(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* [Require Import SMTCoq.SMTCoq.] loads the SMTCoq library. If you are using native-coq instead of Coq 8.10, replace it with: Require Import SMTCoq. *) Require Import SMTCoq.SMTCoq. Require Import Bool. Require Import ZArith. Import BVList.BITVECTOR_LIST. Local Open Scope bv_scope. Import FArray. Local Open Scope farray_scope. (* Examples that check ZChaff certificates *) Local Open Scope int63_scope. Zchaff_Checker "sat.cnf" "sat.log". Zchaff_Theorem sat "sat.cnf" "sat.log". Check sat. Zchaff_Checker "hole4.cnf" "hole4.log". (* Example that checks a VeriT certificate, for logic QF_UFLIA *) Section Verit. Verit_Checker "lia.smt2" "lia.vtlog". End Verit. (* Example that checks a LFSC certificate, for logic QF_UFLIA *) Section Lfsc. Lfsc_Checker "lia.smt2" "lia.lfsc". End Lfsc. (* Examples of the zchaff tactic (requires zchaff in your PATH environment variable): - with booleans - with concrete terms *) Goal forall a b c, (a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a) = false. Proof. zchaff. Qed. Goal forall (i j k : Z), let a := Z.eqb i j in let b := Z.eqb j k in let c := Z.eqb k i in (a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a) = false. Proof. zchaff. Qed. (* Examples of the verit tactics (requires verit in your PATH environment variable), which handle - propositional logic - theory of equality - linear integer arithmetic - universally quantified hypotheses *) Goal forall a b c, ((a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a)) = false. Proof. verit_bool. Qed. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Goal forall (a b : Z) (P : Z -> bool) (f : Z -> Z), (negb (Z.eqb (f a) b)) || (negb (P (f a))) || (P b). Proof. verit_bool. Qed. Goal forall b1 b2 x1 x2, implb (ifb b1 (ifb b2 (Z.eqb (2*x1+1) (2*x2+1)) (Z.eqb (2*x1+1) (2*x2))) (ifb b2 (Z.eqb (2*x1) (2*x2+1)) (Z.eqb (2*x1) (2*x2)))) ((implb b1 b2) && (implb b2 b1) && (Z.eqb x1 x2)). Proof. verit_bool. Qed. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), x = y + 1 -> f y = f (x - 1). Proof. verit. Qed. (*Some examples of using verit with lemmas. Use to temporarily add the lemmas H1 .. Hn to the verit environment. *) Lemma const_fun_is_eq_val_0 : forall f : Z -> Z, (forall a b, f a =? f b) -> forall x, f x =? f 0. Proof. intros f Hf. verit Hf. Qed. Section With_lemmas. Variable f : Z -> Z. Variable k : Z. Hypothesis f_k_linear : forall x, f (x + 1) =? f x + k. Lemma fSS2: forall x, f (x + 2) =? f x + 2 * k. Proof. verit_no_check f_k_linear. Qed. End With_lemmas. (* Instantiating a lemma with multiple quantifiers *) Section NonLinear. Lemma distr_right_inst a b (mult : Z -> Z -> Z) : (forall x y z, mult (x + y) z =? mult x z + mult y z) -> (mult (3 + a) b =? mult 3 b + mult a b). Proof. intro H. verit H. Qed. End NonLinear. (* You can use to permanently add the lemmas H1 .. Hn to the environment. If you did so in a section then, at the end of the section, you should use to empty the globally added lemmas because those lemmas won't be available outside of the section. *) Section mult3. Variable mult3 : Z -> Z. Hypothesis mult3_0 : mult3 0 =? 0. Hypothesis mult3_Sn : forall n, mult3 (n+1) =? mult3 n + 3. Add_lemmas mult3_0 mult3_Sn. Lemma mult_3_4_12 : mult3 4 =? 12. Proof. verit. Qed. Clear_lemmas. End mult3. (* Examples of the smt tactic (requires verit and cvc4 in your PATH environment variable): - propositional logic - theory of equality - linear integer arithmetic - theory of fixed-sized bit-vectors - theory of arrays *) Goal forall a b c, ((a || b || c) && ((negb a) || (negb b) || (negb c)) && ((negb a) || b) && ((negb b) || c) && ((negb c) || a)) = false. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b : Z) (P : Z -> bool) (f : Z -> Z), (negb (Z.eqb (f a) b)) || (negb (P (f a))) || (P b). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall b1 b2 x1 x2, implb (ifb b1 (ifb b2 (Z.eqb (2*x1+1) (2*x2+1)) (Z.eqb (2*x1+1) (2*x2))) (ifb b2 (Z.eqb (2*x1) (2*x2+1)) (Z.eqb (2*x1) (2*x2)))) ((implb b1 b2) && (implb b2 b1) && (Z.eqb x1 x2)). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), x = y + 1 -> f y = f (x - 1). