(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Sud *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import Bool Int63 PArray. Require Import Misc State SMT_terms Cnf Euf Lia Syntactic Arithmetic Operators. Local Open Scope array_scope. Local Open Scope int63_scope. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Set Vm Optimize. Section trace. (* We are given a certificate, a checker for it (that modifies a state), and a proof that the checker is correct: the state it returns must be valid and well-formed. *) Variable step : Type. Variable check_step : S.t -> step -> S.t. Variable rho : Valuation.t. (* We use [array array step] to allow bigger trace *) Definition _trace_ := array (array step). (* A checker for such a trace *) Variable is_false : C.t -> bool. Hypothesis is_false_correct : forall c, is_false c -> ~ C.interp rho c. Definition _checker_ (s: S.t) (t: _trace_) (confl:clause_id) : bool := let s' := PArray.fold_left (fun s a => PArray.fold_left check_step s a) s t in is_false (S.get s' confl). (* Register _checker_ as PrimInline. *) (* For debugging *) (* Variable check_step_debug : S.t -> step -> option S.t. Definition _checker_debug_ (s: S.t) (t: _trace_) : sum S.t ((int*int)*S.t) := let s' := PArray.foldi_left (fun i s a => PArray.foldi_left (fun j s' a' => match s' with | inl s'' => match check_step_debug s'' a' with | Some s''' => inl s''' | None => inr ((i,j),s'') end | u => u end) s a) (inl s) t in s'. Definition _checker_partial_ (s: S.t) (t: _trace_) (max:int) : S.t := PArray.fold_left (fun s a => PArray.foldi_left (fun i s' a' => if i < max then check_step s' a' else s') s a) s t. *) (* Proof of its partial correction: if it returns true, then the initial state is not valid *) Hypothesis valid_check_step : forall s, S.valid rho s -> forall c, S.valid rho (check_step s c). Lemma _checker__correct : forall s, forall t confl, _checker_ s t confl-> ~ (S.valid rho s). Proof. unfold _checker_. intros s t' cid Hf Hv. apply (is_false_correct Hf). apply S.valid_get. apply PArray.fold_left_ind; auto. intros a i _ Ha;apply PArray.fold_left_ind;trivial. intros a0 i0 _ H1;auto. Qed. End trace. (* Application to resolution *) Module Sat_Checker. Inductive step := | Res (_:int) (_:resolution). Definition resolution_checker s t := _checker_ (fun s (st:step) => let (pos, r) := st in S.set_resolve s pos r) s t. Lemma resolution_checker_correct : forall rho, Valuation.wf rho -> forall s t cid, resolution_checker C.is_false s t cid-> ~S.valid rho s. Proof. intros rho Hwr;apply _checker__correct. intros; apply C.is_false_correct; trivial. intros s Hv (pos, r);apply S.valid_set_resolve;trivial. Qed. (** Application to Zchaff *) Definition dimacs := PArray.array (PArray.array _lit). Definition C_interp_or rho c := afold_left _ _ false orb (Lit.interp rho) c. Lemma C_interp_or_spec : forall rho c, C_interp_or rho c = C.interp rho (to_list c). Proof. intros rho c; unfold C_interp_or; case_eq (C.interp rho (to_list c)). unfold C.interp; rewrite List.existsb_exists; intros [x [H1 H2]]; destruct (In_to_list _ _ H1) as [i [H3 H4]]; subst x; apply (afold_left_orb_true _ i); auto. unfold C.interp; intro H; apply afold_left_orb_false; intros i H1; case_eq (Lit.interp rho (c .[ i])); auto; intro Heq; assert (H2: exists x, List.In x (to_list c) /\ Lit.interp rho x = true). exists (c.[i]); split; auto; apply to_list_In; auto. rewrite <- List.existsb_exists in H2; rewrite H2 in H; auto. Qed. Definition valid rho (d:dimacs) := afold_left _ _ true andb (C_interp_or rho) d. Lemma valid_spec : forall rho d, valid rho d <-> (forall i : int, i < length d -> C.interp rho (PArray.to_list (d.[i]))). Proof. unfold valid; intros rho d; split; intro H. intros i Hi; case_eq (C.interp rho (to_list (d .