/* For copyright information, see olden_v1.0/COPYRIGHT */ /* =================== PROGRAM bitonic===================== */ /* UP - 0, DOWN - 1 */ #include "node.h" /* Node Definition */ #include "proc.h" /* Procedure Types/Nums */ #define CONST_m1 10000 #define CONST_b 31415821 #define RANGE 100 #ifdef SS_PLAIN #include "ssplain.h" #endif SS_PLAIN #define put(a) chatting("%d",a) #define puts(a) chatting(a) int flag=0,foo=0; #define NewNode(h,v) \ \ { \ h = (HANDLE *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); \ h->value = v; \ h->left = NIL; \ h->right = NIL; \ }; void InOrder(h) HANDLE *h; { HANDLE *l, *r; if ((h != NIL)) { l = h->left; r = h->right; InOrder(l); chatting("%d @ 0x%x\n", h->value, (long)h); InOrder(r); } } int mult(int p, int q) { int p1, p0, q1, q0; p1=p/CONST_m1; p0=p%CONST_m1; q1=q/CONST_m1; q0=q%CONST_m1; return (((p0*q1+p1*q0) % CONST_m1)*CONST_m1+p0*q0); } int skiprand(int seed, int n) { #ifdef SS_PLAIN for (; n; n--) seed=mult(seed,CONST_b)+1; #else SS_PLAIN for (; n; n--) seed=random(seed); #endif SS_PLAIN return seed; } #ifndef SS_PLAIN int random(int seed) { int tmp; tmp = (mult(seed,CONST_b)+1); return tmp; } #endif SS_PLAIN HANDLE* RandTree(n,seed,level) int n,seed,level; { int next_val,my_name; HANDLE *h; my_name=foo++; if (n > 1) { #ifdef SS_PLAIN seed = mult(seed,CONST_b)+1; #else SS_PLAIN seed = random(seed); #endif SS_PLAIN next_val=seed % RANGE; NewNode(h,next_val); h->left = RandTree((n/2),seed,level+1); h->right = RandTree((n/2),skiprand(seed,(n)+1),level+1); } else h = NIL; return(h); } void SwapVal(l,r) HANDLE *l, *r; { int temp; temp = l->value; /* MISS PROBLEM */ l->value = r->value; r->value = temp; } void SwapLeft(l,r) HANDLE *l, *r; { HANDLE *h; h = r->left; r->left = l->left; l->left = h; } void SwapRight(l,r) HANDLE *l, *r; { HANDLE *h; h = r->right; r->right = l->right; /* MISS PROBLEM */ l->right = h; } int Bimerge(root,spr_val,dir) HANDLE *root; int spr_val,dir; { int rightexchange, elementexchange; HANDLE *pl, *pr; /*chatting("enter bimerge %x\n", root);*/ rightexchange = ((root->value > spr_val) ^ dir); if (rightexchange) { int temp; temp = root->value; root->value = spr_val; spr_val = temp; } pl = root->left; pr = root->right; while (pl != NIL) { elementexchange = ((pl->value > /* MISS PROBLEM */pr->value) ^ dir); if (rightexchange) { if (elementexchange) { SwapVal(pl,pr); SwapRight(pl,pr); pl = pl->left; pr = pr->left; } else { pl = pl->right; pr = pr->right; } } else { if (elementexchange) { SwapVal(pl,pr); SwapLeft(pl,pr); pl = pl->right; pr = pr->right; } else { pl = pl->left; pr = pr->left; /* MISS PROBLEM */ } } } if (root->left != NIL) { root->value=Bimerge(root->left,root->value,dir); spr_val=Bimerge(root->right,spr_val,dir); } /*chatting("exit bimerge %x\n", root);*/ return spr_val; } int Bisort(root,spr_val,dir) HANDLE *root; int spr_val,dir; { /*chatting("bisort %x\n", root);*/ if (root->left == NIL) { if ((root->value > spr_val) ^ dir) { int val; val = spr_val; spr_val = root->value; root->value =val; } } else { /* Bisort both halves of the tree and merge */ root->value=Bisort(root->left,root->value,dir); spr_val=Bisort(root->right,spr_val,!dir); spr_val=Bimerge(root,spr_val,dir); } /*chatting("exit bisort %x\n", root);*/ return spr_val; } void main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { HANDLE *h; int sval; int n; n = dealwithargs(argc,argv); chatting("Bisort with %d size\n", n); h = RandTree(n,12345768,0); #ifdef SS_PLAIN sval = (mult(245867,CONST_b)+1) % RANGE; #else SS_PLAIN sval = random(245867) % RANGE; #endif SS_PLAIN if (flag) { InOrder(h); chatting("%d\n",sval); } chatting("**************************************\n"); chatting("BEGINNING BITONIC SORT ALGORITHM HERE\n"); chatting("**************************************\n"); chatting("Sorting forward..."); sval=Bisort(h,sval,0); if (flag) { chatting("Sorted Tree:\n"); InOrder(h); chatting("%d\n",sval); } chatting("done\n"); chatting("sorting backward..."); sval=Bisort(h,sval,1); if (flag) { chatting("Sorted Tree:\n"); InOrder(h); chatting("%d\n",sval); } chatting("done\n"); exit(0); }