(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Applicative finite maps are the main data structure used in this project. A finite map associates data to keys. The two main operations are [set k d m], which returns a map identical to [m] except that [d] is associated to [k], and [get k m] which returns the data associated to key [k] in map [m]. In this library, we distinguish two kinds of maps: - Trees: the [get] operation returns an option type, either [None] if no data is associated to the key, or [Some d] otherwise. - Maps: the [get] operation always returns a data. If no data was explicitly associated with the key, a default data provided at map initialization time is returned. In this library, we provide efficient implementations of trees and maps whose keys range over the type [positive] of binary positive integers or any type that can be injected into [positive]. The implementation is based on radix-2 search trees (uncompressed Patricia trees) and guarantees logarithmic-time operations. An inefficient implementation of maps as functions is also provided. *) Require Import EquivDec. Require Import Coqlib. (* To avoid useless definitions of inductors in extracted code. *) Local Unset Elimination Schemes. Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes. Set Implicit Arguments. (** * The abstract signatures of trees *) Module Type TREE. Variable elt: Type. Variable elt_eq: forall (a b: elt), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Variable t: Type -> Type. Variable empty: forall (A: Type), t A. Variable get: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> option A. Variable set: forall (A: Type), elt -> A -> t A -> t A. Variable remove: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> t A. (** The ``good variables'' properties for trees, expressing commutations between [get], [set] and [remove]. *) Hypothesis gempty: forall (A: Type) (i: elt), get i (empty A) = None. Hypothesis gss: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = Some x. Hypothesis gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m. Hypothesis gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then Some x else get i m. Hypothesis gsident: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v: A), get i m = Some v -> set i v m = m. (* We could implement the following, but it's not needed for the moment. Hypothesis grident: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v: A), get i m = None -> remove i m = m. *) Hypothesis grs: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (remove i m) = None. Hypothesis gro: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m. Hypothesis grspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m. (** Extensional equality between trees. *) Variable beq: forall (A: Type), (A -> A -> bool) -> t A -> t A -> bool. Hypothesis beq_correct: forall (A: Type) (P: A -> A -> Prop) (cmp: A -> A -> bool), (forall (x y: A), cmp x y = true -> P x y) -> forall (t1 t2: t A), beq cmp t1 t2 = true -> forall (x: elt), match get x t1, get x t2 with | None, None => True | Some y1, Some y2 => P y1 y2 | _, _ => False end. (** Applying a function to all data of a tree. *) Variable map: forall (A B: Type), (elt -> A -> B) -> t A -> t B. Hypothesis gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: elt -> A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = option_map (f i) (get i m). (** Same as [map], but the function does not receive the [elt] argument. *) Variable map1: forall (A B: Type), (A -> B) -> t A -> t B. Hypothesis gmap1: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (map1 f m) = option_map f (get i m). (** Filtering data that match a given predicate. *) Variable filter1: forall (A: Type), (A -> bool) -> t A -> t A. Hypothesis gfilter1: forall (A: Type) (pred: A -> bool) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (filter1 pred m) = match get i m with None => None | Some x => if pred x then Some x else None end. (** Applying a function pairwise to all data of two trees. *) Variable combine: forall (A: Type), (option A -> option A -> option A) -> t A -> t A -> t A. Hypothesis gcombine: forall (A: Type) (f: option A -> option A -> option A), f None None = None -> forall (m1 m2: t A) (i: elt), get i (combine f m1 m2) = f (get i m1) (get i m2). Hypothesis combine_commut: forall (A: Type) (f g: option A -> option A -> option A), (forall (i j: option A), f i j = g j i) -> forall (m1 m2: t A), combine f m1 m2 = combine g m2 m1. (** Enumerating the bindings of a tree. *) Variable elements: forall (A: Type), t A -> list (elt * A). Hypothesis elements_correct: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: elt) (v: A), get i m = Some v -> In (i, v) (elements m). Hypothesis elements_complete: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: elt) (v: A), In (i, v) (elements m) -> get i m = Some v. Hypothesis elements_keys_norepet: forall (A: Type) (m: t A), list_norepet (List.map (@fst elt A) (elements m)). (** Folding a function over all bindings of a tree. *) Variable fold: forall (A B: Type), (B -> elt -> A -> B) -> t A -> B -> B. Hypothesis fold_spec: forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> elt -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A), fold f m v = List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (elements m) v. End TREE. (** * The abstract signatures of maps *) Module Type MAP. Variable elt: Type. Variable elt_eq: forall (a b: elt), {a = b} + {a <> b}. Variable t: Type -> Type. Variable init: forall (A: Type), A -> t A. Variable get: forall (A: Type), elt -> t A -> A. Variable set: forall (A: Type), elt -> A -> t A -> t A. Hypothesis gi: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A), get i (init x) = x. Hypothesis