%{ (**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* This parser is adapted from Jane Street sexplib parser *) open Ast open Lexing open Format let parse_failure what = let pos = Parsing.symbol_start_pos () in let msg = Printf.sprintf "Sexplib.Parser: failed to parse line %d char %d: %s" pos.pos_lnum (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) what in failwith msg let scope = ref [] let renamings = Hashtbl.create 21 let register_rename = Hashtbl.add renamings let remove_rename = Hashtbl.remove renamings %} %token STRING %token INT %token LPAREN RPAREN EOF HASH_SEMI %token LAMBDA PI BIGLAMBDA COLON %token CHECK DEFINE DECLARE %token MPQ MPZ HOLE TYPE KIND %token SC PROGRAM AT UNSAT SAT %start proof %type proof %start last_command %type last_command %start ignore_commands %type ignore_commands %start proof_print %type proof_print %start proof_ignore %type proof_ignore %start one_command %type one_command %start sexp %type sexp %start sexp_opt %type sexp_opt %start sexps %type sexps %start rev_sexps %type rev_sexps %% sexp: | sexp_comments sexp_but_no_comment { $2 } | sexp_but_no_comment { $1 } sexp_but_no_comment : STRING { Type.Atom $1 } | LPAREN RPAREN { Type.List [] } | LPAREN rev_sexps_aux RPAREN { Type.List (List.rev $2) } | error { parse_failure "sexp" } sexp_comment : HASH_SEMI sexp_but_no_comment { () } | HASH_SEMI sexp_comments sexp_but_no_comment { () } sexp_comments : sexp_comment { () } | sexp_comments sexp_comment { () } sexp_opt : sexp_but_no_comment { Some $1 } | sexp_comments sexp_but_no_comment { Some $2 } | EOF { None } | sexp_comments EOF { None } rev_sexps_aux : sexp_but_no_comment { [$1] } | sexp_comment { [] } | rev_sexps_aux sexp_but_no_comment { $2 :: $1 } | rev_sexps_aux sexp_comment { $1 } rev_sexps : rev_sexps_aux EOF { $1 } | EOF { [] } sexps : rev_sexps_aux EOF { List.rev $1 } | EOF { [] } ; atom_ignore: | STRING {} | CHECK {} | DEFINE {} | DECLARE {} | TYPE {} | KIND {} | MPZ {} | MPQ {} | PROGRAM {} | INT {} | LAMBDA {} | PI {} | HOLE {} | SC {} | AT {} | COLON {} ; sexp_ignore : | atom_ignore {} | LPAREN ignore_sexp_list RPAREN {} ; ignore_sexp_list : | { } | sexp_ignore ignore_sexp_list { } ; term_list: | term { [$1]} | term term_list { $1 :: $2 } ; binding: | STRING term { let n = String.concat "." (List.rev ($1 :: !scope)) in let s = mk_symbol n $2 in register_symbol s; register_rename $1 n; s, $1 } ; untyped_sym: | STRING { let s = mk_symbol $1 (mk_hole_hole ()) in register_symbol s; s } ; let_binding: | STRING term { let x = $1 in let t = $2 in let s = mk_symbol x t.ttype in register_symbol s; add_definition s.sname t; s.sname } ; /* ignore_string_or_hole: | STRING { } | HOLE { } ; */ term: | TYPE { lfsc_type } | KIND { kind } | MPQ { mpq } | MPZ { mpz } | INT { mk_mpz $1 } | STRING { let n = try Hashtbl.find renamings $1 with Not_found -> $1 in mk_const n } | HOLE { mk_hole_hole () } | LPAREN AT let_binding term RPAREN { remove_definition $3; $4 } | LPAREN term term_list RPAREN { mk_app $2 $3 } | LPAREN LAMBDA untyped_sym term RPAREN { let s = $3 in let t = $4 in let r = mk_lambda s t in remove_symbol s; r } | LPAREN LAMBDA HOLE term RPAREN { let s = mk_symbol_hole (mk_hole_hole ()) in let t = $4 in mk_lambda s t } | LPAREN BIGLAMBDA binding term RPAREN { let s, old = $3 in let t = $4 in let r = mk_lambda s t in remove_symbol s; remove_rename old; r } | LPAREN BIGLAMBDA HOLE term term RPAREN { let t = $5 in let s = mk_symbol_hole $4 in mk_lambda s t } | LPAREN PI binding term RPAREN { let s, old = $3 in let t = $4 in let r = mk_pi s t in remove_symbol s; remove_rename old; r } | LPAREN PI HOLE term term RPAREN { let s = mk_symbol_hole $4 in let t = $5 in mk_pi s t } | LPAREN PI STRING /* ignore_string_or_hole */ LPAREN SC LPAREN STRING term_list RPAREN term RPAREN term RPAREN { add_sc $7 $8 $10 $12 } | LPAREN COLON term term RPAREN { mk_ascr $3 $4 } ; declare: | DECLARE STRING { scope := [$2]; $2 } ; define: | DEFINE STRING { scope := [$2]; $2 } ; declare_command: | LPAREN declare term RPAREN { mk_declare $2 $3; scope := []; Declare (Hstring.make $2, $3) } ; define_command: | LPAREN define term RPAREN { mk_define $2 $3; scope := []; Define (Hstring.make $2, $3) } ; check_command: | LPAREN CHECK term RPAREN { mk_check $3; Check $3 } ; command: | check_command { $1 } | define_command { $1 } | declare_command { $1 } ; command_print: | command { printf "@[%a@]@\n@." print_command $1 } | LPAREN PROGRAM STRING ignore_sexp_list RPAREN { printf "Ignored program %s\n@." $3 } ; command_ignore: | command { () } | LPAREN PROGRAM STRING ignore_sexp_list RPAREN { () } ; command_or_prog_or_unsat: | command { Some $1 } | SAT { raise CVC4Sat } | UNSAT { None } | LPAREN PROGRAM STRING ignore_sexp_list RPAREN { None } ; command_list: | { [] } | command_or_prog_or_unsat command_list { match $1 with Some c -> c :: $2 | None -> $2 } ; command_print_list: | { } | command_print command_print_list { } ; command_ignore_list: | { } | command_ignore command_ignore_list { } ; proof: | command_list EOF { $1 } ; proof_print: | command_print_list EOF { } ; proof_ignore: | command_ignore_list EOF { } ; last_command: | command_or_prog_or_unsat { $1 } | command_or_prog_or_unsat last_command { $2 } ; one_command: | command_or_prog_or_unsat { $1 } ; ignore_commands: | command_or_prog_or_unsat { () } | command_or_prog_or_unsat ignore_commands { () } ;