README README README README README README README README README README 22 June 1993 This is the fourth release of the hierarchical N-body program. The algorithm used to compute gravitational forces has asymptotic complexity of O(N log N). This is achieved by building a tree structure to represent the mass distribution and estimating forces by a partial recursive descent of this tree. See "A Hierarchical O(N log N) Force Calculation Algorithm", by Joshua Barnes and Piet Hut, Nature, 324, 446, and "Error Analysis of a Tree Code", by Joshua Barnes and Piet Hut, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 70, 389, for more information. The code has been rewritten in ANSI C for greater portability. Prototypes have been provided for all functions. Several functions associated with tree construction have been simplified; the resulting code should be easier to mantain. Force calculation has been made more accurate by incorporating a new opening-angle criterion, and faster by adding additional pointers to the tree structure. Quadrupole corrections for body-cell interactions are now included as a run-time option; see "Performance Characteristics of Tree Codes", by Lars Hernquist, Astrophysical Journal Supplement, 64, 715. The source files for the tree code have been bundled together for ease of distribution. On a UNIX system, you can split this file simply by invoking the Bourne shell on it (use the sh command). On other systems, you may have to edit this file and split it up by hand; note that file X is delimited by lines containing the message End of X. Once you have split this file, you can compile it by running make on a UNIX system. On other systems, you are on your own; take a look at the Makefile for hints. Running the program with the default input parameters (type a to all prompts) will start a short calculation with a few particles to test things out. These sources include a few files which you may find generally useful: "stdinc.h", a standard include file with common definitions, "vectmath.h", a set of macros for elementary vector and matrix operations, "real.h", a set of definitions for floating-point code, "getparam.c", a simple, standardized user interface, and "util.c", some miscellaneous utilities. These are part of a larger collection of software for numerical experiments with gravitating systems. NO WARRANTY is offered on the software supplied here -- use it at your own risk. NO RESTRICTIONS are imposed on use and distribution of the code -- you are free to use this software for any application, modify it in any way, use pieces in other programs, and give it away to anyone else. You are encouraged to extend these rights to others who receive this software from you, following the philosophy and intentions of the Free Software Foundation. You are asked to include a brief acknowledgement in any scientific papers you write using this code; I would appreciate receiving preprints or reprints of such papers. I would also appreciate receiving reports of bugs and/or problems encountered in porting this code to other machines. Have fun and stay in touch. Joshua E. Barnes Institute for Astronomy (808) 956-8138 University of Hawaii 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 README README README README README README README README README README