assert (two_p uy > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. assert (two_p uy < half_modulus). rewrite half_modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. auto. assert (two_p uy < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. lia. assert (unsigned (shl one y) = two_p uy). rewrite H1. apply unsigned_repr. unfold max_unsigned. lia. assert (signed (shl one y) = two_p uy). rewrite H1. apply signed_repr. unfold max_signed. generalize min_signed_neg. lia. rewrite H6. rewrite Zquot_Zdiv; auto. unfold lt. rewrite signed_zero. destruct (zlt (signed x) 0); auto. rewrite add_signed. assert (signed (sub (shl one y) one) = two_p uy - 1). unfold sub. rewrite H5. rewrite unsigned_one. apply signed_repr. generalize min_signed_neg. unfold max_signed. lia. rewrite H7. rewrite signed_repr. f_equal. f_equal. lia. generalize (signed_range x). intros. assert (two_p uy - 1 <= max_signed). unfold max_signed. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem shrx_shr_2: forall x y, ltu y (repr (zwordsize - 1)) = true -> shrx x y = shr (add x (shru (shr x (repr (zwordsize - 1))) (sub iwordsize y))) y. Proof. intros. rewrite shrx_shr by auto. f_equal. rewrite shr_lt_zero. destruct (lt x zero). - set (uy := unsigned y). generalize (unsigned_range y); fold uy; intros. assert (0 <= uy < zwordsize - 1). generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr. auto. generalize wordsize_pos wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. assert (two_p uy < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. lia. f_equal. rewrite shl_mul_two_p. fold uy. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_one. unfold sub. rewrite unsigned_one. rewrite unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_repr_wordsize. fold uy. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru by auto. rewrite testbit_repr by auto. rewrite Ztestbit_two_p_m1 by lia. rewrite unsigned_repr by (generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia). destruct (zlt i uy). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite bits_mone by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. assert (two_p uy > 0) by (apply two_p_gt_ZERO; lia). unfold max_unsigned; lia. - replace (shru zero (sub iwordsize y)) with zero. rewrite add_zero; auto. bit_solve. destruct (zlt (i + unsigned (sub iwordsize y)) zwordsize); auto. Qed. Theorem shrx_carry: forall x y, ltu y (repr (zwordsize - 1)) = true -> shrx x y = add (shr x y) (shr_carry x y). Proof. intros. rewrite shrx_shr; auto. unfold shr_carry. unfold lt. set (sx := signed x). rewrite signed_zero. destruct (zlt sx 0); simpl. 2: rewrite add_zero; auto. set (uy := unsigned y). assert (0 <= uy < zwordsize - 1). generalize (ltu_inv _ _ H). rewrite unsigned_repr. auto. generalize wordsize_pos wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. assert (shl one y = repr (two_p uy)). rewrite shl_mul_two_p. rewrite mul_commut. apply mul_one. assert (and x (sub (shl one y) one) = modu x (repr (two_p uy))). symmetry. rewrite H1. apply modu_and with (logn := y). rewrite is_power2_two_p. unfold uy. rewrite repr_unsigned. auto. lia. rewrite H2. rewrite H1. repeat rewrite shr_div_two_p. fold sx. fold uy. assert (two_p uy > 0). apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. assert (two_p uy < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. lia. assert (two_p uy < half_modulus). rewrite half_modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. auto. assert (two_p uy < modulus). rewrite modulus_power. apply two_p_monotone_strict. lia. assert (sub (repr (two_p uy)) one = repr (two_p uy - 1)). unfold sub. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_sub. apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_one. apply eqm_refl. rewrite H7. rewrite add_signed. fold sx. rewrite (signed_repr (two_p uy - 1)). rewrite signed_repr. unfold modu. rewrite unsigned_repr. unfold eq. rewrite unsigned_zero. rewrite unsigned_repr. assert (unsigned x mod two_p uy = sx mod two_p uy). apply eqmod_mod_eq; auto. apply eqmod_divides with modulus. fold eqm. unfold sx. apply eqm_sym. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. unfold modulus. rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. exists (two_p (zwordsize - uy)). rewrite <- two_p_is_exp. f_equal. fold zwordsize; lia. lia. lia. rewrite H8. rewrite Zdiv_shift; auto. unfold add. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. destruct (zeq (sx mod two_p uy) 0); simpl. rewrite unsigned_zero. apply eqm_refl. rewrite unsigned_one. apply eqm_refl. generalize (Z_mod_lt (unsigned x) (two_p uy) H3). unfold max_unsigned. lia. unfold max_unsigned; lia. generalize (signed_range x). fold sx. intros. split. lia. unfold max_signed. lia. generalize min_signed_neg. unfold max_signed. lia. Qed. (** Connections between [shr] and [shru]. *) Lemma shr_shru_positive: forall x y, signed x >= 0 -> shr x y = shru x y. Proof. intros. rewrite shr_div_two_p. rewrite shru_div_two_p. rewrite signed_eq_unsigned. auto. apply signed_positive. auto. Qed. Lemma and_positive: forall x y, signed y >= 0 -> signed (and x y) >= 0. Proof. intros. assert (unsigned y < half_modulus). rewrite signed_positive in H. unfold max_signed in H; lia. generalize (sign_bit_of_unsigned y). rewrite zlt_true; auto. intros A. generalize (sign_bit_of_unsigned (and x y)). rewrite bits_and. rewrite A. rewrite andb_false_r. unfold signed. destruct (zlt (unsigned (and x y)) half_modulus). intros. generalize (unsigned_range (and x y)); lia. congruence. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. Qed. Theorem shr_and_is_shru_and: forall x y z, lt y zero = false -> shr (and x y) z = shru (and x y) z. Proof. intros. apply shr_shru_positive. apply and_positive. unfold lt in H. rewrite signed_zero in H. destruct (zlt (signed y) 0). congruence. auto. Qed. (** ** Properties of integer zero extension and sign extension. *) Lemma bits_zero_ext: forall n x i, 0 <= i -> testbit (zero_ext n x) i = if zlt i n then testbit x i else false. Proof. intros. unfold zero_ext. destruct (zlt i zwordsize). rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Zzero_ext_spec. auto. auto. rewrite !bits_above; auto. destruct (zlt i n); auto. Qed. Lemma bits_sign_ext: forall n x i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (sign_ext n x) i = testbit x (if zlt i n then i else n - 1). Proof. intros. unfold sign_ext. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. apply Zsign_ext_spec. lia. Qed. #[global] Hint Rewrite bits_zero_ext bits_sign_ext: ints. Theorem zero_ext_above: forall n x, n >= zwordsize -> zero_ext n x = x. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_zero_ext. apply zlt_true. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_below: forall n x, n <= 0 -> zero_ext n x = zero. Proof. intros. bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n); auto. apply bits_below; lia. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_above: forall n x, n >= zwordsize -> sign_ext n x = x. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. unfold sign_ext; rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Zsign_ext_spec. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_below: forall n x, n <= 0 -> sign_ext n x = zero. Proof. intros. bit_solve. apply bits_below. destruct (zlt i n); lia. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_and: forall n x, 0 <= n -> zero_ext n x = and x (repr (two_p n - 1)). Proof. bit_solve. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Ztestbit_two_p_m1; intuition. destruct (zlt i n). rewrite andb_true_r; auto. rewrite andb_false_r; auto. tauto. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_mod: forall n x, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> unsigned (zero_ext n x) = Z.modulo (unsigned x) (two_p n). Proof. intros. apply equal_same_bits. intros. rewrite Ztestbit_mod_two_p; auto. fold (testbit (zero_ext n x) i). destruct (zlt i zwordsize). rewrite bits_zero_ext; auto. rewrite bits_above. rewrite zlt_false; auto. lia. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_widen: forall x n n', 0 <= n <= n' -> zero_ext n' (zero_ext n x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n). apply zlt_true. lia. destruct (zlt i n'); auto. tauto. tauto. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_widen: forall x n n', 0 < n <= n' -> sign_ext n' (sign_ext n x) = sign_ext n x. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt n' zwordsize). bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n'). auto. rewrite (zlt_false _ i n). destruct (zlt (n' - 1) n); f_equal; lia. lia. destruct (zlt i n'); lia. apply sign_ext_above; auto. Qed. Theorem sign_zero_ext_widen: forall x n n', 0 <= n < n' -> sign_ext n' (zero_ext n x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt n' zwordsize). bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n'). auto. rewrite !zlt_false. auto. lia. lia. lia. destruct (zlt i n'); lia. apply sign_ext_above; auto. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_narrow: forall x n n', 0 <= n <= n' -> zero_ext n (zero_ext n' x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n). apply zlt_true. lia. auto. lia. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_narrow: forall x n n', 0 < n <= n' -> sign_ext n (sign_ext n' x) = sign_ext n x. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt n zwordsize). bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n); f_equal; apply zlt_true; lia. destruct (zlt i n); lia. rewrite (sign_ext_above n'). auto. lia. Qed. Theorem zero_sign_ext_narrow: forall x n n', 0 < n <= n' -> zero_ext n (sign_ext n' x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt n' zwordsize). bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n); auto. rewrite zlt_true; auto. lia. lia. lia. rewrite sign_ext_above; auto. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_idem: forall n x, 0 <= n -> zero_ext n (zero_ext n x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. intros. apply zero_ext_widen. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_idem: forall n x, 0 < n -> sign_ext n (sign_ext n x) = sign_ext n x. Proof. intros. apply sign_ext_widen. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_zero_ext: forall n x, 0 < n -> sign_ext n (zero_ext n x) = sign_ext n x. Proof. intros. destruct (zlt n zwordsize). bit_solve. destruct (zlt i n). rewrite zlt_true; auto. rewrite zlt_true; auto. lia. destruct (zlt i n); lia. rewrite zero_ext_above; auto. Qed. Theorem zero_ext_sign_ext: forall n x, 0 < n -> zero_ext n (sign_ext n x) = zero_ext n x. Proof. intros. apply zero_sign_ext_narrow. lia. Qed. Theorem sign_ext_equal_if_zero_equal: forall n x y, 0 < n -> zero_ext n x = zero_ext n y -> sign_ext n x = sign_ext n y. Proof. intros. rewrite <- (sign_ext_zero_ext n x H). rewrite <- (sign_ext_zero_ext n y H). congruence. Qed. Theorem shru_shl: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> shru (shl x y) z = if ltu z y then shl (zero_ext (zwordsize - unsigned y) x) (sub y z) else zero_ext (zwordsize - unsigned z) (shru x (sub z y)). Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H; apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H0. unfold ltu. set (Y := unsigned y) in *; set (Z := unsigned z) in *. