# SMTCoq SMTCoq is a Coq tool that checks proof witnesses coming from external SAT and SMT solvers. It relies on a certified checker for such witnesses. On top of it, vernacular commands and tactics to interface with the SAT solver zChaff and the SMT solver veriT are provided. It is designed in a modular way allowing to extend it easily to other solvers. SMTCoq also provides an extracted version of the checker, that can be run outside Coq. The current stable version is version 1.3. ### Installation See the INSTALL.md file for instructions. ### License SMTCoq is released under the CeCILL-C license; see LICENSE for more details. ### Use Examples are given in the file examples/Example.v. They are meant to be easily re-usable for your own usage. #### Overview The SMTCoq module can be used in Coq files via the `Require Import SMTCoq.` command. For each supported solver, it provides: - a vernacular command to check answers: `XXX_Checker "problem_file" "witness_file"` returns `true` only if `witness_file` contains a zChaff proof of the unsatisfiability of the problem stated in `problem_file`; - a vernacular command to safely import theorems: `XXX_Theorem theo "problem_file" "witness_file"` produces a Coq term `teo` whose type is the theorem stated in `problem_file` if `witness_file` is a proof of the unsatisfiability of it, and fails otherwise. - a safe tactic to try to solve a Coq goal using the chosen solver. The SMTCoq checker can also be extracted to OCaml and then used independently from Coq. We now give more details for each solver, and explanations on extraction. #### zChaff Compile and install zChaff as explained in the installation instructions. In the following, we consider that the command `zchaff` is in your `PATH` variable environment. ##### Checking zChaff answers of unsatisfiability and importing theorems To check the result given by zChaff on an unsatisfiable dimacs file `file.cnf`: - Produce a zChaff proof witness: `zchaff file.cnf`. This command produces a proof witness file named `resolve_trace`. - In a Coq file `file.v`, put: ``` Require Import SMTCoq. Zchaff_Checker "file.cnf" "resolve_trace". ``` - Compile `file.v`: `coqc file.v`. If it returns `true` then zChaff indeed proved that the problem was unsatisfiable. - You can also produce Coq theorems from zChaff proof witnesses: the commands ``` Require Import SMTCoq. Zchaff_Theorem theo "file.cnf" "resolve_trace". ``` will produce a Coq term `theo` whose type is the theorem stated in `file.cnf`. ##### zChaff as a Coq decision procedure The `zchaff` tactic can be used to solve any goal of the form: ``` forall l, b1 = b2 ``` where `l` is a list of Booleans (that can be concrete terms). #### veriT Compile and install veriT as explained in the installation instructions. In the following, we consider that the command `veriT` is in your `PATH` variable environment. ##### Checking veriT answers of unsatisfiability and importing theorems To check the result given by veriT on an unsatisfiable SMT-LIB2 file `file.smt2`: - Produce a veriT proof witness: ``` veriT --proof-prune --proof-merge --proof-with-sharing --cnf-definitional --disable-e --disable-ackermann --input=smtlib2 --proof=file.log file.smt2 ``` This command produces a proof witness file named `file.log`. - In a Coq file `file.v`, put: ``` Require Import SMTCoq. Section File. Verit_Checker "file.smt2" "file.log". End File. ``` - Compile `file.v`: `coqc file.v`. If it returns `true` then veriT indeed proved that the problem was unsatisfiable. - You can also produce Coq theorems from zChaff proof witnesses: the commands ``` Require Import SMTCoq. Section File. Verit_Theorem theo "file.smt2" "file.log". End File. ``` will produce a Coq term `theo` whose type is the theorem stated in `file.smt2`. The theories that are currently supported are `QF_UF`, `QF_LIA`, `QF_IDL` and their combinations. ##### veriT as a Coq decision procedure The `verit` tactic can be used to solve any goal of the form: ``` forall l, b1 = b2 ``` where `l` is a list of Booleans. Those Booleans can be any concrete terms. The theories that are currently supported are `QF_UF`, `QF_LIA`, `QF_IDL` and their combinations. #### Extraction The `src/extraction` directory contains the OCaml extracted checker, as well as additional files to make use of it. You can compile it using the given `Makefile` (after compiling SMTCoq): it will produce an executable `smtcoq` that can be run independently of SMTCoq in this way: - `smtcoq -zchaff foo.cnf foo.zlog` runs the ZChaff checker on a DIMACS file and the corresponding ZChaff certificate - `smtcoq -verit foo.smt2 foo.vtlog` runs the veriT checker on a SMTLIB2 file and the corresponding veriT certificate. Note that even the extracted version of SMTCoq requires both native-coq and SMTCoq to be compiled (mainly since it relies on other Coq plugins).