(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open SmtAtom open SmtForm open VeritSyntax open Ast open Builtin open Format open Translator_sig open SmtBtype type lit = SmtAtom.Form.t type clause = lit list let lit_of_atom_form_lit rf af = lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (true, af) let show_veritproof = try ignore (Sys.getenv "DONTSHOWVERIT"); false with Not_found -> true module HS = Hstring.H (* module HT = Hashtbl.Make (Term) *) module HCl = Hashtbl module HT = struct module M = Map.Make (Term) let create _ = ref M.empty let add h k v = h := M.add k v !h let find h k = M.find k !h let clear h = h := M.empty (* let iter f h = M.iter f !h *) end let clauses_ids = HCl.create 201 let ids_clauses = Hashtbl.create 201 let propvars = HT.create 201 let inputs : int HS.t = HS.create 13 let alias_tbl = HS.create 17 let memo_terms = HT.create 31 (* let termalias_tbl = HT.create 17 *) let cl_cpt = ref 0 let get_rule = function | Reso -> VeritSyntax.Reso | Weak -> VeritSyntax.Weak | Or -> VeritSyntax.Or | Orp -> VeritSyntax.Orp | Imp -> VeritSyntax.Imp | Impp -> VeritSyntax.Impp | Nand -> VeritSyntax.Nand | Andn -> VeritSyntax.Andn | Nimp1 -> VeritSyntax.Nimp1 | Nimp2 -> VeritSyntax.Nimp2 | Impn1 -> VeritSyntax.Impn1 | Impn2 -> VeritSyntax.Impn2 | Nor -> VeritSyntax.Nor | Orn -> VeritSyntax.Orn | And -> VeritSyntax.And | Andp -> VeritSyntax.Andp | Equ1 -> VeritSyntax.Equ1 | Equ2 -> VeritSyntax.Equ2 | Nequ1 -> VeritSyntax.Nequ1 | Nequ2 -> VeritSyntax.Nequ2 | Equp1 -> VeritSyntax.Equp1 | Equp2 -> VeritSyntax.Equp2 | Equn1 -> VeritSyntax.Equn1 | Equn2 -> VeritSyntax.Equn2 | Xor1 -> VeritSyntax.Xor1 | Xor2 -> VeritSyntax.Xor2 | Xorp1 -> VeritSyntax.Xorp1 | Xorp2 -> VeritSyntax.Xorp2 | Xorn1 -> VeritSyntax.Xorn1 | Xorn2 -> VeritSyntax.Xorn2 | Nxor1 -> VeritSyntax.Nxor1 | Nxor2 -> VeritSyntax.Nxor2 | Itep1 -> VeritSyntax.Itep1 | Itep2 -> VeritSyntax.Itep2 | Iten1 -> VeritSyntax.Iten1 | Iten2 -> VeritSyntax.Iten2 | Ite1 -> VeritSyntax.Ite1 | Ite2 -> VeritSyntax.Ite2 | Nite1 -> VeritSyntax.Nite1 | Nite2 -> VeritSyntax.Nite2 | Eqtr -> VeritSyntax.Eqtr | Eqcp -> VeritSyntax.Eqcp | Eqco -> VeritSyntax.Eqco | Eqre -> VeritSyntax.Eqre | Lage -> VeritSyntax.Lage | Flat -> VeritSyntax.Flat | Hole -> VeritSyntax.Hole | True -> VeritSyntax.True | Fals -> VeritSyntax.Fals | Bbva -> VeritSyntax.Bbva | Bbconst -> VeritSyntax.Bbconst | Bbeq -> VeritSyntax.Bbeq | Bbdis -> VeritSyntax.Bbdis | Bbop -> VeritSyntax.Bbop | Bbadd -> VeritSyntax.Bbadd | Bbmul -> VeritSyntax.Bbmul | Bbult -> VeritSyntax.Bbult | Bbslt -> VeritSyntax.Bbslt | Bbshl -> VeritSyntax.Bbshl | Bbshr -> VeritSyntax.Bbshr | Bbnot -> VeritSyntax.Bbnot | Bbneg -> VeritSyntax.Bbneg | Bbconc -> VeritSyntax.Bbconc | Bbextr -> VeritSyntax.Bbextr | Bbzext -> VeritSyntax.Bbzext | Bbsext -> VeritSyntax.Bbsext | Row1 -> VeritSyntax.Row1 | Row2 -> VeritSyntax.Row2 | Exte -> VeritSyntax.Exte let string_of_rule = function | Reso -> "resolution" | Weak -> "weaken" | Or -> "or" | Orp -> "or_pos" | Imp -> "implies" | Impp -> "implies_pos" | Nand -> "not_and" | Andn -> "and_neg" | Nimp1 -> "not_implies1" | Nimp2 -> "not_implies2" | Impn1 -> "implies_neg1" | Impn2 -> "implies_neg2" | Nor -> "not_or" | Orn -> "or_neg" | And -> "and" | Andp -> "and_pos" | Equ1 -> "equiv1" | Equ2 -> "equiv2" | Nequ1 -> "not_equiv1" | Nequ2 -> "not_equiv2" | Equp1 -> "equiv_pos1" | Equp2 -> "equiv_pos2" | Equn1 -> "equiv_neg1" | Equn2 -> "equiv_neg2" | Xor1 -> "xor1" | Xor2 -> "xor2" | Xorp1 -> "xor_pos1" | Xorp2 -> "xor_pos2" | Xorn1 -> "xor_neg1" | Xorn2 -> "xor_neg2" | Nxor1 -> "not_xor1" | Nxor2 -> "not_xor2" | Itep1 -> "ite_pos1" | Itep2 -> "ite_pos2" | Iten1 -> "ite_neg1" | Iten2 -> "ite_neg2" | Ite1 -> "ite1" | Ite2 -> "ite2" | Nite1 -> "not_ite1" | Nite2 -> "not_ite2" | Eqtr -> "eq_transitive" | Eqcp -> "eq_congruent_pred" | Eqco -> "eq_congruent" | Eqre -> "eq_reflexive" | Lage -> "la_generic" | Flat -> "flatten" | Hole -> "hole" | True -> "true" | Fals -> "false" | Bbva -> "bbvar" | Bbconst -> "bbconst" | Bbeq -> "bbeq" | Bbdis -> "bv_const_neq" | Bbop -> "bbop" | Bbadd -> "bbadd" | Bbmul -> "bbmul" | Bbult -> "bbult" | Bbslt -> "bbslt" | Bbshl -> "bbshl" | Bbshr -> "bbshr" | Bbnot -> "bbnot" | Bbneg -> "bbneg" | Bbconc -> "bbconcat" | Bbextr -> "bbextract" | Bbzext -> "bbzextend" | Bbsext -> "bbsextend" | Row1 -> "row1" | Row2 -> "row2" | Exte -> "ext" let bit_to_bool t = match name t with | Some n when n == H.b0 -> false | Some n when n == H.b1 -> true | _ -> assert false let rec const_bv_aux acc t = match name t with | Some n when n == H.bvn -> acc | _ -> match app_name t with | Some (n, [b; t]) when n == H.bvc -> const_bv_aux (bit_to_bool b :: acc) t | _ -> assert false let const_bv t = let bv_list = const_bv_aux [] t in Atom (Atom.mk_bvconst ra bv_list) let rec term_smtcoq_old t = match value t with | Const {sname=Name n} when n == H.ttrue -> Form Form.pform_true | Const {sname=Name n} when n == H.tfalse -> Form Form.pform_false | Const {sname=Name n} when n == H.bvn -> const_bv t | Const {sname=Name n} -> begin try term_smtcoq (HS.find alias_tbl n) with Not_found -> Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun (Hstring.view n),[||]))) end | Int bi -> Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra bi) | App _ -> begin match app_name t with | Some (n, [f]) when n == H.not_ -> Lit (Form.neg (lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (term_smtcoq f))) | Some (n, args) when n == H.and_ -> Form (Fapp (Fand, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, args) when n == H.or_ -> Form (Fapp (For, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, args) when n == H.impl_ -> Form (Fapp (Fimp, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, args) when n == H.xor_ -> Form (Fapp (Fxor, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, args) when n == H.ite || n == H.ifte_ -> Form (Fapp (Fite, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, args) when n == H.iff -> Form (Fapp (Fiff, args_smtcoq args)) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.eq -> let h1, h2 = term_smtcoq_atom a, term_smtcoq_atom b in Atom (Atom.mk_eq ra (Atom.type_of h1) h1 h2) | Some (n, _) when n == H.apply -> uncurry [] t | Some (n, [p]) when n == H.p_app -> term_smtcoq p | Some (n, [{value = Int bi}]) when n == H.a_int -> Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra bi) | Some (n, [ni]) when n == H.a_int -> begin match app_name ni with | Some (n, [{value = Int bi}]) when n == H.uminus -> Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra (Big_int.minus_big_int bi)) | _ -> assert false end | Some (n, [_; v]) when n == H.a_var_bv -> term_smtcoq v | Some (n, _) when n == H.bvc -> const_bv t | Some (n, [_; v]) when n == H.a_bv -> term_smtcoq v | Some (b, [a; {value = Int n}]) when b == H.bitof -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bitof ra s (Big_int.int_of_big_int n) ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; bb]) when n == H.bblast_term -> Form (FbbT ((term_smtcoq_atom a), bblt_lits [] bb)) | Some (n, [_; a]) when n == H.bvnot -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvnot ra s ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a]) when n == H.bvneg -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvneg ra s ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvand -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvand ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvor -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvor ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvxor -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvxor ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvadd -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvadd ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvmul -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvmult ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvult -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvult ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvslt -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvslt ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvule -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> let a = Atom (Atom.mk_bvult ra s hb ha) in Lit (Form.neg (lit_of_atom_form_lit rf a)) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvsle -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> let a = Atom (Atom.mk_bvslt ra s hb ha) in Lit (Form.neg (lit_of_atom_form_lit rf a)) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; _; _; a; b]) when n == H.concat -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha, Atom.type_of hb with | TBV s1, TBV s2 -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvconcat ra s1 s2 ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; {value = Int bj}; {value = Int bi}; _; a]) when n == H.extract -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let i = Big_int.int_of_big_int bi in let j = Big_int.int_of_big_int bj in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvextr ra ~s ~i ~n:(j-i+1) ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; {value = Int bi}; _; a]) when n == H.zero_extend -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let n = Big_int.int_of_big_int bi in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvzextn ra ~s ~n ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; {value = Int bi}; _; a]) when n == H.sign_extend -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let n = Big_int.int_of_big_int bi in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvsextn ra ~s ~n ha) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvshl -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvshl ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; a; b]) when n == H.bvlshr -> (let ha = term_smtcoq_atom a in let hb = term_smtcoq_atom b in match Atom.type_of ha with | TBV s -> Atom (Atom.mk_bvshr ra s ha hb) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.lt_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_lt ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.le_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_le ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.gt_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_gt ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.ge_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_ge ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.plus_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_plus ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.minus_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_minus ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.times_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_mult ra (term_smtcoq_atom a) (term_smtcoq_atom b)) | Some (n, [a]) when n == H.uminus_Int -> Atom (Atom.mk_opp ra (term_smtcoq_atom a)) | Some (n, _) -> Format.eprintf "\nTerm: %a\n@." print_term t; failwith ("LFSC function symbol "^Hstring.view n^" not supported.") | _ -> assert false end | Rat _ -> failwith ("LFSC rationals not supported") | Type -> failwith ("LFSC Type not supported") | Kind -> failwith ("LFSC Kind not supported") | Mpz -> failwith ("LFSC mpz not supported") | Mpq -> failwith ("LFSC mpq not supported") | Pi _ -> failwith ("LFSC pi abstractions not supported") | Lambda _ -> failwith ("LFSC lambda abstractions not supported") | Hole _ -> failwith ("LFSC holes not supported") | Ptr _ -> failwith ("LFSC Ptr not supported") | SideCond _ -> failwith ("LFSC side conditions not supported") | _ -> assert false and term_smtcoq t = try HT.find memo_terms t with Not_found -> let v = term_smtcoq_old t in HT.add memo_terms t v; v and term_smtcoq_atom a = match term_smtcoq a with | Atom h -> h | _ -> assert false and args_smtcoq args = List.map (fun t -> lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (term_smtcoq t)) args |> Array.of_list and uncurry acc t = match app_name t, acc with | Some (n, [_; _; f; a]), _ when n == H.apply -> uncurry (term_smtcoq_atom a :: acc) f | Some (n, [_; _]) , [h1; h2] when n == H.read -> (match Atom.type_of h1 with | TFArray (ti,te) -> Atom (Atom.mk_select ra ti te h1 