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru by auto. fold Z. destruct (zlt Z Y). - assert (A: unsigned (sub y z) = Y - Z). { apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } symmetry; rewrite bits_shl, A by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize). + rewrite bits_shl by lia. fold Y. destruct (zlt i (Y - Z)); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. + rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. rewrite ! zlt_false by lia. auto. - assert (A: unsigned (sub z y) = Z - Y). { apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } rewrite bits_zero_ext, bits_shru, A by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. rewrite bits_shl by lia. fold Y. destruct (zlt (i + Z) Y). + rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. + rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. Qed. Corollary zero_ext_shru_shl: forall n x, 0 < n < zwordsize -> let y := repr (zwordsize - n) in zero_ext n x = shru (shl x y) y. Proof. intros. assert (A: unsigned y = zwordsize - n). { unfold y. apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned. lia. } assert (B: ltu y iwordsize = true). { unfold ltu; rewrite A, unsigned_repr_wordsize. apply zlt_true; lia. } rewrite shru_shl by auto. unfold ltu; rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite sub_idem, shru_zero. f_equal. rewrite A; lia. Qed. Theorem shr_shl: forall x y z, ltu y iwordsize = true -> ltu z iwordsize = true -> shr (shl x y) z = if ltu z y then shl (sign_ext (zwordsize - unsigned y) x) (sub y z) else sign_ext (zwordsize - unsigned z) (shr x (sub z y)). Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H; apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H0. unfold ltu. set (Y := unsigned y) in *; set (Z := unsigned z) in *. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shr by auto. fold Z. rewrite bits_shl by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). fold Y. destruct (zlt Z Y). - assert (A: unsigned (sub y z) = Y - Z). { apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } rewrite bits_shl, A by lia. destruct (zlt i (Y - Z)). + apply zlt_true. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia. + rewrite zlt_false by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. lia. - assert (A: unsigned (sub z y) = Z - Y). { apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. rewrite bits_shr by (destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Z)); lia). rewrite A. rewrite zlt_false by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). f_equal. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Z)). + rewrite ! zlt_true by lia. lia. + rewrite ! zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. Qed. Corollary sign_ext_shr_shl: forall n x, 0 < n <= zwordsize -> let y := repr (zwordsize - n) in sign_ext n x = shr (shl x y) y. Proof. intros. assert (A: unsigned y = zwordsize - n). { unfold y. apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned. lia. } assert (B: ltu y iwordsize = true). { unfold ltu; rewrite A, unsigned_repr_wordsize. apply zlt_true; lia. } rewrite shr_shl by auto. unfold ltu; rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite sub_idem, shr_zero. f_equal. rewrite A; lia. Qed. (** [zero_ext n x] is the unique integer congruent to [x] modulo [2^n] in the range [0...2^n-1]. *) Lemma zero_ext_range: forall n x, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> 0 <= unsigned (zero_ext n x) < two_p n. Proof. intros. rewrite zero_ext_mod; auto. apply Z_mod_lt. apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. Qed. Lemma eqmod_zero_ext: forall n x, 0 <= n < zwordsize -> eqmod (two_p n) (unsigned (zero_ext n x)) (unsigned x). Proof. intros. rewrite zero_ext_mod; auto. apply eqmod_sym. apply eqmod_mod. apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. Qed. (** [sign_ext n x] is the unique integer congruent to [x] modulo [2^n] in the range [-2^(n-1)...2^(n-1) - 1]. *) Lemma sign_ext_range: forall n x, 0 < n < zwordsize -> -two_p (n-1) <= signed (sign_ext n x) < two_p (n-1). Proof. intros. rewrite sign_ext_shr_shl by lia. set (X := shl x (repr (zwordsize - n))). assert (two_p (n - 1) > 0) by (apply two_p_gt_ZERO; lia). assert (unsigned (repr (zwordsize - n)) = zwordsize - n). apply unsigned_repr. split. lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. rewrite shr_div_two_p. rewrite signed_repr. rewrite H1. apply Zdiv_interval_1. lia. lia. apply two_p_gt_ZERO; lia. replace (- two_p (n - 1) * two_p (zwordsize - n)) with (- (two_p (n - 1) * two_p (zwordsize - n))) by ring. rewrite <- two_p_is_exp. replace (n - 1 + (zwordsize - n)) with (zwordsize - 1) by lia. rewrite <- half_modulus_power. generalize (signed_range X). unfold min_signed, max_signed. lia. lia. lia. apply Zdiv_interval_2. apply signed_range. generalize min_signed_neg; lia. generalize max_signed_pos; lia. rewrite H1. apply two_p_gt_ZERO. lia. Qed. Lemma eqmod_sign_ext': forall n x, 0 < n < zwordsize -> eqmod (two_p n) (unsigned (sign_ext n x)) (unsigned x). Proof. intros. set (N := Z.to_nat n). assert (Z.of_nat N = n) by (apply Z2Nat.id; lia). rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- two_power_nat_two_p. apply eqmod_same_bits; intros. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite H0. fold (testbit (sign_ext n x) i). rewrite bits_sign_ext. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma eqmod_sign_ext: forall n x, 0 < n < zwordsize -> eqmod (two_p n) (signed (sign_ext n x)) (unsigned x). Proof. intros. apply eqmod_trans with (unsigned (sign_ext n x)). apply eqmod_divides with modulus. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. exists (two_p (zwordsize - n)). unfold modulus. rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. fold zwordsize. rewrite <- two_p_is_exp. f_equal. lia. lia. lia. apply eqmod_sign_ext'; auto. Qed. (** Combinations of shifts and zero/sign extensions *) Lemma shl_zero_ext: forall n m x, 0 <= n -> shl (zero_ext n x) m = zero_ext (n + unsigned m) (shl x m). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_zero_ext, ! bits_shl by lia. destruct (zlt i (unsigned m)). - rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. - rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt (i - unsigned m) n); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. Qed. Lemma shl_sign_ext: forall n m x, 0 < n -> shl (sign_ext n x) m = sign_ext (n + unsigned m) (shl x m). Proof. intros. generalize (unsigned_range m); intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_sign_ext, ! bits_shl by lia. destruct (zlt i (n + unsigned m)). - rewrite bits_shl by auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned m)); auto. rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. apply zlt_true. lia. - rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_shl by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. rewrite zlt_false by lia. lia. Qed. Lemma shru_zero_ext: forall n m x, 0 <= n -> shru (zero_ext (n + unsigned m) x) m = zero_ext n (shru x m). Proof. intros. bit_solve. - destruct (zlt (i + unsigned m) zwordsize). * destruct (zlt i n); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. * destruct (zlt i n); auto. - generalize (unsigned_range m); lia. - lia. Qed. Lemma shru_zero_ext_0: forall n m x, n <= unsigned m -> shru (zero_ext n x) m = zero. Proof. intros. bit_solve. - destruct (zlt (i + unsigned m) zwordsize); auto. apply zlt_false. lia. - generalize (unsigned_range m); lia. Qed. Lemma shr_sign_ext: forall n m x, 0 < n -> n + unsigned m < zwordsize -> shr (sign_ext (n + unsigned m) x) m = sign_ext n (shr x m). Proof. intros. generalize (unsigned_range m); intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_sign_ext, bits_shr by auto. rewrite bits_sign_ext, bits_shr. - f_equal. destruct (zlt i n), (zlt (i + unsigned m) zwordsize). + apply zlt_true; lia. + apply zlt_true; lia. + rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. + rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. - destruct (zlt i n); lia. - destruct (zlt (i + unsigned m) zwordsize); lia. Qed. Lemma zero_ext_shru_min: forall s x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> zero_ext s (shru x n) = zero_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - unsigned n)) (shru x n). Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H. apply Z.min_case_strong; intros; auto. bit_solve; try lia. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - unsigned n)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. destruct (zlt i s); auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma sign_ext_shr_min: forall s x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> sign_ext s (shr x n) = sign_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - unsigned n)) (shr x n). Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H. rewrite Z.min_comm. destruct (Z.min_spec (zwordsize - unsigned n) s) as [[A B] | [A B]]; rewrite B; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_sign_ext by auto. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - unsigned n)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. assert (C: testbit (shr x n) (zwordsize - unsigned n - 1) = testbit x (zwordsize - 1)). { rewrite bits_shr by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. } rewrite C. destruct (zlt i s); rewrite bits_shr by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. Qed. Lemma shl_zero_ext_min: forall s x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> shl (zero_ext s x) n = shl (zero_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - unsigned n)) x) n. Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H. apply Z.min_case_strong; intros; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_shl by auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned n)); auto. rewrite ! bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt (i - unsigned n) s). rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma shl_sign_ext_min: forall s x n, ltu n iwordsize = true -> shl (sign_ext s x) n = shl (sign_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - unsigned n)) x) n. Proof. intros. apply ltu_iwordsize_inv in H. rewrite Z.min_comm. destruct (Z.min_spec (zwordsize - unsigned n) s) as [[A B] | [A B]]; rewrite B; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_shl by auto. destruct (zlt i (unsigned n)); auto. rewrite ! bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i - unsigned n) s). rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. extlia. Qed. (** ** Properties of [one_bits] (decomposition in sum of powers of two) *) Theorem one_bits_range: forall x i, In i (one_bits x) -> ltu i iwordsize = true. Proof. assert (A: forall p, 0 <= p < zwordsize -> ltu (repr p) iwordsize = true). intros. unfold ltu, iwordsize. apply zlt_true. repeat rewrite unsigned_repr. tauto. