open Printf type ty = | Int8u | Int8s | Int16u | Int16s | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Struct of int * (string * ty) list type funsig = { args: ty list; varargs: ty list; (* empty list if fixed-argument function *) res: ty option } type value = | VInt of int | VInt32 of int32 | VInt64 of int64 | VFloat of float | VString of string | VStruct of value list (* Print a value. If [norm] is true, re-normalize values of small numerical types. *) let zero_ext n k = n land ((1 lsl k) - 1) let sign_ext n k = (n lsl (Sys.int_size - k)) asr (Sys.int_size - k) let normalize_float32 n = Int32.float_of_bits (Int32.bits_of_float n) let rec print_value ~norm oc (ty, v) = match (ty, v) with | (Int8u, VInt n) -> fprintf oc "%d" (if norm then zero_ext n 8 else n) | (Int8s, VInt n) -> fprintf oc "%d" (if norm then sign_ext n 8 else n) | (Int16u, VInt n) -> fprintf oc "%d" (if norm then zero_ext n 16 else n) | (Int16s, VInt n) -> fprintf oc "%d" (if norm then sign_ext n 16 else n) | (Int32, VInt32 n) -> fprintf oc "%ld" n | (Int64, VInt64 n) -> fprintf oc "%Ld" n | (Float32, VFloat f) -> if norm then fprintf oc "%hF" (normalize_float32 f) else fprintf oc "%h" f | (Float64, VFloat f) -> fprintf oc "%h" f | (String, VString s) -> fprintf oc "%S" s | (Struct(id, (fld1, ty1) :: members), VStruct (v1 :: vl)) -> fprintf oc "(struct s%d){" id; print_value ~norm oc (ty1, v1); List.iter2 (fun (fld, ty) v -> fprintf oc ", %a" (print_value ~norm) (ty, v)) members vl; fprintf oc "}" | _, _ -> assert false (* Generate random values of the given type *) let random_char () = Char.chr (Char.code 'a' + 26) let random_string () = let len = 3 in String.init len (fun _ -> random_char ()) let random_int () = Random.bits() - (1 lsl 29) let random_int32 () = Int32.(logxor (of_int (Random.bits())) (shift_left (of_int (Random.bits())) 30)) let random_int64 () = Int64.(logxor (of_int (Random.bits())) (logxor (shift_left (of_int (Random.bits())) 30) (shift_left (of_int (Random.bits())) 60))) let random_float64 () = Random.float 100.0 -. 50.0 (* Returns a random value. Small numerical types are not normalized. *) let rec random_value = function | Int8u | Int8s | Int16u | Int16s -> VInt (random_int()) | Int32 -> VInt32 (random_int32()) | Int64 -> VInt64 (random_int64()) | Float32 | Float64 -> VFloat (random_float64()) | String -> VString (random_string()) | Struct(id, members) -> VStruct ( (fun (fld, ty) -> random_value ty) members) let random_retvalue = function | None -> VInt 0 (* meaningless *) | Some ty -> random_value ty (* Generate function declaration, definition, and call *) let string_of_ty = function | Int8u -> "unsigned char" | Int8s -> "signed char" | Int16u -> "unsigned short" | Int16s -> "short" | Int32 -> "int" | Int64 -> "long long" | Float32 -> "float" | Float64 -> "double" | String -> "char *" | Struct(id, _) -> sprintf "struct s%d" id let string_of_optty = function | None -> "void" | Some t -> string_of_ty t let declare_struct oc id members = fprintf oc "struct s%d {\n" id; List.iter (fun (fld, ty) -> fprintf oc " %s %s;\n" (string_of_ty ty) fld) members; fprintf oc "};\n" let declare_function oc name sg = fprintf oc "%s %s(" (string_of_optty sg.res) name; begin match sg.args with | [] -> fprintf oc "void" | t0 :: tl -> fprintf oc "%s x0" (string_of_ty t0); List.iteri (fun n t -> fprintf oc ", %s x%d" (string_of_ty t) (n + 1)) tl; if sg.varargs <> [] then fprintf oc ", ..." end; fprintf oc ")" let rec compare_value oc variable value ty = match ty with | Struct(id, members) -> begin match value with | VStruct vl -> List.iter2 (fun (fld, ty) v -> compare_value oc (sprintf "%s.