(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** val negb : bool -> bool **) let negb = function | true -> false | false -> true type 'a list = | Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a list (** val existsb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **) let rec existsb f = function | Nil -> false | Cons (a, l0) -> if f a then true else existsb f l0 type int = ExtrNative.uint (** val lsl0 : int -> int -> int **) let lsl0 = ExtrNative.l_sl (** val lsr0 : int -> int -> int **) let lsr0 = ExtrNative.l_sr (** val land0 : int -> int -> int **) let land0 = ExtrNative.l_and (** val lxor0 : int -> int -> int **) let lxor0 = ExtrNative.l_xor (** val sub : int -> int -> int **) let sub = ExtrNative.sub (** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **) let eqb = fun i j -> ExtrNative.compare i j = ExtrNative.Eq (** val foldi_cont : (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **) let foldi_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_cont (** val foldi_down_cont : (int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2) -> int -> int -> ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 **) let foldi_down_cont = ExtrNative.foldi_down_cont (** val is_zero : int -> bool **) let is_zero i = eqb i (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (** val is_even : int -> bool **) let is_even i = is_zero (land0 i (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (** val compare : int -> int -> ExtrNative.comparison **) let compare = ExtrNative.compare (** val foldi : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **) let foldi f from to0 = foldi_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from to0 (fun a -> a) (** val foldi_down : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> int -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **) let foldi_down f from downto0 = foldi_down_cont (fun i cont a -> cont (f i a)) from downto0 (fun a -> a) type 'a array = 'a ExtrNative.parray (** val make : int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **) let make = ExtrNative.parray_make module Coq__1 = struct (** val get : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 **) let get = ExtrNative.parray_get end let get = Coq__1.get (** val set : 'a1 array -> int -> 'a1 -> 'a1 array **) let set = ExtrNative.parray_set (** val length : 'a1 array -> int **) let length = ExtrNative.parray_length (** val to_list : 'a1 array -> 'a1 list **) let to_list t0 = let len = length t0 in if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len then Nil else foldi_down (fun i l -> Cons ((get t0 i), l)) (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) Nil (** val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **) let fold_left f a t0 = let len = length t0 in if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len then a else foldi (fun i a0 -> f a0 (get t0 i)) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (sub (length t0) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) a (** val foldi_right : (int -> 'a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 array -> 'a2 -> 'a2 **) let foldi_right f t0 b = let len = length t0 in if eqb (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) len then b else foldi_down (fun i b0 -> f i (get t0 i) b0) (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) b module Valuation = struct type t = int -> bool end module Var = struct (** val _true : int **) let _true = (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (** val _false : int **) let _false = (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **) let interp rho x = rho x end module Lit = struct (** val is_pos : int -> bool **) let is_pos l = is_even l (** val blit : int -> int **) let blit l = lsr0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (** val lit : int -> int **) let lit x = lsl0 x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (** val neg : int -> int **) let neg l = lxor0 l (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (** val nlit : int -> int **) let nlit x = neg (lit x) (** val _true : int **) let _true = (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) (** val _false : int **) let _false = (ExtrNative.of_uint(2)) (** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **) let eqb l l' = eqb l l' (** val interp : Valuation.t -> int -> bool **) let interp rho l = if is_pos l then Var.interp rho (blit l) else negb (Var.interp rho (blit l)) end module C = struct type t = int list (** val interp : Valuation.t -> t -> bool **) let interp rho l = existsb (Lit.interp rho) l (** val _true : t **) let _true = Cons (Lit._true, Nil) (** val is_false : t -> bool **) let is_false = function | Nil -> true | Cons (i, l) -> false (** val or_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> int list **) let rec or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with | Nil -> Cons (l1, c1) | Cons (l2, c2') -> (match compare l1 l2 with | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2')) | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (or0 c1 c2)) | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux or0 l1 c1 c2'))) (** val coq_or : t -> t -> t **) let rec coq_or c1 c2 = match c1 with | Nil -> c2 | Cons (l1, c3) -> (match c2 with | Nil -> c1 | Cons (l2, c2') -> (match compare l1 l2 with | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2')) | ExtrNative.Lt -> Cons (l1, (coq_or c3 c2)) | ExtrNative.Gt -> Cons (l2, (or_aux coq_or l1 c3 c2')))) (** val resolve_aux : (t -> t -> t) -> int -> t -> t -> t **) let rec resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2 = match c2 with | Nil -> _true | Cons (l2, c2') -> (match compare l1 l2 with | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2')) | ExtrNative.Lt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then coq_or c1 c2' else Cons (l1, (resolve0 c1 c2)) | ExtrNative.Gt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then coq_or c1 c2' else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve0 l1 c1 c2'))) (** val resolve : t -> t -> t **) let rec resolve c1 c2 = match c1 with | Nil -> _true | Cons (l1, c3) -> (match c2 with | Nil -> _true | Cons (l2, c2') -> (match compare l1 l2 with | ExtrNative.Eq -> Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2')) | ExtrNative.Lt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then coq_or c3 c2' else Cons (l1, (resolve c3 c2)) | ExtrNative.Gt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then coq_or c3 c2' else Cons (l2, (resolve_aux resolve l1 c3 c2')))) end module S = struct type t = C.t array (** val get : t -> int -> C.t **) let get s cid = get s cid (** val internal_set : t -> int -> C.t -> t **) let internal_set s cid c = set s cid c (** val make : int -> t **) let make nclauses = make nclauses C._true (** val insert : int -> int list -> int list **) let rec insert l1 c = match c with | Nil -> Cons (l1, Nil) | Cons (l2, c') -> (match compare l1 l2 with | ExtrNative.Eq -> c | ExtrNative.Lt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then C._true else Cons (l1, c) | ExtrNative.Gt -> if eqb (lxor0 l1 l2) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) then C._true else Cons (l2, (insert l1 c'))) (** val sort_uniq : int list -> int list **) let rec sort_uniq = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons (l1, c0) -> insert l1 (sort_uniq c0) (** val set_clause : t -> int -> C.t -> t **) let set_clause s pos c = set s pos (sort_uniq c) (** val set_resolve : t -> int -> int array -> t **) let set_resolve s pos r = let len = length r in if eqb len (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) then s else let c = foldi (fun i c -> C.resolve (get s (Coq__1.get r i)) c) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (sub len (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (get s (Coq__1.get r (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)))) in internal_set s pos c end (** val afold_left : 'a1 -> ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> ('a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 array -> 'a1 **) let afold_left default oP f v = let n = length v in if eqb n (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)) then default else foldi (fun i a -> oP a (f (get v i))) (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) (sub n (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) (f (get v (ExtrNative.of_uint(0)))) type 'step _trace_ = 'step array array (** val _checker_ : (S.t -> 'a1 -> S.t) -> (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> 'a1 _trace_ -> int -> bool **) let _checker_ check_step is_false0 s t0 confl = let s' = fold_left (fun s0 a -> fold_left check_step s0 a) s t0 in is_false0 (S.get s' confl) module Sat_Checker = struct type step = | Res of int * int array (** val step_rect : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **) let step_rect f = function | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0 (** val step_rec : (int -> int array -> 'a1) -> step -> 'a1 **) let step_rec f = function | Res (x, x0) -> f x x0 (** val resolution_checker : (C.t -> bool) -> S.t -> step _trace_ -> int -> bool **) let resolution_checker s t0 = _checker_ (fun s0 st -> let Res (pos, r) = st in S.set_resolve s0 pos r) s t0 type dimacs = int array array (** val coq_C_interp_or : Valuation.t -> int array -> bool **) let coq_C_interp_or rho c = afold_left false (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then true else b2) (Lit.interp rho) c (** val valid : Valuation.t -> dimacs -> bool **) let valid rho d = afold_left true (fun b1 b2 -> if b1 then b2 else false) (coq_C_interp_or rho) d type certif = | Certif of int * step _trace_ * int (** val certif_rect : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **) let certif_rect f = function | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1 (** val certif_rec : (int -> step _trace_ -> int -> 'a1) -> certif -> 'a1 **) let certif_rec f = function | Certif (x, x0, x1) -> f x x0 x1 (** val add_roots : S.t -> dimacs -> S.t **) let add_roots s d = foldi_right (fun i c s0 -> S.set_clause s0 i (to_list c)) d s (** val checker : dimacs -> certif -> bool **) let checker d = function | Certif (nclauses, t0, confl_id) -> resolution_checker C.is_false (add_roots (S.make nclauses) d) t0 confl_id (** val interp_var : (int -> bool) -> int -> bool **) let interp_var rho x = match compare x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1)) with | ExtrNative.Eq -> false | ExtrNative.Lt -> true | ExtrNative.Gt -> rho (sub x (ExtrNative.of_uint(1))) end