(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import Bool OrderedType SMT_classes. Require Import ProofIrrelevance. (** This file formalizes functional arrays with extensionality as specified in SMT-LIB 2. It gives realization to axioms that define the SMT-LIB theory of arrays. For this, it uses a formalization of maps with the same approach as FMaplist excepted that constraints on keys and elements are expressed through the use of typeclasses instead of functors. *) Set Implicit Arguments. (** Raw maps (see FMaplist) *) Module Raw. Section Array. Variable key : Type. Variable elt : Type. Variable key_dec : DecType key. Variable key_ord : OrdType key. Variable key_comp : Comparable key. Variable elt_dec : DecType elt. Variable elt_ord : OrdType elt. Definition eqb_key (x y : key) : bool := if eq_dec x y then true else false. Definition eqb_elt (x y : elt) : bool := if eq_dec x y then true else false. Lemma eqb_key_eq x y : eqb_key x y = true <-> x = y. Proof. unfold eqb_key. case (eq_dec x y); split; easy. Qed. Lemma eqb_elt_eq x y : eqb_elt x y = true <-> x = y. Proof. unfold eqb_elt. case (eq_dec x y); split; easy. Qed. Hint Immediate eqb_key_eq eqb_elt_eq : smtcoq_array. Definition farray := list (key * elt). Definition eqk (a b : (key * elt)) := fst a = fst b. Definition eqe (a b : (key * elt)) := snd a = snd b. Definition eqke (a b : (key * elt)) := fst a = fst b /\ snd a = snd b. Definition ltk (a b : (key * elt)) := lt (fst a) (fst b). (* Definition ltke (a b : (key * elt)) := *) (* lt (fst a) (fst b) \/ ( (fst a) = (fst b) /\ lt (snd a) (snd b)). *) Hint Unfold ltk (* ltke *) eqk eqke : smtcoq_array. Hint Extern 2 (eqke ?a ?b) => split : smtcoq_array. Global Instance lt_key_strorder : StrictOrder (lt : key -> key -> Prop). Proof. apply StrictOrder_OrdType. Qed. Global Instance lt_elt_strorder : StrictOrder (lt : elt -> elt -> Prop). Proof. apply StrictOrder_OrdType. Qed. Global Instance ke_dec : DecType (key * elt). Proof. split; auto. intros; destruct x, y, z. inversion H. inversion H0. trivial. intros; destruct x, y. destruct (eq_dec k k0). destruct (eq_dec e e0). left; rewrite e1, e2; auto. right; unfold not in *. intro; inversion H. exact (n H2). right; unfold not in *. intro; inversion H. exact (n H1). Qed. Global Instance ke_ord: OrdType (key * elt). Proof. exists ltk; unfold ltk; intros. apply (lt_trans _ (fst y)); auto. destruct x, y. simpl in H. unfold not. intro. inversion H0. apply (lt_not_eq k k0); auto. Defined. (* ltk ignore the second components *) Lemma ltk_right_r : forall x k e e', ltk x (k,e) -> ltk x (k,e'). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma ltk_right_l : forall x k e e', ltk (k,e) x -> ltk (k,e') x. Proof. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate ltk_right_r ltk_right_l : smtcoq_array. Notation Sort := (sort ltk). Notation Inf := (lelistA (ltk)). Definition MapsTo (k:key)(e:elt):= InA eqke (k,e). Definition In k m := exists e:elt, MapsTo k e m. Notation NoDupA := (NoDupA eqk). Hint Unfold MapsTo In : smtcoq_array. (* Instance ke_ord: OrdType (key * elt). *) (* Proof. *) (* exists ltke. *) (* unfold ltke. intros. *) (* destruct H, H0. *) (* left; apply (lt_trans _ (fst y)); auto. *) (* destruct H0. left. rewrite <- H0. assumption. *) (* destruct H. left. rewrite H. assumption. *) (* destruct H, H0. *) (* right. split. *) (* apply (eq_trans _ (fst y)); trivial. *) (* apply (lt_trans _ (snd y)); trivial. *) (* unfold ltke. intros. *) (* destruct x, y. simpl in H. *) (* destruct H. *) (* apply lt_not_eq in H. *) (* unfold not in *. intro. inversion H0. apply H. trivial. *) (* destruct H. apply lt_not_eq in H0. unfold not in *. intro. *) (* inversion H1. apply H0; trivial. *) (* intros. *) (* unfold ltke. *) (* destruct (compare (fst x) (fst y)). *) (* apply LT. left; assumption. *) (* destruct (compare (snd x) (snd y)). *) (* apply LT. right; split; assumption. *) (* apply EQ. destruct x, y. simpl in *. rewrite e, e0; trivial. *) (* apply GT. right; symmetry in e; split; assumption. *) (* apply GT. left; assumption. *) (* Qed. *) (* Hint Immediate ke_ord. *) (* Let ke_ord := ke_ord. *) (* Instance keyelt_ord: OrdType (key * elt). *) (* Variable keyelt_ord : OrdType (key * elt). *) (* eqke is stricter than eqk *) Lemma eqke_eqk : forall x x', eqke x x' -> eqk x x'. Proof. unfold eqk, eqke; intuition. Qed. (* eqk, eqke are equalities *) Lemma eqk_refl : forall e, eqk e e. Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma eqke_refl : forall e, eqke e e. Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma eqk_sym : forall e e', eqk e e' -> eqk e' e. Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma eqke_sym : forall e e', eqke e e' -> eqke e' e. Proof. unfold eqke; intuition. Qed. Lemma eqk_trans : forall e e' e'', eqk e e' -> eqk e' e'' -> eqk e e''. Proof. eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma eqke_trans : forall e e' e'', eqke e e' -> eqke e' e'' -> eqke e e''. Proof. unfold eqke; intuition; [ eauto with smtcoq_array | congruence ]. Qed. Lemma ltk_trans : forall e e' e'', ltk e e' -> ltk e' e'' -> ltk e e''. Proof. eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma ltk_not_eqk : forall e e', ltk e e' -> ~ eqk e e'. Proof. unfold ltk, eqk. intros. apply lt_not_eq; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma ltk_not_eqke : forall e e', ltk e e' -> ~eqke e e'. Proof. unfold eqke, ltk; intuition; simpl in *; subst. apply lt_not_eq in H. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Hint Resolve eqk_trans eqke_trans eqk_refl eqke_refl : smtcoq_array. Hint Resolve ltk_trans ltk_not_eqk ltk_not_eqke : smtcoq_array. Hint Immediate eqk_sym eqke_sym : smtcoq_array. Global Instance eqk_equiv : Equivalence eqk. Proof. split; eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Global Instance eqke_equiv : Equivalence eqke. Proof. split; eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Global Instance ltk_strorder : StrictOrder ltk. Proof. split. unfold Irreflexive, Reflexive, complement. intros. apply lt_not_eq in H; auto with smtcoq_array. unfold Transitive. intros x y z. apply lt_trans. Qed. (* Instance ltke_strorder : StrictOrder ltke. *) (* Proof. *) (* split. *) (* unfold Irreflexive, Reflexive, complement. *) (* intros. apply lt_not_eq in H; auto with smtcoq_array. *) (* unfold Transitive. apply lt_trans. *) (* Qed. *) Global Instance eq_equiv : @Equivalence (key * elt) eq. Proof. split; auto with smtcoq_array. unfold Transitive. apply eq_trans. Qed. (* Instance ltke_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) ltke. *) (* Proof. *) (* split; rewrite H, H0; trivial. *) (* Qed. *) Global Instance ltk_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) ltk. Proof. split; rewrite H, H0; trivial. Qed. Global Instance ltk_compatk : Proper (eqk==>eqk==>iff) ltk. Proof. intros (x,e) (x',e') Hxx' (y,f) (y',f') Hyy'; compute. compute in Hxx'; compute in Hyy'. rewrite Hxx', Hyy'; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Global Instance ltk_compat' : Proper (eqke==>eqke==>iff) ltk. Proof. intros (x,e) (x',e') (Hxx',_) (y,f) (y',f') (Hyy',_); compute. compute in Hxx'; compute in Hyy'. rewrite Hxx', Hyy'; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Global Instance ltk_asym : Asymmetric ltk. Proof. apply (StrictOrder_Asymmetric ltk_strorder). Qed. (* Additional facts *) Lemma eqk_not_ltk : forall x x', eqk x x' -> ~ltk x x'. Proof. unfold eqk, ltk. unfold not. intros x x' H. destruct x, x'. simpl in *. intro. symmetry in H. apply lt_not_eq in H. auto with smtcoq_array. subst. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma ltk_eqk : forall e e' e'', ltk e e' -> eqk e' e'' -> ltk e e''. Proof. unfold ltk, eqk. destruct e, e', e''. simpl. intros; subst; trivial. Qed. Lemma eqk_ltk : forall e e' e'', eqk e e' -> ltk e' e'' -> ltk e e''. Proof. intros (k,e) (k',e') (k'',e''). unfold ltk, eqk; simpl; intros; subst; trivial. Qed. Hint Resolve eqk_not_ltk : smtcoq_array. Hint Immediate ltk_eqk eqk_ltk : smtcoq_array. Lemma InA_eqke_eqk : forall x m, InA eqke x m -> InA eqk x m. Proof. unfold eqke; induction 1; intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve InA_eqke_eqk : smtcoq_array. (* Lemma InA_eqk : forall p q m, eqk p q -> InA eqk p m -> InA eqk q m. *) (* Proof. *) (* intros; apply InA_eqA with p; auto with smtcoq_array with *. *) (* Qed. *) (* Lemma In_eq : forall l x y, eq x y -> InA eqke x l -> InA eqke y l. *) (* Proof. intros. rewrite <- H; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. *) (* Lemma ListIn_In : forall l x, List.In x l -> InA eqk x l. *) (* Proof. apply In_InA. split; auto with smtcoq_array. unfold Transitive. *) (* unfold eqk; intros. rewrite H, <- H0. auto with smtcoq_array. *) (* Qed. *) (* Lemma Inf_lt : forall l x y, ltk x y -> Inf y l -> Inf x l. *) (* Proof. exact (InfA_ltA ltk_strorder). Qed. *) (* Lemma Inf_eq : forall l x y, x = y -> Inf y l -> Inf x l. *) (* Proof. exact (InfA_eqA eq_equiv ltk_compat). Qed. *) (* An alternative formulation for [In k l] is [exists e, InA eqk (k,e) l] *) Lemma In_alt : forall k l, In k l <-> exists e, InA eqk (k,e) l. Proof. firstorder. exists x; auto with smtcoq_array. induction H. destruct y. exists e; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct IHInA as [e H0]. exists e; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma MapsTo_eq : forall l x y e, eq x y -> MapsTo x e l -> MapsTo y e l. Proof. intros; unfold MapsTo in *; apply InA_eqA with (x,e); eauto with *. Qed. Lemma In_eq : forall l x y, eq x y -> In x l -> In y l. Proof. destruct 2 as (e,E); exists e; eapply MapsTo_eq; eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma Inf_eq : forall l x x', eqk x x' -> Inf x' l -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (InfA_eqA eqk_equiv ltk_compatk). Qed. Lemma Inf_lt : forall l x x', ltk x x' -> Inf x' l -> Inf x l. Proof. exact (InfA_ltA ltk_strorder). Qed. Hint Immediate Inf_eq : smtcoq_array. Hint Resolve Inf_lt : smtcoq_array. Lemma Sort_Inf_In : forall l p q, Sort l -> Inf q l -> InA eqk p l -> ltk q p. Proof. exact (SortA_InfA_InA eqk_equiv ltk_strorder ltk_compatk). Qed. Lemma Sort_Inf_NotIn : forall l k e, Sort l -> Inf (k,e) l -> ~In k l. Proof. intros; red; intros. destruct H1 as [e' H2]. elim (@ltk_not_eqk (k,e) (k,e')). eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto with smtcoq_array. red; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Hint Resolve Sort_Inf_NotIn : smtcoq_array. Lemma Sort_NoDupA: forall l, Sort l -> NoDupA l. Proof. exact (SortA_NoDupA eqk_equiv ltk_strorder ltk_compatk). Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_1 : forall e l e', Sort (e::l) -> InA eqk e' l -> ltk e e'. Proof. inversion 1; intros; eapply Sort_Inf_In; eauto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_2 : forall l e e', Sort (e::l) -> InA eqk e' (e::l) -> ltk e e' \/ eqk e e'. Proof. inversion_clear 2; auto with smtcoq_array. left; apply Sort_In_cons_1 with l; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma Sort_In_cons_3 : forall x l k e, Sort ((k,e)::l) -> In x l -> ~eq x k. Proof. inversion_clear 1; red; intros. destruct (Sort_Inf_NotIn H0 H1 (In_eq H2 H)). Qed. Lemma In_inv : forall k k' e l, In k ((k',e) :: l) -> eq k k' \/ In k l. Proof. inversion 1. inversion_clear H0; eauto with smtcoq_array. destruct H1; simpl in *; intuition. Qed. Lemma In_inv_2 : forall k k' e e' l, InA eqk (k, e) ((k', e') :: l) -> ~ eq k k' -> InA eqk (k, e) l. Proof. inversion_clear 1; compute in H0; intuition. Qed. Lemma In_inv_3 : forall x x' l, InA eqke x (x' :: l) -> ~ eqk x x' -> InA eqke x l. Proof. inversion_clear 1; compute in H0; intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve In_inv_2 In_inv_3 : smtcoq_array. (** * FMAPLIST interface implementaion *) (** * [empty] *) Definition empty : farray := nil. Definition Empty m := forall (a : key)(e:elt) , ~ MapsTo a e m. Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty. Proof. unfold Empty,empty. intros a e. intro abs. inversion abs. Qed. Hint Resolve empty_1 : smtcoq_array. Lemma empty_sorted : Sort empty. Proof. unfold empty; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma MapsTo_inj : forall x e e' l (Hl:Sort l), MapsTo x e l -> MapsTo x e' l -> e = e'. induction l. - intros. apply empty_1 in H. contradiction. - intros. destruct a as (y, v). pose proof H as HH. pose proof H0 as HH0. unfold MapsTo in H. apply InA_eqke_eqk in H. apply InA_eqke_eqk in H0. apply (Sort_In_cons_2 Hl) in H. apply (Sort_In_cons_2 Hl) in H0. destruct H, H0. + apply ltk_not_eqk in H. apply ltk_not_eqk in H0. assert (~ eqk (x, e) (y, v)). unfold not in *. intros. apply H. now apply eqk_sym. assert (~ eqk (x, e') (y, v)). unfold not in *. intros. apply H. now apply eqk_sym. specialize (In_inv_3 HH0 H2). specialize (In_inv_3 HH H1). inversion_clear Hl. apply (IHl H3). + apply ltk_not_eqk in H. unfold eqk in H, H0; simpl in H, H0. contradiction. + apply ltk_not_eqk in H0. unfold eqk in H, H0; simpl in H, H0. contradiction. + unfold eqk in H, H0. simpl in *. subst. inversion_clear HH. inversion_clear HH0. unfold eqke in *. simpl in *. destruct H, H1; subst; auto with smtcoq_array. apply InA_eqke_eqk in H1. inversion_clear Hl. specialize (Sort_Inf_In H2 H3 H1). unfold ltk. simpl. intro. apply lt_not_eq in H4. contradiction. apply InA_eqke_eqk in H. inversion_clear Hl. specialize (Sort_Inf_In H1 H2 H). unfold ltk. simpl. intro. apply lt_not_eq in H3. contradiction. Qed. (** * [is_empty] *) Definition is_empty (l : farray) : bool := if l then true else false. Lemma is_empty_1 :forall m, Empty m -> is_empty m = true. Proof. unfold Empty, MapsTo. intros m. case m;auto with smtcoq_array. intros (k,e) l inlist. absurd (InA eqke (k, e) ((k, e) :: l));auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma is_empty_2 : forall m, is_empty m = true -> Empty m. Proof. intros m. case m;auto with smtcoq_array. intros p l abs. inversion abs. Qed. (** * [mem] *) Fixpoint mem (k : key) (s : farray) {struct s} : bool := match s with | nil => false | (k',_) :: l => match compare k k' with | LT _ => false | EQ _ => true | GT _ => mem k l end end. Lemma mem_1 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x, In x m -> mem x m = true. Proof. intros m Hm x; generalize Hm; clear Hm. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; intros sorted belong1. - inversion belong1. inversion H. - simpl. case_eq (compare x k'); trivial. + intros _x0 e0. absurd (In x ((k', _x) :: l));try assumption. apply Sort_Inf_NotIn with _x;auto with smtcoq_array. + intros _x0 e0. apply IHb. elim (sort_inv sorted);auto with smtcoq_array. elim (In_inv belong1);auto with smtcoq_array. intro abs. absurd (eq x k'); auto with smtcoq_array. symmetry in abs. apply lt_not_eq in abs; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma mem_2 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x, mem x m = true -> In x m. Proof. intros m Hm x; generalize Hm; clear Hm; unfold In,MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; intros sorted hyp;try ((inversion hyp);fail). revert hyp. simpl. case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e0 hyp;try ((inversion hyp);fail). - exists _x; auto with smtcoq_array. - induction IHb; auto with smtcoq_array. + exists x0; auto with smtcoq_array. + inversion_clear sorted; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma mem_3 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x, mem x m = false -> ~ In x m. intros. rewrite <- not_true_iff_false in H. unfold not in *. intros; apply H. now apply mem_1. Qed. (** * [find] *) Fixpoint find (k:key) (s: farray) {struct s} : option elt := match s with | nil => None | (k',x)::s' => match compare k k' with | LT _ => None | EQ _ => Some x | GT _ => find k s' end end. Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. intros m x. unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb];simpl; intro e';try now (intro eqfind; inversion eqfind; auto with smtcoq_array). case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e0 eqfind; inversion eqfind; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma find_1 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x e, MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e. Proof. intros m Hm x e; generalize Hm; clear Hm; unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb];simpl; subst; try clear H_eq_1. - inversion 2. - case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1; subst. + inversion_clear 2. * clear e1;compute in H0; destruct H0. apply lt_not_eq in H; auto with smtcoq_array. now contradict H. * clear e1;generalize (Sort_In_cons_1 Hm (InA_eqke_eqk H0)); compute. (* order. *) intros. apply (lt_trans k') in _x0; auto with smtcoq_array. apply lt_not_eq in _x0. now contradict _x0. + clear e1;inversion_clear 2. * compute in H0; destruct H0; intuition congruence. * generalize (Sort_In_cons_1 Hm (InA_eqke_eqk H0)); compute. (* order. *) intros. apply lt_not_eq in H. now contradict H. + clear e1; do 2 inversion_clear 1; auto with smtcoq_array. compute in H2; destruct H2. (* order. *) subst. apply lt_not_eq in _x0. now contradict _x0. Qed. (** * [add] *) Fixpoint add (k : key) (x : elt) (s : farray) {struct s} : farray := match s with | nil => (k,x) :: nil | (k',y) :: l => match compare k k' with | LT _ => (k,x)::s | EQ _ => (k,x)::l | GT _ => (k',y) :: add k x l end end. Lemma add_1 : forall m x y e, eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m). Proof. intros m x y e; generalize y; clear y. unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1]; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma add_2 : forall m x y e e', ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m). Proof. intros m x y e e'. generalize y e; clear y e; unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e0];simpl;auto with smtcoq_array; clear e0. subst;auto with smtcoq_array. intros y' e'' eqky'; inversion_clear 1; destruct H0; simpl in *. (* order. *) subst. now contradict eqky'. auto with smtcoq_array. auto with smtcoq_array. intros y' e'' eqky'; inversion_clear 1; intuition. Qed. Lemma add_3 : forall m x y e e', ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m x y e e'. generalize y e; clear y e; unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1];simpl; intros. apply (In_inv_3 H0); compute; auto with smtcoq_array. apply (In_inv_3 H0); compute; auto with smtcoq_array. constructor 2; apply (In_inv_3 H0); compute; auto with smtcoq_array. inversion_clear H0; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma add_Inf : forall (m:farray)(x x':key)(e e':elt), Inf (x',e') m -> ltk (x',e') (x,e) -> Inf (x',e') (add x e m). Proof. induction m. simpl; intuition. intros. destruct a as (x'',e''). inversion_clear H. compute in H0,H1. simpl; case (compare x x''); intuition. Qed. Hint Resolve add_Inf : smtcoq_array. Lemma add_sorted : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x e, Sort (add x e m). Proof. induction m. simpl; intuition. intros. destruct a as (x',e'). simpl; case (compare x x'); intuition; inversion_clear Hm; auto with smtcoq_array. constructor; auto with smtcoq_array. apply Inf_eq with (x',e'); auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. (** * [remove] *) Fixpoint remove (k : key) (s : farray) {struct s} : farray := match s with | nil => nil | (k',x) :: l => match compare k k' with | LT _ => s | EQ _ => l | GT _ => (k',x) :: remove k l end end. Lemma remove_1 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x y, eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m). Proof. intros m Hm x y; generalize Hm; clear Hm. induction m as [ |[k' x0] l IHb]; simpl;intros; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x e0];simpl;intros;subst. red; inversion 1; inversion H0. apply Sort_Inf_NotIn with x0; auto with smtcoq_array. clear e0. inversion Hm. subst. apply Sort_Inf_NotIn with x0; auto with smtcoq_array. (* clear e0;inversion_clear Hm. *) (* apply Sort_Inf_NotIn with x0; auto with smtcoq_array. *) (* apply Inf_eq with (k',x0);auto with smtcoq_array; compute; apply eq_trans with x; auto with smtcoq_array. *) clear e0;inversion_clear Hm. assert (notin:~ In y (remove y l)) by auto with smtcoq_array. intros (x1,abs). inversion_clear abs. compute in H1; destruct H1. subst. apply lt_not_eq in _x; now contradict _x. apply notin; exists x1; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma remove_2 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x y e, ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m). Proof. intros m Hm x y e; generalize Hm; clear Hm; unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1];subst;auto with smtcoq_array; match goal with | [H: compare _ _ = _ |- _ ] => clear H | _ => idtac end. inversion_clear 3; auto with smtcoq_array. compute in H1; destruct H1. subst; now contradict H. inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 2; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma remove_3 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x y e, MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m Hm x y e; generalize Hm; clear Hm; unfold MapsTo. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1];subst;auto with smtcoq_array. inversion_clear 1; inversion_clear 1; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma remove_4_aux : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x y, ~ eq x y -> In y m -> In y (remove x m). Proof. intros m Hm x y; generalize Hm; clear Hm. induction m as [ |[k' x0] l IHf]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x e1];subst;auto with smtcoq_array; match goal with | [H: compare _ _ = _ |- _ ] => clear H | _ => idtac end. rewrite In_alt. inversion_clear 3; auto with smtcoq_array. inversion H2. unfold eqk in H3. simpl in H3. subst. now contradict H0. apply In_alt. exists x. auto with smtcoq_array. apply lt_not_eq in _x. intros. inversion_clear Hm. inversion_clear H0. unfold MapsTo in H3. apply InA_eqke_eqk in H3. unfold In. destruct (eq_dec k' y). exists x0. apply InA_cons_hd. split; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. inversion H3. unfold eqk in H4. simpl in H4; subst. now contradict n. assert ((exists e : elt, MapsTo y e (remove x l)) -> (exists e : elt, MapsTo y e ((k', x0) :: remove x l))). intros. destruct H6. exists x2. apply InA_cons_tl. auto with smtcoq_array. apply H6. apply IHf; auto with smtcoq_array. apply In_alt. exists x1. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma remove_4 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x y, ~ eq x y -> In y m <-> In y (remove x m). Proof. split. apply remove_4_aux; auto with smtcoq_array. revert H. generalize Hm; clear Hm. induction m as [ |[k' _x] l IHb]; simpl; [ |case_eq (compare x k'); intros _x0 e1];subst;auto with smtcoq_array; match goal with | [H: compare _ _ = _ |- _ ] => clear H | _ => idtac end. intros. (* rewrite In_alt in *. *) destruct H0 as (e, H0). exists e. apply InA_cons_tl. auto with smtcoq_array. intros. apply lt_not_eq in _x0. inversion_clear Hm. apply In_inv in H0. destruct H0. (* destruct (eq_dec k' y). *) exists _x. apply InA_cons_hd. split; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. specialize (IHb H1 H H0). inversion IHb. exists x0. apply InA_cons_tl. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma remove_Inf : forall (m:farray)(Hm : Sort m)(x x':key)(e':elt), Inf (x',e') m -> Inf (x',e') (remove x m). Proof. induction m. simpl; intuition. intros. destruct a as (x'',e''). inversion_clear H. compute in H0. simpl; case (compare x x''); intuition. inversion_clear Hm. apply Inf_lt with (x'',e''); auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Hint Resolve remove_Inf : smtcoq_array. Lemma remove_sorted : forall m (Hm:Sort m) x, Sort (remove x m). Proof. induction m. simpl; intuition. intros. destruct a as (x',e'). simpl; case (compare x x'); intuition; inversion_clear Hm; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. (** * [elements] *) Definition elements (m: farray) := m. Lemma elements_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> InA eqke (x,e) (elements m). Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma elements_2 : forall m x e, InA eqke (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma elements_3 : forall m (Hm:Sort m), sort ltk (elements m). Proof. auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. Lemma elements_3w : forall m (Hm:Sort m), NoDupA (elements m). Proof. intros. apply Sort_NoDupA. apply elements_3; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. (** * [fold] *) Fixpoint fold (A:Type)(f:key->elt->A->A)(m:farray) (acc:A) {struct m} : A := match m with | nil => acc | (k,e)::m' => fold f m' (f k e acc) end. Lemma fold_1 : forall m (A:Type)(i:A)(f:key->elt->A->A), fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i. Proof. intros; revert i; induction m as [ |[k e]]; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. (** * [equal] *) Fixpoint equal (cmp:elt->elt->bool)(m m' : farray) {struct m} : bool := match m, m' with | nil, nil => true | (x,e)::l, (x',e')::l' => match compare x x' with | EQ _ => cmp e e' && equal cmp l l' | _ => false end | _, _ => false end. Definition Equivb cmp m m' := (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> cmp e e' = true). Lemma equal_1 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) m' (Hm': Sort m') cmp, Equivb cmp m m' -> equal cmp m m' = true. Proof. intros m Hm m' Hm' cmp; generalize Hm Hm'; clear Hm Hm'. revert m'; induction m as [ |[x e] l IHl]; intros [ |[x' e'] l']; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array; unfold Equivb; intuition; subst. - destruct (H0 x') as [_ H3]. assert (H2: In x' nil). { apply H3. exists e'. now constructor. } elim H2. intros x Hx. inversion Hx. - destruct (H0 x) as [H3 _]. assert (H2: In x nil). { apply H3. exists e. now constructor. } elim H2. intros x0 Hx0. inversion Hx0. - case_eq (compare x x'); simpl; subst;auto with smtcoq_array; unfold Equivb; intuition; subst. + destruct (H0 x). assert (In x ((x',e')::l')). apply H2; auto with smtcoq_array. exists e; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (In_inv H4). (* order. *) clear H. apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0. inversion_clear Hm'. assert (Inf (x,e) l'). apply Inf_lt with (x',e'); auto with smtcoq_array. elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H6 H8 H5). + match goal with H: compare _ _ = _ |- _ => clear H end. assert (cmp_e_e':cmp e e' = true). apply H1 with x'; auto with smtcoq_array. rewrite cmp_e_e'; simpl. apply IHl; auto with smtcoq_array. inversion_clear Hm; auto with smtcoq_array. inversion_clear Hm'; auto with smtcoq_array. unfold Equivb; intuition. destruct (H0 k). assert (In k ((x',e) ::l)). destruct H as (e'', hyp); exists e''; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (In_inv (H2 H4)); auto with smtcoq_array. inversion_clear Hm. elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H6 H7). destruct H as (e'', hyp); exists e''; auto with smtcoq_array. apply MapsTo_eq with k; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (H0 k). assert (In k ((x',e') ::l')). destruct H as (e'', hyp); exists e''; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (In_inv (H3 H4)); auto with smtcoq_array. subst. inversion_clear Hm'. now elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H5 H6). apply H1 with k; destruct (eq_dec x' k); auto with smtcoq_array. + destruct (H0 x'). assert (In x' ((x,e)::l)). apply H3; auto with smtcoq_array. exists e'; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (In_inv H4). (* order. *) clear H; subst; apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0. inversion_clear Hm. assert (Inf (x',e') l). apply Inf_lt with (x,e); auto with smtcoq_array. elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H6 H8 H5). Qed. Lemma equal_2 : forall m (Hm:Sort m) m' (Hm:Sort m') cmp, equal cmp m m' = true -> Equivb cmp m m'. Proof. intros m Hm m' Hm' cmp; generalize Hm Hm'; clear Hm Hm'. revert m'; induction m as [ |[x e] l IHl]; intros [ |[x' e'] l']; simpl; subst;auto with smtcoq_array; unfold Equivb; intuition; try discriminate; subst; try match goal with H: compare _ _ = _ |- _ => clear H end. - inversion H0. - revert H; case_eq (compare x x'); intros _x _ H; try inversion H. inversion_clear Hm;inversion_clear Hm'. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H. destruct (IHl _ H1 H4 H7). destruct (In_inv H0). exists e'; constructor; split; trivial; apply eq_trans with x; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (H k). destruct (H10 H9) as (e'',hyp). exists e''; auto with smtcoq_array. - revert H; case_eq (compare x x'); intros _x _ H; try inversion H. inversion_clear Hm;inversion_clear Hm'. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H. destruct (IHl _ H1 H4 H7). destruct (In_inv H0). exists e; constructor; split; trivial; apply eq_trans with x'; auto with smtcoq_array. destruct (H k). destruct (H11 H9) as (e'',hyp). exists e''; auto with smtcoq_array. - revert H; case_eq (compare x x'); intros _x _ H; [inversion H| |inversion H]. inversion_clear Hm;inversion_clear Hm'. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H. destruct (IHl _ H2 H4 H7). inversion_clear H0. + destruct H9; simpl in *; subst. inversion_clear H1. * destruct H0; simpl in *; subst; auto with smtcoq_array. * elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H4 H5). exists e'0; apply MapsTo_eq with x'; auto with smtcoq_array. (* order. *) + inversion_clear H1. * destruct H0; simpl in *; subst; auto with smtcoq_array. elim (Sort_Inf_NotIn H2 H3). exists e0; apply MapsTo_eq with x'; auto with smtcoq_array. (* order. *) * apply H8 with k; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. (** This lemma isn't part of the spec of [Equivb], but is used in [FMapAVL] *) Lemma equal_cons : forall cmp l1 l2 x y, Sort (x::l1) -> Sort (y::l2) -> eqk x y -> cmp (snd x) (snd y) = true -> (Equivb cmp l1 l2 <-> Equivb cmp (x :: l1) (y :: l2)). Proof. intros. inversion H; subst. inversion H0; subst. destruct x; destruct y; compute in H1, H2. split; intros. apply equal_2; auto with smtcoq_array. simpl. case (compare k k0); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH). rewrite H2; simpl. apply equal_1; auto with smtcoq_array. apply equal_2; auto with smtcoq_array. generalize (equal_1 H H0 H3). simpl. case (compare k k0); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH). rewrite H2; simpl; auto with smtcoq_array. Qed. End Array. End Raw. (** * Functional Arrays *) Section FArray. Variable key : Type. Variable elt : Type. Variable key_dec : DecType key. Variable key_ord : OrdType key. Variable key_comp : Comparable key. Variable elt_dec : DecType elt. Variable elt_ord : OrdType elt. Variable elt_comp : Comparable elt. Variable key_inh : Inhabited key. Variable elt_inh : Inhabited elt. Set Implicit Arguments. Definition NoDefault l := forall k:key, ~ Raw.MapsTo k default_value l. Record farray := {this :> Raw.farray key elt; sorted : sort (Raw.ltk key_ord) this; nodefault : NoDefault this }. Lemma empty_nodefault : NoDefault (Raw.empty key elt). unfold NoDefault. intros. apply Raw.empty_1. Qed. (** Boolean comparison over elements *) Definition cmp (e e':elt) := match compare e e' with EQ _ => true | _ => false end. Lemma cmp_refl : forall e, cmp e e = true. unfold cmp. intros. destruct (compare e e); auto; apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l. Qed. Lemma remove_nodefault : forall l (Hd:NoDefault l) (Hs:Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) l) x , NoDefault (Raw.remove key_comp x l). Proof. intros. unfold NoDefault. intros. unfold not. intro. apply Raw.remove_3 in H; auto. now apply Hd in H. Qed. Definition raw_add_nodefault (k:key) (x:elt) (l:Raw.farray key elt) := if cmp x default_value then if Raw.mem key_comp k l then Raw.remove key_comp k l else l else Raw.add key_comp k x l. Lemma add_sorted : forall l (Hs:Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) l) x e, Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) (raw_add_nodefault x e l). Proof. intros. unfold raw_add_nodefault. case (cmp e default_value); auto. case (Raw.mem key_comp x l); auto. apply Raw.remove_sorted; auto. apply Raw.add_sorted; auto. Qed. Lemma add_nodefault : forall l (Hd:NoDefault l) (Hs:Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) l) x e, NoDefault (raw_add_nodefault x e l). Proof. intros. unfold raw_add_nodefault. case_eq (cmp e default_value); intro; auto. case_eq (Raw.mem key_comp x l); intro; auto. apply remove_nodefault; auto. unfold NoDefault; intros. assert (e <> default_value). unfold cmp in H. case (compare e default_value) in H; try now contradict H. apply lt_not_eq in l0; auto. apply lt_not_eq in l0; now auto. destruct (eq_dec k x). - symmetry in e0. apply (Raw.add_1 key_dec key_comp l e) in e0. unfold not; intro. specialize (Raw.add_sorted key_dec key_comp Hs x e). intro Hsadd. specialize (Raw.MapsTo_inj key_dec Hsadd e0 H1). intro. contradiction. - unfold not; intro. assert (x <> k). unfold not in *. intro. apply n. symmetry; auto. specialize (Raw.add_3 key_dec key_comp l e H2 H1). intro. now apply Hd in H3. Qed. Definition empty : farray := Build_farray (Raw.empty_sorted elt key_ord) empty_nodefault. Definition is_empty m : bool := Raw.is_empty m.(this). Definition add x e m : farray := Build_farray (add_sorted m.(sorted) x e) (add_nodefault m.(nodefault) m.(sorted) x e). Definition find x m : option elt := Raw.find key_comp x m.(this). Definition remove x m : farray := Build_farray (Raw.remove_sorted key_comp m.(sorted) x) (remove_nodefault m.(nodefault) m.(sorted) x). Definition mem x m : bool := Raw.mem key_comp x m.(this). Definition elements m : list (key*elt) := Raw.elements m.(this). Definition cardinal m := length m.(this). Definition fold (A:Type)(f:key->elt->A->A) m (i:A) : A := Raw.fold f m.(this) i. Definition equal m m' : bool := Raw.equal key_comp cmp m.(this) m'.(this). Definition MapsTo x e m : Prop := Raw.MapsTo x e m.(this). Definition In x m : Prop := Raw.In x m.(this). Definition Empty m : Prop := Raw.Empty m.(this). Definition Equal m m' := forall y, find y m = find y m'. Definition Equiv m m' := (forall k, In k m <-> In k m') /\ (forall k e e', MapsTo k e m -> MapsTo k e' m' -> e = e'). Definition Equivb m m' : Prop := Raw.Equivb cmp m.(this) m'.(this). Definition eq_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @Raw.eqk key elt. Definition eq_key_elt : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop:= @Raw.eqke key elt. Definition lt_key : (key*elt) -> (key*elt) -> Prop := @Raw.ltk key elt key_ord. Lemma MapsTo_1 : forall m x y e, eq x y -> MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m. apply (Raw.MapsTo_eq key_dec elt_dec). Qed. Lemma mem_1 : forall m x, In x m -> mem x m = true. Proof. intros m; apply (Raw.mem_1); auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma mem_2 : forall m x, mem x m = true -> In x m. Proof. intros m; apply (Raw.mem_2); auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma empty_1 : Empty empty. Proof. apply Raw.empty_1. Qed. Lemma is_empty_1 : forall m, Empty m -> is_empty m = true. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.is_empty_1. Qed. Lemma is_empty_2 : forall m, is_empty m = true -> Empty m. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.is_empty_2. Qed. Lemma add_1 : forall m x y e, e <> default_value -> eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e m). Proof. intros. unfold add, raw_add_nodefault. unfold MapsTo. simpl. case_eq (cmp e default_value); intro; auto. unfold cmp in H1. destruct (compare e default_value); try now contradict H1. apply Raw.add_1; auto. Qed. Lemma add_2 : forall m x y e e', ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m). Proof. intros. unfold add, raw_add_nodefault, MapsTo. simpl. case_eq (cmp e' default_value); intro; auto. case_eq (Raw.mem key_comp x m); intro; auto. apply (Raw.remove_2 _ m.(sorted)); auto. apply Raw.add_2; auto. Qed. Lemma add_3 : forall m x y e e', ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e (add x e' m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. unfold add, raw_add_nodefault, MapsTo. simpl. intros m x y e e'. case_eq (cmp e' default_value); intro; auto. case_eq (Raw.mem key_comp x m); intro; auto. intro. apply (Raw.remove_3 _ m.(sorted)); auto. apply Raw.add_3; auto. Qed. Lemma remove_1 : forall m x y, eq x y -> ~ In y (remove x m). Proof. intros m; apply Raw.remove_1; auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma remove_2 : forall m x y e, ~ eq x y -> MapsTo y e m -> MapsTo y e (remove x m). Proof. intros m; apply Raw.remove_2; auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma remove_3 : forall m x y e, MapsTo y e (remove x m) -> MapsTo y e m. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.remove_3; auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma find_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> find x m = Some e. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.find_1; auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma find_2 : forall m x e, find x m = Some e -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.find_2; auto. Qed. Lemma elements_1 : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m -> InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m). Proof. intros m; apply Raw.elements_1. Qed. Lemma elements_2 : forall m x e, InA eq_key_elt (x,e) (elements m) -> MapsTo x e m. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.elements_2. Qed. Lemma elements_3 : forall m, sort lt_key (elements m). Proof. intros m; apply Raw.elements_3; auto. apply m.(sorted). Qed. Lemma elements_3w : forall m, NoDupA eq_key (elements m). Proof. intros m; apply (Raw.elements_3w key_dec m.(sorted)). Qed. Lemma cardinal_1 : forall m, cardinal m = length (elements m). Proof. intros; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma fold_1 : forall m (A : Type) (i : A) (f : key -> elt -> A -> A), fold f m i = fold_left (fun a p => f (fst p) (snd p) a) (elements m) i. Proof. intros m; apply Raw.fold_1. Qed. Lemma equal_1 : forall m m', Equivb m m' -> equal m m' = true. Proof. intros m m'; apply Raw.equal_1; auto. apply m.(sorted). apply m'.(sorted). Qed. Lemma equal_2 : forall m m', equal m m' = true -> Equivb m m'. Proof. intros m m'; apply Raw.equal_2; auto. apply m.(sorted). apply m'.