%s" variable fld) v ty) members vl | _ -> assert false end | String -> fprintf oc " check (strcmp(%s, %a) == 0);\n" variable (print_value ~norm:true) (ty, value) | _ -> fprintf oc " check (%s == %a);\n" variable (print_value ~norm:true) (ty, value) let define_function oc name sg vargs vres = declare_function oc name sg; fprintf oc "\n{\n"; if sg.varargs <> [] then begin fprintf oc " va_list l;\n"; fprintf oc " va_start(l, x%d);\n" (List.length sg.args - 1); List.iteri (fun n t -> fprintf oc " %s x%d = va_arg(l, %s);\n" (string_of_ty t) (n + List.length sg.args) (string_of_ty t)) sg.varargs; fprintf oc " va_end(l);\n"; end; List.iteri (fun n (t, v) -> compare_value oc (sprintf "x%d" n) v t) (List.combine (sg.args @ sg.varargs) vargs); begin match sg.res with | None -> () | Some tres -> fprintf oc " return %a;\n" (print_value ~norm:false) (tres, vres) end; fprintf oc "}\n\n" let call_function oc name sg vargs vres = fprintf oc "void call_%s(void)\n" name; fprintf oc "{\n"; begin match sg.res with | None -> fprintf oc " %s(" name | Some t -> fprintf oc " %s r = %s(" (string_of_ty t) name end; begin match (sg.args @ sg.varargs), vargs with | [], [] -> () | ty1 :: tyl, v1 :: vl -> print_value ~norm:false oc (ty1, v1); List.iter2 (fun ty v -> fprintf oc ", %a" (print_value ~norm:false) (ty, v)) tyl vl | _, _ -> assert false end; fprintf oc ");\n"; begin match sg.res with | None -> () | Some tyres -> compare_value oc "r" vres tyres end; fprintf oc "}\n\n" let function_counter = ref 0 let generate_one_test oc0 oc1 oc2 sg = incr function_counter; let num = !function_counter in let vargs = random_value (sg.args @ sg.varargs) in let vres = random_retvalue sg.res in let name = "f" ^ string_of_int num in fprintf oc0 "extern "; declare_function oc0 name sg; fprintf oc0 ";\n"; define_function oc1 name sg vargs vres; call_function oc2 name sg vargs vres let call_all_test oc = fprintf oc "int main(void)\n"; fprintf oc "{\n"; fprintf oc " alarm(60);\n"; for i = 1 to !function_counter do fprintf oc " call_f%d();\n" i done; fprintf oc " return failed;\n"; fprintf oc "}\n" (* Generate interesting function signatures *) let all_ty = [| Int8u; Int8s; Int16u; Int16s; Int32; Int64; Float32; Float64; String |] let base_ty = [| Int32; Int64; Float32; Float64 |] let makerun pat len = let rec make i l = if l <= 0 then [] else pat.(i) :: make ((i + 1) mod (Array.length pat)) (l - 1) in make 0 len let gen_fixed_sigs f = (* All possible return types *) Array.iter (fun ty -> f { args = []; varargs = []; res = Some ty }) all_ty; (* All possible argument types *) Array.iter (fun ty -> f { args = [ty]; varargs = []; res = None }) all_ty; (* 2 arguments of base types *) Array.iter (fun ty1 -> Array.iter (fun ty2 -> f { args = [ty1; ty2]; varargs = []; res = None }) base_ty) base_ty; (* 3 arguments of base types *) Array.iter (fun ty1 -> Array.iter (fun ty2 -> Array.iter (fun ty3 -> f { args = [ty1; ty2; ty3]; varargs = []; res = None }) base_ty) base_ty) base_ty; (* 4 arguments of base types *) Array.iter (fun ty1 -> Array.iter (fun ty2 -> Array.iter (fun ty3 -> Array.iter (fun ty4 -> f { args = [ty1; ty2; ty3; ty4]; varargs = []; res = None }) base_ty) base_ty) base_ty) base_ty; (* Runs of 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32 arguments of various patterns *) Array.iter (fun pat -> Array.iter (fun len -> f { args = makerun pat len; varargs = []; res = None }) [| 6;8;10;12;16;32 |]) [| [|Int32|]; [|Int64|]; [|Float32|]; [|Float64|]; [|Int32;Int64|]; [|Int32;Float32|]; [|Int32;Float64|]; [|Int64;Float32|]; [|Int64;Float64|]; [|Float32;Float64|]; [|Int32;Int64;Float32;Float64|] |] let split_list l n = let rec split l n accu = if n <= 0 then (List.rev accu, l) else match l with | [] -> assert false | h :: t -> split t (n - 1) (h :: accu) in split l n [] let is_vararg_type = function | Int32 | Int64 | Float64 | String -> true | _ -> false let gen_vararg_sigs f = let make_vararg sg n = if List.length sg.args > n then begin let (fixed, varia) = split_list sg.args n in if List.for_all is_vararg_type varia && is_vararg_type (List.nth fixed (n - 1)) then f { args = fixed; varargs = varia; res = sg.res } end in gen_fixed_sigs (fun sg -> make_vararg sg 2; make_vararg sg 