(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import PArray List Bool ZArith Psatz. Require Import Misc State SMT_terms BVList. Import Form. Local Open Scope array_scope. Local Open Scope int63_scope. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Definition or_of_imp args := let last := PArray.length args - 1 in PArray.mapi (fun i l => if i == last then l else Lit.neg l) args. (* Register or_of_imp as PrimInline. *) Lemma length_or_of_imp : forall args, PArray.length (or_of_imp args) = PArray.length args. Proof. intro; unfold or_of_imp; apply length_mapi. Qed. Lemma get_or_of_imp : forall args i, i < (PArray.length args) - 1 -> (or_of_imp args).[i] = Lit.neg (args.[i]). Proof. unfold or_of_imp; intros args i H; case_eq (0 < PArray.length args). intro Heq; rewrite get_mapi. replace (i == PArray.length args - 1) with false; auto; symmetry; rewrite eqb_false_spec; intro; subst i; unfold is_true in H; rewrite ltb_spec, (to_Z_sub_1 _ _ Heq) in H; omega. rewrite ltb_spec; unfold is_true in H; rewrite ltb_spec, (to_Z_sub_1 _ _ Heq) in H; omega. rewrite ltb_negb_geb; case_eq (PArray.length args <= 0); try discriminate; intros Heq _; assert (H1: PArray.length args = 0). apply to_Z_inj; rewrite leb_spec in Heq; destruct (to_Z_bounded (PArray.length args)) as [H1 _]; change [|0|] with 0%Z in *; omega. rewrite !get_outofbound. rewrite default_mapi, H1; auto. rewrite H1; case_eq (i < 0); auto; intro H2; eelim ltb_0; eassumption. rewrite length_mapi, H1; case_eq (i < 0); auto; intro H2; eelim ltb_0; eassumption. Qed. Lemma get_or_of_imp2 : forall args i, 0 < PArray.length args -> i = (PArray.length args) - 1 -> (or_of_imp args).[i] = args.[i]. Proof. unfold or_of_imp; intros args i Heq Hi; rewrite get_mapi; subst i. rewrite Int63Axioms.eqb_refl; auto. rewrite ltb_spec, (to_Z_sub_1 _ _ Heq); omega. Qed. Lemma afold_right_impb p a : (forall x, p (Lit.neg x) = negb (p x)) -> (PArray.length a == 0) = false -> (afold_right bool int true implb p a) = List.existsb p (to_list (or_of_imp a)). Proof. intros Hp Hl. case_eq (afold_right bool int true implb p a); intro Heq; symmetry. - apply afold_right_implb_true_inv in Heq. destruct Heq as [Heq|[[i [Hi Heq]]|Heq]]. + rewrite Heq in Hl. discriminate. + rewrite existsb_exists. exists (Lit.neg (a .[ i])). split. * { apply (to_list_In_eq _ i). - rewrite length_or_of_imp. apply (ltb_trans _ (PArray.length a - 1)); auto. now apply minus_1_lt. - now rewrite get_or_of_imp. } * now rewrite Hp, Heq. + rewrite existsb_exists. exists (a.[(PArray.length a) - 1]). split. * { apply (to_list_In_eq _ (PArray.length a - 1)). - rewrite length_or_of_imp. now apply minus_1_lt. - symmetry. apply get_or_of_imp2; auto. unfold is_true. rewrite ltb_spec. rewrite eqb_false_spec in Hl. assert (0%Z <> [|PArray.length a|]) by (change 0%Z with [|0|]; intro H; apply to_Z_inj in H; auto). destruct (to_Z_bounded (PArray.length a)) as [H1 _]. clear -H H1. change [|0|] with 0%Z. lia. } * { apply Heq. now apply minus_1_lt. } - apply afold_right_implb_false_inv in Heq. destruct Heq as [H1 [H2 H3]]. case_eq (existsb p (to_list (or_of_imp a))); auto. rewrite existsb_exists. intros [x [H4 H5]]. apply In_to_list in H4. destruct H4 as [i [H4 ->]]. case_eq (i < PArray.length a - 1); intro Heq. + assert (H6 := H2 _ Heq). now rewrite (get_or_of_imp Heq), Hp, H6 in H5. + assert (H6:i = PArray.length a - 1). { clear -H4 Heq