(* [Require Import SMTCoq.SMTCoq.] loads the SMTCoq library. If you are using native-coq instead of Coq 8.6, replace it with: Require Import SMTCoq. *) Require Import SMTCoq.SMTCoq. Require Import Bool. Local Open Scope int63_scope. (* Examples that check ZChaff certificates *) Zchaff_Checker "sat.cnf" "sat.log". Zchaff_Theorem sat "sat.cnf" "sat.log". Check sat. Zchaff_Checker "hole4.cnf" "hole4.log". (* Example that checks a VeriT certificate, for logic QF_UF *) Section Verit. Verit_Checker "euf.smt2" "euf.log". End Verit. (* Examples of the zchaff tactic (requires zchaff in your PATH environment variable): - with booleans - with concrete terms *) Goal forall a b c, (a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a) = false. Proof. zchaff. Qed. Goal forall i j k, let a := i == j in let b := j == k in let c := k == i in (a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a) = false. Proof. zchaff. Qed. (* Examples of the verit tactic (requires verit in your PATH environment variable): - with booleans - in logics QF_UF and QF_LIA *) Goal forall a b c, ((a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a)) = false. Proof. verit. Qed. Goal forall (a b : Z) (P : Z -> bool) (f : Z -> Z), (negb (Zeq_bool (f a) b)) || (negb (P (f a))) || (P b). Proof. verit. Qed. Goal forall b1 b2 x1 x2, implb (ifb b1 (ifb b2 (Zeq_bool (2*x1+1) (2*x2+1)) (Zeq_bool (2*x1+1) (2*x2))) (ifb b2 (Zeq_bool (2*x1) (2*x2+1)) (Zeq_bool (2*x1) (2*x2)))) ((implb b1 b2) && (implb b2 b1) && (Zeq_bool x1 x2)). Proof. verit. Qed.