6; make_vararg sg 14) (* Generate interesting struct types *) let struct_counter = ref 0 let mkstruct oc members = incr struct_counter; let id = !struct_counter in declare_struct oc id members; Struct(id, members) let member_ty = [| Int8u; Int16u; Int32; Int64; Float32; Float64 |] let gen_structs oc f = (* One field of any type *) Array.iter (fun ty -> f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty)])) all_ty; (* Two fields of interesting types *) Array.iter (fun ty1 -> Array.iter (fun ty2 -> f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty1); ("b", ty2)])) member_ty) member_ty; (* 3, 4, 6, 8 fields of identical interesting type *) Array.iter (fun ty -> f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty); ("b", ty); ("c", ty)]); f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty); ("b", ty); ("c", ty); ("d", ty)]); f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty); ("b", ty); ("c", ty); ("d", ty); ("e", ty); ("f", ty)]); f (mkstruct oc [("a", ty); ("b", ty); ("c", ty); ("d", ty); ("e", ty); ("f", ty); ("g", ty); ("h", ty)])) member_ty let gen_struct_sigs oc f = let make ty = (* Struct return *) f { args = []; varargs = []; res = Some ty }; (* Struct passing (once, twice) *) f { args = [ty]; varargs = []; res = None }; f { args = [ty;ty]; varargs = []; res = None }; (* Struct passing mixed with scalar arguments *) f { args = [Int32;ty]; varargs = []; res = None }; f { args = [Float64;ty]; varargs = []; res = None } in gen_structs oc make (* Random generation *) let pick arr = arr.( (Array.length arr)) let big_ty = [| Int32; Int64; Float32; Float64; String |] let vararg_ty = [| Int32; Int64; Float64; String |] let random_funsig vararg = let res = if Random.bool() then Some (pick all_ty) else None in let numargs = 12 in let args = List.init numargs (fun _ -> pick big_ty) in let numvarargs = if vararg && numargs > 0 && is_vararg_type (List.nth args (numargs - 1)) then 1 + 12 else 0 in let varargs = List.init numvarargs (fun _ -> pick vararg_ty) in { args; varargs; res } let header = {|#include #include #include #include |} let checking_code = {| extern int failed; static void failure(const char * assertion, const char * file, int line, const char * fn) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%s: assertion %s failed\n", file, line, fn, assertion); failed = 1; } #define check(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : failure(#expr,__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__)) |} let output_prefix = ref "abifuzz" let gen_vararg = ref false let gen_struct = ref false let num_random = ref 0 let _ = Arg.parse [ "-plain", Arg.Unit (fun () -> gen_vararg := false; gen_struct := false), " generate fixed-argument functions without structs"; "-vararg", Arg.Set gen_vararg, " generate variable-argument functions"; "-structs", Arg.Set gen_struct, " generate functions that exchange structs"; "-o", Arg.String (fun s -> output_prefix := s), " produce .h, def.c and use.c files"; "-rnd", Arg.Int (fun n -> num_random := n), " produce extra functions with random signatures"; "-seed", Arg.Int Random.init, " use the given seed for randomization" ] (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad ("don't know what to do with " ^ s))) "Usage: gencalls [options]\n\nOptions are:"; let oc0 = open_out (!output_prefix ^ "_decl.h") and oc1 = open_out (!output_prefix ^ "_def.c") and oc2 = open_out (!output_prefix ^ "_use.c") in fprintf oc0 "%s\n%s\n" header checking_code; fprintf oc1 "%s#include \"%s_decl.h\"\n\n" header !output_prefix; fprintf oc2 "%s#include \"%s_decl.h\"\n\nint failed = 0;\n\n" header !output_prefix; let cont = generate_one_test oc0 oc1 oc2 in if !gen_vararg then gen_vararg_sigs cont else if !gen_struct then gen_struct_sigs oc0 cont else gen_fixed_sigs cont; for i = 1 to !num_random do cont (random_funsig !gen_vararg) done; call_all_test oc2; close_out oc0; close_out oc1; close_out oc2