(* *********************************************************************) (* *) (* The Compcert verified compiler *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en *) (* Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the INRIA Non-Commercial License Agreement. *) (* *) (* *********************************************************************) (** Translation from Mach to PPC. *) Require Import Coqlib. Require Import Errors. Require Import AST. Require Import Integers. Require Import Floats. Require Import Op. Require Import Locations. Require Import Mach. Require Import Asm. Local Open Scope string_scope. Local Open Scope error_monad_scope. (** The code generation functions take advantage of several characteristics of the [Mach] code generated by earlier passes of the compiler, mostly that argument and result registers are of the correct types. These properties are true by construction, but it's easier to recheck them during code generation and fail if they do not hold. *) (** Extracting integer or float registers. *) Definition ireg_of (r: mreg) : res ireg := match preg_of r with IR mr => OK mr | _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.ireg_of") end. Definition freg_of (r: mreg) : res freg := match preg_of r with FR mr => OK mr | _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.freg_of") end. (** Decomposition of integer constants. As noted in file [Asm], immediate arguments to PowerPC instructions must fit into 16 bits, and are interpreted after zero extension, sign extension, or left shift by 16 bits, depending on the instruction. Integer constants that do not fit must be synthesized using two processor instructions. The following functions decompose arbitrary 32-bit integers into two 16-bit halves (high and low halves). They satisfy the following properties: - [low_u n] is an unsigned 16-bit integer; - [low_s n] is a signed 16-bit integer; - [(high_u n) << 16 | low_u n] equals [n]; - [(high_s n) << 16 + low_s n] equals [n]. *) Definition low_u (n: int) := Int.and n (Int.repr 65535). Definition high_u (n: int) := Int.shru n (Int.repr 16). Definition low_s (n: int) := Int.sign_ext 16 n. Definition high_s (n: int) := Int.shru (Int.sub n (low_s n)) (Int.repr 16). (** Smart constructors for arithmetic operations involving a 32-bit integer constant. Depending on whether the constant fits in 16 bits or not, one or several instructions are generated as required to perform the operation and prepended to the given instruction sequence [k]. *) Definition loadimm (r: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if Int.eq (high_s n) Int.zero then Paddi r GPR0 (Cint n) :: k else if Int.eq (low_s n) Int.zero then Paddis r GPR0 (Cint (high_s n)) :: k else Paddis r GPR0 (Cint (high_u n)) :: Pori r r (Cint (low_u n)) :: k. Definition addimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if Int.eq (high_s n) Int.zero then Paddi r1 r2 (Cint n) :: k else if Int.eq (low_s n) Int.zero then Paddis r1 r2 (Cint (high_s n)) :: k else Paddis r1 r2 (Cint (high_s n)) :: Paddi r1 r1 (Cint (low_s n)) :: k. Definition andimm_base (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if Int.eq (high_u n) Int.zero then Pandi_ r1 r2 (Cint n) :: k else if Int.eq (low_u n) Int.zero then Pandis_ r1 r2 (Cint (high_u n)) :: k else loadimm GPR0 n (Pand_ r1 r2 GPR0 :: k). Definition andimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if is_rlw_mask n then Prlwinm r1 r2 Int.zero n :: k else andimm_base r1 r2 n k. Definition orimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if Int.eq (high_u n) Int.zero then Pori r1 r2 (Cint n) :: k else if Int.eq (low_u n) Int.zero then Poris r1 r2 (Cint (high_u n)) :: k else Poris r1 r2 (Cint (high_u n)) :: Pori r1 r1 (Cint (low_u n)) :: k. Definition xorimm (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int) (k: code) := if Int.eq (high_u n) Int.zero then Pxori r1 r2 (Cint n) :: k else if Int.eq (low_u n) Int.zero then Pxoris r1 r2 (Cint (high_u n)) :: k else Pxoris r1 r2 (Cint (high_u n)) :: Pxori r1 r1 (Cint (low_u n)) :: k. Definition rolm (r1 r2: ireg) (amount mask: int) (k: code) := if is_rlw_mask mask then Prlwinm r1 r2 amount mask :: k else Prlwinm r1 r2 amount Int.mone :: andimm_base r1 r1 mask k. (** Smart constructors for 64-bit integer constants *) Definition low64_u (n: int64) := Int64.zero_ext 16 n. Definition low64_s (n: int64) := Int64.sign_ext 16 n. Definition loadimm64_32s (r: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) := let lo_u := low64_u n in let lo_s := low64_s n in let hi_s := low64_s (Int64.shr n (Int64.repr 16)) in if Int64.eq n lo_s then Paddi64 r GPR0 n :: k else Paddis64 r GPR0 hi_s :: Pori64 r r lo_u :: k. Definition loadimm64 (r: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) := if Int64.eq n (Int64.sign_ext 32 n) then loadimm64_32s r n k else Pldi r n :: k. (** [loadimm64_notemp] is a variant of [loadimm64] that uses no temporary register. The code it produces is larger and slower than the code produced by [loadimm64], but it is sometimes useful to preserve all registers except the destination. *) Definition loadimm64_notemp (r: ireg) (n: int64) (k: code) := if Int64.eq n (Int64.sign_ext 32 n) then loadimm64_32s r n k else loadimm64_32s r (Int64.shru n (Int64.repr 32)) (Prldinm r r (Int.repr 32) (Int64.shl Int64.mone (Int64.repr 32)) :: Poris64 r r (low64_u (Int64.shru n (Int64.repr 16))) :: Pori64 r r (low64_u n) :: k). Definition opimm64 (insn2: ireg -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction) (insn1: ireg -> ireg -> int64 -> instruction) (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (ok: bool) (k: code) := if ok then insn1 r1 r2 n :: k else if ireg_eq r2 GPR12 then Pmr GPR0 GPR12 :: loadimm64 GPR12 n (insn2 r1 GPR0 GPR12 :: k) else loadimm64 GPR0 n (insn2 r1 r2 GPR0 :: k). Definition addimm64 (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (k : code) := opimm64 Padd64 Paddi64 r1 r2 n (Int64.eq n (low64_s n)) k. Definition orimm64 (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (k : code) := opimm64 Por64 Pori64 r1 r2 n (Int64.eq n (low64_u n)) k. Definition xorimm64 (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (k : code) := opimm64 Pxor64 Pxori64 r1 r2 n (Int64.eq n (low64_u n)) k. Definition andimm64_base (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (k : code) := opimm64 Pand_64 Pandi_64 r1 r2 n (Int64.eq n (low64_u n)) k. Definition andimm64 (r1 r2: ireg) (n: int64) (k : code) := if is_rldl_mask n || is_rldr_mask n then Prldinm r1 r2 Int.zero n :: k else andimm64_base r1 r2 n k. Definition rolm64 (r1 r2: ireg) (amount: int) (mask: int64) (k: code) := if is_rldl_mask mask || is_rldr_mask mask || is_rldl_mask (Int64.shru' mask amount) then Prldinm r1 r2 amount mask :: k else Prldinm r1 r2 amount Int64.mone :: andimm64_base r1 r1 mask k. (** Accessing slots in the stack frame. *) Definition accessind {A: Type} (instr1: A -> constant -> ireg -> instruction) (instr2: A -> ireg -> ireg -> instruction) (base: ireg) (ofs: ptrofs) (r: A) (k: code) := let ofs := Ptrofs.to_int ofs in if Int.eq (high_s ofs) Int.zero then instr1 r (Cint ofs) base :: k else loadimm GPR0 ofs (instr2 r base GPR0 :: k). Definition loadind (base: ireg) (ofs: ptrofs) (ty: typ) (dst: mreg) (k: code) := match ty, preg_of dst with | Tint, IR r => OK(accessind Plwz Plwzx base ofs r k) | Tany32, IR r => OK(accessind Plwz_a Plwzx_a base ofs r k) | Tsingle, FR r => OK(accessind Plfs Plfsx base ofs r k) | Tlong, IR r => OK(accessind Pld Pldx base ofs r k) | Tfloat, FR r => OK(accessind Plfd Plfdx base ofs r