(sorted). Qed. Fixpoint eq_list (m m' : list (key * elt)) : Prop := match m, m' with | nil, nil => True | (x,e)::l, (x',e')::l' => match compare x x' with | EQ _ => eq e e' /\ eq_list l l' | _ => False end | _, _ => False end. Definition eq m m' := eq_list m.(this) m'.(this). Lemma nodefault_tail : forall x m, NoDefault (x :: m) -> NoDefault m. unfold NoDefault. unfold not in *. intros. apply (H k). unfold Raw.MapsTo. apply InA_cons_tl. apply H0. Qed. Lemma raw_equal_eq : forall a (Ha: Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) a) b (Hb: Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) b), Raw.equal key_comp cmp a b = true -> a = b. Proof. induction a; intros. simpl in H. case b in *; auto. now contradict H. destruct a as (xa, ea). simpl in H. case b in *. now contradict H. destruct p as (xb, eb). destruct (compare xa xb); auto; try (now contradict H). rewrite andb_true_iff in H. destruct H. unfold cmp in H. destruct (compare ea eb); auto; try (now contradict H). subst. apply f_equal. apply IHa; auto. now inversion Ha. now inversion Hb. Qed. Lemma eq_equal : forall m m', eq m m' <-> equal m m' = true. Proof. intros (l,Hl,Hd); induction l. intros (l',Hl',Hd'); unfold eq; simpl. destruct l'; unfold equal; simpl; intuition. intros (l',Hl',Hd'); unfold eq. destruct l'. destruct a; unfold equal; simpl; intuition. destruct a as (x,e). destruct p as (x',e'). unfold equal; simpl. destruct (compare x x') as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; simpl; intuition. unfold cmp at 1. case (compare e e'); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH); clear HH; simpl. inversion_clear Hl. inversion_clear Hl'. apply nodefault_tail in Hd. apply nodefault_tail in Hd'. destruct (IHl H Hd (Build_farray H2 Hd')). unfold equal, eq in H5; simpl in H5; auto. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H. generalize H0; unfold cmp. case (compare e e'); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH); auto; intro; discriminate. destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H. inversion_clear Hl. inversion_clear Hl'. apply nodefault_tail in Hd. apply nodefault_tail in Hd'. destruct (IHl H Hd (Build_farray H3 Hd')). unfold equal, eq in H6; simpl in H6; auto. Qed. Lemma eq_1 : forall m m', Equivb m m' -> eq m m'. Proof. intros. generalize (@equal_1 m m'). generalize (@eq_equal m m'). intuition. Qed. Lemma eq_2 : forall m m', eq m m' -> Equivb m m'. Proof. intros. generalize (@equal_2 m m'). generalize (@eq_equal m m'). intuition. Qed. Lemma eqfarray_refl : forall m : farray, eq m m. Proof. intros (m,Hm,Hd); induction m; unfold eq; simpl; auto. destruct a. destruct (compare k k) as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; auto. apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. auto. split. apply eq_refl. inversion_clear Hm. apply nodefault_tail in Hd. apply (IHm H Hd). apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. auto. Qed. Lemma eqfarray_sym : forall m1 m2 : farray, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m1. Proof. intros (m,Hm,Hd); induction m; intros (m',Hm',Hd'); destruct m'; unfold eq; simpl; try destruct a as (x,e); try destruct p as (x',e'); auto. destruct (compare x x') as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; try easy. inversion_clear Hm; inversion_clear Hm'. apply nodefault_tail in Hd. apply nodefault_tail in Hd'. intro. destruct H3. subst. case (compare x' x'); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH). split; auto. apply (IHm H Hd (Build_farray H1 Hd')); auto. Qed. Lemma eqfarray_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : farray, eq m1 m2 -> eq m2 m3 -> eq m1 m3. Proof. intros (m1,Hm1,Hd1); induction m1; intros (m2,Hm2,Hd2); destruct m2; intros (m3,Hm3,Hd3); destruct m3; unfold eq; simpl; try destruct a as (x,e); try destruct p as (x',e'); try destruct p0 as (x'',e''); try contradiction; auto. destruct (compare x x') as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; destruct (compare x' x'') as [Hlt'|Heq'|Hlt']; try easy. intros; destruct H, H0; subst. case (compare x'' x''); subst; intro HH; try (apply lt_not_eq in HH; now contradict HH). split; auto. inversion_clear Hm1; inversion_clear Hm2; inversion_clear Hm3. apply nodefault_tail in Hd1. apply nodefault_tail in Hd2. apply nodefault_tail in Hd3. apply (IHm1 H Hd1 (Build_farray H3 Hd2) (Build_farray H5 Hd3)); intuition. Qed. Fixpoint lt_list (m m' : list (key * elt)) : Prop := match m, m' with | nil, nil => False | nil, _ => True | _, nil => False | (x,e)::l, (x',e')::l' => match compare x x' with | LT _ => True | GT _ => False | EQ _ => lt e e' \/ (e = e' /\ lt_list l l') end end. Definition lt_farray m m' := lt_list m.(this) m'.(this). Lemma lt_farray_trans : forall m1 m2 m3 : farray, lt_farray m1 m2 -> lt_farray m2 m3 -> lt_farray m1 m3. Proof. intros (m1,Hm1,Hd1); induction m1; intros (m2,Hm2,Hd2); destruct m2; intros (m3,Hm3,Hd3); destruct m3; unfold lt_farray; simpl; try destruct a as (x,e); try destruct p as (x',e'); try destruct p0 as (x'',e''); try contradiction; auto. destruct (compare x x') as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; destruct (compare x' x'') as [Hlt'|Heq'|Hlt']; destruct (compare x x'') as [Hlt''|Heq''|Hlt'']; intros; subst; auto; try easy. apply (lt_trans x') in Hlt; apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. now contradict Hlt. auto. apply (lt_trans x') in Hlt; apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. now contradict Hlt. apply (lt_trans _ x'') ; auto. apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. now contradict Hlt. apply (lt_trans x'') in Hlt; apply lt_not_eq in Hlt. now contradict Hlt. auto. subst. apply lt_not_eq in Hlt'. now contradict Hlt'. apply (lt_trans x'') in Hlt'; apply lt_not_eq in Hlt'. now contradict Hlt'. auto. destruct H, H0. left; apply lt_trans with e'; auto. left. destruct H0. subst; auto. left. destruct H. subst; auto. right. destruct H, H0. subst; split; auto. inversion_clear Hm1; inversion_clear Hm2; inversion_clear Hm3. apply nodefault_tail in Hd1. apply nodefault_tail in Hd2. apply nodefault_tail in Hd3. apply (IHm1 H Hd1 (Build_farray H3 Hd2) (Build_farray H5 Hd3)); intuition. apply lt_not_eq in Hlt''. now contradict Hlt''. Qed. Lemma lt_farray_not_eq : forall m1 m2 : farray, lt_farray m1 m2 -> ~ eq m1 m2. Proof. intros (m1,Hm1,Hd1); induction m1; intros (m2,Hm2,Hd2); destruct m2; unfold eq, lt; simpl; try destruct a as (x,e); try destruct p as (x',e'); try contradiction; auto. destruct (compare x x') as [Hlt|Heq|Hlt]; auto. intuition. inversion_clear Hm1; inversion_clear Hm2. specialize (nodefault_tail Hd2). specialize (nodefault_tail Hd1). intros. subst. apply (IHm1 H0 H6 (Build_farray H4 H7)); intuition. unfold lt_farray in *. simpl in H. case (compare x' x') in *. apply lt_not_eq in l. now contradict l. destruct H. apply lt_not_eq in H. now contradict H. destruct H. auto. apply lt_not_eq in l. now contradict l. Qed. Definition compare_farray : forall m1 m2, Compare lt_farray eq m1 m2. Proof. intros (m1,Hm1,Hd1); induction m1; intros (m2,Hm2,Hd2); destruct m2; [ apply EQ | apply LT | apply GT | ]; auto. (* cmp_solve. *) unfold eq. simpl; auto. unfold lt_farray. simpl; auto. unfold lt_farray. simpl; auto. destruct a as (x,e); destruct p as (x',e'). destruct (compare x x'); [ apply LT | | apply GT ]. unfold lt_farray. simpl. destruct (compare x x'); auto. subst. apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l. apply (lt_trans x') in l; auto. subst. apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l. (* subst. *) destruct (compare e e'); [ apply LT | | apply GT ]. unfold lt_farray. simpl. destruct (compare x