(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover *) (* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 *) (* *) (* Sylvain Conchon *) (* Evelyne Contejean *) (* Stephane Lescuyer *) (* Mohamed Iguernelala *) (* Alain Mebsout *) (* *) (* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Smtlib2_util type loc = Lexing.position * Lexing.position type specconstant = | SpecConstsDec of loc * string | SpecConstNum of loc * string | SpecConstString of loc * string | SpecConstsHex of loc * string | SpecConstsBinary of loc * string type symbol = | Symbol of loc * string | SymbolWithOr of loc * string type sexpr = | SexprSpecConst of loc * specconstant | SexprSymbol of loc * symbol | SexprKeyword of loc * string | SexprInParen of loc * (loc * sexpr list) type attributevalue = | AttributeValSpecConst of loc * specconstant | AttributeValSymbol of loc * symbol | AttributeValSexpr of loc * (loc * sexpr list) type attribute = | AttributeKeyword of loc * string | AttributeKeywordValue of loc * string * attributevalue type an_option = AnOptionAttribute of loc * attribute type infoflag = InfoFlagKeyword of loc * string type identifier = | IdSymbol of loc * symbol | IdUnderscoreSymNum of loc * symbol * (loc * string list) type sort = | SortIdentifier of loc * identifier | SortIdSortMulti of loc * identifier * (loc * sort list) type qualidentifier = | QualIdentifierId of loc * identifier | QualIdentifierAs of loc * identifier * sort type sortedvar = | SortedVarSymSort of loc * symbol * sort type varbinding = VarBindingSymTerm of loc * symbol * term and term = | TermSpecConst of loc * specconstant | TermQualIdentifier of loc * qualidentifier | TermQualIdTerm of loc * qualidentifier * (loc * term list) | TermLetTerm of loc * (loc * varbinding list) * term | TermForAllTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term | TermExistsTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term | TermExclimationPt of loc * term * (loc * attribute list) type command = | CSetLogic of loc * symbol | CSetOption of loc * an_option | CSetInfo of loc * attribute | CDeclareSort of loc * symbol * string | CDefineSort of loc * symbol * (loc * symbol list) * sort | CDeclareFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sort list) * sort | CDefineFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sortedvar list) * sort * term | CPush of loc * string | CPop of loc * string | CAssert of loc * term | CCheckSat of loc | CGetAssert of loc | CGetProof of loc | CGetUnsatCore of loc | CGetValue of loc * (loc * term list) | CGetAssign of loc | CGetOption of loc * string | CGetInfo of loc * infoflag | CExit of loc type commands = Commands of loc * (loc * command list) (* loc stands for pos (position) and extradata *) let loc_an_option = function | AnOptionAttribute(d,_) -> d let loc_attribute = function | AttributeKeyword(d,_) -> d | AttributeKeywordValue(d,_,_) -> d let loc_attributevalue = function | AttributeValSpecConst(d,_) -> d | AttributeValSymbol(d,_) -> d | AttributeValSexpr(d,_) -> d let loc_command = function | CSetLogic(d,_) -> d | CSetOption(d,_) -> d | CSetInfo(d,_) -> d | CDeclareSort(d,_,_) -> d | CDefineSort(d,_,_,_) -> d | CDeclareFun(d,_,_,_) -> d | CDefineFun(d,_,_,_,_) -> d | CPush(d,_) -> d | CPop(d,_) -> d | CAssert(d,_) -> d | CCheckSat(d) -> d | CGetAssert(d) -> d | CGetProof(d) -> d | CGetUnsatCore(d) -> d | CGetValue(d,_) -> d | CGetAssign(d) -> d | CGetOption(d,_) -> d | CGetInfo(d,_) -> d | CExit(d) -> d let loc_commands = function | Commands(d,_) -> d let loc_identifier = function | IdSymbol(d,_) -> d | IdUnderscoreSymNum(d,_,_) -> d let loc_infoflag = function | InfoFlagKeyword(d,_) -> d let loc_qualidentifier = function | QualIdentifierId(d,_) -> d | QualIdentifierAs(d,_,_) -> d let loc_sexpr = function | SexprSpecConst(d,_) -> d | SexprSymbol(d,_) -> d | SexprKeyword(d,_) -> d | SexprInParen(d,_) -> d let loc_sort = function | SortIdentifier(d,_) -> d | SortIdSortMulti(d,_,_) -> d let loc_sortedvar = function | SortedVarSymSort(d,_,_) -> d let loc_specconstant = function | SpecConstsDec(d,_) -> d | SpecConstNum(d,_) -> d | SpecConstString(d,_) -> d | SpecConstsHex(d,_) -> d | SpecConstsBinary(d,_) -> d let loc_symbol = function | Symbol(d,_) -> d | SymbolWithOr(d,_) -> d let loc_term = function | TermSpecConst(d,_) -> d | TermQualIdentifier(d,_) -> d | TermQualIdTerm(d,_,_) -> d | TermLetTerm(d,_,_) -> d | TermForAllTerm(d,_,_) -> d | TermExistsTerm(d,_,_) -> d | TermExclimationPt(d,_,_) -> d let loc_varbinding = function | VarBindingSymTerm(d,_,_) -> d let loc_couple = fst let loc_of e = loc_commands e;;