H1. rewrite length_or_of_imp in H4. apply to_Z_inj. rewrite (to_Z_sub_1 _ 0); auto. rewrite ltb_spec in H4; auto. rewrite ltb_negb_geb in Heq. case_eq (PArray.length a - 1 <= i); intro H2; rewrite H2 in Heq; try discriminate. clear Heq. rewrite leb_spec in H2. rewrite (to_Z_sub_1 _ 0) in H2; auto. lia. } rewrite get_or_of_imp2 in H5; auto. rewrite H6, H3 in H5. discriminate. Qed. Section CHECKER. Variable t_form : PArray.array form. Local Notation get_hash := (PArray.get t_form) (only parsing). Variable s : S.t. (* * true : {true} *) Definition check_True := C._true. (* * false : {(not false)} *) Definition check_False := Lit.neg (Lit._false)::nil. (* * and_neg : {(and a_1 ... a_n) (not a_1) ... (not a_n)} * or_pos : {(not (or a_1 ... a_n)) a_1 ... a_n} * implies_pos : {(not (implies a b)) (not a) b} * xor_pos1 : {(not (xor a b)) a b} * xor_neg1 : {(xor a b) a (not b)} * equiv_pos1 : {(not (iff a b)) a (not b)} * equiv_neg1 : {(iff a b) (not a) (not b)} * ite_pos1 : {(not (if_then_else a b c)) a c} * ite_neg1 : {(if_then_else a b c) a (not c)} *) Definition check_BuildDef l := match get_hash (Lit.blit l) with | Fand args => if Lit.is_pos l then l :: List.map Lit.neg (PArray.to_list args) else C._true | For args => if Lit.is_pos l then C._true else l :: PArray.to_list args | Fimp args => if Lit.is_pos l then C._true else if PArray.length args == 0 then C._true else let args := or_of_imp args in l :: PArray.to_list args | Fxor a b => if Lit.is_pos l then l::a::Lit.neg b::nil else l::a::b::nil | Fiff a b => if Lit.is_pos l then l::Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil else l::a::Lit.neg b::nil | Fite a b c => if Lit.is_pos l then l::a::Lit.neg c::nil else l::a::c::nil | _ => C._true end. (* * not_and : {(not (and a_1 ... a_n))} --> {(not a_1) ... (not a_n)} * or : {(or a_1 ... a_n)} --> {a_1 ... a_n} * implies : {(implies a b)} --> {(not a) b} * xor1 : {(xor a b)} --> {a b} * not_xor1 : {(not (xor a b))} --> {a (not b)} * equiv2 : {(iff a b)} --> {a (not b)} * not_equiv2 : {(not (iff a b))} --> {(not a) (not b)} * ite1 : {(if_then_else a b c)} --> {a c} * not_ite1 : {(not (if_then_else a b c))} --> {a (not c)} *) Definition check_ImmBuildDef pos := match S.get s pos with | l::nil => match get_hash (Lit.blit l) with | Fand args => if Lit.is_pos l then C._true else List.map Lit.neg (PArray.to_list args) | For args => if Lit.is_pos l then PArray.to_list args else C._true | Fimp args => if PArray.length args == 0 then C._true else if Lit.is_pos l then let args := or_of_imp args in PArray.to_list args else C._true | Fxor a b => if Lit.is_pos l then a::b::nil else a::Lit.neg b::nil | Fiff a b => if Lit.is_pos l then a::Lit.neg b::nil else Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil | Fite a b c => if Lit.is_pos l then a::c::nil else a::Lit.neg c::nil | _ => C._true end | _ => C._true end. (* * xor_pos2 : {(not (xor a b)) (not a) (not b)} * xor_neg2 : {(xor a b) (not a) b} * equiv_pos2 : {(not (iff a b)) (not a) b} * equiv_neg2 : {(iff a b) a b} * ite_pos2 : {(not (if_then_else a b c)) (not a) b} * ite_neg2 : {(if_then_else a b c) (not a) (not b)} *) Definition check_BuildDef2 l := match get_hash (Lit.blit l) with | Fxor a b => if Lit.is_pos l then l::Lit.neg a::b::nil else l::Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil | Fiff a b => if Lit.is_pos l then l::a::b::nil else l::Lit.neg a::b::nil | Fite a b c => if Lit.is_pos l then l::Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil else l::Lit.neg a::b::nil | _ => C._true end. (* * xor2 : {(xor a b)} --> {(not a) (not b)} * not_xor2 : {(not (xor a b))} --> {(not a) b} * equiv1 : {(iff a b)} --> {(not a) b} * not_equiv1 : {(not (iff a b))} --> {a b} * ite2 : {(if_then_else a b c)} --> {(not a) b} * not_ite2 : {(not (if_then_else a b c))} --> {(not a) (not b)} *) Definition check_ImmBuildDef2 pos := match S.get s pos with | l::nil => match get_hash (Lit.blit l) with | Fxor a b => if Lit.is_pos l then Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil else Lit.neg a::b::nil | Fiff a b => if Lit.is_pos l then Lit.neg a::b::nil else a::b::nil | Fite a b c => if Lit.is_pos l then Lit.neg a::b::nil else Lit.neg a::Lit.neg b::nil | _ => C._true end | _ => C._true end. (* * or_neg : {(or a_1 ... a_n) (not a_i)} * and_pos : {(not (and a_1 ... a_n)) a_i} * implies_neg1 : {(implies a b) a} * implies_neg2 : {(implies a b) (not b)} *) Definition check_BuildProj l i := let x := Lit.blit l in match get_hash x with | For args => if i < PArray.length args then Lit.lit x::Lit.neg (args.[i])::nil else C._true | Fand args => if i < PArray.length args then Lit.nlit x::(args.[i])::nil else C._true | Fimp args => let len := PArray.length args in if i < len then if i == len - 1 then Lit.lit x::Lit.neg (args.[i])::nil else Lit.lit x::(args.[i])::nil else C._true | _ => C._true end. (* * and : {(and a_1 ... a_n)} --> {a_i} * not_or : {(not (or a_1 ... a_n))} --> {(not a_i)} * not_implies1 : {(not (implies a b))} --> {a} * not_implies2 : {(not (implies a b))} --> {(not b)} *) Definition check_ImmBuildProj pos i := match S.get s pos with | l::nil => let x := Lit.blit l in match get_hash x with | For args => if (i < PArray.length args) && negb (Lit.is_pos l) then Lit.neg (args.[i])::nil else C._true | Fand args => if (i < PArray.length args) && (Lit.is_pos l) then (args.[i])::nil else C._true | Fimp args => let len := PArray.length args in if (i < len) && negb (Lit.is_pos l) then if i == len - 1 then Lit.neg (args.[i])::nil else (args.[i])::nil else C._true | _ => C._true end | _ => C._true end. (** The correctness proofs *) Variable interp_atom : atom -> bool. Variable interp_bvatom : atom -> forall s, BITVECTOR_LIST.bitvector s. Hypothesis Hch_f : check_form t_form. Local Notation rho := (Form.interp_state_var interp_atom interp_bvatom t_form). Let Hwfrho : Valuation.wf rho. Proof. destruct (check_form_correct interp_atom interp_bvatom _ Hch_f) as (_, H);exact H. Qed. Lemma valid_check_True : C.valid rho check_True. Proof. apply C.interp_true;trivial. Qed. Lemma valid_check_False : C.valid rho check_False. Proof. unfold check_False, C.valid. change (Lit.interp rho (Lit.neg Lit._false) || false = true). rewrite Lit.interp_neg. assert (W:= Lit.interp_false _ Hwfrho). destruct (Lit.interp rho Lit._false);trivial;elim W;red;trivial. Qed. Let rho_interp : forall x : int, rho x = interp interp_atom interp_bvatom t_form (t_form.