x'); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0). assert (Hm11 : sort (Raw.ltk key_ord) m1). inversion_clear Hm1; auto. assert (Hm22 : sort (Raw.ltk key_ord) m2). inversion_clear Hm2; auto. specialize (nodefault_tail Hd2). specialize (nodefault_tail Hd1). intros Hd11 Hd22. destruct (IHm1 Hm11 Hd11 (Build_farray Hm22 Hd22)); [ apply LT | apply EQ | apply GT ]. unfold lt_farray in *. simpl. destruct (compare x x'); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0). unfold eq in *. simpl. destruct (compare x x'); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l). unfold lt_farray in *. simpl. destruct (compare x' x); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0). unfold lt_farray in *. simpl. destruct (compare x' x); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l0; now contradict l0). unfold lt_farray in *. simpl. destruct (compare x' x); auto; try (subst; apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l). apply (lt_trans x) in l; auto. subst. apply lt_not_eq in l; now contradict l. Qed. Lemma eq_option_alt : forall (elt:Type)(o o':option elt), o=o' <-> (forall e, o=Some e <-> o'=Some e). Proof. split; intros. subst; split; auto. destruct o; destruct o'; try rewrite H; auto. symmetry; rewrite <- H; auto. Qed. Lemma find_mapsto_iff : forall m x e, MapsTo x e m <-> find x m = Some e. Proof. split; [apply find_1|apply find_2]. Qed. Lemma add_neq_mapsto_iff : forall m x y e e', x <> y -> (MapsTo y e' (add x e m) <-> MapsTo y e' m). Proof. split; [apply add_3|apply add_2]; auto. Qed. Lemma add_eq_o : forall m x y e, x = y -> e <> default_value -> find y (add x e m) = Some e. Proof. intros. apply find_1. apply add_1; auto. Qed. Lemma raw_add_d_rem : forall m (Hm: Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) m) x, raw_add_nodefault x default_value m = Raw.remove key_comp x m. intros. unfold raw_add_nodefault. rewrite cmp_refl. case_eq (Raw.mem key_comp x m); intro. auto. apply Raw.mem_3 in H; auto. apply raw_equal_eq; auto. apply Raw.remove_sorted; auto. apply Raw.equal_1; auto. apply Raw.remove_sorted; auto. unfold Raw.Equivb. split. intros. destruct (eq_dec x k). subst. split. intro. contradiction. intro. contradict H0. apply Raw.remove_1; auto. apply Raw.remove_4; auto. intros. destruct (eq_dec x k). assert (exists e, InA (Raw.eqk (elt:=elt)) (k, e) (Raw.remove key_comp x m)). exists e'. apply Raw.InA_eqke_eqk; auto. rewrite <- Raw.In_alt in H2; auto. contradict H2. apply Raw.remove_1; auto. apply key_comp. apply (Raw.remove_2 key_comp Hm n) in H0. specialize (Raw.remove_sorted key_comp Hm x). intros. specialize (Raw.MapsTo_inj key_dec H2 H0 H1). intro. subst. apply cmp_refl. Qed. Lemma add_d_rem : forall m x, add x default_value m = remove x m. intros. unfold add, remove. specialize (raw_add_d_rem m.(sorted) x). intro. generalize (add_sorted m.(sorted) x default_value). generalize (add_nodefault (nodefault m) (sorted m) x default_value). generalize (Raw.remove_sorted key_comp (sorted m) x). generalize (remove_nodefault (nodefault m) (sorted m) x). rewrite H. intros H4 H3 H2 H1. rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ H1 H3), (proof_irrelevance _ H2 H4). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma add_eq_d : forall m x y, x = y -> find y (add x default_value m) = None. Proof. intros. simpl. rewrite add_d_rem. case_eq (find y (remove x m)); auto. intros. apply find_2 in H0. unfold MapsTo, Raw.MapsTo in H0. assert (exists e, InA (Raw.eqk (elt:=elt)) (y, e) (remove x m).(this)). exists e. apply Raw.InA_eqke_eqk in H0. auto. rewrite <- Raw.In_alt in H1; auto. contradict H1. apply remove_1; auto. apply key_comp. Qed. Lemma add_neq_o : forall m x y e, ~ x = y -> find y (add x e m) = find y m. Proof. intros. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e'. rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff. apply add_neq_mapsto_iff; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve add_neq_o : smtcoq_array. Lemma MapsTo_fun : forall m x (e e':elt), MapsTo x e m -> MapsTo x e' m -> e=e'. Proof. intros. generalize (find_1 H) (find_1 H0); clear H H0. intros; rewrite H in H0; injection H0; auto. Qed. (** Another characterisation of [Equal] *) Lemma Equal_mapsto_iff : forall m1 m2 : farray, Equal m1 m2 <-> (forall k e, MapsTo k e m1 <-> MapsTo k e m2). Proof. intros m1 m2. split; [intros Heq k e|intros Hiff]. rewrite 2 find_mapsto_iff, Heq. split; auto. intro k. rewrite eq_option_alt. intro e. rewrite <- 2 find_mapsto_iff; auto. Qed. (** * Relations between [Equal], [Equiv] and [Equivb]. *) (** First, [Equal] is [Equiv] with Leibniz on elements. *) Lemma Equal_Equiv : forall (m m' : farray), Equal m m' <-> Equiv m m'. Proof. intros. rewrite Equal_mapsto_iff. split; intros. split. split; intros (e,Hin); exists e; unfold MapsTo in H; [rewrite <- H|rewrite H]; auto. intros; apply MapsTo_fun with m k; auto; rewrite H; auto. split; intros H'. destruct H. assert (Hin : In k m') by (rewrite <- H; exists e; auto). destruct Hin as (e',He'). rewrite (H0 k e e'); auto. destruct H. assert (Hin : In k m) by (rewrite H; exists e; auto). destruct Hin as (e',He'). rewrite <- (H0 k e' e); auto. Qed. Lemma Equiv_Equivb : forall m m', Equiv m m' <-> Equivb m m'. Proof. unfold Equiv, Equivb, Raw.Equivb, cmp; intuition; specialize (H1 k e e' H H2). destruct (compare e e'); auto; apply lt_not_eq in l; auto. destruct (compare e e'); auto; now contradict H1. Qed. (** Composition of the two last results: relation between [Equal] and [Equivb]. *) Lemma Equal_Equivb : forall (m m':farray), Equal m m' <-> Equivb m m'. Proof. intros; rewrite Equal_Equiv. apply Equiv_Equivb; auto. Qed. (** * Functional arrays with default value *) Definition select (a: farray) (i: key) : elt := match find i a with | Some v => v | None => default_value end. Definition store (a: farray) (i: key) (v: elt) : farray := add i v a. Lemma read_over_same_write : forall a i j v, i = j -> select (store a i v) j = v. Proof. intros a i j v Heq. unfold select, store. case_eq (cmp v default_value); intro; auto. unfold cmp in H. case (compare v default_value) in H; auto; try now contradict H. rewrite e. rewrite add_eq_d; auto. assert (v <> default_value). unfold cmp in H. case (compare v default_value) in H; auto; try now contradict H. apply lt_not_eq in l. auto. apply lt_not_eq in l. auto. rewrite (add_eq_o a Heq H0). auto. Qed. Lemma read_over_write : forall a i v, select (store a i v) i = v. Proof. intros; apply read_over_same_write; auto. Qed. Lemma read_over_other_write : forall a i j v, i <> j -> select (store a i v) j = select a j. Proof. intros a i j v Hneq. unfold select, store. apply (add_neq_o a v) in Hneq. rewrite Hneq. auto. Qed. Lemma find_ext_dec: (forall m1 m2: farray, Equal m1 m2 -> (equal m1 m2) = true). Proof. intros. apply Equal_Equivb in H. apply equal_1. exact H. Qed. Lemma extensionality_eqb : forall a b, (forall i, select a i = select b i) -> equal a b = true. Proof. intros. unfold select in H. assert (forall i, find i a = find i b). - intro i. specialize (H i). case_eq (find i a); case_eq (find i b); intros; rewrite H0 in *; rewrite H1 in *; subst; auto. + apply find_2 in H1. contradict H1. unfold MapsTo. apply a.(nodefault). + apply find_2 in H0. contradict H0. unfold MapsTo. apply b.