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. unfold one_bits. intros. destruct (list_in_map_inv _ _ _ H) as [i0 [EQ IN]]. subst i. apply A. apply Z_one_bits_range with (unsigned x); auto. Qed. Fixpoint int_of_one_bits (l: list int) : int := match l with | nil => zero | a :: b => add (shl one a) (int_of_one_bits b) end. Theorem one_bits_decomp: forall x, x = int_of_one_bits (one_bits x). Proof. intros. transitivity (repr (powerserie (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned x) 0))). transitivity (repr (unsigned x)). auto with ints. decEq. apply Z_one_bits_powerserie. auto with ints. unfold one_bits. generalize (Z_one_bits_range wordsize (unsigned x)). generalize (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned x) 0). induction l. intros; reflexivity. intros; simpl. rewrite <- IHl. unfold add. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. rewrite shl_mul_two_p. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_one. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_r. rewrite unsigned_repr. auto with ints. generalize (H a (in_eq _ _)). change (Z.of_nat wordsize) with zwordsize. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned. lia. auto with ints. intros; apply H; auto with coqlib. Qed. (** ** Properties of comparisons *) Theorem negate_cmp: forall c x y, cmp (negate_comparison c) x y = negb (cmp c x y). Proof. intros. destruct c; simpl; try rewrite negb_elim; auto. Qed. Theorem negate_cmpu: forall c x y, cmpu (negate_comparison c) x y = negb (cmpu c x y). Proof. intros. destruct c; simpl; try rewrite negb_elim; auto. Qed. Theorem swap_cmp: forall c x y, cmp (swap_comparison c) x y = cmp c y x. Proof. intros. destruct c; simpl; auto. apply eq_sym. decEq. apply eq_sym. Qed. Theorem swap_cmpu: forall c x y, cmpu (swap_comparison c) x y = cmpu c y x. Proof. intros. destruct c; simpl; auto. apply eq_sym. decEq. apply eq_sym. Qed. Lemma translate_eq: forall x y d, eq (add x d) (add y d) = eq x y. Proof. intros. unfold eq. case (zeq (unsigned x) (unsigned y)); intro. unfold add. rewrite e. apply zeq_true. apply zeq_false. unfold add. red; intro. apply n. apply eqm_small_eq; auto with ints. replace (unsigned x) with ((unsigned x + unsigned d) - unsigned d). replace (unsigned y) with ((unsigned y + unsigned d) - unsigned d). apply eqm_sub. apply eqm_trans with (unsigned (repr (unsigned x + unsigned d))). eauto with ints. apply eqm_trans with (unsigned (repr (unsigned y + unsigned d))). eauto with ints. eauto with ints. eauto with ints. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma translate_ltu: forall x y d, 0 <= unsigned x + unsigned d <= max_unsigned -> 0 <= unsigned y + unsigned d <= max_unsigned -> ltu (add x d) (add y d) = ltu x y. Proof. intros. unfold add. unfold ltu. repeat rewrite unsigned_repr; auto. case (zlt (unsigned x) (unsigned y)); intro. apply zlt_true. lia. apply zlt_false. lia. Qed. Theorem translate_cmpu: forall c x y d, 0 <= unsigned x + unsigned d <= max_unsigned -> 0 <= unsigned y + unsigned d <= max_unsigned -> cmpu c (add x d) (add y d) = cmpu c x y. Proof. intros. unfold cmpu. rewrite translate_eq. repeat rewrite translate_ltu; auto. Qed. Lemma translate_lt: forall x y d, min_signed <= signed x + signed d <= max_signed -> min_signed <= signed y + signed d <= max_signed -> lt (add x d) (add y d) = lt x y. Proof. intros. repeat rewrite add_signed. unfold lt. repeat rewrite signed_repr; auto. case (zlt (signed x) (signed y)); intro. apply zlt_true. lia. apply zlt_false. lia. Qed. Theorem translate_cmp: forall c x y d, min_signed <= signed x + signed d <= max_signed -> min_signed <= signed y + signed d <= max_signed -> cmp c (add x d) (add y d) = cmp c x y. Proof. intros. unfold cmp. rewrite translate_eq. repeat rewrite translate_lt; auto. Qed. Theorem notbool_isfalse_istrue: forall x, is_false x -> is_true (notbool x). Proof. unfold is_false, is_true, notbool; intros; subst x. rewrite eq_true. apply one_not_zero. Qed. Theorem notbool_istrue_isfalse: forall x, is_true x -> is_false (notbool x). Proof. unfold is_false, is_true, notbool; intros. generalize (eq_spec x zero). case (eq x zero); intro. contradiction. auto. Qed. Theorem ltu_range_test: forall x y, ltu x y = true -> unsigned y <= max_signed -> 0 <= signed x < unsigned y. Proof. intros. unfold ltu in H. destruct (zlt (unsigned x) (unsigned y)); try discriminate. rewrite signed_eq_unsigned. generalize (unsigned_range x). lia. lia. Qed. Theorem lt_sub_overflow: forall x y, xor (sub_overflow x y zero) (negative (sub x y)) = if lt x y then one else zero. Proof. intros. unfold negative, sub_overflow, lt. rewrite sub_signed. rewrite signed_zero. rewrite Z.sub_0_r. generalize (signed_range x) (signed_range y). set (X := signed x); set (Y := signed y). intros RX RY. unfold min_signed, max_signed in *. generalize half_modulus_pos half_modulus_modulus; intros HM MM. destruct (zle 0 (X - Y)). - unfold proj_sumbool at 1; rewrite zle_true at 1 by lia. simpl. rewrite (zlt_false _ X) by lia. destruct (zlt (X - Y) half_modulus). + unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_true by lia. rewrite signed_repr. rewrite zlt_false by lia. apply xor_idem. unfold min_signed, max_signed; lia. + unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_false by lia. replace (signed (repr (X - Y))) with (X - Y - modulus). rewrite zlt_true by lia. apply xor_idem. rewrite signed_repr_eq. replace ((X - Y) mod modulus) with (X - Y). rewrite zlt_false; auto. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with 0; lia. - unfold proj_sumbool at 2. rewrite zle_true at 1 by lia. rewrite andb_true_r. rewrite (zlt_true _ X) by lia. destruct (zlt (X - Y) (-half_modulus)). + unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_false by lia. replace (signed (repr (X - Y))) with (X - Y + modulus). rewrite zlt_false by lia. apply xor_zero. rewrite signed_repr_eq. replace ((X - Y) mod modulus) with (X - Y + modulus). rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. symmetry. apply Zmod_unique with (-1); lia. + unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_true by lia. rewrite signed_repr. rewrite zlt_true by lia. apply xor_zero_l. unfold min_signed, max_signed; lia. Qed. Lemma signed_eq: forall x y, eq x y = zeq (signed x) (signed y). Proof. intros. unfold eq. unfold proj_sumbool. destruct (zeq (unsigned x) (unsigned y)); destruct (zeq (signed x) (signed y)); auto. elim n. unfold signed. rewrite e; auto. elim n. apply eqm_small_eq; auto with ints. eapply eqm_trans. apply eqm_sym. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. rewrite e. apply eqm_signed_unsigned. Qed. Lemma not_lt: forall x y, negb (lt y x) = (lt x y || eq x y). Proof. intros. unfold lt. rewrite signed_eq. unfold proj_sumbool. destruct (zlt (signed y) (signed x)). rewrite zlt_false. rewrite zeq_false. auto. lia. lia. destruct (zeq (signed x) (signed y)). rewrite zlt_false. auto. lia. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. Qed. Lemma lt_not: forall x y, lt y x = negb (lt x y) && negb (eq x y). Proof. intros. rewrite <- negb_orb. rewrite <- not_lt. rewrite negb_involutive. auto. Qed. Lemma not_ltu: forall x y, negb (ltu y x) = (ltu x y || eq x y). Proof. intros. unfold ltu, eq. destruct (zlt (unsigned y) (unsigned x)). rewrite zlt_false. rewrite zeq_false. auto. lia. lia. destruct (zeq (unsigned x) (unsigned y)). rewrite zlt_false. auto. lia. rewrite zlt_true. auto. lia. Qed. Lemma ltu_not: forall x y, ltu y x = negb (ltu x y) && negb (eq x y). Proof. intros. rewrite <- negb_orb. rewrite <- not_ltu. rewrite negb_involutive. auto. Qed. (** ** Non-overlapping test *) Definition no_overlap (ofs1: int) (sz1: Z) (ofs2: int) (sz2: Z) : bool := let x1 := unsigned ofs1 in let x2 := unsigned ofs2 in zlt (x1 + sz1) modulus && zlt (x2 + sz2) modulus && (zle (x1 + sz1) x2 || zle (x2 + sz2) x1). Lemma no_overlap_sound: forall ofs1 sz1 ofs2 sz2 base, sz1 > 0 -> sz2 > 0 -> no_overlap ofs1 sz1 ofs2 sz2 = true -> unsigned (add base ofs1) + sz1 <= unsigned (add base ofs2) \/ unsigned (add base ofs2) + sz2 <= unsigned (add base ofs1). Proof. intros. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H1). clear H1. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H2). clear H2. apply proj_sumbool_true in H1. apply proj_sumbool_true in H4. assert (unsigned ofs1 + sz1 <= unsigned ofs2 \/ unsigned ofs2 + sz2 <= unsigned ofs1). destruct (orb_prop _ _ H3). left. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. right. eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. clear H3. generalize (unsigned_range ofs1) (unsigned_range ofs2). intros P Q. generalize (unsigned_add_either base ofs1) (unsigned_add_either base ofs2). intros [C|C] [D|D]; lia. Qed. (** ** Size of integers, in bits. *) Definition size (x: int) : Z := Zsize (unsigned x). Theorem size_zero: size zero = 0. Proof. unfold size; rewrite unsigned_zero; auto. Qed. Theorem bits_size_1: forall x, x = zero \/ testbit x (Z.pred (size x)) = true. Proof. intros. destruct (zeq (unsigned x) 0). left. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned x). rewrite e; auto. right. apply Ztestbit_size_1. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. Qed. Theorem bits_size_2: forall x i, size x <= i -> testbit x i = false. Proof. intros. apply Ztestbit_size_2. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. fold (size x); lia. Qed. Theorem size_range: forall x, 0 <= size x <= zwordsize. Proof. intros; split. apply Zsize_pos. destruct (bits_size_1 x). subst x; unfold size; rewrite unsigned_zero; simpl. generalize wordsize_pos; lia. destruct (zle (size x) zwordsize); auto. rewrite bits_above in H. congruence. lia. Qed. Theorem bits_size_3: forall x n, 0 <= n -> (forall i, n <= i < zwordsize -> testbit x i = false) -> size x <= n. Proof. intros. destruct (zle (size x) n). auto. destruct (bits_size_1 x). subst x. unfold size; rewrite unsigned_zero; assumption. rewrite (H0 (Z.pred (size x))) in H1. congruence. generalize (size_range x); lia. Qed. Theorem bits_size_4: forall x n, 0 <= n -> testbit x (Z.pred n) = true -> (forall i, n <= i < zwordsize -> testbit x i = false) -> size x = n. Proof. intros. assert (size x <= n). apply bits_size_3; auto. destruct (zlt (size x) n). rewrite bits_size_2 in H0. congruence. lia. lia. Qed. Theorem size_interval_1: forall x, 0 <= unsigned x < two_p (size x). Proof. intros; apply Zsize_interval_1. generalize (unsigned_range x); lia. Qed. Theorem size_interval_2: forall x n, 0 <= n -> 0 <= unsigned x < two_p n -> n >= size x. Proof. intros. apply Zsize_interval_2; auto. Qed. Theorem size_and: forall a b, size (and a b) <= Z.min (size a) (size b). Proof. intros. assert (0 <= Z.min (size a) (size b)). generalize (size_range a) (size_range b). zify; lia. apply bits_size_3. auto. intros. rewrite bits_and by lia. rewrite andb_false_iff. generalize (bits_size_2 a i). generalize (bits_size_2 b i). zify; intuition. Qed. Corollary and_interval: forall a b, 0 <= unsigned (and a b) < two_p (Z.min (size a) (size b)). Proof. intros. generalize (size_interval_1 (and a b)); intros. assert (two_p (size (and a b)) <= two_p (Z.min (size a) (size b))). apply two_p_monotone. split. generalize (size_range (and a b)); lia. apply size_and. lia. Qed. Theorem size_or: forall a b, size (or a b) = Z.max (size a) (size b). Proof. intros. generalize (size_range a) (size_range b); intros. destruct (bits_size_1 a). subst a. rewrite size_zero. rewrite or_zero_l. zify; lia. destruct (bits_size_1 b). subst b. rewrite size_zero. rewrite