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (bv1 bv2 bv3: bitvector 4), bv1 = #b|0|0|0|0| /\ bv2 = #b|1|0|0|0| /\ bv3 = #b|1|1|0|0| -> bv_ultP bv1 bv2 /\ bv_ultP bv2 bv3. Proof. smt. Qed. (* All tactics have a "no_check" variant that is faster but, in case of failure, it will only fail at Qed *) Goal forall (bv1 bv2 bv3: bitvector 4), bv1 = #b|0|0|0|0| /\ bv2 = #b|1|0|0|0| /\ bv3 = #b|1|1|0|0| -> bv_ultP bv1 bv2 /\ bv_ultP bv2 bv3. Proof. smt_no_check. Qed. (* From cvc4_bool : Uncaught exception Not_found *) (* Goal forall (a b c d: farray Z Z), *) (* b[0 <- 4] = c -> *) (* d = b[0 <- 4][1 <- 4] -> *) (* a = d[1 <- b[1]] -> *) (* a = c. *) (* Proof. *) (* smt. *) (* Qed. *) Goal forall (a b: farray Z Z) (v w x y z t: Z) (r s: bitvector 4) (f: Z -> Z) (g: farray Z Z -> Z) (h: bitvector 4 -> Z), a[x <- v] = b /\ a[y <- w] = b -> a[z <- w] = b /\ a[t <- v] = b -> r = s -> v < x + 10 /\ v > x - 5 -> ~ (g a = g b) \/ f (h r) = f (h s). Proof. smt. Qed. (** SMTCoq also provides conversion tactics, to inject various integer types into the type Z supported by SMTCoq. They can be called before the standard SMTCoq tactics. **) Local Open Scope positive_scope. Goal forall (f : positive -> positive) (x y : positive), implb ((x + 3) =? y) ((f (x + 3)) <=? (f y)) = true. Proof. pos_convert. verit. Qed. Goal forall (f : positive -> positive) (x y : positive), implb ((x + 3) =? y) ((3 N) (x y : N), implb ((x + 3) =? y) ((f (x + 3)) <=? (f y)) = true. Proof. N_convert. verit. Qed. Goal forall (f : N -> N) (x y : N), implb ((x + 3) =? y) ((2 nat) (x y : nat), implb (Nat.eqb (x + 3) y) ((f (x + 3)) <=? (f y)) = true. Proof. nat_convert. verit. Qed. Goal forall (f : nat -> nat) (x y : nat), implb (Nat.eqb (x + 3) y) ((2 nat -> N, forall (x : positive) (y : nat), implb (x =? 3)%positive (implb (Nat.eqb y 7) (implb (f 3%positive 7%nat =? 12)%N (f x y =? 12)%N)) = true. pos_convert. nat_convert. N_convert. verit. Qed. Open Scope Z_scope. (** Now more insightful examples. The first one automatically proves properties in group theory. **) Section group. Variable op : Z -> Z -> Z. Variable inv : Z -> Z. Variable e : Z. (* We can prove automatically that we have a group if we only have the "left" versions of the axioms of a group *) Hypothesis associative : forall a b c : Z, op a (op b c) =? op (op a b) c. Hypothesis inverse : forall a : Z, (op (inv a) a =? e). Hypothesis identity : forall a : Z, (op e a =? a). Add_lemmas associative identity inverse. (* The "right" version of inverse *) Lemma inverse' : forall a : Z, (op a (inv a) =? e). Proof. smt. Qed. (* The "right" version of identity *) Lemma identity' : forall a : Z, (op a e =? a). Proof. smt inverse'. Qed. (* Some other interesting facts about groups *) Lemma unique_identity e': (forall z, op e' z =? z) -> e' =? e. Proof. intros pe'; smt pe'. Qed. Lemma simplification_right x1 x2 y: op x1 y =? op x2 y -> x1 =? x2. Proof. intro H. smt_no_check H inverse'. Qed. Lemma simplification_left x1 x2 y: op y x1 =? op y x2 -> x1 =? x2. Proof. intro H. smt_no_check H inverse'. Qed. Clear_lemmas. End group. (* A full example coming from CompCert, slightly revisited. See: https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00289542 https://xavierleroy.org/memory-model/doc/Memory.html (Section 3) *) Section CompCert. Definition block := Z. Variable mem: Set. Variable dec_mem : CompDec mem. Variable alloc_block: mem -> Z -> Z -> block. Variable alloc_mem: mem -> Z -> Z -> mem. Variable valid_block: mem -> block -> bool. Hypothesis alloc_valid_block_1: forall m lo hi b, valid_block (alloc_mem m lo hi) b ---> ((b =? (alloc_block m lo hi)) || valid_block m b). Hypothesis alloc_valid_block_2: forall m lo hi b, ((b =? (alloc_block m lo hi)) || valid_block m b) ---> valid_block (alloc_mem m lo hi) b. Hypothesis alloc_not_valid_block: forall m lo hi, negb (valid_block m (alloc_block m lo hi)). Lemma alloc_valid_block_inv m lo hi b : valid_block m b -> valid_block (alloc_mem m lo hi) b. Proof. intro H. unfold block in *. verit alloc_valid_block_2 H. Qed. Lemma alloc_not_valid_block_2 m lo hi b' : valid_block m b' -> b' =? (alloc_block m lo hi) = false. Proof. intro H. unfold block in *. verit alloc_not_valid_block H. Qed. End CompCert.