gss: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x. Hypothesis gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m. Hypothesis gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then x else get i m. Hypothesis gsident: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m. Variable map: forall (A B: Type), (A -> B) -> t A -> t B. Hypothesis gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = f(get i m). End MAP. (** * An implementation of trees over type [positive] *) Module PTree <: TREE. Definition elt := positive. Definition elt_eq := peq. Inductive tree (A : Type) : Type := | Leaf : tree A | Node : tree A -> option A -> tree A -> tree A. Implicit Arguments Leaf [A]. Implicit Arguments Node [A]. Scheme tree_ind := Induction for tree Sort Prop. Definition t := tree. Definition empty (A : Type) := (Leaf : t A). Fixpoint get (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : option A := match m with | Leaf => None | Node l o r => match i with | xH => o | xO ii => get ii l | xI ii => get ii r end end. Fixpoint set (A : Type) (i : positive) (v : A) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A := match m with | Leaf => match i with | xH => Node Leaf (Some v) Leaf | xO ii => Node (set ii v Leaf) None Leaf | xI ii => Node Leaf None (set ii v Leaf) end | Node l o r => match i with | xH => Node l (Some v) r | xO ii => Node (set ii v l) o r | xI ii => Node l o (set ii v r) end end. Fixpoint remove (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) {struct i} : t A := match i with | xH => match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node Leaf o Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => Node l None r end | xO ii => match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l None Leaf => match remove ii l with | Leaf => Leaf | mm => Node mm None Leaf end | Node l o r => Node (remove ii l) o r end | xI ii => match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node Leaf None r => match remove ii r with | Leaf => Leaf | mm => Node Leaf None mm end | Node l o r => Node l o (remove ii r) end end. Theorem gempty: forall (A: Type) (i: positive), get i (empty A) = None. Proof. induction i; simpl; auto. Qed. Theorem gss: forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = Some x. Proof. induction i; destruct m; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma gleaf : forall (A : Type) (i : positive), get i (Leaf : t A) = None. Proof. exact gempty. Qed. Theorem gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m; simpl; try rewrite <- (gleaf A i); auto; try apply IHi; congruence. Qed. Theorem gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if peq i j then Some x else get i m. Proof. intros. destruct (peq i j); [ rewrite e; apply gss | apply gso; auto ]. Qed. Theorem gsident: forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (m: t A) (v: A), get i m = Some v -> set i v m = m. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; simpl in H; try congruence. rewrite (IHi m2 v H); congruence. rewrite (IHi m1 v H); congruence. Qed. Theorem set2: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (m: t A) (v1 v2: A), set i v2 (set i v1 m) = set i v2 m. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; try (rewrite IHi); auto. Qed. Lemma rleaf : forall (A : Type) (i : positive), remove i (Leaf : t A) = Leaf. Proof. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed. Theorem grs: forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (m: t A), get i (remove i m) = None. Proof. induction i; destruct m. simpl; auto. destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2 as [ | ll oo rr]; simpl; auto. rewrite (rleaf A i); auto. cut (get i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None). destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi. apply IHi. simpl; auto. destruct m1 as [ | ll oo rr]; destruct o; destruct m2; simpl; auto. rewrite (rleaf A i); auto. cut (get i (remove i (Node ll oo rr)) = None). destruct (remove i (Node ll oo rr)); auto; apply IHi. apply IHi. simpl; auto. destruct m1; destruct m2; simpl; auto. Qed. Theorem gro: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (remove j m) = get i m. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct j; destruct m; try rewrite (rleaf A (xI j)); try rewrite (rleaf A (xO j)); try rewrite (rleaf A 1); auto; destruct m1; destruct o; destruct m2; simpl; try apply IHi; try congruence; try rewrite (rleaf A j); auto; try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto. cut (get i (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)) = get i (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); [ destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto | apply IHi; congruence ]. destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto. destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto. cut (get i (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)) = get i (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); [ destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto | apply IHi; congruence ]. destruct (remove j (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto. destruct (remove j (Node m1_1 o0 m1_2)); simpl; try rewrite (gleaf A i); auto. Qed. Theorem grspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get i (remove j m) = if elt_eq i j then None else get i m. Proof. intros. destruct (elt_eq i j). subst j. apply grs. apply gro; auto. Qed. Section EXTENSIONAL_EQUALITY. Variable A: Type. Variable eqA: A -> A -> Prop. Variable beqA: A -> A -> bool. Fixpoint bempty (m: t A) : bool := match m with | Leaf => true | Node l None r => bempty l && bempty r | Node l (Some _) r => false end. Fixpoint beq (m1 m2: t A) {struct m1} : bool := match m1, m2 with | Leaf, _ => bempty m2 | _, Leaf => bempty m1 | Node l1 o1 r1, Node l2 o2 r2 => match o1, o2 with | None, None => true | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2 | _, _ => false end && beq l1 l2 && beq r1 r2 end. Lemma bempty_correct: forall m, bempty m = true -> forall x, get x m = None. Proof. induction m; simpl; intros. change (@Leaf A) with (empty A). apply gempty. destruct o. congruence. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct x; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma bempty_complete: forall m, (forall x, get x m = None) -> bempty m = true. Proof. induction m; simpl; intros. auto. destruct o. generalize (H xH); simpl; congruence. rewrite IHm1. rewrite IHm2. auto. intros; apply (H (xI x)). intros; apply (H (xO x)). Qed. Hypothesis beqA_correct: forall x y, beqA x y = true -> eqA x y. Definition exteq (m1 m2: t A) : Prop := forall (x: elt), match get x m1, get x m2 with | None, None => True | Some y1, Some y2 => eqA y1 y2 | _, _ => False end. Lemma beq_correct: forall m1 m2, beq m1 m2 = true -> exteq m1 m2. Proof. induction m1; destruct m2; simpl. intros; red; intros. change (@Leaf A) with (empty A). repeat rewrite gempty. auto. destruct o; intro. congruence. red; intros. change (@Leaf A) with (empty A). rewrite gempty. rewrite bempty_correct. auto. assumption. destruct o; intro. congruence. red; intros. change (@Leaf A) with (empty A). rewrite gempty. rewrite bempty_correct. auto. assumption. destruct o; destruct o0; simpl; intro; try congruence. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). destruct (andb_prop _ _ H0). red; intros. destruct x; simpl. apply IHm1_2; auto. apply IHm1_1; auto. apply beqA_correct; auto. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H). red; intros. destruct x; simpl. apply IHm1_2; auto. apply IHm1_1; auto. auto. Qed. Hypothesis beqA_complete: forall x y, eqA x y -> beqA x y = true. Lemma beq_complete: forall m1 m2, exteq m1 m2 -> beq m1 m2 = true. Proof. induction m1; destruct m2; simpl; intros. auto. change (bempty (Node m2_1 o m2_2) = true). apply bempty_complete. intros. generalize (H x). rewrite gleaf. destruct (get x (Node m2_1 o m2_2)); tauto. change (bempty (Node m1_1 o m1_2) = true). apply bempty_complete. intros. generalize (H x). rewrite gleaf. destruct (get x (Node m1_1 o m1_2)); tauto. apply andb_true_intro. split. apply andb_true_intro. split. generalize (H xH); simpl. destruct o; destruct o0; auto. apply IHm1_1. red; intros. apply (H (xO x)). apply IHm1_2. red; intros. apply (H (xI x)). Qed. End EXTENSIONAL_EQUALITY. Fixpoint append (i j : positive) {struct i} : positive := match i with | xH => j | xI ii => xI (append ii j) | xO ii => xO (append ii j) end. Lemma append_assoc_0 : forall (i j : positive), append i (xO j) = append (append i (xO xH)) j. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct j; simpl; try rewrite (IHi (xI j)); try rewrite (IHi (xO j)); try rewrite <- (IHi xH); auto. Qed. Lemma append_assoc_1 : forall (i j : positive), append i (xI j) = append (append i (xI xH)) j. Proof. induction i; intros; destruct j; simpl; try rewrite (IHi (xI j)); try rewrite (IHi (xO j)); try rewrite <- (IHi xH); auto. Qed. Lemma append_neutral_r : forall (i : positive), append i xH = i. Proof. induction i; simpl; congruence. Qed. Lemma append_neutral_l : forall (i : positive), append xH i = i. Proof. simpl; auto. Qed. Fixpoint xmap (A B : Type) (f : positive -> A -> B) (m : t A) (i : positive) {struct m} : t B := match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => Node (xmap f l (append i (xO xH))) (option_map (f i) o) (xmap f r (append i (xI xH))) end. Definition map (A B : Type) (f : positive -> A -> B) m := xmap f m xH. Lemma xgmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i j : positive) (m: t A), get i (xmap f m j) = option_map (f (append j i)) (get i m). Proof. induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto. rewrite (append_assoc_1 j i); apply IHi. rewrite (append_assoc_0 j i); apply IHi. rewrite (append_neutral_r j); auto. Qed. Theorem gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: positive -> A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = option_map (f i) (get i m). Proof. intros. unfold map. replace (f i) with (f (append xH i)). apply xgmap. rewrite append_neutral_l; auto. Qed. Fixpoint map1 (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) {struct m} : t B := match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => Node (map1 f l) (option_map f o) (map1 f r) end. Theorem gmap1: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (map1 f m) = option_map f (get i m). Proof. induction i; intros; destruct m; simpl; auto. Qed. Definition Node' (A: Type) (l: t A) (x: option A) (r: t A): t A := match l, x, r with | Leaf, None, Leaf => Leaf | _, _, _ => Node l x r end. Lemma gnode': forall (A: Type) (l r: t A) (x: option A) (i: positive), get i (Node' l x r) = get i (Node l x r). Proof. intros. unfold Node'. destruct l; destruct x; destruct r; auto. destruct i; simpl; auto; rewrite gleaf; auto. Qed. Fixpoint filter1 (A: Type) (pred: A -> bool) (m: t A) {struct m} : t A := match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => let o' := match o with None => None | Some x => if pred x then o else None end in Node' (filter1 pred l) o' (filter1 pred r) end. Theorem gfilter1: forall (A: Type) (pred: A -> bool) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (filter1 pred m) = match get i m with None => None | Some x => if pred x then Some x else None end. Proof. intros until m. revert m i. induction m; simpl; intros. rewrite gleaf; auto. rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto. destruct o; auto. Qed. Section COMBINE. Variable A: Type. Variable f: option A -> option A -> option A. Hypothesis f_none_none: f None None = None. Fixpoint xcombine_l (m : t A) {struct m} : t A := match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => Node' (xcombine_l l) (f o None) (xcombine_l r) end. Lemma xgcombine_l : forall (m: t A) (i : positive), get i (xcombine_l m) = f (get i m) None. Proof. induction m; intros; simpl. repeat rewrite gleaf. auto. rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed. Fixpoint xcombine_r (m : t A) {struct m} : t A := match m with | Leaf => Leaf | Node l o r => Node' (xcombine_r l) (f None o) (xcombine_r r) end. Lemma xgcombine_r : forall (m: t A) (i : positive), get i (xcombine_r m) = f None (get i m). Proof. induction m; intros; simpl. repeat rewrite gleaf. auto. rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed. Fixpoint combine (m1 m2 : t A) {struct m1} : t A := match m1 with | Leaf => xcombine_r m2 | Node l1 o1 r1 => match m2 with | Leaf => xcombine_l m1 | Node l2 o2 r2 => Node' (combine l1 l2) (f o1 o2) (combine r1 r2) end end. Theorem gcombine: forall (m1 m2: t A) (i: positive), get i (combine m1 m2) = f (get i m1) (get i m2). Proof. induction m1; intros; simpl. rewrite gleaf. apply xgcombine_r. destruct m2; simpl. rewrite gleaf. rewrite <- xgcombine_l. auto. repeat rewrite gnode'. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed. End COMBINE. Lemma xcombine_lr : forall (A : Type) (f g : option A -> option A -> option A) (m : t A), (forall (i j : option A), f i j = g j i) -> xcombine_l f m = xcombine_r g m. Proof. induction m; intros; simpl; auto. rewrite IHm1; auto. rewrite IHm2; auto. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Theorem combine_commut: forall (A: Type) (f g: option A -> option A -> option A), (forall (i j: option A), f i j = g j i) -> forall (m1 m2: t A), combine f m1 m2 = combine g m2 m1. Proof. intros A f g EQ1. assert (EQ2: forall (i j: option A), g i j = f j i). intros; auto. induction m1; intros; destruct m2; simpl; try rewrite EQ1; repeat rewrite (xcombine_lr f g); repeat rewrite (xcombine_lr g f); auto. rewrite IHm1_1. rewrite IHm1_2. auto. Qed. Fixpoint xelements (A : Type) (m : t A) (i : positive) {struct m} : list (positive * A) := match m with | Leaf => nil | Node l None r => (xelements l (append i (xO xH))) ++ (xelements r (append i (xI xH))) | Node l (Some x) r => (xelements l (append i (xO xH))) ++ ((i, x) :: xelements r (append i (xI xH))) end. (* Note: function [xelements] above is inefficient. We should apply deforestation to it, but that makes the proofs even harder. *) Definition elements A (m : t A) := xelements m xH. Lemma xelements_correct: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A), get i m = Some v -> In (append j i, v) (xelements m j). Proof. induction m; intros. rewrite (gleaf A i) in H; congruence. destruct o; destruct i; simpl; simpl in H. rewrite append_assoc_1; apply in_or_app; right; apply in_cons; apply IHm2; auto. rewrite append_assoc_0; apply in_or_app; left; apply IHm1; auto. rewrite append_neutral_r; apply in_or_app; injection H; intro EQ; rewrite EQ; right; apply in_eq. rewrite append_assoc_1; apply in_or_app; right; apply IHm2; auto. rewrite append_assoc_0; apply in_or_app; left; apply IHm1; auto. congruence. Qed. Theorem elements_correct: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A), get i m = Some v -> In (i, v) (elements m). Proof. intros A m i v H. exact (xelements_correct m i xH H). Qed. Fixpoint xget (A : Type) (i j : positive) (m : t A) {struct j} : option A := match i, j with | _, xH => get i m | xO ii, xO jj => xget ii jj m | xI ii, xI jj => xget ii jj m | _, _ => None end. Lemma xget_left : forall (A : Type) (j i : positive) (m1 m2 : t A) (o : option A) (v : A), xget i (append j (xO xH)) m1 = Some v -> xget i j (Node m1 o m2) = Some v. Proof. induction j; intros; destruct i; simpl; simpl in H; auto; try congruence. destruct i; congruence. Qed. Lemma xelements_ii : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A), In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xI j)) -> In (i, v) (xelements m j). Proof. induction m. simpl; auto. intros; destruct o; simpl; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H); apply in_or_app. left; apply IHm1; auto. right; destruct (in_inv H0). injection H1; intros EQ1 EQ2; rewrite EQ1; rewrite EQ2; apply in_eq. apply in_cons; apply IHm2; auto. left; apply IHm1; auto. right; apply IHm2; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_io : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A), ~In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xO j)). Proof. induction m. simpl; auto. intros; destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0). destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H1). apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0). apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H0). Qed. Lemma xelements_oo : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A), In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xO j)) -> In (i, v) (xelements m j). Proof. induction m. simpl; auto. intros; destruct o; simpl; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H); apply in_or_app. left; apply IHm1; auto. right; destruct (in_inv H0). injection H1; intros EQ1 EQ2; rewrite EQ1; rewrite EQ2; apply in_eq. apply in_cons; apply IHm2; auto. left; apply IHm1; auto. right; apply IHm2; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_oi : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i j : positive) (v: A), ~In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xI j)). Proof. induction m. simpl; auto. intros; destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0). destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H1). apply (IHm1 _ _ _ H0). apply (IHm2 _ _ _ H0). Qed. Lemma xelements_ih : forall (A: Type) (m1 m2: t A) (o: option A) (i : positive) (v: A), In (xI i, v) (xelements (Node m1 o m2) xH) -> In (i, v) (xelements m2 xH). Proof. destruct o; simpl; intros; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). absurd (In (xI i, v) (xelements m1 2)); auto; apply xelements_io; auto. destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. apply xelements_ii; auto. absurd (In (xI i, v) (xelements m1 2)); auto; apply xelements_io; auto. apply xelements_ii; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_oh : forall (A: Type) (m1 m2: t A) (o: option A) (i : positive) (v: A), In (xO i, v) (xelements (Node m1 o m2) xH) -> In (i, v) (xelements m1 xH). Proof. destruct o; simpl; intros; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). apply xelements_oo; auto. destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. absurd (In (xO i, v) (xelements m2 3)); auto; apply xelements_oi; auto. apply xelements_oo; auto. absurd (In (xO i, v) (xelements m2 3)); auto; apply xelements_oi; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_hi : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i : positive) (v: A), ~In (xH, v) (xelements m (xI i)). Proof. induction m; intros. simpl; auto. destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto. destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. generalize H1; apply IHm2; auto. generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto. generalize H0; apply IHm2; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_ho : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i : positive) (v: A), ~In (xH, v) (xelements m (xO i)). Proof. induction m; intros. simpl; auto. destruct o; simpl; intro H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto. destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. generalize H1; apply IHm2; auto. generalize H0; apply IHm1; auto. generalize H0; apply IHm2; auto. Qed. Lemma get_xget_h : forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive), get i m = xget i xH m. Proof. destruct i; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_complete: forall (A: Type) (i j : positive) (m: t A) (v: A), In (i, v) (xelements m j) -> xget i j m = Some v. Proof. induction i; simpl; intros; destruct j; simpl. apply IHi; apply xelements_ii; auto. absurd (In (xI i, v) (xelements m (xO j))); auto; apply xelements_io. destruct m. simpl in H; tauto. rewrite get_xget_h. apply IHi. apply (xelements_ih _ _ _ _ _ H). absurd (In (xO i, v) (xelements m (xI j))); auto; apply xelements_oi. apply IHi; apply xelements_oo; auto. destruct m. simpl in H; tauto. rewrite get_xget_h. apply IHi. apply (xelements_oh _ _ _ _ _ H). absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m (xI j))); auto; apply xelements_hi. absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m (xO j))); auto; apply xelements_ho. destruct m. simpl in H; tauto. destruct o; simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H). absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m1 (xO xH))); auto; apply xelements_ho. destruct (in_inv H0). congruence. absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m2 (xI xH))); auto; apply xelements_hi. absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m1 (xO xH))); auto; apply xelements_ho. absurd (In (xH, v) (xelements m2 (xI xH))); auto; apply xelements_hi. Qed. Theorem elements_complete: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) (v: A), In (i, v) (elements m) -> get i m = Some v. Proof. intros A m i v H. unfold elements in H. rewrite get_xget_h. exact (xelements_complete i xH m v H). Qed. Lemma in_xelements: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i k: positive) (v: A), In (k, v) (xelements m i) -> exists j, k = append i j. Proof. induction m; simpl; intros. tauto. assert (k = i \/ In (k, v) (xelements m1 (append i 2)) \/ In (k, v) (xelements m2 (append i 3))). destruct o. elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H); simpl; intuition. replace k with i. tauto. congruence. elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H); simpl; intuition. elim H0; intro. exists xH. rewrite append_neutral_r. auto. elim H1; intro. elim (IHm1 _ _ _ H2). intros k1 EQ. rewrite EQ. rewrite <- append_assoc_0. exists (xO k1); auto. elim (IHm2 _ _ _ H2). intros k1 EQ. rewrite EQ. rewrite <- append_assoc_1. exists (xI k1); auto. Qed. Definition xkeys (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive) := List.map (@fst positive A) (xelements m i). Lemma in_xkeys: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i k: positive), In k (xkeys m i) -> exists j, k = append i j. Proof. unfold xkeys; intros. elim (list_in_map_inv _ _ _ H). intros [k1 v1] [EQ IN]. simpl in EQ; subst k1. apply in_xelements with A m v1. auto. Qed. Remark list_append_cons_norepet: forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A) (x: A), list_norepet l1 -> list_norepet l2 -> list_disjoint l1 l2 -> ~In x l1 -> ~In x l2 -> list_norepet (l1 ++ x :: l2). Proof. intros. apply list_norepet_append_commut. simpl; constructor. red; intros. elim (in_app_or _ _ _ H4); intro; tauto. apply list_norepet_append; auto. apply list_disjoint_sym; auto. Qed. Lemma append_injective: forall i j1 j2, append i j1 = append i j2 -> j1 = j2. Proof. induction i; simpl; intros. apply IHi. congruence. apply IHi. congruence. auto. Qed. Lemma xelements_keys_norepet: forall (A: Type) (m: t A) (i: positive), list_norepet (xkeys m i). Proof. induction m; unfold xkeys; simpl; fold xkeys; intros. constructor. assert (list_disjoint (xkeys m1 (append i 2)) (xkeys m2 (append i 3))). red; intros; red; intro. subst y. elim (in_xkeys _ _ _ H); intros j1 EQ1. elim (in_xkeys _ _ _ H0); intros j2 EQ2. rewrite EQ1 in