[ i]))); try reflexivity. intro Heq; erewrite afold_left_andb_false in H; try eassumption. rewrite C_interp_or_spec; auto. apply afold_left_andb_true; try assumption; intros i Hi; rewrite C_interp_or_spec; apply H; auto. Qed. Inductive certif := | Certif : int -> _trace_ step -> clause_id -> certif. Definition add_roots s (d:dimacs) := PArray.foldi_right (fun i c s => S.set_clause s i (PArray.to_list c)) d s. Definition checker (d:dimacs) (c:certif) := let (nclauses, t, confl_id) := c in resolution_checker C.is_false (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d) t confl_id. Lemma valid_add_roots : forall rho, Valuation.wf rho -> forall d s, valid rho d -> S.valid rho s -> S.valid rho (add_roots s d). Proof. intros rho Hwr d s Hd Hs; unfold add_roots; apply (PArray.foldi_right_Ind _ _ (fun _ a => S.valid rho a)); auto; intros a i Hlt Hv; apply S.valid_set_clause; auto; rewrite valid_spec in Hd; apply Hd; auto. Qed. Lemma checker_correct : forall d c, checker d c = true -> forall rho, Valuation.wf rho -> ~valid rho d. Proof. unfold checker; intros d (nclauses, t, confl_id) Hc rho Hwf Hv. apply (resolution_checker_correct Hwf Hc). apply valid_add_roots; auto. apply S.valid_make; auto. Qed. Definition interp_var rho x := match compare x 1 with | Lt => true | Eq => false | Gt => rho (x - 1) (* This allows to have variable starting at 1 in the interpretation as in dimacs files *) end. Lemma theorem_checker : forall d c, checker d c = true -> forall rho, ~valid (interp_var rho) d. Proof. intros d c H rho;apply checker_correct with c;trivial. split;compute;trivial;discriminate. Qed. End Sat_Checker. Module Cnf_Checker. Inductive step := | Res (pos:int) (res:resolution) | ImmFlatten (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) (lf:_lit) | CTrue (pos:int) | CFalse (pos:int) | BuildDef (pos:int) (l:_lit) | BuildDef2 (pos:int) (l:_lit) | BuildProj (pos:int) (l:_lit) (i:int) | ImmBuildDef (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) | ImmBuildDef2 (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) | ImmBuildProj (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) (i:int). Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Notation check_flatten t_form := (check_flatten t_form (fun i1 i2 => i1 == i2) (fun _ _ => false)) (only parsing). Definition step_checker t_form s (st:step) := match st with | Res pos res => S.set_resolve s pos res | ImmFlatten pos cid lf => S.set_clause s pos (check_flatten t_form s cid lf) | CTrue pos => S.set_clause s pos Cnf.check_True | CFalse pos => S.set_clause s pos Cnf.check_False | BuildDef pos l => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef t_form l) | BuildDef2 pos l => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef2 t_form l) | BuildProj pos l i => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildProj t_form l i) | ImmBuildDef pos cid => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef t_form s cid) | ImmBuildDef2 pos cid => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef2 t_form s cid) | ImmBuildProj pos cid i => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildProj t_form s cid i) end. Lemma step_checker_correct : forall rho t_form, Form.check_form t_form -> forall s, S.valid (Form.interp_state_var rho t_form) s -> forall st : step, S.valid (Form.interp_state_var rho t_form) (step_checker t_form s st). Proof. intros rho t_form Ht s H; destruct (Form.check_form_correct rho _ Ht) as [[Ht1 Ht2] Ht3]; intros [pos res|pos cid lf|pos|pos|pos l|pos l|pos l i|pos cid|pos cid|pos cid i]; simpl; try apply S.valid_set_clause; auto. apply S.valid_set_resolve; auto. apply valid_check_flatten; auto; try discriminate; intros a1 a2; unfold is_true; rewrite Int63Properties.eqb_spec; intro; subst a1; auto. apply valid_check_True; auto. apply valid_check_False; auto. apply valid_check_BuildDef; auto. apply