or_zero. zify; lia. zify. destruct H3 as [[P Q] | [P Q]]; subst. apply bits_size_4. tauto. rewrite bits_or. rewrite H2. apply orb_true_r. lia. intros. rewrite bits_or. rewrite !bits_size_2. auto. lia. lia. lia. apply bits_size_4. tauto. rewrite bits_or. rewrite H1. apply orb_true_l. destruct (zeq (size a) 0). unfold testbit in H1. rewrite Z.testbit_neg_r in H1. congruence. lia. lia. intros. rewrite bits_or. rewrite !bits_size_2. auto. lia. lia. lia. Qed. Corollary or_interval: forall a b, 0 <= unsigned (or a b) < two_p (Z.max (size a) (size b)). Proof. intros. rewrite <- size_or. apply size_interval_1. Qed. Theorem size_xor: forall a b, size (xor a b) <= Z.max (size a) (size b). Proof. intros. assert (0 <= Z.max (size a) (size b)). generalize (size_range a) (size_range b). zify; lia. apply bits_size_3. auto. intros. rewrite bits_xor. rewrite !bits_size_2. auto. zify; lia. zify; lia. lia. Qed. Corollary xor_interval: forall a b, 0 <= unsigned (xor a b) < two_p (Z.max (size a) (size b)). Proof. intros. generalize (size_interval_1 (xor a b)); intros. assert (two_p (size (xor a b)) <= two_p (Z.max (size a) (size b))). apply two_p_monotone. split. generalize (size_range (xor a b)); lia. apply size_xor. lia. Qed. (** ** Accessing bit fields *) Definition unsigned_bitfield_extract (pos width: Z) (n: int) : int := zero_ext width (shru n (repr pos)). Definition signed_bitfield_extract (pos width: Z) (n: int) : int := sign_ext width (shru n (repr pos)). Definition bitfield_insert (pos width: Z) (n p: int) : int := let mask := shl (repr (two_p width - 1)) (repr pos) in or (shl (zero_ext width p) (repr pos)) (and n (not mask)). Lemma bits_unsigned_bitfield_extract: forall pos width n i, 0 <= pos -> 0 < width -> pos + width <= zwordsize -> 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (unsigned_bitfield_extract pos width n) i = if zlt i width then testbit n (i + pos) else false. Proof. intros. unfold unsigned_bitfield_extract. rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt i width); auto. rewrite bits_shru by auto. rewrite unsigned_repr, zlt_true. auto. lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. Qed. Lemma bits_signed_bitfield_extract: forall pos width n i, 0 <= pos -> 0 < width -> pos + width <= zwordsize -> 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (signed_bitfield_extract pos width n) i = testbit n (if zlt i width then i + pos else width - 1 + pos). Proof. intros. unfold signed_bitfield_extract. rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. rewrite bits_shru, unsigned_repr, zlt_true. destruct (zlt i width); auto. destruct (zlt i width); lia. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. destruct (zlt i width); lia. Qed. Lemma bits_bitfield_insert: forall pos width n p i, 0 <= pos -> 0 < width -> pos + width <= zwordsize -> 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (bitfield_insert pos width n p) i = if zle pos i && zlt i (pos + width) then testbit p (i - pos) else testbit n i. Proof. intros. unfold bitfield_insert. assert (P: unsigned (repr pos) = pos). { apply unsigned_repr. generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } rewrite bits_or, bits_and, bits_not, ! bits_shl, ! P by auto. destruct (zlt i pos). - unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_false by lia. cbn. apply andb_true_r. - unfold proj_sumbool; rewrite zle_true by lia; cbn. rewrite bits_zero_ext, testbit_repr, Ztestbit_two_p_m1 by lia. destruct (zlt (i - pos) width); cbn. + rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite andb_false_r, orb_false_r. auto. + rewrite zlt_false by lia. apply andb_true_r. Qed. Lemma unsigned_bitfield_extract_by_shifts: forall pos width n, 0 <= pos -> 0 < width -> pos + width <= zwordsize -> unsigned_bitfield_extract pos width n = shru (shl n (repr (zwordsize - pos - width))) (repr (zwordsize - width)). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_unsigned_bitfield_extract by lia. rewrite bits_shru by auto. rewrite unsigned_repr by (generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia). destruct (zlt i width). - rewrite bits_shl by lia. rewrite unsigned_repr by (generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal; lia. - rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. Qed. Lemma signed_bitfield_extract_by_shifts: forall pos width n, 0 <= pos -> 0 < width -> pos + width <= zwordsize -> signed_bitfield_extract pos width n = shr (shl n (repr (zwordsize - pos - width))) (repr (zwordsize - width)). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_signed_bitfield_extract by lia. rewrite bits_shr by auto. rewrite unsigned_repr by (generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia). rewrite bits_shl. rewrite unsigned_repr by (generalize wordsize_max_unsigned; lia). symmetry. rewrite zlt_false. f_equal. destruct (zlt i width); [rewrite zlt_true | rewrite zlt_false]; lia. destruct zlt; lia. destruct zlt; lia. Qed. Lemma bitfield_insert_alternative: forall pos width n p, 0 <= width -> bitfield_insert pos width n p = let mask := shl (repr (two_p width - 1)) (repr pos) in or (and (shl p (repr pos)) mask) (and n (not mask)). Proof. intros. unfold bitfield_insert. set (m1 := repr (two_p width - 1)). set (m2 := shl m1 (repr pos)). f_equal. rewrite zero_ext_and by lia. fold m1. unfold m2. rewrite <- and_shl. auto. Qed. End Make. (** * Specialization to integers of size 8, 32, and 64 bits *) Module Wordsize_32. Definition wordsize := 32%nat. Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat. Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed. End Wordsize_32. Strategy opaque [Wordsize_32.wordsize]. Module Int := Make(Wordsize_32). Strategy 0 [Wordsize_32.wordsize]. Notation int := Int.int. Remark int_wordsize_divides_modulus: Z.divide (Z.of_nat Int.wordsize) Int.modulus. Proof. exists (two_p (32-5)); reflexivity. Qed. Module Wordsize_8. Definition wordsize := 8%nat. Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat. Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed. End Wordsize_8. Strategy opaque [Wordsize_8.wordsize]. Module Byte := Make(Wordsize_8). Strategy 0 [Wordsize_8.wordsize]. Notation byte := Byte.int. Module Wordsize_64. Definition wordsize := 64%nat. Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat. Proof. unfold wordsize; congruence. Qed. End Wordsize_64. Strategy opaque [Wordsize_64.wordsize]. Module Int64. Include Make(Wordsize_64). (** Shifts with amount given as a 32-bit integer *) Definition iwordsize': Int.int := Int.repr zwordsize. Definition shl' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := repr (Z.shiftl (unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)). Definition shru' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := repr (Z.shiftr (unsigned x) (Int.unsigned y)). Definition shr' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := repr (Z.shiftr (signed x) (Int.unsigned y)). Definition rol' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := rol x (repr (Int.unsigned y)). Definition shrx' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := divs x (shl' one y). Definition shr_carry' (x: int) (y: Int.int): int := if lt x zero && negb (eq (and x (sub (shl' one y) one)) zero) then one else zero. Lemma bits_shl': forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shl' x y) i = if zlt i (Int.unsigned y) then false else testbit x (i - Int.unsigned y). Proof. intros. unfold shl'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)). apply Z.shiftl_spec_low. auto. apply Z.shiftl_spec_high. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_shru': forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shru' x y) i = if zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize then testbit x (i + Int.unsigned y) else false. Proof. intros. unfold shru'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. fold (testbit x (i + Int.unsigned y)). destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize). auto. apply bits_above; auto. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_shr': forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (shr' x y) i = testbit x (if zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize then i + Int.unsigned y else zwordsize - 1). Proof. intros. unfold shr'. rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite Z.shiftr_spec. apply bits_signed. generalize (Int.unsigned_range y); lia. lia. Qed. Lemma shl'_mul_two_p: forall x y, shl' x y = mul x (repr (two_p (Int.unsigned y))). Proof. intros. unfold shl', mul. apply eqm_samerepr. rewrite Zshiftl_mul_two_p. apply eqm_mult. apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_unsigned_repr. generalize (Int.unsigned_range y); lia. Qed. Lemma shl'_one_two_p: forall y, shl' one y = repr (two_p (Int.unsigned y)). Proof. intros. rewrite shl'_mul_two_p. rewrite mul_commut. rewrite mul_one. auto. Qed. Theorem shl'_mul: forall x y, shl' x y = mul x (shl' one y). Proof. intros. rewrite shl'_one_two_p. apply shl'_mul_two_p. Qed. Theorem shl'_zero: forall x, shl' x Int.zero = x. Proof. intros. unfold shl'. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero. unfold Z.shiftl. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem shru'_zero : forall x, shru' x Int.zero = x. Proof. intros. unfold shru'. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero. unfold Z.shiftr. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Theorem shr'_zero : forall x, shr' x Int.zero = x. Proof. intros. unfold shr'. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero. unfold Z.shiftr. apply repr_signed. Qed. Theorem shrx'_zero: forall x, shrx' x Int.zero = x. Proof. intros. change (shrx' x Int.zero) with (shrx x zero). apply shrx_zero. compute; auto. Qed. Theorem shrx'_carry: forall x y, Int.ltu y (Int.repr 63) = true -> shrx' x y = add (shr' x y) (shr_carry' x y). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 63)) with 63 in H. set (y1 := Int64.repr (Int.unsigned y)). assert (U: unsigned y1 = Int.unsigned y). { apply unsigned_repr. assert (63 < max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. } transitivity (shrx x y1). - unfold shrx', shrx, shl', shl. rewrite U; auto. - rewrite shrx_carry. + f_equal. unfold shr, shr'. rewrite U; auto. unfold shr_carry, shr_carry', shl, shl'. rewrite U; auto. + unfold ltu. apply zlt_true. rewrite U; tauto. Qed. Theorem shrx'_shr_2: forall x y, Int.ltu y (Int.repr 63) = true -> shrx' x y = shr' (add x (shru' (shr' x (Int.repr 63)) (Int.sub (Int.repr 64) y))) y. Proof. intros. set (z := repr (Int.unsigned y)). apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 63)) with 63 in H. assert (N1: 63 < max_unsigned) by reflexivity. assert (N2: 63 < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. assert (A: unsigned z = Int.unsigned y). { unfold z; apply unsigned_repr; lia. } assert (B: unsigned (sub (repr 64) z) = Int.unsigned (Int.sub (Int.repr 64) y)). { unfold z. unfold sub, Int.sub. change (unsigned (repr 64)) with 64. change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 64)) with 64. rewrite (unsigned_repr (Int.unsigned y)) by lia. rewrite unsigned_repr, Int.unsigned_repr by lia. auto. } unfold shrx', shr', shru', shl'. rewrite <- A. change (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 63)) with (unsigned (repr 63)). rewrite <- B. apply shrx_shr_2. unfold ltu. apply zlt_true. change (unsigned z < 63). rewrite A; lia. Qed. Remark int_ltu_2_inv: forall y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> Int.unsigned (Int.add y z) <= Int.unsigned iwordsize' -> let y' := repr (Int.unsigned y) in let z' := repr (Int.unsigned z) in Int.unsigned y = unsigned y' /\ Int.unsigned z = unsigned z' /\ ltu y' iwordsize = true /\ ltu z' iwordsize = true /\ Int.unsigned (Int.add y z) = unsigned (add y' z') /\ add y' z' = repr (Int.unsigned (Int.add y z)). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. apply Int.ltu_inv in H0. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with 64 in *. assert (128 < max_unsigned) by reflexivity. assert (128 < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. assert (Y: unsigned y' = Int.unsigned y) by (apply unsigned_repr; lia). assert (Z: unsigned z' = Int.unsigned z) by (apply unsigned_repr; lia). assert (P: Int.unsigned (Int.add y z) = unsigned (add y' z')). { unfold Int.add. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by lia. unfold add. rewrite unsigned_repr by lia. congruence. } intuition auto. apply zlt_true. rewrite Y; auto. apply zlt_true. rewrite Z; auto. rewrite P. rewrite repr_unsigned. auto. Qed. Theorem or_ror': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> Int.add y z = iwordsize' -> ror x (repr (Int.unsigned z)) = or (shl' x y) (shru' x z). Proof. intros. destruct (int_ltu_2_inv y z) as (A & B & C & D & E & F); auto. rewrite H1; lia. replace (shl' x y) with (shl x (repr (Int.unsigned y))). replace (shru' x z) with (shru x (repr (Int.unsigned z))). apply or_ror; auto. rewrite F, H1. reflexivity. unfold shru, shru'; rewrite <- B; auto. unfold shl, shl'; rewrite <- A; auto. Qed. Theorem shl'_shl': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu (Int.add y z) iwordsize' = true -> shl' (shl' x y) z = shl' x (Int.add y z). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H1. destruct (int_ltu_2_inv y z) as (A & B & C & D & E & F); auto. lia. set (y' := repr (Int.unsigned y)) in *. set (z' := repr (Int.unsigned z)) in *. replace (shl' x y) with (shl x y'). replace (shl' (shl x y') z) with (shl (shl x y') z'). replace (shl' x (Int.add y z)) with (shl x (add y' z')). apply shl_shl; auto. apply zlt_true. rewrite <- E. change (unsigned iwordsize) with zwordsize. tauto. unfold shl, shl'. rewrite E; auto. unfold shl at 1, shl'. rewrite <- B; auto. unfold shl, shl'; rewrite <- A; auto. Qed. Theorem shru'_shru': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu (Int.add y z) iwordsize' = true -> shru' (shru' x y) z = shru' x (Int.add y z). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H1. destruct (int_ltu_2_inv y z) as (A & B & C & D & E & F); auto. lia. set (y' := repr (Int.unsigned y)) in *. set (z' := repr (Int.unsigned z)) in *. replace (shru' x y) with (shru x y'). replace (shru' (shru x y') z) with (shru (shru x y') z'). replace (shru' x (Int.add y z)) with (shru x (add y' z')). apply shru_shru; auto. apply zlt_true. rewrite <- E. change (unsigned iwordsize) with zwordsize. tauto. unfold shru, shru'. rewrite E; auto. unfold shru at 1, shru'. rewrite <- B; auto. unfold shru, shru'; rewrite <- A; auto. Qed. Theorem shr'_shr': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu (Int.add y z) iwordsize' = true -> shr' (shr' x y) z = shr' x (Int.add y z). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H1. destruct (int_ltu_2_inv y z) as (A & B & C & D & E & F); auto. lia. set (y' := repr (Int.unsigned y)) in *. set (z' := repr (Int.unsigned z)) in *. replace (shr' x y) with (shr x y'). replace (shr' (shr x y') z) with (shr (shr x y') z'). replace (shr' x (Int.add y z)) with (shr x (add y' z')). apply shr_shr; auto. apply zlt_true. rewrite <- E. change (unsigned iwordsize) with zwordsize. tauto. unfold shr, shr'. rewrite E; auto. unfold shr at 1, shr'. rewrite <- B; auto. unfold shr, shr'; rewrite <- A; auto. Qed. Theorem shru'_shl': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> shru' (shl' x y) z = if Int.ltu z y then shl' (zero_ext (zwordsize - Int.unsigned y) x) (Int.sub y z) else zero_ext (zwordsize - Int.unsigned z) (shru' x (Int.sub z y)). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H; apply Int.ltu_inv in H0. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in *. unfold Int.ltu. set (Y := Int.unsigned y) in *; set (Z := Int.unsigned z) in *. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru' by auto. fold Z. destruct (zlt Z Y). - assert (A: Int.unsigned (Int.sub y z) = Y - Z). { apply Int.unsigned_repr. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. } symmetry; rewrite bits_shl', A by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize). + rewrite bits_shl' by lia. fold Y. destruct (zlt i (Y - Z)); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. + rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. rewrite ! zlt_false by lia. auto. - assert (A: Int.unsigned (Int.sub z y) = Z - Y). { apply Int.unsigned_repr. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. } rewrite bits_zero_ext, bits_shru', A by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. rewrite bits_shl' by lia. fold Y. destruct (zlt (i + Z) Y). + rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. + rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. Qed. Theorem shr'_shl': forall x y z, Int.ltu y iwordsize' = true -> Int.ltu z iwordsize' = true -> shr' (shl' x y) z = if Int.ltu z y then shl' (sign_ext (zwordsize - Int.unsigned y) x) (Int.sub y z) else sign_ext (zwordsize - Int.unsigned z) (shr' x (Int.sub z y)). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H; apply Int.ltu_inv in H0. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in *. unfold Int.ltu. set (Y := Int.unsigned y) in *; set (Z := Int.unsigned z) in *. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shr' by auto. fold Z. rewrite bits_shl' by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). fold Y. destruct (zlt Z Y). - assert (A: Int.unsigned (Int.sub y z) = Y - Z). { apply Int.unsigned_repr. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. } rewrite bits_shl', A by lia. destruct (zlt i (Y - Z)). + apply zlt_true. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia. + rewrite zlt_false by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. lia. - assert (A: Int.unsigned (Int.sub z y) = Z - Y). { apply Int.unsigned_repr. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. } rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. rewrite bits_shr' by (destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Z)); lia). rewrite A. rewrite zlt_false by (destruct (zlt (i + Z) zwordsize); lia). f_equal. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Z)). + rewrite ! zlt_true by lia. lia. + rewrite ! zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. Qed. Lemma shl'_zero_ext: forall n m x, 0 <= n -> shl' (zero_ext n x) m = zero_ext (n + Int.unsigned m) (shl' x m). Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_zero_ext, ! bits_shl' by lia. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned m)). - rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. - rewrite bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt (i - Int.unsigned m) n); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. Qed. Lemma shl'_sign_ext: forall n m x, 0 < n -> shl' (sign_ext n x) m = sign_ext (n + Int.unsigned m) (shl' x m). Proof. intros. generalize (Int.unsigned_range m); intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_sign_ext, ! bits_shl' by lia. destruct (zlt i (n + Int.unsigned m)). - rewrite bits_shl' by auto. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned m)); auto. rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. apply zlt_true. lia. - rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_shl' by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. rewrite zlt_false by lia. lia. Qed. Lemma shru'_zero_ext: forall n m x, 0 <= n -> shru' (zero_ext (n + Int.unsigned m) x) m = zero_ext n (shru' x m). Proof. intros. generalize (Int.unsigned_range m); intros. bit_solve; [|lia]. rewrite bits_shru', bits_zero_ext, bits_shru' by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned m) zwordsize). * destruct (zlt i n); [rewrite zlt_true by lia|rewrite zlt_false by lia]; auto. * destruct (zlt i n); auto. Qed. Lemma shru'_zero_ext_0: forall n m x, n <= Int.unsigned m -> shru' (zero_ext n x) m = zero. Proof. intros. generalize (Int.unsigned_range m); intros. bit_solve. rewrite bits_shru', bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned m) zwordsize); auto. apply zlt_false. lia. Qed. Lemma shr'_sign_ext: forall n m x, 0 < n -> n + Int.unsigned m < zwordsize -> shr' (sign_ext (n + Int.unsigned m) x) m = sign_ext n (shr' x m). Proof. intros. generalize (Int.unsigned_range m); intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_sign_ext, bits_shr' by auto. rewrite bits_sign_ext, bits_shr'. - f_equal. destruct (zlt i n), (zlt (i + Int.unsigned m) zwordsize). + apply zlt_true; lia. + apply zlt_true; lia. + rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. + rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. lia. - destruct (zlt i n); lia. - destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned m) zwordsize); lia. Qed. Lemma zero_ext_shru'_min: forall s x n, Int.ltu n iwordsize' = true -> zero_ext s (shru' x n) = zero_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)) (shru' x n). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in H. apply Z.min_case_strong; intros; auto. bit_solve; try lia. rewrite ! bits_shru' by lia. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. destruct (zlt i s); auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma sign_ext_shr'_min: forall s x n, Int.ltu n iwordsize' = true -> sign_ext s (shr' x n) = sign_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)) (shr' x n). Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in H. rewrite Z.min_comm. destruct (Z.min_spec (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n) s) as [[A B] | [A B]]; rewrite B; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_sign_ext by auto. destruct (zlt i (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. assert (C: testbit (shr' x n) (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n - 1) = testbit x (zwordsize - 1)). { rewrite bits_shr' by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal; lia. } rewrite C. destruct (zlt i s); rewrite bits_shr' by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. Qed. Lemma shl'_zero_ext_min: forall s x n, Int.ltu n iwordsize' = true -> shl' (zero_ext s x) n = shl' (zero_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)) x) n. Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in H. apply Z.min_case_strong; intros; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_shl' by auto. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned n)); auto. rewrite ! bits_zero_ext by lia. destruct (zlt (i - Int.unsigned n) s). rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma shl'_sign_ext_min: forall s x n, Int.ltu n iwordsize' = true -> shl' (sign_ext s x) n = shl' (sign_ext (Z.min s (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n)) x) n. Proof. intros. apply Int.ltu_inv in H. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize in H. rewrite Z.min_comm. destruct (Z.min_spec (zwordsize - Int.unsigned n) s) as [[A B] | [A B]]; rewrite B; auto. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite ! bits_shl' by auto. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned n)); auto. rewrite ! bits_sign_ext by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i - Int.unsigned n) s). rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. extlia. Qed. (** Powers of two with exponents given as 32-bit ints *) Definition one_bits' (x: int) : list Int.int := List.map Int.repr (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned x) 0). Definition is_power2' (x: int) : option Int.int := match Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned x) 0 with | i :: nil => Some (Int.repr i) | _ => None end. Theorem one_bits'_range: forall x i, In i (one_bits' x) -> Int.ltu i iwordsize' = true. Proof. intros. destruct (list_in_map_inv _ _ _ H) as [i0 [EQ IN]]. exploit Z_one_bits_range; eauto. fold zwordsize. intros R. unfold Int.ltu. rewrite EQ. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize. apply zlt_true. lia. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Fixpoint int_of_one_bits' (l: list Int.int) : int := match l with | nil => zero | a :: b => add (shl' one a) (int_of_one_bits' b) end. Theorem one_bits'_decomp: forall x, x = int_of_one_bits' (one_bits' x). Proof. assert (REC: forall l, (forall i, In i l -> 0 <= i < zwordsize) -> int_of_one_bits' (List.map Int.repr l) = repr (powerserie l)). { induction l; simpl; intros. - auto. - rewrite IHl by eauto. apply eqm_samerepr; apply eqm_add. + rewrite shl'_one_two_p. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr. exploit (H a). auto. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. + apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr. } intros. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned x) at 1. unfold one_bits'. rewrite REC. rewrite <- Z_one_bits_powerserie. auto. apply unsigned_range. apply Z_one_bits_range. Qed. Lemma is_power2'_rng: forall n logn, is_power2' n = Some logn -> 0 <= Int.unsigned logn < zwordsize. Proof. unfold is_power2'; intros n logn P2. destruct (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned n) 0) as [ | i [ | ? ?]] eqn:B; inv P2. assert (0 <= i < zwordsize). { apply Z_one_bits_range with (unsigned n). rewrite B; auto with coqlib. } rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Theorem is_power2'_range: forall n logn, is_power2' n = Some logn -> Int.ltu logn iwordsize' = true. Proof. intros. unfold Int.ltu. change (Int.unsigned iwordsize') with zwordsize. apply zlt_true. generalize (is_power2'_rng _ _ H). tauto. Qed. Lemma is_power2'_correct: forall n logn, is_power2' n = Some logn -> unsigned n = two_p (Int.unsigned logn). Proof. unfold is_power2'; intros. destruct (Z_one_bits wordsize (unsigned n) 0) as [ | i [ | ? ?]] eqn:B; inv H. rewrite (Z_one_bits_powerserie wordsize (unsigned n)) by (apply unsigned_range). rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. rewrite B; simpl. lia. assert (0 <= i < zwordsize). { apply Z_one_bits_range with (unsigned n). rewrite B; auto with coqlib. } assert (zwordsize < Int.max_unsigned) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Theorem mul_pow2': forall x n logn, is_power2' n = Some logn -> mul x n = shl' x logn. Proof. intros. rewrite shl'_mul. f_equal. rewrite shl'_one_two_p. rewrite <- (repr_unsigned n). f_equal. apply is_power2'_correct; auto. Qed. Theorem divu_pow2': forall x n logn, is_power2' n = Some logn -> divu x n = shru' x logn. Proof. intros. generalize (is_power2'_correct n logn H). intro. symmetry. unfold divu. rewrite H0. unfold shru'. rewrite Zshiftr_div_two_p. auto. eapply is_power2'_rng; eauto. Qed. (** Decomposing 64-bit ints as pairs of 32-bit ints *) Definition loword (n: int) : Int.int := Int.repr (unsigned n). Definition hiword (n: int) : Int.int := Int.repr (unsigned (shru n (repr Int.zwordsize))). Definition ofwords (hi lo: Int.int) : int := or (shl (repr (Int.unsigned hi)) (repr Int.zwordsize)) (repr (Int.unsigned lo)). Lemma bits_loword: forall n i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (loword n) i = testbit n i. Proof. intros. unfold loword. rewrite Int.testbit_repr; auto. Qed. Lemma bits_hiword: forall n i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (hiword n) i = testbit n (i + Int.zwordsize). Proof. intros. unfold hiword. rewrite Int.testbit_repr; auto. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. fold (testbit (shru n (repr Int.zwordsize)) i). rewrite bits_shru. change (unsigned (repr Int.zwordsize)) with Int.zwordsize. apply zlt_true. lia. lia. Qed. Lemma bits_ofwords: forall hi lo i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (ofwords hi lo) i = if zlt i Int.zwordsize then Int.testbit lo i else Int.testbit hi (i - Int.zwordsize). Proof. intros. unfold ofwords. rewrite bits_or; auto. rewrite bits_shl; auto. change (unsigned (repr Int.zwordsize)) with Int.zwordsize. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite testbit_repr; auto. rewrite !testbit_repr; auto. fold (Int.testbit lo i). rewrite Int.bits_above. apply orb_false_r. auto. lia. Qed. Lemma lo_ofwords: forall hi lo, loword (ofwords hi lo) = lo. Proof. intros. apply Int.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_loword; auto. rewrite bits_ofwords. apply zlt_true. lia. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Lemma hi_ofwords: forall hi lo, hiword (ofwords hi lo) = hi. Proof. intros. apply Int.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_hiword; auto. rewrite bits_ofwords. rewrite zlt_false. f_equal. lia. lia. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Lemma ofwords_recompose: forall n, ofwords (hiword n) (loword n) = n. Proof. intros. apply same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_ofwords; auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). apply bits_loword. lia. rewrite bits_hiword. f_equal. lia. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. lia. Qed. Lemma ofwords_add: forall lo hi, ofwords hi lo = repr (Int.unsigned hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo). Proof. intros. unfold ofwords. rewrite shifted_or_is_add. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. apply eqm_mult. apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr. apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_sym; apply eqm_unsigned_repr. change Int.zwordsize with 32; change zwordsize with 64; lia. rewrite unsigned_repr. generalize (Int.unsigned_range lo). intros [A B]. exact B. assert (Int.max_unsigned < max_unsigned) by (compute; auto). generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 lo); lia. Qed. Lemma ofwords_add': forall lo hi, unsigned (ofwords hi lo) = Int.unsigned hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo. Proof. intros. rewrite ofwords_add. apply unsigned_repr. generalize (Int.unsigned_range hi) (Int.unsigned_range lo). change (two_p 32) with Int.modulus. change Int.modulus with 4294967296. change max_unsigned with 18446744073709551615. lia. Qed. Remark eqm_mul_2p32: forall x y, Int.eqm x y -> eqm (x * two_p 32) (y * two_p 32). Proof. intros. destruct H as [k EQ]. exists k. rewrite EQ. change Int.modulus with (two_p 32). change modulus with (two_p 32 * two_p 32). ring. Qed. Lemma ofwords_add'': forall lo hi, signed (ofwords hi lo) = Int.signed hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo. Proof. intros. rewrite ofwords_add. replace (repr (Int.unsigned hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo)) with (repr (Int.signed hi * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned lo)). apply signed_repr. generalize (Int.signed_range hi) (Int.unsigned_range lo). change (two_p 32) with Int.modulus. change min_signed with (Int.min_signed * Int.modulus). change max_signed with (Int.max_signed * Int.modulus + Int.modulus - 1). change Int.modulus with 4294967296. lia. apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. apply eqm_mul_2p32. apply Int.eqm_signed_unsigned. apply eqm_refl. Qed. (** Expressing 64-bit operations in terms of 32-bit operations *) Lemma decompose_bitwise_binop: forall f f64 f32 xh xl yh yl, (forall x y i, 0 <= i < zwordsize -> testbit (f64 x y) i = f (testbit x i) (testbit y i)) -> (forall x y i, 0 <= i < Int.zwordsize -> Int.testbit (f32 x y) i = f (Int.testbit x i) (Int.testbit y i)) -> f64 (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (f32 xh yh) (f32 xl yl). Proof. intros. apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite H by auto. rewrite ! bits_ofwords by auto. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize); rewrite H0 by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma decompose_and: forall xh xl yh yl, and (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.and xh yh) (Int.and xl yl). Proof. intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with andb. apply bits_and. apply Int.bits_and. Qed. Lemma decompose_or: forall xh xl yh yl, or (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.or xh yh) (Int.or xl yl). Proof. intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with orb. apply bits_or. apply Int.bits_or. Qed. Lemma decompose_xor: forall xh xl yh yl, xor (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.xor xh yh) (Int.xor xl yl). Proof. intros. apply decompose_bitwise_binop with xorb. apply bits_xor. apply Int.bits_xor. Qed. Lemma decompose_not: forall xh xl, not (ofwords xh xl) = ofwords (Int.not xh) (Int.not xl). Proof. intros. unfold not, Int.not. rewrite <- decompose_xor. f_equal. apply (Int64.eq_spec mone (ofwords Int.mone Int.mone)). Qed. Lemma decompose_shl_1: forall xh xl y, 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize -> shl' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords (Int.or (Int.shl xh y) (Int.shru xl (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y))) (Int.shl xl y). Proof. intros. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shl' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite Int.bits_shl by lia. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)). auto. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite Int.bits_or by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shl by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shru by lia. rewrite H0. destruct (zlt (i - Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite orb_false_r. f_equal. lia. Qed. Lemma decompose_shl_2: forall xh xl y, Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize -> shl' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords (Int.shl xl (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)) Int.zero. Proof. intros. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). lia. } apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shl' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. apply Int.bits_zero. rewrite Int.bits_shl by lia. destruct (zlt i (Int.unsigned y)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. f_equal. lia. Qed. Lemma decompose_shru_1: forall xh xl y, 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize -> shru' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords (Int.shru xh y) (Int.or (Int.shru xl y) (Int.shl xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y))). Proof. intros. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite Int.bits_or by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shl by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shru by lia. rewrite H0. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite orb_false_r. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. lia. rewrite Int.bits_shru by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize). rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal. lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. Qed. Lemma decompose_shru_2: forall xh xl y, Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize -> shru' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords Int.zero (Int.shru xh (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)). Proof. intros. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). lia. } apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shru' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite Int.bits_shru by lia. rewrite H1. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal; lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. apply Int.bits_zero. Qed. Lemma decompose_shr_1: forall xh xl y, 0 <= Int.unsigned y < Int.zwordsize -> shr' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords (Int.shr xh y) (Int.or (Int.shru xl y) (Int.shl xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y))). Proof. intros. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize y) = Int.zwordsize - Int.unsigned y). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize Int.wordsize_max_unsigned; lia. } assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shr' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite Int.bits_or by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shl by lia. rewrite Int.bits_shru by lia. rewrite H0. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) (Int.zwordsize)). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite orb_false_r. auto. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite orb_false_l. f_equal. lia. rewrite Int.bits_shr by lia. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize). rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal. lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal. Qed. Lemma decompose_shr_2: forall xh xl y, Int.zwordsize <= Int.unsigned y < zwordsize -> shr' (ofwords xh xl) y = ofwords (Int.shr xh (Int.sub Int.iwordsize Int.one)) (Int.shr xh (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize)). Proof. intros. assert (zwordsize = 2 * Int.zwordsize) by reflexivity. assert (Int.unsigned (Int.sub y Int.iwordsize) = Int.unsigned y - Int.zwordsize). { unfold Int.sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. auto. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_wordsize. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). lia. } apply Int64.same_bits_eq; intros. rewrite bits_shr' by auto. symmetry. rewrite bits_ofwords by auto. destruct (zlt i Int.zwordsize). rewrite Int.bits_shr by lia. rewrite H1. destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize). rewrite zlt_true by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal; lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. rewrite zlt_false by lia. auto. rewrite Int.bits_shr by lia. change (Int.unsigned (Int.sub Int.iwordsize Int.one)) with (Int.zwordsize - 1). destruct (zlt (i + Int.unsigned y) zwordsize); rewrite bits_ofwords by lia. symmetry. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i - Int.zwordsize + (Int.zwordsize - 1)) Int.zwordsize); lia. symmetry. rewrite zlt_false by lia. f_equal. destruct (zlt (i - Int.zwordsize + (Int.zwordsize - 1)) Int.zwordsize); lia. Qed. Lemma decompose_add: forall xh xl yh yl, add (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) (Int.add_carry xl yl Int.zero)) (Int.add xl yl). Proof. intros. symmetry. rewrite ofwords_add. rewrite add_unsigned. apply eqm_samerepr. rewrite ! ofwords_add'. rewrite (Int.unsigned_add_carry xl yl). set (cc := Int.add_carry xl yl Int.zero). set (Xl := Int.unsigned xl); set (Xh := Int.unsigned xh); set (Yl := Int.unsigned yl); set (Yh := Int.unsigned yh). change Int.modulus with (two_p 32). replace (Xh * two_p 32 + Xl + (Yh * two_p 32 + Yl)) with ((Xh + Yh) * two_p 32 + (Xl + Yl)) by ring. replace (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) cc) * two_p 32 + (Xl + Yl - Int.unsigned cc * two_p 32)) with ((Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add xh yh) cc) - Int.unsigned cc) * two_p 32 + (Xl + Yl)) by ring. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_mul_2p32. replace (Xh + Yh) with ((Xh + Yh + Int.unsigned cc) - Int.unsigned cc) by ring. apply Int.eqm_sub. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl. Qed. Lemma decompose_sub: forall xh xl yh yl, sub (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.sub (Int.sub xh yh) (Int.sub_borrow xl yl Int.zero)) (Int.sub xl yl). Proof. intros. symmetry. rewrite ofwords_add. apply eqm_samerepr. rewrite ! ofwords_add'. rewrite (Int.unsigned_sub_borrow xl yl). set (bb := Int.sub_borrow xl yl Int.zero). set (Xl := Int.unsigned xl); set (Xh := Int.unsigned xh); set (Yl := Int.unsigned yl); set (Yh := Int.unsigned yh). change Int.modulus with (two_p 32). replace (Xh * two_p 32 + Xl - (Yh * two_p 32 + Yl)) with ((Xh - Yh) * two_p 32 + (Xl - Yl)) by ring. replace (Int.unsigned (Int.sub (Int.sub xh yh) bb) * two_p 32 + (Xl - Yl + Int.unsigned bb * two_p 32)) with ((Int.unsigned (Int.sub (Int.sub xh yh) bb) + Int.unsigned bb) * two_p 32 + (Xl - Yl)) by ring. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_mul_2p32. replace (Xh - Yh) with ((Xh - Yh - Int.unsigned bb) + Int.unsigned bb) by ring. apply Int.eqm_add. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add. 2: apply Int.eqm_refl. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl. Qed. Lemma decompose_sub': forall xh xl yh yl, sub (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.add (Int.add xh (Int.not yh)) (Int.add_carry xl (Int.not yl) Int.one)) (Int.sub xl yl). Proof. intros. rewrite decompose_sub. f_equal. rewrite Int.sub_borrow_add_carry by auto. rewrite Int.sub_add_not_3. rewrite Int.xor_assoc. rewrite Int.xor_idem. rewrite Int.xor_zero. auto. rewrite Int.xor_zero_l. unfold Int.add_carry. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned xl + Int.unsigned (Int.not yl) + Int.unsigned Int.one) Int.modulus); compute; [right|left]; apply Int.mkint_eq; auto. Qed. Definition mul' (x y: Int.int) : int := repr (Int.unsigned x * Int.unsigned y). Lemma mul'_mulhu: forall x y, mul' x y = ofwords (Int.mulhu x y) (Int.mul x y). Proof. intros. rewrite ofwords_add. unfold mul', Int.mulhu, Int.mul. set (p := Int.unsigned x * Int.unsigned y). set (ph := p / Int.modulus). set (pl := p mod Int.modulus). transitivity (repr (ph * Int.modulus + pl)). - f_equal. rewrite Z.mul_comm. apply Z_div_mod_eq. apply Int.modulus_pos. - apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. apply eqm_mul_2p32. auto with ints. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_eq. apply eqm_refl. Qed. Lemma decompose_mul: forall xh xl yh yl, mul (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.add (Int.add (hiword (mul' xl yl)) (Int.mul xl yh)) (Int.mul xh yl)) (loword (mul' xl yl)). Proof. intros. set (pl := loword (mul' xl yl)); set (ph := hiword (mul' xl yl)). assert (EQ0: unsigned (mul' xl yl) = Int.unsigned ph * two_p 32 + Int.unsigned pl). { rewrite <- (ofwords_recompose (mul' xl yl)). apply ofwords_add'. } symmetry. rewrite ofwords_add. unfold mul. rewrite !ofwords_add'. set (XL := Int.unsigned xl); set (XH := Int.unsigned xh); set (YL := Int.unsigned yl); set (YH := Int.unsigned yh). set (PH := Int.unsigned ph) in *. set (PL := Int.unsigned pl) in *. transitivity (repr (((PH + XL * YH) + XH * YL) * two_p 32 + PL)). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. apply eqm_mul_2p32. rewrite Int.add_unsigned. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add. rewrite Int.add_unsigned. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_add. apply Int.eqm_refl. unfold Int.mul. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl. unfold Int.mul. apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply Int.eqm_refl. transitivity (repr (unsigned (mul' xl yl) + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32)). rewrite EQ0. f_equal. ring. transitivity (repr ((XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. unfold mul'. apply eqm_unsigned_repr_l. apply eqm_refl. transitivity (repr (0 + (XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))). rewrite Z.add_0_l; auto. transitivity (repr (XH * YH * (two_p 32 * two_p 32) + (XL * YL + (XL * YH + XH * YL) * two_p 32))). apply eqm_samerepr. apply eqm_add. 2: apply eqm_refl. change (two_p 32 * two_p 32) with modulus. exists (- XH * YH). ring. f_equal. ring. Qed. Lemma decompose_mul_2: forall xh xl yh yl, mul (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = ofwords (Int.add (Int.add (Int.mulhu xl yl) (Int.mul xl yh)) (Int.mul xh yl)) (Int.mul xl yl). Proof. intros. rewrite decompose_mul. rewrite mul'_mulhu. rewrite hi_ofwords, lo_ofwords. auto. Qed. Lemma decompose_ltu: forall xh xl yh yl, ltu (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = if Int.eq xh yh then Int.ltu xl yl else Int.ltu xh yh. Proof. intros. unfold ltu. rewrite ! ofwords_add'. unfold Int.ltu, Int.eq. destruct (zeq (Int.unsigned xh) (Int.unsigned yh)). rewrite e. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned xl) (Int.unsigned yl)). apply zlt_true; lia. apply zlt_false; lia. change (two_p 32) with Int.modulus. generalize (Int.unsigned_range xl) (Int.unsigned_range yl). change Int.modulus with 4294967296. intros. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned xh) (Int.unsigned yh)). apply zlt_true; lia. apply zlt_false; lia. Qed. Lemma decompose_leu: forall xh xl yh yl, negb (ltu (ofwords yh yl) (ofwords xh xl)) = if Int.eq xh yh then negb (Int.ltu yl xl) else Int.ltu xh yh. Proof. intros. rewrite decompose_ltu. rewrite Int.eq_sym. unfold Int.eq. destruct (zeq (Int.unsigned xh) (Int.unsigned yh)). auto. unfold Int.ltu. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned xh) (Int.unsigned yh)). rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. Qed. Lemma decompose_lt: forall xh xl yh yl, lt (ofwords xh xl) (ofwords yh yl) = if Int.eq xh yh then Int.ltu xl yl else Int.lt xh yh. Proof. intros. unfold lt. rewrite ! ofwords_add''. rewrite Int.eq_signed. destruct (zeq (Int.signed xh) (Int.signed yh)). rewrite e. unfold Int.ltu. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned xl) (Int.unsigned yl)). apply zlt_true; lia. apply zlt_false; lia. change (two_p 32) with Int.modulus. generalize (Int.unsigned_range xl) (Int.unsigned_range yl). change Int.modulus with 4294967296. intros. unfold Int.lt. destruct (zlt (Int.signed xh) (Int.signed yh)). apply zlt_true; lia. apply zlt_false; lia. Qed. Lemma decompose_le: forall xh xl yh yl, negb (lt (ofwords yh yl) (ofwords xh xl)) = if Int.eq xh yh then negb (Int.ltu yl xl) else Int.lt xh yh. Proof. intros. rewrite decompose_lt. rewrite Int.eq_sym. rewrite Int.eq_signed. destruct (zeq (Int.signed xh) (Int.signed yh)). auto. unfold Int.lt. destruct (zlt (Int.signed xh) (Int.signed yh)). rewrite zlt_false by lia; auto. rewrite zlt_true by lia; auto. Qed. (** Utility proofs for mixed 32bit and 64bit arithmetic *) Remark int_unsigned_range: forall x, 0 <= Int.unsigned x <= max_unsigned. Proof. intros. unfold max_unsigned. unfold modulus. generalize (Int.unsigned_range x). unfold Int.modulus in *. change (wordsize) with 64%nat in *. change (Int.wordsize) with 32%nat in *. unfold two_power_nat. simpl. lia. Qed. Remark int_unsigned_repr: forall x, unsigned (repr (Int.unsigned x)) = Int.unsigned x. Proof. intros. rewrite unsigned_repr. auto. apply int_unsigned_range. Qed. Lemma int_sub_ltu: forall x y, Int.ltu x y= true -> Int.unsigned (Int.sub y x) = unsigned (sub (repr (Int.unsigned y)) (repr (Int.unsigned x))). Proof. intros. generalize (Int.sub_ltu x y H). intros. unfold Int.sub. unfold sub. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_repr. rewrite unsigned_repr by apply int_unsigned_range. rewrite int_unsigned_repr. reflexivity. rewrite unsigned_repr by apply int_unsigned_range. rewrite int_unsigned_repr. generalize (int_unsigned_range y). lia. generalize (Int.sub_ltu x y H). intros. generalize (Int.unsigned_range_2 y). intros. lia. Qed. End Int64. Strategy 0 [Wordsize_64.wordsize]. Notation int64 := Int64.int. Global Opaque Int.repr Int64.repr Byte.repr. (** * Specialization to offsets in pointer values *) Module Wordsize_Ptrofs. Definition wordsize := if Archi.ptr64 then 64%nat else 32%nat. Remark wordsize_not_zero: wordsize <> 0%nat. Proof. unfold wordsize; destruct Archi.ptr64; congruence. Qed. End Wordsize_Ptrofs. Strategy opaque [Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize]. Module Ptrofs. Include Make(Wordsize_Ptrofs). Definition to_int (x: int): Int.int := Int.repr (unsigned x). Definition to_int64 (x: int): Int64.int := Int64.repr (unsigned x). Definition of_int (x: Int.int) : int := repr (Int.unsigned x). Definition of_intu := of_int. Definition of_ints (x: Int.int) : int := repr (Int.signed x). Definition of_int64 (x: Int64.int) : int := repr (Int64.unsigned x). Definition of_int64u := of_int64. Definition of_int64s (x: Int64.int) : int := repr (Int64.signed x). Section AGREE32. Hypothesis _32: Archi.ptr64 = false. Lemma modulus_eq32: modulus = Int.modulus. Proof. unfold modulus, wordsize. change Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize with (if Archi.ptr64 then 64%nat else 32%nat). rewrite _32. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eqm32: forall x y, Int.eqm x y <-> eqm x y. Proof. intros. unfold Int.eqm, eqm. rewrite modulus_eq32; tauto. Qed. Definition agree32 (a: Ptrofs.int) (b: Int.int) : Prop := Ptrofs.unsigned a = Int.unsigned b. Lemma agree32_repr: forall i, agree32 (Ptrofs.repr i) (Int.repr i). Proof. intros; red. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr_eq, Int.unsigned_repr_eq. apply f_equal2. auto. apply modulus_eq32. Qed. Lemma agree32_signed: forall a b, agree32 a b -> Ptrofs.signed a = Int.signed b. Proof. unfold agree32; intros. unfold signed, Int.signed, half_modulus, Int.half_modulus. rewrite modulus_eq32. rewrite H. auto. Qed. Lemma agree32_of_int: forall b, agree32 (of_int b) b. Proof. unfold of_int; intros. rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned b) at 2. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_of_ints: forall b, agree32 (of_ints b) b. Proof. unfold of_int; intros. rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed b) at 2. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_of_int_eq: forall a b, agree32 a b -> of_int b = a. Proof. unfold agree32, of_int; intros. rewrite <- H. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Lemma agree32_of_ints_eq: forall a b, agree32 a b -> of_ints b = a. Proof. unfold of_ints; intros. erewrite <- agree32_signed by eauto. apply repr_signed. Qed. Lemma agree32_to_int: forall a, agree32 a (to_int a). Proof. unfold agree32, to_int; intros. rewrite <- (agree32_repr (unsigned a)). rewrite repr_unsigned; auto. Qed. Lemma agree32_to_int_eq: forall a b, agree32 a b -> to_int a = b. Proof. unfold agree32, to_int; intros. rewrite H. apply Int.repr_unsigned. Qed. Lemma agree32_neg: forall a1 b1, agree32 a1 b1 -> agree32 (Ptrofs.neg a1) (Int.neg b1). Proof. unfold agree32, Ptrofs.neg, Int.neg; intros. rewrite H. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_add: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree32 a1 b1 -> agree32 a2 b2 -> agree32 (Ptrofs.add a1 a2) (Int.add b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree32, Ptrofs.add, Int.add; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_sub: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree32 a1 b1 -> agree32 a2 b2 -> agree32 (Ptrofs.sub a1 a2) (Int.sub b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree32, Ptrofs.sub, Int.sub; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_mul: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree32 a1 b1 -> agree32 a2 b2 -> agree32 (Ptrofs.mul a1 a2) (Int.mul b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree32, Ptrofs.mul, Int.mul; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma agree32_divs: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree32 a1 b1 -> agree32 a2 b2 -> agree32 (Ptrofs.divs a1 a2) (Int.divs b1 b2). Proof. intros; unfold agree32, Ptrofs.divs, Int.divs. erewrite ! agree32_signed by eauto. apply agree32_repr. Qed. Lemma of_int_to_int: forall n, of_int (to_int n) = n. Proof. intros; unfold of_int, to_int. apply eqm_repr_eq. rewrite <- eqm32. apply Int.eqm_sym; apply Int.eqm_unsigned_repr. Qed. Lemma to_int_of_int: forall n, to_int (of_int n) = n. Proof. intros; unfold of_int, to_int. rewrite unsigned_repr. apply Int.repr_unsigned. unfold max_unsigned. rewrite modulus_eq32. destruct (Int.unsigned_range n); lia. Qed. End AGREE32. Section AGREE64. Hypothesis _64: Archi.ptr64 = true. Lemma modulus_eq64: modulus = Int64.modulus. Proof. unfold modulus, wordsize. change Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize with (if Archi.ptr64 then 64%nat else 32%nat). rewrite _64. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eqm64: forall x y, Int64.eqm x y <-> eqm x y. Proof. intros. unfold Int64.eqm, eqm. rewrite modulus_eq64; tauto. Qed. Definition agree64 (a: Ptrofs.int) (b: Int64.int) : Prop := Ptrofs.unsigned a = Int64.unsigned b. Lemma agree64_repr: forall i, agree64 (Ptrofs.repr i) (Int64.repr i). Proof. intros; red. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr_eq, Int64.unsigned_repr_eq. apply f_equal2. auto. apply modulus_eq64. Qed. Lemma agree64_signed: forall a b, agree64 a b -> Ptrofs.signed a = Int64.signed b. Proof. unfold agree64; intros. unfold signed, Int64.signed, half_modulus, Int64.half_modulus. rewrite modulus_eq64. rewrite H. auto. Qed. Lemma agree64_of_int: forall b, agree64 (of_int64 b) b. Proof. unfold of_int64; intros. rewrite <- (Int64.repr_unsigned b) at 2. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma agree64_of_int_eq: forall a b, agree64 a b -> of_int64 b = a. Proof. unfold agree64, of_int64; intros. rewrite <- H. apply repr_unsigned. Qed. Lemma agree64_to_int: forall a, agree64 a (to_int64 a). Proof. unfold agree64, to_int64; intros. rewrite <- (agree64_repr (unsigned a)). rewrite repr_unsigned; auto. Qed. Lemma agree64_to_int_eq: forall a b, agree64 a b -> to_int64 a = b. Proof. unfold agree64, to_int64; intros. rewrite H. apply Int64.repr_unsigned. Qed. Lemma agree64_neg: forall a1 b1, agree64 a1 b1 -> agree64 (Ptrofs.neg a1) (Int64.neg b1). Proof. unfold agree64, Ptrofs.neg, Int64.neg; intros. rewrite H. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma agree64_add: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree64 a1 b1 -> agree64 a2 b2 -> agree64 (Ptrofs.add a1 a2) (Int64.add b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree64, Ptrofs.add, Int.add; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma agree64_sub: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree64 a1 b1 -> agree64 a2 b2 -> agree64 (Ptrofs.sub a1 a2) (Int64.sub b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree64, Ptrofs.sub, Int.sub; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma agree64_mul: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree64 a1 b1 -> agree64 a2 b2 -> agree64 (Ptrofs.mul a1 a2) (Int64.mul b1 b2). Proof. unfold agree64, Ptrofs.mul, Int.mul; intros. rewrite H, H0. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma agree64_divs: forall a1 b1 a2 b2, agree64 a1 b1 -> agree64 a2 b2 -> agree64 (Ptrofs.divs a1 a2) (Int64.divs b1 b2). Proof. intros; unfold agree64, Ptrofs.divs, Int64.divs. erewrite ! agree64_signed by eauto. apply agree64_repr. Qed. Lemma of_int64_to_int64: forall n, of_int64 (to_int64 n) = n. Proof. intros; unfold of_int64, to_int64. apply eqm_repr_eq. rewrite <- eqm64. apply Int64.eqm_sym; apply Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr. Qed. Lemma to_int64_of_int64: forall n, to_int64 (of_int64 n) = n. Proof. intros; unfold of_int64, to_int64. rewrite unsigned_repr. apply Int64.repr_unsigned. unfold max_unsigned. rewrite modulus_eq64. destruct (Int64.unsigned_range n); lia. Qed. End AGREE64. Global Hint Resolve agree32_repr agree32_of_int agree32_of_ints agree32_of_int_eq agree32_of_ints_eq agree32_to_int agree32_to_int_eq agree32_neg agree32_add agree32_sub agree32_mul agree32_divs agree64_repr agree64_of_int agree64_of_int_eq agree64_to_int agree64_to_int_eq agree64_neg agree64_add agree64_sub agree64_mul agree64_divs : ptrofs. End Ptrofs. Strategy 0 [Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize]. Notation ptrofs := Ptrofs.int. Global Opaque Ptrofs.repr. Global Hint Resolve Int.modulus_pos Int.eqm_refl Int.eqm_refl2 Int.eqm_sym Int.eqm_trans Int.eqm_small_eq Int.eqm_add Int.eqm_neg Int.eqm_sub Int.eqm_mult Int.eqm_unsigned_repr Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_l Int.eqm_unsigned_repr_r Int.unsigned_range Int.unsigned_range_2 Int.repr_unsigned Int.repr_signed Int.unsigned_repr : ints. Global Hint Resolve Int64.modulus_pos Int64.eqm_refl Int64.eqm_refl2 Int64.eqm_sym Int64.eqm_trans Int64.eqm_small_eq Int64.eqm_add Int64.eqm_neg Int64.eqm_sub Int64.eqm_mult Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr_l Int64.eqm_unsigned_repr_r Int64.unsigned_range Int64.unsigned_range_2 Int64.repr_unsigned Int64.repr_signed Int64.unsigned_repr : ints. Global Hint Resolve Ptrofs.modulus_pos Ptrofs.eqm_refl Ptrofs.eqm_refl2 Ptrofs.eqm_sym Ptrofs.eqm_trans Ptrofs.eqm_small_eq Ptrofs.eqm_add Ptrofs.eqm_neg Ptrofs.eqm_sub Ptrofs.eqm_mult Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr_l Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr_r Ptrofs.unsigned_range Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2 Ptrofs.repr_unsigned Ptrofs.repr_signed Ptrofs.unsigned_repr : ints.