[ x]). Proof. destruct (check_form_correct interp_atom interp_bvatom _ Hch_f) as ((H,H0), _). intros x;apply wf_interp_form;trivial. Qed. Ltac tauto_check := try (rewrite !Lit.interp_neg); repeat match goal with |- context [Lit.interp rho ?x] => destruct (Lit.interp rho x);trivial end. Axiom Cinterp_neg : forall cl, C.interp rho (map Lit.neg cl) = negb (forallb (Lit.interp rho) cl). Lemma valid_check_BuildDef : forall l, C.valid rho (check_BuildDef l). Proof. unfold check_BuildDef,C.valid;intros l. case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);intros;auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l);intros Heq;auto using C.interp_true;simpl; try (unfold Lit.interp at 1;rewrite Heq;unfold Var.interp; rewrite rho_interp, H;simpl; tauto_check). - rewrite afold_left_and, Cinterp_neg;apply orb_negb_r. - rewrite afold_left_or, orb_comm;apply orb_negb_r. - case_eq (PArray.length a == 0); auto using C.interp_true. intro Hl; simpl. unfold Lit.interp at 1;rewrite Heq;unfold Var.interp; rewrite rho_interp, H;simpl. rewrite (afold_right_impb (Lit.interp_neg _) Hl), orb_comm;try apply orb_negb_r. Qed. Lemma valid_check_BuildDef2 : forall l, C.valid rho (check_BuildDef2 l). Proof. unfold check_BuildDef2,C.valid;intros l. case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);intros;auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l);intros Heq;auto using C.interp_true;simpl; unfold Lit.interp at 1;rewrite Heq;unfold Var.interp; rewrite rho_interp, H;simpl; tauto_check. Qed. Lemma valid_check_BuildProj : forall l i, C.valid rho (check_BuildProj l i). Proof. unfold check_BuildProj,C.valid;intros l i. case_eq (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);intros;auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (i < PArray.length a);intros Hlt;auto using C.interp_true;simpl. - rewrite Lit.interp_nlit;unfold Var.interp;rewrite rho_interp, orb_false_r, H. simpl;rewrite afold_left_and. case_eq (forallb (Lit.interp rho) (to_list a));trivial. rewrite forallb_forall;intros Heq;rewrite Heq;trivial. apply to_list_In; auto. - rewrite Lit.interp_lit;unfold Var.interp;rewrite rho_interp, orb_false_r, H. simpl;rewrite afold_left_or. unfold C.interp;case_eq (existsb (Lit.interp rho) (to_list a));trivial. rewrite <-not_true_iff_false, existsb_exists, Lit.interp_neg. case_eq (Lit.interp rho (a .[ i]));trivial. intros Heq Hex;elim Hex;exists (a.[i]);split;trivial. apply to_list_In; auto. - assert (Hl : (PArray.length a == 0) = false) by (rewrite eqb_false_spec; intro H1; rewrite H1 in Hlt; now elim (ltb_0 i)). case_eq (i == PArray.length a - 1);intros Heq;simpl; rewrite Lit.interp_lit;unfold Var.interp;rewrite rho_interp, H;simpl. + rewrite Lit.interp_neg, orb_false_r. rewrite (afold_right_impb (Lit.interp_neg _) Hl). case_eq (Lit.interp rho (a .[ i])); intro Hi. * rewrite orb_false_r, existsb_exists. exists (a .[ i]). split; auto. { apply (to_list_In_eq _ i). - now rewrite length_or_of_imp. - symmetry. apply get_or_of_imp2. + clear -Hl. rewrite eqb_false_spec in Hl. unfold is_true. rewrite ltb_spec. change [|0|] with 0%Z. assert (H:[|PArray.length a|] <> 0%Z) by (intro H; apply Hl; now apply to_Z_inj). destruct (to_Z_bounded (PArray.length a)) as [H1 _]. lia. + now rewrite Int63Properties.eqb_spec in Heq. } * now rewrite orb_true_r. + rewrite orb_false_r. case_eq (Lit.interp rho (a .[ i])); intro Hi. * now rewrite orb_true_r. * rewrite (afold_right_impb (Lit.interp_neg _) Hl). rewrite orb_false_r, existsb_exists. exists (Lit.neg (a .