valid_check_BuildDef2; auto. apply valid_check_BuildProj; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildDef; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildDef2; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildProj; auto. Qed. Definition cnf_checker t_form s t := _checker_ (step_checker t_form) s t. Lemma cnf_checker_correct : forall rho t_form, Form.check_form t_form -> forall s t confl, cnf_checker t_form C.is_false s t confl -> ~ (S.valid (Form.interp_state_var rho t_form) s). Proof. unfold cnf_checker; intros rho t_form Ht; apply _checker__correct. intros c H; apply C.is_false_correct; auto. apply step_checker_correct; auto. Qed. Inductive certif := | Certif : int -> _trace_ step -> int -> certif. Definition checker t_form l (c:certif) := let (nclauses, t, confl) := c in Form.check_form t_form && cnf_checker t_form C.is_false (S.set_clause (S.make nclauses) 0 (l::nil)) t confl. Lemma checker_correct : forall t_form l c, checker t_form l c = true -> forall rho, ~ (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var rho t_form) l). Proof. unfold checker; intros t_form l (nclauses, t, confl); unfold is_true; rewrite andb_true_iff; intros [H1 H2] rho H; apply (cnf_checker_correct (rho:=rho) H1 H2); destruct (Form.check_form_correct rho _ H1) as [[Ht1 Ht2] Ht3]; apply S.valid_set_clause; auto. apply S.valid_make; auto. unfold C.valid; simpl; rewrite H; auto. Qed. Definition checker_b t_form l (b:bool) (c:certif) := let l := if b then Lit.neg l else l in checker t_form l c. Lemma checker_b_correct : forall t_var t_form l b c, checker_b t_form l b c = true -> Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (PArray.get t_var) t_form) l = b. Proof. unfold checker_b; intros t_var t_form l b c; case b; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (get t_var) t_form) l); auto; intros H1 H2; elim (checker_correct H2 (rho:=get t_var)); auto; rewrite Lit.interp_neg, H1; auto. Qed. Definition checker_eq t_form l1 l2 l (c:certif) := negb (Lit.is_pos l) && match t_form.[Lit.blit l] with | Form.Fiff l1' l2' => (l1 == l1') && (l2 == l2') | _ => false end && checker t_form l c. Lemma checker_eq_correct : forall t_var t_form l1 l2 l c, checker_eq t_form l1 l2 l c = true -> Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (PArray.get t_var) t_form) l1 = Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (PArray.get t_var) t_form) l2. Proof. unfold checker_eq; intros t_var t_form l1 l2 l c; rewrite !andb_true_iff; case_eq (t_form .[ Lit.blit l]); [intros _ _|intros _|intros _|intros _ _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _ _|intros l1' l2' Heq|intros _ _ _ _]; intros [[H1 H2] H3]; try discriminate; rewrite andb_true_iff in H2; rewrite !Int63Properties.eqb_spec in H2; destruct H2 as [H2 H4]; subst l1' l2'; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l); intro Heq'; rewrite Heq' in H1; try discriminate; clear H1; assert (H:PArray.default t_form = Form.Ftrue /\ Form.wf t_form). unfold checker in H3; destruct c as (nclauses, t, confl); rewrite andb_true_iff in H3; destruct H3 as [H3 _]; destruct (Form.check_form_correct (get t_var) _ H3) as [[Ht1 Ht2] Ht3]; split; auto. destruct H as [H1 H2]; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (get t_var) t_form) l1); intro Heq1; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (get t_var) t_form) l2); intro Heq2; auto; elim (checker_correct H3 (rho:=get t_var)); unfold Lit.interp; rewrite Heq'; unfold Var.interp; rewrite Form.wf_interp_form; auto; rewrite Heq; simpl; rewrite Heq1, Heq2; auto. Qed. End Cnf_Checker. (* Application to resolution + cnf justification + euf + lia *) (* Require Cnf.Cnf. *) (* Require Euf.Euf. *) (* Require Lia.Lia. *) Module Euf_Checker. Section Checker. Variable t_i : array typ_eqb. Variable t_func : array (Atom.tval t_i). Variable