k) | Tany64, IR r => OK(accessind Pld_a Pldx_a base ofs r k) | Tany64, FR r => OK(accessind Plfd_a Plfdx_a base ofs r k) | _, _ => Error (msg "Asmgen.loadind") end. Definition storeind (src: mreg) (base: ireg) (ofs: ptrofs) (ty: typ) (k: code) := match ty, preg_of src with | Tint, IR r => OK(accessind Pstw Pstwx base ofs r k) | Tany32, IR r => OK(accessind Pstw_a Pstwx_a base ofs r k) | Tsingle, FR r => OK(accessind Pstfs Pstfsx base ofs r k) | Tlong, IR r => OK(accessind Pstd Pstdx base ofs r k) | Tfloat, FR r => OK(accessind Pstfd Pstfdx base ofs r k) | Tany64, IR r => OK(accessind Pstd_a Pstdx_a base ofs r k) | Tany64, FR r => OK(accessind Pstfd_a Pstfdx_a base ofs r k) | _, _ => Error (msg "Asmgen.storeind") end. (** Constructor for a floating-point comparison. The PowerPC has a single [fcmpu] instruction to compare floats, which sets bits 0, 1 and 2 of the condition register to reflect ``less'', ``greater'' and ``equal'' conditions, respectively. The ``less or equal'' and ``greater or equal'' conditions must be synthesized by a [cror] instruction that computes the logical ``or'' of the corresponding two conditions. *) Definition floatcomp (cmp: comparison) (r1 r2: freg) (k: code) := Pfcmpu r1 r2 :: match cmp with | Cle => Pcror CRbit_3 CRbit_2 CRbit_0 :: k | Cge => Pcror CRbit_3 CRbit_2 CRbit_1 :: k | _ => k end. (** Translation of a condition. Prepends to [k] the instructions that evaluate the condition and leave its boolean result in one of the bits of the condition register. The bit in question is determined by the [crbit_for_cond] function. *) Definition transl_cond (cond: condition) (args: list mreg) (k: code) := match cond, args with | Ccomp c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; OK (Pcmpw r1 r2 :: k) | Ccompu c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; OK (Pcmplw r1 r2 :: k) | Ccompimm c n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; if Int.eq (high_s n) Int.zero then OK (Pcmpwi r1 (Cint n) :: k) else OK (loadimm GPR0 n (Pcmpw r1 GPR0 :: k)) | Ccompuimm c n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; if Int.eq (high_u n) Int.zero then OK (Pcmplwi r1 (Cint n) :: k) else OK (loadimm GPR0 n (Pcmplw r1 GPR0 :: k)) | Ccompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; OK (floatcomp cmp r1 r2 k) | Cnotcompf cmp, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; OK (floatcomp cmp r1 r2 k) | Cmaskzero n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; OK (andimm_base GPR0 r1 n k) | Cmasknotzero n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; OK (andimm_base GPR0 r1 n k) | Ccompl c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; OK (Pcmpd r1 r2 :: k) | Ccomplu c, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; OK (Pcmpld r1 r2 :: k) | Ccomplimm c n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; if Int64.eq n (low64_s n) then OK (Pcmpdi r1 n :: k) else OK (loadimm64_notemp GPR0 n (Pcmpd r1 GPR0 :: k)) | Ccompluimm c n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; if Int64.eq n (low64_u n) then OK (Pcmpldi r1 n :: k) else OK (loadimm64_notemp GPR0 n (Pcmpld r1 GPR0 :: k)) | _, _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.transl_cond") end. (* CRbit_0 = Less CRbit_1 = Greater CRbit_2 = Equal CRbit_3 = Other *) Definition crbit_for_icmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => (CRbit_2, true) | Cne => (CRbit_2, false) | Clt => (CRbit_0, true) | Cle => (CRbit_1, false) | Cgt => (CRbit_1, true) | Cge => (CRbit_0, false) end. Definition crbit_for_fcmp (cmp: comparison) := match cmp with | Ceq => (CRbit_2, true) | Cne => (CRbit_2, false) | Clt => (CRbit_0, true) | Cle => (CRbit_3, true) | Cgt => (CRbit_1, true) | Cge => (CRbit_3, true) end. Definition crbit_for_cond (cond: condition) := match cond with | Ccomp