(nodefault). - apply find_ext_dec in H0. exact H0. Qed. Lemma equal_eq : forall a b, equal a b = true -> a = b. Proof. intros. apply eq_equal in H. destruct a as (a, asort, anodef), b as (b, bsort, bnodef). unfold eq in H. revert b bsort bnodef H. induction a; intros; destruct b. rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ asort bsort). rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ anodef bnodef). auto. simpl in H. now contradict H. simpl in H. destruct a; now contradict H. simpl in H. destruct a, p. destruct (compare k k0); auto; try (now contradict H). destruct H. subst. inversion_clear asort. inversion_clear bsort. specialize (nodefault_tail bnodef). specialize (nodefault_tail anodef). intros. specialize (IHa H H4 b H2 H5 H0). inversion IHa. subst. rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ asort bsort). rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ anodef bnodef). reflexivity. Qed. Lemma notequal_neq : forall a b, equal a b = false -> a <> b. intros. red. intros. apply not_true_iff_false in H. unfold not in *. intros. apply H. rewrite H0. apply eq_equal. apply eqfarray_refl. Qed. Lemma extensionality : forall a b, (forall i, select a i = select b i) -> a = b. Proof. intros; apply equal_eq; apply extensionality_eqb; auto. Qed. Lemma eq_list_refl: forall a, eq_list a a. Proof. intro a. induction a; intros. - now simpl. - simpl. destruct a as (k, e). case_eq (compare k k); intros. + revert H. generalize l. apply lt_not_eq in l. now contradict l. + split; easy. + revert H. generalize l. apply lt_not_eq in l. now contradict l. Qed. Lemma equal_refl: forall a, equal a a = true. Proof. intros; apply eq_equal; apply eq_list_refl. Qed. Lemma equal_iff_eq : forall a b, equal a b = true <-> a = b. Proof. intros a b. split. - apply equal_eq. - intro; subst. apply equal_refl. Qed. Section Classical_extensionality. Lemma lt_select_default i xs xsS xsD : (forall xe, HdRel lt (i, xe) xs) -> select {| this := xs; sorted := xsS; nodefault := xsD |} i = default_value. Proof. intro H1. unfold select, find. simpl. destruct xs as [ |[xk xe] xs]; auto. simpl. assert (H2:=H1 xe). inversion H2 as [ |b l H0 H]; subst. case_eq (compare i xk); auto. - intros e He. subst i. now elim (lt_not_eq _ _ H0). - intros l _. simpl in H0. unfold Raw.ltk in H0. simpl in H0. now elim (lt_not_eq _ _ (lt_trans _ _ _ H0 l)). Qed. Lemma HdRelElt (xk:key) (ye:elt) ys : HdRel lt (xk, ye) ys -> forall ye', HdRel lt (xk, ye') ys. Proof. induction ys as [ |[yk yee] ys IHys]; auto. simpl. intros H ye'. inversion H as [ |b l H1 H0]; subst. now constructor. Qed. Lemma diff_index_p : forall a b, a <> b -> {i | select a i <> select b i}. Proof. intros a b. assert (Hcomp:forall (k:key), exists e, compare k k = EQ e). { intro k. case_eq (compare k k); try (intro H; now elim (lt_not_eq _ _ H)). intros e He. now exists e. } assert (HInd: forall x y (xS:Sorted _ x) (yS:Sorted _ y) (xD:NoDefault x) (yD:NoDefault y), let a := Build_farray xS xD in let b := Build_farray yS yD in a <> b -> {i : key | select a i <> select b i}). { clear a b. intros x y. case_eq (list_eq_dec (@eq_dec _ (Raw.ke_dec key_dec elt_dec)) x y). - intros e He. subst x. intros xS yS xD yD a b. subst a b. rewrite (proof_irrelevance _ xS yS), (proof_irrelevance _ xD yD). intro H. elim H. reflexivity. - intros n _ xS yS xD yD a b _. subst a b. revert x y n xS yS xD yD. { induction x as [ |[xk xe] xs IHxs]; intros [ |[yk ye] ys]. - intro H; now elim H. - intros _ xS yS xD yD. exists yk. unfold select, find. simpl. destruct (Hcomp yk) as [e ->]. unfold NoDefault in yD. intro H. subst ye. elim (yD yk). unfold Raw.MapsTo. constructor. apply Raw.eqke_refl. - intros _ xS yS xD yD. exists xk. unfold select, find. simpl. destruct (Hcomp xk) as [e ->]. unfold NoDefault in xD. intro H. subst xe. elim (xD xk). unfold Raw.MapsTo. constructor. apply Raw.eqke_refl. - intros H xS yS xD yD. case_eq (compare xk yk). + intros l Hl. exists xk. unfold select, find. simpl. destruct (Hcomp xk) as [e ->]. rewrite Hl. unfold NoDefault in xD. intro H1; subst xe. apply (xD xk). unfold Raw.MapsTo. constructor. apply Raw.eqke_refl. + intros e _. subst xk. case_eq (eq_dec xe ye). * intros e _. subst ye. assert (H1:xs <> ys) by (intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; now apply H). assert (xsS : Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) xs) by now inversion xS. assert (ysS : Sorted (Raw.ltk key_ord) ys) by now inversion yS. assert (xsD:NoDefault xs) by exact (nodefault_tail xD). assert (ysD:NoDefault ys) by exact (nodefault_tail yD). destruct (IHxs _ H1 xsS ysS xsD ysD) as [i Hi]. { case_eq (compare i yk). - intros l Hl. rewrite (lt_select_default xsS xsD) in Hi. + rewrite (lt_select_default ysS ysD) in Hi. * now elim Hi. * { intro xe0. apply (InfA_ltA _ (y:=(yk, xe))). - simpl. unfold Raw.ltk. simpl. auto. - now inversion yS. } + intro xe0. apply (InfA_ltA _ (y:=(yk, xe))). * simpl. unfold Raw.ltk. simpl. auto. * now inversion xS. - intros l Hl. rewrite (lt_select_default xsS xsD) in Hi. + rewrite (lt_select_default ysS ysD) in Hi. * now elim Hi. * intro xe0. inversion yS as [ |a l0 H3 H4 H0]; subst. apply (HdRelElt H4). + intro xe0. inversion xS as [ |a l0 H3 H4 H0]; subst. apply (HdRelElt H4). - intros l Hl. exists i. unfold select, find. simpl. now rewrite Hl. } * intros n Hn. exists yk. unfold select, find. simpl. now destruct (Hcomp yk) as [e ->]. + intros l Hl. exists yk. unfold select, find. simpl. destruct (Hcomp yk) as [e ->]. case_eq (compare yk xk). * intros m Hm. unfold NoDefault in yD. intro H1; subst ye. apply (yD yk). unfold Raw.MapsTo. constructor. apply Raw.eqke_refl. * intros f _. subst yk. now elim (lt_not_eq _ _ l). * intros f _. now elim (lt_not_eq _ _ (lt_trans _ _ _ l f)). } } intro H. apply (HInd (this a) (this b) (sorted a) (sorted b) (nodefault a) (nodefault b)). destruct a as [aL aS aD]. simpl. destruct b as [bL bS bD]. simpl. auto. Qed. Lemma extensionality2 : forall a b, a <> b -> exists i, select a i <> select b i. Proof. intros a b Hab. destruct (diff_index_p Hab) as [i Hi]. now exists i. Qed. Definition diff_index : forall a b, a <> b -> key := (fun a b u => proj1_sig (diff_index_p u)). Example d : forall a b (u:a <> b), let i := diff_index u in select a i <> select b i. unfold diff_index. intros. destruct (diff_index_p u). simpl. auto. Qed. Definition diff (a b: farray) : key. case_eq (equal a b); intro. - apply default_value. - apply (diff_index (notequal_neq H)). (* destruct (diff_index_p H). apply x. *) Defined. Lemma select_at_diff: forall a b, a <> b -> select a (diff a b) <> select b (diff a b). Proof. intros a b H. unfold diff. assert (equal a b = false). apply not_true_iff_false. red. intro. apply equal_eq in H0. subst. auto. generalize (@notequal_neq a b). rewrite H0. intro. unfold diff_index. destruct (diff_index_p (n Logic.eq_refl)). simpl; auto. Qed. End Classical_extensionality. End FArray. Arguments farray _ _ {_} {_}. Arguments select {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _. Arguments store {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _. Arguments diff {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _. Arguments equal {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _. Arguments equal_iff_eq {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _. Arguments read_over_same_write {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _ _ _. Arguments read_over_write {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _. Arguments read_over_other_write {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _ _ _. Arguments extensionality {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _. Arguments extensionality2 {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _. Arguments select_at_diff {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _ _. Declare Scope farray_scope. Notation "a '[' i ']'" := (select a i) (at level 1, format "a [ i ]") : farray_scope. Notation "a '[' i '<-' v ']'" := (store a i v) (at level 1, format "a [ i <- v ]") : farray_scope. (* Local Variables: coq-load-path: ((rec ".." "SMTCoq")) End: *)