t_atom : array Atom.atom. Variable t_form : array Form.form. Inductive step := | Res (pos:int) (res:resolution) | ImmFlatten (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) (lf:_lit) | CTrue (pos:int) | CFalse (pos:int) | BuildDef (pos:int) (l:_lit) | BuildDef2 (pos:int) (l:_lit) | BuildProj (pos:int) (l:_lit) (i:int) | ImmBuildDef (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) | ImmBuildDef2 (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) | ImmBuildProj (pos:int) (cid:clause_id) (i:int) | EqTr (pos:int) (l:_lit) (fl: list _lit) | EqCgr (pos:int) (l:_lit) (fl: list (option _lit)) | EqCgrP (pos:int) (l1:_lit) (l2:_lit) (fl: list (option _lit)) | LiaMicromega (pos:int) (cl:list _lit) (c:list ZMicromega.ZArithProof) | LiaDiseq (pos:int) (l:_lit) | SplArith (pos:int) (orig:clause_id) (res:_lit) (l:list ZMicromega.ZArithProof) | SplDistinctElim (pos:int) (orig:clause_id) (res:_lit) (* Offer the possibility to discharge parts of the proof to (manual) Coq proofs. WARNING: this breaks extraction. *) | Hole (pos:int) (res:_lit) (p:Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) res) . Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Notation check_flatten t_atom t_form := (check_flatten t_form (check_hatom t_atom) (check_neg_hatom t_atom)) (only parsing). Definition step_checker s (st:step) := match st with | Res pos res => S.set_resolve s pos res | ImmFlatten pos cid lf => S.set_clause s pos (check_flatten t_atom t_form s cid lf) | CTrue pos => S.set_clause s pos Cnf.check_True | CFalse pos => S.set_clause s pos Cnf.check_False | BuildDef pos l => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef t_form l) | BuildDef2 pos l => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildDef2 t_form l) | BuildProj pos l i => S.set_clause s pos (check_BuildProj t_form l i) | ImmBuildDef pos cid => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef t_form s cid) | ImmBuildDef2 pos cid => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildDef2 t_form s cid) | ImmBuildProj pos cid i => S.set_clause s pos (check_ImmBuildProj t_form s cid i) | EqTr pos l fl => S.set_clause s pos (check_trans t_form t_atom l fl) | EqCgr pos l fl => S.set_clause s pos (check_congr t_form t_atom l fl) | EqCgrP pos l1 l2 fl => S.set_clause s pos (check_congr_pred t_form t_atom l1 l2 fl) | LiaMicromega pos cl c => S.set_clause s pos (check_micromega t_form t_atom cl c) | LiaDiseq pos l => S.set_clause s pos (check_diseq t_form t_atom l) | SplArith pos orig res l => S.set_clause s pos (check_spl_arith t_form t_atom (S.get s orig) res l) | SplDistinctElim pos orig res => S.set_clause s pos (check_distinct_elim t_form t_atom (S.get s orig) res) | @Hole pos res _ => S.set_clause s pos (res::nil) end. Lemma step_checker_correct : let rho := Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form in Form.check_form t_form -> Atom.check_atom t_atom -> Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom -> forall s, S.valid rho s -> forall st : step, S.valid rho (step_checker s st). Proof. intros rho H1 H2 H10 s Hs. destruct (Form.check_form_correct (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) _ H1) as [[Ht1 Ht2] Ht3]. destruct (Atom.check_atom_correct _ H2) as [Ha1 Ha2]. intros [pos res|pos cid lf|pos|pos|pos l|pos l|pos l i|pos cid|pos cid|pos cid i|pos l fl|pos l fl|pos l1 l2 fl|pos cl c|pos l|pos orig res l|pos orig res|pos res p]; simpl; try apply S.valid_set_clause; auto. apply S.valid_set_resolve; auto. apply valid_check_flatten; auto; intros h1 h2 H. rewrite (Syntactic.check_hatom_correct_bool _ _ _ Ha1 Ha2 _ _ H); auto. rewrite (Syntactic.check_neg_hatom_correct_bool _ _ _ H10 Ha1 Ha2 _ _ H); auto. apply valid_check_True; auto. apply valid_check_False; auto. apply valid_check_BuildDef; auto. apply valid_check_BuildDef2; auto. apply