(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This file provides: - a generic way to inject, via tactics, types of natural numbers into the type Z, which is the type known by SMT solvers and, thus, by SMTCoq - an instanciation for the types nat, positive and N. *) Require Import ZArith. (* This module represents the structure to be injected into Z *) Module Type convert_type. (* The type to be injected *) Parameter T : Type. (* Mapping both ways *) Parameter Z2T : Z -> T. Parameter T2Z : T -> Z. (* T2Z is an injection *) Axiom T2Z_id : forall x : T, Z2T (T2Z x) = x. (* A property about elements of Z coming from elements of T. For instance, for nat, all elements are non-negative: (0 <=? z)%Z *) Parameter inT : Z -> bool. (* The image of the injection satisfies this property *) Axiom T2Z_pres : forall x : T, inT (T2Z x) = true. (* It is always possible to define inT as Z.eqb z (T2Z (Z2T z))>. In this case, the proof of the axiom is simply: . *) (* We ask this injection to be a morphism for all the following symbols *) (* Addition *) Parameter add : T -> T -> T. Axiom t2z_add_morph : forall x' y', Z.add (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (add x' y'). (* Multiplication *) Parameter mul : T -> T -> T. Axiom t2z_mul_morph : forall x' y', Z.mul (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (mul x' y'). (* <= *) Parameter leb : T -> T -> bool. Axiom t2z_leb_morph : forall x' y', Z.leb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = leb x' y'. (* < *) Parameter ltb : T -> T -> bool. Axiom t2z_ltb_morph : forall x' y', Z.ltb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = ltb x' y'. (* = *) Parameter eqb : T -> T -> bool. Axiom t2z_eqb_morph : forall x' y', Z.eqb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = eqb x' y'. End convert_type. (* This fonctor builds a conversion tactic from a module of the signature above *) Module convert (M : convert_type). Import M. (* SMTCoq uses Booleans *) Lemma implb_impl : forall a b : bool, (implb a b = true -> a = true -> b = true). Proof. intros a b H. destruct a; destruct b; try reflexivity; discriminate. Qed. (* Get the head symbol of an application *) Ltac get_head x := lazymatch x with ?x _ => get_head x | _ => x end. (* [inverse_tactic tactic] succceds when [tactic] fails, and the other way round *) Ltac inverse_tactic tactic := try (tactic; fail 1). (* [constr_neq t u] fails if and only if [t] and [u] are convertible *) Ltac constr_neq t u := inverse_tactic ltac:(constr_eq t u). (* [is_not_constructor U sym] fails if and only if [sym] is a constructor of [U] *) Ltac is_not_constructor U sym := let H := fresh in assert (U -> True) as H by (let x := fresh in let y := fresh in intro x; pose x as y; destruct x; let C := eval unfold y in y in let c := get_head C in constr_neq sym c; exact I); clear H. (* [is_constructor U sym] succeeds if and only if [sym] is a constructor of [U] *) Ltac is_constructor U sym := inverse_tactic ltac:(is_not_constructor U sym). (* Replaces the sub-terms [x] of type [T] which are not under a known symbol by Z2T (T2Z x) *) Ltac converting := (* The heart of the tactic *) repeat match goal with (* We capture each subèterm [x] together with its context, i.e. the goal is C[x] *) | |- context C[?x] => (* If [x] has type [T] *) let U := type of x in lazymatch eval fold T in U with | T => lazymatch x with (* If x is of the shape Z2T (T2Z _) we stop since [x] is already in the expected shape *) | Z2T (T2Z _) => fail | _ => (* We generate a fresh variable of type T *) let var := fresh in pose proof x as var; (* Otherwise, we analyze the formula obtained by replacing [x] by the fresh variable in the goal *) lazymatch context C[var] with | context [?h var] => let h := get_head h in lazymatch h with (* [x] is already in the expected shape *) | T2Z => fail (* Not necessary to rewrite under symbols commuting with T2Z *) | add => fail | mul => fail | ltb => fail | leb => fail | eqb => fail (* Do not rewrite inside a constant *) | Zpos => fail | Zneg => fail | _ => (* Idem: if the context contains a constructor of [T], and [x] starts with a constructor of [T], we are inside a constant *) let hx := get_head x in try (is_constructor T h; is_constructor T hx; fail 1); (* Otherwise, we rewrite *) let old_goal := context C[x] in let new_goal := context C[Z2T (T2Z x)] in replace old_goal with new_goal by (rewrite (T2Z_id x); reflexivity) end end; (* We clear the fresh variable *) clear var end end end. Ltac rewriting := repeat (try rewrite <- t2z_leb_morph; try rewrite <- t2z_ltb_morph; try rewrite <- t2z_eqb_morph; try rewrite <- t2z_add_morph; try rewrite <- t2z_mul_morph). (* expand_type [Tn;...T2;;T1] T = T1->T2->...->Tn->T *) Fixpoint expand_type l T : Type := match l with | nil => T | cons h l => expand_type l (h -> T) end. (* get_args (f t1 t2 ... tn) = [(Tn,tn);...;(T2,t2);(T1,t1)] *) Ltac get_args X := lazymatch X with | ?x ?y => let x_args := get_args x in let T := type of y in constr:(cons (existT (fun z => z) T y) x_args) | _ => constr:(@nil (sigT (fun x => x))) end. (* get_args_types [(Tn,tn);...;(T2,t2);(T1,t1)] = [Tn;...;T2;T1] *) Fixpoint get_args_types (l : list (sigT (fun x => x))) : list Type := match l with | nil => nil | cons (@existT _ _ T _) l => cons T (get_args_types l) end. (* apply_args [(Tn,tn);...;(T2,t2);(T1,t1)] T (f : T1->T2->...->Tn->T) = f t1 t2 ... tn *) Ltac apply_args f args := lazymatch args with | nil => constr:(f) | cons ?arg ?args => match arg with existT _ _ ?arg => let f := apply_args f args in constr:(f arg) end end. (* expand_fun [Tn;...;T2;T1] T U (f : T1->T2->...->Tn->T) (g : T->U) = fun x1 x2 ... xn => g (f x1 x2 ... xn) *) Fixpoint expand_fun (l : list Type) (T : Type) (U : Type) : expand_type l T -> (T -> U) -> expand_type l U := match l with | nil => fun f g => g f | cons h l' => fun f g => expand_fun l' (h -> T) (h -> U) f (fun a x => g (a x)) end. (* expand (f (t1:T1) (t2:T2) ... (tn:Tn) : T) (g : T->U) = fun x1 x2 ... xn => g (f x1 x2 ... xn) *) Ltac expand X g := (* Let argsX = [(Tn,tn);...;(T2,t2);(T1,t1)] *) let argsX := get_args X in (* Let argsXtypes = [Tn;...;T2;T1] *) let argsXtypes := constr:(get_args_types argsX) in (* Let typeX = T *) let typeX := type of X in (* Let h = f *) let h := get_head X in (* Let typeg = U *) let typeg := match type of g with _ -> ?U => U end in (* We return expand_fun [Tn;...;T2;T1] T Z f T2Z = fun x1 x2 ... xn => g (f x1 x2 ... xn) *) constr:(expand_fun argsXtypes typeX typeg h g). (* Replaces function symbols with return type in T, and variables in T, by their counterparts in Z, adding the positivity hypotheses *) Ltac renaming := repeat match goal with (* If there is a term of the shape (T2Z (f t1 ... tn)) *) | |- context [T2Z ?X] => (* Get the head symbol *) let f := get_head X in (* Nothing to do if it is a constructor *) is_not_constructor T f; (* Otherwise, let fe = fun x1 ... xn => T2Z (f x1 ... xn) *) let fe := expand X T2Z in let fe := eval cbv in fe in (* Pose fe_id := fun x1 ... xn => T2Z (f x1 ... xn) *) let fe_id := fresh in pose (fe_id := fe); repeat match goal with (* For each term of the shape (T2Z (f' t'1 ... t'n)) *) | |- context [T2Z ?X'] => (* Get the head symbol *) let f' := get_head X' in (* If f' = f *) constr_eq f f'; (* Add the hypothesis inT (T2Z X') *) generalize (T2Z_pres X'); apply implb_impl; (* Let args = [t'1;...;t'n] *) let args := get_args X' in (* Let Y = fe_id t'1 ... t'n *) let Y := apply_args fe_id args in (* Replace [T2Z (f' t'1 ... t'n)] by [Y] *) change (T2Z X') with Y end; (* Abstract over [fe_id := fun x1 ... xn => T2Z (f x1 ... xn)] *) generalize fe_id; (* Erase the old f and the temporary fe_id *) clear f fe_id; (* Introduce the new f with the same name *) let f := fresh f in intro f end. (* expand_fun' [Tn;...;T2;T1] T U (f : T1->T2->...