h2) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; _]) , [h1; h2; h3] when n == H.write -> (match Atom.type_of h1 with | TFArray (ti,te) -> Atom (Atom.mk_store ra ti te h1 h2 h3) | _ -> assert false) | Some (n, [_; _]) , [h1; h2] when n == H.diff -> (match Atom.type_of h1 with | TFArray (ti,te) -> Atom (Atom.mk_diffarray ra ti te h1 h2) | _ -> assert false) | None, _ -> (match name t with | Some n -> let args = Array.of_list acc in Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun (Hstring.view n), args))) | _ -> assert false) | _ -> eprintf "uncurry fail: %a@." Ast.print_term t; assert false (* Endianness dependant: LFSC big endian -> SMTCoq little endian *) and bblt_lits acc t = match name t with | Some n when n == H.bbltn -> acc | _ -> match app_name t with | Some (n, [f; r]) when n == H.bbltc -> bblt_lits (lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (term_smtcoq f) :: acc) r | _ -> assert false let term_smtcoq t = (* eprintf "translate term %a@." Ast.print_term t; *) lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (term_smtcoq t) let rec clause_smtcoq acc t = match name t with | Some n when n == H.cln || n == H.tfalse -> acc | Some _ -> term_smtcoq t :: acc | None -> match app_name t with | Some (n, [v]) when n == H.pos -> let t = HT.find propvars (deref v) in term_smtcoq t :: acc | Some (n, [v]) when n == H.neg -> let t = HT.find propvars (deref v) in Form.neg (term_smtcoq t) :: acc | Some (n, [a; cl]) when n == H.clc -> clause_smtcoq (clause_smtcoq acc a) cl | Some (n, [a; b]) when n == H.or_ -> clause_smtcoq (clause_smtcoq acc a) b | _ -> term_smtcoq t :: acc let to_clause = clause_smtcoq [] let print_clause fmt cl = fprintf fmt "("; List.iter (fprintf fmt "%a " (Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt)) cl; fprintf fmt ")" type clause_res_id = NewCl of int | OldCl of int let register_clause_id cl id = HCl.add clauses_ids cl id; Hashtbl.add ids_clauses id cl (* let register_termclause_id t id = * register_clause_id (to_clause t) id *) let new_clause_id ?(reuse=true) cl = try if not reuse then raise Not_found; OldCl (HCl.find clauses_ids cl) with Not_found -> incr cl_cpt; let id = !cl_cpt in register_clause_id cl id; NewCl id let mk_clause ?(reuse=true) rule cl args = match new_clause_id ~reuse cl with | NewCl id -> if show_veritproof then eprintf "%d:(%s %a %a)@." id (string_of_rule rule) print_clause cl (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt " %d")) args; VeritSyntax.mk_clause (id, (get_rule rule), cl, args) | OldCl id -> (* Format.eprintf "old_clause %d@." id; *) id let mk_clause_cl ?(reuse=true) rule cl args = mk_clause ~reuse rule (List.map term_smtcoq cl) args let mk_input name formula = let cl = [term_smtcoq formula] in match new_clause_id cl with | NewCl id -> register_clause_id cl id; HS.add inputs name id; if show_veritproof then eprintf "%d:input %a@." id print_clause cl; VeritSyntax.mk_clause (id, VeritSyntax.Inpu, cl, []) |> ignore | OldCl _ -> () let mk_admit_preproc name formula = let cl = [term_smtcoq formula] in match new_clause_id cl with | NewCl id -> register_clause_id cl id; HS.add inputs name id; if show_veritproof then eprintf "%d:hole %a@." id print_clause cl; VeritSyntax.mk_clause (id, VeritSyntax.Hole, cl, []) |> ignore | OldCl _ -> () let register_prop_abstr vt formula = HT.add propvars vt formula let register_alias name_index t = HS.add alias_tbl name_index t (* let register_termalias a t = HT.add termalias_tbl a t *) let get_clause_id cl = try HCl.find clauses_ids cl with Not_found -> assert false let get_input_id h = HS.find inputs h let register_decl name formula = let cl = [term_smtcoq formula] in match new_clause_id cl with | NewCl id | OldCl id -> (* eprintf "register decl %d@." id; *) HS.add inputs name id let register_decl_id name id = (* eprintf "register_decl %s : %d@." name id; *) HS.add inputs name id let clear () = HCl.clear clauses_ids; Hashtbl.clear ids_clauses; HT.clear propvars; HS.clear inputs; HS.clear alias_tbl; HT.clear memo_terms; (* HT.clear termalias_tbl; *) cl_cpt := 0