EQ2. rewrite <- append_assoc_0 in EQ2. rewrite <- append_assoc_1 in EQ2. generalize (append_injective _ _ _ EQ2). congruence. assert (forall (m: t A) j, j = 2%positive \/ j = 3%positive -> ~In i (xkeys m (append i j))). intros; red; intros. elim (in_xkeys _ _ _ H1); intros k EQ. assert (EQ1: append i xH = append (append i j) k). rewrite append_neutral_r. auto. elim H0; intro; subst j; try (rewrite <- append_assoc_0 in EQ1); try (rewrite <- append_assoc_1 in EQ1); generalize (append_injective _ _ _ EQ1); congruence. destruct o; rewrite list_append_map; simpl; change (List.map (@fst positive A) (xelements m1 (append i 2))) with (xkeys m1 (append i 2)); change (List.map (@fst positive A) (xelements m2 (append i 3))) with (xkeys m2 (append i 3)). apply list_append_cons_norepet; auto. apply list_norepet_append; auto. Qed. Theorem elements_keys_norepet: forall (A: Type) (m: t A), list_norepet (List.map (@fst elt A) (elements m)). Proof. intros. change (list_norepet (xkeys m 1)). apply xelements_keys_norepet. Qed. Theorem elements_canonical_order: forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop) (m: t A) (n: t B), (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) -> (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) -> list_forall2 (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y)) (elements m) (elements n). Proof. intros until R. assert (forall m n j, (forall i x, get i m = Some x -> exists y, get i n = Some y /\ R x y) -> (forall i y, get i n = Some y -> exists x, get i m = Some x /\ R x y) -> list_forall2 (fun i_x i_y => fst i_x = fst i_y /\ R (snd i_x) (snd i_y)) (xelements m j) (xelements n j)). induction m; induction n; intros; simpl. constructor. destruct o. exploit (H0 xH). simpl. reflexivity. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence. change (@nil (positive*A)) with ((@nil (positive * A))++nil). apply list_forall2_app. apply IHn1. intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence. intros. exploit (H0 (xO i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence. apply IHn2. intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence. intros. exploit (H0 (xI i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence. destruct o. exploit (H xH). simpl. reflexivity. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]. congruence. change (@nil (positive*B)) with (xelements (@Leaf B) (append j 2) ++ (xelements (@Leaf B) (append j 3))). apply list_forall2_app. apply IHm1. intros. exploit (H (xO i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence. intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence. apply IHm2. intros. exploit (H (xI i)). simpl; eauto. rewrite gleaf. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence. intros. rewrite gleaf in H1. congruence. exploit (IHm1 n1 (append j 2)). intros. exploit (H (xO i)). simpl; eauto. simpl. auto. intros. exploit (H0 (xO i)). simpl; eauto. simpl; auto. intro REC1. exploit (IHm2 n2 (append j 3)). intros. exploit (H (xI i)). simpl; eauto. simpl. auto. intros. exploit (H0 (xI i)). simpl; eauto. simpl; auto. intro REC2. destruct o; destruct o0. apply list_forall2_app; auto. constructor; auto. simpl; split; auto. exploit (H xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [y [P Q]]. congruence. exploit (H xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [y [P Q]]; congruence. exploit (H0 xH). simpl; eauto. simpl. intros [x [P Q]]; congruence. apply list_forall2_app; auto. unfold elements; auto. Qed. Theorem elements_extensional: forall (A: Type) (m n: t A), (forall i, get i m = get i n) -> elements m = elements n. Proof. intros. exploit (elements_canonical_order (fun (x y: A) => x = y) m n). intros. rewrite H in H0. exists x; auto. intros. rewrite <- H in H0. exists y; auto. induction 1. auto. destruct a1 as [a2 a3]; destruct b1 as [b2 b3]; simpl in *. destruct H0. congruence. Qed. Fixpoint xfold (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A) (v: B) {struct m} : B := match m with | Leaf => v | Node l None r => let v1 := xfold f (append i (xO xH)) l v in xfold f (append i (xI xH)) r v1 | Node l (Some x) r => let v1 := xfold f (append i (xO xH)) l v in let v2 := f v1 i x in xfold f (append i (xI xH)) r v2 end. Definition fold (A B : Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (m: t A) (v: B) := xfold f xH m v. Lemma xfold_xelements: forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) m i v, xfold f i m v = List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (xelements m i) v. Proof. induction m; intros. simpl. auto. simpl. destruct o. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl. rewrite IHm1. apply IHm2. rewrite fold_left_app. simpl. rewrite IHm1. apply IHm2. Qed. Theorem fold_spec: forall (A B: Type) (f: B -> positive -> A -> B) (v: B) (m: t A), fold f m v = List.fold_left (fun a p => f a (fst p) (snd p)) (elements m) v. Proof. intros. unfold fold, elements. apply xfold_xelements. Qed. End PTree. (** * An implementation of maps over type [positive] *) Module PMap <: MAP. Definition elt := positive. Definition elt_eq := peq. Definition t (A : Type) : Type := (A * PTree.t A)%type. Definition init (A : Type) (x : A) := (x, PTree.empty A). Definition get (A : Type) (i : positive) (m : t A) := match PTree.get i (snd m) with | Some x => x | None => fst m end. Definition set (A : Type) (i : positive) (x : A) (m : t A) := (fst m, PTree.set i x (snd m)). Theorem gi: forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A), get i (init x) = x. Proof. intros. unfold init. unfold get. simpl. rewrite PTree.gempty. auto. Qed. Theorem gss: forall (A: Type) (i: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x. Proof. intros. unfold get. unfold set. simpl. rewrite PTree.gss. auto. Qed. Theorem gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m. Proof. intros. unfold get. unfold set. simpl. