(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *) (* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or *) (* (at your option) any later version. This file is also distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) { (* Recording key=val bindings *) let key_val_tbl : (string, string list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17 let key_val key = try Some(Hashtbl.find key_val_tbl key) with Not_found -> None (* Auxiliaries for parsing *) let buf = Buffer.create 32 let stash inword words = if inword then begin let w = Buffer.contents buf in Buffer.clear buf; w :: words end else words (* Error reporting *) exception Error of string * int * string let error msg lexbuf = Lexing.(raise (Error(lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_fname, lexbuf.lex_curr_p.pos_lnum, msg))) let ill_formed_line lexbuf = error "ill-formed line" lexbuf let unterminated_quote lexbuf = error "unterminated quote" lexbuf let lone_backslash lexbuf = error "lone \\ (backslash) at end of file" lexbuf } let whitespace = [' ' '\t' '\012' '\r'] let newline = '\r'* '\n' let ident = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'] ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9' '_' '.']* rule begline = parse | '#' [^ '\n']* ('\n' | eof) { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; begline lexbuf } | whitespace* (ident as key) whitespace* '=' { let words = unquoted false [] lexbuf in Hashtbl.add key_val_tbl key (List.rev words); begline lexbuf } | eof { () } | _ { ill_formed_line lexbuf } and unquoted inword words = parse | '\n' | eof { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; stash inword words } | whitespace+ { unquoted false (stash inword words) lexbuf } | '\\' newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; unquoted inword words lexbuf } | '\\' (_ as c) { Buffer.add_char buf c; unquoted true words lexbuf } | '\\' eof { lone_backslash lexbuf } | '\'' { singlequote lexbuf; unquoted true words lexbuf } | '\"' { doublequote lexbuf; unquoted true words lexbuf } | _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; unquoted true words lexbuf } and singlequote = parse | eof { unterminated_quote lexbuf } | '\'' { () } | newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; singlequote lexbuf } | _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; singlequote lexbuf } and doublequote = parse | eof { unterminated_quote lexbuf } | '\"' { () } | '\\' newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; doublequote lexbuf } | '\\' (['$' '`' '\"' '\\'] as c) { Buffer.add_char buf c; doublequote lexbuf } | newline { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; Buffer.add_char buf '\n'; doublequote lexbuf } | _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; doublequote lexbuf } { (* The entry point *) let read_config_file filename = let ic = open_in_bin filename in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_start_p <- {lexbuf.lex_start_p with pos_fname = filename}); try Hashtbl.clear key_val_tbl; begline lexbuf; close_in ic with x -> close_in ic; raise x (* Test harness *) (* open Printf let _ = Hashtbl.clear key_val_tbl; begline (Lexing.from_channel stdin); Hashtbl.iter (fun key value -> printf "%s =" key; List.iter (fun v -> printf " |%s|" v) value; printf "\n") key_val_tbl *) }