valid_check_BuildProj; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildDef; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildDef2; auto. apply valid_check_ImmBuildProj; auto. apply valid_check_trans; auto. apply valid_check_congr; auto. apply valid_check_congr_pred; auto. apply valid_check_micromega; auto. apply valid_check_diseq; auto. apply valid_check_spl_arith; auto. apply valid_check_distinct_elim; auto. unfold C.valid; simpl; unfold rho; rewrite p; auto. Qed. Definition euf_checker (* t_atom t_form *) s t := _checker_ (step_checker (* t_atom t_form *)) s t. Lemma euf_checker_correct : (* forall t_i t_func t_atom t_form, *) let rho := Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form in Form.check_form t_form -> Atom.check_atom t_atom -> Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom -> forall s t confl, euf_checker (* t_atom t_form *) C.is_false s t confl -> ~ (S.valid rho s). Proof. unfold euf_checker; intros (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) rho H1 H2 H10; apply _checker__correct. intros c H; apply C.is_false_correct; auto. apply step_checker_correct; auto. Qed. Inductive certif := | Certif : int -> _trace_ step -> int -> certif. Definition add_roots s d used_roots := match used_roots with | Some ur => PArray.foldi_right (fun i c_index s => let c := if c_index < length d then (d.[c_index])::nil else C._true in S.set_clause s i c) ur s | None => PArray.foldi_right (fun i c s => S.set_clause s i (c::nil)) d s end. Definition valid t_i t_func t_atom t_form d := let rho := Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form in afold_left _ _ true andb (Lit.interp rho) d. Lemma add_roots_correct : (* forall t_i t_func t_atom t_form, *) let rho := Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form in Form.check_form t_form -> Atom.check_atom t_atom -> Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom -> forall s d used_roots, S.valid rho s -> valid t_func t_atom t_form d -> S.valid rho (add_roots s d used_roots). Proof. intros (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) rho H1 H2 H10 s d used_roots H3; unfold valid; intro H4; pose (H5 := (afold_left_andb_true_inv _ _ _ H4)); unfold add_roots; assert (Valuation.wf rho) by (destruct (Form.check_form_correct (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) _ H1) as [_ H]; auto); case used_roots. intro ur; apply (foldi_right_Ind _ _ (fun _ a => S.valid rho a)); auto; intros a i H6 Ha; apply S.valid_set_clause; auto; case_eq (ur .[ i] < length d). intro; unfold C.valid; simpl; rewrite H5; auto. intros; apply C.interp_true; auto. apply (foldi_right_Ind _ _ (fun _ a => S.valid rho a)); auto; intros a i H6 Ha; apply S.valid_set_clause; auto; unfold C.valid; simpl; rewrite H5; auto. Qed. Definition checker (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) d used_roots (c:certif) := let (nclauses, t, confl) := c in Form.check_form t_form && Atom.check_atom t_atom && Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom && euf_checker (* t_atom t_form *) C.is_false (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d used_roots) t confl. Implicit Arguments checker []. Lemma checker_correct : forall (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) d used_roots c, checker (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) d used_roots c = true -> ~ valid t_func t_atom t_form d. Proof. unfold checker; intros (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) d used_roots (nclauses, t, confl); rewrite !andb_true_iff; intros [[[H1 H2] H10] H3] H; eelim euf_checker_correct; try eassumption; apply add_roots_correct; try eassumption; apply S.valid_make; destruct (Form.check_form_correct (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) _ H1) as [_ H4]; auto. Qed. Definition checker_b (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l (b:bool) (c:certif) := let l := if b then Lit.neg l else l in let (nclauses,_,_) := c in checker (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) (PArray.make nclauses l) None c. Lemma checker_b_correct : forall (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l b c, checker_b (* t_func t_atom t_form *) l b c = true -> Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l = b. Proof. unfold checker_b; intros (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l b (nclauses, t, confl); case b; intros H2; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l); auto; intros H1; elim (checker_correct H2); auto; unfold valid; apply afold_left_andb_true; intros i Hi; rewrite get_make; auto; rewrite Lit.interp_neg, H1; auto. Qed. Definition checker_eq (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l1 l2 l (c:certif) := negb (Lit.is_pos l) && match t_form.[Lit.blit l] with | Form.Fiff l1' l2' => (l1 == l1') && (l2 == l2') | _ => false end && let (nclauses,_,_) := c in checker (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) (PArray.make nclauses l) None c. Lemma checker_eq_correct : forall (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l1 l2 l c, checker_eq (* t_func t_atom t_form *) l1 l2 l c = true -> Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l1 = Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l2. Proof. unfold checker_eq; intros (* t_i t_func t_atom t_form *) l1 l2 l (nclauses, t, confl); rewrite !andb_true_iff; case_eq (t_form .[ Lit.blit l]); [intros _ _|intros _|intros _|intros _ _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _|intros _ _ _|intros l1' l2' Heq|intros _ _ _ _]; intros [[H1 H2] H3]; try discriminate; rewrite andb_true_iff in H2; rewrite !Int63Properties.eqb_spec in H2; destruct H2 as [H2 H4]; subst l1' l2'; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l); intro Heq'; rewrite Heq' in H1; try discriminate; clear H1; assert (H:PArray.default t_form = Form.Ftrue /\ Form.wf t_form). unfold checker in H3; rewrite !andb_true_iff in H3; destruct H3 as [[[H3 _] _] _]; destruct (Form.check_form_correct (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) _ H3) as [[Ht1 Ht2] Ht3]; split; auto. destruct H as [H1 H2]; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l1); intro Heq1; case_eq (Lit.interp (Form.interp_state_var (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) t_form) l2); intro Heq2; auto; elim (checker_correct H3); unfold valid; apply afold_left_andb_true; intros i Hi; rewrite get_make; unfold Lit.interp; rewrite Heq'; unfold Var.interp; rewrite Form.wf_interp_form; auto; rewrite Heq; simpl; rewrite Heq1, Heq2; auto. Qed. (* Checker for extraction, that does not know the evaluation contexts. TODO: show that there always exists a well-typed evaluation context. *) (* Definition checker_ext t_atom t_form d used_roots (c:certif) := let (nclauses, t, confl) := c in Form.check_form t_form && Atom.check_atom t_atom && euf_checker t_atom t_form C.is_false (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d used_roots) t confl. Implicit Arguments checker_ext []. Lemma checker_ext_correct : forall t_atom t_form d used_roots c, checker_ext t_atom t_form d used_roots c = true -> forall t_i t_func, Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom -> ~ valid t_func t_atom t_form d. Proof. unfold checker_ext; intros t_atom t_form d used_roots (nclauses, t, confl); rewrite !andb_true_iff; intros [[H1 H2] H3]; intros t_i t_func H10 H; eelim euf_checker_correct; try eassumption; apply add_roots_correct; try eassumption; apply S.valid_make; destruct (Form.check_form_correct (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom) _ H1) as [_ H4]; auto. Qed. *) End Checker. End Euf_Checker. Unset Implicit Arguments.