/* Test harness for the simple garbage collectors */ #include #include #include #include extern int init_heap(int hsize); enum block_kind { RAWDATA = 0, PTRDATA = 1, CLOSURE = 2 }; struct rootblock { struct rootblock * next; int numroots; void * root[8]; }; extern void * alloc_block(struct rootblock * roots, enum block_kind kind, int size); void gc_alarm(int live) { printf("\n", live); } /* Test with binary trees */ typedef struct { long i; } boxedInt; boxedInt * BoxInt(struct rootblock * r, long n) { boxedInt * new = (boxedInt *) alloc_block(r, RAWDATA, sizeof(long)); new->i = n; return new; } typedef struct tn { struct tn* left; struct tn* right; boxedInt * item; } treeNode; treeNode* NewTreeNode(struct rootblock * r, treeNode* left, treeNode* right, long item) { struct rootblock nr; treeNode* new; boxedInt* bitem; nr.next = r; nr.numroots = 2; nr.root[0] = left; nr.root[1] = right; bitem = BoxInt(&nr, item); nr.numroots = 3; nr.root[2] = bitem; new = (treeNode*) alloc_block(&nr, PTRDATA, sizeof(treeNode)); new->left = (treeNode *) nr.root[0]; new->right = (treeNode *) nr.root[1]; new->item = (boxedInt *) nr.root[2]; return new; } long ItemCheck(treeNode* tree) { if (tree->left == NULL) return tree->item->i; else return tree->item->i + ItemCheck(tree->left) - ItemCheck(tree->right); } treeNode* BottomUpTree(struct rootblock * r, long item, unsigned depth) { struct rootblock nr; if (depth > 0) { nr.next = r; nr.numroots = 0; nr.root[0] = BottomUpTree(&nr, 2 * item - 1, depth - 1); nr.numroots = 1; nr.root[1] = BottomUpTree(&nr, 2 * item, depth - 1); nr.numroots = 2; return NewTreeNode(&nr, (treeNode *) nr.root[0], (treeNode *) nr.root[1], item); } else { return NewTreeNode(r, NULL, NULL, item); } } treeNode* SkinnyTree(struct rootblock * r, unsigned depth) { struct rootblock nr; if (depth > 0) { nr.next = r; nr.numroots = 0; nr.root[0] = SkinnyTree(&nr, depth - 1); nr.numroots = 1; return NewTreeNode(&nr, (treeNode *) nr.root[0], (treeNode *) nr.root[0], depth); } else { return NULL; } } void test(unsigned N) { unsigned depth, minDepth, maxDepth, stretchDepth; struct rootblock r; minDepth = 4; if ((minDepth + 2) > N) maxDepth = minDepth + 2; else maxDepth = N; stretchDepth = maxDepth + 1; r.next = NULL; r.numroots = 0; r.root[0] = BottomUpTree(&r, 0, stretchDepth); printf ( "stretch tree of depth %u\t check: %li\n", stretchDepth, ItemCheck(r.root[0]) ); r.root[0] = SkinnyTree(&r, stretchDepth); r.root[0] = BottomUpTree(&r, 0, maxDepth); r.numroots = 1; r.root[1] = SkinnyTree(&r, stretchDepth); r.numroots = 2; for (depth = minDepth; depth <= maxDepth; depth += 2) { long i, iterations, check; iterations = pow(2, maxDepth - depth + minDepth); check = 0; for (i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { r.root[2] = BottomUpTree(&r, i, depth); check += ItemCheck(r.root[2]); r.root[2] = BottomUpTree(&r, -i, depth); check += ItemCheck(r.root[2]); } printf ( "%li\t trees of depth %u\t check: %li\n", iterations * 2, depth, check ); } printf ( "long lived tree of depth %u\t check: %li\n", maxDepth, ItemCheck(r.root[0]) ); printf ( "skinny tree of depth %u\t\t check: %li\n", stretchDepth, ItemCheck(r.root[1]) ); } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int N, heapsize; N = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 16; heapsize = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 8 * 1024 * 1024; if (init_heap(heapsize) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate heap.\n"); return 2; } test(N); } /********************************* PROGRAM OUTPUT ============== stretch tree of depth 17 check: -1 131072 trees of depth 4 check: -131072 32768 trees of depth 6 check: -32768 8192 trees of depth 8 check: -8192 2048 trees of depth 10 check: -2048 512 trees of depth 12 check: -512 128 trees of depth 14 check: -128 32 trees of depth 16 check: -32 long lived tree of depth 16 check: -1 ***********************************/