(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (*** Linking SMT Terms to Micromega Terms ***) open Util open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega open SmtForm open SmtAtom (* morphism for expression over Z *) let rec pos_of_int i = if i <= 1 then XH else if i land 1 = 0 then XO(pos_of_int (i lsr 1)) else XI(pos_of_int (i lsr 1)) type my_tbl = {tbl:(hatom,int) Hashtbl.t; mutable count:int} let get_atom_var tbl ha = try Hashtbl.find tbl.tbl ha with Not_found -> let v = tbl.count in Hashtbl.add tbl.tbl ha v; tbl.count <- v + 1; v let create_tbl n = {tbl=Hashtbl.create n;count=1} let rec smt_Atom_to_micromega_pos ha = match Atom.atom ha with | Auop(UO_xO, ha) -> XO (smt_Atom_to_micromega_pos ha) | Auop(UO_xI, ha) -> XI (smt_Atom_to_micromega_pos ha) | Acop CO_xH -> XH | _ -> raise Not_found let smt_Atom_to_micromega_Z ha = match Atom.atom ha with | Auop(UO_Zpos, ha) -> Zpos (smt_Atom_to_micromega_pos ha) | Auop(UO_Zneg, ha) -> Zneg (smt_Atom_to_micromega_pos ha) | Acop CO_Z0 -> Z0 | _ -> raise Not_found let rec smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha = match Atom.atom ha with | Abop (BO_Zplus, ha, hb) -> let a = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha in let b = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl hb in PEadd(a, b) | Abop (BO_Zmult, ha, hb) -> let a = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha in let b = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl hb in PEmul(a, b) | Abop (BO_Zminus, ha, hb) -> let a = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha in let b = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl hb in PEsub(a, b) | Auop (UO_Zopp, ha) -> let a = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha in PEopp a | _ -> try PEc (smt_Atom_to_micromega_Z ha) with Not_found -> let v = get_atom_var tbl ha in PEX (pos_of_int v) (* morphism for LIA proposition (=, >, ...) *) let smt_binop_to_micromega_formula tbl op ha hb = let op = match op with | BO_Zlt -> OpLt | BO_Zle -> OpLe | BO_Zge -> OpGe | BO_Zgt -> OpGt | BO_eq _ -> OpEq | _ -> Structures.error "lia.ml: smt_binop_to_micromega_formula expecting a formula" in let lhs = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl ha in let rhs = smt_Atom_to_micromega_pExpr tbl hb in {flhs = lhs; fop = op; frhs = rhs } let smt_Atom_to_micromega_formula tbl ha = match Atom.atom ha with | Abop (op,ha,hb) -> smt_binop_to_micromega_formula tbl op ha hb | _ -> Structures.error "lia.ml: smt_Atom_to_micromega_formula was expecting an LIA formula" (* specialized fold *) (* morphism for general formulas *) let binop_array g tbl op def t = let n = Array.length t in if n = 0 then def else let aux = ref (g tbl t.(0)) in for i = 1 to (n-1) do aux := op !aux (g tbl t.(i)) done; !aux let rec smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl l = let v = match Form.pform l with | Fatom ha -> A (smt_Atom_to_micromega_formula tbl ha, Tt) | Fapp (Ftrue, _) -> TT | Fapp (Ffalse, _) -> FF | Fapp (Fand, l) -> binop_array smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl (fun x y -> Cj (x,y)) TT l | Fapp (For, l) -> binop_array smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl (fun x y -> D (x,y)) FF l | Fapp (Fxor, l) -> failwith "todo:Fxor" | Fapp (Fimp, l) -> binop_array smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl (fun x y -> I (x,None,y)) TT l | Fapp (Fiff, l) -> failwith "todo:Fiff" | Fapp (Fite, l) -> failwith "todo:Fite" | Fapp (Fnot2 _, l) -> if Array.length l <> 1 then failwith "Lia.smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula: wrong number of arguments for Fnot2" else smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl l.(0) | FbbT _ -> assert false | Fapp (Fforall _, _) -> assert false in if Form.is_pos l then v else N(v) let binop_list tbl op def l = match l with | [] -> def | f::l -> List.fold_left (fun x y -> op x (smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl y)) (smt_Form_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl f) l let smt_clause_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl cl = binop_list tbl (fun x y -> Cj (x,y)) TT (List.map Form.neg cl) (* backported from Coq *) type ('option,'a,'prf,'model) prover = { name : string ; (* name of the prover *) get_option : unit ->'option ; (* find the options of the prover *) prover : ('option * 'a list) -> ('prf, 'model) Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.res ; (* the prover itself *) hyps : 'prf -> Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.ISet.t ; (* extract the indexes of the hypotheses really used in the proof *) compact : 'prf -> (int -> int) -> 'prf ; (* remap the hyp indexes according to function *) pp_prf : out_channel -> 'prf -> unit ;(* pretting printing of proof *) pp_f : out_channel -> 'a -> unit (* pretty printing of the formulas (polynomials)*) } let lia_enum = ref true let max_depth = max_int let lia_proof_depth = ref max_depth let get_lia_option () = (!Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.use_simplex,!lia_enum,!lia_proof_depth) let lift_pexpr_prover p l = p (List.map (fun (e,o) -> Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega.denorm e , o) l) module CacheZ = Structures.Micromega_plugin_Persistent_cache.PHashtable(struct type prover_option = bool * bool* int type t = prover_option * ((Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega.z Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega.pol * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega.op1) list) let equal = (=) let hash = Hashtbl.hash end) let memo_zlinear_prover = CacheZ.memo ".lia.cache" (fun ((_,ce,b),s) -> lift_pexpr_prover (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.lia ce b) s) let xhyps_of_cone base acc prf = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let rec xtract e acc = match e with | PsatzC _ | PsatzZ | PsatzSquare _ -> acc | PsatzIn n -> let n = (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CoqToCaml.nat n) in if n >= base then Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.ISet.add (n-base) acc else acc | PsatzMulC(_,c) -> xtract c acc | PsatzAdd(e1,e2) | PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> xtract e1 (xtract e2 acc) in xtract prf acc let hyps_of_pt pt = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let rec xhyps base pt acc = match pt with | DoneProof -> acc | RatProof (c, pt) -> xhyps (base + 1) pt (xhyps_of_cone base acc c) | CutProof (c, pt) -> xhyps (base + 1) pt (xhyps_of_cone base acc c) | EnumProof (c1, c2, l) -> let s = xhyps_of_cone base (xhyps_of_cone base acc c2) c1 in List.fold_left (fun s x -> xhyps (base + 1) x s) s l | ExProof (_, pt) -> xhyps (base + 3) pt acc in xhyps 0 pt Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.ISet.empty let compact_cone prf f = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let np n = Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CamlToCoq.nat (f (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CoqToCaml.nat n)) in let rec xinterp prf = match prf with | PsatzC _ | PsatzZ | PsatzSquare _ -> prf | PsatzIn n -> PsatzIn (np n) | PsatzMulC(e,c) -> PsatzMulC(e,xinterp c) | PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> PsatzAdd(xinterp e1,xinterp e2) | PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> PsatzMulE(xinterp e1,xinterp e2) in xinterp prf let compact_pt pt f = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let translate ofset x = if x < ofset then x else f (x - ofset) + ofset in let rec compact_pt ofset pt = match pt with | DoneProof -> DoneProof | RatProof (c, pt) -> RatProof (compact_cone c (translate ofset), compact_pt (ofset + 1) pt) | CutProof (c, pt) -> CutProof (compact_cone c (translate ofset), compact_pt (ofset + 1) pt) | EnumProof (c1, c2, l) -> EnumProof ( compact_cone c1 (translate ofset) , compact_cone c2 (translate ofset) , map (fun x -> compact_pt (ofset + 1) x) l ) | ExProof (x, pt) -> ExProof (x, compact_pt (ofset + 3) pt) in compact_pt 0 pt let pp_nat o n = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CoqToCaml.nat n) let pp_positive o x = Printf.fprintf o "%i" (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CoqToCaml.positive x) let pp_z o x = Printf.fprintf o "%s" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (Structures.Micromega_plugin_Mutils.CoqToCaml.z_big_int x)) let pp_list op cl elt o l = let rec _pp o l = match l with | [] -> () | [e] -> Printf.fprintf o "%a" elt e | e::l -> Printf.fprintf o "%a ,%a" elt e _pp l in Printf.fprintf o "%s%a%s" op _pp l cl let pp_pol pp_c o e = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let rec pp_pol o e = match e with | Pc n -> Printf.fprintf o "Pc %a" pp_c n | Pinj(p,pol) -> Printf.fprintf o "Pinj(%a,%a)" pp_positive p pp_pol pol | PX(pol1,p,pol2) -> Printf.fprintf o "PX(%a,%a,%a)" pp_pol pol1 pp_positive p pp_pol pol2 in pp_pol o e let pp_psatz pp_z o e = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in let rec pp_cone o e = match e with | PsatzIn n -> Printf.fprintf o "(In %a)%%nat" pp_nat n | PsatzMulC(e,c) -> Printf.fprintf o "( %a [*] %a)" (pp_pol pp_z) e pp_cone c | PsatzSquare e -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a^2)" (pp_pol pp_z) e | PsatzAdd(e1,e2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a [+] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2 | PsatzMulE(e1,e2) -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a [*] %a)" pp_cone e1 pp_cone e2 | PsatzC p -> Printf.fprintf o "(%a)%%positive" pp_z p | PsatzZ -> Printf.fprintf o "0" in pp_cone o e let rec pp_proof_term o p = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega in match p with | DoneProof -> Printf.fprintf o "D" | RatProof (cone, rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "R[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst | CutProof (cone, rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "C[%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) cone pp_proof_term rst | EnumProof (c1, c2, rst) -> Printf.fprintf o "EP[%a,%a,%a]" (pp_psatz pp_z) c1 (pp_psatz pp_z) c2 (pp_list "[" "]" pp_proof_term) rst | ExProof (p, prf) -> Printf.fprintf o "Ex[%a,%a]" pp_positive p pp_proof_term prf let linear_Z = { name = "lia"; get_option = get_lia_option; prover = memo_zlinear_prover ; hyps = hyps_of_pt; compact = compact_pt; pp_prf = pp_proof_term; pp_f = fun o x -> pp_pol pp_z o (fst x) } let find_witness p polys1 = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate in let polys1 = List.map fst polys1 in match p.prover (p.get_option (), polys1) with | Model m -> Model m | Unknown -> Unknown | Prf prf -> Prf(prf,p) let witness_list prover l = let open Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate in let rec xwitness_list l = match l with | [] -> Prf [] | e :: l -> match xwitness_list l with | Model (m,e) -> Model (m,e) | Unknown -> Unknown | Prf l -> match find_witness prover e with | Model m -> Model (m,e) | Unknown -> Unknown | Prf w -> Prf (w::l) in xwitness_list l let witness_list_tags = witness_list let tauto_lia ff = let prover = linear_Z in let cnf_ff,_ = Structures.Micromega_plugin_Micromega.cnfZ ff in match witness_list_tags prover cnf_ff with | Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Prf l -> Some (List.map fst l) | _ -> None (* call to micromega solver *) let build_lia_certif cl = let tbl = create_tbl 13 in let f = I(smt_clause_to_coq_micromega_formula tbl cl, None, FF) in tauto_lia f