(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Construction and internal representation of LFSC proofs and rules with type checking. *) exception CVC4Sat (** {2 Structures for LFSC proofs, terms and types } *) (** Implementation of the LFSC type [mpz] for integers. *) type mpz = Big_int.big_int (** Implementation of the LFSC type [mpq] for rationnals. *) type mpq = Num.num type name = Name of Hstring.t | S_Hole of int (** Type of symbols used in lambda/pi abstractions. *) type symbol = { sname : name; stype : term } (** Types of terms *) and dterm = | Type (** The type [type] *) | Kind (** The type [kind] *) | Mpz (** The type [mpz] *) | Mpq (** The type [mpq] *) | Const of symbol (** Constants *) | App of term * term list (** Functions *) | Int of mpz (** Integers *) | Rat of mpq (** Rationals *) | Pi of symbol * term (** Pi-abstractions *) | Lambda of symbol * term (** Lambda-abstractions *) | Hole of int (** Hole/Variable (to be filled) *) | Ptr of term (** Pointer to another term (used to fill holes and keep physical equality). Pointers can be removed with {!flatten}. *) | SideCond of Hstring.t * term list * term * term (** Side conditions. The last argument is the term to which the side-condition expression evaluates. *) (** LFSC terms and types (same thing). Terms are annotated with their types. *) and term = { mutable value: dterm; ttype: term } (** Equality over terms (performs unification). To compare terms for equality use [compare_tem t1 t2 = 0] instead. *) val term_equal : term -> term -> bool (** Comparision between terms *) val compare_term : ?mod_eq:bool -> term -> term -> int val compare_term_list : ?mod_eq:bool -> term list -> term list -> int val hash_term : term -> int (** The type of LFSC top-level commands *) type command = | Check of term | Define of Hstring.t * term | Declare of Hstring.t * term (** The type of LFSC proofs *) type proof = command list (** Term module to build structures over terms. *) module Term : sig type t = term val compare : t -> t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val hash : t -> int end module Term_modeq : sig type t = term val compare : t -> t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val hash : t -> int end (** {2 Pretty printing } *) val print_term : Format.formatter -> term -> unit val print_term_type : Format.formatter -> term -> unit val print_symbol : Format.formatter -> symbol -> unit val print_command : Format.formatter -> command -> unit val print_proof : Format.formatter -> proof -> unit (** {2 Predefined LFSC types } *) (** The LFSC type [type]. *) val lfsc_type : term (** The LFSC type [kind] (of type [type]). *) val kind : term (** The LFSC type [mpz]. *) val mpz : term (** The LFSC type [mpq]. *) val mpq : term (** Constructor for LFSC integers. *) val mk_mpz : mpz -> term val mpz_of_int : int -> term (** Constructor for LFSC rationals. *) val mk_mpq : mpq -> term (** {2 Utilities functions } *) (* val unify : term -> term -> unit *) (** @deprecated *) val get_real : term -> term (** Remove pointers in term and type *) val flatten_term : term -> unit (** Returs [true] if the term contains pointers.*) val has_ptr : term -> bool (** follow pointers *) val deref : term -> term (** derefenced value *) val value : term -> dterm (** derefenced type *) val ttype : term -> term (** get dereferenced constant name (None if it's not a constant or it has no name) *) val name : term -> Hstring.t option (** get dereferenced application name and its arguments (None if it's not a function application or the function symbol has no name) *) val app_name : term -> (Hstring.t * term list) option (** {2 Smart constructors with type checking and unification } *) (** Exception raised when the proof does not type check. *) exception TypingError of term * term (** Constructor for symbols, given their name and their type. *) val mk_symbol : string -> term -> symbol (** Create a hole symbol to be filled later on. *) val mk_symbol_hole : term -> symbol (** Create a constant term of a predeclared name. *) val mk_const : string -> term (** Create a constant term from a symbol. *) val symbol_to_const : symbol -> term (** Constructor for function application. This performs type inference and destructive unfification of type variables (holes), as well as beta-reduction. *) val mk_app : term -> term list -> term (** Constructor for a (fresh) unspecified hole term (i.e. a variable) given its type. *) val mk_hole : term -> term (** Create and unspecified term of unspecified type. *) val mk_hole_hole : unit -> term (** Create a pi-abstraction. [mk_pi s t] returns Π s : s.stype. t. *) val mk_pi : symbol -> term -> term (** Create a lambda-abstraction. [mk_lambda s t] returns λ s : s.stype. t. *) val mk_lambda : symbol -> term -> term (** Ascription, or type check. [mk_ascr ty t] checks that t has type ty, while performing all type checking operations decribed in {!mk_app}. *) val mk_ascr : term -> term -> term (** [mk_declare s ty] registers declaration of symbol [s] as having type [ty]. *) val mk_declare : string -> term -> unit (** [mk_define s t] registers [s] to be a definition for the term [t]. It is inlined in the subsequent terms. *) val mk_define : string -> term -> unit (** Create a check command. *) val mk_check : term -> unit (** {2 Auxiliary functions} *) val register_symbol : symbol -> unit val remove_symbol : symbol -> unit val add_definition : name -> term -> unit val remove_definition : name -> unit (** {2 Side-conditions} *) (** Table for callback functions of side conditions. *) val callbacks_table : (term list -> term) Hstring.H.t (** Add a side-condition to the callback table, and returns the continuation of the side condition in LFSC terms. See {!Builtin}. *) val add_sc : string -> term list -> term -> term -> term (** Remove pending side-conditions evaluations *) val clear_sc : unit -> unit