(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This example tests the tactics in "real" condition: a part of the proof of correctness of insertion sort. It requires propositional reasoning, uninterpreted functions, and a bit of integer arithmetic. Ideally, the proof of each lemma should consists only on induction/destruct followed by a call to [smt]. What we currently lack: - we have to provide all the needed lemmas and unfold all the definitions - it requires too much from uninterpreted functions even when it is not needed - it sometimes fails (may be realted to the previous item) *) Require Import SMTCoq.SMTCoq. Require Import ZArith List Bool. Local Open Scope Z_scope. (* This will improve when SMTCoq works with SSReflect! *) Lemma impl_implb (a b:bool) : (a -> b) <-> (a ---> b). Proof. auto using (reflect_iff _ _ (ReflectFacts.implyP a b)). Qed. Lemma eq_false b : b = false <-> negb b. Proof. case b; intuition. Qed. Section InsertionSort. Fixpoint insert (x:Z) (l:list Z) : list Z := match l with | nil => x::nil | y::ys => if (x <=? y)%Z then x::y::ys else y::(insert x ys) end. Fixpoint sort (l:list Z) : list Z := match l with | nil => nil | x::xs => insert x (sort xs) end. Section Spec. Fixpoint is_sorted (l:list Z) : bool := match l with | nil => true | x::xs => match xs with | nil => true | y::_ => (x <=? y)%Z && (is_sorted xs) end end. Fixpoint smaller (x:Z) (l:list Z) : bool := match l with | nil => true | y::ys => (x <=? y)%Z && (smaller x ys) end. Lemma is_sorted_smaller x y ys : (((x <=? y)%Z && is_sorted (y :: ys)) ---> is_sorted (x :: ys)). Proof. destruct ys as [ |z zs]. - simpl. smt. - change (is_sorted (y :: z :: zs)) with ((y <=? z)%Z && (is_sorted (z::zs))). change (is_sorted (x :: z :: zs)) with ((x <=? z)%Z && (is_sorted (z::zs))). (* [smt] or [verit] fail? *) assert (H:forall b, (x <=? y)%Z && ((y <=? z) && b) ---> (x <=? z) && b) by smt. apply H. Qed. Lemma is_sorted_cons x xs : (is_sorted (x::xs)) <---> (is_sorted xs && smaller x xs). Proof. induction xs as [ |y ys IHys]. - reflexivity. - change (is_sorted (x :: y :: ys)) with ((x <=? y)%Z && (is_sorted (y::ys))). change (smaller x (y :: ys)) with ((x <=? y)%Z && (smaller x ys)). generalize (is_sorted_smaller x y ys). revert IHys. rewrite !impl_implb. (* Idem *) assert (H:forall a b c d, (a <---> b && c) ---> ((x <=? y) && d ---> a) ---> ((x <=? y) && d <---> d && ((x <=? y) && c))) by smt. apply H. Qed. Lemma insert_keeps_smaller x y ys : smaller y ys ---> (y <=? x) ---> smaller y (insert x ys). Proof. induction ys as [ |z zs IHzs]. - simpl. smt. - simpl. case (x <=? z). + simpl. (* [smt] or [verit] require [Compec (list Z)] but they should not *) assert (H:forall a, (y <=? z) && a ---> (y <=? x) ---> (y <=? x) && ((y <=? z) && a)) by smt. apply H. + simpl. revert IHzs. rewrite impl_implb. (* Idem *) assert (H:forall a b, (a ---> (y <=? x) ---> b) ---> (y <=? z) && a ---> (y <=? x) ---> (y <=? z) && b) by smt. apply H. Qed. Lemma insert_keeps_sorted x l : is_sorted l -> is_sorted (insert x l). Proof. induction l as [ |y ys IHys]. - reflexivity. - intro H. simpl. case_eq (x <=? y); intro Heq. + change ((x <=? y)%Z && (is_sorted (y::ys))). rewrite Heq, H. reflexivity. + rewrite eq_false in Heq. rewrite (eqb_prop _ _ (is_sorted_cons _ _)) in H. rewrite (eqb_prop _ _ (is_sorted_cons _ _)). generalize (insert_keeps_smaller x y ys). revert IHys H Heq. rewrite !impl_implb. (* Idem *) assert (H: forall a b c d, (a ---> b) ---> a && c ---> negb (x <=? y) ---> (c ---> (y <=? x) ---> d) ---> b && d) by smt. apply H. Qed. Theorem sort_sorts l : is_sorted (sort l). Proof. induction l as [ |x xs IHxs]. - reflexivity. - simpl. now apply insert_keeps_sorted. Qed. End Spec. End InsertionSort.