(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import Bool ZArith BVList Logic BVList FArray SMT_classes SMT_classes_instances ReflectFacts. Import BVList.BITVECTOR_LIST. Lemma geb_ge (n m : Z) : (n >=? m)%Z = true <-> (n >= m)%Z. Proof. now rewrite Z.geb_le, Z.ge_le_iff. Qed. Ltac prop2bool := repeat match goal with | [ |- forall _ : ?t, _ ] => lazymatch type of t with | Prop => fail | _ => intro end | [ |- context[ bv_ultP _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- bv_ult_B2P | [ |- context[ bv_sltP _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- bv_slt_B2P | [ |- context[ Z.lt _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- Z.ltb_lt | [ |- context[ Z.gt _ _ ] ] => rewrite Zgt_is_gt_bool | [ |- context[ Z.le _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- Z.leb_le | [ |- context[ Z.ge _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- geb_ge | [ |- context[ Z.eq _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- Z.eqb_eq | [ |- context[ @Logic.eq ?t _ _ ] ] => lazymatch t with | bitvector _ => rewrite <- bv_eq_reflect | farray _ _ => rewrite <- equal_iff_eq | Z => rewrite <- Z.eqb_eq | bool => fail | _ => lazymatch goal with | [ p: (CompDec t) |- _ ] => rewrite (@compdec_eq_eqb _ p) | _ => let p := fresh "p" in assert (p:CompDec t); [ auto with typeclass_instances | rewrite (@compdec_eq_eqb _ p) ] end end | [ |- context[?G0 = true \/ ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite (@reflect_iff (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (orb G0 G1)); [ | apply orP] | [ |- context[?G0 = true -> ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite (@reflect_iff (G0 = true -> G1 = true) (implb G0 G1)); [ | apply implyP] | [ |- context[?G0 = true /\ ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite (@reflect_iff (G0 = true /\ G1 = true) (andb G0 G1)); [ | apply andP] | [ |- context[?G0 = true <-> ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite (@reflect_iff (G0 = true <-> G1 = true) (Bool.eqb G0 G1)); [ | apply iffP] | [ |- context[ ~ ?G = true ] ] => rewrite (@reflect_iff (~ G = true) (negb G)); [ | apply negP] | [ |- context[ is_true ?G ] ] => unfold is_true | [ |- context[ True ] ] => rewrite <- TrueB | [ |- context[ False ] ] => rewrite <- FalseB end. Ltac bool2prop_true := repeat match goal with | [ |- forall _ : ?t, _ ] => lazymatch type of t with | Prop => fail | _ => intro end | [ |- context[ bv_ult _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite bv_ult_B2P | [ |- context[ bv_slt _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite bv_slt_B2P | [ |- context[ Z.ltb _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite Z.ltb_lt | [ |- context[ Z.gtb _ _ ] ] => rewrite <- Zgt_is_gt_bool | [ |- context[ Z.leb _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite Z.leb_le | [ |- context[ Z.geb _ _ ] ] => rewrite geb_ge | [ |- context[ Z.eqb _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite Z.eqb_eq | [ |- context[ eqb_of_compdec ?p _ _ = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@compdec_eq_eqb _ p) | [ |- context[ ?G0 || ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (G0 = true \/ G1 = true) (orb G0 G1)); [ | apply orP] | [ |- context[ implb ?G0 ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (G0 = true -> G1 = true) (implb G0 G1)); [ | apply implyP] | [ |- context[?G0 && ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (G0 = true /\ G1 = true) (andb G0 G1)); [ | apply andP] | [ |- context[Bool.eqb ?G0 ?G1 = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (G0 = true <-> G1 = true) (Bool.eqb G0 G1)); [ | apply iffP] | [ |- context[ negb ?G = true ] ] => rewrite <- (@reflect_iff (~ G = true) (negb G)); [ | apply negP] | [ |- context[ true = true ] ] => rewrite TrueB | [ |- context[ false = true ] ] => rewrite FalseB end. Ltac bool2prop := unfold is_true; bool2prop_true. Ltac prop2bool_hyp H := let TH := type of H in (* Add a CompDec hypothesis if needed *) let prop2bool_t := fresh "prop2bool_t" in epose (prop2bool_t := ?