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. Qed. Theorem gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if peq i j then x else get i m. Proof. intros. destruct (peq i j). rewrite e. apply gss. auto. apply gso. auto. Qed. Theorem gsident: forall (A: Type) (i j: positive) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m. Proof. intros. destruct (peq i j). rewrite e. rewrite gss. auto. rewrite gso; auto. Qed. Definition map (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (m : t A) : t B := (f (fst m), PTree.map1 f (snd m)). Theorem gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: positive) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = f(get i m). Proof. intros. unfold map. unfold get. simpl. rewrite PTree.gmap1. unfold option_map. destruct (PTree.get i (snd m)); auto. Qed. Theorem set2: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x y: A) (m: t A), set i y (set i x m) = set i y m. Proof. intros. unfold set. simpl. decEq. apply PTree.set2. Qed. End PMap. (** * An implementation of maps over any type that injects into type [positive] *) Module Type INDEXED_TYPE. Variable t: Type. Variable index: t -> positive. Hypothesis index_inj: forall (x y: t), index x = index y -> x = y. Variable eq: forall (x y: t), {x = y} + {x <> y}. End INDEXED_TYPE. Module IMap(X: INDEXED_TYPE). Definition elt := X.t. Definition elt_eq := X.eq. Definition t : Type -> Type := PMap.t. Definition init (A: Type) (x: A) := PMap.init x. Definition get (A: Type) (i: X.t) (m: t A) := PMap.get (X.index i) m. Definition set (A: Type) (i: X.t) (v: A) (m: t A) := PMap.set (X.index i) v m. Definition map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) : t B := PMap.map f m. Lemma gi: forall (A: Type) (x: A) (i: X.t), get i (init x) = x. Proof. intros. unfold get, init. apply PMap.gi. Qed. Lemma gss: forall (A: Type) (i: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set i x m) = x. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. apply PMap.gss. Qed. Lemma gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> get i (set j x m) = get i m. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. apply PMap.gso. red. intro. apply H. apply X.index_inj; auto. Qed. Lemma gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: X.t) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if X.eq i j then x else get i m. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. rewrite PMap.gsspec. case (X.eq i j); intro. subst j. rewrite peq_true. reflexivity. rewrite peq_false. reflexivity. red; intro. elim n. apply X.index_inj; auto. Qed. Lemma gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: X.t) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = f(get i m). Proof. intros. unfold map, get. apply PMap.gmap. Qed. Lemma set2: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x y: A) (m: t A), set i y (set i x m) = set i y m. Proof. intros. unfold set. apply PMap.set2. Qed. End IMap. Module ZIndexed. Definition t := Z. Definition index (z: Z): positive := match z with | Z0 => xH | Zpos p => xO p | Zneg p => xI p end. Lemma index_inj: forall (x y: Z), index x = index y -> x = y. Proof. unfold index; destruct x; destruct y; intros; try discriminate; try reflexivity. congruence. congruence. Qed. Definition eq := zeq. End ZIndexed. Module ZMap := IMap(ZIndexed). Module NIndexed. Definition t := N. Definition index (n: N): positive := match n with | N0 => xH | Npos p => xO p end. Lemma index_inj: forall (x y: N), index x = index y -> x = y. Proof. unfold index; destruct x; destruct y; intros; try discriminate; try reflexivity. congruence. Qed. Lemma eq: forall (x y: N), {x = y} + {x <> y}. Proof. decide equality. apply peq. Qed. End NIndexed. Module NMap := IMap(NIndexed). (** * An implementation of maps over any type with decidable equality *) Module Type EQUALITY_TYPE. Variable t: Type. Variable eq: forall (x y: t), {x = y} + {x <> y}. End EQUALITY_TYPE. Module EMap(X: EQUALITY_TYPE) <: MAP. Definition elt := X.t. Definition elt_eq := X.eq. Definition t (A: Type) := X.t -> A. Definition init (A: Type) (v: A) := fun (_: X.t) => v. Definition get (A: Type) (x: X.t) (m: t A) := m x. Definition set (A: Type) (x: X.t) (v: A) (m: t A) := fun (y: X.t) => if X.eq y x then v else m y. Lemma gi: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A), init x i = x. Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma gss: forall (A: Type) (i: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), (set i x m) i = x. Proof. intros. unfold set. case (X.eq i i); intro. reflexivity. tauto. Qed. Lemma gso: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), i <> j -> (set j x m) i = m i. Proof. intros. unfold set. case (X.eq i j); intro. congruence. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma gsspec: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (x: A) (m: t A), get i (set j x m) = if elt_eq i j then x else get i m. Proof. intros. unfold get, set, elt_eq. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma gsident: forall (A: Type) (i j: elt) (m: t A), get j (set i (get i m) m) = get j m. Proof. intros. unfold get, set. case (X.eq j i); intro. congruence. reflexivity. Qed. Definition map (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (m: t A) := fun (x: X.t) => f(m x). Lemma gmap: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (i: elt) (m: t A), get i (map f m) = f(get i m). Proof. intros. unfold get, map. reflexivity. Qed. End EMap. (** * Additional properties over trees *) Module Tree_Properties(T: TREE). (** An induction principle over [fold]. *) Section TREE_FOLD_IND. Variables V A: Type. Variable f: A -> T.elt -> V -> A. Variable P: T.t V -> A -> Prop. Variable init: A. Variable m_final: T.t V. Hypothesis P_compat: forall m m' a, (forall x, T.get x m = T.get x m') -> P m a -> P m' a. Hypothesis H_base: P (T.empty _) init. Hypothesis H_rec: forall m a k v, T.get k m = None -> T.get k m_final = Some v -> P m a -> P (T.set k v m) (f a k v). Definition f' (a: A) (p : T.elt * V) := f a (fst p) (snd p). Definition P' (l: list (T.elt * V)) (a: A) : Prop := forall m, list_equiv l (T.elements m) -> P m a. Remark H_base': P' nil init. Proof. red; intros. apply P_compat with (T.empty _); auto. intros. rewrite T.gempty. symmetry. case_eq (T.get x m); intros; auto. assert (In (x, v) nil). rewrite (H (x, v)). apply T.elements_correct. auto. contradiction. Qed. Remark H_rec': forall k v l a, ~In k (List.map (@fst T.elt V) l) -> In (k, v) (T.elements m_final) -> P' l a -> P' (l ++ (k, v) :: nil) (f a k v). Proof. unfold P'; intros. set (m0 := T.remove k m). apply P_compat with (T.set k v m0). intros. unfold m0. rewrite T.gsspec. destruct (T.elt_eq x k). symmetry. apply T.elements_complete. rewrite <- (H2 (x, v)). apply in_or_app. simpl. intuition congruence. apply T.gro. auto. apply H_rec. unfold m0. apply T.grs. apply T.elements_complete. auto. apply H1. red. intros [k' v']. split; intros. apply T.elements_correct. unfold m0. rewrite T.gro. apply T.elements_complete. rewrite <- (H2 (k', v')). apply in_or_app. auto. red; intro; subst k'. elim H. change k with (fst (k, v')). apply in_map. auto. assert (T.get k' m0 = Some v'). apply T.elements_complete. auto. unfold m0 in H4. rewrite T.grspec in H4. destruct (T.elt_eq k' k). congruence. assert (In (k', v') (T.elements m)). apply T.elements_correct; auto. rewrite <- (H2 (k', v')) in H5. destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H5). auto. simpl in H6. intuition congruence. Qed. Lemma fold_rec_aux: forall l1 l2 a, list_equiv (l2 ++ l1) (T.elements m_final) -> list_disjoint (List.map (@fst T.elt V) l1) (List.map (@fst T.elt V) l2) -> list_norepet (List.map (@fst T.elt V) l1) -> P' l2 a -> P' (l2 ++ l1) (List.fold_left f' l1 a). Proof. induction l1; intros; simpl. rewrite <- List.app_nil_end. auto. destruct a as [k v]; simpl in *. inv H1. change ((k, v) :: l1) with (((k, v) :: nil) ++ l1). rewrite <- List.app_ass. apply IHl1. rewrite app_ass. auto. red; intros. rewrite map_app in H3. destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H3). apply H0; auto with coqlib. simpl in H4. intuition congruence. auto. unfold f'. simpl. apply H_rec'; auto. eapply list_disjoint_notin; eauto with coqlib. rewrite <- (H (k, v)). apply in_or_app. simpl. auto. Qed. Theorem fold_rec: P m_final (T.fold f m_final init). Proof. intros. rewrite T.fold_spec. fold f'. assert (P' (nil ++ T.elements m_final) (List.fold_left f' (T.elements m_final) init)). apply fold_rec_aux. simpl. red; intros; tauto. simpl. red; intros. elim H0. apply T.elements_keys_norepet. apply H_base'. simpl in H. red in H. apply H. red; intros. tauto. Qed. End TREE_FOLD_IND. (** A nonnegative measure over trees *) Section MEASURE. Variable V: Type. Definition cardinal (x: T.t V) : nat := List.length (T.elements x). Remark list_incl_length: forall (A: Type) (l1: list A), list_norepet l1 -> forall (l2: list A), List.incl l1 l2 -> (List.length l1 <= List.length l2)%nat. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros. omega. exploit (List.in_split hd l2). auto with coqlib. intros [l3 [l4 EQ]]. subst l2. assert (length tl <= length (l3 ++ l4))%nat. apply IHlist_norepet. red; intros. exploit (H1 a); auto with coqlib. repeat rewrite in_app_iff. simpl. intuition. subst. contradiction. repeat rewrite app_length in *. simpl. omega. Qed. Remark list_length_incl: forall (A: Type) (l1: list A), list_norepet l1 -> forall l2, List.incl l1 l2 -> List.length l1 = List.length l2 -> List.incl l2 l1. Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros. destruct l2; simpl in *. auto with coqlib. discriminate. exploit (List.in_split hd l2). auto with coqlib. intros [l3 [l4 EQ]]. subst l2. assert (incl (l3 ++ l4) tl). apply IHlist_norepet. red; intros. exploit (H1 a); auto with coqlib. repeat rewrite in_app_iff. simpl. intuition. subst. contradiction. repeat rewrite app_length in *. simpl in H2. omega. red; simpl; intros. rewrite in_app_iff in H4; simpl in H4. intuition. Qed. Remark list_strict_incl_length: forall (A: Type) (l1 l2: list A) (x: A), list_norepet l1 -> List.incl l1 l2 -> ~In x l1 -> In x l2 -> (List.length l1 < List.length l2)%nat. Proof. intros. exploit list_incl_length; eauto. intros. assert (length l1 = length l2 \/ length l1 < length l2)%nat by omega. destruct H4; auto. elim H1. eapply list_length_incl; eauto. Qed. Remark list_norepet_map: forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B) (l: list A), list_norepet (List.map f l) -> list_norepet l. Proof. induction l; simpl; intros. constructor. inv H. constructor; auto. red; intros; elim H2. apply List.in_map; auto. Qed. Theorem cardinal_remove: forall x m y, T.get x m = Some y -> (cardinal (T.remove x m) < cardinal m)%nat. Proof. unfold cardinal; intros. apply list_strict_incl_length with (x := (x, y)). apply list_norepet_map with (f := @fst T.elt V). apply T.elements_keys_norepet. red; intros. destruct a as [x' y']. exploit T.elements_complete; eauto. rewrite T.grspec. destruct (T.elt_eq x' x); intros; try discriminate. apply T.elements_correct; auto. red; intros. exploit T.elements_complete; eauto. rewrite T.grspec. rewrite dec_eq_true. congruence. apply T.elements_correct; auto. Qed. End MEASURE. End Tree_Properties. Module PTree_Properties := Tree_Properties(PTree). (** * Useful notations *) Notation "a ! b" := (PTree.get b a) (at level 1). Notation "a !! b" := (PMap.get b a) (at level 1).