An int: 42 A long long: 123456789012345 A string: Hello world A double: 3.141592654 A small struct: x12 A bigger struct: (123,456,789) A mixture: x & Hello, world! & y2 & 42 & 123456789012345 & 3.141592654 & 2.718281746 Twice: -1 1.23 Twice: -1 1.23 With va_copy: -1 1.23 With va_copy: -1 1.23 With extra args: x & Hello, world! & 42 & 123456789012345 & 3.141592654 & 2.718281746 With extra FP args: 123456789012345 & 3.141592654 & 2.718281746 va_list compatibility: x & Hello, world! & 42 & 123456789012345 & 3.141592654 & 2.718281746