[prop2bool_t_evar] : Type); let prop2bool_comp := fresh "prop2bool_comp" in epose (prop2bool_comp := ?[prop2bool_comp_evar] : bool); let H' := fresh in assert (H':False -> TH); [ let HFalse := fresh "HFalse" in intro HFalse; repeat match goal with | [ |- forall _ : ?t, _ ] => lazymatch type of t with | Prop => fail | _ => intro end | [ |- context[@Logic.eq ?A _ _] ] => instantiate (prop2bool_t_evar := A); instantiate (prop2bool_comp_evar := true) | _ => instantiate (prop2bool_t_evar := nat); instantiate (prop2bool_comp_evar := false) end; destruct HFalse | ]; clear H'; match (eval compute in prop2bool_comp) with | true => let A := eval cbv in prop2bool_t in match goal with | [ _ : CompDec A |- _ ] => idtac | _ => let Hcompdec := fresh "Hcompdec" in assert (Hcompdec: CompDec A); [ auto with typeclass_instances | ] end | false => idtac end; clear prop2bool_t; clear prop2bool_comp; (* Compute the bool version of the lemma *) [ .. | let prop2bool_Hbool := fresh "prop2bool_Hbool" in epose (prop2bool_Hbool := ?[prop2bool_Hbool_evar] : Prop); assert (H':False -> TH); [ let HFalse := fresh "HFalse" in intro HFalse; let rec tac_rec := match goal with | [ |- forall _ : ?t, _ ] => lazymatch type of t with | Prop => fail | _ => let H := fresh in intro H; tac_rec; revert H end | _ => prop2bool end in tac_rec; match goal with | [ |- ?g ] => only [prop2bool_Hbool_evar]: refine g end; destruct HFalse | ]; clear H'; (* Assert and prove the bool version of the lemma *) assert (H':prop2bool_Hbool); subst prop2bool_Hbool; [ bool2prop; apply H | ]; (* Replace the Prop version with the bool version *) clear H; assert (H:=H'); clear H' ]. Ltac prop2bool_hyps Hs := match Hs with | (?Hs, ?H) => try prop2bool_hyp H; [ .. | prop2bool_hyps Hs] | ?H => try prop2bool_hyp H end. Section Test. Variable A : Type. Hypothesis basic : forall (l1 l2:list A), length (l1++l2) = (length l1 + length l2)%nat. Hypothesis no_eq : forall (z1 z2:Z), (z1 < z2)%Z. Hypothesis uninterpreted_type : forall (a:A), a = a. Goal True. Proof. prop2bool_hyp basic. prop2bool_hyp no_eq. prop2bool_hyp uninterpreted_type. Abort. Goal True. Proof. prop2bool_hyps (basic, no_eq, uninterpreted_type). Abort. End Test. Section Group. Variable G : Type. Variable HG : CompDec G. Variable op : G -> G -> G. Variable inv : G -> G. Variable e : G. Hypothesis associative : forall a b c : G, op a (op b c) = op (op a b) c. Hypothesis identity : forall a : G, (op e a = a) /\ (op a e = a). Hypothesis inverse : forall a : G, (op a (inv a) = e) /\ (op (inv a) a = e). Variable e' : G. Hypothesis other_id : forall e' z, op e' z = z. Goal True. Proof. prop2bool_hyp associative. prop2bool_hyp identity. prop2bool_hyp inverse. prop2bool_hyp other_id. exact I. Qed. Goal True. Proof. prop2bool_hyps (associative, identity, inverse, other_id). exact I. Qed. End Group. Section MultipleCompDec. Variables A B : Type. Hypothesis multiple : forall (a1 a2:A) (b1 b2:B), a1 = a2 -> b1 = b2. Goal True. Proof. Fail prop2bool_hyp multiple. Abort. End MultipleCompDec. (* We can assume that we deal only with monomorphic hypotheses, since polymorphism will be removed before *) Section Poly. Hypothesis basic : forall (A:Type) (l1 l2:list A), length (l1++l2) = (length l1 + length l2)%nat. Hypothesis uninterpreted_type : forall (A:Type) (a:A), a = a. Goal True. Proof. prop2bool_hyp basic. Fail prop2bool_hyp uninterpreted_type. Abort. End Poly. Infix "--->" := implb (at level 60, right associativity) : bool_scope. Infix "<--->" := Bool.eqb (at level 60, right associativity) : bool_scope. (* Does not fail since 8.10 *) Goal True. evar (t:Type). assert (H:True). - instantiate (t:=nat). exact I. - exact I. Qed. Goal True. evar (t:option Set). assert (H:True). - instantiate (t:=Some nat). exact I. - exact I. Qed. Goal True. evar (t:option Type). assert (H:True). - Fail instantiate (t:=Some nat). exact I. - exact I. Abort.