cmp => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccompu cmp => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccompimm cmp n => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccompuimm cmp n => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccompf cmp => crbit_for_fcmp cmp | Cnotcompf cmp => let p := crbit_for_fcmp cmp in (fst p, negb (snd p)) | Cmaskzero n => (CRbit_2, true) | Cmasknotzero n => (CRbit_2, false) | Ccompl cmp => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccomplu cmp => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccomplimm cmp n => crbit_for_icmp cmp | Ccompluimm cmp n => crbit_for_icmp cmp end. (** Recognition of comparisons [>= 0] and [< 0]. *) Inductive condition_class: condition -> list mreg -> Type := | condition_eq0: forall n r, n = Int.zero -> condition_class (Ccompimm Ceq n) (r :: nil) | condition_ne0: forall n r, n = Int.zero -> condition_class (Ccompimm Cne n) (r :: nil) | condition_ge0: forall n r, n = Int.zero -> condition_class (Ccompimm Cge n) (r :: nil) | condition_lt0: forall n r, n = Int.zero -> condition_class (Ccompimm Clt n) (r :: nil) | condition_default: forall c rl, condition_class c rl. Definition classify_condition (c: condition) (args: list mreg): condition_class c args := match c as z1, args as z2 return condition_class z1 z2 with | Ccompimm Ceq n, r :: nil => match Int.eq_dec n Int.zero with | left EQ => condition_eq0 n r EQ | right _ => condition_default (Ccompimm Ceq n) (r :: nil) end | Ccompimm Cne n, r :: nil => match Int.eq_dec n Int.zero with | left EQ => condition_ne0 n r EQ | right _ => condition_default (Ccompimm Cne n) (r :: nil) end | Ccompimm Cge n, r :: nil => match Int.eq_dec n Int.zero with | left EQ => condition_ge0 n r EQ | right _ => condition_default (Ccompimm Cge n) (r :: nil) end | Ccompimm Clt n, r :: nil => match Int.eq_dec n Int.zero with | left EQ => condition_lt0 n r EQ | right _ => condition_default (Ccompimm Clt n) (r :: nil) end | x, y => condition_default x y end. (** Translation of a condition operator. The generated code sets the [r] target register to 0 or 1 depending on the truth value of the condition. *) Definition transl_cond_op (cond: condition) (args: list mreg) (r: mreg) (k: code) := do r' <- ireg_of r; match classify_condition cond args with | condition_eq0 _ a _ => do a' <- ireg_of a; OK (Psubfic GPR0 a' (Cint Int.zero) :: Padde r' GPR0 a' :: k) | condition_ne0 _ a _ => do a' <- ireg_of a; OK (Paddic GPR0 a' (Cint Int.mone) :: Psubfe r' GPR0 a' :: k) | condition_ge0 _ a _ => do a' <- ireg_of a; OK (Prlwinm r' a' Int.one Int.one :: Pxori r' r' (Cint Int.one) :: k) | condition_lt0 _ a _ => do a' <- ireg_of a; OK (Prlwinm r' a' Int.one Int.one :: k) | condition_default _ _ => let p := crbit_for_cond cond in transl_cond cond args (Pmfcrbit r' (fst p) :: if snd p then k else Pxori r' r' (Cint Int.one) :: k) end. (** Translation of the arithmetic operation [r <- op(args)]. The corresponding instructions are prepended to [k]. *) Definition transl_op (op: operation) (args: list mreg) (res: mreg) (k: code) := match op, args with | Omove, a1 :: nil => match preg_of res, preg_of a1 with | IR r, IR a => OK (Pmr r a :: k) | FR r, FR a => OK (Pfmr r a :: k) | _ , _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.Omove") end | Ointconst n, nil => do r <- ireg_of res; OK (loadimm r n k) | Ofloatconst f, nil => do r <- freg_of res; OK (Plfi r f :: k) | Osingleconst f, nil => do r <- freg_of res; OK (Plfis r f :: k) | Oaddrsymbol s ofs, nil => do r <- ireg_of res; OK (if symbol_is_small_data s ofs then Paddi r GPR0 (Csymbol_sda s ofs) :: k else if symbol_is_rel_data s ofs then Paddis r GPR0 (Csymbol_rel_high s ofs) :: Paddi r r (Csymbol_rel_low s ofs) :: k else Paddis r GPR0 (Csymbol_high s ofs) :: Paddi