(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Hash-consed strings Hash-consing is a technique to share values that are structurally equal. More details on {{:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_consing} Wikipedia} and {{:http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/ftp/publis/hash-consing2.pdf} here}. This module provides an easy way to use hash-consing for strings. *) open Shashcons type t = string hash_consed (** The type of Hash-consed string *) val make : string -> t (** [make s] builds ans returns a hash-consed string from [s].*) val view : t -> string (** [view hs] returns the string corresponding to [hs].*) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** [equal x y] returns [true] if [x] and [y] are the same hash-consed string (constant time).*) val compare : t -> t -> int (** [compares x y] returns [0] if [x] and [y] are equal, and is unspecified otherwise but provides a total ordering on hash-consed strings.*) val hash : t -> int (** [hash x] returns the integer (hash) associated to [x].*) val empty : t (** the empty ([""]) hash-consed string.*) val list_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> 'a (** [list_assoc x l] returns the element associated with [x] in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated with [x] in the list [l].*) val list_assoc_inv : t -> ('a * t) list -> 'a (** [list_assoc_inv x l] returns the first element which is associated to [x] in the list of pairs [l]. @raise Not_found if there is no value associated to [x] in the list [l].*) val list_mem_assoc : t -> (t * 'a) list -> bool (** Same as {! list_assoc}, but simply returns [true] if a binding exists, and [false] if no bindings exist for the given key.*) val list_mem : t -> t list -> bool (** [list_mem x l] is [true] if and only if [x] is equal to an element of [l].*) val list_mem_couple : t * t -> (t * t) list -> bool (** [list_mem_couple (x,y) l] is [true] if and only if [(x,y)] is equal to an element of [l].*) val compare_list : t list -> t list -> int (** [compare_list l1 l2] returns [0] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2].*) val list_equal : t list -> t list -> bool (** [list_equal l1 l2] returns [true] if and only if [l1] is equal to [l2].*) val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (** Prints a hash-consed strings on a formatter. *) val print_list : string -> Format.formatter -> t list -> unit (** Prints a list of hash-consed strings on a formatter. *) module H : Hashtbl.S with type key = t (** Hash-tables indexed by hash-consed strings *) module HSet : Set.S with type elt = t (** Sets of hash-consed strings *) module HMap : Map.S with type key = t (** Maps indexed by hash-consed strings *)