->Tn->T) (a : T->U) = fun x1 x2 ... xn => a (f x1 x2 ... xn) *) Fixpoint expand_fun' (l : list Type) : forall T U : Type, expand_type l T -> (T -> U) -> expand_type l U := match l as l return forall T U, expand_type l T -> (T ->U) -> expand_type l U with | nil => fun T U f a => a f | cons T' l => fun T U f a => expand_fun' l (T' -> T) (T' -> U) f (fun g xn => a (g xn)) end. (* expand' (f (t1:T1) (t2:T2) ... (tn:Tn) : T) (g : U->Tn) = fun x1 x2 ... xn => f x1 x2 ... (g xn) *) Ltac expand' X g := (* Let argsX = [(Tn,tn);...;(T2,t2);(T1,t1)] *) let argsX := get_args X in (* Let argsXtypes = [Tn;...;T2;T1] *) let argsXtypes := constr:(get_args_types argsX) in let argsXtypes := eval cbv in argsXtypes in (* Let Tn = Tn *) let Tn := match argsXtypes with cons ?T _ => T end in (* Let argsXtypes = [Tn-1;...;T2;T1] *) let argsXtypes := match argsXtypes with cons _ ?args => args end in (* Let typeX = T *) let typeX := type of X in (* Let h = f *) let h := get_head X in (* Let typeg = U *) let typeg := match type of g with ?U -> _ => U end in (* Return expand_fun' [Tn-1;...;T2;T1] (Tn->T) (Z->T) f (fun b x => b (g x))) = fun x1 x2 ... xn => f x1 x2 ... (g xn) *) constr:(expand_fun' argsXtypes (Tn -> typeX) (typeg -> typeX) h (fun b x => b (g x))). (* Replaces function symbols with parameters in T, with their counterparts with parameters in Z *) Ltac renaming' := repeat match goal with (* If there is a term of the shape (f t1 ... (Z2T tn)) *) | |- context [?X (Z2T ?Y)] => (* Get the head symbol *) let f := get_head X in (* Nothing to do if it is a constructor *) is_not_constructor T f; (* Otherwise, let fe = fun x1 ... xn => f x1 ... (Z2T xn) *) let fe := expand' (X (Z2T Y)) Z2T in let fe := eval simpl in fe in repeat match goal with (* For each term of the shape (f' t'1 ... (Z2T t'n)) *) | |- context [?X' (Z2T ?Y')] => (* Get the head symbol *) let f' := get_head X' in (* If f' = f *) constr_eq f f'; (* Let args = [t'1;...;t'(n-1)] *) let args := get_args X' in (* Let Z = (fun x1 ... xn => f x1 ... (Z2T xn)) t'1 ... t'(n-1) *) let Z := apply_args fe args in (* Replace (f' t'1 ... (Z2T t'n)) with (Z t'n) *) change (X' (Z2T Y')) with (Z Y') end; (* Abstract over (fun x1 ... xn => (f x1 ... (Z2T xn)) *) generalize fe; (* Erase the old f *) clear f; (* Introduce the new f with the same name *) let f := fresh f in intro f end. (* The whole tactic *) Ltac convert := fold T add mul ltb leb eqb; intros; converting; rewriting; renaming; renaming'; let T2Z_unfolded := eval red in T2Z in change T2Z with T2Z_unfolded; let inT_unfolded := eval red in inT in change inT with inT_unfolded; simpl. End convert. (* Instanciation for the type [positive] *) Module pos_convert_type <: convert_type. Definition T : Type := positive. Definition Z2T : Z -> T := fun z => match z with | 0%Z => 1%positive | Zpos p => p | Zneg _ => 1%positive end. Definition T2Z : T -> Z := Zpos. Lemma T2Z_id : forall x : T, Z2T (T2Z x) = x. reflexivity. Qed. Definition inT : Z -> bool := fun z => Z.ltb 0 z. Lemma T2Z_pres : forall x, inT (T2Z x) = true. reflexivity. Qed. Definition add : T -> T -> T := Pos.add. Lemma t2z_add_morph : forall x' y', Z.add (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (add x' y'). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition mul : T -> T -> T := Pos.mul. Lemma t2z_mul_morph : forall x' y', Z.mul (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (mul x' y'). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition leb : T -> T -> bool := Pos.leb. Lemma t2z_leb_morph : forall x' y', Z.leb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = leb x' y'. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition ltb : T -> T -> bool := Pos.ltb. Lemma t2z_ltb_morph : forall x' y', Z.ltb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = ltb x' y'. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Definition eqb : T -> T -> bool := Pos.eqb. Lemma t2z_eqb_morph : forall x' y', Z.eqb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = eqb x' y'. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. End pos_convert_type. Module pos_convert_mod := convert pos_convert_type. Ltac pos_convert := pos_convert_mod.convert. (* Instanciation for the type [N] *) Module N_convert_type <: convert_type. Definition T : Type := N. Definition Z2T : Z -> T := Z.to_N. Definition T2Z : T -> Z := Z.of_N. Lemma T2Z_id : forall x : T, Z2T (T2Z x) = x. exact N2Z.id. Qed. Definition inT : Z -> bool := fun z => Z.leb 0 z. Lemma T2Z_pres : forall x, inT (T2Z x) = true. intro; unfold inT; rewrite Z.leb_le; apply N2Z.is_nonneg. Qed. Definition add : T -> T -> T := N.add. Lemma t2z_add_morph : forall x' y', Z.add (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (add x' y'). Proof. intros x y; destruct x, y; reflexivity. Qed. Definition mul : T -> T -> T := N.mul. Lemma t2z_mul_morph : forall x' y', Z.mul (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (mul x' y'). Proof. intros x y; destruct x, y; reflexivity. Qed. Definition leb : T -> T -> bool := N.leb. Lemma t2z_leb_morph : forall x' y', Z.leb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = leb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; destruct x, y; reflexivity. Qed. Definition ltb : T -> T -> bool := N.ltb. Lemma t2z_ltb_morph : forall x' y', Z.ltb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = ltb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; destruct x, y; reflexivity. Qed. Definition eqb : T -> T -> bool := N.eqb. Lemma t2z_eqb_morph : forall x' y', Z.eqb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = eqb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; destruct x, y; reflexivity. Qed. End N_convert_type. Module N_convert_mod := convert N_convert_type. Ltac N_convert := N_convert_mod.convert. (* Instanciation for the type [nat] *) Require Import NPeano. Module nat_convert_type <: convert_type. Definition T : Type := nat. Definition Z2T : Z -> T := Z.to_nat. Definition T2Z : T -> Z := Z.of_nat. Lemma T2Z_id : forall x : T, Z2T (T2Z x) = x. exact Nat2Z.id. Qed. Definition inT : Z -> bool := fun z => Z.leb 0 z. Lemma T2Z_pres : forall x, inT (T2Z x) = true. intro; unfold inT; rewrite Z.leb_le; apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg. Qed. Definition add : T -> T -> T := Nat.add. Lemma t2z_add_morph : forall x' y', Z.add (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (add x' y'). Proof. symmetry. apply Nat2Z.inj_add. Qed. Definition mul : T -> T -> T := Nat.mul. Lemma t2z_mul_morph : forall x' y', Z.mul (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = T2Z (mul x' y'). Proof. symmetry. apply Nat2Z.inj_mul. Qed. Definition leb : T -> T -> bool := Nat.leb. Lemma t2z_leb_morph : forall x' y', Z.leb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = leb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; unfold leb. case_eq (Nat.leb x y); [| rewrite <- 2 Bool.not_true_iff_false]; rewrite <- Zle_is_le_bool; rewrite Nat.leb_le; rewrite Nat2Z.inj_le; auto. Qed. Definition ltb : T -> T -> bool := Nat.ltb. Lemma t2z_ltb_morph : forall x' y', Z.ltb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = ltb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; unfold ltb. case_eq (Nat.ltb x y); [| rewrite <- 2 Bool.not_true_iff_false]; rewrite <- Zlt_is_lt_bool; rewrite Nat.ltb_lt; rewrite Nat2Z.inj_lt; auto. Qed. Definition eqb : T -> T -> bool := Nat.eqb. Lemma t2z_eqb_morph : forall x' y', Z.eqb (T2Z x') (T2Z y') = eqb x' y'. Proof. intros x y; unfold eqb. case_eq (Nat.eqb x y); [| rewrite <- 2 Bool.not_true_iff_false]; rewrite Z.eqb_eq; rewrite Nat.eqb_eq; rewrite Nat2Z.inj_iff; auto. Qed. End nat_convert_type. Module nat_convert_mod := convert nat_convert_type. Ltac nat_convert := nat_convert_mod.convert.