r r (Csymbol_low s ofs) :: k) | Oaddrstack n, nil => do r <- ireg_of res; OK (addimm r GPR1 (Ptrofs.to_int n) k) | Ocast8signed, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pextsb r r1 :: k) | Ocast16signed, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pextsh r r1 :: k) | Oadd, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Padd r r1 r2 :: k) | Oaddimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (addimm r r1 n k) | Oaddsymbol s ofs, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (if symbol_is_small_data s ofs then Paddi GPR0 GPR0 (Csymbol_sda s ofs) :: Padd r r1 GPR0 :: k else if symbol_is_rel_data s ofs then Pmr GPR0 r1 :: Paddis r GPR0 (Csymbol_rel_high s ofs) :: Paddi r r (Csymbol_rel_low s ofs) :: Padd r r GPR0 :: k else Paddis r r1 (Csymbol_high s ofs) :: Paddi r r (Csymbol_low s ofs) :: k) | Osub, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psubfc r r2 r1 :: k) | Osubimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (if Int.eq (high_s n) Int.zero then Psubfic r r1 (Cint n) :: k else loadimm GPR0 n (Psubfc r r1 GPR0 :: k)) | Omul, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmullw r r1 r2 :: k) | Omulimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (if Int.eq (high_s n) Int.zero then Pmulli r r1 (Cint n) :: k else loadimm GPR0 n (Pmullw r r1 GPR0 :: k)) | Omulhs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmulhw r r1 r2 :: k) | Omulhu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmulhwu r r1 r2 :: k) | Odiv, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pdivw r r1 r2 :: k) | Odivu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pdivwu r r1 r2 :: k) | Oand, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pand_ r r1 r2 :: k) | Oandimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (andimm r r1 n k) | Oor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Por r r1 r2 :: k) | Oorimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (orimm r r1 n k) | Oxor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pxor r r1 r2 :: k) | Oxorimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (xorimm r r1 n k) | Onot, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pnor r r1 r1 :: k) | Onand, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pnand r r1 r2 :: k) | Onor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pnor r r1 r2 :: k) | Onxor, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Peqv r r1 r2 :: k) | Oandc, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pandc r r1 r2 :: k) | Oorc, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Porc r r1 r2 :: k) | Oshl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pslw r r1 r2 :: k) | Oshr, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psraw r r1 r2 :: k) | Oshrimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psrawi r r1 n :: k) | Oshrximm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psrawi r r1 n :: Paddze r r :: k) | Oshru, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psrw r r1 r2 :: k) | Orolm amount mask, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (rolm r r1 amount mask k) | Oroli amount mask, a1 :: a2 :: nil => assertion (mreg_eq a1 res); do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Prlwimi r r2 amount mask :: k) | Onegf, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfneg r r1 :: k) | Oabsf, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfabs r r1 :: k) | Oaddf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfadd r r1 r2 :: k) | Osubf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfsub r r1 r2 :: k) | Omulf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfmul r r1 r2 :: k) | Odivf, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfdiv r r1 r2 :: k) | Onegfs, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfnegs r r1 :: k) | Oabsfs, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfabss r r1 :: k) | Oaddfs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfadds r r1 r2 :: k) | Osubfs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfsubs r r1 r2 :: k) | Omulfs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfmuls r r1 r2 :: k) | Odivfs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r2 <- freg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfdivs r r1 r2 :: k) | Osingleoffloat, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfrsp r r1 :: k) | Ofloatofsingle, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfxdp r r1 :: k) | Ointoffloat, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pfcti r r1 :: k) | Ointuoffloat, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pfctiu r r1 :: k) | Ofloatofint, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfcfi r r1 :: k) | Ofloatofintu, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfcfiu r r1 :: k) | Ofloatofwords, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfmake r r1 r2 :: k) | Omakelong, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Plmake r r1 r2 :: k) | Olowlong, a1 :: nil => assertion (mreg_eq a1 res); do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pllo r :: k) | Ohighlong, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Plhi r r1 :: k) | Ocmp cmp, _ => transl_cond_op cmp args res k (*c PPC64 operations *) | Olongconst n, nil => do r <- ireg_of res; OK (loadimm64 r n k) | Ocast32signed, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pextsw r r1 :: k) | Ocast32unsigned, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pextzw r r1 :: k) | Oaddl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Padd64 r r1 r2 :: k) | Oaddlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (addimm64 r r1 n k) | Osubl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psubfc64 r r2 r1 :: k) | Onegl, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psubfic64 r r1 Int64.zero :: k) | Omull, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmulld r r1 r2 :: k) | Omullhs, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmulhd r r1 r2 :: k) | Omullhu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pmulhdu r r1 r2 :: k) | Odivl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pdivd r r1 r2 :: k) | Odivlu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pdivdu r r1 r2 :: k) | Oandl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pand_64 r r1 r2 :: k) | Oandlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (andimm64 r r1 n k) | Oorl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Por64 r r1 r2 :: k) | Oorlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (orimm64 r r1 n k) | Oxorl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pxor64 r r1 r2 :: k) | Oxorlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (xorimm64 r r1 n k) | Onotl, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pnor64 r r1 r1 :: k) | Oshll, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psld r r1 r2 :: k) | Oshrl, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psrad r r1 r2 :: k) | Oshrlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psradi r r1 n :: k) | Oshrlu, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psrd r r1 r2 :: k) | Orolml amount mask, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (rolm64 r r1 amount mask k) | Oshrxlimm n, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Psradi r r1 n :: Paddze64 r r :: k) | Olongoffloat, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- freg_of a1; do r <- ireg_of res; OK (Pfctid r r1 :: k) | Ofloatoflong, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r <- freg_of res; OK (Pfcfl r r1 :: k) | _, _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.transl_op") end. (** Translation of memory accesses: loads, and stores. *) Definition int_temp_for (r: mreg) := if mreg_eq r R12 then GPR11 else GPR12. Definition transl_memory_access (mk1: constant -> ireg -> instruction) (mk2: ireg -> ireg -> instruction) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (temp: ireg) (k: code) := match addr, args with | Aindexed ofs, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; OK (if Int.eq (high_s ofs) Int.zero then mk1 (Cint ofs) r1 :: k else Paddis temp r1 (Cint (high_s ofs)) :: mk1 (Cint (low_s ofs)) temp :: k) | Aindexed2, a1 :: a2 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; do r2 <- ireg_of a2; OK (mk2 r1 r2 :: k) | Aglobal symb ofs, nil => OK (if symbol_is_small_data symb ofs then mk1 (Csymbol_sda symb ofs) GPR0 :: k else if symbol_is_rel_data symb ofs then Paddis temp GPR0 (Csymbol_rel_high symb ofs) :: Paddi temp temp (Csymbol_rel_low symb ofs) :: mk1 (Cint Int.zero) temp :: k else Paddis temp GPR0 (Csymbol_high symb ofs) :: mk1 (Csymbol_low symb ofs) temp :: k) | Abased symb ofs, a1 :: nil => do r1 <- ireg_of a1; OK (if symbol_is_small_data symb ofs then Paddi GPR0 GPR0 (Csymbol_sda symb ofs) :: mk2 r1 GPR0 :: k else if symbol_is_rel_data symb ofs then Pmr GPR0 r1 :: Paddis temp GPR0 (Csymbol_rel_high symb ofs) :: Paddi temp temp (Csymbol_rel_low symb ofs) :: mk2 temp GPR0 :: k else Paddis temp r1 (Csymbol_high symb ofs) :: mk1 (Csymbol_low symb ofs) temp :: k) | Ainstack ofs, nil => let ofs := Ptrofs.to_int ofs in OK (if Int.eq (high_s ofs) Int.zero then mk1 (Cint ofs) GPR1 :: k else Paddis temp GPR1 (Cint (high_s ofs)) :: mk1 (Cint (low_s ofs)) temp :: k) | _, _ => Error(msg "Asmgen.transl_memory_access") end. Definition transl_load (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (dst: mreg) (k: code) := match chunk with | Mint8signed => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plbz r) (Plbzx r) addr args GPR12 (Pextsb r r :: k) | Mint8unsigned => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plbz r) (Plbzx r) addr args GPR12 k | Mint16signed => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plha r) (Plhax r) addr args GPR12 k | Mint16unsigned => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plhz r) (Plhzx r) addr args GPR12 k | Mint32 => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plwz r) (Plwzx r) addr args GPR12 k | Mint64 => do r <- ireg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Pld r) (Pldx r) addr args GPR12 k | Mfloat32 => do r <- freg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plfs r) (Plfsx r) addr args GPR12 k | Mfloat64 => do r <- freg_of dst; transl_memory_access (Plfd r) (Plfdx r) addr args GPR12 k | _ => Error (msg "Asmgen.transl_load") end. Definition transl_store (chunk: memory_chunk) (addr: addressing) (args: list mreg) (src: mreg) (k: code) := let temp := int_temp_for src in match chunk with | Mint8signed | Mint8unsigned => do r <- ireg_of src; transl_memory_access (Pstb r) (Pstbx r) addr args temp k | Mint16signed | Mint16unsigned => do r <- ireg_of src; transl_memory_access (Psth r) (Psthx r) addr args temp k | Mint32 => do r <- ireg_of src; transl_memory_access (Pstw r) (Pstwx r) addr args temp k | Mint64 => do r <- ireg_of src; transl_memory_access (Pstd r) (Pstdx r) addr args temp k | Mfloat32 => do r <- freg_of src; transl_memory_access (Pstfs r) (Pstfsx r) addr args temp k | Mfloat64 => do r <- freg_of src; transl_memory_access (Pstfd r) (Pstfdx r) addr args temp k | _ => Error (msg "Asmgen.transl_store") end. (** Function epilogue: reload return address into register LR and free the stack frame. No need to reload the return address if this is a tail function. *) Definition transl_epilogue (f: Mach.function) (k: code) := if is_leaf_function f then Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: k else Plwz GPR0 (Cint (Ptrofs.to_int f.