[ i])). { split. - apply (to_list_In_eq _ i). + now rewrite length_or_of_imp. + symmetry. apply get_or_of_imp. clear -Hlt Heq. unfold is_true. rewrite ltb_spec. rewrite (to_Z_sub_1 _ i); auto. rewrite eqb_false_spec in Heq. assert (H:[|i|] <> ([|PArray.length a|] - 1)%Z) by (intro H; apply Heq, to_Z_inj; rewrite (to_Z_sub_1 _ i); auto). clear Heq. rewrite ltb_spec in Hlt. lia. - now rewrite Lit.interp_neg, Hi. } Qed. Hypothesis Hs : S.valid rho s. Lemma valid_check_ImmBuildDef : forall cid, C.valid rho (check_ImmBuildDef cid). Proof. unfold check_ImmBuildDef,C.valid;intros cid. generalize (Hs cid);unfold C.valid. destruct (S.get s cid) as [ | l [ | _l _c]];auto using C.interp_true. simpl;unfold Lit.interp, Var.interp; rewrite !rho_interp; destruct (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l);intros Heq;auto using C.interp_true;simpl; tauto_check. - rewrite afold_left_and, Cinterp_neg, orb_false_r;trivial. - rewrite afold_left_or, orb_false_r;trivial. - case_eq (PArray.length a == 0); auto using C.interp_true. intro Hl. now rewrite orb_false_r, (afold_right_impb (Lit.interp_neg _) Hl). - case_eq (PArray.length a == 0); auto using C.interp_true. Qed. Lemma valid_check_ImmBuildDef2 : forall cid, C.valid rho (check_ImmBuildDef2 cid). Proof. unfold check_ImmBuildDef2,C.valid;intros cid. generalize (Hs cid);unfold C.valid. destruct (S.get s cid) as [ | l [ | _l _c]];auto using C.interp_true. simpl;unfold Lit.interp, Var.interp; rewrite !rho_interp; destruct (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l);intros Heq;auto using C.interp_true;simpl; tauto_check. Qed. Lemma valid_check_ImmBuildProj : forall cid i, C.valid rho (check_ImmBuildProj cid i). Proof. unfold check_ImmBuildProj,C.valid;intros cid i. generalize (Hs cid);unfold C.valid. destruct (S.get s cid) as [ | l [ | _l _c]];auto using C.interp_true. simpl;unfold Lit.interp, Var.interp; rewrite !rho_interp; destruct (t_form.[Lit.blit l]);auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (i < PArray.length a); intros Hlt;auto using C.interp_true; case_eq (Lit.is_pos l);intros Heq;auto using C.interp_true;simpl; rewrite !orb_false_r. - rewrite afold_left_and. rewrite forallb_forall;intros H;apply H;auto. apply to_list_In; auto. - rewrite negb_true_iff, <-not_true_iff_false, afold_left_or. unfold C.interp;rewrite existsb_exists, Lit.interp_neg. case_eq (Lit.interp rho (a .[ i]));trivial. intros Heq' Hex;elim Hex;exists (a.[i]);split;trivial. apply to_list_In; auto. - rewrite negb_true_iff, <-not_true_iff_false. assert (Hl:(PArray.length a == 0) = false) by (rewrite eqb_false_spec; intro H; rewrite H in Hlt; now apply (ltb_0 i)). rewrite (afold_right_impb (Lit.interp_neg _) Hl). case_eq (i == PArray.length a - 1);intros Heq';simpl; unfold C.interp;simpl;try rewrite Lit.interp_neg;rewrite orb_false_r, existsb_exists;case_eq (Lit.interp rho (a .[ i]));trivial; intros Heq2 Hex;elim Hex. exists (a.[i]);split;trivial. assert (H1: 0 < PArray.length a) by (apply (leb_ltb_trans _ i _); auto; apply leb_0); rewrite Int63Properties.eqb_spec in Heq'; rewrite <- (get_or_of_imp2 H1 Heq'); apply to_list_In; rewrite length_or_of_imp; auto. exists (Lit.neg (a.[i]));rewrite Lit.interp_neg, Heq2;split;trivial. assert (H1: i < PArray.length a - 1 = true) by (rewrite ltb_spec, (to_Z_sub_1 _ _ Hlt); rewrite eqb_false_spec in Heq'; assert (H1: [|i|] <> ([|PArray.length a|] - 1)%Z) by (intro H1; apply Heq', to_Z_inj; rewrite (to_Z_sub_1 _ _ Hlt); auto); rewrite ltb_spec in Hlt; omega); rewrite <- (get_or_of_imp H1); apply to_list_In; rewrite length_or_of_imp; auto. Qed. End CHECKER. Unset Implicit Arguments.