(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Software implementation of arrays, based on finite maps using AVL trees *) Declare Scope array_scope. Require Export Int63 Psatz. Require FMapAVL. Require Import ZArith. Local Open Scope int63_scope. Import OrderedType. Module IntOrderedType <: OrderedType. Definition t := int. Definition eq x y := (x == y) = true. Definition lt x y := (x < y) = true. Lemma eq_refl x : eq x x. Proof. unfold eq. rewrite eqb_spec. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eq_sym x y : eq x y -> eq y x. Proof. unfold eq. rewrite !eqb_spec. intros ->. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma eq_trans x y z : eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z. Proof. unfold eq. rewrite !eqb_spec. intros -> ->. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma lt_trans x y z : lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z. Proof. unfold lt; rewrite !ltb_spec; apply Z.lt_trans. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq x y : lt x y -> ~ eq x y. Proof. unfold lt, eq. rewrite ltb_spec, eqb_spec. intros H1 H2. rewrite H2 in H1. lia. Qed. Definition compare x y : Compare lt eq x y. Proof. case_eq (x < y); intro e. exact (LT e). case_eq (x == y); intro e2. exact (EQ e2). apply GT. unfold lt. rewrite <- Bool.not_false_iff_true, <- Bool.not_true_iff_false, ltb_spec, eqb_spec in *; intro e3. apply e2, to_Z_inj; lia. Defined. Definition eq_dec x y : { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y }. Proof. case_eq (x == y); intro e. left; exact e. right. intro H. rewrite H in e. discriminate. Defined. End IntOrderedType. Module Map := FMapAVL.Make(IntOrderedType). (* An array is represented as a tuple of a finite map, the default element, and the length *) Definition array (A:Type) : Type := (Map.t A * A * int)%type. Definition make {A:Type} (l:int) (d:A) : array A := (Map.empty A, d, l). Definition get {A:Type} (t:array A) (i:int) : A := let (td, l) := t in let (t, d) := td in if i < l then match Map.find i t with | Some x => x | None => d end else d. Definition default {A:Type} (t:array A) : A := let (td,_) := t in let (_,d) := td in d. Definition set {A:Type} (t:array A) (i:int) (a:A) : array A := let (td,l) := t in if l <= i then t else let (t,d) := td in (Map.add i a t, d, l). Definition length {A:Type} (t:array A) : int := let (_,l) := t in l. Definition copy {A:Type} (t:array A) : array A := t. Delimit Scope array_scope with array. Notation "t '.[' i ']'" := (get t i) (at level 50) : array_scope. Notation "t '.[' i '<-' a ']'" := (set t i a) (at level 50) : array_scope. Local Open Scope array_scope. Definition max_length := max_int. (** Axioms *) Require FSets.FMapFacts. Module P := FSets.FMapFacts.WProperties_fun IntOrderedType Map. Lemma get_outofbound : forall A (t:array A) i, (i < length t) = false -> t.[i] = default t. intros A t i; unfold get. destruct t as ((t, d), l). unfold length; intro Hi; rewrite Hi; clear Hi. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_set_same : forall A t i (a:A), (i < length t) = true -> t.[i<-a].[i] = a. intros A t i a. destruct t as ((t, d), l). unfold set, get, length. intro Hi; generalize Hi. rewrite ltb_spec. rewrite Z.lt_nge. rewrite <- leb_spec. rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false. intro Hi'; rewrite Hi'; clear Hi'. rewrite Hi; clear Hi. rewrite P.F.add_eq_o. reflexivity. rewrite eqb_spec. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_set_other : forall A t i j (a:A), i <> j -> t.[i<-a].[j] = t.[j]. intros A t i j a Hij. destruct t as ((t, d), l). unfold set, get, length. case (l <= i). reflexivity. rewrite P.F.add_neq_o. reflexivity. intro H; apply Hij; clear Hij. rewrite eqb_spec in H. assumption. Qed. Lemma default_set : forall A t i (a:A), default (t.[i<-a]) = default t. intros A t i a. destruct t as ((t, d), l). unfold default, set. case (l <= i); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_make : forall A (a:A) size i, (make size a).[i] = a. intros A a size i. unfold make, get. rewrite P.F.empty_o. case (i < size); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma leb_length : forall A (t:array A), length t <= max_length = true. intros A t. generalize (length t); clear t. intro i. rewrite leb_spec. apply Z.lt_succ_r. change (Z.succ (to_Z max_length)) with wB. apply to_Z_bounded. Qed. Lemma length_make : forall A size (a:A), length (make size a) = if size <= max_length then size else max_length. intros A size a. unfold length, make. replace (size <= max_length) with true. reflexivity. symmetry. rewrite leb_spec. apply Z.lt_succ_r. change (Z.succ (to_Z max_length)) with wB. apply to_Z_bounded. Qed. Lemma length_set : forall A t i (a:A), length (t.[i<-a]) = length t. intros A t i a. destruct t as ((t, d), l). unfold length, set. case (l <= i); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_copy : forall A (t:array A) i, (copy t).[i] = t.[i]. intros A t i. unfold copy; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma length_copy : forall A (t:array A), length (copy t) = length t. intros A t. unfold copy; reflexivity. Qed. (* Not true in this implementation (see #71, many thanks to Andres Erbsen) *) (* Axiom array_ext : forall A (t1 t2:array A), length t1 = length t2 -> (forall i, i < length t1 = true -> t1.[i] = t2.[i]) -> default t1 = default t2 -> t1 = t2. *) (* Lemmas *) Lemma default_copy A (t:array A) : default (copy t) = default t. unfold copy; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma default_make A (a : A) size : default (make size a) = a. unfold default, make; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_set_same_default A (t : array A) (i : int) : t.[i <- default t].[i] = default t. unfold default, get, set. destruct t as ((t, d), l). case_eq (i < l). intro H; generalize H. rewrite ltb_spec. rewrite Z.lt_nge. rewrite <- leb_spec. rewrite Bool.not_true_iff_false. intro H'; rewrite H'; clear H'. rewrite H; clear H. rewrite P.F.add_eq_o. reflexivity. rewrite eqb_spec. reflexivity. intro H; generalize H. rewrite <- Bool.not_true_iff_false. rewrite ltb_spec. rewrite <- Z.le_ngt. rewrite <- leb_spec. intro H'; rewrite H'; clear H'. rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma get_not_default_lt A (t:array A) x : t.[x] <> default t -> (x < length t) = true. unfold get, default, length. destruct t as ((t, d), l). case (x < l); tauto. Qed. (* Local Variables: coq-load-path: ((rec "../../.." "SMTCoq")) End: *)