(fn_retaddr_ofs))) GPR1 :: Pmtlr GPR0 :: Pfreeframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) :: k. (** Translation of a Mach instruction. *) Definition transl_instr (f: Mach.function) (i: Mach.instruction) (r11_is_parent: bool) (k: code) := match i with | Mgetstack ofs ty dst => loadind GPR1 ofs ty dst k | Msetstack src ofs ty => storeind src GPR1 ofs ty k | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => if r11_is_parent then loadind GPR11 ofs ty dst k else (do k1 <- loadind GPR11 ofs ty dst k; loadind GPR1 f.(fn_link_ofs) Tint R11 k1) | Mop op args res => transl_op op args res k | Mload chunk addr args dst => transl_load chunk addr args dst k | Mstore chunk addr args src => transl_store chunk addr args src k | Mcall sig (inl r) => do r1 <- ireg_of r; OK (Pmtctr r1 :: Pbctrl sig :: k) | Mcall sig (inr symb) => OK (Pbl symb sig :: k) | Mtailcall sig (inl r) => do r1 <- ireg_of r; OK (Pmtctr r1 :: transl_epilogue f (Pbctr sig :: k)) | Mtailcall sig (inr symb) => OK (transl_epilogue f (Pbs symb sig :: k)) | Mbuiltin ef args res => OK (Pbuiltin ef (List.map (map_builtin_arg preg_of) args) (map_builtin_res preg_of res) :: k) | Mlabel lbl => OK (Plabel lbl :: k) | Mgoto lbl => OK (Pb lbl :: k) | Mcond cond args lbl => let p := crbit_for_cond cond in transl_cond cond args (if (snd p) then Pbt (fst p) lbl :: k else Pbf (fst p) lbl :: k) | Mjumptable arg tbl => do r <- ireg_of arg; OK (Pbtbl r tbl :: k) | Mreturn => OK (transl_epilogue f (Pblr :: k)) end. (** Translation of a code sequence *) Definition it1_is_parent (before: bool) (i: Mach.instruction) : bool := match i with | Msetstack src ofs ty => before | Mgetparam ofs ty dst => negb (mreg_eq dst R11) | Mop Omove args res => before && negb (mreg_eq res R11) | _ => false end. (** This is the naive definition that we no longer use because it is not tail-recursive. It is kept as specification. *) Fixpoint transl_code (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) (it1p: bool) := match il with | nil => OK nil | i1 :: il' => do k <- transl_code f il' (it1_is_parent it1p i1); transl_instr f i1 it1p k end. (** This is an equivalent definition in continuation-passing style that runs in constant stack space. *) Fixpoint transl_code_rec (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) (it1p: bool) (k: code -> res code) := match il with | nil => k nil | i1 :: il' => transl_code_rec f il' (it1_is_parent it1p i1) (fun c1 => do c2 <- transl_instr f i1 it1p c1; k c2) end. Definition transl_code' (f: Mach.function) (il: list Mach.instruction) (it1p: bool) := transl_code_rec f il it1p (fun c => OK c). (** Translation of a whole function. Note that we must check that the generated code contains less than [2^32] instructions, otherwise the offset part of the [PC] code pointer could wrap around, leading to incorrect executions. *) Definition transl_function (f: Mach.function) := do c <- transl_code' f f.(Mach.fn_code) false; OK (mkfunction f.(Mach.fn_sig) (Pallocframe f.(fn_stacksize) f.(fn_link_ofs) f.(fn_retaddr_ofs) :: Pmflr GPR0 :: Pstw GPR0 (Cint (Ptrofs.to_int f.(fn_retaddr_ofs))) GPR1 :: Pcfi_rel_offset (Ptrofs.to_int f.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) :: c)). Definition transf_function (f: Mach.function) : res Asm.function := do tf <- transl_function f; if zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (list_length_z tf.(fn_code)) then Error (msg "code size exceeded") else OK tf. Definition transf_fundef (f: Mach.fundef) : res Asm.fundef := transf_partial_fundef transf_function f. Definition transf_program (p: Mach.program) : res Asm.program := transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.